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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 117 KB, 510x680, E2ewK1uUcAAaM6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4399614 No.4399614 [Reply] [Original]

get in here anons misopa is streaming:

>> No.4399930


>> No.4400218

pon este thread en el hilo de wactor

>> No.4400422

My girl

>> No.4400474
File: 363 KB, 1282x2048, E2Ub7eyUUAc7YBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misopa LOVE.

>> No.4400505

I am her sopita...

>> No.4400520

There you guys, misopita is the name of her fanbase

>> No.4400541
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I am her sopita..........

>> No.4400552

el otoño sudamericano le llego a misopa...

>> No.4400617
File: 32 KB, 700x466, sopa-paraguaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are sopas

>> No.4400678

I still can't believe sopa paraguaya ain't a soup but a cake

>> No.4400684
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bros.. her singing...

>> No.4400817

>15yo loli

>> No.4400899

I want a collab with Miu

>> No.4400908
File: 107 KB, 1080x1080, Hina papu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reviewing hastags?
Misopitas pls protecc Hina

>> No.4400955


>> No.4400983

She admitted being hafu

>> No.4401002

We are reaching holo numbers, did the stream get shared in some facebook group?

>> No.4401003

Half white half black... 100% paraguayan

>> No.4401027

I wanna drink sopa's salty juices...

>> No.4401033

>y yo vivo en...
why is she so afraid to say she lives in paraguay?

>> No.4401062

I wanna ber her tissue...

>> No.4401124


Prety sure she can't say where she lives. Ya know, she signed a contract or maybe she has common sense?

>> No.4401182

>Vete ara verga
que rapido insulto a los fans

>> No.4401188

Fuck now i want to be her tissue as well

>> No.4401243

Does she even count as a kemono animal girl if she has zero animal features in her design? Maybe her asshole is a blowhole that shoots outs pressurized water.

>> No.4401285

lia already said she lives in tokyo

>> No.4401288

she is as heavy as whale

>> No.4401300

It's a good question, she may have a hole on the back of her head.

>> No.4401320

but i guess paraguay is pretty small so maybe that

>> No.4401370

You better don't post a dick pic anon...

>> No.4401387

There is another girl from Wactor left, will she be fluent in Spanish?

>> No.4401398

Hey, she's pretty nice. No les molestará si me quedo, no?

>> No.4401430

So latam experience was a lie all this time? What about the bike, the dogs, the chair? Anon, you better have links

>> No.4401438

She truly doesn't fear some dude putting something yab in the hashtag

>> No.4401461

sooo guys, this was the secret formula? hire jp girls that actually speak spanish?

>> No.4401470

>Mil novecientos...
She almost doxx herself

>> No.4401476

You can stay onion

>> No.4401489

mitsurugi lia said she lives in tokyo, i assume misopa is in paraguay at her family house

>> No.4401508

>Maldito movistar


>> No.4401515

>video buffering

>> No.4401534

is there movistar in japan?

>> No.4401565

Unironically yes. I have been waiting for someone like her since vtubers became a thing. Takes notes HoloES

>> No.4401586

Wait Movistar doesn't use Fiber everywhere? They upgraded that shit like 3 years ago and it's pretty good now

>> No.4401605

>no vengas a latinoamerica
well its confirmed unless i misheard

>> No.4401627

depends on where you at

>> No.4401642

Hey she reached 2k views, she is inclining

>> No.4401654

Yes, but personally a big deal breaker is the Spanish itself. Hina's spanish sounds extremely cute compared to the atrocity that is argentinan or chilean spanish

>> No.4401702

As much as I like Miu, I wish she could communicate with her fans on the level of Misora, so yeah.

>> No.4401765

>Version jojo

She doesn't know the think meme kek

>> No.4401768

>version Jojo
KEK capefags seething

>> No.4401792

yeah they mostly talk a neutral spanish, and also is the fact that jp people behave differently than most countries cause of cultural things, they dont act as bitchy as EN or as cringy as LATAM

>> No.4401845

>those loading times

>> No.4401861

>Ella ama la Rosa de Guadalupe

>> No.4401871

oh no the catholic church is going to burn her now

>> No.4401885

>es la rosa de guadalupe!
>amo la rosa de guadalupe!
kek, is a watchalong possible?

>> No.4401892


>> No.4401906

twitter sucks and even more with movistar

>> No.4401929

>dragon ball

>> No.4401937

La barra está muy elevada y tendrá que ser alguien muy talentosa y bilingue. Es muy probable que sea alguien que hable japonés y chino para aumentar audiencia en Bilibili.

Si no, mínimo japonés e inglés y que se dedique a una audiencia angloparlante. Hina puede soportar a mucha de la audiencia hispanohablante y me parece que sería muy poco probable que encuentren a alguien como ella de nuevo. Por otro lado, a pesar que Laila habla inglés, está más dedicada a los tailandeses.

>> No.4401958

Dunno, twitter loads fine for me but i don't have movistar

>> No.4401967

She really need to fix her settings

>> No.4401971

>a couple streams ago
>"Deben leer Biblia"
No they won't

>> No.4402012

>potato no!!!
Ok, now I'm hooked. Why is she so cute, bros?

>> No.4402016

>tfw just saw she was streaming

>> No.4402048

living with a genuine latina

>> No.4402055


>> No.4402072

I must help her upgrade her PC

>> No.4402093

As if they have any guts or convictions left to successfully mount a campaign to remove anyone. Especially when the Pope is a faggot right now.

>> No.4402110

sopa baby...

>> No.4402116


>> No.4402120


>> No.4402125

chinga tu madre nimu

>> No.4402172

15 year old girls are very cute

>> No.4402244

>corpo chuubas
>collab with Indies

>> No.4402250

El chavo del 8 is my favorite anime

>> No.4402252

It's what men prefer as studies show. Wish I had that chart on me.

>> No.4402253

Why spics don't consume their own local product? Is there something wrong with local SOP chubaas?

>> No.4402329

Shit attitude and accent

>> No.4402365
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I don't think she can survive "Cosplay: Salvemos el mundo".

>> No.4402374

they are all 2views. I need big numbers and she literally is 500 viewers away of mogging lamy

>> No.4402375

Otaku ep from Rosa de Guadalupe with the kino rape scene

>> No.4402386

Activate the SC to buy her a chair

>> No.4402424


She's truly an special case, she not only knows spanish but speaks with a mostly neutral accent, knows about latinamerican culture AND speaks japanese.

>> No.4402439

>Why spics don't consume their own local product?
But we do though? Despite how much of a bitch Nimu is, she's still one of the most popular spic vtubers

>> No.4402472

Not only that but also a lack of professionalism which only generates a sense of uncertainty.
Supporting a ES chuuba from a company rather than an indie WHO? also has an impact in setting the framework for ES branches in other companies.

>> No.4402473

Why do spics get so uppity about accents exactly? The third world is so bleak they only have their regional version of Spanish and football teams to fall back on with any pride whatsoever?

>> No.4402474

yeah, their attitude if you live in latam you could understand, first of all the way we talk is not really attractive to hear, maybe some people like it like when mousey talks puerto rican spanish but generally on south america all spanish is really bad, maybe in mexico there is a couple of good ones but they tend to be on facebook and a lot of people already quit that

>> No.4402493

I won't ever forgive Mexico for creating this peak kino, nothing will ever beat it

>> No.4402561

This girl is pure Kino. She even has the our same terrible Internet

>> No.4402562


>> No.4402566

Stop that.

>> No.4402606

The accents filter me hard, Misora is literally the first es vtuber who is bearable to hear and watch

>> No.4402613

>implying she is not local product

>> No.4402628

It's the same shit as english speakers getting uppity about all the different european english accents. Scottish accent is a literal meme

>> No.4402651

Through church and my parents' acquaintances, I met a girl who was 5 years younger than me when I was studying to get into college. Eventually, I got pretty close to her to become a genuine friend or "older brother", motivate her to actually go outside of her room, and give her life and uni advice. Last year she already into med school, but due to that and covid communication is now meager.

Hina reminds me of her, both in appearance and dorkiness, when she had that same age. Simping for Hina and loving her now feels weird bros...

>> No.4402658


>> No.4402676

yeah, I also don't get it.
t. mexican

>> No.4402706

Someone animated bits and pieces of this episode and it's surprisingly fun to watch

>> No.4402713

Because it sounds fucking awful and sometimes their accent is so thick that you barely understand them for example Argentine, Chilean and Spaniards are by far the worst

>> No.4402717

Why didn't you make your move anon? It sounds like you somewhat regret it.

>> No.4402728

>ywn be reminded by a caring chuuba to take your meds

>> No.4402741

My heart...

>> No.4402756
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1615987264987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dick pics so far

>> No.4402786

>woah oppai iinee
anyabros dont look

>> No.4402806

You are literally living the childhood friend gf dream, go and date the other girl and make her watch hina with you

>> No.4402828

She's really playing a risky game here by just showing the whole fucking timeline. Hope everyone behaves

>> No.4402881

it also has a sizeable amount of fanart

>> No.4402896

My theory is that SOP anons live in a tribal mentality society whereas a chubaa that is from Colombia may not appeal to Mexican anons due to difference in accent, culture, etc. But Hina just doesn't have that mental barrier and anons just see a seiso waifu from Tokyo that they can enjoy.

>> No.4402902


>> No.4402956

i cant believe there are no DCK pictures considering its latam

>> No.4402974

Smart girl, she knows people are going to start attention whoring in the hashtag

>> No.4403067

We aren't that autistic, the dick pics are just used by antis. Nimu would get guro if she tried to do this

>> No.4403085

She is also a whale. A love of thicker women is a universal SOP trait.

>> No.4403091

she really has a cute laugh
potato hate!
movistar hate!

>> No.4403141

>Loquendo voice
I don't even know how far this time loop goes

>> No.4403161

There's no way she's in Japan rn

>> No.4403167

I never expected to see Tyler1 in a chubba stream but here we are

>> No.4403191

>This episode is 9 years old
what the fuck

>> No.4403203

twitter meme review with lia and hina when?

>> No.4403216

Met her when she was 12 and me 5 years older than her. Of course it doesn't feel like grooming. How could I even think about it like that?


This year she becomes 18, so it's possible. It just doesn't feel quite right.

>> No.4403251

Reacting to memes which aren't over saturated "hispanic shitpost"
I can finally take a break

>> No.4403271

Ok it's more understandable like that but don't miss your chance dude. This is the plot of a NTR in the making

>> No.4403295

>Loquendo voice
This girl is the best thing that happened to Wactor.
I haven't watched her Spanish teaching collab stream tho, is it any good?

>> No.4403337

quiero sobarle el abdomen!

>> No.4403362

it is not movistar

>> No.4403369

yo tambien

>> No.4403372
File: 5 KB, 225x225, UOOOOH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hina's Abdomen

>> No.4403374

>vete a la verga

>> No.4403408

Is she sick, crying or slurping ramen?

>> No.4403411

It was fun, Hina is surprisingly good at explaining some things. It was full of SOVL with the scuffed mics

>> No.4403418
File: 88 KB, 851x475, VeteALaVerga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4403425

don't listen to the coomers anon don't be a creep

>> No.4403438

she has a cold but she also wanted to stream

>> No.4403508

Holo memes always ruin everything

>> No.4403512
File: 1.22 MB, 4315x1455, 1622423803754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over indies

>> No.4403531

>aun no he hablado con estas chicas
hina meme review with coco when?

>> No.4403542

>denied Hololive memes
Thank God. That should save lots of trouble, now she only needs explicit rules on the description

>> No.4403554

I admire her enthusiasm for this whole vtuber thing.
She gives me the impression that she's been waiting for a chance like this for a while

>> No.4403561
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>> No.4403565


>> No.4403577

genuine question, does she really needs to talk jp when having such a good spanish? at least the chat looks almost 100% spanish and she talks loong in jp and i see that when she starts talking jp for more than 30 sec the viewers start falling

>> No.4403584

She really IS Wactor's Coco

>> No.4403620

Who is telling him to be a "creep" anon? No one suggested pumping and dumping a young woman. If he cares about this girl and is serious about wanting a relationship and marrying her, he should pursue it. There is nothing weird about a 5 year age gap, it is pretty normal for a slightly older woman to get together with a younger woman. Being a childhood friend from church means he knows her character and vice versa which is even more important in the long term.

>> No.4403650

Maybe a spanish teaching stream. But coco never collabs with people outside of hololive these days

>> No.4403658

Good. Any ES weeb is aware she's either repeating stuff or using common phrases.
It's cute so she SHOULD keep doing it.

>> No.4403662

>does she really needs to talk jp when having such a good spanish?

>> No.4403664

*slightly older man, damn the yuri showed.

>> No.4403688

wactor girls have quite a few dedicated jp bros that i always see on every stream>>4403577

>> No.4403733

There are still JOP in chat and wactor is a jp group first and mostly

>> No.4403804
File: 338 KB, 754x793, 1611971538603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on a fucking minute isn't this just basically fucking meme review but with hina?

>> No.4403860


>> No.4403907

Sometimes the way she talks reminds me of the "LOS NINTENDOS" and "AGÁRRALO BIEN, BROTHER" guy

>> No.4403909

>troll face in 2021

>> No.4403926

Based based based

>> No.4403944

Yes, and it's great so far.

>> No.4404000

>Forgets to mute mic
>Obasan scream in the background

>> No.4404009

is she dumb? or she likes living to the limit? why not mute? i think her aunt just said shotomate

>> No.4404010

>that "chotto mate"

>> No.4404013

>that voice
did we just hear her grandma

>> No.4404014

>panik memes
>reddit format memes
Only lacking a wojack for the full experience

>> No.4404042

>ywn be Hina's papel higiénico

>> No.4404047

pure SOVL

>> No.4404050

I want to get her some toilet paper...
And be her toilet paper...

>> No.4404054

Another "interview"

Does this happen with Holo chubas so frecuently as well? Should I be concerned about Hina drinking too much water? Or is she actually healthy and I'm just used to see chubas destroy their kidneys on stream?

>> No.4404071

fuck i missed that

>> No.4404082

This post and the rosa de guadalupe memes earlier made feel like it's 2013 again

>> No.4404085

Anonchama your water intake reps...

>> No.4404090

>"as long as they don't say my real name, we're good"

>> No.4404091

>mi nombre real
>papel de baño
Holy shit she gives no fucks

>> No.4404092


>> No.4404107

youre a bit slow arent you anonchama

>> No.4404122

I can't deal with this cute desu

>> No.4404123

i missed it, was in spanish or japanese?

>> No.4404137

Talking non stop for many hours makes you thirsty anon, this is normal

>> No.4404153
File: 933 KB, 1366x1080, 1610716027642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concerfags AWAY

>> No.4404160


>> No.4404162

noooooooo hina no muteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

>> No.4404163

>next one i will mute the mic

>> No.4404167


>> No.4404177

this girl literally gives 0 fucks about being doxxed....

>> No.4404187

Japanese, aunt screamed "chotto mate" when Hina asked for toilet paper to wash her cunt

>> No.4404190

Los japoneses descubrieron que jugar en el nintendo por la LUZ... producirá epilepsia

>> No.4404194

"chotto matte"
Unless it was argentinian, in which case it'd be
"choto mate"

>> No.4404197
File: 375 KB, 1899x2398, 0a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4404205

Wactor isn't a black company

>> No.4404221

I'd lick it clean for free.

>> No.4404222

thanks bros

>> No.4404244

>uh no este no

Coco meme review with hina is cancelled now

>> No.4404251

Kek otro meme con coco

>> No.4404252

Holocucks BTFO

>> No.4404265

Can they actually get in trouble by reading or showing Hololive related stuff or is she just trying to stay professional?

>> No.4404316

id assume she is just trying to stay professional
haven't seen much meme reviews but i never saw other company chubas in coco's meme reviews that she picks

>> No.4404317

yes, if you search enough on miu channel she uploaded a video saying "im not fubuki sister" referencing hololive and even putting her image there, that video did not last more than 2 hours and got removed

>> No.4404325

I guess a mix of both

>> No.4404332


>> No.4404348

Both. Also free advertisment.

>> No.4404351

>Dogs barking in the Background

Momento Latinoamerica

>> No.4404363

Fuck I can hear this

>> No.4404371

Pues su modelo es patrocinado por bilibili así que puede que lo esté evitando

>> No.4404372

I actually wonder about the same thing with the Nijisanji livers since we watched Himawari talk about how Pekora is her favorite Hololiver but then when someone asked Hana Macchia who was her favorite Hololive member she said "Sorry, I can't answer that"

>> No.4404388

She knows I'm a /fit/CHAD

>> No.4404394

Wtf Misopabros look like this

>> No.4404424

i really hope bilibili doesnt nuke her for showing hololive

>> No.4404426

I always saw the similarity. Problem now is all the new designs coming out are much better than the original ones, creates a big disparity.

>> No.4404460


>> No.4404478

The hololive chink antis are a minority so it shouldn't be a problem, they have as much power as kiara antis in this place

>> No.4404481


>> No.4404490

I think it is a bigger issue when you mention you look like another vtuber than just saying you like someone. Legal issues if the bigger company wants to sue over it.

>> No.4404499

does anyone know how many viewers she gets per stream on bilibili?

>> No.4404513

>cant show hololive girls because she isn't friends with them yet
rrat destroyed

>> No.4404519


>> No.4404521

me neither, she was eating sopa de vaca at 4 am and empanadas at 8 am if she truly is in japan so idk

>> No.4404547

Oyasumimir Anons

>> No.4404552
File: 249 KB, 350x550, 1619935153946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paraguay isn't real

>> No.4404558

i was trying so find where it said live viewers but i couldnt find it

>> No.4404572

Right at the end she seemed kind of stressed out.
I'm just gonna say it, rrat is that her manager told her that she's in trouble for showing Coco on stream and they need to have a little chat

>> No.4404578

Que stream mas fino señores

>> No.4404581

i miss her already

>> No.4404582

>Latam sounds
>Eating empanadas
>Needing toilet paper to pee
>The fucking wifi
>Tweeting at 4AM

>> No.4404590


>> No.4404637

or maybe she wants to eat breakfast considering it's 11 am in japan

>> No.4404640

>needing toilet to pee
girls in japan pee in bottles? i know there was a chuuba that did that live

>> No.4404678

Most nip toilets can wash AND dry your cunny.

>> No.4404684

i'll give it a watch later

>> No.4404696

yeah papel higiénico is something that's used mostly in latam, even paraguay - only in argentina and uruguay they use bidet

>> No.4404701

>her stream ended because of her pc
holy fucking kino lmao

>> No.4404727

Añons, it's simple. This all indicates she lives outside of our realm of reality a.k.a. paraguay

>> No.4404740

Say what you want but to my eyes it makes her stream that much cuter. There's something about having a potato pc to me. It's just so cute.

>> No.4404778


>> No.4404919

Paraguay IS NOT REAL

>> No.4404955

She is really cute and entertaining, guess i'll watch her from now on

>> No.4404956

hermana mayor sexo

>> No.4405057

Paraguay: You can (not) be real

>> No.4405180

tsukito hana started streaming too

>> No.4405218

>More viewers than some of the Nijisanji English girls
>Fun stream teaching Spanish to her genmates
>Checking Spanish memes on Twitter and getting the local references and TV shows like El Chavo del 8
Sopita is a game changer, not only for Wactor, but the vtuber scene as a whole.
Now I'm convinced we're either gonna see a HoloSpanish or Nijisanji Spanish relatively soon

>> No.4405366
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>it was thanks to these two that coco, anya and literally hundred of indies did spanish learning streams
if holoES ever becomes a thing then a lot of people need to kneel to them

>> No.4405458

I used to make fun of Wactor, but after seeing what this girl's been pulling off, I now kneel

>> No.4405723

miu and lia are ok, but wactor was not ok at all a couple of months ago and even now but less frecuently. the problem was that when they started with the spanish pandering literally all of wactor channels were releasing the same video with similar script to the 4 channels, like that image "les tenemos un desafio para latinoamerica" that exact video is repeated in lia, piyoko and hana channel it feels cheap AF, you can see the results now on piyoko and hana channel didnt work that much, lia doesnt stream as often only miu could retain some of her older numbers but cause she kept doing streams, also to add their "3D" models are absolutely trash and noone can debate that, i really hope wactor after seeing the success of hina, tries at least to help her with the pc cause thats their "popularity mine"

>> No.4405847

Based png name

>> No.4405915

Piyoko always did 2 streams a month, hana only recently started adding content i agree.
Lia was always lazy and streams whenever she feels like it. They have practically the same viewers as 3 months ago and with hina some even recieved a boost.
It was really necessary someone like hina, miu was really working her ass and even giving her content to the other girls like lamento boliviano

>> No.4405985


>> No.4406048
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Stop being concernfags, the pieces are on the board.
Hina eventually won't need WACTOR or her senpais, that's why there's a /sopa/ thread now, because there's enough data to tell as much.
Hina is the jackpot, not the biggest one like Gura (carried by design/market size), but still in terms of quality. In a couple months she may be able to pull serious numbers if she somehow brings some Twichfaggots and a minimal portion of the Minecraft kiddies.

>> No.4406387

Sopa is funny, but to clumsy to work alone. Same as Aqua form Hololive

They both only works because there is a whole Team behind her to help them become functional

>> No.4406605

She is doing great but we are still in the honeymoon phase so I don't want to set my expectations so high yet

>> No.4406759

ok you cant compare aqua to sopa, aqua literally needs mental health attention urgently, sopa just has a bad pc, bad internet and seems new to the scene, we can clearly see this from her dont caring too much about being doxxed, she only needs better equipment and someone to explain her the rules and consequences of her actions, she lives with her parents soo she is gonna be ok unlike aqua

>> No.4406835
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>> No.4410317

Amo a esta Sopa!

>> No.4410762

social media is really a latam culture war. Being able to avoid one of the accents in said culture war and repping a smaller country is helping her avoid the meme wars yab.

>> No.4411798
File: 123 KB, 900x900, kyria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has been growing at a steady pace, gathering an ok community. The problem with locally grown chubas is that they are mostly retarded, most of them like to get into drama and are very passive aggressive towards eachother. Out of the most "recognizable" ones Nimu is mostly on Twitch, Suwie is a menhera who gained a big audience because drama and lost such audience because her streams was just her bitching about "people who will not be named" and became really boring streams, added to the fact that she kept switching styles with the avatars which kept her from keeping the recognition. Nala threw a fit when she lost like 100 subs and cried because muh numbers, went silent, returned with the announcement that she was gonna stream on Twitch without the avatar and when her numbers only kept dwindling she changed avatar which only costed her more views and now she dropped out the edge of the internet. Other bunch are either men in female avatars, low quality vrchat avatars or girls who simply stoped their activities when they didn't get 1million subs in their first 3 months. There's also a lot of small timers on twitch, but I don't know how well they do since I don't use that site, but out of them all, Emberlith, Nekomi and Aruzeya seem to be the biggest and the ones who are doing best, with Ember even doing deals with ES anime streaming sites.
There's also YadiDoll who seems to be doing well too, keeping steady numbers, but I'm not into full 3D avatars so I don't follow her that much and one who only uploads once a week with 3rd world roleplay ASMRs called Mappi who is also growing at a steady pace but she doesn't do much so her growth is rather slow.

>> No.4413056

Thanks for the summary anon, I was wondering about this.

>> No.4413293

I want Sopa to collab with Nekomi goddamnit

>> No.4414731

That would be cool, give it time, she's the new girl on the block.
