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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 88 KB, 575x680, 9w4lem9o74061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44103852 No.44103852 [Reply] [Original]

A friendly reminder that /vt/ has always been an explicitly anti-tranny board. It's not memes or shitpostong, everyone legitimately believes you are wound freaks deserve to die the most painful death possible at your own male hands. Don't delude yourself into thinking you are any more accepted in your Reddit hugbox either, every one of them comes here to say the things behind your back that would get them banned over there.

>> No.44104927

You're mean and being mean to people is wrong.

>> No.44105165

Yes but babinikus are based

>> No.44105274


>> No.44105379


>> No.44105388

Nah, I'm not actually against anyone... except the specific ppl that got Pikamee to graduate, THOSE should get the rope.

>> No.44105436

Trannies are not people though. But I agree otherwise.

>> No.44105477

Far better than /pol/ in that aspect.

>> No.44105478


>> No.44105503

Saying someone isn't a person is also wrong. Everyone deserves to live without discrimination.

>> No.44105504


>> No.44105526

Good thing troons aren't people.

>> No.44105573

There is a diference between roleplaying and mental illness.

>> No.44105612


>> No.44105653

Everyone deserves to live in a world without trannies. I was a tranny supporter when being trans was perceived as an illness but now when they're trying to make themselves into a new normal it's clear that they have to go.

>> No.44105710


>> No.44105722

Except trannies.

>> No.44105748

Everyone deserves to live in a world without hatred for existing. What is and isn't normal is subjective and changes over time and humanity progresses.

>> No.44105834

Nope, we love trans folk here. Stay mad though!

>> No.44105850

You're in this shithole and being in this shithole means you're in the wrong place.
Or the right place.
Depends on how severe your mental illness is.

>> No.44105924
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1596544274941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luknight here.
Kill all trannies.

>> No.44105977

I was here before you were born. All these newfag culturewar retards started popping up in 2016 and it just got worse from there.

>> No.44106040

Enjoy wading against the majority here.
Go back to twitter

>> No.44106112

nope, hate 'em! Man-made abominations

>> No.44106135

It's objective that trannies are a huge problem for the rest of us, like terrorists and criminals.

>> No.44106191

Truth hurts but understanding it is required to stay as member of society, otherwise you would do something retarded like cutting off your dick and thinking people want to smell your festering wound

>> No.44106227

Based. Kill all trannies.

>> No.44106269

The entire trans community then
because they supported this whole boycott bs while not speaking up against the more militant insane ones in their community who go around harassing and doxxing people

>> No.44106288

This is true! Alas trannies create tons of pointless hate so its the best we will get rid of this agitating element for good

>> No.44106330

>I was here before you were born.
I knew trans supporters were actual fucking losers, but I never thought it was true to this degree.

>> No.44106381

progress downwards yea...
humanity moves in waves - up and down - and were in the downward part of this age decadance and mental illness are sure signs of the downfall of an empire

>> No.44106389
File: 366 KB, 2048x1924, 8a5e20b1a9d245c468208ece85d3e4da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open season on twitter freaks

>> No.44106409

And what about the ones who have absolutely nothing to do with you? Do you hate them to? The ones who don't interact with video games or anime at all?
You only use truth as an excuse to be hateful. You don't care about the truth, I doubt you even bother to look into matters fully before casting judgment on them, elsewise you wouldn't even have this opinion.

>> No.44106551

>You don't care about the truth
Have you considered that it's maybe the other way around? That you are the one rejecting the truth stated by countless more people as an excuse to hold yourself special?

>> No.44106591

Vtubing is Healing.

>> No.44106661

And that truth is? What is this truth that I'm rejecting? Are you going to say that biological sex exists? Because I don't disagree with that.

>> No.44106692

Posts like these should be required reading before starting/here/.
Trannies not welcome.

>> No.44106772

Trannies will never be accepted...until the technology is there to completely turn them into women and give them working uterus'. Though I hope we complete research into making RL animal girl's before that.

>> No.44106787

That the tranny community is nothing but a bunch of mentally weak people that got groomed into disfiguring themselves and attacking anyone that doesn't share their views

>> No.44106916
File: 1.59 MB, 3189x1024, 2985C751-D6F8-4D78-BDB9-282EF114C3AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Mya

>> No.44106920

That isn't the truth. The community isn't a monolith, the "community" is a vague concept. Plenty of trans people don't even play video games or give a shit about vtubers.

>> No.44107159

>The community isn't a monolith, the "community" is a vague concept.
Indeed, this is true
Doesn't change the fact that a community still needs common factors to be a community and it just so happens that being highly aggressive is a factor in this community for many years at this point
And no, five or so percent of trannies that stick to discords doesn't count as plenty, they count as tiny minority that is barely seen or heard about, nevermind them actually opposing the actions of greater community

>> No.44107231

Correct thats part of why we hate Marine (she supports trannies)

>> No.44107315

Yet it's OK foe you when they bully vtubers? Fuck off. You do not deserve our kindness or respect.

>> No.44107438

As someone who uses reddit, you are God damn right. It's the only place I can call trannies what they truly are.

>> No.44107463

She doesn't

>> No.44107466

You're insane if you think the people who aren't screaming on twitter and harassing people are the minority. Your perception is skewed to an unbelievable degree. Have you ever even looked into this harassment? How many people have you seen truly harassing vtubers? 20? 30? You think this is a majority? The majority of people in any group just keep to themselves. It's quite literally always the bad apples who make shit shows like this and it's been proven time and time again with history. Terrorists make Muslims look bad, violent rioters and gangster make black people look bad, KKK and neo nazis make white people look bad. No one fucking likes these people. And I'm tired of everytime they start kicking up a storm, people who are just minding their business get caught in the crossfire.

>> No.44107508

you will never be a woman

>> No.44107591


>> No.44107625

No. It's not okay when they do that. Those guys suck too.

>> No.44107681

She advised her fans on how to dress up like women and told them to stick thing up their butts.
Marine supports trannies.

>> No.44107822

Dressing as a woman doesn't mean you have to want to BE a woman.

>> No.44107834

don't care, you will never be a woman

>> No.44107899

I'm a biological man and I see myself as a man.

>> No.44107933

Kill yourself freak

>> No.44107990

ban this faggot please

>> No.44108031

okay, but you should still kill yourself

>> No.44108069

Yet you behave like a catty woman, grow up

>> No.44108090


>> No.44108148

>growing up is when you blindly hate people without a second thought

>> No.44108221
File: 35 KB, 410x601, 686091AC-0039-483F-9EB6-8C86190FBEAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board has been compromised by tranny mods. Got several timeouts today for saying the word “tranny” and “trannies”

>> No.44108275

>Terrorists make Muslims look bad
the quran makes muslims look bad, same with their costumes
>violent rioters and gangster make black people look bad
black people in general make black people look bad
>KKK and neo nazis make white people look bad
1/3, good for you
trannies as a group are fucking disgusting, the trannies that bullied and doxxed people are just worse

>> No.44108305

So trannies are allowed to hate, bully, harass, gaslight and deceive people. But we can't say shit against them because it's "hate"? Unironically, you need to unbrainwash yourself from what society has done to you in the past 10 years.

>> No.44108332


>> No.44108372


>> No.44108381

>same with their costumes
Ey, jihad aesthetic is top tier!

>> No.44108476

No, they aren't allowed to do that. And I never fucking argued otherwise, not everything is black and white, fuck those people too. But it's not fuck them because they're trans, it's fuck them because they're assholes. I'm not brainwashed by shit, I dont consume any sort of mainstream media because it's all propaganda horseshit to keep us scared and divided.
Thanks for providing my point.

>> No.44108580

The trannies giving support to those people and approving of their decision are also responsible.
That's how communities work. The clown only does a show because he has an audience.

>> No.44108594

>No, they aren't allowed to do that.
are you actively arguing with them when they do it?

>> No.44108669

They're assholes because they're trannies, they're terminally mentally ill, their only cure is to rope.

>> No.44108699

If i wanted to say faggot in reddit, I will say it, retard

>> No.44108907

Yes, I actively argue against them too. I'm not in support to harassing people over playing a video game.
You're the asshole for advocating suicide.

>> No.44108929

The "good" people you think exist approve and cheer on the "assholes".

>> No.44108939

i don't believe you

>> No.44109155
File: 414 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_20230301_124935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then continue to sit, cover your ears and refuse to accept the truth like a child.
No they don't. You're brainwashed. Here's a trans vtuber I literally just saw.

>> No.44109335

I, too, can find irrelevant fucks and cherry pick my argument.

>> No.44109537

>i-it doesn't count
Every time without fail. Maybe one day you'll be able to escape your echo chamber.

>> No.44109584

In your screenshot, that tranny is victim-blaming Pikamee for being harassed.

>> No.44109773

I don’t think the majority of any groups of people give a shit about this game or who plays it honestly.

>> No.44109785

>recounting events is victim blaming
Aren't you niggers the ones who constantly go on about "the truth"? The truth is that if you played that game, you're going to be a part of the culture war, akin to if you wear skimpy clothes in a bad neighborhood, you're going to get raped. They said they warned them because that's the reality of the situation. Not that it's her fault it happened.

>> No.44109868

Yes, it doesn't.
You can cope in these threads all you want, finding one or two "rational" trannies and pretending the majority of them aren't insufferable faggots, in the end they always show themselves.

>> No.44109933

>akin to if you wear skimpy clothes in a bad neighborhood, you're going to get raped.
NTA but that example literally is victim blaming...

>> No.44109948
File: 1.68 MB, 807x544, 1660551247900690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44109967

>the majority is just whatever makes me feel good about hating them
You dont give a shit about what the actual majority is, nor will you ever look into it. Because you don't want to be proven wrong, you just want to be mad at something.

>> No.44109993

I agree that everyone deserves to live in a world without hatred for existing and that also includes people with mental disorders. I am pro-trans in the sense where I think a tran-sperson's feelings are valid and should be treated with respect.

However, I personally disagree with the treatments that people with gender dysphoria are given, such as letting them change their body chemistry or surgery and I feel it's more harmful in the long run to not have them try to take steps learning to accept who they are and to continue believing in a delusion. And I speak as someone with a mental disorder myself that has also gone through those feelings related to gender, years ago.

It is a mental disorder. Saying it is one doesn't mean that they're less of a person for having it and it's not their fault either, but there should be more steps taken than just simply giving them HRT and whatever else. Because again, in the long run the majority of them aren't and won't be fully satisfied with who they are or what they look like.

>> No.44110061

"Hey don't walk into that area half naked, you will get raped" =/= "you deserved to get raped because you walked into that area half naked"

>> No.44110073

>keeps typing shit I didn't say
It's cute how desperate you are.
Keep going.

>> No.44110126

I must be cruel to be kind

>> No.44110156

Let me tell you in monkey terms.
>Evil tranny do evil stuff to person.
>Person mad at tranny, every tranny, person wants all trannys to die.
>No Evil Trannys dont want to die.
>Person convince other person that every tranny is Evil.
>Evil Tranny will keep doing Evil Things.
>Non Evil Trannys get defensive so they dont die.
Maybe the word defensive was a little hard for you to understand but hope you get the point that antagonizing an entire community because a bunch of fags are evil is literally Nazi behavior.

>> No.44110261

Are you illiterate? You literally said the insufferable ones are the majority, I responded to that. Based retard

>> No.44110290

One more time.

>> No.44110366

I accept your concession.

>> No.44110397

Good boy.

>> No.44110399

Nope. Trannies deserve nothing. They're a ghoulish and groteque corruption of the human form. A tranny got buried next to my grandfather and the gravestone has his real name etched right there, I see it every time I visit my grandfather's grave. An eternal reminder that the universe and all who inhabit it forever more will recognize that trannies are delusional freaks.

>> No.44110411

>community does no gatekeeping at all
>literally anyone can claim to be a member with no proof or buy in
>acts shocked when the community gets a negative reputation and suffers consequences as a result
All of this bullshit could be avoided if the LGBT bloc wasn't so eager to spread their ideology that they fall over themselves to welcome bad faith actors. Even something as basic as "you must have a medical diagnosis to be trans" would do a lot to filter out the trolls. But, no, the entire movement is predicated on feelings and inclusivity. You wake up feeling a bit feminine? You can claim to be trans or genderfluid or non-binary or a hundred other labels that you put on and take off like a pair of shorts.

>> No.44110412

>at your own male hands
Anon says transmasc rights

>> No.44110464

rejecting reality is axiomatically evil, rejecting your own body and pretending you are what you are not is one of the most evil things to do and can only be justified by a mental disease

>> No.44110526
File: 743 KB, 827x840, jlo42lc4gj1a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this tranny loudly coping

>> No.44110562

to be fair the LGBT community shouldn't even exist as a group, L, G and B are sexual preferences, T is a mental disease

>> No.44110631

>Bad things will happen to your business if you don't pay me protection.
>How is that victim blaming?! I'm just telling you what's going to happen!

>> No.44110635

damn i like that image anon im gonna use it too

>> No.44110778

You're evil.
>I can't believe you guys aren't gatekeeping millions upon millions of people from this vague concept of a community
Motherfucker, what do you realistically expect to happen here? This isnt the same is stopping people from being fans of a certain anime, you're demanding an impossible task and something they shouldn't even be responsible for to begin with. Are you held responsible for every single member of your race and how they act? Do you actively make an effort to stop them from being shitheads? You fucking dont, people have lives and jobs. A huge chunk of trans people don't even give a fuck about Harry Potter or vtubers.

>> No.44110829

Garbage post, being a mentally ill fuckup is an absolute pre-requirement for the hrt cult and aggressive, self-centered schizophrenic behavior only naturally comes with it. It's a defining trait.

>> No.44110884

I've never understood how they managed to tack themselves onto that. Even if they don't believe it's mental illness, it's still not a sexual preference.

>> No.44110917

No, culture war retards will swarm you if you take part in whatever current thing is popular to them. No one in that screenshot is saying it's her fault for this. Holy shit.

>> No.44110940

you don't get to choose which is or isn't considered tranime

>> No.44110966

4chan isn't for you

>> No.44111021

Pretty tough to take this boards anti “tranny” stance seriously when it’s full of pedophiles.

>> No.44111039

It's not for Existing It's for your actions and the content of your character, but that's my personal opinion

>> No.44111048

>nooo just let /pol/ and culture war obsessed freaks ruin your website, it's not for you anymore

>> No.44111091

kill yourself apologist

>> No.44111160

>I've never understood how they managed to tack themselves onto that. Even if they don't believe it's mental illness, it's still not a sexual preference.
Safety in numbers, though homosexuality is a mental illness as well. It was only declassified as such recently because the institute/people behind it's categorization were harassed nonstop into compliance. Sound familiar?

>> No.44111212

stfu tranny

>> No.44111546


>> No.44111609

ok tranny

>> No.44111652

You're not gonna do anything incels. My feminine penis has more action on a weekend that you will in your lifetime

>> No.44111804

Retard, fuxk back to /pol where you belong

>> No.44111841

No, it's good and rigtheous to be mean to bad people.
In fact, the obsession with decorum above all else is at the core of the ills of modern Western society. Crime would hit historical lows if we simply adopted the approach of putting violent criminals and gang members in a very uncomfortable cage and throwing away the key after their first felony, as well as executing without mercy for particularly heinous transgressions, like Japan does. But alas, it doesn't make bleeding heart faggots feel warm and cozy on the inside, and so we suffer having entire neighbourhoods of the richest cities in the world remaining unsafe to walk through at most times of the day, becuase doing something about it would require us to be extremely not nice to people who absolutely deserve it.

>> No.44111852

One side has no balls, the other cuts their balls off.
No balls to kill each other so they just shout at each other on the internet while canceling anyone who gets caught in their crossfire.

RIP kettle. A victim of shouting war between dickless shitheads.

>> No.44112068

>No, it's good and rigtheous to be mean to bad people
Cool. Do that then. But plenty of the people who are shitting on have done literally nothing wrong, but you group them in with the shitters because you're incapable of judging people as individuals.

>> No.44112070
File: 17 KB, 320x366, images - 2023-03-01T143508.444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, i'm a tranny. Well, not exactly one to be honest, but i like feminine shit aesthetic. Probably i'm just a femboy idk, i don't care about pronouns, but i don't think that he/him are the exclusive for me
Also i think that the ones who cut their dicks/ tits are degenerates
I don't care about this game drama btw, it's not shit bc "transphobia", is shit bc harry potter but rowling is a schizo, thats right
You hate me?

>> No.44112191


>> No.44112254

Not based

>> No.44112383

>Probably i'm just a femboy idk

>> No.44112418

Troons and leftoids aren't individuals, they're corporate drones with no capacity for independent though, only a mutt shitskin would disagree with that.

>> No.44112476


>> No.44112504

4chan isn't for you, newfag

>> No.44112508

you must be 18 years or older to browse 4chan

>> No.44112526

Ironic coming from buzzword man

>> No.44112695

>culture war retards will swarm you if you take part in whatever current thing is popular to them
>No one in that screenshot is saying it's her fault for this
Just a little bit contradictory.

>> No.44112861


>> No.44113183

that's not even true, you are a tourist trying to say some shit to jump on the train
