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44091919 No.44091919 [Reply] [Original]

What a two-faced cunt

>> No.44091981

>didn't mention the people that harassed he into graduating
>didn't even mention the harassment period
KEK of course. Fucking coward

>> No.44092030

>Twitter post of someone wishing someone well
So are you mentally ill or are you actually going to follow up with what makes, uh, either of them a hypocrit

>> No.44092052

Of course...

>> No.44092108

Now pull up the tweet where ironmouse showed solidarity with the harassment pikamee was facing. Oh wait...

>> No.44092124

Ironmouse sided with the tranny faction yet here you see her tweeting to someone who was bullied by them

>> No.44092163

self inserting cripple

>> No.44092218

honestly someone needs to fucking tell her to shut the fuck up when it's retards like froot that pushed for this bullshit

>> No.44092247

Ironmouse herself got harassed for even suggesting she wanted to play the wizard game retard

>> No.44092266

what the fuck

>> No.44092292

What do you expect her to write, "I will personally execute the faggots that harassed you"?
Best wishes like that are the only thing she can do on twitter without getting into trouble, Mouse is known to be /here/, she's probably rageposting with the rest of us as I type this.

>> No.44092343

Sure, when you show the tweet where Ironlung was actively defending Pikamee

>> No.44092415

No she didn't bitch. Pikamee was the one harassed for wanting to play it. Ironmouse washed her hands of the situation until Silver got doxxed THEN she had something to say.

>> No.44092521

She should just keep her whore mouth shut and not say anything. No one wants to hear her tranny loving opinion on Pikamee's forced graduation.

>> No.44092560

She did, it was before the game released

>> No.44092618

She's literally a friend of Pikamee. Yes, people expect her to write something.

>> No.44092714

She was silent about the harassment so she should stay quiet about the graduation.

>> No.44092850

Weird how she didn't feel like she had to make any statement defending her "friend" from the harassment in the first place.

>> No.44092880

Reminder that ironRAT was completely silent on Silvervale's (and also her "friend" Pikamee's) harassment until people literally called her out for her tacit agreement with the twittertrannies to the point of doxxing her. Until that happened, all she had to say was "we talked to her in private" which even implies that Silver did something wrong. She even admits she only adressed it because she got called out.

And even AFTER addressing it she gave the most lukewarm and non-committal "nobody deserves to be harassed" PR bullshit statement. Never said it's okay to stream Hogwarts, never named Silvervale, never even condemned the twittertrannies doing the harassment, nothing.
But oh, it gets better. She can't even pretend to be fence-sitting properly, instead she makes it obvious she actually agrees with the twittertrannies and doesn't agree with streaming Hogwarts
>But listen man, sometimes people make choices on their own and they wanna choose to do stuff, and, I may not necessarily agree with certain choices that people make, but no one deserves to be... harassed.
Slimey as shit snake with zero morals, her whole "unity" shit is a LARP.
But oh, it STILL gets better. As I said she even admits the only reason she bothered to make statement was because people were calling her the fuck out, which of course she has to bitch and complain about.
>*in response to a chatter* Nah man! It's just, sometimes I see comments floating around on the twittiler, and people are like "the silence is deafening!"

The funny thing is that she and the rest of the backstabbing whores in vshojo would at least have plausible deniability if we didn't have a perfect reference point for how it looks when they ACTUALLY want to defend one of their members: the nux drama. All of them collectively tried to jump down his throat and swung their huge following around to get him character assassinated. That type of coordinated circlejerk is what you get when they actually want to defend each other. Silvervale, instead, get this vague joke of a statement in her """defense""" while actually all but saying that she was wrong for streaming le evil wizard game. Fucking rat.

>> No.44092970

Damn you really spent all this time typing this up you need to get your dick sucked nigga

>> No.44093255

She decided to be a fence-sitting cunt even as her friend was relentlessly harassed and now she comes out of the woodworks to show fake sympathy towards her graduation just to earn brownie points. She could've had 12 hour consolation calls with her behind the scenes everyday but I don't care. Her voice has weight yet she chose to stay silent because it was the clout and wallet sensitive thing to do, rather than to defend her friend. Shows where her priorities are.

>> No.44093324

I will always stand with transfolk, they are a persecuted minority.

>> No.44093327

This is messed up, what a bitch

>> No.44093362

fucking slimy cowardly vtubers crawling out to woodworks to pretend to be sad over this graduation when they didn't publically support and defend this person they claim to care about so much, directly call out these fucking harassing freaks and then maybe you'll gain half an ounce of my respect, you fuckers should've done it when it was happening, maybe things would be different then

>> No.44093470

Anon, I think you're mad at the wrong person. Instead of trying to mental gymnastics Ironmouse into that position why not attack the people who are actually responsible for this shit, the "trans allies" on twitter?

>> No.44093489

The sad reality is that even mentioning the harassment will get Pikamee harassed more.
Mouse is right to just zip up and focus on positivity for the next 31 days, we have plenty of time to hate after that.

>> No.44093606


>> No.44093608

The enablers and collaborators are always the worse evil.

>> No.44093644

Anon not getting involved in that shitshow of a social media meltdown was the right choice

>> No.44093664

You think that maybe vtubers in general don't want to get involved in this culture war shit exactly because of the sort of reaction you're seeing on this board

It would be one thing if they could call out the harassment alone but what inevitably happens is you get the attention of a different group of lunatics talking about how they want to kill all trannies

You think that maybe this might have also contributed to Pika wanting to retire? That she might have come back if the whole thing could just die down and go away, or if the anger could have remained focus on those who deserved it, but she now unfortunately has a bunch of internet maniacs screaming about how they want to kill all trannies in her name?

>> No.44093671

She is literally sending positive messages to her friend what the fuck do you want from her ?

>> No.44093723

We should be mad at you trannies, but we can be mad at you AND that snake of a "girl" who pretends to have some illness

>> No.44093984

I don't think you actually care about any of this. Just like I think that a lot of the 'trans activists' who harassed Pikamee actually give a shit about trans. I think you're just someone who enjoys being angry, looking for any excuse to hate and harass people, using the paper-thin excuse of a social issue to disguise the fact you simply like hating things.

>> No.44094341

>You think that maybe vtubers in general don't want to get involved in this culture war shit exactly because of the sort of reaction you're seeing on this board
They're getting involved in this culture war shit the moment they let it dictate which video games they're allowed or not allowed to play.

>> No.44094391
File: 25 KB, 605x276, lying rat tries to swing her followers around as a club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol fuck off dude, pic related is what it looks like when they actually want to defend someone.
They attack in packs like harpies all making strongly worded tweets simultaneously, designed to sic all their followers on the "enemy".

Where was this energy with Silvervale. Oh right, suddenly it's "don't rock the boat".

>> No.44094410

>just let them win bro
>let them do this over and over

>> No.44094426

Wee woo here comes the airplane. Open wide. Looking forward to the excuse about why this doesn't count

>> No.44094494

It was already explained before you even entered this thread you pathetic vwhorejo shitsucker.

>> No.44094649

Goddamn Mouse is a fucking bitch.

>> No.44094656

Sorry you got caught lying, crying faggot.

>> No.44094683

two faced is old
I want three faces!

>> No.44094734


>> No.44094786

/wvt/ deflection thread

>> No.44094792

I greatly suspect that the very same people who harassed Pikamee are the ones who are in this thread now trying get people to hate brigade on Mouse.
