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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44119964 No.44119964 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty crazy 10 years later we all just kind of forgot about this

>> No.44120024

That was 10 years ago. People are too fragile nowadays.

>> No.44120072

Most people on twitter weren't born 10 years ago.

>> No.44120082

Women start physically dying when they read mean comments anon please understand

>> No.44120087

Women mostly. It's not their fault, they are hardwired biologically, they are neurotic, they delete their social media accounts all the time whenever more than 1% of the comments are negative.

>> No.44120155

Weak men make for weak women.

>> No.44120192

Part of her job is listening to the demented bullshit her audience spouts. If a significant portion said demented bullshit is hateful, it's going to get to you.

>> No.44120232

What does this have to do with vtuber discussion?
Piss off discord

>> No.44120337
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Norm knew what's up...

>> No.44120375

well isn't her graduating the ultimate form of walking away from the screen?

>> No.44120402

This is how you lose a space that should be yours. By gaslighting yourself that the internet doesn't matter. And then these troons will groom your children, your nieces and nephews; all over Discord. You won't even know it, because you're not there. Because you walked away from the screen and closed your eyes. Keep your eyes open. See the evil people for what they are. Fight back.

>> No.44120439

as much as i hate troons for what they did to the kettle he's right. simply turn off the monitor if the harassment is too much for you.

>> No.44120455

Uneducated nigger spouting uneducated statements, nothing to see here. Now more than ever people are committing suicide due to cyberbullying every day, mostly kids and teenagers. Educate yourself, clown.

>> No.44120465

tranny deflection thread AND literal gay nigger twitter screencap

>> No.44120521

>Pikamee walked away from the vtubing instead of having to put up with the growing toxicity in the vtubing community
Maybe Fubuki graduating wasn't the canary to jump away from vtubers......

>> No.44120558

Meant to reply to OP. Whoops.

>> No.44120586

>someone I don't like gets bullied
Turn off the monitor
>someone I like gets bullied
hurrrr educate yourself
an hero urself my man

>> No.44120630

>n-no! You actually should totally give in to our demands and let us tell you what to do
The stench of chinese antis

>> No.44120638
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>> No.44120690
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2/2 nye

>> No.44120692

Same applies to trannies

>> No.44120720

so why can't trannies do that?

>> No.44120750

This is 100% true but it only applies to normal people with real jobs.
People whose job are reliant on the internet, social media or streaming can't just walk away with no consequences anymore that you can just not show up at work with no consequences.

>> No.44120806

The world did fucking en in 2012. Everything is shit and doomed now.

>> No.44120859

>let us tell you what to do
Wtf is wrong with you? When did I even imply that? I'm telling vtuber fans that aren't troons to fight back. Take back the hobby from troons. Force them into a corner like they forced Pikamee into one. Make them suffer.
This is merely the consequences of your actions. The same way you troons tried to block and harass people for playing the game. Time to face the music.

>> No.44120965

Easy, just distance yourself from and call out the bad actors in the trans community. Also if you are silent during this, you are part of "the bad crowd".

They should know this kind of stuff better than anybody else, since they helped establishing it.

>> No.44121058

There are no bad actors. Just actors.
They can throw their allies in front of them as a shield over and over again saying "uwu just some bad actors!" all they want. But people finally see through this shit.
It's every fucking single one of them. No holding back anymore. Total bully death.

>> No.44121131

I support everyone's right to tell other people to kill themselves. If trannies are better at telling people to kill themselves than normal people are at telling trannies to kill themselves that's just a sad indictment of normal people.

>> No.44121148

What? Why are they obligated to speak up against it?

>> No.44121185

>If trannies are better at telling people to kill themselves
Well they do have the most first hand experience.

>> No.44121209

Folks just wanted an excuse to hate trans people freely. They’re too fucking scared to do it out in the open.

>> No.44121263

See, you guys make these jokes but they're the ones who got someone to quit while you're on here crying about meanies online. You've got less of a pair than freaks who cut theirs off.

>> No.44121294

If the rules were equally applied, this position could make sense, but trannies are a protected class.

>> No.44121343

You don't hear about the ones who kill themselves. Their friends throw them under the bus and quickly make sure they are forgotten since it's bad optics to have to acknowledge the statistic.

>> No.44121345

That's the standard they've used for people playing Harry Potter. They're the ones who decided on it. Silence is violence, or so I've heard.

>> No.44121356

Pikamee only quit vtubing. Trannies will quit life. 41%.

>> No.44121389

pls undahstand women are especially hard hit by online bullying because its the first time theyve ever had to face any sort of negative attention
guys can shrug it off because they get shit on irl every day

>> No.44121432

Maybe you should transition too since you're such a whiny bitch.

>> No.44121448

they do it but irl instead

>> No.44121472

vtubing has become very toxic and attracted shitty people, there are a few basic things all vtubers should know already if they want to avoid being in a bad spot

-Don't feed hate mobs
-The individuals engaging in harassment campaigns do not represent all people of any group
-If things are bad it's better to disconnect from social media and spend some time offline.
-Have friends who you can trust and who will provide emotional support in difficult times.
-Cutting off toxic people is ok, if fans become haters just cut the losses and move on.

>> No.44121479

You do realize these aren't the same people, right...?

>> No.44121503
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Yet she teared up when that one faggot from the anti discord sent her a red SC in response to the Minecraft sport fes. lineup of last year.

She's based from saying this on-stream for everyone that gets harassed on a basis, but she also has to lead by example, otherwise those words won't mean shit.

>> No.44121529

Wait, the alleged "good transfolk" is part of the same community but is doing literally nothing and stays silent while death threats are getting thrown around?
Sounds like enabling to me.
Sounds like they don't really disagree with the bullying or anything.

>What? Why are they obligated to speak up against it?
Strange how this question is asked when for years it was asked by transfolk to speak up against, cut ties with and bully alleged transphobes.

>> No.44121550

They can't keep hiding behind the "uh it's not a group thing!" shield.
We must acknowledge that it is a hate group and they are not welcomed in this community.

>> No.44121564
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>> No.44121565

Prepare to get bullied nerd

>> No.44121586

Ten years ago we didn't have literal tranny jannies like naemuti fucking up the boards.

>> No.44121627

>vtubing has become very toxic and attracted shitty people
as with anything nowadays:
The gatekeeping was lacking.

>> No.44121632

>someone gets victimized by psychotic troons
i’m convinced narcissism is part of the trans package.

>> No.44121650

silence is violence. they are being held to their own standards.

>> No.44121663

The problem is that it's still only 41%. If people had the balls troons have, it would be 99% at the least.

>> No.44121730

Saying nothing doesn't equate to agreeing though, that's a very extremists ideal. Some people just don't care, too scared to care, or are busy with other things.
Karma is cool and all but unless you can specifically find an instance of this specific person being hypocritical then you have no point at all.

>> No.44121732

Keep seething, Iwill still support her


>> No.44121745
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How did people already forget about norm...

>> No.44121756

I mean, the entire thing is about fetishizing your own body and then forcing everyone to play along so you can get your rocks off. Narcissism seems like a given in that case.

>> No.44121847

Sorry, not my standard. It's theirs.

>> No.44121885

That's what she did

>> No.44121896

Except you're not allowed to say this to troons

>> No.44121940

Who? Do you think they're all the same people with the same ideals and opinions?

>> No.44121945

twitter trannies don’t have lives outside of the internet. that’s why they shit up every forum and social media website they touch. mass media tranny pandering has only emboldened them to act the way they do while playing victim when confronted.

stop giving them attention and then they eventually will leave you alone. they want to see you groveling and obedient to their ideology, don’t give that to them.

>> No.44121952

>Some people just don't care, too scared to care, or are busy with other things.
Damn, so easy to avoid responsibility when you are part of the transfolks. It's almost as if there was a double standard or something.

>> No.44121992

It's a Japanese problem because when they read a comment on the Internet they imagine that a real human wrote it (and would've said the same to their face) while westerners realize that comments on the Internet are written by malicious demons.

>> No.44121998

we're way past the "just ignore it and it'll go away" point, buddy. you're running on copium fumes

>> No.44121997

do you lack common sense or something, how is it fair for people that didn't have anything to do with this harrasment to also be harrased, just because they're trans.

>> No.44122021

>just because they're trans.
Then they have something to do with it.

>> No.44122032

You cannot gatekeep, you need to build resistance instead.
People need to be strong and wise enough to handle shit because there's no way to protect them from it at this point.
It goes for individuals dealing with bullshit but also the communities themselves.
One of the most important things is making people be able and willing to speak up, it sounds dumb but just having people be able to say what they think openly makes a world of difference, it can't be just one or two schizos, it needs to be normalized.
100% it was the result of trans people, the way they are coddled and overprotected, the fact that they have been treated like indian cows and allowed to get away with everything they wanted has spoiled them to such an insane degree their echo chambers have 0 sanity checks and when they go unhinged no one is there to stop them.

For years we've had to endure the male hater boogeyman, how it's lonely parasocial men who are the scary monster that haunts vtubers but at most we saw a few menhera schizos obsessed with a vtuber, this was on another level, it was a massive level of harassment going on all over the scene.
I think the most possitive result of this is that a lot of people are openly saying "yeah I don't hate trans and I am ok with them in real life, but online, they are the worst human beings that exist".
So accountability is starting to happen slowly.

>> No.44122044

>just do nothing and ignore them while they infest every single online space and run every moderation team
No, they won't, this has literally never worked. There is a janny literally right now deleting every single post in the board talking about the matter.

>> No.44122069

Latest stat is 55% and climbing as life goes on

>> No.44122081

>stop noticing patterns, we're all atomized individuals (when it benefits me)

>> No.44122107

Avoid responsibility? Why is it their responsibility? Is it your responsibility to keep track of every single person in your race, religion, or whatever? No, that's ridiculous. You aren't their parents. You can only call for a double standard if you have specific instances of such, elsewise you're just shooting people at random by association.

>> No.44122114

no you absolute dumbfuck, that's not how that works, they're literally just minding their business, and you're putting everyone on the same sack including innocent bystanders, because it's way easier than doing your research and holding the actual ones that did the harrasment accountable.

>> No.44122117

The people who claim to belong to the "trans community". It is a community, after all, so they all share responsibility. That's how communities work.

>> No.44122139

Funny, whenever someone on "our side" does something even remotely "offensive" the twitter freaks demand "we" disavow them.

Yet I see a lot of these same twitter freaks claiming they had nothing to do with bullying Pikamee, despite never disavowing those who did...

>> No.44122164

Internet bullying is still not real desu

>> No.44122194

This. Walking away from the screen is tantamount to quitting vtubing altogether.

>> No.44122198

it’s a hell of a lot better to ignore them than it is to literally give up and let them think they won.

there is the third option of calling them out by name but only few people have the balls to do that.

>> No.44122208

So then why don't the "good" troons call out the one's running defence for child rapists when they should KNOW that not doing so is a bigger negative in the long run since normal people HATE child rapists. Why allow your group to openly associate with them? Hell they ran defence for Chris-chan's identity when he raped his mother saying "just because she raped her elderly mother doesn't mean you can disrespect her identity"
Why aren't the "good" one's calling out the others for openly allying themselves with criminal scum?

>> No.44122213

At this point I firmly believe that the LGBT "community" wants this to happen and the lack of cleaning house of their bad apples is an endorsement of those ideas until they can collectively prove that love and tolerance is still a thing, it's dead as of today.

>> No.44122224

I think all trannies should be bullied into suicide

>> No.44122226

they associate with the groups and movements that preach these standards. go on twitter and just look at their bios and flags. if they didn't want people to associate them with such ideas then they shouldn't be promoting them.

>> No.44122232

Interesting take
Updooted with a (You)

>> No.44122291

What part of "total bully death" don't you understand?
There are no innocent bystanders. When the war is on your land, you can no longer be a civilian. You either fight, flee, or submit to your oppressors.

>> No.44122321

fucking newfags, i hate them

>> No.44122325

Its much easier for anonymous pussies with no skin in the game to say this, but it can actually have an impact when your career or real identity are tied in to your online activity

>> No.44122334

There are no good trannies. You'd think somebody would have encountered one by now if they were real.

>> No.44122380

>just because they're trans.
Just because they are mentally ill freaks that try to force normal people to accept their delusions, take over female spaces and groom and drug children? Sounds like enough reason for me to tell them all to neck themselves.

>> No.44122392

when did i say it was fair you illiterate retard?

>> No.44122410
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then explain gura. she walks away all the time and is still the top vtuber

>> No.44122467

Females don't deserve spaces of their own, fucking worthless whores deserve the monsters they created

>> No.44122504

Being "trans" is about forcing other people to accept that you are a woman, they are never "minding their own business", you piece of shit

>> No.44122515

gura is too strong

>> No.44122528

Except people aren't just hating on whatever the "trans community" even is, they're hating on everyone who's trans.
Ok? Then hate those guys, why would you in turn hate every single trans person, including the ones who have nothing to do with this situation?
Plenty of trans people call out pedophiles though, you would have to be willingly ignorant to think otherwise dude. This isnt a hard thing to find.
The community doesn't exist, it's a vague concept that people flip flop between if it represents every queer person or not.
No, those flags are in their bios because it represents what they are and they feel like sharing it.

>> No.44122557

>So then why don't the "good" troons call out the one's running defence for child rapists when they should KNOW that not doing so is a bigger negative in the long run since normal people HATE child rapists. Why allow your group to openly associate with them? Hell they ran defence for Chris-chan's identity when he raped his mother saying "just because she raped her elderly mother doesn't mean you can disrespect her identity"
are you genuinely so fucking new that you havent been around GamerGate and witnessed first-hand the sheer futility of trying to play PR against an audience that hates your guts regardless of what you'd do

>> No.44122568

This applies to everyone.
Anyone noteworthy on the interwebs is going to have at least a sand grain worth of unjustified hate. Part of the job is to fend it off. She didn't have a healthy coping mechanism, enough filters to block mean messages or mods to clean up mess.

She gave in, the evil won. Now they're bloodthirsty for the next target.

>> No.44122585

this is wrong. jews created this monster and women were just manipulated by them and the men of our society allowed it to happen. this is all the fault of men, unironically.

>> No.44122616

which is why you should not let them think that their bullying is working.

>> No.44122685

Why couldn't the troons take this advice then?

>> No.44122691

>which is why you should not let them think that their bullying is working.
the bullying that never happened and the bullying that everyone keeps talking about as if it happened yet somehow nobody ever posts any screenshots of it

>> No.44122696

>it's a vague concept that people flip flop between if it represents every queer person or not.
Bro that's exactly what you're trying to argue here. That we should let them flip-flop between "We're all in this together!" and "wasn't me I'm just an innocent little femboy!"
We can not allow that any longer.
Total bully death.

>> No.44122795

Trannies really think this astroturfing strategy is effective, huh?

>> No.44122815
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>> No.44122853

Yeah, it never fucking happened, Pikamee just cancelled her Hogwarts stream, went on a long break and then announced her graduation for no fucking reason, nevermind her tweet trying to tell people that she just wanted to play the game and didn't support anything in particular.
Kill yourself, tranny.

>> No.44122856

Same retarded logic the harassment brigade used against people.

>> No.44122877


There's no way you guys actually think every single person in the community shares braincells just because of the fact that they're trans.
I'm guessing you haven't even come across posts from trans people that disavow harrassment but acknowledge the harm the game does (their words) and advice people to not buy it. And yet they never participate in any hate or "bullying" campaign. Again, the easier route is to think everyone thinks the same way because you already hate them all.
Day after day I see multiple different takes and arguments and personalities on this godforsaken board, and even if the anonimity makes everyone less "soft" when delivering them, I cannot claim that "you're all the same", yet on the outside, people have no nuance when it's time to describe this hellsite. Would you be just fine with outsiders and tourists saying that (You) do the worst shit people have done on this site, every day? And that just because you regularly post here you're also to blame and complicit and should be arrested or killed? I didn't fucking think so.

>> No.44122931

turn off the monitor then

>> No.44122955

Faggots like you who will NEVER hold cunts accountable are also part of the problem. For the good of society please slit your worthless retard throat

>> No.44122975

That's not what I'm trying to argue here, that is literally what it's treated as. It's stupid. People who haven't done anything shouldn't be hated just because they live their lives a certain way, this is extremist and gives more power to the annoying people who stir this shit up to begin with.

>> No.44122991

>why would you in turn hate every single trans person, including the ones who have nothing to do with this situation?
You seem trans, as you don't really "get" or want to get the situation.
If you don't wanna end in the crossfire, just make sure to clearly and loudly denounce bad faith actors within your community. You need to do it loudly and clearly so we surely can see it. Otherwise we WILL think of you as one of the "bad apples" since, damn... your community is full of them.

>> No.44123018

I don't fucking care about this particular incident, freaj.
Every single tranny's life purpose is to convince normal people that they are the opposite sex with all the catastrophic consequences that come with it, they are all subhuman freaks and should be exterminated for that reason alone.
