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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44384804 No.44384804 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the alternate universe where pomu waited for EN audition

>> No.44385031
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She's doing just fine

>> No.44385194

Do you have proof she's doing "fine"? Do you know her personally? Do you know her feelings right now?

>> No.44385336
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Yes, we just had sex

>> No.44385343
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>> No.44385410

I fucking hate the original image pre-pomu addition. Trying to make HoloEN seem like some sort of "started from nothing now look where we're at" kinda story is so disingenuous considering they pretty much got everything handed to them on a silver platter and didn't have to put in a modicum of effort to become the top dogs of the vtuber world.

>> No.44385413

We could've had Pomu instead of Ame

>> No.44385484

okay connor settle down

>> No.44385509

imagine the alternate universe where holobronies weren't eternally seething beggars constantly stirring up drama because they have nothing better to do since they have no lives and their own streamers don't stream

>> No.44385539

I just think it's dumb, you can be a fan of something while acknowledging that what you're into isn't some underground grassroots community

>> No.44385570


>> No.44385624

Every EN corpo vTuber got shit handed to them, except the small ones that started in EN.

>> No.44385827

Who cares about meritocracy? You're ruining the magic of the journey.

>> No.44385886

You say this every time seething indie, you wouldn't have done jack shit in Myth. You would probably have graduated by this point.

>> No.44385902

The girls in NijiEN are unironically better idols than the girls in HoloEN ever have been or ever will be. NijiEN Bunch of nobody vtubers given a big opportunity where they're still the underdogs but if they work hard enough one day they could be huge and reach dreams like 3d live performances and all of that. The girls actually work hard with all of them putting in more hours than anyone in HoloEN and for the most part also legitimately appreciate their fans. They've been slowly but surely growing since they launched last year reaching new milestones periodically. What do you have in HoloEN? A bunch of stagnant streamers that have basically achieved everything you can ever hope to as a vtuber right from the starting gate while putting in basically not effort at all just coasting on the success brought to them by the hololive brand name and phoning in a couple of streams a week to keep the money flowing.

>> No.44385946
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>Lazulight 3D collab barely 3k

>> No.44386019

Myth 3d flopped.

>> No.44386020
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>no Metal Gear perms

>> No.44386024

Kind of a disingenuous comparison when its was a premiere announced like 6 minutes before it aired. The other members didn't even get a chance to tweet that it was happening to tell their fans to watch.

>> No.44386048

Sure thing anon, whatever makes you sleep better at night.

>> No.44386063

I don't get it? Is /vt/ being raided?

>> No.44386169

>isn't some underground grassroots community
the original image doesn't rely imply that though, its just them streaming from lockdown -with smol models -with low poly models and then at holofes, just because they started with tens of thousands of viewers by merit of getting into hololive (also an achievement btw) doesn't take away from their own personal journey to get to that point.

>> No.44386250

>better idols
>male cock sleeves

>> No.44386544

what happened?

>> No.44386647

Do you literally breathe copium?

>> No.44386725
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>> No.44386761

Hololive wouldn't have hired her for council anyway, we knew that audition had way better people than what they ended up with. I don't know how even after all this time you holofags have such blind faith in their recruitment team.

>> No.44386859

NijiEN always with an excuse for every occasion. If HoloEN did the same you won’t think that excuse is valid.

>> No.44386942

The premiere was in 480p when it was live because the 1080p didn't finish processing yet. That's how spur of the moment and quickly it was done. It's safe to say the majority of people didn't know it was happened until after it happened.

>> No.44387282

HoloEN :
>Cringe normie rapper who doesn't know jack shit about anime "Yo yo yo I'm rapping and I'm very dark, avoid my scythe yo"
>Shitposter with 3IQ and foot fetish. Her streams are just her saying nonsense while gaming. She sings very well tho. Probably the most beautiful voice in all Hololive. Takes the cake big part because english is the global language so all the west will watch one anglophon chuba. Happened to be her.
>Weird socially awkward raging gamer doing mama jokes with gremlin voice
>Azur Lane pro illustrator, no concept, no character but being quiet and wholesome, just streams her art
>Kiara must be the only valuable to be honest. She practically launched Calli with Takamori. Energic, creates memes, official Kiryu Coco's legacy, makes the bridge between JP prestigious branch and EN by translating, sings, dance.

>Cover had the monopole from the beginning, so all the money to organize events
>Not the fact of the talents
>They don't give a shit

Holonigglets : They're hard working, you're coping !

Yeah sure. We're the ones coping.

>> No.44387313

The fuck you're talking about, Kiara is the most valuable element of Myth by far lmao

>> No.44387385

Would she still have ended up collabing with men or would she have been on more of a holo idol route?

>> No.44387535

I think she would do it if enough other people were doing it too but wouldn't be one of the ones pushing for it.

>> No.44387618

>the second image

>> No.44387642
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She would def have ended up collabing with Tempiss as much as Mori does (or more) and /vt/ would be calling her a traitorous whore to this day. This is why her being at Niji was the best option.

>> No.44387735

>holo idol
Name one seiso Hololive challenge : Hardcore Legendary EX

Holonuggers in shambles. What are those scores for retarded shark lmao
>has the most followers
>best voice in all Hololive
>drowns in 3D shows

>> No.44387751

You tell em sis!

>> No.44387754

>better idol
>appreciate thier fans

>> No.44387764

I get that she has collabed with males her whole career and had no issue with it. But I also kind of feel like she is quite switched on when it comes to making money and keeping her gachikoi fans happy. So I'm not sure if she would be as into it in Hololive even if she didn't personally have an issue with it just because the fanbase that actually donates over there has more of an issue with it.

>> No.44387817

i watch pomu rainpuff from nijisanji lazulight, and no other bustin would make me feel good. that being said one of her selling points is gay baiting, and i don't like it. but because it's not bait it's ok

>> No.44387831

How does this work anyway. The NijiEN members are undoubtedly much smaller, they are millions of subs behind and get what 1/3rd to 1/4 of the viewers. But Pomu and Elira are holding their own quite well there. Does NijiEN just attract more hardcore vtuber fans that actually put their money into supporting it while HoloEN is full of casual fans?

>> No.44387959

You tell em sis!

>> No.44387969

Kek see how holonigs can't even refute this one

>> No.44388979

Ohnono nijisisters our response?

>> No.44389478

Is the same monogoloid spamming the same answer or do all Holonigglets have only one response to cope ?

>> No.44389495

My takeaway is rather how incompetent a vtubing corpo must be to take 3+ YEARS to get their talents 3D
Fucking embarassing

>> No.44389606 [DELETED] 

This is the response, nigger ==> >>44386725

Cuz it's just facts kek

>> No.44389673

Cuz they don't have all the money on earth at disposition because of an early monopole.

You're welcome.

>> No.44389850

Right, we all know Cover has better things to spend their money on than their talents who actually bring in money for the company

>> No.44389898
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Forgot image

>> No.44391008
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>> No.44392631

this desu

>> No.44393095

HoloEN management would have allowed her to talk about the Pikamee situation on stream.

>> No.44393360

Imagine believing in meritocracy in 2023

>> No.44393979

Based Pomu

>> No.44394923

Pomu is more influential, saddly cause NijiEN dominates Twitter, than most of HoloEN. Much like Mori she became an icon for females viewers

>> No.44395150

>where pomu waited

Pomu applied for Myth, you dumb motherfucker. Then started her PL account after being rejected. There are clips of her PL talking about HoloEN.

This fucking board I swear.

>> No.44395209

How the fuck did Pomu get rejected but Mori and Ame didn't?

>> No.44395467

Mori had several albums out at that point and had live stage experience, along with being bilingual and having several years of work experience in Japan, snatching her up was a no brainer.
As for Ame... I don't know, wasn't she the only one of Myth with actual streaming experience?

>> No.44396698


>> No.44396903


>> No.44397173

EN1 would have been so comfy if pomu replaced chicken

>> No.44397333

Then there would've been no collabs kek

>> No.44397643

so just like it is in real life.
You thought that they get the job purely because of their skills?

>> No.44397715

You know its true because there are plenty of nijifags who are former holofags. There are no holofags who are former nijifags. The pipeline goes one way.

>> No.44397729

Quality over quantity. See Flare or Tomoe.

>> No.44397778

>The girls in NijiEN are unironically better idols than the girls in HoloEN
They'll hate him for telling the truth. The best members of NijiEN are better than the best members of HoloEN and they actually stream on a consistent basis. There's a reason why so many holobronies make threads of wanting Pomu in Hololive.

>> No.44398258

That's called paypiggies happy rewarding their queen for not dating a dyke anymore.

>> No.44398361


>> No.44398455
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>wanting Pomu in Hololive.

>> No.44398502

Girls plural? Other than Pomu who are the idols of nijiEN holochads want to steal?
Personally I would take Selen too because she plays boomer games, is the fabled elusive brotuber and you get selenposters in your corner as part of the package but it's not like she is a talented singer/performer.

>> No.44398504

Considering how fake Myth is (I tried to watch the 3D thing and I couldn't stand more than 2 minutes) and how genuine NijiEN is, I think Pomu is fine where she is.

>> No.44398654
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Anon she collabs with men. HoloEn would probably be in an even worse place right now if she was there. She'd be with Tempiss right now on Twitter talking about shit, piss and dicks. Like seriously fuck off with your delusions.

>> No.44398671

i think you swapped the gura images :)

>> No.44398812

Do I need to remind you?

>> No.44399015

Pomu is right where she belongs with Nijicucks.

>> No.44399205

>he'd be with Tempiss right now on Twitter talking about shit, piss and dicks
Not necessarily. If she had been in Hololive, she would have had much different influences and standards, completely changing her development from the streamer she ended up as today.

>> No.44399464

Yes, please do.

>> No.44399735

No one wants you, stop trying to jump ship. You aren’t good enough. You will never be in Hololive. No one cares because no one watches you. Nothing of value was lost, besides your tits.

>> No.44402722
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>> No.44403349

Why are /vt/ SEAniggers such psychotic Pomu antis? Like this shit has been going on for a year now with the exact same copy-paste threads. Seems like such an odd choice to latch onto considering NijiEN has a bunch of legitimately bad apples. What, does the SEAjanny hate Pomu specifically?

That's because if you left HoloEN it's probably because they're blatantly lazy and their content is stale, so even if you drop NijiEN now that it's taken a turn for the worse you're not going back because HoloEN's content isn't going to magically become better.

If you dropped NijiEN recently you're most likely switching to indies or small corpos.

>> No.44403658

the discord leak did irreparable damage to te nijifanabse here.

>> No.44403762

more like it exposed them for what they really are and laid to rest any idea that nijiniggers are good people

>> No.44404346

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.44404976

>Cringe normie rapper who doesn't know jack shit about anime
J-rap is niche, not normie at all. Also Mori having Made in Abyss be her favorite anime/manga instantly disqualifies her as being normie.
>I'm very dark, avoid my scythe yo
at literally noo point has Mori ever pretended to be genuinely dark or edgy, in fact her lyrics are literally the opposite, right from her debut she was making fun of herself.
>Shitposter with 3IQ and foot fetish. Her streams are just her saying nonsense while gaming
so she's literally perfect is what you're saying
>Weird socially awkward raging gamer doing mama jokes with gremlin voice
the perfect woman
>no character but being quiet and wholesome, just streams her art
>just streams her art
holy fuck what a way to reveal that you don't watch streams at all. Nijifag not thinking Holomyth is the same as 2020 challenge (impossible). For the past year Ina was literally just spamming elden ring streams. Also
>no character but being quiet
>in 2023
not even threadreading at this point
>Cover had the monopole from the beginning
I think you meant to say monopoly there ESLchama. It's also not true that 'Cover started out with the monopoly on EN vtubing' newfags like you don't remember this but before Myth debuted there was no guarantee that an EN branch would be successful at all and in fact everyone expected it to be a fucking disaster. All of the worst case scenario predictions like 'they'll bring in people who will shit up vtubing with politics' 'they'll be like twitch e-girls' 'they won't get high views' etc etc did actually co me true - but for Nijisanji, not Hololive. Keep coping Nijifag, deep down you secretly know your EN branch is a fucking disaster and will never reach the heights of Hololive. I've never seen a Nijifag post talking about HoloEN that doesn't come across as bitter and jealous. Small dog syndrome.

>> No.44405256

But that is a management problem, a Nijisanji problem.

>> No.44405321

To be in the dead branch?

>> No.44405372

Are you legit retarded? It was a guerrilla 480p short because she couldn't stream that day.

>> No.44405610
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The official cope was that they were super busy in japan making amazing 3d content. Then their shitty 3d concert comes out and it's so bad it barely beats Elira's solo 3d numbers. Their solo 3d's are so fucking boring literally everybody forget them days later.

Meanwhile their normal stream numbers fell so hard Nijis regularly beat them now.

>> No.44405687

Prior to Millie having a pagpag moment, the ALL OUT WAR is the only big thing dramashitters could latch onto. This single comment, which was even comparatively tame to the rest of the messages, is why they have shat up the board with raid threads alternating between holobegging and hoping she dies of cancer. They will vindictively post *that* picture which, if real, is pizza if it means pwning the nijis. This is the extent that they are willing to go to anti one of the good members of le rival company.

>> No.44405693

The only hard working Myth member getting good numbers is so satisfying. I don't even like Kiara very much but she deserves this for at least fucking trying.

>> No.44405723


>> No.44405745
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what's the matter? I thought you watned all all war

>> No.44405771

>the obnly big thing
I like that memory holing you nijifags always do, is always amusing.

>> No.44405820

Kiara got the lowest ccv but the most superchats? KFP I kneel.

>> No.44405828
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Keep the cope coming.

>> No.44405919

>return stream
>japan zatsu
>chink game

>> No.44405934

Pomu is doing fine. She would be bored to tears in Hololive because she LIKES video games.

>> No.44405988

Nijitrannies are coping because they can't bot guerrillas, good job anon.

>> No.44406046

You could though? There is nothing stopping it. When that guy from the numbers thread did it to Millie it only took a few mins.

>> No.44406136

LMAO retard that stream was a last minute decision since she suddenly couldn't stream.

>> No.44406140
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oh hey I can do that too

>> No.44406166

and you actually believe that?

>> No.44406349

Do what? Those are very good numbers especially since they stream like 3x more on average.

>> No.44406511

the reason retards like you dropped HoloEN for NijiEN is fuck all to do with stream quality or content or any of that cope, it's literally just because you are trend chasing faggots that consoom whatever is the current hip thing. You passionless drone fuckers obviously got into vtubing in 2020 and started watching Myth just because it was the popular novelty thing then and then you just moved onto NijiEN in 2021/22 for the same fucking reason.

Unless you want to try to convince me that Finana spamming genshit impact to 3 figure viewers and just saying the same shit over and over is good content, or Luca saying pog for the billionth time or Elira and friends making an amongus joke or whatever the fuck they do. To say that HoloEN is 'stale' right now compared to Niji - when they are in the middle of the 3D offcollabs and holofes is coming up - is fucking laughable. Maybe Millie can make another stream where she seethes about this site again and gets another concert cancelled, maybe that would would be less stale.

>> No.44406594


>> No.44406767

Do you have proof she's not doing "fine"? Do you know her personally? Do you know her feelings right now?

>> No.44406999

Can I get a QRD on the discord leak anon? Am not familiar

>> No.44407226

Look at all of this holocope

>> No.44407245

warosu reps NOW

>> No.44407620

I'm not going to try convince you of anything and won't bother talking about the guys because I don't watch them to care but NijiEN is still publishing fresh 3D off collab content they recorded when they were in Japan. Pomu had her game show with Lazulight yesterday.
They have been posting cute shorts of them practicing dances
They had the MV for Diamond City Lights
And there is still more to come with Elira and Finana both having their own equivalents to that Pomu game show. They decided to drip feed recorded content for months after the fact that they prepared whilst there. So you regularly get a nice bit of 3D and regular streams too.

There's pretty good variety in content I would say. You have Pomu doing Ace Combat and her creative streams more and more recently, her new outfit reveal coming up next week. Finana has been playing Your Turn to Die and Yakuza series and had her outfit reveal last week. Elira has her JRPG games playing Tales of Vesperia and Persona 5 along with some more odd choices like Power Pro baseball. Selen always has a good variety of games too. She's been playing what Atomic Heat, Megaman, Dead Space, Hi-Fi Rush off the top of my head. Nina playing stuff like Kenshi, Factorio and Hypnospace Outlaw. Reimu is really into horror games so she has been playing through Silent Hill, Resident Evil and the Dead Space remake. Millie likes playing her roguelikes streaming stuff like Darkest Dungeon and Slay the Spire, started Minnish Cap the other day. Rosemi has been playing through Skyward Sword and just started on MGR, her geoguessr streams are nice too.

That's honestly what I feel like is one of the strengths for the NijiEN girls the have quite a wide variety of game choices that aren't just FOTM or whatever.

>> No.44408544

Fucking embarrassing was closing borders due to some coof

>> No.44410213


>> No.44410996

>Alternative timeline
Nigga Pomu applied and failed for holoMyth
started vtubing, nijisanji opened auditions, she passed
months later holoCouncil audition started
So even in an alternative timeline where Pomu waited for Council, she would still be 3D-less like the rest of Council

>> No.44411470

nah is all about people moving on
even some hardcore chumpedos and takofags start thinking twice before throwing one month salary in Supas, so just do one aka or non at all and go watch some small corpo that actually been streaming

>> No.44412164

>Finana spamming genshit impact to 3 figure viewers and just saying the same shit over and over is good content, or Luca saying pog for the billionth time or Elira and friends making an amongus joke or whatever the fuck they do.
>holoEN has no repetitive jokes

>> No.44412212


>> No.44414830

She would've been kicked out of hololive when it was discovered who she is and what she did on this website anyway. It's for the best that she didn't join.

>> No.44414950

>holo 4view bad
>niji 4view good

>> No.44415203


Nigger, have you taken a look who works for the shithole that is Niji en.I would have fired half the branch before i had even considered letting go of zaion.

>> No.44415491

i really really want to pretend iluna doesn't exist

>> No.44415759

Based everything you just said is true
Nijikeks are seething at you

>> No.44415818

I smell Bullshit when I see one lol

>> No.44416677

>Noel exists
Nah, Pomu wouldn't have been kicked out

>> No.44416899

With me. The threesome was amazing thanks anon.

>> No.44417277

What pomu did is illegal

>> No.44420504


>> No.44420614

If I was in Niji I would just do 6 hour streams of gaming. Fuck becoming an idol, I don’t care.

>> No.44420691

Like 90% of the reason NijiEN even has a presence on this board is because Pomu is over there. If Pomu was in hololive it would be a completely different story.

>> No.44424812

Pomu literally have leak nudes. Too controversial for holo.

>> No.44424976

So do other Holos, doesn't seem to be an issue

>> No.44425070

Chumbo here I just bought a 100 dollar dakimakura

>> No.44425197

Panty shots, nip slips is not nude anon.

>> No.44425329

Pomu has made like 300k a year while in nijisanji, she is objectively doing fine even if she's not like gura making two million a year. It's like saying that Mark Cuban is not doing fine because Michel Arnault has more money than him.

>> No.44425420

>he doesn't know

>> No.44425819

The most holoen had was Kiara's harrasement when she was part of that underground idol or nip slips with her cosplay. In JP, Mel's rm.

>> No.44427668

Yeah, Pomu has total superchat than any of the council members.
Besides this, she has a decent amount of fan that will donate via streamlab, seasonal voice packs and merch, and more sponsorship than council members.
You can argue that Pomu may not earn as much as Myth on their peak days, but Pomu is undoubtedly earning more than any of the council girls. And saying Pomu will be better in Council is nothing but a beggar's daydream because she would still be 3D-less now and earning less.
>inf4 Anycolor le black company doesn't give their talent a cut

>> No.44429560

If pomu was in council she would be carrying council kek.

>> No.44430614

She'd have basically just turned into Ame.

>> No.44431059

We didn't have Vesper, Magni, Mori and Pomu Kino in this timeline...

>> No.44435270

She'd be a tempus loving whore anyway, who cares?

>> No.44435343

Barracuda faggot

>> No.44440477


>> No.44440646
File: 409 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] D4DJ All Mix - 09 (1080p) [EAA709FC].mkv_snapshot_03.16.927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the wonderful alternate reality where Holo management nukes 3/4 of her ideas and she becomes a lazy disinterested part time streamer like everyone in HoloEN.

>> No.44440666

that's some big POMUTORI energy.


>> No.44441411

Just look at streams hours and cry while knowing your oshi doesn't stream as much and never will. Even Kawaii and IdolEN puts HoloEN to shame now. The only good side of Hololive is JP

>> No.44441714

It's the Flare model: a loyal fanbase cultivated by with high quality engagement with their audience.

>> No.44446265

Many such cases. Flare had that going on, not sure who else

>> No.44446795

I feel like if Pomu wasn't allowed to play MGS and half of her ideas were shot down like the Myth talent she'd either burn out and half ass it, or she'd go postal. I'm happy with where she is and what she's done.
