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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 189 KB, 526x562, The mindset of trannies and their ilk..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44302599 No.44302599 [Reply] [Original]

He's right. The trannies are only focused on their self-preservation, they do not care about Pikamee or her fans, only themselves. All of them are the enemy, every single one. TOTAL TROON DEATH.

>> No.44302691

Inshallah my brother.

>> No.44302838

The smarter ones are unfazed saying angry tweets by "weeb incels" won't make them 50%. But that's fine, for them I can wait for the poll booths.

>> No.44302913

Shut the fuck retard. You can't kill anyone, so stop talking big, it looks pathetic.

>> No.44302999

Are these "Trannies" in the room with us right now?

>> No.44303006 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 2048x1792, Burning the flag of Satan and his minions..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smarter ones
Lol no. All of the Tweets by these degenerates dig their own grave even deeper by enraging more and more people. The retarded trannies have created a popular movement against themselves. Lol. I have been waiting a long, long time for this. The more follies they make, the more powerful the anti-troon uprising becomes. So I hope for more Tweets, and more follies by these satanic degenerate tranny idiots.

>> No.44303141

I've never seen a well adjusted tranny. They're all autogynophilic, terminally online freakshows who spend all their time trying to bully people into using their pronouns and womens toilets

>> No.44303230

>They're all autogynophilic, terminally online freakshows

>> No.44303395

Since you're one of them they're certainly in this thread

>> No.44303468

Ok nigger.

>> No.44303479 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 699x642, 463784009147cd1ea4c9da158538c79a548ddf78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikamee was NEVER harassed. She lied. Journalists debunked it. Stop spreading bullshit.

>> No.44303527

Dude did more shit than the entire kettle general combined. You fags lost. The troons kneel on your throats and you pretend you're winning.

>> No.44303567

Typical gaslighting troon

>> No.44303572
File: 247 KB, 593x583, Troon mocking Pikamee..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you want to defend them and act like those Tweets don't exist, you probably are one yourself. Hang yourself and join the 41%, friend.

>> No.44303656

Very reddit based my friend. Making fun of your obsession doesn't mean I'm defending them I hope you both hang yourselves and become a Bola.

>> No.44303735 [DELETED] 

They are killing themselves in more than one way

>> No.44303761 [DELETED] 

You wanted proof, didn't you?
You are with us or against us, there is no exception. This is a crusade against ALL forms of troon degeneracy and influence, and the goals will be achieved. "Muh both sides" is tacit support of the people who want you dead and your children mutilated and brainwashed.

>> No.44303814

>This is a crusade
You're a faggot on /vt/ there's no way you said that unironically that's so fucking funny.

>> No.44304111 [DELETED] 

Trannies clearly don't understand the hatred they are fomenting right now. If they want to gamble on it only manifesting in mean words escalating (which they think causes tranny death anyway) that's fine, but there have already been laws passed, laws blocked and grooming clinics shut down because of the increased negative attention.

>> No.44304117
File: 842 KB, 971x2480, Screenshot_20230304-025201_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44304204

They will pay for this (literally)

>> No.44304241

No fucking way this is real, and if it was no trannie would do this unironically. Had to be bait where does the link go??

>> No.44304450

child grooming 'charity'

>> No.44304651
File: 40 KB, 577x635, 1657896189733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paragraph 1
>try to pretend Pikamee harassment didn't happen, downplay it and try to dismiss it

>paragraph 2
>whining over 'possible transphobia' in the vtuber community & try to upsell the idea that all trans people everywhere are in very real danger because of some lying nip half-breed biohole

Everybody SEES what you're selling, and NOBODY's buying it.

>> No.44304704
File: 624 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20230303-171828_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give this thing a draino enema

>> No.44304731

This has GOT to be bait, dont feed the trolls, guys!

>> No.44304836


So thisvis where the tranny charity money is going. 4chan adds.

>> No.44304850

I found the roleplaying thread.

>> No.44304852 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 123x100, Rage2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44304854

Oh no, it's actually real. What the actual fuck is wrong with trannies, death to all of them, they are disgusting freaks, they are plights on society..

>> No.44304888

>literally larping as a woman

>> No.44304898

Once the people wake up en masse, they will be in a terrible, terrible position...

>> No.44305067 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 1080x1478, IMG_20230304_161036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dug up a three year old tweet to prove a point

>> No.44305082

Damn, Aurora kinda got a point

>> No.44305084

This thread glows

>> No.44305132


>> No.44305225

If transphobic memes are so lame and impotent why do people get banned for posting them?

>> No.44305254
File: 524 KB, 942x1088, 1677874275627640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think...

>> No.44305331

I've already gauged their reactions, the majority of them honestly don't care cause 'vtuber=pathetic.

>> No.44305375

the percentage of 2viewer troon entubers ia very high.

>> No.44305392

Im actually a pixie sorcerer dumbass.

>> No.44305426

Surely this is a related /vt/ thread and not a veiled /pol/ infestation.

>> No.44305436

shit homie my b

>> No.44305478

you will never be a real fairy

>> No.44305562
File: 505 KB, 2368x861, 9ndp5i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were always here.

>> No.44305597
File: 182 KB, 128x97, ripened-tingle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not until he turns 30

>> No.44305652 [DELETED] 

Typically tranny, always playing the victim.
Newsflash, everyone hates you.

>> No.44305657

Report this to Hiro on twitter, this is defamation.

>> No.44305681

I don't even care to look at your picture. It has a Twitter screenshots, the ultimate evidence of the terminally online loser.

>> No.44305695 [DELETED] 

53% yourself

>> No.44305708

ok naemuti, don't forget to dilate

>> No.44305714 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 700x529, Remember what they took from you..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope troon. I don't even use /pol/

>> No.44305746

How is this /vt/ related? Just the rambling of a weak pathetic husk of a human. At least stick to one thread and keep all your shit there.

>> No.44305752

I'm not allowed on twitter because I said retard :^)

>> No.44305773

Here comes more of the transplaining

>> No.44305791

>mad that there's one less thread promoting their own 2 viewer entwitter account

>> No.44305807

trannies suicide over mean tweets on twitter so if you harass them enough pretty sure some of them will off themselves

>> No.44305818

>le people who complain about the weeds are as bad as the weeds!
get new material bunkerfag

>> No.44305833

Have you seen yourself in a mirror?

>> No.44305834

Lol, they really do be like dat, doe. Even the "good ones" are trying to attention whore and make themselves the main characters. No accountability, even they play the victim and say retarded shit like "I support Pikamee or whatever but you don't have the right to be racist transphobic chudcels"
Faggot, since when the fuck did you have the right to decide what we can't and cannot do, when your "community" COLLECTIVELY attacked and harassed someone as sweet and innocent as Pikamee?

>> No.44305914
File: 133 KB, 555x448, 20230302_080451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I will remind them, over and over, until they are bones

>> No.44305951

No, tranny and /pol/ are the same shit. Trying to play some cultural war (and bring Bad on top of that) shitting in everything and ruinning it.

>> No.44305970
File: 23 KB, 549x151, 20230302_080448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are the real victims here

>> No.44305985

>The trannies are only focused on their self-preservation
And expansion of power, like all ideologies

>> No.44305990

Trannies will use kids just to raise their numbers potentially in order to "normalize" the condition.
They should unironically be lined up against the wall and shot. Every single organization or activists that do that shit should be killed.

>> No.44306012
File: 85 KB, 563x644, 20230302_080308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have incontinence issues with that fence post up your ass

>> No.44306033

>nothing is happening, I wish everyone would just go back to sleep

>> No.44306054

>It must be a super secret subgroup because it can't possibly be a consequence of my actions
>B-but I played no part in it
Shut it, if you were any decent you'd condemn their actions and turn them in. Any less is supporting their movement.
>B-but that's unfair
No. You had the same stance with your harry potter shit and now it's your turn to stand for your brand of morality. Either you are completely in opposition of it, or you are supporting it. No more, no less.

>> No.44306058
File: 266 KB, 1080x2097, 20230304_012919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yaaaawn I'm so sleeeeepy you guys
absolutely semitic

>> No.44306068

>doesn't want them to exist
Boy(?), the cons are at most asking you to not trick children into doing something irreversible while asking you to define what a woman is. But to me, there is nothing better than progressives castrating themselves and their children. Just don't expect me to play pretend with you.

>> No.44306071

Why do you think doubling down on your tired fence sitting rethoric is going to work?
Youve been found out, now crawl back your shitty server.

>> No.44306094

No such thing as transphobia.

>> No.44306113

What is this screenshot trying to prove? Nevermind, don't care. Terminally ilk like yourself that keep screenshots of Twitter in their PC must be lined to the wall.

>> No.44306186

And what are you planning to do? Keep posting screenshots of Twitter? lol
Sane people avoid both groups for a reason.

>> No.44306197 [DELETED] 

Are the tranny mods sleeping? Pikamee threads are illegal

>> No.44306224
File: 222 KB, 1080x1594, 20230304_012759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's showing everyone what we do, I have to convince everyone I'm cooler by making a firing squad reference (despite decrying /pol/ several posts earlier)
oh nonono pikasisters we got too cocky!

>> No.44306280

We all turn into pixies one day Jimbo, its inevitable.

>> No.44306281

Didnt your groomer tell you to not keep replying after breaking the masquerade?
You are wasting efforts and being a liability.

>> No.44306349
File: 31 KB, 1313x304, We will finish the war that they started..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excise troons from your communities.
Tell your family, friends and colleagues that the trannies are grooming and indoctrinating children on school, on the internet, and basically everywhere, talk to them about as much tranny atrocities as possible. Make them HATE trannies.
Boycott tranny commodities do not give them a cent.
Document tranny atrocities as much as you possibly can, and distribute them to your fellow man.
Put up anti-tranny flyers in your city and or town, your best option would be infographics about the dangers of transgenderism in my opinion.
Prevent trannies from grooming children, and by any means necessary.
Do whatever you can to fight the troon menace. Whatever you can....

>> No.44306401

Like I said, every husk of a human that uses Twitter as evidence to prove something must be lined and saved of their own weak, ill and sad mind.

>> No.44306497

The only reason most of you went along with this is because you heard trans people were involved. Had it been any other group you would have trashed and harassed the Harry Potter fans for being stupid like any other year.

It is not even clear that they are trans people in the first place. It's only clear that they repeat some vague slogans about trans people and use that as an excuse for their behavior. Everyone understands this because you can't be that stupid. Even if it were so then you're talking about a fraction of one percent of trans people to justify harassing every trans person you come across.

If you don't admit that you understand this then you're an idiot. If you don't admit that you're just using this as an excuse you're delusional. Have some courage in your convictions to harass people and don't try to "explain it" with all this shitposting.

>> No.44306550
File: 153 KB, 426x448, Fouh4H1XgAAFZK6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the fact that pikamee uses(used, past tense) twitter is completely irrelevant?

>> No.44306594

I accept your concession

>> No.44306602 [DELETED] 

Trannies deserve the rope. All of them. Fucking retards getting groomed into thinking getting a neovag is the solution to all their problems

>> No.44306610
File: 19 KB, 564x454, 1677808099710550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys it's a hecking PSYOP we aren't actually fucking insane

>> No.44306683

You're just making yourself look crazy and proving them right. You are crazy so you will keep doing it and not realize the actual effect. The only reason trashy feminist and race-revisionist games and shows started getting produced was because you guys made it seem like they had a point. Nobody takes things seriously until you make it real.

>> No.44306687 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 389x496, 1677679771173521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44306805
File: 654 KB, 1174x1213, 1677914976807417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't get it, he's just pretending to be a victim blaming tranny in order to get us to hate them more. Daaaamn he really got us huh fellas, what a silly prank

>> No.44306810
File: 236 KB, 713x1023, Saint Tenma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44306811

There is justification, stop being hypocritical, it's a war you started till you concede. Where is the avenue for forgiveness when your ideology is invasive. Do you even realize when you post trying to manipulate truth to fit yourselves, you piss everyone off and the event will never be forgotten?

>> No.44306838

Oh boy here comes the gaslighting

>> No.44306873


>> No.44306987

True evil on display. Mocking and bullying a sweet girl like Pikamee even now, kicking her while she's down and for what? Playing a fucking wizard game? Degenerate tranny retards. If the alternative to being transphobic is to be like those things, I am a very, very proud transphobe. EMBRACE THE TERMS THEY USE AGAINST YOU.

>> No.44307029 [DELETED] 

Damn that's pretty cool of you to just dismiss the whole thing and telling people to just ignore it.
You must be blind, deaf, and mute to ignore an elephant this big.

Or you're a tranny. Honestly that's a lot worse.

>> No.44307054 [DELETED] 

There is a silent majority that lets progressive thought have free reign because people didn't understand the effects. But the future is changing anon, that's why certain people here are sweating. When it all unravels and people wake up from this false pretense of woke culture, they will realize how important values are that indirectly oppose the way you propagate your ideology.
For example, people should be allowed to play the games they want to, without being harassed. The root of the situation has been identified, and you put a target on your backs. What's hard to understand? If you don't want to apologize, step the fuck back, away from /vt/ back to your containment boards.

>> No.44307057
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 20230304_013809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're at least a decade overdue, it never should have gotten this bad
>but not all-
yes, all of them. Then their masters.

>> No.44307127

Inshallah brother. They'll pay the price in Jahannam. May Allah bless us and Pikamee.

>> No.44307203

Why do people use nitter? It's obnoxious since it doesn't keep track of anything, you have to manually type in the username each time. Not the first time I've seen /vt/ seem to use it though

>> No.44307325

Going along with what? Most of us are shitting on the trans movement for good reason, it doesnt matters if those behind it are trannies or not; they enable this dynamic of repeatedly subjecting normal people to "allyship" tests and then hide behind plausible deniability when theres backlash.
Any tranny with morals should be dennouncing the control freaks that made playing the game taboo in the first place.

>> No.44307328 [DELETED] 

I noticed the last pika thread remained up till like 400 replies did the tranny janny finally join the 41% after they apparently got doxxed? One can only hope.

>> No.44307339

Twitter's laggy as fuck, and every account I use try to set up there gets insta-locked and I don't feel like using my phone number. So I use Nitter, I can't participate any way.

>> No.44307406

People were mocking and harrasing her before this. I bet that some of the chuds itt attacked her new model or her content. They are like the tranny just wanting to shift blame.

>> No.44307411
File: 75 KB, 1896x227, 4chan productive hate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

>> No.44307413

I came here to see that. Do you have the link to the thread, or maybe the ghost.me link thing people talk about?

>> No.44307446

[citation needed]

>> No.44307455


When your first response to literally anything is to call for death there's a reason why people don't want to reason with you lmfao.

>> No.44307476
File: 57 KB, 1080x608, 20230304_012353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.44307480

It's around this time that the tranny will start crying because his opinions do not belong here when all his efforts are spitting out lies.
This tranny is honest to god trolling /vt/ and mods are protecting them sadly. Whenever you try to discuss Pikamee with them, it's always a short emotional shut down response.

>> No.44307483

Incredibly based.

>> No.44307516

>the least pedophilic tranny rapes and molests real children

Really makes you think.

>> No.44307535
File: 709 KB, 1594x1518, 8640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>44306987 (You)
>People were mocking and harrasing her before this. I bet that some of the chuds itt attacked her new model or her content. They are like the tranny just wanting to shift blame.

>> No.44307538

Sweet. Thanks.

>> No.44307543

>Never watched Pikamee in their life.

>> No.44307556

Pitfalls of collectivism. Especially groups that make no effort at gatekeeping.

>> No.44307565

no, hell no. Pattern recognition after years upon years has resulted in people hating you. Some of us (myself included) once made the mistake of tolerating you, and look where that got us.

>> No.44307579

My source is: every sane person that follow her before all this shitfest, in which You don't care about her or well being. Just using her name as a bludgeon weapon.

>> No.44307583

>wojacks suddenly infest the board
>i-it's not /pol/ r-really
Neck yourselves.

>> No.44307616

Didn't say that was okay either lmfao. Word of the day is Nuance.

>> No.44307620

troon AND ESL? wowwie!

>> No.44307655

You don't care about her. She is just a excuse for larping and shitposting.

>> No.44307669

there's also this

if all boards had IDs enabled these sorts of posts wouldn't exist

>> No.44307706

>no true scottsman

>> No.44307707

For some reason I don't believe you lmfao.
Also yes first, unnecessary hatred has been here forever now lol.

>> No.44307747 [DELETED] 

Even if he didn't, it doesn't matter. Troons have been infesting and destroying hobbies for years now. Plenty of people have lost something they cared about to this incessant creeping poison. We're merely reaching a tipping point where enough people have been effected that average non political people are starting to take notice.

>> No.44307754 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 354x332, __holo_spice_and_wolf_drawn_by_ayakura_juu__e7f89957d59b9046c30813c47866bc15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a hilarious thing to say when trannies usually love to go on about how every single little fucking thing is LITERALLY KILLING trannies or creating unsafe spaces for them.

>> No.44307784

fucking kill yourself

>> No.44307787

>Thinking that you are trying to change the minds of crowd that is completely 100% toxic cause you make it up in your head.
Anon, I don't want any part of this, but there is no conscious self reflection that the boycott was wrong, or apologies given to the public for trying to manipulate them via media like gaming articles, twitter, social whatever that vilify people wrongly.
I want you to apologize for the tactics that you use, which would laughably bring to light the invasive way you spread. We want to shut down any future possible attempts or avenues you could use to attack others.
I don't speak about killing trannys, I'm the 30% of the crowd who would have never given a flying fuck.
But you are wrong and trying to hide it, you need to be talked down on till you understand what you have done. Let them mob degrade you, but the people's with brains should be doing it too, and the people who stay silent should start talking too.

>> No.44307809

Post something, anything that shows you knew her before all of this. You can't, phony dack shit of shit.

>> No.44307808

Just checked and theres only one
You tried

>> No.44307811

Is this like that time with the wizard game that was literally going to cause a troon holocaust?
Im sick of delusional troons and wish to drive them out of my hobbies, thats it.

>> No.44307812 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 500x500, HogwartsLegacyKillsTransPeopleForReal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44307819

Theres threads on pol retard everybody is beginning to reach T FATIGUE

>> No.44307857

They is no reason for you being here. Return to your containment or finish yourself.

>> No.44307876

They do love their attention served hot huh

>> No.44307884

if I did you'd say it didn't count, so I won't. dilate.

>> No.44307891

And you enable it. Actually, you and the twitter crowd are all alike. You enable each other. You're all the same and more alike than any other groups. Both trans and anons just want to chill but you twitter reactionaries have no chill. We have these repeating cycles now all the time. Why did 4chan because the twitter reaction site? Fuck off, I'm serious.

>> No.44307916
File: 483 KB, 615x450, franzPika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44307929

You're the minority here.

>> No.44307945

4chan mods have been troons for a long, long time. This is an open secret. There was a screenshot of two (literal) tranny jannies ERPing in a Rizon chat with another janny in awe as he was simply trying to do his job. Wish I had the photo still. Also don't forget the "/qa/ lost" post on the now locked /qa/.

>> No.44307947

Nta, but of course, you wouldn't believe him. You all believe you're perpetual victims and that anyone who comes to dislike you because of your actions was simply always a transphobe because you can never accept responsibility. But that's not the case I used to be mostly indifferent about you people really I'd browse /vt/ or other boards and occasionally see the common tranny shitpost or whatever and ignore it and not engage with it. But the beginning of the hogwarts legacy debacle kinda made me question you guys a little bit more, which a lot of you didn't seem to like, and then pika happened, and all bets were off for me. Face the facts you did this to yourselves you turned tons of people who were either supportive or moderate towards you completely against you.

>> No.44307951

>Blind and stupid.
Multiple here and other topics. None of you fags even remotely talk like someone from here either. kys immediately.

>> No.44307977

See? You never care about here. Fucking larper.

>> No.44307989

Go back to your board, trash.

>> No.44308011

They want a keetlegate after gamergate.

>> No.44308032
File: 39 KB, 720x671, 6464641151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This troon seething is off the charts.

>> No.44308046


>> No.44308052

Of course they do. Need some stupid drama to milk for the months to come and this idiots are giving them amno.

>> No.44308077

ofc this shit brought /pol/acks here, but believing they have some sort of pull on any situation in the current time takes a special flavor of retarded

>> No.44308084

It would be a shame if someone had autisticly archived and compiled the whole retarded saga into a google doc.

>> No.44308105

They're the most retarded plebbit subplebbit plebbit has ever seen

>> No.44308113

This, I'm on the same boat
Few years back I was "huh, why not, I have no reason to be against it"
But each year that passed I became more transphobic
I work as an artist and sadly I have to be on twitter everyday, it was just harassment after harassment coming from them, not with me but with everyone around, even with japanese people who has no clue about american mental ills
Those freaks genuine believe they are the true and justice of the world and anyone that thinks otherwise should be punished

I lost the count how many times I saw some big artist say on social media "haha yea trans rights" and then come into the discord later like "Im scared to what might happen to me, I dont want to be called transphobic, I dont wamt to risk my carrer, what if they do something to me"

>> No.44308133

Next thing you'll tell me is they're not the ones spamming these threads.

>> No.44308142

>Not even a reaction image of Pika

>> No.44308160

Sup hews, good to see you here

>> No.44308165

>anonymous larping: the thread

>> No.44308172


>> No.44308233

This is exactly it anon, I'm the same. I also don't want to see all of vtubing in the west be ok with their ideals, since they set and change the narrative on their own to convenience themselves. Nothing is scientifically ground or to a standard, it's literally make shit up, society please accept it. Discrimination I can understand, so why the fuck did they use a discrimination campaign through gaming? Now they want to protect all of their community while not calling out how wrong they were in the first place. They won't apologize, they don't want to appear weak. So be it then.

>> No.44308249

>hating troons is a larp
that's some magical thinking, almost as bad as thinking people buying a video game will make you die

>> No.44308263

Actually yes, this board has one as a janny!

>> No.44308274


>> No.44308284 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 841x1000, 1615745823353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All trannies do is gaslight, kill themselves and lie.

>> No.44308318

They shouldn't even try, they won't come off on top if this spreads in a public limelight. The chain of events do not support their side, it will just reveal how they went out of their way to harass vtubers and that people actively retaliated.

>> No.44308356

Next thing YOU tell me you're not some fucking larper from the other retard corner thinking that mentioning /pol/ is enough to bring people here to your side. That tactic is exhausting itself, try something new.

>> No.44308368

>wizard game and anime girl are bad
>stop making everything political
Do a flip.

>> No.44308382

>we're fans of pikamee! really!
>we're not from /pol/!

>> No.44308385

I kept warning people how gamergate was going to go down and they didn't listen. Before gamergate nobody took feminists seriously, it's was just theoretical bla bla bla Mario saves the princess which is subtly undermining the capable Peach. Gamergate made the ghost stories by feminists a reality. It made companies react and lines drawn against gamers. It caused all of the stream of terrible games made to make a point. The image of gamers went from chilled out and accepting but misunderstood group to a bunch of incels. And nobody cares about ethics of game journalism today any more than they did ten years ago either. Let's see if this ends up ruining more stuff.

>> No.44308406

Oh hi, Hews. Didn't know you go to these threads.

>> No.44308408

You fags are far too obvious every time you put this garbage in the catalog. Neck yourself.

>> No.44308409

>randomly click a random link labeled "NSFL"
>it's literally some insane transphobe posting gore
Nice "harassment against your streamers" you have here

>> No.44308455

>it's a psyop
get new material

>> No.44308478 [DELETED] 

>MUH /POL/ BOOGEYMAN!!!!!!1111
Lol, troons really trying hard on this fine morning. /pol/ aren't the ones abusing their power and deleting posts randomly. It's jannies who are sympathetic to trannies, or are trannies themselves. Almost certainly the latter.

>> No.44308486

>can't be both
sorry, this isn't reddit where you can be banned for using the wrong boards

>> No.44308507

It's not a psyop, it's literally someone just going on an insane rant against trans people and posting gore. https://archive ph/LyW0m

Just copying and pasting a fuckton of links hoping nobody will click them isn't a winning strategy, chud.

>> No.44308523

Nice mask slip, faggot.

>> No.44308532

Their narrative has shifted to justifications to why it's ok to bully Pikamee because they can't cover it up.

>> No.44308537

oomfies, there goes the masquerade

>> No.44308550 [DELETED] 

>retard continues to raid /vt/

>> No.44308556

It's always dumb /pol/ shit though. Not your personal army, and if you did post here why not go after the /here/ actual trans chuubas? I know, it's because you don't know who they are.

>> No.44308560

god i want to beat the shit out of a troon these days, but there is no troons living in my shithole

>> No.44308565

Hello, Emilu Leighton

>> No.44308576

that's not gore that's a beautiful woman you fucking bigot

>> No.44308608

can't be that much of a shithole then.

>> No.44308609

Fuck you faggot tranny. If the alternative option to being a transphobe is being an autogynephillic pedophile who grooms girls and boys into permanently destroying their bodies, I am a transphobe, and any sensible person is. When we win, you degenerate satanist troons won't even have your birth name on your tombstone, because you're not going to be fucking getting one at all.

>> No.44308612
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Based post, based Chen pic

>> No.44308613

Do you think the trans people posting here talking about rights or how they won or whatever are like actual trans people or just the discord crowd or trolls or what? I guess they could be kids. It's crazy that I see this and think there's no way that's genuine, but it's not like this place isnt a mess of children and reddit rejects and whatever now

>> No.44308619

Now that's an axe wound. I want to burn my eyes please.

>> No.44308633

>shits all over the carpet while parading the troon flag along the way
Should have policed your twitter circus better.

>> No.44308658

>shitposting on 4chan is the same as massive targeted campaign organized on one of the biggest social network
ok retard

>> No.44308685

Troon discord is real. IRRV there is an janny protects them, which got dox either yesterday or last night.

>> No.44308721 [DELETED] 

You are a little, sad, probably brown, man; who keeps copypasting the same words that some little, sad and certainly brown man teach you to repeat like a parrot in your containment aka /pol/

>> No.44308726

I would like to know what it is, so I can report it for distribution of child pornography

>> No.44308744

When you an hero make sure to film it so your family can upload it later

>> No.44308754

>posts like /pol/faggot
>cries when called out
What a little bitch.

>> No.44308765 [DELETED] 

>actual trans people or just the discord crowd
They're the same. Tranny discords control this site nowadays at the behest of the jannies, just look at /v/ and /gif/. Some troon probably stumbled across this thread and is sending in all of xer 'cord sisters to battle against the heckin' evil chudcels.

>> No.44308764

>bashes /pol/
>but brings up skin tone
I realize trannies aren't known for their logical consistency, but really?

>> No.44308777

I just assume at least half of the posters in this place are bots

>> No.44308799

what happened to gif?

>> No.44308806

I think hes calling him a SEA while saying hes from /pol/?

>> No.44308807
File: 45 KB, 810x237, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to tell them they're beautiful when they have an unholy tentacle full of stitches, blood and shit bursting forth from their abdomen

>> No.44308810


>> No.44308813

There is no way this shit does not turn into a Vtubergate.

>> No.44308826


>> No.44308841 [DELETED] 
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Lying troon

>> No.44308850

>Everything would have stayed the same and never change if you just ignored the obvious wave of change
What a lazy midwit take

>> No.44308857

Nta but I literally just started browsing /pol/ because of all this shit I've been in /vt/ for around a year+ now, I don't know any of the trans tubers because I don't watch them.

>> No.44308877 [DELETED] 

And they think that's gonna work? Doxx stuffs are everywhere now, including janny/mod that keep protecting them.
Mod doxx on twitter is already 10k likes now.

>> No.44308879 [DELETED] 

>They're the same. Tranny discords control this site nowadays
i guess that's just power for, uh, power's sake? 4chan was perceived as right wing i guess so they want it and want to take it and have it be their thing just to own people or something?

>> No.44308880

Are you retarded?

>> No.44308890
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Consider killing yourself.

>> No.44308891

nobody else does either lmoa

>> No.44308909 [DELETED] 

Everyone should act like SourGrape on troons

>> No.44308923

>mask slip

Go pump up those numbers, groomer

>> No.44308928
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>> No.44308937

Go back to /pol/. You fags aren't going to find an army here.

>> No.44308951 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 900x1226, Captionedimage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support trannies genocide !
Join the cause !

>> No.44308956 [DELETED] 

Subversion is the MO for marxists of all types, yes. Hiroshimoot doesn't vet properly, and before you know it the only staff being taken in are troons, because they're the ones running the asylum

>> No.44308967

You are absolutely retarded. Gamergate was going to happen regardless of opposition, it was simply the result of universities shitting out radicalized graduates into game companies/journalism/etc.

>> No.44308988

/pol/ is far more saturated on the site than you "people".

>> No.44309004

And tumblr containment breach cycle reaching maturity.*

>> No.44309007

You retards are so sensitive and paranoid. It's a wonder you can function.

>> No.44309015

That's too generous Anon.

>> No.44309029 [DELETED] 

Did you unironically believe Amerimutt trannyggers have objective views on anything? They always only attack an "enemy like" person without any research or evidence. Amerimutt Trannirs s are completely mentally ill bugbots and all Amerimutt bugs allow them to do it.

>> No.44309034

>. Hiroshimoot doesn't vet properly
that's a huge problem with being japanese i think. they're so easy to trick just because of how our cultures work, i think. it's probably how they got away, continue to get away with destroying the anime and manga stuff

>> No.44309049

>I-it's troons. It's always troons.
Nobody likes you faggots either. kys

>> No.44309056

Blacked posting and sissification mainly. They frequently use the same shit on other boards to 'own the chuds'.
Surprised this shit hasn't gotten them blacked posting /vt/ yet.

>> No.44309071

/pol/ is the most self-hating board in this forsaken forum. The proability of guessing someone skin color as brown as correct is very high

>> No.44309106

what's blacked posting? i apologize for being so out of the loop

>> No.44309112

>so sensitive and paranoid
>"I'm going to kill myself because I was called sir"

>> No.44309124

They think they control the board, but it will happen if current event gets out of their hands.

>> No.44309150

interracial pornography, the semite poison of choice

>> No.44309152

3dpd porn of black men fucking white women.

>> No.44309158

. >>44309049

>> No.44309193

blacked is a race mixing porn site, so white girls getting fucked by niggers, mostly anally
I think you can figure it out from there

>> No.44309212

Hiroshimoot would sell all the info of this site of someone offer him a good buck. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.44309222

you're the only person here complaining. You are the minority.

>> No.44309232

You /pol/fags sure are obsessed with it.

>> No.44309250


>> No.44309252

No trans people were harassed as a result, it was all a gayop by men in dresses to garner sympathy. In fact some of them were going to minecraft before all of that.

>> No.44309274

Is that what the voices in your head are telling you? Going to samefag again?

>> No.44309301

Jeez this hits close to home for me. Sometimes I don't even want to do art anymore cause I feel like I am constantly walking on egg shells and every artist is see and follower I gain has buzzwords, flags and pronouns, in their bio. Why does everyone have to be so Zealous? I just want to draw and watch Vtubers. They've ruined everything else.

>> No.44309306

are you one of the trans people who hate the people who post here hate 4chan or whatever? i'm down for your perspective on what you're doing here or why you'd want to be here or whatever

>> No.44309311 [DELETED] 

Ill just vote against trans rights i live in a purple state

>> No.44309316

They openly admit to doing it.
It would be interesting to see what this board's reaction would be.

>> No.44309320

just a tired coomer who wants to crank his hog in peace on /gif/ after getting riled up by stupid sexy chuubas

>> No.44309328

Seems that Altemeyer overlooked that trait when describing the RWA.

>> No.44309361

I've been searching fucking everywhere to see this so called harassment, it's fucking nowhere. There's nothing in the big kiwifarms thread, nothing in that huge pastebin some retard made. Just because someone says they don't like what you are doing doesn't mean they're harassing you.

>> No.44309365

Not to mention that even if it was somehow true that GG pushed wokeshit into the mainstream it would have still happened when Trump was elected and lefties lost their minds regardless.

>> No.44309374

That would be funny way of giving them a taste of their own medicine. Just deny all the harassment they now receive as a psyop to make it look like they're being harassed.

>> No.44309389

I hate chuds and tranny alike, because I hate this cultural war bullshit.

>> No.44309416

>it's always troons
No. Just hate you faggots flooding this bored with your garbage. This is /vt/ not /pol/.

>> No.44309459

He sure makes up for it with quantity though

>> No.44309491

Keep samefagging.

>> No.44309503 [DELETED] 

TOTAL TROON DEATH! Fight back brothers!

>> No.44309564
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>they do not care about Pikamee or her fans, only themselves
>All of them are the enemy, every single one
Just like you. All you /pol/fags want to use her corpse to harrass more innocent people. You subhumans are as much enemies as the twitter schizos.

>> No.44309587

>Not a new IP
/pol/ retards.

>> No.44309643 [DELETED] 

Idiot, I just got back after being banned from 24 hours.
Still fuck you troons, die a painful death.

>> No.44309651

i have a trans friend who is a vtuber, good person but holy fuck these ones that are on twitter are the worst, good thing he doesn't like them either

>> No.44309693

You're not going to find an army here. kys, retard.

>> No.44309704 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 516x434, 1676545727466639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cuck meidos. Your ban should have been a lot longer

>> No.44309711 [DELETED] 

biggest irony here is that these people will back you up if you're a tranny sending death threats, harassing and doxxing people for playing a game BUT if you're a tranny with the opinion that backing these people up is wrong you're called a traitor and is ostracized from the community. just the way they're acting and behaving is fucking vile.

>> No.44309768

god i hope not. they’re gross.
