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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44391664 No.44391664 [Reply] [Original]

170k Congrats and HBD


>> No.44392275
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A 2view thread died for this...

>> No.44393433
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This is the difference between HoloJP and HoloEN trash
>""""""""Queen""""""""" of vtubers Gawr Shart Goba
>60k peak
>Sakura Miko
>peak at 170k
HoloEN is a fucking disgrace to the Hololive name

>> No.44393470

You can do your numberfagging in the numberfag thread

>> No.44393471


>> No.44393519

Also it was 138k.
You were cumming so hard to your number shit you forgot how to count.

>> No.44393619

>EN 3d reaches 55k ops
Seriously what happened to EN? No memeing, an actual answer. Do they need wave 3, do they need to go heavier into idol stuff, gfe, what?

>> No.44393698

Peak was 138k, what OP meant is 1.7mil subs (170x10000 in Japan numbers for some reason)

>> No.44393709

They needed to stream but instead they become lazy whores.
The only that kept regular schedule were sadly the garbage ones like Kiara and Bae

>> No.44393795
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>> No.44393825

I don't like Kiara but she's a hard worker, imagine if she was leading a wave with a bunch of girls that actually cared about idol stuff.

>> No.44393850

Why do you pretend to care? Holo ID gets 3view streams and yet you don't care anywhere near as much.

>> No.44394008
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>> No.44394029

not op but id fans know their place unlike entards who still claim they have "the queen of vtubers" and unironically believe myth is the greatest gen in the company, that's why people (me included) like to shit on them

>> No.44394231


>> No.44394251

>they have "the queen of vtubers" and unironically believe myth is the greatest gen in the company,
You're being duped by obnoxious chumbuds. Don't let a bad bunch ne the voice for the rest of EN fans.

>> No.44394264
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IDcis: risu is the Diva To All Hololive but

>> No.44394439

Then they would totally fail. Working harder while doing the same failed thing over and over is not the road to success.

>> No.44394472

Rent fuckin free.

>> No.44394490

But k means 1000 in english he should have used 万, is anon stupid ?

>> No.44394605

Silence shart

>> No.44394682

only delusionals and casual EOPs think Gura is the queen of anything that isn't no streaming

>> No.44395193

Not even obnoxious chumbuds, you are literally biting the bait.

>> No.44395363

Based, spbp.

>> No.44395408

This is completely accurate.
ENsharts deserve no pity.

>> No.44395489

>HoloEN is a fucking disgrace
They really should just close the branch.
Westerners do not make good vtubers.

>> No.44395532

must be a JP guy posting here, what he means is 1.7 million subs not 130k CCV

>> No.44396142

do you think this bitch is still in contact with that dude she was offering chocolates on twitter?

>> No.44396381

Yes, probably. This is OP we're talking about

>> No.44398075

EN community doesn't watch vtubers anymore and those that do have 5000 different corpos to choose from. Unironically there are more EN vtubers than JP at this point.

>> No.44400759

You will never be Japanese

>> No.44401224


>> No.44401843

>Seriously what happened to EN?
The covid buff went away and there is like 15x the amount of EN vtubers now.
55k people watching is the more than fits in most stadiums, coupled with houndreds of thousands of vod views later Myth is still hugely successful, #Anons just are completely cut off from reality and think there is some capitalist dream of unlimited growth in a (at least in the west) niche hobby like vtubing.
Jap chuubas will always get bigger numbers because it's way more normal to watch vtubers in japan while in the west you get called a degenerate by some zoomer watching Adin Ross tell his viewers to piss on their siblings.

>> No.44401983

The protagonist of Hololive.

>> No.44402185

Tell me more. I need to know if my cherry blossom is cheating on me.

>> No.44402650

With Twitch dying, the Western streaming industry is on the wane.
Many Japanese players were entered in the APEX world championships for advertising revenue, even though they had no significant achievements.

>> No.44402928

Well JPs streams waaaaaay more often than any other branch. Also Miko specifically is like the third or whatever most watched female streamer in the world.
138k is deserved. If EN cares about numbers, they would be streaming way more.

>> No.44403005

Tempus killed of tourist that didn’t want to being part of a fanbase civil war

>> No.44403178
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Why do /vt/ care so much about number lmfao, the girl clearly fucking didn't when they're living their life with that schedule + irl stuff.

>> No.44403739
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>> No.44403918

They need to stream. Daily or almost daily. You won't get ""parasocially" attached to a person you only see once a month. Without that attachment they are just mediocre entertainers.

>> No.44404330
File: 81 KB, 1103x621, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>watch Miko VOD
>log onto geek jack to buy birthday bundle for my 35p sister
>sold out
Hope she likes her keychain.

>> No.44404404

Vtuber en wise is simply dying the band wagon has simply come and gone

>> No.44404886

For her next anniversery don't forget to buy a limited bundle with a letter quickly (they sell out in minutes because resellers)

>> No.44404972

oh fuck off, I doubt you even watch holoJP

>> No.44406127
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least based mikoposter

>> No.44406273

Unironically, it is because HoloID is a HUGE breakthrought to the indog Vtubing market, especially with the blue brat, they did what Riku hoped to achieved and is so successful we might get an ID4 before and EN3. Maybe with time they might open an Indian market too
