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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44089811 No.44089811 [Reply] [Original]

And another one bites the dust

>> No.44090103

Mocca is still around though.
I know a certain frog will show up in this thread. Give me a piano instrumental version of Reflect, old man.

>> No.44090258

hasn't nerinesoo soft-graduated too? I never see her live at all

>> No.44090263

Who else could be nuked? Is Artemis a transphobe?

>> No.44090327

Artemis is a tranny so unlikely.

>> No.44090387

>trannyshark is part of VOMS
WTF?? also i didn't even know he still streams

>> No.44090492

this is proof that being mentally ill actually makes you stronger

>> No.44090558
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>> No.44091374

How new

>> No.44091596

Impostor victory now. I told you guys Artemis was sus.

>> No.44091974

aren't 4 of them in nijiEN now?

>> No.44092500

Still graduated.

>> No.44092615

Are you implying that she'll join NijiEN soon?

>> No.44092933

Are you implying she's joining nijien?

>> No.44095221

Lmao nice "scouting" Niji

>> No.44095354

I don't recognize the two dead vtuber on bottom.

>> No.44095433

REALLY hope that tranny graduates

>> No.44095454

The one of the left is the head of the NijiEN clique.

>> No.44095965


>> No.44095978
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What the fuck? Two of those members joined Nijisanji EN, and Mocca is still active on Twitch.

>> No.44096016


>> No.44096061

ironic that all the surviving chuubas in that collab are the troons
>Futa Coochie

>> No.44096164

Does she even do anything these days?

>> No.44096186

4 joined Nijisanji EN. I'm pretty sure getting an insane voluntary increase in pay with free advertising and networking isn't a downside for them.

>> No.44096197

Resilient, just like gokiburi.

>> No.44096226

How has this Menhera still not killed herself?

>> No.44096290

Mocca's still active though?

>> No.44096328

>Futa Coochie
What? That's Nerine, she's just a turbo-menhera, not a tranny.

>> No.44096490

alright bets on last survivor boys
i want neri to win but she has a history of abandoning everything on a menhera whim whereas artemis is like that ant infestation that never truly goes away

>> No.44096580

How the fuck was Lyrica more behaved as an indie than as a corpo

>> No.44096663

Her corpo is mostly made up of literal radioactive waste.

>> No.44096880

Artemis and Mocca are cool and they don't engage in drama. Nerines isn't even a tranny so what are you trying to do here

>> No.44097105


>> No.44097196

Today I learned Rosemi was also part of the clique...

>> No.44097279

women change to adapt to their respective social enviroments.

>> No.44098136

Nerine has been doing this for a while. Even if she graduates she'll just end up doing something else as a different internet personality. I dunno if that counts though

>> No.44098996

If pika becomes the fifth nijiEN I'm done with vtubing

>> No.44100305


>> No.44100435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44100725
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>> No.44100806

Pikamee will be in EN3.

>> No.44100966

he doesn't know...

>> No.44101644
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>> No.44101734

don't get me wrong but ... I dont think hololive is right for pikamee, maybe as a JP...

>> No.44101935

isn't Nerine futakuchi mana's alter ego, or am i remembering differently.

>> No.44102635

Wouldn't surprise me if she had a few alter egos, with how much shit she talks behind people's backs she needs a few

>> No.44104017

Nerine's the alt of an old nier youtuber

>> No.44104568

What's the Nerine rrat, anon

>> No.44108759

No she's Pixievalkyrie's alt

>> No.44110780

Mocca graduated and then came back

>> No.44113067

3 streams a week to a 3view audience last I saw. Pretty boring. Honestly not sure why there's been no hype around a second outfit or why Artemis hasn't just applied for a corp of some kind.

>> No.44113227

>Not mentioning her hit videos on all of the atelier series
You disgust me.
Last I heard she was a massive menhera who frequently cut ties with friends due to shit talking.
I tried watching her because I loved her voice on YouTube but as a streamer she was boring and spent a lot of time just banning people for mentioning her past life.

>> No.44115406

Based, weakness must be eliminated

>> No.44115554


>> No.44115741

funny that early on I saw people complaining that she was too restricted on niji and was more unhinged before, usually linking that pee clip

>> No.44119219

This should be one of the most cursed collab ever

>> No.44119570

>not sure why there's been no hype around a second outfit
Artemis already has a second outfit, it just wasn't anything exciting

>> No.44120787

Do you have ears?

>> No.44122668
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Bros I miss Miki so much, you cannot understand how much I miss her.
She was so cute and fun and her voice was so cute and her laugh was so cute and her game choices were all so fun and I loved listening to her silly ramblings.
I used to make time out of my night for all of her streams and if I missed one I'd catch the VOD.
There will never be another girl like her.

>> No.44122924

Trannies deserve rope

>> No.44124519

>tranny shark is still around
Fuck this dark timeline.

>> No.44124640


>> No.44124659

nothing lasts forever
soon or late they'll all be gone

>> No.44125510

Incredibly cursed.

>> No.44125514 [DELETED] 
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They're waking up

>> No.44126126

Haven't paid attention to the indie scene in a while, Artemis is still around?

>> No.44126177

What made Pikamee quit tho?
Was that mess with the Hogwart's game or something else?

>> No.44127464

10sai! 10sai! 10sai!

>> No.44127873

We'll never know.
Maybe she was already set on doing it, maybe the wizard game situation caused it, or maybe she was on the fence about it and the wizard game situation was enough to tilt her into doing it.

>> No.44133466

would pikamee work as a niji?

>> No.44137104

I don't think she would work at any major corp, and niji in particular not in a million years.

>> No.44137894

NijiJP, maybe. NijiEn? No. Fuck that cancerous branch.

>> No.44138015


>> No.44138123


>> No.44138184

trannies bullied her over the harry potter game now shes done vtubing

>> No.44138186
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We'll never know

>> No.44138345

Be real with me here, is Artemis actually a male in disguise, like, fr fr?

>> No.44138513

I cannot, WILL NOT! Believe that was the real reason, she definitely was about to leave there is no way that is the real reason... FUCK!

>> No.44139197
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>> No.44139349

Well, at least now we know that it wasn't related to the whole Hogwarts Legacy retardation.

>> No.44139698
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>> No.44139778

Right, I forget that not everybody who appears to care is willing to look for answers in the obvious places.

>> No.44139948

>frequently cut ties with friends due to shit talking
First I've heard of this. The menhara thing I knew about

>> No.44139975

Oh fuck off, this thread too?
Why are they just NOW doing their job?

>> No.44143142

Yes, 100%, I'm sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.44143766

I mean she still streams, what's so bad about her current persona?

>> No.44147689

WHo was the pink-haired one?

>> No.44151084 [DELETED] 


I almost forgot about this

>> No.44151163

Who's being sacrifice?
Acceleration need blood

>> No.44152485

holy newfag

>> No.44153791

go back

>> No.44154060

Nerine is alive and well.

>> No.44155052


>> No.44156676

Didn't he graduate at one point? I'm pretty sure I saw something to that effect and that's why his youtube is completely barren

>> No.44159025

better late than never

>> No.44159520

5 seconds. All you need is 5 seconds listioning to their voice and you'll know.

>> No.44162775

What if he is deaf?

>> No.44168125

That's just what I heard. I don't know much about the situation myself but it's been a rumour that part of the reason she's so low in popularity these days is because almost everyone she was semi decent friends with, she burned bridges with

>> No.44168784

Ina voice

>> No.44169030
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>back when VA first deleted her channel, people on /v/ speculated that she was joining Hololive's upcoming English branch

>> No.44171012

>all the surviving chuubas in that collab are the troons

>> No.44171142

No idea about the burning bridges part, but distancing from your old persona is what you have to do if you don't want people mixing up the two as if they were the same. Pretty much what Lilypichu would need to do if she actually wanted to become an indie and not just "Lilypichu with an avatar".

>> No.44171169 [DELETED] 

Kill trannies. Behead trannies. Roundhouse kick a tranny into the concrete. Slam dunk a tranny baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy trannies. Defecate in a tranny's food. Launch trannies into the sun. Stir fry trannies in a wok. Toss trannies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a trannies gas tank. Judo throw trannies into a wood chipper. Twist trannies heads off. Report trannies to the IRS. Karate chop trannies in half. Curb stomp black trannies. Trap trannies in quicksand. Crush trannies in the trash compactor. Liquefy trannies in a vat of acid. Eat trannies. Dissect trannies. Exterminate trannies in the gas chamber. Stomp tranny skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate trannies in the oven. Lobotomize trannies. Mandatory abortions for trannies. Grind tranny fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown trannies in bathtub HRT. Vaporize trannies with a ray gun. Kick old trannies down the stairs. Feed trannies to alligators. Slice trannies with a katana.

>> No.44171244

Unironically yes, 3/4 scouted were great

>> No.44171285

No idea who are the scouted NijiENs, I only know that Selen is the only EN worth watching.

>> No.44171563

I love how she to this day don't have proper clippers.

>> No.44171736

she's menhera (even just came back from a break because of it) and her content is more for comf, so clippers aren't that interested in her
also, her separation from the original worked so well few even know about the connection

>> No.44171905

That's not any proof at all. Listen to Brittney Griner, still female. Y'all just slandering Artemis for no reason.

>> No.44172125

How does an indie graduate? Lol
Also, "he"?

>> No.44172820

artemis sounds like every trans vtuber
and there is a lot of them unsurprisingly

>> No.44173629

the original was already semi dead by that point anyway

>> No.44173698

Anon, artemis has always been trans, are you retarded

>> No.44175271

is that Magallan from arknights?

>> No.44175425

Troon 41%

>> No.44175534

Not gp. Yes my money is on Pika joining Kotoka & friends

>> No.44179322

I disagree. Nyanners did face cam shit for years and also was always nyanners, literally always.
She became a vtuber and is now one of the most successful vtubers on twitch

>> No.44180416

When he used to play Vrchat he was open to being trans MtFback on 2018-2019

>> No.44180644

Anon, she made her "eldritch horror abomination" thing. She didn't actually cut ties because she didn't want to lose the following she had.
What I said applies for when you want to distance yourself. Because obviously, if someone like Ishowspeed starts using a model, and doesn't drop it, he'll also count as a vtuber, and mog everyone.
Even by that "she became a vtuber" logic, she'd count as a convert, and there are special considerations for those.

>> No.44182097

Except what you said doesn't really work for her. She had mildly popular content but it's not like she was a facecammer or anything like that. She had less than 1m subs and less that 100k views on most of her videos at the time of the nuke.
Why would you bother nuking everything and separating yourself from your content when it's not controversial or anything like that. It'd be the equivalent of the Sphere Hunter becoming a vtuber but nuking everything she's known for before doing it.
It's stupid

>> No.44182724

>Why would you bother nuking everything and separating yourself from your content when it's not controversial or anything like that
>not controversial
Why didn't Nyanners then by that logic? Even Lilypichu said it, nowadays she's too well-known to just start using a model without it just becoming "Lilypichu with a model" instead of "vtuber". VA was, while small, mildly popular as you say, and that means she already had a small following, and a few schizos. Hell, even here in the vtuber sphere, some retards keep emailing threats to a pornchuuba because someone leaked her secret content, and when said content got deleted, the leechers got mad.
Also, there's normally a difference between vtuber and streamer, and trying to maintain the two separate, while possible, is taxing. Which is why, again, Nyanners never bothered. Best proof of it is that she does meatbag stream with that boyfriend of hers, and surprise, her number of viewers doesn't change.

>> No.44186187

artenis soon

>> No.44191564

no results
