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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44387292 No.44387292 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with japanese men?
At this point, a kaigainiki will marry marine's sister.

>> No.44387303

yeah, me

>> No.44387343

Her sisters is jobless and doesn't have a single friend how do you want someone to marry her anon ? She will spend all her life cleaning Marine's appartment

>> No.44387364

I will marry both of them

>> No.44387378

I want to marry marine

>> No.44387404

>wrong with japanese men?
nobody wants to bang an ugly woman in the end

>> No.44387409
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>Her sisters is jobless and doesn't have a single friend
So, zero chance of cheating and the wildest thing could happen is marine on heat and raped her.
What's the downside?

>> No.44387482

>Will raise the children, make meals, run the baths, do the laundry and do any other housework as God intended and nothing else.
Oh no, how terrible this sounds.

>> No.44387490

Rich men want someone younger
Average salarymen are >too poor
It's your standard cat hag situation

>> No.44387584

Yeah, the main issue is if her sister can still produce enough children at her age or not. I will volunteer for the job and see what can be done though.

>> No.44387882

Great. She never leaves the kitchen, as a woman should

>> No.44387970

Until you realize she's there to eat, not cook.

>> No.44388014

>This exact same shit is being posted for the 4th time already for some reason

>> No.44388033

wow she's just like me

>> No.44388052

>At this point, a kaigainiki will marry marine's sister
you mean you never knew why the older vtubers are so interested in foreign fans?

>> No.44388261

Proof of anons love for the hags. So wholesome!

>> No.44388305
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Excellent, hope she is getting fat.

>> No.44388336

They want an oil baron from a foreign land.

>> No.44388517


>> No.44388741

god i wish that were me

>> No.44389475

Is that why she's "shockingly single" and Marine is telling men to "grow a pair and step up"?

>> No.44389667

yanks and their fat fetish wtf

>> No.44390731

>/vt/ anons are nothing more than filthy clipniggers
How shocking

>> No.44390841

you realize she is ugly right?

>> No.44391063

i thought all the holosisters were super hot
shes just shy [i can fix her]

>> No.44391234

If she looks like Senchou RM then she is definitely not ugly at all.

>> No.44391371

>marine's sister
She's 6/10 at worse.
6/10 nip woman is way better than 10/10 bong woman.

>> No.44392139

If Marine really wanted us to marry her sister she would drop us some hints as to how we could meet her sister...

>> No.44392228

I will marry her, but I expect Marine ass once or twice a month.

>> No.44392255

That would mean doxxing herself so she can't do that on stream. If you want to know that badly then become one of those fans that she hires for stuff because they are allowed to know more.

>> No.44392431

you cannot handle marine ass, marine ass would kill a dragon let alone a man

>> No.44392554

Hag sex...

>> No.44392715

>marry a hag
>eggs are all dried up
>no job
>no friends
hard pass

>> No.44392721

Although my dream is to marry Marine, knowing that I would also have to support her parasitic sister, I wouldn't be too excited about it.
If I tried to convince her to stop supporting her sister financially she would surely get mad and we would fight, it would be almost like my own parents, only the parasite sister is my dad's and my mom fights with him because of her and I wouldn't want to repeat that cycle in my life.

>> No.44392882

Just treat it like a dog that can handle toilet business on its own and isn't considered beastiality.

>> No.44392991

>zero pics
why are you like this

>> No.44393027

Because he's mentally ill

>> No.44393212

>can cum inside her without worry
Sounds good to me

>> No.44393380

>leverage your financial support/room+board to convince Marine and her sister to offer her body up as payment
>monopolize their genetic line by breeding the everloving shit out of them both daily and nightly
I don’t see the problem here anon, maybe you’re just gay

>> No.44393823
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I dont believe Marines sister is a bad person, but i do believe Marine is an unpleasant sister.

>> No.44394070

>monopolize their genetic line
so uhh, how do you plan to monopolize their genetics after they've borne children
fuck it I already know the answer, it's incest

>> No.44394358

She won't. You will work and come home to a fat NEET binge watching meme videos and anime openings from the mid 2000s while coping with the fact people born in 2005 fan now use 4chan without being banned.

>> No.44394915

Why are you so evil her sister did nothing wrong

>> No.44394996

>>44387343 (me)
I just wanted to reply to this
>Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with japanese men?
If she doesn't go out and is jobless how can a man find her

>> No.44395003


>> No.44396181

Do you think if I sent a serious supa about a date she'd read it? I'm currently 29 working at the japanese branch of a decently large financial firm. I'm not super rich but I have a sold 6 figure salary and I take care of myself physically.

I've had a really hard time dating these past few years as long distance back in the US just isn't happening and a lot of japanese women at this age are looking to settle and they only see foreigners as an exotic fuck rather than a long term partner

>> No.44396483

she'd probably read, make a joke about it "oh please do marry her" or whatever then move on, do you seriously think she'd get into private contact with a fan to hook him up with her sister

>> No.44396652

Depending on how severe the situation is, yeah I actually do

>> No.44398238

Shoot your shot, Anon. Worst that can happen is for her to say no.
Chances of it happening are slim, but not zero. You have nothing to lose.

>> No.44399173

If her sister can learn English and move to the states, I'd give it a shot.

>> No.44399218

Basedbeans are a staple part of the modern Japanese diet. This is why Japan's birth rate has been on a steady decline.

>> No.44399226

She’s probably ugly as sin, if she was halfway attractive she would have friends because guys would approach her and she could just friendzone them

>> No.44399285
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She's literally my sister, asking for financial help on me or my mother. My mom isn't even helping her and I'm not answering her calls anymore. We both wish someone already marry her and take her ass away from us.

I seriously wished my parents let her go when she was slutting away her life back at college. There might be a chance some man got her pregnant and married her ass instead.

>> No.44399429

Unicorns, THIS is your chance.
C'mon, you've been preparing all for this moment right?

>> No.44399438
File: 26 KB, 562x545, 25D7D185-85C9-4242-9227-0B18269CC325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But unlike Pekomama or Sakama’s little sis, none of us have heard her voice in Marine’s streams ever.
Does “the sister” even exist..?

>> No.44399721

ehh you can find them unless you are the gaijin retard who cant even speak n4 level japanese, in that case yes you will always be the handbag man and trophy dog girls parade around, you 100% can snag a long term relationship if you get your japanese to n2 plus. the language barrier along with westerners just being retards and not understand social queues etc., of japanese culture are also part of the problem, i still think marrying a nip as a foreigner is just insane though, id stick to flings personally. Nip women turn into fucking demons long term its just the way it is.

>> No.44399723

The sister is actually Marine's boyfriend

>> No.44399747

How the fuck would you hear her if they aren't living together?

>> No.44399763

I'm going to save her

>> No.44400154

The difference with your sister and Marine's is that she's Jap and a virgin so 4chan incels want to marry her

>> No.44400377

I'll just fuck Senchou on the side then.

>> No.44400542

>begging a man to marry her own boyfriend
Why is Marine cuçking herself like this?

>> No.44400597

>marine's sister is pathetic and lonely
>i'm pathetic and lonely

>> No.44400643
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My older sister is a brown tomboy, a combo /a/ would tout for. Too bad she's a fucking retard.

>> No.44400689
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>japanese government has services to counter the growing virgin problem
>women get flirting services to understand how to flirt
>men get taught to draw nude girls to familiarize themselves with female form
I have a feeling this wont work, though we might have a late blooming generation of hentai artists incoming.

>> No.44400802

If your sister didnt slut around in college she would be fucking perfect
but yeah unforch, no one wants used goods with broken mental and no ability to pair bond

>> No.44401268

If we go by ratio Japan has one if not the highest population of virgin men on the planet meanwhile most women in Japan aren't really virgin. Then we got the fact that a gargantuan amount of Japanese women have appeared in an AV at least once. No other country is this degenerate. And this is without mentioning Japan has one of the highest ratios of cheating and more than half of it is women.
On a sidenote just recently old 4chan hero Nobita came out as an incel.... From the outside it doesn't seem like it but Japan is a seriously fucked up place.

>> No.44401356

>At this point, a kaigainiki will marry marine's sister.
Is that not what she's asking for?

>> No.44401417

Actually the worst she can say is "I'm a lesbian" but that isn't the case here.

>> No.44401520

Sauce? Yandex isn't giving me anything

>> No.44401622

I Knocked Up The Old Maid From My Office

>> No.44401859

Go on dates and if they start acting moneygrubbing and gold diggery then gtfo
The key is to respect yourself, your purpose and your time FIRST.

>> No.44401872


>> No.44401929

Japanese man are all lolicon, Anon

>> No.44402196

Anon, burgerland is getting there as it gets further away from Christianity.

>> No.44402508

She never talked about having a sister before hololive so it really makes you think.

>> No.44402876
File: 30 KB, 817x849, 1642164545933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, I ironically still want to keep my virginity so I could still goslingpost on 4chan without conscience. Though I can't say that I don't think this way of thinking isn't good for me especially two weeks from now, I will officially be a wizard.

>> No.44403000

Why would you want to marry a shut-in that's incapable of looking after herself?

>> No.44403067

who cares just fakecel, it's still fun

>> No.44403217
File: 88 KB, 301x267, ganbare anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but doubt management would allow her to put herself at risk of having her privacy compromised to this extent, but I'll be rooting for you regardless anon.

>> No.44403223

It depends how desperate Marine and her sister are.

>> No.44403247

To be frank.
Girl needs an arranged marriage.

>> No.44403290

Where does N2 come from? Most native Japanese are only N3 level.

>> No.44403421

She's a shut-in, so it's a 50/50 if she's attractive or not. Also, Marine's RM is a solid 8/10 as far as 30 yr old Nip women go, so genetics might be on her side.

>> No.44403543

The sister is Marine herself. She created a separate personality after suffer from the trauma of becoming 30.

>> No.44403649

did she get the fat ass gene too?

>> No.44403662

Nah she's gonna use it as a way to hookup with a fan.
"oh no I'm not marine, I'm her sister teehee"

>> No.44403709

okay now someone needs to make the visuals for this dojinshi

>> No.44403712

>what is wrong with the japanese?
Remember that marine is probably in her 30s now and she is her older sister so that means she is also in her 30s. No one wants to mary hags.

>> No.44403718

My cousin is a famous actress while her little sister is the clone of Chris-chan. So 50/50 seem about right.

>> No.44404052

it's so easy finding a NEET woman who barely goes outside or has any social interactions at all to get close with to the point of intimacy, right?

>> No.44404094

Ok serious question though. Why is marine single? Is she actually gay or just toxic af?

>> No.44404146

She's old as fuck and used to work as a mangaka

>> No.44404220

Shit, not only the US but the entire world.

>> No.44404267

Who know she might get better

>> No.44404280

Lol bro 30 is not that old. You can still have children eith a woman until she's like 33 and even then there are tons of desperate men.

>> No.44404321

30 is ancient to the Japanese dating scene.

>> No.44404357

if she's a mangaka you won't even have the time to court her let alone breed her, she'll be way too busy

>> No.44404393

thats why she needs a westener haglover like myself

>> No.44404399


>> No.44404513

>Her sisters is jobless
men don't care about that
>and doesn't have a single friend how do you want someone to marry her anon ?
that's a plus, she will never spend time with her "friends" getting her insides rearranged.

you would have to be a giga faggot to not want to marry a woman like that

>> No.44404564

>Her sister who became obsessed with yuri in her teens and is disgusted by sex.
If shes not a lesbian. You can take your shot if you don't mind dating an asexual with serious problems.

>> No.44404582

I dont know anon. Maybe we should be in a relationship for at least 3 years before jumping in to serious things like marriage.

>> No.44404649

There are tons of desperate men but no matter how desperate a semi-decent woman becomes she won't want those men. Those men she does want on the other hand have zero reason to settle for an old hag.
Which is why they will end up as a pair of incestual cat ladies who will only be found once the rot spreads outside.

>> No.44404871

Bro but she's literally a millionaire too. Japanese men are whack.

>> No.44404892

Wait what happened to Nobita

>> No.44404939

>gym chick at 2:15

>> No.44404997

High rates of male virginity is coupled with women sharing the same men. Men are downtrodden because they can't find a romantic partner and women are downtrodden because their promiscuity cannot result in commitment. Why would a man who is popular with women ever want to settle down?

>> No.44405045

agree, I just saying that the"red flags" aren't so red as they think they are

>> No.44405090

Anon, as I said, those men who would have any use for her millions are already off her radar.

>> No.44405103

>what the fuck is wrong with japanese men?
>a rich as fuck stacy who likes white celebs
You think anyone is in her league? She's in peak delusional demographic

>> No.44405510

marine turned her gay and now doesnt want to take responsibility

>> No.44406028

Not at all my expereince. I needed N1 for this job, the woman here wanna sleep with me but nothing else

>> No.44406201

Because I'm lonely and at this rate am gonna likely settle in japan. I don't wanna die alone

>> No.44406274

We all die along anon, one way or another

>> No.44406698

>>a rich as fuck stacy who likes white celebs
Who ?

>> No.44407398

She might be thr perfect wife If she stay at home men can't see her

>> No.44408117

Two versions of the plot can happen.

In both cases she encourages chat to hook up with her sister and someone drops a massive supa about it.
So she sets it up.

First version:
The date goes well and ends at a love hotel much to Marines surprise but she rolls with it.
Theres like fifty guys there waiting for them. They knew all along Marine was talking about herself and what her plan was, so they pooled their money to lure her out for a gangbang.
Marines initially resistant but quickly gets into it.

Second version:
The date goes well. Theres no gangbang but she keeps thinking to herself "I need to tell him I'm actually Marine"
Queue timeskip panels showing them dating further, getting married, Marine pregnant, sending the kids to nursery school, sending the kids to university, getting old together, etc. Every panel she's thinking "I need to tell him I'm actually Marine"
Ends with Marine alone at his grave, crying and finally saying it to him.
Next two panels is Calli with the now elderly husband saying something like "Figured I'd let you hear that one before you left" but he just laughs saying he knew from when they first met.

>> No.44408644

a japanese woman that have never been out of their country and dont care about doing it are the worst when it comes to relationships, i dont blame japanese men for not liking them.

>> No.44408896

What country? Brazil? Maybe...

>> No.44409073

>a japanese woman that have never been out of their country and dont care about doing it are the worst when it comes to relationships
Wouldn't staying in your country be a green flag not a red one?

>> No.44409171

Marry both of them.

>> No.44409273

She's not being productive and just taking from the system. If anything they'd want her to leave.

>> No.44409408

>marry marine
>get her sister as a free extra

>> No.44409467

I saw this post 10 years ago but it was about people born in 1995 and the poster was born in the 1970s.

>> No.44409536

>most japanese are JSLs

>> No.44409599

Aren't women only supposed to produce children for their salaryman?

>> No.44409649

Basically how burgers are ESLs then

>> No.44409835

Japanese learns more kanji in school than there is in N1 level and they also use kanji that aren't teached in school
>"they will forget"
Yeah, you too

>> No.44410072

Well she won't be fat since she's Japanese. Just a lil chunky so it's fine.

>> No.44410218

Came here to post this

>> No.44410227

That makes sense but it's sad most people are too retarded to pass 5th grade unassisted.

>> No.44410306

Learning kanji doesn't mean anything if you don't memorize it. You can teach everyone in africa calculus it doesn't matter if they don't actually remember how to do it.

>> No.44410358
File: 1.00 MB, 480x640, mexican americans.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese fat is american normal. American fat is circus freak.

>> No.44410392

I like those odds.

>> No.44410472

I swear I remember an article or something talking about how the Japanese youth only remembers the sounds of the kanjis, and not the meaning, due to how much phonewriting they do.

>> No.44410877

I need more details before I marry her sister.

>> No.44411021

>Do you think if I sent a serious supa about a date she'd read it?

>> No.44411122

>they will end up as a pair of incestual cat ladies who will only be found once the rot spreads outside.

how can anything rot with the cats feeding?

>> No.44411191

A nice face and a bubble butt is good enough for a white guy
(me) to marry her, so why hasn't she opened marriage for overseas sexy guys yet?

>> No.44411203

>go to europe
>spot 6'2 german chad
>doitsu sugoi nee
>get married
it's that simple

>> No.44411212

Last Cat Standing will die eventually.

>> No.44411220

lol wtf, anon...

>> No.44411245 [DELETED] 

I believe theres a recent study making the rounds showing that 60% of young men are single while only 30% of young women are. Its legitimately fucked out there

>> No.44411338

I believe theres a recent study making the rounds showing that 60% of young men are single while only 30% of young women are. Its legitimately fucked out there bros

>> No.44411506

>recent study
Anon, those numbers are from 2010 or so. It's way worse now. Although it's not back to late antiquity levels yet.

>> No.44411532
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>marry Marine's sister
>both of us mooch off of Marine's money

>> No.44412166

I don't understand how that works. You're saying that 30% of young women are in a harem? That seems extreme.

>> No.44412402

That literally doesn't make any sense mathematically. You are a fucking idiot. Go to school please and get the fuck off 4chan.

>> No.44412505

It doesn't make sense because it isn't true obviously. He made that up. Most people in Japan do not have sexual relationships. This applies to both men and women. Sex, dating, and marriage are all at record lows and declining every year. That's why there's a crisis.

>> No.44412702

Your the fucking idiot.
It means many women are shearing one chad and don't even know it.

>> No.44413024

It's biology
You can also look up articles on how ~12% of men are contacted by ~70% of the women on dating platforms like OkCupid.
The Christian era is the outlier and what you're seeing now is a return to the natural state of things.
This isn't Japan specific though. It's a global phenomenon.

>> No.44413604

The scale and magnitude of the issue are unique to Japan.

>> No.44414794

Realistically? Probably not. But hell, if you're actually serious about it then I'll be rooting for you

>> No.44416081
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>> No.44417263

send a fan letter, she'll never say anything publicly

>> No.44417930

>The Christian era is the outlier
>he doesn't know
Wanna know why boomers love taking vacations? Because they can fuck people while not being spied on by their neighbours, it's why mission trips to Africa is known for the gangbangs.

>> No.44418369

as annoying as alan might be he at least makes money and has a job while marine’s sister is the textbook definition of a neet

>> No.44418612

You'll have to look it up yourself if you're curious but there are studies made on genetic data that show that during the heydays of Christianity there were around 1.2 mothers per father.
These days it's closer to 1.8 and back in antiquity there were 3+ mothers per father.

>> No.44418782
File: 177 KB, 1920x1080, 1514414601259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't Japanese wives among the absolute worst as a spouse? From what I understand is they usurp absolute control of all of the money and decisions while the husband works himself to death. I've heard the term, "my other employer/boss" as a joke and "everyone wants a Japanese girlfriend, but not a Japanese wife"

sounds like a pretty shit deal

>> No.44418840

>mission trips to Africa is known for the gangbangs
I knew a guy who did this shit. He claims to have fucked every girl in Africa between the ages of 12 and 21.

>> No.44418951

Yes. Traditionally the wife manages all the household money and gives the husband a monthly "handout".

>> No.44419088

>aren't Japanese wives among the absolute worst as a spouse? From what I understand is they usurp absolute control of all of the money and decisions while the husband works himself to death
>gives the husband a monthly "handout".
Is that why so many married salarymen molest young girls in trains without remorse?

>> No.44419235

Welcome to the Japanese conservative society.
Man works. Provide for the family.
Woman at home. She "knows best about the household", she manages the household economy.

>> No.44419402

Yeah they are like that wherever they go I promise.

>> No.44419690

Marine is everything that scares a Japanese man.
Outgoing, outspoken, strong personality, bold. Not an autistic shy retard. Voluptuous when most Japanese prefer an anorexic. Worse yet, Successful, more than most men, nips are so stupid that they feel threatened by a woman who earns more than them.
Some people can't find a partner because in people's eyes, they are too much for them. She is intimidating.

>> No.44419799

More of a way to level out the power dynamic.
In exchange for her controlling the money you're supposed to trust that you control her pussy.

>> No.44420673

How is that a downside anon?

>> No.44420898

So don't do it like that? Why is this treated as a natural consequence? You're both adults, and both should be fine with how the situation is. Come to an arrangement both are happy with.

>> No.44421179

Speaking of such things. Aren't burgers allowed to arrange a marriage that doesn't allow the wife to walk away with everything?

>> No.44421363
File: 576 KB, 1517x1080, 1503026484809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine working sun up to sun down for just enough until you die, coming home to someone who's been getting railed out in your bed while you're at work, and your (probably isn't) kid are at school all for a cut of your own money and no intimacy

>> No.44421480

Who hurt you?

>> No.44421783

ummmm sounds like toxic masculinity anon, it's 2023. How dare you try to impose rules, suggestions, or advice for a relationship. Time for divorce and half your things

>> No.44421876

Are you that brunette Australian dude who, after 15 years of marriage, grew a bit suspicious about your 3 blonde children. So you secretly did a DNA test and discovered that their father lived down the street from "your" family?

>> No.44422133
File: 744 KB, 606x541, 1591431587570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having two older sisters, two younger sisters, and finding out my hardworking dad isn't actually my dad at the same time he did

>> No.44422779

They hated Anon because he told the truth.

>> No.44423063

>ywn be a Japanese salary man with zero sexual competition from your peers

>> No.44423106

Life is not a manga. Merely sitting at home and feeling sorry for yourself does not mean that a 10/10 randomly knocks on your door and falls in love with you.
Need to actually put yourself out there if you want it.

>> No.44423267
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Only a therapist can save her

>> No.44423330


>> No.44423749

therapist and kaigai dick

>> No.44423987

So... You talk with anyone in your family anymore?

>> No.44424151

Hope you slap your mother for me!

>> No.44424526

Marine's sister is literally repulsed by sex.

>> No.44424639

That's why you need to have Marine tie her down so that you can teach her the pleasure.

>> No.44424726
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>no one has sex anymore

>> No.44424732


>> No.44424735


>> No.44424788

That's why he said the rapist

>> No.44424848

Marine stories?

>> No.44424882

finally a woman who understands me

>> No.44424940

That's just a sister lying to her sister to not look like a whore

>> No.44425011

I'm surprised the suicide capital of the world is so balanced.

>> No.44425035

If she accepts invitro and aggressive foreplay, I'm down

>> No.44425225

How can an autistic social recluse be a whore?
The average weeb is a virgin, now tell me about someone who only sees the sun out the window and only has social contact with 2 family members.

>> No.44425347

>The average weeb is a virgin
Not in Japan. We already went over this several times in this thread.

>> No.44425462

Women are promiscuous world wide, recluse or not

>> No.44425750

second one is kinda kino ngl

>> No.44426215

only my "dad"

>> No.44426287
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Anon you never interacted with a woman

>Not in japan
It's not like Japan is in agony with their birth rates... right? Oh wait.

>> No.44426339

Their birth rates are low because they're all having recreational sex and getting abortions.

>> No.44426437

Why do you think these women aren't lying? There's no benefit to saying they have had sex.

>> No.44427104

Anon, again: Your Incel thoughts are not true data.

>Recreational sex
lmao, those are social losers, they don't have time and the little time they have they use it to continue with their hobbies or masterbaiting
Do you want to talk about the statistics of the sextoys market?

>Abortions in Japan
Of course because it's super easy to have one and it doesn't affect anything so you can do it as many times as you want.
Now we are just talking shit huh

>> No.44427804

Japan once more proves that they are the most equal society on our planet.

>> No.44427834

It's because marriage literally doesn't work under feminism. The threat of the pimp hand must always be present for there to be harmony and prosperity.

>> No.44429284

anon, How tf does this dynamic come from feminism? That marriage works in this way comes from convervatism since long decades ago.

Anyway, The real reason is; Nips are retarded, Once again.

>> No.44431524

Marine and her sister are never going to get married, so in the end, the only outcome is to date each other. True bond as siblings.

>> No.44436574

retard in what way?

>> No.44436834

Probably my least favourite incest pairing but more power to them

>> No.44437122
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Marine... you cant save everyone... even ur sis..

>> No.44441024
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Because she's an idol retard

>> No.44442880


I gave her capital to a business opportunity. I saw the situation and it was indeed profitable. She said she could pay me little by little. Honestly, I don't care if she ever pay me back. As long as she became financially sustainable, that's all that matters. Little do I know, she literally gave someone the money and equipment I gave, hoping that profit will return to her without doing anything. In the end she was crying at me, asking for my help to get back to those who duped her.

>> No.44443533

>You can still have children eith a woman until she's like 33

>> No.44448841

She's not going to dox herself and her sister

>> No.44448917

is this the /r9k/ thread

>> No.44450960

>The Christian era is the outlier and what you're seeing now is a return to the natural state of things.
Germanic tribes documented by Tacitus in Germania practiced strict monogamy with the exception of rare tribal chiefs marrying for politics/unity. People married later in life, were virgins until they married, didn't cheat and in some cases they didn't remarry after the death of a spouse. He said women who weren't virgins were allowed to live in the tribe but they would be unable to find a man who would marry them even if she was pretty, rich, powerful, etc.
He unironically viewed the barbarian tribes as being better than Romans when it came to marriage, Christianity wasn't a thing at the time Tacitus, Rome and the Germans were all pagan.

>> No.44451063


>> No.44451537

I'm gonna get called a retard, but I'll ask anyways. Is Marine single? I'm too busy irl to be on the web a ton
