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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44109462 No.44109462 [Reply] [Original]

there was a time where these three were the only english-speaking JP adjacent vtubers...

>> No.44109596

You're forgetting Chammers... but yes. It is sad.

>> No.44109632

Hana should have graduated instead of Pika, it's not fair bros.

>> No.44109653

So is Pikamee gonna just shuffle to a new persona after like 6 months or is this perma-graduation?

>> No.44109931
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, mihaly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucked up

>> No.44110037

No idea, it's not like she has a career outside of vtubing, she was only doing side jobs as a translator before voms.

>> No.44110107

Western vtubers were always a mistake, though OP image aren't the growth from it is the cause

>> No.44110117

she's next

>> No.44110131

Very unlikely considering her childhood bullying for being hafu

>> No.44110171

Coco should've never existed

>> No.44110218


>> No.44110452

Who the fuck is the one on the right?

>> No.44110472

You must be somewhat new then

>> No.44110519

When's Coco coming back?

>> No.44110564

She is no one anon forget about her she never existed

>> No.44110589
File: 97 KB, 290x290, image_2023-03-02_031352417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was there before everyone else

>> No.44110618

keep seething artiashart

>> No.44110647


>> No.44110816

Holo didn't opened auditions a few days ago? Almost sure pikamee will debut there

>> No.44110875

She didn't set a time, she said "maybe after 500 years". People ignored the "maybe" and "after", so it became "500 years".
But if you want the 500 year time, that is four million, three hundred and sixty-eight thousand, three hundred and four days from now.
Which is 498 years and 4 months.
After that.
I still fucking miss that bitch.

>> No.44111198

It's actually closer to reality than people think.
Niji ID livers have significantly reducing their streaming time because they feels discriminated by the management, said one of them. And Hana's 3D keeps being delayed for whatever reason.
It's sad that they see no growth at all but some ID indies and unknown corpos outside of ID are getting more growth and numbers than them. Just because they shed their ID brand just as ID market started to take off.
Mass graduation is on horizon.

>> No.44111328

Good riddance Pikamee. This is all I ever wanted out of this community was to finally get rid of her, thank you psycho leftists

>> No.44112505

If Pikamee never made it known that she spoke English but merely understood it she would have been fine.

>> No.44112736

It's almost like pandering to EOPs is career suicide...

>> No.44112795


>> No.44113894

Hard truth is that Niji IDs roster is weak as hell. Only 4 or 5 standouts among all of them.

>> No.44114258

hoshikawa never even tried to appeal to non jp viewers

>> No.44114570

Did she ever do non large collabs with NijiEN? I know early on she did a variety stream with Elira in it but I think she basically ignored the EN branch after that.

>> No.44114672

Yeah and Hana and Pikamee were shilled relentlessly in the fucking Hololive thread by fags trying to deem them "Honorary Holos". I won't miss them.

>> No.44114764
File: 239 KB, 1080x920, Screenshot_20230213_103512_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama and Pikamee brought me into this shithole

>> No.44115011

u know who caused all this,
the mori kronii fags.

>> No.44115288

And Pika is gonna get me out of it. It isn't worth to keep watching if it's 95% drama or people looking for the next head to hunt. This your shit gossip tabloid your parents used to read, just 2d edition.

>> No.44116233
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Avada Kedavra...

>> No.44116270
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Only those three, huh?

>> No.44116812

Hana barely streamed as is, but it’s absolutely within the realm of possibility that she leaves Nijisanji sooner or later. She seems more active at this point streaming as an indie, probably more comfortable too. It’s just as likely that she soft retires though.

>> No.44117065

Haachama had and has the English of a 4 year old

>> No.44117180
File: 795 KB, 2897x4096, FNvW8FAaIAAZa80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were all FOOKING SHITE

Glad they're gone

>> No.44118048

Since JP has an established fan base, there is no need to go out of your way to appeal to English speakers. Coco is an exception because she is a hololive (her habitual Japanese is unique to gaijin). Since she doesn't have as much trouble gaining channel subscribers as the other two, there's no point in going out of her way to speak English.

>> No.44118262

You would think she is done but the fact her channel is getting nuked makes it questionable.

>> No.44118780

I really wonder what Miya Kimino is up to these days. Considering her great english, probably as a translator in an entertainment or a professional setting.

>> No.44119036

Ironic since Coco pandered to EOPs and invited all the idiots and now her friends are the one suffering due to it. Kek.

>> No.44119065

About time for the next Holo JP gen

>> No.44119331

Thing is, it didn't have to be this way. The """people""" that turned it into this have names and addresses that can be found with little effort

>> No.44119405

Coco hated speaking English though.

>> No.44119441

Some of that is an act. You can't study in an English speaking country without being somewhat proficient in the language.

>> No.44119862

I'd put money on her going to VShojo

>> No.44120048

Haachama dramatically over-sells her poor English these days. Dig into her very old vods and she's much more proficient.

>> No.44121078

Then why did she do it all the time and teach it to other holos?

>> No.44121373

>can speak english
>does not speak english other than like one sentence every 10 minutes
>panders to EOPs

>> No.44121616

Like Ayame streaming schedule?

>> No.44121818


>> No.44121958


Anon i…

>> No.44122362

You should replace Hana's picture with her dad instead

>> No.44122441

Boy, let me tell you how many people study from abroad here without speaking a lick of our language. I genuinely became more racist after having to work on a paper for university with two of those "people".

>> No.44122583

Nothing Haachama does is genuine.

>> No.44122705
File: 174 KB, 1080x763, FH1jmKIaUAEsfDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be cool if several months later Hololive EN 3 debuts and there's a cute jp - en bilingual li'l teakettle among them?

>> No.44122881

Artia, my beloved...

>> No.44124930

Riku stop playing Stalin

>> No.44125851 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 831x1080, 1650539371006887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're waking up

>> No.44125970
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Yeah if you're a newfag they were

>> No.44126227

>said one of them

>> No.44126268


>> No.44126740

live2D was the greatest thing to happen to professional vtubing.

>> No.44127499

find out in 6 months

>> No.44127615

She more than makes up for it with being entertaining.

>> No.44127864

And you weren't there for it OP

>> No.44127868

Vtubers. Another thing I like that's been ruined by normies. How can we effectively gatekeep in the future?

>> No.44127961


>> No.44127980

Either Holo 7th Gen or VShojo, calling it.

>> No.44128890

I fucking hate trannies, disgusting faggot freaks kys

>> No.44129070

Stop be EOP fag if you want to be saved then become japanese

>> No.44131081

She is, just like so many others in hololive. Talking in fluent english would give her a better spotlight just look at the recent suisei clips.

>> No.44135840

Commit Canadian health care system and contribute to making 41% seem like a joke

>> No.44135938

Tfw I wanna learn how to dox these """people""" to have them feel pain worse than my fellow tea kettles have felt

41% seems too low a number anyway

>> No.44136071
File: 698 KB, 1346x1490, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fire ID and KR management
>fucking act like they don't exist anymore
>talents start complaining
>cancel EN concert
>talents start complaining
>your fans pump up the stock price
>chink investors and management sell their stock on the first day it's legal to do so leaving fans as the bagholders
Why do people defend this guy and his company again?

>> No.44136212

>go to the company full of people supporting her harrasers

>> No.44136535

And that's why nobody cared about vtubers

>> No.44136941

should had gatekeep this hobby better

>> No.44137217

Brother, I think she's gone for good.

>> No.44137240

>ID market started to take off.
don't kid yourself

>> No.44138012

I remember another one she was friends with, had a 3d model, a hat, collabed with some anime YouTuber dude a couple times. Just up and vanished and hasn't been heard from in years now

>> No.44138624

Won't be surprised if Pikamee's graduation will speed up her decision making
>Weak as hell
That's what they get for recruiting their friends instead of having a proper audition

>> No.44138687

She's gone for good anon. If she didn't return to school after being bullied, what makes you think she's returning to vtubing even after hundreds of thousands of subs?

>> No.44138718

Please stop huffing the narratives, you're losing touch with reality.

>> No.44138760

NTA but Froot hasn't said anything. It's not a narrative when it's the truth.

>> No.44138908

thanks anon now I feel old

>> No.44138917

Expect the worst
Hope for the best

>> No.44139674

Don't give me false hope Anon. Especially because that would mean real potential PikAme stuff which is a pipedream I've had since 2020.

>> No.44144194

Holy shit, are you saying that Hana Machia is gonna graduate next year?

>> No.44146013

>Saying nothing is the same as compliance
They just don't want to get involved.
