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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44140721 No.44140721 [Reply] [Original]

This is why you never pander to EOPs. They are like scorpions. They will kill you at a moment's notice. No remorse. No empathy. No sense of community. Only destruction and blind hatred.

>> No.44140772

do not group me with (them)

>> No.44140790


>> No.44140801

meanwhile the japanese guys have an entire website dedicated to forbidden information

>> No.44140826 [DELETED] 

Shut up, tranny. It's your fault and your fault alone

>> No.44140845
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>> No.44140846

>No remorse. No empathy. No sense of community. Only destruction and blind hatred.
Consolation prize: The backlash against the people who did this will prove that you are right.

>> No.44140953

agreed, she should have learned Indonesian and pander to us

>> No.44141032

The English language is a mind virus that makes you braindead if you speak it too much

>> No.44141057

You're right but not even EOPs knew who Pikamee was. These were Twitter tranny tourists. They were uninvolved with the VTuber community. They're parasites to the highest order. Unwanted. A Menace. A Scourge. Vermin. You name it.

>> No.44141071

Imagine if she's back as a big corpo in few months.n

>> No.44141133 [DELETED] 

troon spotted >>44140845

>> No.44141390

Big corpo would force her to bend the knee to these degenerates and continue getting harassed like Coco. I doubt she would allow herself to be in that position considering she would rather quit streaming rather than apologize to them.

>> No.44141447

The problem is that the japanese are scorpions too. Humanity is fucked up man...

>> No.44141454

kys don't insult scorpions they're cool

>> No.44141513 [DELETED] 

Never pander to trannies or other sjw freaks

>> No.44141543

I hope she reincarnates as a loli and filters the fuck out of them.

>> No.44141603

''now pikamee's fans will be transphobic!'' said the scorpion

>> No.44141682 [DELETED] 


>> No.44141762

>it's a furry
Of fucking course it is.

>> No.44141773

I don't have to worry about tranny scorpions, they have no prick left.

>> No.44141825

>This is why you never pander to EOPs.
There's a difference between the youtube crowd and twitch crowd. If anything I'm amazed it took this long for the audience she cultivated to turn on her. Interacting this much with Vshojo and the cancerous western indies caused this.
Meanwhile look at Mori. She could literally spout racial slurs on stream and absolutely nothing would happen to her.

>> No.44141884

i saw that one back in early feb

>> No.44141931

>At least @ me next time, cuck
>Limit replies
God these people are fucking losers

>> No.44141985

>i will say it to your face
>limits replies.

Day of the neutering when?

>> No.44141986

Not nearly enough to harm their activism.
Dont be like a tranny and face reality anon.

>> No.44141991 [DELETED] 
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gradually, I began to hate them.

>> No.44142050


>> No.44142055

Can't wait until this pathetic fuckwit tries to comment on it. "There was no harassment at all". He's a washed up joke

>> No.44142075

We haven't even hit the 24 hour mark yet Anon. A lot of people are still in the denial phase.

>> No.44142077 [DELETED] 

This is why you never pander to Twitch trannies, you mean

>> No.44142094


>> No.44142118

>forbidden information
Please leave the internet for a bit and explain this to your family so you can have a normalfags explanation on why you sound ridiculous

>> No.44142132

"We're not the ones bullying people!"

>> No.44142136


>> No.44142148
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>I'm so fucking badass
>disables replies

>> No.44142198

I tried explaining and they just nodded and said "They're like the Nazis!"

>> No.44142208

>gets harassed daily
>harasses others
Why do this?

>> No.44142235


>> No.44142246

Salary men turned CEO's are the biggest leechers there are dude. Their entire hierarchy is based in working their employees like sugarcane plantation niggers and scam the employees for all their work and ideas. The bosses are constantly abusing copyright laws and the nippon honor system toward elders so that they have to stay quiet while some decrepit boomer rips you off your compensation.

Think Stan Lee but with inhumane work schedules and worse pay.

>> No.44142257 [DELETED] 

This has to be a false flag. Trannies cannot be this retarded as to make people hate them in an effort to promote "trans rights." This is the opposite outcome they should want.

>> No.44142267

agreed, Anon, those fucking EOP weirdos don't represent us. Jesus fucking christ those EOP terminal onlines need to log off

>> No.44142307


>> No.44142356

Bittersweet ending: Earth lost 90% population after defeating the leader.

>> No.44142378 [DELETED] 

It's funny how sympathetic I was to trannies a few years ago
I had tranny friends, I'd interact with trannies every week

Then they have a few self-destructive meltdowns and one of them lights himself on fire in portland and kills himself while everyone is lying and saying it was political statement for the cause and I just left that entire part of me in the past.

No matter how much sympathy you have for a mentally unwell person, it will never help them, you are just patting yourself on the back saying you are good for being inclusive until their unhinged tendencies actually create drama for you.

>> No.44142416

>Trannies cannot be this retarded
Prepare to be surprised.

>> No.44142429

They can only get aroused from sadomasochism, that's why they crave any attention they can get and they actively seek to want people to hurt them.

>> No.44142465

It's a furry dude. There's a reason the internet collectively hated them for more than a decade. They really are like that. And the vast majority of them are trooning out.

>> No.44142466

So you explained to your family that it's problematic that you or other people know what a voice actress looks like because it will ruin the headcanon you have created for your parasocial relationship?

>> No.44142469

Walt Disney then?

>> No.44142549
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>> No.44142555

from an outsider's point of view it must seem really weird how obsessively vtuber fans worship their oshis.
like imagine reading about a niche online entertainment market where a popular entertainer announces that she's quitting and thousands of people go "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR DOING THIS, I'LL GO TO WAR FOR YOU"
is this how it is to be inside a kpop stan circle? (or whatever they're called)

>> No.44142602

based, scorpions are fucking awesome

>> No.44142606

What the fuck is pan+demi

>> No.44142624

Based, I should get adopted by that guy's family. They understand.

>> No.44142638 [DELETED] 

Same. I used to be broadly pro-trans because lolbertarian, but after a certain point I realized that the freaks were the norm and not the outlier. Maybe there is some minority of trans people who genuinely do need the treatment, but the majority are Chris-Chan tier freaks who should not be accommodated on any level.

>> No.44142641

Nintendo is already trying to be the next Disney and considering they are just as cut throat, they might just make it.

>> No.44142649

Anon, she graduated to join Vshojo.

>> No.44142693
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>> No.44142716

stans by definition are not human

>> No.44142733

It has nothing to do with "parasocial relationships", I just don't want to look at fat chicks.

>> No.44142754

>Please have sex with me anyone... I'm desperate

>> No.44142801 [DELETED] 
File: 516 KB, 374x667, 1611266066042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trannies cannot be this retarded as to make people hate them in an effort to promote "trans rights."
You seriously underestimate how deranged and delusional these "people" are, they see themselves as victims and try to force normal people to accept them or else we're "transphobic".
Before I didn't care what they did to themselves if wanna cut off their dicks and lop off their tits then so be it, but once they started including children and making a huge deal about the lack of their "rights" which makes zero sense since they have human rights for fucks sake, but much like toxic feminism they want control and to cause misery to everyone around them.
Now I only feel feel anger and disgust towards these cowards.

>> No.44142799 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 598x298, Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 23-32-42 Anime Tourist 😎🌴 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44142831 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 717x735, 1677694838555210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It stand for Frying pan and demitarded anon

>> No.44142845

Down the line we'll definitely have technology for people to live whatever retarded life they want to LARP, but right now, it's honestly just unchecked mental issues that are being predated upon by plastic surgeons, big pharma and crabs in a bucket that want to create more of the swarm

>> No.44142853

>literally has tourist in their name
Come on now.

>> No.44142888

Isn't that weird how so many of them went trans in the past decade? Do they all just hate themselves and want to be anything else or something?

>> No.44142908
File: 98 KB, 360x500, wtfits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to respect this man, for his work on calling out the game industry, but Jesus fuck he went way over the deep end.

>> No.44142944

why are jannies banning anyone who says tranny?

>> No.44142950

We're all fucked up and living fucked up lives. Vtubers are like candy for the brain that let us forget how much our lives suck for a few hours.

>> No.44142955

The trans community needs to address their blatant issues and stop gaslighting everyone to ignore it
Everyone is tired of the hate mobs

>> No.44143060

They crave attention it seems albeit negative or otherwise
Desperation for relevancy probably drove himself to this point of insanity.

>> No.44143089 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 598x526, Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 23-38-08 Gen 5 Enthusiast Layla Brainrot 🇲🇽 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ liberals are pissy.

>> No.44143124

Not even the side angle, wig and photoshop can hide his morbidly fat head.

>> No.44143154

I would assume it's damage control. This happened in the sticky earlier hence why it got nuked quickly once the pot started boiling.

>> No.44143165 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 598x212, Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 23-37-41 Gen 5 Enthusiast Layla Brainrot 🇲🇽 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44143226 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 598x197, Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 23-39-30 Gen 5 Enthusiast Layla Brainrot 🇲🇽 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44143239

No, I am living a pretty great life. I simply enjoy watching funny characters as entertainment.

>> No.44143259 [DELETED] 

Trans people — no, every mentally ill individual from niggers, women and trannies, all crave victimhood. That way they can justify their terrible hatred towards others. And everyone who 'supports' them is a freak that just wants to hurt or harass people as long as it's 'justified' too

>> No.44143274 [DELETED] 

>disliking trannies is radical
They have actually convinced themselves of this, it was always radical to actually like them

>> No.44143363

the faggots who did this are not people and do not deserve empathy, as they are not people

>> No.44143367

Brother, you're on 4chan in 2023. You're only lying to yourself.

>> No.44143376 [DELETED] 

Cancel culture policing has always been the problem

>> No.44143438

This shit coming from the same kind of people who bullied streamers over the same "stupid videogame" is just pure hypocrisy

>> No.44143465
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>"mild pushback!"
>"merely trans people advocating for themselves and being painted as unreasonable bullies!"
All fucking twitterbrains must fucking hang.

>> No.44143516


>> No.44143543 [DELETED] 

Why would vtubers even pander to trannys. Their communities would shrink by 40% every year.

>> No.44143613

There's people here who only stay alive for their oshi because they have nothing to live for.
Personally I wouldn't go out of my way to piss people like that off because I'm not retarded.

>> No.44143666

Whats EOP, something to do with explosion and ordnance?

>> No.44143673

This will be a classic case of fuck around and find out for twitter headcases.. hopefully some real bonecrushing justice lands for messing with such an angel of a person..

>> No.44143687

Did she quit too?

>> No.44143739

Erect Odoriferous Penis

>> No.44143803

She was 100% fine until she started a twitch, then the trains showed up from there

>> No.44144058

Nah, the Twitter losers didn't give a fuck about Pikamee, they were just brigading any streamer that played that game.

>> No.44144075 [DELETED] 

....unless you are trans, therefore it's literally harassment if you make fun of them but everyone else is fair game. Now fuck off.

>> No.44144105
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>> No.44144123
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Those same people who harass your vtubers want you to pretend this is a "woman".

>> No.44144131

Anon, she didn't just quit. She broke down after getting harassed and decided to quit.
If this happens to any beloved entertainment personality fans would say the same

>> No.44144165

it's they/them for you chud

>> No.44144170

Reminder that Pikamee had planned her graduation before she ever tried to play Hogwarts and the trannies had no effect on the decision

>> No.44144199

Prove it.

>> No.44144204 [DELETED] 

Kill trannies. Behead trannies. Roundhouse kick a troon into the concrete. Slam dunk a troon baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a trannies food. Launch trannies into the sun. Stir fry trannies in a wok. Toss trannies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a trannies gas tank. Judo throw trannies into a wood chipper. Twist trannies heads off. Report trannies to the IRS. Karate chop trannies in half. Curb stomp pregnant trannies. Trap trannies in quicksand. Crush trannies in the trash compactor. Liquefy trannies in a vat of acid. Eat trannies. Dissect trannies. Exterminate trannies in the gas chamber. Stomp troon skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate trannies in the oven. Lobotomize trannies. Mandatory abortions for trannies. Grind troons in the garbage disposal. Drown trannies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize trannies with a ray gun. Kick old trannies down the stairs. Feed trannies to alligators. Slice trannies with a katana.

>> No.44144252


>> No.44144258


>> No.44144334

in 2022 because she wanted to, yeah

>> No.44144347 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 598x587, Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 23-41-34 Daniella (Domania) 🦆 VTuber Rebranding... on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44144364

I'm surprised you were able to type all that with one hand.

>> No.44144383 [DELETED] 

No matter how much you say this you're always going to be wrong. https://twitter.com/Raziel10000/status/1630969741954220032

>> No.44144413

Damn, no wonder she hasn't streamed in 3 months

>> No.44144425

It's great how they always manage to make themselves the victims even when they are obviously not.

>> No.44144443

i miss her...

>> No.44144451

Honestly a lot of people don't even know yet because jannies deleted the sticky after like five fucking minutes

>> No.44144492

americans were a mistake...

>> No.44144570 [DELETED] 
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>um it's literally not even us doing it
God I hate this shit so much.

>> No.44144574

Pomu said on stream she knew about Pika's graduation months in advance. So now that we know this has nothing to do with Hogwarts can you guys call off the hate raids and death threats to trans people?

>> No.44144587

being a troon is a mental illness and im tired of pretending that its not

>> No.44144605

Ah the troon cope, trying to save face and not become a target from multiple communities

>> No.44144627

you will never be a woman

>> No.44144672


>> No.44144681


>> No.44144692

end yourself tranny

>> No.44144696


>> No.44144725
File: 10 KB, 198x255, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did know in advance, she did message me a while ago, before she went on break, and she said "I want to tell you beforehand"

>> No.44144768

There is more discussion later on too, Pomu saying that she knew about it and when she realized it was March this month she was already breaking down before the announcement because she knew it was coming soon.

>> No.44144799

No way, fag.

>> No.44144822

>can you guys call off the hate raids
It's cute that you think anyone here has authority in some kind of centralized organizational capacity.

>> No.44144861

What a mess. I'm not even that into vtubers, but hearing this is pretty ominous. What level of terminally online can cause such coordinated autism. It's just a fucking game.

>> No.44144887

changes literally nothing
Now she's ending on a bad note instead of having fun streaming harry potter and giving her fans more content before she leaves
Now all her streams until graduation will get the Coco treatment but instead of zhangs its going to be troons

You need at least half a braincell to understand this
Twitter schizos turned her from a normal graduation to a harassment martyr and they only have themselves to blame

>> No.44144891

Makes no sense to announce the return stream of Hogwarts Legacy on her last two months without doing the graduation announcement first

Sounds like trying to defuse a bomb they let happen

>> No.44144960

If we were doing hate raids /lgbt/ would be gone. First /qa/ now Pikamee. Trannies have taken everything from me.

>> No.44144995

Slut for anything.

>> No.44145009

corpo propaganda trying to show they did not bend over for the troon community

>> No.44145040 [DELETED] 

There are no hate raids and death threats or else we would’ve exploded /lgbt/.
/vt/ can go faster than /pol/. If we banded together we could decimate anyone on this website.

>> No.44145039

Yep, obvious damage control.

>> No.44145095

/lgbt/ mods are in overdrive issuing bans on posts with content that blatantly contradicts the rules they are citing

>> No.44145111

not even a fan but i share the sentiment. it's just an extremely shitty thing to do.

>> No.44145145

Rrats are that Pika was not being renewed at the end of the her 3 year contract because of her behavior internally (rejecting the Gyari branding and basically going indie and leaving VOMs in the dust through her tenure). Apparently she was very childish, demanding, and petulant to VOMs so even though she was making a lot of money they decided to not renew her contract. This is also why they're privating all her content. This is a forced graduation at the end of the contract, not the talent gracefully retiring because they're done being creative.

This is why they were so sad about Monoe's graduation, whereas Tomoshika has just retweeted the announcements and basically said "good bye and good luck" instead of crying on air about it. There is bad blood there.

>> No.44145207

Even if that is true we still lost an entire month of streams we could have had before she graduated but you fuckers had to chase her away over a fucking silly wizard game

>> No.44145217

Nijisanji? Gyari?

I have a feeling you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.44145218

what's an eop?

>> No.44145249


>> No.44145263



>> No.44145265

>"I was doxxed and threatened death"
>i believe you, those fuckers
>"I already knew about it months ago"
>damage control corpo lie
do you guys just selectively believe and disbelieve whatever these women say based on your own agenda?

>> No.44145290

Didn't that fag Uki also talk shit about pika or the wizard game? Of course they don't blame the troons

>> No.44145324
File: 50 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he stands by what he said, why did he delete his first tweet?

>> No.44145326

but this isn't a coco or rushia
Sure they were #1 moneymakers but the other talents can pull their own weight like marine and peko

Pikamee is literally both the face of, and pretty much the ONLY person people watch on voms.
With her gone they're a dead corp
At that point you can throw quite a lot of weight around in negotiations. So either you can't be right, GAYRI is fucking retarded for not giving her what she wanted, or pikamee is genuinely the biggest bitch on the planet behind the scene making outrageous demands (implying a sweet bullied retard could do that anyways)

>> No.44145335

N...no!!! It can't be.

>> No.44145338

>do you guys just selectively believe and disbelieve whatever these women say based on your own agenda?
Ask all the twitter warriors saying Silvervale cried on stream because she's transphobic.

>> No.44145376

>Talks about terfs pretending to be trans people
>Literally 0 trans people defending Pikamee or the other vtubers/streamers

Sure, it's the terfs

>> No.44145398

manchildren btfo’d by based trannies

>> No.44145426

VOMS isn't a corpo, it's a side project of a music guy

>> No.44145458

Sounds like you're the one getting blown out by a tranny.

>> No.44145469


>> No.44145473

then don't treat it as a corp
Give pikamee a better contract and take the side money like the side project it is

>> No.44145487

Let me guess - we're all just going to be terminally online schizos instead of going out and physically doing something about this, aren't we? Tranny populations can't be dented by just staying at home.

Utopia is not easy to achieve, which is why everyone needs to their little part.

>> No.44145520

Daily fucking reminder.

>> No.44145525

You glow.

>> No.44145527

shalom troonberg

>> No.44145537

I am a tranny and I’m not the one crying here

>> No.44145560

She's said on stream she makes all the money from super chats. All her contract says is she gets to use Gyari's character design and Gyari gets to sell merch.

>> No.44145569
File: 27 KB, 598x289, Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 00-27-12 Ant 💀 an illiterate mentally broken psychopath on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44145575

can game journalists and their pathetic audience just get locked away in a psych ward please.

>> No.44145589

That's a lot of merch money going away after the grad

>> No.44145608

They are a self-solving problem like the homosexuals. This is just their death throes, and boy, is it violent. Almost seems like they'll come back to life.

>> No.44145611

VOM's costs are incredibly low since they're not as corpo as the others. They basically only provide the Gyari branding and music. They don't need a massive money maker to survive, but obviously they prefer to make way more money. That just speaks to the egregiousness of Pika's behaviour internally that caused them to not renew her contract. This is why the announcement says they've decided to let her "graduate" in a positive way, because the alternative was terminating her like they did Monoe so there was an actual question as to whether it was going to be a positive graduation vs a cancelling.

Think about it this way, she's known for be a petulant and easily upset child who wants her own way. She is the only one of them who distanced herself from the Gyari branding, which was the entire point of the group (everyone else in VOMs just has Gyari style models, even when they were updated). She also distanced herself from collaborating with the group and basically started to become a huge indie type who just works with whoeever she wants. Basically she was leveraging her success to do whatever the fuck she wanted. This put a bad taste in VOMs mouth but (1) money, (2) it's not like she was doing drugs so they can't exactly full on cancel her without a huge loss. BUT the contract renewal is a very natural way to discontinue her membership.

If you've ever been involved with contracting people you should know it can be hard at times cancelling the contract, often costly and full of drama. Not renewing the contract though? Way easier. Yes it's still a huge loss of money, but the opportunity cost of not renewing is 0,so it's much easier to just let it run out and get the group back on track.

>> No.44145641


>> No.44145655
File: 220 KB, 441x441, 1654950864154036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikamee is a bright girl. I'm sure she'll do great wherever she goes in the future, and no matter where she goes, I'll support her!

>> No.44145659

>community bullies someone with a history of being bullied
>it leads to a predictable conclusion that upsets everyone outside of said community
>community suffers the consequences
>"It was false-flagging TERFs that were responsible! We only thought that she deserved it! Why must ya'll persecute us so?!"
Such slimy, disingenuous rats.

>> No.44145666

Reminder that at the end of the day the trannies do harrassed her merely for planning to play Hogwarts and cause her brief hiatus
She could have spend her last moments as pikamee with her fans instead of the current outcome

>> No.44145689

Nigger the new models and shit were introduced well before her last contract renewal, and the lack of emotion compared to Monoe getting sacked can easily be explained by how sudden the latter was. It's likely TMSK knew about Pika's plans to graduate beforehand and was able to be level-headed during her announcement stream. Try harder.

>> No.44145697

The merch was hampered anyway exactly because of this:
Pika distanced herself from the Gyari branding so the one cut he did get (from his design) was basically sabotaged because Pika didn't want to be a Gyari child anymore, despite her contract.

>> No.44145712

I dont understand why people are blaming twitter, it was literally the schizo's on reddit who did this

>> No.44145744


>> No.44145746

Her contract was 3 years you idiot.

>> No.44145772

You're pretty good at spinning and building on entire fictional stories, you could be the next JK Rowling

>> No.44145778


>> No.44145794
File: 20 KB, 598x219, Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 00-31-29 hews on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44145824

Same thing, really. The kind of humans using reddit also use twitter. If not both, then it will be both at some point.

>> No.44145828

If only. Then I could kill trannies with mass shootings, and zoomers too.

>> No.44145867

There was a huge stupid movement on reddit about the game, thats where all these people came from.

>> No.44145874
File: 17 KB, 1280x720, 20230228_183402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be honest, even if it is planned it doesn't change the fact that there are some genuinely terminally online crazies out there and that this is all ending on a really shitty note.

Just going "well it was planned a month in advance" really does not help at all and just sounds like another excuse to ignore some people are fucking mental over the smallest shit.

>> No.44145881

them and everyone on reddit like them deserve to be punched to death irl.
trannies are also rape advocates 99% of them don't actually know what JK rowling even said.


does this look like a transphobe to anyone with a brain? she just wants bathroom segregation like idk since the start of fucking time, so we have less cases where self proclaimed trans males go into bathrooms and rape females.

Like these pieces of shit that literally had the superintendent and parents letting the rapist rampage while covering it all up

>> No.44145890

>tranny whore from trannysanj

>> No.44145937

twitter crowd is always deranged, but on reddit its more centered around garbage subs like r/gamingcirclejerk and hateforums like resetera.

>> No.44145958

keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll start to believe it, diaper wearer.

>> No.44145960

>she's known for be a petulant and easily upset child who wants her own way

You can't just make shit up.

>everyone else in VOMs just has Gyari style models

Not true, TMSK has that creepy gothloli model and DMJ has that Terminator-looking model.

>She also distanced herself from collaborating with the group

Pikamee has said she wants to do more VOMS collabs but schedules don't align and the other members don't respond to her messages about it.

>> No.44145968
File: 251 KB, 1650x1401, 1651149360100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44145982

No, trannies reap what they sow
This outcome could be completely avoided if trannies don't go full retard and harrassed people for playing a game

>> No.44145984

Fine, still doesn't invalidate the the other half of what I said. You can still hear the emotion in TMSK's voice during her stream, even if it's more subdued compared to the Monoe announcement. You're being an over-reactive gossiping ninny.

>> No.44145986
File: 16 KB, 200x356, 1607193371980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty sameface artist but I will give out a based when it's due

>> No.44146014

Who? Jim Sterling?

>> No.44146092

Those models were designed by Gyari though, he owns the rights to those designs and they also don't use them as their primary model anyway.

The collab excuse is literally what ALL vtubers tell people when they desperately try to come up with excuse as to why they don't collab with people without saying it's because of bad blood/dislike.

>> No.44146096

>uses the word cuck
This is 100% /pol/ larping as a legbutt, not the real deal.

>> No.44146095

> call out the world of lies with "Matrix"
> become trooned
> call out game industry
> become trooned
well damn, it's almost as if there's a pattern of people that want to protect their little narratives...

>> No.44146169

They won't stop at just vtubers anon fuck troons every single one of them should be hung

>> No.44146181

Yup, jannies deleted the post though

>> No.44146201


>> No.44146213
File: 353 KB, 900x720, kettle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for the most based Trifecta in Vtubing boys. The Cancelled Crew of Vshojo. Coco, Rushia, and their soon to be newest member... Pikamee!

>> No.44146244 [DELETED] 

YWNBARW troon cope seethe and dilate

>> No.44146277

I'd love for everyone who actively posts on that sub to die of a heart attack. they're on par with the worst of twitter

>> No.44146286

Wait so... according to this thread:

1) Pikamee got all funds other than merchanizing, so Gyari was making no money outside of selling character design merchandise which he owned.

2) Pikamee pretty much completely abandoned her Gyari design almost completely, sabotaging the interest in her Gyari owned design and minimizing the interest in buying Gyari's merch, so he was making almost nothing from her.

3) Pikamee "oh no I can't schedule it oops"-d her way out of supporting her fellow VOMs chuubas and bringing them up with her and preferred to just hang out with other hugely successful chuubas

4) Her contract for some surprising reason, isn't renewed

>> No.44146292
File: 428 KB, 1241x1099, ktl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she didn't specify whether it was her first break or second
her second break was in early February

>> No.44146306

these are people to entirely blame

>> No.44146333 [DELETED] 

OP is trying to pass the buck like these ghouls always do. Don't forget who did this.

>> No.44146336 [DELETED] 

Rope your neck troon

>> No.44146345 [DELETED] 

A reminder she wouldn't have been attacked by SJWs if she only stayed as JP. This is why the west is a fucking embarrassment and every single SJW should be outright killed off.

>> No.44146350

Is this what she quit over?

>> No.44146383

>according to this thread
>according to some dickhead talking out his ass

>> No.44146386

theres literally no proof for any of this, and the model thing is outright not true at all. everyone in VOMS swaps between their different models regularly, not just Pikamee.

>> No.44146420

She announced she would play harry potter
Got so bullied she cancelled the stream
And quit for weeks

>> No.44146422 [DELETED] 

I wonder if this could drive most troons out of vtubing
With zhangs it's a bit different because they attack other vtubers related to Coco too, so multiple fanbases are united in shooing them away
For the troons case, there are only pikamee's fans and some /pol/tards
Sheesh, I can't believe there will be a moment I'm siding with /pol/tards
The enemy of my enemy is my friend I supposed
At least momentarily

>> No.44146427

Their models are owned by Gyari except for Pikamee.

>> No.44146439

Peak copium

>> No.44146443

You mean according to one person (you) pulling totally bullshit claims out of their ass?

>> No.44146445

Why are you samefagging?

>> No.44146470

>this thread
>it's one guy
You can't samefag this hard, anon

>> No.44146481

That comment is bullying?

>> No.44146491

>One troon bully someone, all trannies get the rope.
>That troon is an EOP.

>> No.44146496

they're laughing and bragging about harassing her into retirement now from the thread posted above.
disgusting privileged pieces of garbage

>> No.44146507

>being a Trans Vtuber is about to get a lot more terrifying

>> No.44146530

Last I heard back when it was all going down the stream was cancelled because they brigaded her pre-stream chat

>> No.44146545 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 2048x922, FqK8IknWIAAPCgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No necesarily on its own but all of this shit is

>> No.44146553

Autistic redditors and twitterbrains are all cut from the same terminally online cloth, so there's really no need for such distinctions when assigning blame.

>> No.44146555

Yes, that guy in the middle of the screencap is saying "Vtubers are going to fake apologize even though they know what they're doing ,and its evil" when pikamee is a japanese retard that doesn't understand why wizard game is bad

>> No.44146571

Damage control. Pomu is lying.

>> No.44146575

Yes. What's your point? We unironically didn't gatekeep enough.

>> No.44146582

Pikamee does have a model owned by Gyari, and like the other VOMS she also has one's not owned by Gyari. This situation is only not unique to Pikamee.

>> No.44146597

Why are their names not shown? I looked up that "drawing a trans person" one and their whole account was just posts of them gloating that they got banned and no one follows them and they don't follow anyone, literally just a troll.

>> No.44146598 [DELETED] 
File: 2.82 MB, 2732x1564, pika troon4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44146621 [DELETED] 

Trannies already get more than enough undeserved protection from the government, tech companies and every population living in or around every major city in the US and Europe. If they still feel threatened, it's because they keep fucking things up for everyone;including themselves. They are not compatible with society

>> No.44146631

depends if silvervale jumps ship as well or not.

>> No.44146646

Source: pulled out of a dilating troon ass

>> No.44146654

Thanks for that I will investigate these.

>> No.44146670

Why are you lying?

>> No.44146673

these are all in response to her "i'm just a kettle" tweet.
is there any screenshots of what pikamee received BEFORE her "i'm just a kettle" tweet?

>> No.44146679


>> No.44146712

You can literally just look up the artists for the designs anon

>> No.44146730

anon, IM so sorry but theres thing legal thing called "non-competes" its very common with idols.

>> No.44146743 [DELETED] 

They belong in a mental asylum/prison. They're a menace to society.

>> No.44146757

KSon is poaching Pikamee. 100% chance. She's always been business savvy, so this will help her standing in VShojo, AND she gets to help a friend out. It's a win win for her.

>> No.44146782

Do weebs really not remember the heyday of Japanese antis? The only reason that slowed down is the diet passed some legislation that massively clammed down on slander and libelous claims.

>> No.44146788

You understand that she can just... Be a different character, right? No other chuuba has been stopped from going to another agency.

>> No.44146799

people forget, but they can buy their own models

>> No.44146816

I don't mind Pikamee but I hate the twitter losers claiming that Pikamee was responsible for "Kill da hoe" viral clip that got a lot of people into vtubing, that was Tomoshika you assholes.

>> No.44146860

Saying Pikamee didn't quit because of troons is like saying Coco didn't quit because of chinks. Is it the only reason? No, but it definitely was a major factor.

>> No.44146867

i like looking at post histories of human garbage that post on r/gamingcirclejerk and ofc it's almost always the garbage same cesspit of r/politics or r/trans, pretty much shows that sort of garbage are always in their own circles.

>> No.44146932

I mean I can see it happening, but I can also see her saying fuck it and never coming back to vtubing. I'd give it a 50/50 shot

>> No.44146978 [DELETED] 

exactly please tell me what fucking marginalized group has laws written to procecute people who offend them, and has the entire social media/gaming journo garbage out to destroy an IP because she said trans women won't understand what being female is.
Like fucking hell

>> No.44147057

I can't understand what those troons are thinking
If you and your folks are or had been bullied, they should have known the best the pain of getting bullied
Why bully other people?

>> No.44147092 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 720x374, The point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44147136

Its incidents like these that make people into transphobes. Idc what they said about jk rowling she's a billionaire with enough money to sue everyone she wants. But the moment you fucking bring that shit and ruin our entertainment.

You're not an innocent for the greater good you're an active target fuck trans allies and fuck trans rights if this is the shit it brings. redditors and twitter losers should just die irl

>> No.44147180

You know "the cruelty is the point" is a reference to people who hate trans people right...? Not something they claim to be doing. It is a literal meme in American politics used to describe alt-righters and fascists.

>> No.44147232

she WAS contemplating into not renewing her contract with Gyari a month before Hogwarts legacy. Everyone knows. The hogwarts fiasco just cemented her decision into finally retiring

>> No.44147247
File: 554 KB, 3840x2160, 1624528940392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMSK is all alone, bros...

>> No.44147272 [DELETED] 

>"ignore them and they will go away"
>they didn't go away
Ayy lmao

What a failure of a community that can't even do something as simple as gatekeeping their oshi from SJWs like trannies

>> No.44147275

This is her chance to get her due, she was easily 100x better than Pikame anyway. Pika's only advantage was the bilingual quirk.

>> No.44147313

You know... that what trans people claim ...and what th...ey are actually doing ,,,are two different things, right...?.... ... ......

>> No.44147318

Because they don't care about being actual good people, they just want to bully someone while justifying it as moral superiority

>> No.44147348

Not in that context it ain't. It is speaking about taking people joy and enjoyment away because of its own decision. The cruelty is the point

>> No.44147358

If silvervale bails on them it would be amusing to see them have their own company. But, i fear the kettle is just too wholesome and sweet to do that. I believe she much rather quit than reincarnate

>> No.44147372

do you not know what a non-compete is? I'm not assuming Pikamee signed one, but if she did there will be an amount of time where she can't be an idol for any other org, her model and personality are irrelevant.

>> No.44147382

fr, if Tomoshika could speak English, she would easily be bigger than Pika

>> No.44147406


>> No.44147444

Something-something self awareness

>> No.44147446
File: 200 KB, 552x605, Screenshot_20230220-210715_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't speak zoomer wtf is EOP?

>> No.44147452

You're posting this like the person is advocating for people to be cruel for cruelty's sake, but they're just reminding their audience that their opponents are characterized as reveling in the suffering of their opponent. I.e. their whole approach is designed to revel in your tears, so you need to take their enjoyment away by not falling into despair. You can literally just go thread the entire thread on Twitter you know?

>> No.44147459

Why do these fuckers talk like they know what happens behind the scenes, what the fuck

>> No.44147519

So you're just pulling shit out of your ass? Got it. Sit down, schizo.

>> No.44147520

Post pic.

>> No.44147531

You can literally fuck off from here and fuck off from vTubers, you know?

>> No.44147546
File: 24 KB, 591x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not doing your own research on the internet and just trusting retards online instead of reading the 50 post thread yourself. You fucking trans hating retards will believe anything if it suits your shitty narrative.

>> No.44147562

Because they need to pretend that this was happening anyway so they're not the bad guys. (which they still are regardless)

>> No.44147566

none of those people deserve to have their names blacked out, they're pieces of human waste that should be bullied until they hang themselves like they do to others.

>> No.44147571

They want it to be real so it's real. I don't see how it's different from the tranny mindset in general.

>> No.44147572

I never liked that obnoxious faggot

>> No.44147594

EOP = English Only People.

>> No.44147595

They desperately grasp onto anything that makes it so they don't have to own up to their behavior. You won't catch any of them saying anything sensible, like admitting that the bullying did in fact factor into her decision even if it wasn't the entire cause, considering she went on another huge-ass break right after it happened.

>> No.44147604

Why would I read a 50 tweet manifesto of a mentally ill person?

>> No.44147609

Everybody take a look at this hotshot

>> No.44147611

>t. retard who can't read
Good job

>> No.44147613

My own research has shown that you deserve it.

>> No.44147615

you can't expect american retards to have common sense. At this point its better if we just euthenize them. Fuck you american politics you all deserve to die for creating this fucking garbage culture war.

>> No.44147648

That isn't what it said in the original picture. That is all the context I need about it

>> No.44147649

Be better, Twitter freak.

>> No.44147656

Because you don't want to make yourself out to be a retard who can't read simple English based off a cherry picked screenshot that was even understandable in that context but you wanted to manipulate into an anti-trans narrative because you have nothing else to hold onto to.

>> No.44147666

I get it, you're a NEET and don't understand work things, but in the adult world theres this thing called "non-compete"s they make their way into contracts for people who are employed for their personality mostly. Other Vtbuers have signed them lol why else would some of the largest vtubers not have just switched orgs after retiring dumbass.

>> No.44147681 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't hate Twitter trannies if they weren't attacking people over a fucking kids book game. You say they're not mentally ill but they're obsessing over a children's book like autists.

>> No.44147691

treat others how you want them to be treated
then cry transphobia when they return the favor

>> No.44147736

"The cruelty is the point" is a well known phrase to point out that anti-trans people do it solely to be cruel to their opponents.

They say "Take their enjoyment away" and then say "remember [...] you have distance, keep it that way".

A very plain reading of this post, even out of context, is that they're saying you should stay away and not engage with anti-trans people and just block them (which they say explicitly later in the thread) because that takes their enjoyment (your suffering) away from them.

English ain't that hard ESL anons.

>> No.44147739

I love it when Eurotrash gets jealous. America is fucked, but it's better than living in some bumblefuck nowhere country.

>> No.44147789


On board with

>> No.44147821

Not euro, but I'm sure they're weeping so much off their free health care and generous labor plans, where does all your tax money that could've funded it go? oh right into the hands of private insurance companies get fucked and kys too for creating the trans garbage.
You all deserve this for not stopping them.

>> No.44147839

Nah it means that shitty subhumans are ruining innocent entertainment on purpose. The gaslighting won't work here.

>> No.44147860

OK retard


>> No.44147887


>> No.44147904

Non-compete clauses aren't a thing in Japan. You are fucking clueless.

>> No.44147935

Clear example of drones trying to control the narrative, as you can see by how they overuse non agressive terms and try to emulate having a conversation and reaching an agreement about what happened based only on what each other pull out of their own ass
Tl;dr.troon psyops

>> No.44147940

I get you've got a very active imagination and just make things up for fun or to sound smart, but you should channel that into something creative like a book instead of weird rrats and imaginary noncompetes that aren't confirmed by anyone but your headmates, bud.

>> No.44147952

As a matter of fact, it mostly goes to the military.

>> No.44147971
File: 226 KB, 598x651, Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 01-18-03 Gen 5 Enthusiast Layla Brainrot 🇲🇽 on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44147977 [DELETED] 

Whatever troon, hurry up and 41% yourself while we can grieve our fallen boing boing.

>> No.44148018


>> No.44148027

>where does all your tax money that could've funded it go?
Mostly to failed European states apparently

>> No.44148076

american retards really don't know how much get siphoned into private insurance companies.
Here's word of advice if you ever actually cared to go outside your bubble, american exceptionialism aka the thought that America is the best in every way, is literally studied as propaganda in other countries. You think you have it best so you won't bother actually researching it. It's a form of populace control for the uneducated.

>> No.44148140

Is that Kevin Hart? Is he avatarfagging?

>> No.44148181

This is old news, every American under 40 knows that America is fucked and they won't shut the hell up about it.

>> No.44148204

I think that's his idea of a reaction image.

>> No.44148228


That will surely get the message out.

>> No.44148256

EOP = /vt/

>> No.44148267

There's always that one faggot who has to seethe about America unprovoked. Giving ESL shitholes Internet access was a mistake.

>> No.44148277

Actually we're all very aware of how you are formally trained to be butthurt and jealous of America.

>> No.44148399

And what would happen if you piss them off?
I'm guessing nothing. Can't even take care of themselves.

>> No.44148407

Ya i'm so jealous of my american neighbours, filled with these pieces of shit trans garbage.
Lemme just lean over and shit over there.
british dog aren't you going to wag your tail at your master

>> No.44148587

If you're learning japanese don't read this, it will permanently cripple your gains.

>> No.44148724

She's a lolicon, she will suffer the same hell

>> No.44148787

why do they always make everything about themselves? Is homosexuality just another form of NPD?

>> No.44148890

I didn't see it until you retards brought it up here to try and make them look bad.

>> No.44148942

how long till she rapes a girl in a bathroom and screams transphobia when the police come

>> No.44149009
File: 198 KB, 463x453, 1658836514237475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44149030

Based, pleade start a jihad against the weebs, we need to be cleansed of all the beta males being terrible fathers.

>> No.44149291

>people liking entertainers is limited to vtubers
>retard who has no idea of the real world trying to sound profound
How are you this ignorant of the very planet you're living on? How did you manage to go all those years without even a hint of what the outside world is looking like?
And why do you think you know shit when you so obviously don't?

>> No.44149380

>even when so many nerves were struck, still incapable of writing anything comprehensible
the average vtsister

>> No.44149401

Eternal. Victim. Complex.

>> No.44149504 [DELETED] 

>Troons try to sabotage hogwarts
>Becomes best selling game
>Actually we weren't boycotting the thing it was all just a marketing play #NotAllTroons
>Troons systematically target vtuber for considering streaming hogwarts
>Actually we weren't doing that she was quitting all along #NotAllTroons
These faggots are systematically 41% their own public image as well

>> No.44149553

Except you have pika's close friends like Pomu backing up the quitting statements.
Are her close friends liars now?

>> No.44149581

Troons only know how to self-harm, no big surprise there

>> No.44149669 [DELETED] 


memes write themselves at this point

>> No.44149676

This is more believable than English Only People

>> No.44149681

>"why is your shoe so red?"
>but my shoe isn't r...
>"how did you burn so many toasts??"
>but i wasn't making toa...
>"why did you think you knew enough to pass the bar exam???"
>i wasn't taking the...
i know you feel like you're smarter or superior while you wrote all that, but as a well-adjusted person reading it, it just sounds like this

>> No.44149766

(Although personally I could never bother to learn your gobbledygook language)

>> No.44150084

You will never be a woman

>> No.44150175
File: 33 KB, 598x368, Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 02-04-32 😇 dying on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. It's practically a fetish for trannies these days.

>> No.44150383

>Except you have a contractual bound person trying to defuse a situation that brings bad image to their employer

>> No.44150473

Pomu isn't employed under voms, retard.

>> No.44150667

>Just burn bridges by fanning the flames of controversy
Once again, I'm asking you to dilate

>> No.44150817 [DELETED] 

I'm dropping this link here and making my way back out of this thread.

>> No.44152403

The narrative for the rest of the month is that online harassment isn't real, after that we are going to go back to the narrative that we have to feel sorry for trannies because they are victims of online harassment

>> No.44152454

>she immediately unliked it

>> No.44152540

fuck it, mask off

>> No.44153027

Fascists being bad doesn't give you a moral justification to harass a half-japanese bullying victim after her spine surgery

>> No.44153184

is this a yelena pika

>> No.44153204

7 hours.

>> No.44153358

It is. It's called whattaboutism. And it's a very popular burger proverb.

>> No.44153490

Pikamee stopped streaming weeks before the Hogwarts incident.

>> No.44153505

>don't speak zoomer
Surprising, considering you are one. Fucking newfags.

>> No.44153550

And? She had a scheduled stream for Hogwarts before twitter scared her off

>> No.44153590

Dumb fuck, the backlash is from overstepping your liberties and misusing it to fuck innocent people in a public space. This isn't what people were expecting from a group pandering about equality.
With what influence you have obtained you are misusing it, this can be seen in popular culture and literal broke go woke projects because there's the aspect of hard work you lazy fucks forget about, yet demand entitlement to your efforts. Your target audience is clearly focused on youth, and you have already sunk into game development and even large companies. The problem is, it is all an ideology, you can't afford to have yourselves perceived as in the wrong, but that's what has clearly happened.

>I don't have to apologize for the actions of everyone, I won't express an opinion that they were in the right,
yet you got caught in the fucking act, the target wasn't someone easily forgotten. You are trying to pass the buck and think it will blow over?
You've triggered a perpetual hate machine, and there are plenty of people here who enjoy greasing the wheels. They just never bothered because you never crossed the line into their safe space, but now you have. It's personal, we are aware you won't stop, so you will be stopped.

>> No.44153650

Sounds like the trannies picked their target well, a nice vtuber who gets stressed out easily.

>> No.44153693

If by big corpo you mean nijisanji then yes but no way she is so stupid to get into nijisanji she is coming to holo

>> No.44153729

she is gone for good

>> No.44153773

>take a break for a while to get a mental refresh
>come back
>instantly get dogpilled by angry amerisharts and anglos because some slag over 5000 miles away from you said "trannies bad"
>cancel the stream
>announce retirement
Anyone coping that she totally pre-planned it are full of shit and desperately trying to damage control the fallout of basically chasing her off.

>> No.44153847

And was previously bullied when growing up
God I hate troons

>> No.44153987
File: 138 KB, 242x305, 1489364855595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44154079

I hope all the creatures on that subreddit meet the worst slowest, most excruciating death possible. Genuinely the scummiest of scum. And of course, leddit can't not be hypocrites for two seconds and ban what is clearly a hate group.

>> No.44154133

>no u

>> No.44154154

I agree, Trannies attacking people who just want to play games need to disappear. Eloquently put my dude.

>> No.44154177

sure thing, kid
let me guess, you know this because your dad works at nintendo?

get a job, bum

>> No.44154207

Considering it's the last comment of a fucking wall of them, yeah it is anon.

>> No.44154219

Non-compete clause is an American meme that is unenforceable in civilized world.

>> No.44154240

I want to fucking believe.

>> No.44154335
File: 27 KB, 522x620, 1606072334557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fucking trannies must fucking hang.

>> No.44154349
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, sou....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Pikamee had already intended to announce her graduation. The alleged harassment that she recently received had no influence over this decision whatsoever!" will probably be their line right up until they fabricate enough bullshit to substantial "Pikamee deserved absolutely everything that we did to her!"

>> No.44154405
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>graduation is just quitting
>but instead of moving on and becoming an independent or joining another company as that character there's a scorched earth policy where everything is nuked and this person falls off the face of the earth
>this is considered ok and normal

Why invest your time in any of these people?

>> No.44154442

Reminder that they will not pay attention to the evidence of harassment forced onto her because it doesn't fit their narrative. Expose liars for who they really are anons.

>> No.44154484


Don't try to act innocent, you tranny freaks. Your harassment has not gone unnoticed or unrecorded

>> No.44154574

They stop streaming, what's hard to understand, the identity built up can't be touched on again if they reinvent themselves, especially if they retire.
You think it's healthy to wallow in reminiscence?

>> No.44154707

Pika can't reinvent herself, she is just streaming as herself, I wouldn't want to watch her play a character

>> No.44154720

I think it's unhealthy to take a career out back and blow it away after years of investment

>> No.44154850

That's why this pain should be remembered, they ended her career and not to be mean but Pika has energy not really smarts. I hope she does just reinvent herself in some way after a break like others have been saying. But the damage has been done, it's a part of life, but come the fuck on, she didn't deserve any of it.
Reminder that whatever community woke culture sinks their teeth into they actively rip it apart, they don't respect what has come before them, they want to change it into their image.
Would you let them get away with it like they always have?

>> No.44154895

>You think it's healthy to wallow in reminiscence?

>> No.44154972

No shit, maybe people shouldn't have put here into a situation of self doubt, especially when she was jumping back into streaming yet received a very negative and public backlash in her community.

>> No.44155041

I'm neutral to Transgenders, I really am. But god reading these Twitter threads just make my blood boil

>> No.44155190

I find it a bit of a knee slapper that wizard game is the crux of their entire crusade against streamers but are more than willing to ignore the 6 million other revenue stream Rowling makes that'll never, ever, go away

>> No.44155381

because there are multiple among them

>> No.44155444

hews isn't japanese?

>> No.44155478

If they fuck around too much /vt/ will end up replacing Trannies with the words Mods.

>> No.44155728

You shouldn't be anon they've had nothing but neutrality and support for so long that's how we got where we are. The time for neutrality is over.
