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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44102164 No.44102164 [Reply] [Original]

>A small radical group takes out a famous figure causing a cascading effect of chaos and violence onto people who had nothing to do with it
I'll miss Pikame, sisters

>> No.44102233

Pikamee is Jesus

>> No.44102292 [DELETED] 

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.44102317

i thought laplus is jesus

>> No.44102522

Cutting your dick partially or totally IS radical.

>> No.44102550

jesus has herpes ?

>> No.44102693

She'll be joining Hololive soon

>> No.44102819

dude had a lot more than herpes

>> No.44103161
File: 155 KB, 427x453, FqJcbbpWcAEJ9Y2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what the Trojans took from you. They will try to gaslight, they will try to swing the narrative, they will try to say that it's not their fault, but deep down, you know, you know that they are full of sh*t and mental illness. Remember it; remember Pikame.
You are a man, and you will never be a woman

>> No.44103166

>causing a cascading effect of chaos and violence onto people who had nothing to do with it
Except Oskar Potiorek wrote a letter 13-14 months before the war, in which he says how the conflict is inevitable. Everyone knew that the war was coming. The French, the Gremans, Austro Hungarians, Russians, etc.

>> No.44103420

Literally just join in on dunking twitter troons and people will get the hint and leave you alone, tranny.
>Yeah, fuck those guys! Get out of our community!
That's all it takes. If you're too much of a coward to do that, then getting caught in the crossfire is your own fault.

>> No.44103539

You wont do shit lol

>> No.44103679

Friendly remember that mod let this shitty pro-troon thread up while deleting the one that call out their bullshit. /vt/? More like /lgbvt/ the OP pic isn't even Vtuber related.

>> No.44103729

literally this they want to be trans more than the gender they supposedly feel like. If someone is trans or not should only have to be communicated to close friends and potential lovers - dont they want the rest of the world to see them as women? why point out they arent then, its mind boggling

>> No.44104040

Anyone got a clean version of the tranny basedjak? Preferably the one with the rope around its neck? I need it for something quickly.

>> No.44104206

Kill yourself now tranny because you will never be accepted. Look what DeSantis is doing to Disney. The movement is over.

>> No.44104528
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We wuz kettles. Didn't even play the damn game

>> No.44104628

OP here:
Why you all assuming I'm against Pika or that I'm a troon? Lmao
I hate the weirdos that did this to her but I guess that's my fault, I didnt make the post clear to begin with

>> No.44104875
File: 374 KB, 1080x1600, Missinformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring this hobby to the west was a big fucking mistake

>> No.44104907
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1082, PIKAMEELIVES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of Pikamee!

>> No.44104936

Kill yourself regardless, faggot.

>> No.44105600
File: 221 KB, 480x480, 1664163343022001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giving them more funding?
the report is out for like a week btw
Only deranged inbreeds think DeSantis will go against his backers and the biggest source of tourism income for his backwater LMAO

>> No.44105725

They've lost Reedy Creek.
Now the parks are subject to Florida law regarding things like safety and building codes.
Disney is staring down the potential of having to spend hundreds of millions to bring the park up to spec.

>> No.44105772

and after that, a failed art student steps up in retribution in the aftermath. art student... yabe.

>> No.44105800

Normalize assaulting troons.

>> No.44106032

Lgvt sounds way better

>> No.44106187

the damage control changes nothing
