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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44131588 No.44131588 [Reply] [Original]

It's not fair...

>> No.44131683

Never let the fury leave your heart. Always remember.

>> No.44131699 [DELETED] 

mods made threads about it autosage, they’ll silence anyone who cares

>> No.44131822

Why do bad things to happen to the sweetest people?

>> No.44131876

Tell me she will at least reincarnate...

>> No.44131883

Remember what they took from you

>> No.44131961

So corpos literally being incapable of stepping in to stop harassment, legally or otherwise, isn't just a Hololive thing.
How fun.

>> No.44131968 [DELETED] 

Blame the alt-right incels

>> No.44132037 [DELETED] 

No, blame the alt left Troons

>> No.44132075

Blame the abhorrent twisted creatures the necromorphs that steal kindness

>> No.44132091

Because the sweet, nice people of this world are like lamplights, ones that attract others like moths to a flame. And there are others who hate the lamplight either because they are jealous, or just have an unconscious or conscious desire to make everyone else as miserable as they are, and thus, are willing to strike down the lamplight.
This is nothing but human behavior, which is another reason why I hate people as a collective.

>> No.44132094

Every tranny that harassed her deserves everything bad that happens to them from now on.

>> No.44132109 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman.

>> No.44132123

no more smile

>> No.44132124 [DELETED] 

Right after GGN sisters...

>> No.44132229

No its not.. and nothing can be done now except for cherishing the time that is left for in these dark days to come. you will have those memories.
Be safe Pikamee where ever you go next.

>> No.44132280 [DELETED] 

Trannies are enemies of all decency and deserve slow death.

>> No.44132397

>nothing can be done now
There is much to be done. This is simply the first shot that starts the war.

>> No.44132399

the day twitter shuts down should be deemed an international holiday

>> No.44132412 [DELETED] 


>> No.44132505

Events that lead up to WWIII:
>zoë quinn fucks a video game journalist
>pikamee graduates

>> No.44132574

She fucked around and found out

It’s as fair as it gets

>> No.44132576

Don't forget
>China increases tensions between them and all other nations by targeting Coco and Haato

>> No.44132585
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>> No.44132624

will she even reincarnate? the company didnt fire her to appease twitter right? she quit herself? maybe in like 6 months + after some healing at best?

>> No.44132685

I think you’re being melodramatic but yeah people are fucking sick of these fucking cunts using “Trans Rights” as a weapon.

>> No.44132687

>the company didnt fire her to appease twitter right?
This is a big possibility, as her last members only stream she talked about coming back, easing back into streaming, and what games she'd be playing.

>> No.44132781 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman.

>> No.44132799

She was a girl with an avatar pasted over her. She probably wants to have a real life.

>> No.44132833


>> No.44132863

same reason corruption and NTR are the biggest tags on panda.
some people get off to being assholes.

>> No.44132889

this thread was autosaged

>> No.44132923

Hiro really needs to clean house.

>> No.44132982

Why would a Japanese company care about American political drama? They could've just made her do Japanese only streams and tweet only in Japanese for a while and the EOPs who started this would've fled like cockroaches.

>> No.44132997

If Hiro doesnt clean house
end up like Lowtax.

>> No.44133000

>same reason corruption and NTR are the biggest tags on panda.
NTA, but I didn't know this. I onw have another reason to be sad.

>> No.44133027

is this one going to just stop bumping with active posters too?

>> No.44133139

At this point, you might as well go to /v/ or something to try to talk about this shit, because mods are going out of their way to ban and delete everything

>> No.44133163
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>> No.44133193

Never forget. Never forgive.

>> No.44133202

if it makes you feel better, I mean 'biggest' as in 'most number of works uploaded', idk if they're the most read or not. Just that there are some dedicated NTR and corruption fags.

>> No.44133213

so when are you going to find out?

>> No.44133220

The brightest lights cause the darkest shadows

>> No.44133298 [DELETED] 

>jannies deleting threads
jannies confirmed wizard hating trannies

>> No.44133599 [DELETED] 

doxxchads, where you all at? they must pay

>> No.44133690
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Nice scandal v-babs.

>> No.44134586 [DELETED] 


>> No.44134788

What would you have done?

>> No.44134906

i dont keep up with drama, but it was cuz of HL right? Did the trannies did something to her? How come the holos and nijis can play it but she cant?

>> No.44135064

She streamed on twitch and did a lot of collabs with vshojo and western cancer indies. It's a miracle it took this long for that fanbase she built up to turn on her for the most minor of mistep.

>> No.44135072

Is it time for TTD?
(on the intertubes only of course)

>> No.44135082
File: 261 KB, 614x342, 6CA87739-6592-49D4-B439-AB04E8F0B958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikamee was an OG when even holo 3rd felt new

Kettle Love
Magnet Love

>> No.44135133

I checked some of those twitter accounts. Why all of them are furries?

>> No.44135142 [DELETED] 

41% is too low a number

>> No.44135144
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It's funny that "they" are still trying to de-escalate the whole thing with the usual "NOT ALL TRANS" and "WELL ITS JUST A FEW PEOPLE"
They had all the power to de-escalate when the harrassment first started and they didn't because "WE HAVE 2 OWN THE CHUDZ". They made the shit bed and now they'll have to lie in it

>> No.44135172

Necromorphs and their church of unitology allies, they both need to be dealt with.

>> No.44135241

This world wasn't made for nice people to survive.

>> No.44135263

>only mentioned wanting to play

So its fair that someone doxxes you and send you a pipe bomb in the mail, got it

>> No.44135642
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The difference a month makes, huh

>> No.44135706
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>> No.44135752 [DELETED] 

Grind trannies bones into dust

>> No.44135782 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1202x1121, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44135814


>> No.44135894 [DELETED] 

Kill trannies. Behead trannies. Roundhouse kick a tranny into the concrete. Slam dunk a tranny baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy trannies. Defecate in a troon's food. Launch trannies into the sun. Stir fry trannies in a wok. Toss trannies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a trannies gas tank. Judo throw troons into a wood chipper. Twist trannies heads off. Report trannies to the IRS. Karate chop trannies in half. Curb stomp pregnant trannies. Trap trannies in quicksand. Crush trannies in the trash compactor. Liquefy trannies in a vat of acid. Eat trannies. Dissect trannies. Exterminate trannies in the gas chamber. Stomp tranny skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate trannies in the oven. Lobotomize trannies. Mandatory abortions for trannies. Grind tranny fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown trannies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize trannies with a ray gun. Kick old trannies down the stairs. Feed trannies to alligators. Slice trannies with a katana. Toss trannies into a huge meat grinder. Rip trannies in half with a chainsaw. Grind tranny baby fetuses into blenders. Feed trannies to bloodthirsty cheetahs. Skin trannies alive. Char trannies with a flamethrower

>> No.44135964 [DELETED] 

Kill trannies. Behead trannies. Roundhouse kick a tranny into the concrete. Slam dunk a tranny baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy trannies. Defecate in a troon's food. Launch trannies into the sun. Stir fry trannies in a wok. Toss trannies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a trannies gas tank. Judo throw troons into a wood chipper. Twist trannies heads off. Report trannies to the IRS. Karate chop trannies in half. Curb stomp pregnant trannies. Trap trannies in quicksand. Crush trannies in the trash compactor. Liquefy trannies in a vat of acid. Eat trannies. Dissect trannies. Exterminate trannies in the gas chamber. Stomp tranny skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate trannies in the oven. Lobotomize trannies. Mandatory abortions for trannies. Grind tranny fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown trannies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize trannies with a ray gun. Kick old trannies down the stairs. Feed trannies to alligators. Slice trannies with a katana. Toss trannies into a huge meat grinder. Rip trannies in half with a chainsaw. Grind tranny baby fetuses into blenders. Feed trannies to bloodthirsty cheetahs. Skin trannies alive. Char trannies with a flamethrower

>> No.44136033

This. Or as the japanese would say 自業自得。
Trannies are dishonest, their entire existence depends on censorship and dishonesty, never pander to them and dont use platforms that pander to troons.

>> No.44136047

1 vthot down
many more to go

>> No.44136087

>he doesn’t know
There’s going to be a Hogwarts Legacy sequel and an adaption of it to tv. The harassment campaign is just beginning.

>> No.44136112

Corpos can't do much, its like trying to stop piracy. It ain't happenin.

>> No.44136133

>He says as he posts on /vt/

>> No.44136140

You know why.

>> No.44136147

Do we have this in Dagoth Ur voice yet?

>> No.44136247

Did anybody save her tweets?

>> No.44136289
File: 187 KB, 583x469, twitter freaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re doing anything they can to make themselves the victim.

>> No.44136457

Even if twitter closed down they would just migrate somewhere else to continue festering
Reminder all these neo-puritans came from tumblr after porn was banned there even though they spent all their time doxxing and harassing people for creating porn

There is nothing more disgusting than a lazy narcissist looking for taller flowers to cut down

>> No.44136527


I hope you get fucking raped and killed fagot

>> No.44136614

This shit is so evil and unjust.

>> No.44136653

Because furries were the very first online community to get infested, 2006-8 was the golden age for furries, and then w*men and the mentally ill found out about the internet

>> No.44136711

>Even if twitter closed down they would just migrate somewhere else to continue festering
People always say this, but forget that it would take time for a twitter replacement to come about. The reason these freaks love twitter so much is because it specifically caters to them

>> No.44136718

wait what do you mean?
like Dagoth Ur voice ai?
when did this happen?

>> No.44136960

If twitter shut down everyone would be back to Facebook overnight instead of just the boomers, there's always places for toxic people to fester

>> No.44137067

There's one where he does it for Argonians.

>> No.44137084

Hell will be but a mercy for you freaks.

>> No.44137157

Careful what you wish for

>> No.44137170

They would all move to Mastodon where no one would hear them. Normalfags don't use it. The few right wingers on Twitter would just move to this website where no one would take them seriously.

>> No.44137225

Twitter also allows them to bellow in the ears of corporations and politicians who think it's the pulse of the hoi poloi. On Tumblr, they were a lunatic fringe out of sight and out of mind. On Twitter, they're able to hijack all dialogue about everything.

>> No.44137318 [DELETED] 

Amazing, a whole board full of unbreastfed chuds who cannot stop their autistic REEEEEEES. No capacity for reading comprehension, let alone civility. I hope you fascists choke.

>> No.44137417 [DELETED] 

welcome troon, how about adding urself to the 41%

>> No.44137467

Why the fuck would they move to mastodon, these freaks need as many normalfags as possible to shove around and bully or else they start melting into puddles of acid blood

>> No.44137555

Well, they've already started doing that since Elon took over. They hope everyone else will follow but I doubt that's going to happen (Mastodon gives them a LOT of power, they can maintain blocklists of not just individual users but also entire instances).

>> No.44137664

Power is relative, they don't want to be left alone they want absolute total power over everyone else because they're insane narcissists, so no way in hell do they move to a backwater with no influence

>> No.44137671

i cannot believe that a vtuber radicalized me.

>> No.44137716

Everyone knows the real place to go is whatever platform pixiv artists go to.

>> No.44137790

Let's make this month a calm before the storm. Take that time to find and target all the bullies first, and then unleash all the fury after she graduates, masking it as april fools.

>> No.44137977

oh god, the retards are going to organize

>> No.44137985

Absolutely true

Surely any non-american harassers could be absolutely fucked by anti harassment laws

>> No.44138115 [DELETED] 

you troons drew first blood

>> No.44138163 [DELETED] 

you should have stayed on the short bus

>> No.44138189

I hate this god damned world so much.

>> No.44138245

This isn't the first time, destroying people's lives is their day job because they claim horseshit "medical" benefits or being unfit for work then sit on twitter all day

>> No.44138288

They already did. They harassed Pikamee and now she graduated

>> No.44138302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44138339
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>> No.44138385

Love how literal support for the harassment stays untouched but everything else gets deleted. Quality moderation.

>> No.44138406

and you'll forever stay a male

>> No.44138529

Really makes you think

>> No.44138839 [DELETED] 
File: 948 KB, 832x832, 1663960868736455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one sane wants to be a mod.
Only redditors and troons here
41% yourself modfag

>> No.44138918

Total teanny death

>> No.44139066

Amazing. Is there a site to make pics like this? It has to be AI shit

>> No.44139159

No, it's not fair. Feel that hatred, let it grow and fuel you.
>but hate is... le bad!
No, there's nothing wrong with hating that which threatens the things we love.

>> No.44139265

A feature of Stable Diffusion is img2img - the ability to use an existing picture as a template and tell the program to "redraw" it within whatever parameters you define. I dunno if there's an online version that supports that feature but honestly SD isn't that hard to set up in my eyes. Give it a whirl.

>> No.44139403

Nice, I just might do that. Hope you have a nice night, anon

>> No.44139442

41 to 100

>> No.44139961 [DELETED] 

kill yourself faggot janny

>> No.44141400

Makes one ponder.

>> No.44141546

This is the bed you all made. Tolerating and celebrating the worst people imaginable for 10 years just so you didn’t have to be “mean”, just so a bunch of weird unfuckable losers with no personality or goals could play pretend at being something more interesting than a weird unfuckable loser at no cost to themselves. Now this is what we get. And this is what you get, too. My heart is broken, but until you start treating shitheads like shitheads, and you stop getting suckered by their most basic, most retardedly obvious attempts at constant manipulation, you deserve no pity.

And in case a troon is reading this: Trans people are not the “gender” they pretend to be, no matter how many parts they chop off or hormones they inject themselves with. Third genders don’t exist, either. This is reality. The only reason people let you play at being “cute” when you look like a twig in a wig or an unsexed blob at best, is that we’re being polite. So—if you’re reading this—you better start being more thankful, troon.

>> No.44141760

do not forgive
do not forget

>> No.44142124

a sad Pikamee day.

>> No.44142184

>second thread today autosaged.

>> No.44142557

I don't know if you're still here anon but I felt like having a little fun. I'm not very good at this but here's a boing-boing sort-of-Pikamee with no pantsu for some reason, obviously aping the left image.
