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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44107480 No.44107480 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you guys when she wasn't graduating? You weren't in her streams. You weren't in her threads. Stop pretending to care about her now.

>> No.44107790

I was watching VODs. I hate waiting for, so I normally waited until she finished a game before I started watching.

>> No.44107793

It's funny because /vt/ shits so much on homobeggars for trying to defend stars when they don't actually watch their streams.

>> No.44107943

I was in her youtube streams, it's a shame she switched platforms

>> No.44107947

Sorry, I was doing my life while watching her streams or VODs. I don't sit my ass in front of the PC all day long on this site, unlike you.

>> No.44108000

>can't find closure yet, can't control his emotions, lashes out

>> No.44108048

This. One she switched to Twitch it's like she completely disappeared for me.

>> No.44108072

I'm just glad she is gone.

>> No.44108080

>projecting this hard
I was watching the whole time retard

>> No.44108139

it’s not really about watching her, it’s about the fact that someone wholesome got bullied into graduation

>> No.44108146

me three

>> No.44108222

And you pretending as if this was "preplanned" is just as bad as the people pretending to care about her now.


>> No.44108225

i didnt need to watch her regularly to be empathetic now. this just doesnt feel right, and its sad.

>> No.44108544

>dude stop caring that a beloved vtuber is graduating since you didn't watch her!
God you underages are fucking insufferable. I hope you get out that angst phase soon, anon.
Or at least grow up a little and realize nobody has enough free time to watch every vtuber under the sun.

>> No.44108588

she was streaming on both you stupid sea larpers

>> No.44108971

>he watches anything but clips
lol fag

>> No.44108984

i have a job and better hobbies, i just don't think it's fair to her

>> No.44109079
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>> No.44109196

but is that really the only reason she quit? would people really choose to give up their successful career as a beloved vtuber idol because of being bullied by random troons that are easy to ignore? its unlikely she has anything better to do in life. was her graduation really avoidable? am i missing some actual serious harassment that took place?

>> No.44109267
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...you were saying?

>> No.44109437
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I was posting in the handful of VOMS threads and watching VODs and TMSK.
I hope and pray to God almighty that Pika at least reincarnates somewhere. I don't care what company/indie or if she goes of she drops English in favor of full Japanese streaming, I want to hear her kettle laughs in the future. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE FOREVER AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.44109628

Im very tired of these trannies and their deflection threads kill yourself disgusting abomination you caused this now your kind will never be welcomed

>> No.44109774 [DELETED] 

you will never be a woman, and fuck you tranny jannie

>> No.44109789
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It'll just feel wrong without her.
Like, she was the one to collab with everyone, holo, niji, vshojo, phase, indies, EN or JP, everyone liked her.
At least I won't have reasons to visit this retarded fucking board for that one thread anymore.

>> No.44109811

nah that's you

>> No.44109818

She really wasn't.
The last stream I watched live of hers on YouTube was Boku no Natsumiyasumi.

>> No.44109923

I watched her yt streams for years. I think you underestimate how much people care

>> No.44109939

i was burnt out on most chuubas for the last year but i always had a vast respect for the kettle.
ganbare pikamee of the dekai boing, we'll miss you.

>> No.44110026

no one cared when she was harassed

>> No.44110043

If cover was smart they'd pick her up for a gen 7

>> No.44110068

This isn't a happy graduation!
The trannies harassed her into it!

>> No.44110213

assuming she actually applied, pretty sure she'd be a shoe-in for gen 7 or gen 3. any agency would be absolutely retarded not to hire an established legend like her

>> No.44110235

She moved down in importance when EN debuted, I can't deny that. In retrospect it was a mistake, but you can't play Monday morning quarterback with 20-20 vision

>> No.44110252

I did. It's why I kept having 3 day vacations this month. TTD.

>> No.44110384

She's quitting because she doesn't want to be harassed by SJWs, it makes no sense that should would start streaming again.
Are you retarded?

>> No.44110416

Doesn't matter if you watched every stream, only occasionally or even if you only watched clips Pikamee was a cornerstone of Vtubing easily one of the most widely loved and respected, her graduation will be a great loss.

>> No.44110494

read my post again, notice what I said before the first comma.
>Are you retarded?
are you?

>> No.44110551

>If you're not dedicating your entire life to a vtuber, you don't care
Fuck off retard

>> No.44110606
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I was there since 40k subs. It hurts, anons. Only TTD can make this right.

>> No.44110634 [DELETED] 

What you said before the first comma can imply that she would even want to.
Be a bit more eloquent with your words.

>> No.44110663
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I don't care about vtubers, I'm just here to shit on trannies

>> No.44110741

If shit on means KILL, then good.

>> No.44110969

still anon, seeing someone graduate makes me sad, i dont need to be her number 1 fan to have some empathy, im sad for her and all her fans

>> No.44111007


>> No.44111139


>> No.44111194


>> No.44111280
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>> No.44111336

What you said before the first comma can imply that she would even want to.
Be a bit more eloquent with your words.

>> No.44111409

I'll be honest and say I only ever watched a couple of her streams and a lot of her clips. But I don't think that means I can't be pissed off. She seemed like a very sweet and pure (if a little autistic) japanese girl. I am always afraid for japanese people who get exposed to the abolsute dumpsterfire of modern western "culture" and it seems these concerns were well founded. Seeing her be forced off the internet by these mentally ill bullies has pushed me far fucking right on this issue. I want them thrown in insane asylums. You are not a woman, you are are a lunatic. More than that, you are bullies who get high off crybullying others into submission. You are evil.

>> No.44111414

I for one welcome the newest addition to vshojo jp

>> No.44111459

Worst end

>> No.44111542

She was streaming nearly 80% on Twitch in the last few months. Better numbers but you have to deal with woke fuckhead EOPs itching to cancel someone.

>> No.44111550

wording is perfectly sufficient for anyone without a retard's reading comprehension skills, especially considering the context is readily obvious

>> No.44111661

>No, you can't feel basic human empathy for a bully victim
says the transtard doing damage control. go get the rope

>> No.44111696

Retard. I watch her all the time even though I don't participate. I've always been a lurker, but I am pissed about what happened. Thing is, there is nothing I can do about it.

>> No.44112004

I've got an idea OP. How about everybody who does care about Pikamee and everybody who doesn't really care about her joins hands and ropes the trannies?

>> No.44112030

vshojo management will let her play what she wants though

>> No.44112188

>in a brothel, you can do anything you want!

>> No.44112621

She was just playing a videogame and we care about having that freedom, fuck you.

>> No.44112850

Why did she graduate?

>> No.44112908

Not them but I'm rarely on twitch but my tv is set on youtube 24/7

>> No.44112935

>assuming she actually applied
The implication is the she SHOULD have applied, there is not a suggestion that she does not want to in any of the words congregated therein.
Checkmate atheists.

>> No.44112949

Isn't Pikamee one of the legends of the vtuber community? Anyone that been here before /vt/ was created have seen or know pretty well who Pikamee is, for example, I have never bother to seen Pekora but I know how important she is.

>> No.44113014

Did Gyari forbid her from playing Hogwarts? No.
The trannies spammed her with hate until she cancelled the stream.

There is literally not a piece of evidence to blame this on VOMS.

>> No.44113023

Didn't Nazuna have to cancel her Hogwarts stream because of management? Pikamee had tons of freedom as part of VOMS.

>> No.44113072

>Where were you guys when we were selecting targets?
How did this fucking happen Tranny bros! Kek, is it even bros? You don't qualify as human..

>> No.44113104

1. She was already done with the vtuber thing.
2. She one day decided to "come back" to play a game she wanted to play.
3. She got harassed for it
4. She confirmed that indeed she was done with the vtuber thing.

People saying that the Hogwartz Legacy is the reason and that Hogwartz Legacy had nothing to do with the graduation are both retards.

>> No.44113118

Fags and trannies bullied her to submission.

>> No.44113145

You don't need to have been a viewer to see this situation is unfair bullshit

>> No.44113155 [DELETED] 

I'll say it again. She deserved this and I don't feel sorry for her. Boohoo, she feels bad but imagine how many trans people are hurting right now.

>> No.44113166

nigger go back to grade school

>> No.44113170

I was, you fucking troon. Go hang yourself, you piece of shit.

>> No.44113180

Where were you when Trannies were trying to lynch her?

>> No.44113191

It's even worse than that. I remember /vt/ actively dissing her when she got the new model.

>> No.44113236

False as fuck

>> No.44113255

If a magical djinni appeared in front of you and offered to kill all trannies in the entire world, but in exchange you would also have to sacrifice your own life, would you take his offer?

>> No.44113259

Why the fuck does tranny janny keeps deleting threads fuck you. Killyourself.

>> No.44113276

I know the situation is tense but don't lie to yourself it was a huge downgrade

>> No.44113284

Disliking a model is perfectly reasonable. Everyone hated Gura's one shoddy rig as well.

>> No.44113296


>> No.44113306

>dude why are you calling 911 for that kid that got run over? Do you even know him? Stop pretending to care now.

>> No.44113321

Did they go out of their way to harass her, but its the same tging guys!
Mental gymnastics aren't going to save you from repercussions.

>> No.44113339

No, that won't bring Pika back
Besides, I can take them on by myself

>> No.44113390

Is this really the angle you are going to use to shitpost? Pikamee is Ai or Coco tier, if you like vtubers you have seen Pikamee at least once, unless you are actually the new one around here.

>> No.44113391
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hopefully she reincarnates and she can be with monoe again

>> No.44113395

>but imagine how many trans people are hurting right now.
I can only hope they're fucking dying also.


>> No.44113416

They're hurting because theyre dumb and cut their pee pees off. Hope it gets infected and they die faster.

>> No.44113491

If I got to personally kill every single one of them, maybe.
If I got to kill every one of them, at my own pace, yes.

>No, that won't bring Pika back
It would though, she quite to end the trannies harasement.
No trannies = no harasement.

>> No.44113540

This attitude that Pikamee bred into her fans is exactly why she got lectured by trans people but decided to retire like a coward

>> No.44113596

bred into ur butt rumaoooo

>> No.44113601

>complete indifference to other peoples suffering.
>demands that others feel bad for them
if any of you didn't quite get what the term "crybully" was about yet, here you go. if you let them avoid all consquences just because they claim victimhood you will keep getting played forever. your empathy is being weaponised against you by complete psychopaths. stop falling for it

>> No.44113659

If all trannies were dead, there would be no problem.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't.

'Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms'.

>> No.44113668

No reason to be antisemitic about it

>> No.44113739

Yeah, imagine how many of them are hurting because of the gorillion zillions of people streamed the game and bought it. But they managed to harrass one person off the internet so they won right?

>> No.44113792
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I never fell for it; it's women who keep falling for it, and they control 50% of the vote.
If it were up to me, we'd be hanging trannies from the street lamps. Or do what the French did and build a platform to display hanged bodies. Ahh, the good old days.

>> No.44113804


>> No.44113941


>> No.44114023

How convenient for trannies.
It's always somehow NEVER their fault.

>> No.44114053

This attitude is only being adopted by people because you faggots forced their hands to, look at the general hostility people are adopting en masse against you. And you are proving their anger right. And You are in no position to lecture anyone about how they should react.
Fuck you and kill yourself tranny.

>> No.44114085
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It's too late now
In hindsight, I would make sure she kept streaming in japanese only. Even if I don't understand it would motivate me to learn. Well, at least now I will.

>> No.44114116

I didn't

>> No.44114306

>It's too late now
It's an improbable dream (id est: to kill all trannies) but, if it did happen, Pikamee would have nothing left to fear and, therefore, no reason to quit. Like an abused dog being freed from its cruel master.
Alas, it is a dream and, unless we are bestowed a miracle or a saviour that rids this planet of trannies, this is our cursed fate.

>> No.44114343

Yeah no, people not liking the isekai model was not what pushed her to quit vtubing you retard
People rarely ever brought it up to her on stream

>> No.44114965

I didn't mind it, it had its charm.
Haters will always be more vocal than people who are indifferent.

>> No.44115136

>nobody has enough free time to watch every vtuber under the sun.
Well, if you are shitposting and falling in the drama, certainly not.

>> No.44115254

It wasn't BAD, especially compared to other chuubas, but it was worse than her first model that was prefect. It also felt like a spit in birdman's face, though he was fine with her using a different model

>> No.44115281

your parents will bury you under your real name when you eventually end yourself

>> No.44115694

Shut the fuck up I've been watching her for years and she's been responding to my messages since I was a grey. I had my PC left on for her Hogwarts Legacy stream to scare the shit out of me at 5am while you catalogue readers wrote her off as a twitch reactor. Hatchet wound or not, fuck all of you antis

>> No.44116008

>I had my PC left on for her Hogwarts Legacy stream to scare the shit out of me at 5am
Based, I do that all the time

>> No.44117274

In /pol/, I'd assume. The lack of moderation made them feel welcome here unfortunately
