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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 376 KB, 1628x2048, FqdntZaaEAEiq_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44405656 No.44405656 [Reply] [Original]

>pikamee, in membership stream this morning, said she was afraid to even say goodbye to her vtuber friends on Twitter
>afraid to even explain why she's leaving
>speaking through a stream of tears, talking about how she feels bad about her fans being called terrible people
Remember, there was no harassment.

>> No.44406040 [DELETED] 

Correct, there was no harassment what is your point

>> No.44406237 [DELETED] 

kys (with inflection)

>> No.44406267

Don't worry, we'll never forget. Just like the holos never forgot the chinks who harassed Coco

>> No.44406269

She just doesn't want any more drama and trouble thanks to a certain group of the mentally deranged. Nor does she want her vtuber friends harassed by that same group.
Don't you have a streamer to harass faggot?

>> No.44406360

>faggots will hear this and still think posting another 41% meme is what she wants.

>> No.44406393

Anything else worth knowing from that stream? Was it as bad as people thought it would be?

>> No.44406465

If i remember it correctly, didn’t she used to get bullied in school?

>> No.44406475 [DELETED] 

Too bad the trannies pushed her past the point of care.

>> No.44406535 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44406591

She's gone forever faggots deal with it and it wasn't because of harassment its obvious its just get away from you losers who have the fucking brain of 3 year olds.

Maybe post proof of the harassment? let me get its like one person say "dont play this please"

>> No.44406651

people on vt will really just believe a thread like this with no proof lol

>> No.44406655

Without those chinks getting offended by a fucking country, she would’ve still be around by now as coco.

>> No.44406689

go watch her member's stream from this morning for your proof.
Oh wait you won't because you don't watch her

>> No.44406691 [DELETED] 


>> No.44406713 [DELETED] 


>> No.44406764

Everyone knows it, /vt/ is just using Pikamee as bludgeon against trannies.
And that's based

>> No.44406771

and you do? you're definitely not just making shit up about pikamee for (you)s. lol.

>> No.44406820

If you don't deal with reality you will stay losers for the rest of your life.

>> No.44406826

>no proof
Opinion discarded.

>> No.44406832
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>> No.44406837 [DELETED] 

The irony coming from a troon.

>> No.44406879

Based for being honest.

>> No.44406923

For you that's what, age 30?

>> No.44406981

I feel so bad for her. Why do people have to be so uncivilized.

>> No.44407017

Isn’t she at least bi or pansexual? She doesn’t want any of this

>> No.44407037

You are the only one acting like a tranny here bud

>> No.44407124 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44407170

No. She doesn’t want to say anything of substance because she (correctly) assumes both sides will twist any word in their favor. Even the most centrist statement possible would be used as ammo.

>> No.44407183
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>no harassment

>> No.44407204

Your kind don’t know how to insult people beyond death threats. What was I expecting from a bootleg pussy

>> No.44407239

I'm gonna find this girl and give her a hug

>> No.44407275 [DELETED] 
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>No harassment

>> No.44407343

Huh these are all really mild all things considered, did she really retire because of these?
Hats off to whatever niji or Holo chuubas that are /here/ and willingly submit themselves to random unsolicited attacks that are a hundred times more vile than these tame tweets

>> No.44407346

Every time I see a tranny I spit on them and harass them irl. Don’t worry you’ll be next

>> No.44407368

Your parents are gonna be real happy after you kill yourself on your 30th birthday

>> No.44407431

>anons cannot read the sarcasm from the OP
god, i hate cockroaches and /pol/fags, leave pikamee alone

>> No.44407595

This is not graduation worthy and you keep using multiple tweets from one account kek

>> No.44407606
File: 337 KB, 1155x450, pikamee_harassment_june22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately she's been getting harassed for a while already, even before Hogwarts. I don't really see your point to be honest, do you people even comprehend that she isn't your enemy? What are you solving by acting up like this?

>> No.44407667

Is that why you keep telling me to kill my self? Are you a tranny in denial?

>> No.44407820

Who the heck is "you people"? I watch niji JP and stay in a general or two, barely paid attention to this whole Harry Potter thing.
What's this about ff10, did she end up streaming that game instead of Hogwarts?

>> No.44407858 [DELETED] 


>> No.44407919

this posts like a year old, she was already on the ropes and the pushback on hogwarts probably made her say fuck this its not worth it

>> No.44407957
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Bro you even type like a little bitch you ain't spitting on anyone you are crying over a vtuber for crying out loud

I wonder when your dad sees you crying like a faggot over a png is he gonna finally have the balls to go through the murder suicide he has been planning since your cunt of a mother stopped giving him pussy and you turned out to be a massive faggot?

>> No.44408057

I love how sad she seems in this.

>> No.44408067
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>I hope everyone will have a wonderful day
Even after receiving so much undeserved abuse she’s kind and wants to get along with everyone.
You have no idea how much anger/hatred I have towards the “people” that harassed her

>> No.44408086

I hope you're canadian so that the government will deal with you.

>> No.44408091


>> No.44408126

Correct i am a man

>> No.44408207

Ive gotten more harassment in this thread then she has in her whole streaming career.

>> No.44408215

I don't know if Pikamee lacks life experience but choosing no side can be viewed as worse than choosing a side especially when dealing with the left leaning ones.

>> No.44408238
File: 210 KB, 2048x1792, total troon death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, they they say “trans rights” they mean:
The right to bully innocent girls off of the internet
The right to force kids to chop off their genitals and inject them with hormones
The right to send rapists to all female prisons
The right to harass and cancel anyone who doesn’t go along with their freakish delusions

>> No.44408383 [DELETED] 
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The funniest thing to me about this whole ordeal, is that this person just wanted to retire in peace. Then their unhinged fan decides to make us into some sort of boogeyman and now here we are.
So instead of just moving on with their life this person is going down in history as the pedo V-tuber.
Can't wait for the next round of "Reeeee-member what they took from us" memes. Vive la trans!

>> No.44408491

Weebs have some serious brain rot within the fandom

>> No.44408649

How can they be mad at troons but not a pedo what the actual fuck?

>> No.44408655

>is that this person just wanted to retire in peace.
Yes she did and she wanted to play a simple game based off a hit series of books by a far left writer.
But no your ilk had to bully her and several others for playing a fictional game that your kind deemed verboten and proceeded to act like deranged lunatic sending death threats and harassing her.
>where's the proof?
Twitter deleted most of the threats and your ilk "voluntarily" deleted a bunch of posts to try and save face.

>> No.44408674

Of course a pedo thinks this is the best way to ruin someone’s life. It’s what they’re most afraid of being exposed for.

>> No.44408688
File: 35 KB, 396x382, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.44408728 [DELETED] 

Pedo found, neck yourself cunt

>> No.44408788

Please. The "muh pedo" larp does not work here.

>> No.44408809
File: 483 KB, 1280x720, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicon and shotacon is based and a part of otaku culture. Trannies are unhinged woke retards who harm irl children. If you don’t know this then you don’t belong here

>> No.44408841 [DELETED] 

This. They're just mentally ill psychopaths.

>> No.44408861 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1024x787, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That insult doesn’t work here. 41% yourself, tourist

>> No.44408924
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>Oh no someone has a different opinion than mine, I better call them a pedo since I have no argument.
Good job being retarded, how about you provide actual proof and documentation on that claim, oh wait you got nothing.

>> No.44408938

>Correct, there was no harassment what is your point
Hello tranny jannie

>> No.44408958
File: 333 KB, 473x729, uoooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back tourist

>> No.44408988

You deserve all of it.

>> No.44409035

Doubt it, but if so then good

>> No.44409076 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you nigger-loving tranny janny

>> No.44409089
File: 1.73 MB, 651x367, 1460848864344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling people pedos doesn't work like it does on twitter, faggot. go back.

>> No.44409197

I hope you actually die.

>> No.44409206 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself you nigger, that shit doesn't work here. There's a fucking /uoh/ general you retarded faggot.

>> No.44409235

Pikamee has been having a pretty miserably time vtubing ever since she first debuted that weird dinosaur model and everyone shit on her hard. This whole harassment campaign thing was just a final kick in her ribs.

>> No.44409240
File: 33 KB, 739x415, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hurt her what is wrong with you

>> No.44409241

>at least
I love how you say it like it would let you add her to a collection.

>> No.44409245

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.44409281

Incredible how nobody could make a screenshot of "actual" harrasment to the arrested development hafu.

>> No.44409371

"You people" is holofags from /vt/ mostly

>> No.44409505

you would think it would be really fucking easy

>> No.44409520 [DELETED] 

"Calling someone a pedo doesn't work here"
How doesn't it work? You are still a pedo and you should still neck yourself?,
Holy shit you child fiddlers really do have brainrot cry harder faggots even trannys are more accepted then your kind lmaoing @ your life

>> No.44409573

Most of the early harassment against Pikamee was cleared before things really took off with Silvervale taking a stand calling out the freaks and cockroaches. ~10 days had passed by then and I don't think people thought this had the potential to blow up into GamerGate 2.0 back on Feb 7th

>> No.44409619 [DELETED] 

Someone archived as much as he could on both sides. Knock yourself out.

>> No.44409643 [DELETED] 

Excuses excuses the harassment was never as bad as her cringe lord fans made it out to be

>> No.44409652 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 1080x1080, reddit 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Calling someone a pedo doesn't work here"
How doesn't it work? You are still a pedo and you should still neck yourself?,
>Holy shit you child fiddlers really do have brainrot cry harder faggots even trannys are more accepted then your kind lmaoing @ your life

>> No.44409673

Sounds like conspiracy. Like it didn't happen.

>> No.44409706

Yeah telling people to kill themselves and faggots is super reddit

>> No.44409707

Just like how all your side is following the Narcissist's Prayer step by step currently. Anything to avoid accepting accountability

>> No.44409733

Just post a simple screenshot, the meanest one. I don't want the story of your lige.

>> No.44409769

Not my problem, faggot.

>> No.44409794


>> No.44409796 [DELETED] 

Total tranny death

>> No.44409811

then good luck convincing anyone who has ever played a video game online that whats currently circulating is "harassment"

>> No.44409843 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44409880


>> No.44409899

The only ones stepping in needing evidence are fucking tourists who aren't part of the problem or the ones being targeted. You have no vested interest in this situation, you are just a visitor at the Zoo and we are not your performing monkeys. Don't like it? Fuck off elsewhere

>> No.44409944

Not our fault you're a lazy mutt. Bet it's the nigger genes from your absentee father.

>> No.44409961

Go fuck yourself

>> No.44409987

>So what if I shot her? She was dying anyhow.
Remember, zero tolerance.

>> No.44410070 [DELETED] 

Hilarious how a fucking wizard game turned 90% of humanity against twitter freaks. Holy shit it's beautiful.

>> No.44410079


>> No.44410123

Check the archives. Massive numbers of posts were deleted both here and Twitter.
Even Kotaku doesn't deny that, they just say "so many posts were deleted that we can't know the truth of the story, but..."

>> No.44410140

J.K wins by doing absolutely nothing

>> No.44410217

It doesn't work because no one here cares. Like what >>44409206 said, there's a thread specifically for loli vtubers. There's even a dude that makes a "sex symbol of /vt/" thread every day and the OP image is always Gura.

>> No.44410229

>Vive la trans!
fortunately or unfortunately almost half will not 'vive' beyond their early thirties

>> No.44410233

So what you are using lack of evidence as evidence?

>> No.44410264

People act like this really took off with Silver and Pika but the reality is many far bigger streamers got harassed and you have a shitton of videos on YouTube about it. Twitter retards managed to turn literally everyone against them.

>> No.44410331
File: 82 KB, 1367x772, 3FEAFF1D-0D55-4338-A9AC-B477F5993DD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not that hard to look, there’s plenty of archives of this stuff. Accusing someone of being complicit in murder is pretty extreme when there’s no evidence this game could incite any violence.

>> No.44410356 [DELETED] 

As a transgender man, I will say that those who harrassed pikame do not represent our community and i'd like to apologize on their behalf.

>> No.44410385

Its not about you faggots caring its about how you should still kill yourself the fuck are you on about you fucking brain dead faggot.

"We dont care here, we dont care here" he says every night crys himself to sleep after jerking off to pedo bait wondering if tonight is the night he should suck start a shot gun

>> No.44410428

The reptiles on Twitter are always like this

>> No.44410440

It sound like you are soft. Or derranged.

>> No.44410463

Are you a predebut vtweeter?

>> No.44410468 [DELETED] 

They gaslit themselves into believing the whole world was on their side. Thought they were free to attack anyone with no repercussions. Now they're foaming at the mouth for being treated like the animals they are. Anyone with half a brain knows they'll be even more aggressive over real issues if they go this hard over a fucking video game.
The only things they have is lies and projection. Which is why they're brigading so hard to make anything seem like it wasn't their fault.

>> No.44410491

How is this harassment? It's polite and honest criticism. Meanwhile transphobes are spamming death threats to trans people and openly trying to make them kill themselves.

>> No.44410534 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44410537

At any point you can choose to walk away from that cult, yet you do not. You are as complicit as the rest of them and will be treated as such.

>> No.44410540

>mentally ill trying to say other people have brain rot

>> No.44410608
File: 476 KB, 608x597, 1662096595435888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have a penis

>> No.44410629

Trying to use local lingo in an attempt to diguise youself as a native works just as well as putting on a dress and cutting your dick off to enter women's toilets. Everyone sees through the pathetic façade.

>> No.44410634 [DELETED] 

>trannies harass Pikamee
>there's a backlash
>trannies suddenly pretend like they never harassed her
>ignore screenshots of them harassing her
No one will ever forget.

>accusing people of being pedos at random
Ask me how I know you're a pedo

>> No.44410680

Could this be the most successful gatekeeping operation thus far?

>> No.44410686

>As a transgender man
kys you attention seeking victim complex cunt

>> No.44410703

You talk like an edgy 8th grader

>> No.44410722

Vaush is kind of a genius when it comes to making money

>> No.44410727

>the glasses
>the beard
>the autism

>> No.44410777 [DELETED] 

Count me as one that got shifted by this situation for sure, history of center-left with a few transgender friends. I've been purposefully avoiding talking about this with them at all and been ghosting them in general. Don't want to touch this situation with a ten foot pole and on principle I don't want ANYONE dictating to me what my hobbies/interests/games should be. I'm still sympathetic to their cause but if they are gonna force a black/white purity test on me on whether I'm an 'ally' or a transphobe then the activists are not gonna like my answer.
Like fuck, this was NOT the hill to die on over a fucking game.

>> No.44410831

That's the thing, they do. When people look online, this is what they see. When they go outside, this is what they see. As long as they exist you're going to get associated with them too. You can claim the silent majority if you want, but when the loud minority is the only thing we see that's the only thing we're going to associate with you.

>> No.44410878

>They're trans colors
Those are easter colors. I'm rooting for the Christian fundamentalists now.

>> No.44410954

What a larp.

>> No.44410965

And the people who want to groom children arent Pedos?

>> No.44411040

He's right. There's a lot of nazi shit among vtubers and weeaboos. I don't see the lie or the controversy. If his metric for success is pinching veins so nazis are less visible then he's 100% right.

>> No.44411045 [DELETED] 

Because trans rights means trans privileges. Trans people already have human rights the same as anyone else. Most trannies in the west are neoliberal kids of at least moderately wealthy families. They feel entitled to getting what they want without having to work for it. To them, being trans is more about being special and flaunting a "fuck you, got mine" attitude than having gender dysphoria and wanting to transition.

>> No.44411062

This is the worst part, like outright denial, twisting everything around themselves, i don't hate trans people, but holy shit this behavior is terrible.

Sometimes you have to admit you fucked up.

>> No.44411120 [DELETED] 


>> No.44411188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44411299

I am trans too but let's be honest, it's the majority. They are the majority. Total retards. I just hope I don't get in trouble IRL over it, but online I can handle, it's natural that the internet will hate transpeople when all they see is the most obnoxious people the world has ever provided.

>> No.44411312

I really hope that she decides to give the vtubing world another shot. Unfortunately going to an agency, even one loose as vshojo is probably best, then she can get someone to manage her e-mails, DMs, and twitter might be the best thing for her.

For what it's worth i don't know why so many people were furious over Twitch.

>> No.44411333 [DELETED] 

He also wants to get fucked by horses

>> No.44411369

Did she confirm that ths graduation has been planned for 3-4 months like Pomu implied?

>> No.44411373 [DELETED] 

Of course that's the thing. The nigger-loving tranny jannies have been deleting all the Pikamee threads. But they'll let you child touching trannies spam all the boards with your disgusting trash.

>> No.44411397

Name one thing he said that was wrong. You can't.

>> No.44411416


>> No.44411457

I don't get anime nazis, but I guess it has to do more with having both violent thoughts and lewd thoughts unchecked, the leftie version would be stalinist homos

>> No.44411469

Dude, because the hate-speech and anti-trans memes are counter productive, and against TOS. I mean it's not wrong to say that trans people unfairly targeted Pika, among other streamers in a hate campaign... but adding in all the unnessary stuff hurts your point.

>> No.44411471


>> No.44411528

>pinching veins
not familiar with this idiom

>> No.44411545

>bro just get punched, never punch back it's uncouth
This is how I know you guys will lose in the end. Don't care, not reading replies. I don't talk to prey animals I just kill and eat them.

>> No.44411568

It's more the fact they treat her like a child and walk over her because of a single game.

>> No.44411688

>against TOS
Go back to twitter retard

>> No.44411858 [DELETED] 

>cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.44411901
File: 41 KB, 480x622, 1672726914587732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve an ISIS run skydiving lesson

>> No.44411956

You sound like a sissy trying to act tough

>> No.44412060 [DELETED] 
File: 2.21 MB, 3000x2179, 1678048187805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back to twitter to harass some more trans vtubers they shall feel the wraith that pikamee did

>> No.44412117
File: 128 KB, 906x1274, FkN6A32XwAMooiN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be killed once you are found out, the day of your retribution approaches soon

>> No.44412248
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>> No.44412312
File: 82 KB, 703x528, E0EFD9C4-0653-4CF3-AC04-FEE160EB107A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, no one except chuds could ever disagree with me, what a larp

>> No.44412433 [DELETED] 


>> No.44412439

Wait, are trans crusaders actually digging up the loliposting that Pika did as a means to justify themselves?
Thats kinda fucked up.

>> No.44412477
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>> No.44412487

>I cant believe my actions have consequences!

>> No.44412607

>Accuse the other side of which you're guilty

>> No.44412653

everything actually, its just an ignorant white dude talking about stuff he dont really know, weebs have so many self esteem issues that they would rather kill themselves before actually hurting someone else, most of the real pedos are parents, uncles, teachers, politicians, priests, influencers, businessmen, etc. pretty much people with direct power over them.

>> No.44412664

The freaks are that desperate to legitimize their harrassment

>> No.44412683

Because troons are mentally ill.

>> No.44412765
File: 6 KB, 180x179, __________________.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and of course rando youtubers are jumping in. Hasan, Shenpai, all jumping at the chance because "I'm in the right therefore I'm justified"
Why they gotta make it about themselves? This is pikamee month.

>> No.44412985

Goona cry tranny?

>> No.44413090

"these people"'s only argument is character assassination. They are a plague in the Trans community and I don't know why they are welcomed there

>> No.44413096

>This is pikamee month.
You are the cause of it because didn't stop the "remember what take away from you"-posters.

>> No.44413108


I swear Pikamee is the Amanda Tod of vtubing. If she had any less backbone shed be a squid.
Quitting your 6 figure job because a couple hundred men in dresses said le wizzard childrens game is bad. Imagine having to explain this to your husband why there wont be a paycheck next month. The crying about people not liking her stream models last year was embarassing but this is just ridiculous. Grow a spine, you doormat.

>> No.44413209

We got the left wing react streamers retweeting to support the cause.

>> No.44413215


>> No.44413218

Man, maybe a reboot is exactly what Pika needs.
Not that the crazies won't sniff her out again.

>> No.44413228

I haven't had time to look it up to verify but apparently that plus they are using it to go after Iofi a bit as well. The freaks really getting closer and closer to whacking the Hololive hornet's nest

>> No.44413257

Reminder that 2020 was a mistake.
None of this would have happened if HoloEN didn't blow up and made vtubing accessible to the masses. Myth were the iPhone of vtubing.

>> No.44413279

It's escalated that far? yikes. I Assumed it was just the usual trans circles doing that.

>> No.44413339

The ones employed by state-affiliated corporate monopolies, the literal definition of facist, that were born in Beverly Hills? Damn.

>> No.44413406 [DELETED] 

Death to all troons and leftists.

>> No.44413437

Thems the ones.

>> No.44413481

>And then,
>One day,
>For no reason at all,
>The Nazis rose to power

>> No.44413496
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At least karma will get them eventually, what with their low life expectancy and all

>> No.44413601

Can't blame her as I also got through a difficult childhood but I would have stood my ground a little longer, finish the playthrough then graduate when it was originally planned.

>> No.44413692
File: 17 KB, 292x257, kaiokek times forty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving your own personal address and billing etc. information, your bank/card info to buy on ad on 4chan
>just to dunk on the "chuds" and "transphobes"
You really are your own worst enemy if this is legit

>> No.44413801

Hilarious how Mr. "America deserved 9/11" over here thinks he has any ground to morally grandstand.

>> No.44413825 [DELETED] 

The right to go to lesbian dating apps and try to sell themselves as women to dykes who just want to tongue punch an actual pussy and not a gaping seeping wound

>> No.44414031

Thank you china
