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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44281519 No.44281519 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.44281644

Why does her head look inflated here?

>> No.44281678

>it's ok when a holo says it

>> No.44281680

High IQ

>> No.44282827
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This is good, (Those) are not

>> No.44282939

i miss when shit like ranma could be shown and not given allegories to you know what

>> No.44283053

She just means if you get access to a magic wand, turn into a real girl, not cut off your dick and pretend to be one

>> No.44283186

you have tranny anime this season

see this

>> No.44283254

>you have tranny anime this season
have you ever considered that not everything is a tranny?

>> No.44283594

am already a girl now date me suichan

>> No.44283664

>tranny anime
I am mega straight and whatever gets my dick hard can only be identified as a woman

>> No.44283726

>tranny anime
neck yourself retard

>> No.44283839

>burgers once again relating everything that plays on genders as tranny allegories

>> No.44283909
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trannies ruin everything they touch, starting with themselves
I can't wait for this fad to die out like bronies and furries
I am also afraid of what comes next

>> No.44284271

>gender-bending is considered tranny shit now

what the fuck happened to 4chan. Literally just /pol/tards and twitter tourists fucking christ

>> No.44284523

people don't understand R63...

>> No.44284677

>twitter tourists
Only this board

>> No.44284735

I haven't seen that anime but from the synopsis it's about a guy being actually transformed into a girl by magical/sci-fi means against his will. It's not at all the same as men LARPing as women in real life.

>> No.44284878

we should quarantine America from the rest of the internet

>> No.44284955

>I am also afraid of what comes next
Religious belief will violently spike as people hop back on the megachurch bandwagon.

>> No.44284987

Genderbender anime have been around for decades now, you fucking retard.

>> No.44285052
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Males are obsolete
Think about it. Males are a disposable mutation with the Y chromosome, whereas femaIes are the real compIete humans. Now that there are machines to do labor that males would do, and there's so much sperm in sperm banks, why should we keep males? They are more violent, rapists, and they start all the wars and are the source of most human suffering.
I think we should get rid of males completely, or if we're going to keep them around we should use genetics to make them small and cute, sort of like pets to own. They'd be much better that way and much more safe.
What do you think femanons? Let's build paradise.

>> No.44285229
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>> No.44285353
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Ranma was ALWAYS transgender propaganda
From the first chapter

>> No.44286147

you will never be a troll

>> No.44286768

It's alright. When i'm wearing a skirt...i'm a girl!

>> No.44286973

Are you scottish?

>> No.44287724


>> No.44287927

Every genderbend anime got copyright by trannie and people wonder why nobody like them.

>> No.44288299

ironically, I wouldn't be surprised if the Internet as a whole, is shattered into Country-specific Splinternets in the future to better control their respective population, that would make enjoying Chuuba's really hard so I hope it's just a theory

>> No.44289016

>americans stuck with twitch vthots
why even live

>> No.44290879
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>> No.44293094


>> No.44293557

genderbend = gender change
transgender = change gender

The terms literally mean the exact same thing, they've just come from different origins.

A story about some guy with a mental illness that makes him get surgery to become a woman is just as much a genderbend story as a story about some guy who has a magic spell cast on him to turn him into a woman. Similarly, both are also tranny stories.

Just because you have a hate-boner for real life trannies doesn't mean the fictional ones get to pretend they're not

>> No.44293736

>first = woman
>second = will never be a woman

>> No.44293832

It's called hair, baldy.

>> No.44294062

Don't come here complaining when you cut your dick off because anime said it's okay.

>> No.44296232
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>Can actually become a man or woman instead of just mutilating themself
Seethe forever trannies.

>> No.44296857 [DELETED] 

LGTV niggers trying to steal anime culture. Tale old as time.

>Body swapping

All of those things were and are part of the anime culture. If you think they are part of the LGTV niggers, then you have been lied to. These fucking retards are already trying to infest vtubing, and I can guarantee that in a few years they will steal the concept of idols and call it "queer empowering".

>> No.44297095

take your meds lol

>> No.44298074

Daily reminder that this stance means that once technological progress passes a certain threshold you will have to consider a transgender girl a woman.

>> No.44299138

And? No really, what is your point? If they could actually fully change they wouldn't even identify as trannies, they'd just go by what they actually are at that point. And its more likely that eventually science will end this shit forever by simply making sure everyone is born with the body that matches their brain.

>> No.44299679

Some people are bothered by the idea that transgenderism is not really wrong on a conceptual/philosophical level, but that some forms it takes currently are simply repulsive to them. If you're not among them, that's good! I think maintaining that fundamentalist stance while being accepting of stuff like genderbender anime requires a measure of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.44299827
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I think she meant the Otoko… not the trans audience.

>> No.44299862

Trannies ruined traps, femboys and gender bend by mixing it up with a Tumblr-tier social justice activist movement to validate mentally ill freaks.
The second it became coopted by the sort of people who like to use the word bigot, and who are obsessed with acting on behalf of what they see as margarinalised groups is the second it died.

>> No.44299876

Everyone will just choose to become dragons or something at that point. Transgenders don't make sense as a concept.

>> No.44299929

Those are just transdragon.
I think I could be transdragon...

>> No.44299970

doesnt he eventually accept being a girl eventually and begin enjoying it more than being a man?
seems like a troon to me...

>> No.44300026

Transgenderism is a very particular Western model of gender ideology. Japan having another show about genderbend (which has been a thing since Kashimashi or before) is not supporting your western genital butchery and experimental drug usage.

>> No.44300111
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One of the biggest VTubers in the literal 1st ERA was a babiniku you ABSOLUTE NEWFAG

>> No.44300208

Either way it’s not like you’ll ever be a woman anyway so you may as well just cut to the chase and 41% yourself already

>> No.44300209

Yeah but she has a womb and a working vagina. Not in inverted, mutilated penis. He use to be some shitty 20 something NEET before, now she enjoys being groomed as a cute girl.

>> No.44300229

That concept existed before the concept of trans became mainstream. Westerners really are the joke of the world.

>> No.44300298

This insult doesn't really work if you're not talking to a tranny. I'm just a dude.

>> No.44300307

She's pro trannies nice!

>> No.44300306

Oh hey, I've seen this kind of opinion on that imageboard for women, crystal cafe (you can Google it for the URL).
It's like 4chan for women, and men are banned on sight.

>> No.44300391

This: >>44283053
Don't be retarded. Chopping your dick off and stuffing your face with hormones won't turn you into a woman.

>> No.44300585

>Becomes a biological woman via supernatural means and mentally mesuochi into an actual female
>Being groomed/gaslit into thinking you're a femoid then proceed to cut your own dick off
Not so similar is it now

>> No.44300598

By the time we achieve something as miraculous as complete restructuring of the human body at a generic and molecular level, such concerns will be behind us.

>> No.44300718

If that ever happened, we'd have cat girls. So I'd be OK with it.

>> No.44300728

Too bad still wouldn't be turned on by self righteous insufferable retards
That technology will only benefit femboys and tomboys

>> No.44300736
File: 165 KB, 1574x879, 364F9EFB-F946-4272-B9F3-EA84748769BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you. And will always be you!

>> No.44302378

You faggots are mindrotten by /pol/.
She was talking in the context of wanting more female audience, since the gender-gap between male-female is big. So, that's why she said "if you are a boy, please turn into a girl", because she wanted more female audience.

>> No.44302472

Why use that when Ranma 1/2 is the even more recognizable series

>> No.44302504

Sure thing Yujiro

>> No.44302549

By then we'd have sexbots and I wouldn't have to care what other people do to their penises.

>> No.44302692

With the current advancement of AI, I can't wait for the third gen Autoblow A.I.™
By then women will be irrelevant let alone troons

>> No.44302724

i hate that this also makes for a good doujin plot

>> No.44302787


>> No.44303056

Women will be obsolete as soon as robot waifus with artificial wombs enter the market

>> No.44303325

It's at least every board starting with v

>> No.44304740

The whole point is that being a girl would magically improve your life in every way

>> No.44304968
File: 22 KB, 367x273, pekodied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that she is just joking like >>44302378 said. But there will be some tranny who will unironically believe this. Those people aren't known for their mental acuity and is always desperate for any validation for their horrific existence.

>> No.44306822

>implying the internet is controlled by countries, not corporations.
The whole troon shit was instigated by warner to hype their game and it works like a charm. No way they gonna stop that.

>> No.44308920
File: 410 KB, 1577x2400, towa18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, everybody should be like towa

>> No.44309339

>can't turn myself into a girl with anime plot devices
Life is disappointing.

>> No.44309535

Not even remotely the same thing. His entire shtick was that he, in his own words, was just some old dude using a loli foxgirl avatar. Nekomasu never pretended it was anything more than a fetish and was a super chill dude, not some mentally ill tranny sperging and shitting all over everything everywhere.

>> No.44312120

Is Suisei afraid to be with men like Noel or something? Is this why she's saying that? What is the real context on this.

>> No.44312192

Ah I see thanks for the correct context.

>> No.44312238
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>> No.44312240

What's wrong with a male audience?

>> No.44312389

If that's what you understood, you are dumb as rocks or want to stir shit.

>> No.44312419

That didn't answer the question.

>> No.44312520

Suisei was talking about Your Name in this context right? Actually is the movie an insult to trannies because body swapping isn't in accordance to their terms?

>> No.44312623

Her audeience stats are mostly men nd she wanted more female fans. Likely thinking female fans like her more for talent instead of wanting to fuck her.

This is the same girl who had Cover remove her juggle physics from her 3D model after people talked about her boobs instead of her music.

>> No.44312698

Miko gave her so much lesbian sex that now she's advocating for troonery.

>> No.44312766

They start from whether or not they want to find something to be offended by and then dig into the technicalities to find fault, otherwise they consider it representation and undeniable support of their cause.
They even claim joke okama characters to be representation if they like the thing they're included in and nobody told them to be offended by that particular character yet.

>> No.44312899

Reminder that trap is a slur because it reminds them that they can't pass.

>> No.44312939

Yeah makes sense, the funny thing is none of them speak Japanese so I don't see how they will gather information because every situation requires translation thus reviewing context.

>> No.44313076
File: 2.55 MB, 498x498, gosegu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>males are obso-
*punches you in the jaw*
*strangles you to death with zero feasible resistance*

>> No.44313310

Oh so this is what she meant

>> No.44313377

Body transformation and body swapping must really get to them because of how easy it is in anime right?

>> No.44313425

I see you enjoy sci fi as well anon, cool.

>> No.44313642

Unlikely, because at that stage we'd have the technology to fix the neural / psychological trauma that causes people's brains to make them want to be girls in the first place.

Actually, I just remembered reading about an anti-psychotic drug had this effect on such people. Their dysmorpic thoughts were greatly reduced. Hmm

>> No.44313730

I refuse to believe this is not trolling.

>> No.44314296

Honestly at this point Suisei just need to graduate and become another generic jp idol. She become as far from vtuber activity as I am

>> No.44314520

You mena like the original vtubers who didn't stream and focused on big events?

>> No.44314540

Honestly you have no idea how hard she has worked to achieve what she has, and you should fully commit to necking yourself.

>> No.44314613

Youjo Senki isn't a tranny anime, faggot.

>> No.44314750

I have to agree this would be the most likely direction our current rate of medical science will shift towards.
There's a better chance of having a cybernetic penis or vag than an organically compatible counterpart.

>> No.44314875
File: 65 KB, 194x259, 1676635010706869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced to become a girl
>forced to wear girly clothes
>peak trans experience

>> No.44315051

Shitty new haircut. I hate it.

>> No.44315495

Wtf I love Suisei now

>> No.44315533

Anime always trans safe space
Vive la trans

>> No.44315711

last time i talked about transformer on anime circle they bullied me with their gundam, it's not safe

>> No.44316606

>Cinderella does nothing but wait
Isn't that sexist?

>> No.44316928

That makes the people getting these dangerous surgeries even dumber. In the far future I'd hope people wouldn't make being a catgirl some ideology unironically.
