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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 380 KB, 1600x900, Pikamee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44273284 No.44273284 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand. Why are all Pikamee threads getting deleted? we were just discussing about a current controversy with a vtuber, is that not on-topic?

Did THEY invade this place too? is 4chan not a safe place anymore?

>> No.44273399

They are everywhere.

>> No.44273462

Yes, at least one of the jannies is one of these things

>> No.44273469

>is 4chan not a safe place anymore?

>> No.44273488

Tankie discord trannies love to become jannies.

>> No.44273495
File: 1.73 MB, 1382x2048, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44273551

4chan wants to become an ESG company, what better way than to put token hires to moderate the most schizo board.

>> No.44273567

Well yah. They've pretty much invaded everyone's space
>ads will not contain political imagery
There is no safe space.

>> No.44273636

did you not see the ghostbin?

>> No.44273650

Literally the only reasons why 4chan can stay online and 4channel isn’t blocked in countries that block 4chan is because they still have a moderation that prevent call to raids, doxx and harassment campaigns. I think mods are afraid that this becomes a gamer gate 2.0 which would be bad for many reasons.

>is 4chan not a safe place anymore?
4chan was never a safe place. Literally any request from the FBI or DOJ is automatically fulfilled (this is more than Twitter, who have denied FBI requests in the past. Thanks Elon for the twitter files)

>> No.44273680

The most logical reason I can think of is that with what's happened, Pikamee threads are full of so much shitflinging, baiting, and flaming, even by /vt/ standards.

>> No.44273691

Total Tranny Death, lets make that 41 a 100.

>> No.44273744
File: 122 KB, 336x336, 1622184616851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No place is safe until you clean it up

>> No.44273745

Yeah, they all became jannies it's not a surprise those freaks always like to put themselves in positions of power to control others. Reddit, twitch, discord mods, and jannies. It's always the same people. It's important that we don't stop talking about it so they can't just brush it all under the fucking rug.

>> No.44273881

there needs to be a word or phrase for the feeling narcissists and borderlines get when exerting power over others, like dupers delight

>> No.44273986

Tranny Jannies are a thing because they love having control over discourse.

>> No.44274075
File: 69 KB, 680x700, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only do they love power, but they are unemployable so they have all the free time in the world. THEY DO IT FOR FREE!

>> No.44274102
File: 114 KB, 640x360, kill yourself, immediately.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full of so much shitflinging, baiting, and flaming, even by /vt/ standards.
it must make /vpol/ tourists and raidniggers seethe to actually see an attempt at something resembling moderation on a board for once and not just a toxic waste dump to piss in

>> No.44274145

posts about Pikamee stay up, but the discussion inevitably spirals out into /pol/ over time

>> No.44274169

Cancer is spreading. That's the very nature of cancer.

>> No.44274175

Holo board. Her graduation is irrelevant.

>> No.44274176
File: 993 KB, 1000x750, pikamee making 41 precent look like a joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, Pikamee is off topic. She angered the troons thus anything related to a Vtuber bullied by hairy mentally ill men is off topic
Troon Janny is getting triggered and running damage control. Faggot is even running damage control on other boards since his posts are rather identifiable

No, legitimately that's the entire reason. We're not allowed to even mention her anymore
I'm probably getting another ban from that troon

>> No.44274194

>actually giving a good faith answer
anon the OP is literally a /pol/nigger "subtly" attempting to get that kind of discussion

>> No.44274224

>toxic dumping ground
Cool, are they going to take down the pikamee terf ad then?

>> No.44274273

Because we don't need 20 threads to discuss and say the same shit over and over again.

>> No.44274275

>something resembling moderation
Anon, he leaves them up and tries to damage control and deletes shit when people don't drink his faggoty coolaid.

>> No.44274294


>> No.44274312

Look behind you. Dumb nigger.

>> No.44274318

>Thread making fun of HoloEN ups for hours.
>Thread making fun of NijiEN ups for days.
>Thread making fun of TEMPUS deleted on sight. (Except for Vesper since he doesn't support the cause)
Gee I wonder why?

>> No.44274328

as soon as you faggots leave, sure. theyre literally "your" guys ads. Or are you really that simple to think someone is advertising on 4chan legitimately trying to "own" you guys instead of what is the worlds worst falseflag to upset retards that cant think for themselves?

>> No.44274380

I wonder if you could have an unmolested pikamee threat on /vip/

>> No.44274426

Guys I might need some ACK reaction images for my folder. I never thought I'd ever NEED them.

>> No.44274452

transisters, its those alt-right trolls falseflagging again...

>> No.44274470

Even /pol/ is deleting them.
What's forbidden is "outrage" that's natural, that we feel and express without guidance.

>> No.44274479

Ah, instead of owning up you just say falseflag
So which is it
I'm getting mixed messages here
OP is /pol/?
Mod is /pol/?
OP is trans?
Mod is trans?
Because to me, them having that ad up is all I need to know about the jannies here

>> No.44274483

Pikamee forever

>> No.44274519

They're so entrenched in their secret sock puppet accounts they even started sucking dick and writing gay fanfiction.

>> No.44274525

These "people" are the worst fucking scum. I don't think I've ever hated a group as much as them.

>> No.44274530
File: 249 KB, 455x356, Madamhhooo.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamergate 2.0 is going to happen, the attitude of T allies and the discourse and atmosphere around them is exactly the same as the SJW push in video games was before GG hit. Metokur is fucking dead and nobody I know has his charisma or the ability to break ground as well but the pot is boiling and it'll only take one major point of collusion to be exposed for it to flow over completely. That much is evidenced when even something as relatively low and tangentially related as Pikamee can cause such a volatile reaction, wait until a bigger story hits on a more mainstream product that people feel justified to bandwagon on.
Most we can hope for is that the JP companies still force their employees not to fuck with politics, vtubing might actually get a second wave in popularity when jaded people from both sides look for a non-political entertainment alternative to get away from the shitflinging.

>> No.44274555

>why arent you owning up to that thing you didnt do??
OP is pol, the ad is pol. neither is trans, but you can go ahead and kill yourself like one.

>> No.44274581

Is it true that the janny tranny who's been deleting them have been doxxed?

>> No.44274585

You know why.
