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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43986967 No.43986967 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】

Previous thread >>43969827



Mahiru Kumaboshi

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.43987057

Why do you hate me?

>> No.43987058

yeah nope.

>> No.43987093

Without the Wactor buff, Mahiru and her gen will fall in the oblivion

>> No.43987094


>> No.43987092

fuck off Nico

>> No.43987108


>> No.43987109


>> No.43987171

troll thread, someone make a proper one.

>> No.43987257

guys, by the moment the name is the same, the name of the branches changed.
are you retarded?

>> No.43987303

i know that the brand is the same, thats why i said based

>> No.43987352

Meica (Pain) literally destroyed Konoha (WACTOR) in one hit.

>> No.43987391


>> No.43987414
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the mastermind behind this scam project

>> No.43987443

Fuck off who the fuck cares about wactor i'm only here for /E-stella/

>> No.43987449

That's Nishita la más sufridita.

>> No.43987527

Graduation when?

>> No.43987541

I saw everything is still the same, I don’t even know what are you talking. This is like the “racist pancake” that change their name.

>> No.43987565

Lia is "graduated" wink wink i expect at least 2 more models and one song, keep up the good work Leo, Himea and Seiza.

>> No.43987578

LISTEN OZUNI SONIC RETARD This is your chance. Do the question. Why is there an announcement for Lia's graduation and not for Hina, Luna and Neon? Why does Lia get to keep the models?

>> No.43987630
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psss, psss, hey kid! wanna buy a big vtuber agency with expansion on LATAM and China?
it will be the best invest of your live!!

>> No.43987686

Get help.

>> No.43987726

Literally Prism project

>> No.43987736

Is just a rebrand due to wactor unpopularity. It will be the same and the lia thing I personally think is also part of the plan.

>> No.43987762
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>> No.43987814

Cope, Akira really sold off the company. He's rug pulling.

>> No.43987829

お前 は メス 豚

>> No.43987885

>believing anything that retard says
go back fag

>> No.43987927

>Keeps every thing
>I'm independent belive me *sucks Akira cock".
She is gonna have a new model or song before July and Himea will get nothing while the SC numbers won't match, mark my words.

>> No.43988000


>> No.43988082

schizos will create any scenario in their minds to justify their hate

>> No.43988112

Someone sent Hana's AI to Hana and she liked it so much she wants to do a stream dedicated to chatting with her AI counterpart.

>> No.43988149

>Sorry to be so quick, but I will be taking a short break starting tomorrow.

>> No.43988174

Anon knowing whore behavior is basic stuff to survive. You fell to deep open your eyes.

>> No.43988201

Vtubers are soooo fucking boring this thread is so fucking boringggg ahhh do something I’m really bored rn and this fake shit is soo annoying.

>> No.43988237

rrat: lia left because by winning the sponsorship of that game she would receive a new outfit but since akira is in red number , told her no and she ragequit

>> No.43988249


>> No.43988258

There is not even a milligram of sense in the fact that she will keep the model

>> No.43988285

she can't legally accept that money without being an employee it would be money laundering

>> No.43988342

Both parties agreeing is the only thing needed, retard.

>> No.43988352


>> No.43988366

at last someone who is not a retard and actually says something that makes sense

>> No.43988370

back to twitter troonfagg

>> No.43988398

Oh, i can't give money to my girlfriend?

>> No.43988473

Whores just take the money like who cares, have you never been with a hooker?

>> No.43988568

Oh man this is so funny

>> No.43988624

>being with a hooker

>> No.43988658

And a twitter announcement isn’t going to magically make her independent

>> No.43988678

she is graduating to stop the rumors that she has preferences, giving her model is the least they can do.

>> No.43988733

>Lia didn't like Nana's reply
This rrat has some substance.

>> No.43988807

she isnt giving likes to anyone right now

>> No.43988809

What are you gay sorry but if you like a watching a Whore vtuber without even a tit pick or something do you do.

>> No.43988836

It's so funny to watch schizos grasping to anything to justify their hate. Literally desperate, because without it they don't exist.

>> No.43988859

Whores and snakes backstabbing each other. Meanwhile the scam mastermind watches from the shadows.

>> No.43988912

fucking kek, sopa is also still in wactor and luna is just being an epic troller too

>> No.43988914

Yeah all vtubers are trash do you agree?

>> No.43988941


>> No.43988955


>> No.43989010


>> No.43989052

Keep seething schizos, your days are over. Tomorrow you become off topic.

>> No.43989077

Miu why do you do this to me?

>> No.43989080

gay would be using the same pussy that had semen the day before

>> No.43989100
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anons are pathetic wwww

>> No.43989155

you dont even know how this board works

>> No.43989181

enjoy your last days faggot

>> No.43989201
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she will keep her channel too~

>> No.43989257


>> No.43989288

Do you have severe mental damage? They are arguing why she keep the models and it will bee illegal but she will still be part of wactor and that why she keeps her models

>> No.43989316

So Lia fags oh but you don't even get to use that pussy kek, keep paying Lia and Akira love session cucks.

>> No.43989407

That why himea Leo and sexio will found her next model and og song.

>> No.43989420
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>> No.43989473

Oh no Meica what are you insinuating?


>> No.43989499

Do you really think this is the only time a company handed the model to an ex member?

>> No.43989500

Lmao this guy has never seen a vtuber become independent while keeping the models.

>> No.43989526

Graduation when?

>> No.43989561



>> No.43989585

Through Himea and Seiza btw

>> No.43989602

Already graduated, retard. You don't have reason to exist anymore.

>> No.43989610

But W H Y?
Not even Suzu kept the model

>> No.43989619
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wew what a day

>> No.43989636

No, but due to all the recent events in wactor is just fishy and that it.

>> No.43989684

Haven't you see a company change policies? Things are not static, kid.

>> No.43989692


>> No.43989719

Graduated in good terms is just a myth

>> No.43989740

Those were owned by bilibili

>> No.43989767

This is fucking Wactor we are talking about the preferance treatment speculation only gain more force with this move.

>> No.43989787

Ok Mr. Changes
Keep trying to convince with that stupidity

>> No.43989811

It is very explicit that she isn't

>> No.43989855

>Literally being in negation

>> No.43989926

For all we know he really sold off the company. Expect another announcement on March 1

>> No.43989938

Confirmed, Lia is a traitor whore


>> No.43989991

>Even she can't belive this bullshit
I swear Akira is a fucking nutjob that makes everyone goes crazy by being involve with him.

>> No.43990035

she is pissed, and it is understandable

>> No.43990038


>> No.43990042

Confirmed, Akira sold the company off and informed she that her lawsuit has other recipients now.

>> No.43990127

>I can't predict this man.

>> No.43990357


>> No.43990372

>leave the company
>its sold off
>now her lawsuit is worthless
oh but now she can post selfies with 1000 filters
Should've waited for the contract to expire KEK
I know who you listened to so go and message him instead of crying on twitter

>> No.43990386

Just checked Nisha's stories and man, that's a whole new level of GFE. I kneel gachilomos.

>> No.43990394


>> No.43990403

Fuck off facetard, he is right, Lia will keep her 3 models, her name, her channel, her original songs and all of her covers
Akira's brain must be dry from all Lia's blowjobs and that's why he is so retard

>> No.43990424

Finally all are knowing what a bitch is Lia

>> No.43990493


>> No.43990573

Ok cuck

>> No.43990635

>Sezia's dad was right

>> No.43990647

this, the shitstorm would be hilarious, Ozuni you have one work

>> No.43990717

nice try fag but i know you are a tourist from those places

>> No.43990739

This, ahahaha. She must be seething so hard rn.

>> No.43990753

>Akira sold the company
Akira just changed Wactor's the name, he is still there

>> No.43990777

Did he give up on ID branch kek not even a new fancy name for them

>> No.43990908

Nobody talks about how Sargento is on suicide watch because Ito is still missing kek

>> No.43990911

Just wait until March 1. The announcement and drama streams will overshadow Meica's debut too.
Can't wait!

>> No.43990979
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Wacturd is deeeeaaaaaad

>> No.43991023

One of the new producer applicants said he would stop recruitment.

>> No.43991084

Then the question is: Meica will say something?

>> No.43991123

If meica is seething is worthy.

>> No.43991173

nothing from Ito or Yue?

>> No.43991219


>> No.43991251
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Akira's onaholes are still pushing that shitty narrative that Akira sold the company?

>> No.43991254


that other channel with the bunny guy would do fine too.

>> No.43991524

>Sold the company to an actual corporate entity
>They actually will press charges against her to make her apologize publicly

>> No.43991554

No, nothing was said about the members who are missing

>> No.43991584

I hope

>> No.43991641

>bunny guy
Both killed by Nijisanji

>> No.43991724

Who do you think is? For sure one is Loyalcucktomo but there is another one

>> No.43991850

Was for this

>> No.43991932


>> No.43991975

simpatico and loyal

>> No.43991977


>> No.43991982


>> No.43991991

Nico and trannypatico

>> No.43992179


>> No.43992661

She said that her dad was advising her about her streaming activities and she was acting by his advice, saying that she didn't quitted because her dad told her not to

>> No.43992730

So my suspicions were right.

>> No.43992765

What part of "scammers" you didn't understand?

>> No.43992830

There is something else behind. Merun, Meica and Eru(Neon) wrote about it

>> No.43992839

Yeah, both parts, lia and her bf

>> No.43993009

>guys there is something else BUT WE CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT
like 1 year with this shit just fuck off

>> No.43993083

Keep trying loyalcucktomo

>> No.43993191

This, im tired of all this pity baiting just to numberfag days later.
Just go and explode for once and all

>> No.43993231

Just as a fun fact, now that you mention Cucktomo, he got his mod removed from Yuko's channel and someone told me that que also requested to Idol's staff to be Riro's mod, but it was denied kek

>> No.43993232

Jokes on you, I'm into that. Lia raised me for it since the El Hermano streams

>> No.43993262

is she being sarcastic or didnt read the news yet

>> No.43993329

don't forget to subscribe to youtube bilibilik, twitter also like everything and maybe one day they will say what happened kek

>> No.43993352

Lunita sarcastic? Oh no, for sure no

>> No.43993392
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Very dirty move from the manlet, change name and hide like a little rat, sadly this move will hit hard for all their talents by the exception of Miu, Lia and the ES girls who already have a more solid and established fandom
It is very possible that we will have massive graduation in the next months

>> No.43993453

how many hours on paint

>> No.43993459 [DELETED] 

And you don't forget to lick all the semen from Akira's micropenis

>> No.43993544


>> No.43993552

FalseEyeD is still streaming on Twitch

>> No.43993629

She's reading the tread and having a good laugh.

>> No.43993709

Go to bed, you need to wake up early for school.

>> No.43993714

just take a course at Platzi anon

>> No.43993719

A proud one.

>> No.43993856

Man i really hate Lia more now
>Está bien si me creen pero también está bien si no me creen

>> No.43993932

I expect the new owners of Wactor to sue Meica for at least $10,000

>> No.43993942

It's so fun to laugh at dramakeks

>> No.43994018

Meica got kicked out of her house, that's why she's on Paraguay now. Girl can't catch a break.

>> No.43994158

Don't be so obvious
Wait more than a minute

>> No.43994247

Her mother had an arranged marriage for her with a nip man but she decided to run away with her argie boyfriend.

>> No.43994254

Cry more meicafags are soo fucking obnoxious just like her.

>> No.43994295

Do you believe anything written /here/?

>> No.43994323

rent free

>> No.43994366

nah she just went to get "the world cup" bro

>> No.43994420

>I expect the new owners of Wactor
Akira is still the owner

>> No.43994428

what do you mean? I was just finishing reading the previous thread

>> No.43994476

Anons are shitposting a lot. I’m really proud of these autists.

>> No.43994553


>> No.43994594
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The anyacord sends its regards.

>> No.43994667

Like karuna

>> No.43994679

Did you have something to do with it?
Based if true.

>> No.43994699 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.43994792

What do you think he thinks of all this shit? He was just a kid minding his own business doing SOVL drawings.

>> No.43994980

imagine Merun face when she read the news

>> No.43994986


>> No.43995028


>> No.43995095

Akira did not sold the company, he just changed names to fool stupid people

>> No.43995138

Oño oño oño

>> No.43995169

Finally some good news

>> No.43995227


>> No.43995249

She cried in her space because Akira is pure shit

>> No.43995326

I want to make all the girls cry like akira soo bad but for love

>> No.43995327

Nobody asked

>> No.43995384

I love when Merun cries I hope she streams soon

>> No.43995402


>> No.43995422

What akira did know?

>> No.43995480


>> No.43995481

>A chance of names made Merun and Meica, the only girls suing Akira, have a menhera meltdown.

>> No.43995535

Sold the company and made the girl's lawsuit worthless.

>> No.43995588

You're just making shit up at this point. He changed the name and that's it.

>> No.43995624

>ignoring evidence

>> No.43995643

Mvp duo by doing nothing

>> No.43995700

Reminder that /WACTOR/ is always right.

>> No.43995713

very important

>> No.43995723

She cried because Akira is trying to hide all her shit behind Wactor's name change

>> No.43995861

Based if true

>> No.43995864

This. If he just changed names then they wouldn't have problems with the lawsuit
Now the girls should move on but I guess pity baiting retards is profitable for them

>> No.43995930


>> No.43995940

Be it a sold off or a producer hired, truth is that there has been good changes in the last weeks.
I don't really care what girls that already left do since they're already free. I just want conditions to improve for the remaining girls, and if that's happening I'm happy.

>> No.43995959

Akira still owns the company, did you read the announcement? he just changed Wactor's name

>> No.43996010

Wait until March 1 announcement.

>> No.43996030

I just want Akira to suffer

>> No.43996056

I hope vtuber bubble explode and rope yourself

>> No.43996099
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wasn't miutomoOP a woman?

>> No.43996275

¡Hola a todos! ¡Onions Hizuki Miu!
Como breve anuncio de nuestra oficina, nos gustaría informaros de que nos uniremos a META-MUSIC a partir de marzo de 2023.
Como su nombre indica, ¡nos gustaría realizar aún más actividades orientadas a la música en el futuro!
Por supuesto, ¡también queremos hacer juegos y ASMR!
Aunque cambiemos de compañía, ¡nada cambiará para Miu-chan!
Nada cambiará. ¡Espero seguir pasándolo bien con todos vosotros en el futuro!
¡Espero que podamos seguir pasándolo bien juntos!
Espero que podamos seguir pasándolo bien juntos.
28 de febrero de 2023 Hizuki Miu

>> No.43996295

i'm just playing along with her

>> No.43996302

The things "improved" last year too after Laila left but at the end he just did it to persuade all the girls and fans that everything was fine.

You are just making shit up retard, Akira still owns Wactor and all its branches

>> No.43996305

Now that we know all girls lurked this place, what do you think was their reaction to MiutomoOP and Yoffina being converted to the thread's onaholes?

>> No.43996430

>Aunque cambiemos de compañía.
Akira still owns the company bros?

>> No.43996467

Memory holed as usual, maybe there is an announcement in bilibili like the one nana did in twitter, announcing the new name of the spanish branch with only himea and sezia on it, not mentioning anything about luna or sopa, nor announcing officiallty that they left

>> No.43996510

Company name stupid anon. You know how awful traslator are.

>> No.43996540
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well that was a short lived rrat

>> No.43996601

None of the changes last year were on the level of current ones. To be precise there wasn't any change tangible just Hina's word for it. Unlike this time.

>> No.43996632

Somebody has merun's twitter space? she deleted it

>> No.43996675


>> No.43996874

Name company
>The midget fucked up Mirais
Changes name to wactor
>The midget fucked up Wactor
Changes to name again
Apologists: But-but the sister unit was sued...

>> No.43996921

why cant nana translate it herself

>> No.43997002

>Meica and Merun menherating over just a name change.
Akira fucked off, accept it.

>> No.43997061

"just a name change"

>> No.43997107

Miu and Lia, 'Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship'. Hope some of the memoryholed girls reveal their involvement and schizos take action

>> No.43997136


Read Miu's and Wactor's announcement retard
They are still in Wactor, they are just changing names to dissociate from Wactor's bad image

>> No.43997191

Flaquita is distressed.

>> No.43997198

Sepukku now!

>> No.43997216

its been 2 months and still no proof

>> No.43997298

miu has already been planning to shift into music for more than a month already.
Not that threadwatching twittards would know but this isnt as sudden as it seems

>> No.43997343

Merun was malding but i didn't understand very well what happened, i only caught that audio saying that when you are finally winning they decide to change their name and pretend that nothing happened
That's why i was asking if somebody recorded that space, i need to listen again to get the context

>> No.43997371

Missed the news live, will Lia really preserver her channel? I will have to drop her like with Lulu if she downgrades her avatar.

>> No.43997404

its been more than a year for Laila and Merun but they haven't spilled the beans because their lawyers told them not to. Not to mention manlet could sue for defamation even if the accusations are true under Japan's fucktarded laws.

>> No.43997436

She will keep everything

>> No.43997440 [DELETED] 

who made those ugly names

>> No.43997494

Changing the name has something to do with changing the legal identity or something?
Like, legally wactor stops existing so if the girls were winning the suings, everything end up in nothing, that's probably why they are seething this much

>> No.43997499

所属先 doesn't translate as company

>> No.43997513

WACTOR members will be divided into the following groups from March 2023.

Music project: META-MUSIC
e-sports project: VV-GAMERS
Spanish-speaking project: E-Stella
English-speaking project: noVas
Chinese-speaking project:Xingjin计划

>> No.43997537

Wait to March 1 announcement.

>> No.43997562

who made those ugly names

dumb 4chan X..

>> No.43997579

She keeps everything, it just that she isn't related to wactor anymore

>> No.43997622

she start doing that after sopa stop streaming, funny

>> No.43997631

its just another change in branches. Just lke gen 5 changed into gamers.
The only one fucking off is lia.
She was probably meant to also go to meta-music but something happened and decided to leave

>> No.43997636

>she isn't related to wactor anymore
Wink wink

>> No.43997692

Esta compañía ya está muerta.
Nomás no le han avisado.

>> No.43997714


>> No.43997798

prob got scared of interacting with Ñ people, good optics considering el Sonic mindbroke her sidekick

>> No.43997807

Your fault for not asking anons that moment to archive it, there are scripts for that.

>> No.43997829

not really, they just made a dirty move to avoid death.

yes, wactor dies this month, but everything will remain the same under another name.

>> No.43997866

>Under the new structure, we will focus more than ever on the policies of each project..

>> No.43997886

>He believes Merun and Meica would seethe over a plain name change.

>> No.43997895
File: 14 KB, 1175x108, que comes que adivinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And anons did it again

>> No.43997960

There are earlier predictions of Lia dumping the manlet, but ok.

>> No.43997976

someone made my sisterwife sad

>> No.43998024
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>> No.43998028

But lia dumping the manlet under the circumstances related to wactor's end?

>> No.43998058


>> No.43998141

Ah, I know it because I was the first one to post the idea, that anon from your screencap was just picking on my rrat.

>> No.43998173

Nice, do you have the numbers?

>> No.43998245

That’s interesting, and what’s funny is that if Lia no longer does snore jokes, it means it was 100% Akira all the time whom was sleeping besides her. I always got the feeling that this company is unironically composed of runaway japs, which easily explain why the company is filled with “menheras” including the manlet.

>> No.43998405
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>> No.43998418

Akira is going to stream in the wactor's main account showing his micropenis to get that channel deleted before he kills himself, i saw it in a dream

>> No.43998428

The snores never stopped. And those were happening when akira was active on social media.
Are there oldfags left or do we only have tourists nowadays

>> No.43998546

Fags are swallowing everything is written /here/ even if is just made up bullshit because nobody knows what's going on

>> No.43998625


>> No.43998668

What he tried to say is that if the snores stop in future streams, we'll know Akira isn't there anymore.

>> No.43998829

You are confusing a rrat with the fact that Lia is into cuckold

>> No.43998911
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>> No.43998968
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>> No.43999147

Saving this for future purposes

>> No.43999412

It's a bit odd that she's independent now, because the model is supposed to belong to the agency. Why couldn't any of the members from the past break away as easily as Lia? I just don't believe her words

>> No.43999479

ceo's gf doesn't tell you anything?

>> No.43999556

Unlike the other girls, Lia has something called a working brain and probably agreed to buy it

>> No.43999695

but... but... but she said you can't prove that, so is not true

>> No.43999776

akira was contacting sopa to comeback, they didnt agree shit. The other ones were terminated.
>himariIm not even sure the models belonged to bilibili or wactor, and they had different contracts.
There are a lot of shit we dont know

>> No.43999851

>the other ones
im referring to hana, laila and rose

>> No.44000048

your shit doesn't even makes sense retard
Lia obviously got a preferential treatment again

>> No.44000238

>says the retard with no back up
what doesnt make senseyou fucking idiot? Sopa bragging about being contacted to comeback? How hard is it to see that they never got to terms and they just fucked off?
I know you are a retarded tourist that never stepped into this board before but agencies giving off their models is not uncommon

>> No.44000624

>Tsunderia collapse was partially because you could fuck off with your model once your contract expires

>> No.44000704

>they had different contracts
It seems that the only one who had a different contract was lia
New outfits, many original songs, could do whatever she wanted and she went out at the moment she wanted, didn't had to wait for her contract to expire or anything, and of course, getting all the things not like the others

>> No.44000751

She was able to leave and keep her name and of all her stuff and didn't have to wait for any contract to expire to do it, how it isn't preferential treatment? retard
No girl before was able to do this

>> No.44000940

You mean vshojo jp right?

>> No.44000969

>could do whatever she wanted
like what? she only did free talk and shabaq the last few months

>> No.44000980

>Anons don't know how negotiations work

>> No.44001086

>Literally coping

>> No.44001169

which others?
>luna, neon, sopa
they left on their own after getting suspended
never came back
Said she didnt come to agree with the renewal and just left. Still didnt comeback
her model was sponsored by bilibili, how do you know if she could buy it? And with the look of things she doesnt want anything to do with wactor not even interacitng with the members that left

>> No.44001181

>Coping about winning
ok bro, you believe what you want

>> No.44001358


>> No.44001546

Sup Akira
The blowjob Lia gives you must be amazing if you let her do whatever she wanted and whenever she wanted but you sued and locked in your company the other girls after mentally abused them

>> No.44001601


>> No.44001690

Cope reatrd

>> No.44001747


>> No.44001812

By the way Valnexia wasn't mentioned

>> No.44001881

they are nova i think

>> No.44001902

>no argument
As expected of a twittard

>> No.44002118

In the end why where the menheras having a break down?

>> No.44002195

>no argument
>let her do whatever she wanted and whenever she wanted but you sued and locked in your company the other girls after mentally abused them
Get some reading comprehension reps facetard

>> No.44002319

Learn to make arguments and basic grammar

>> No.44002384

>Still coping

>> No.44002490

The manlet is gonna get away with

>> No.44002632

Seethe, you haven't proved anything

>> No.44002703

anons go to sleep

>> No.44002724

Based if true

>> No.44002841

i wonder if luna vote

>> No.44003046
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, FegvnySXEAArL6W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44003149

>No argument
>No models

>> No.44003410

Pretty neat optical illusion

>> No.44003637

>Lia: Akira my beloved I will fuck off from your shitty company right now, I don't give a fuck about contracts or whatever, give me my name, my channel and all my shit
>Akira: Yes my darling

>Misora, Luna, Neon and friends: Akira I want to leave Wactor

Stop coping retard

>> No.44003687

Let him cope.

>> No.44003805
File: 116 KB, 850x1020, miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44003870
File: 725 KB, 1000x1146, hizuki miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44003889

You forgot all the psychological abuse the girls suffered while they were in Wactor

>> No.44003927
File: 250 KB, 850x1204, idol miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44004008
File: 159 KB, 850x1977, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44004032

>i want to leave wactor

>> No.44004064
File: 260 KB, 850x1446, witch miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44004120
File: 496 KB, 850x1275, kimono miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44004139

Its always the same with those retards. Even repeating the same posts

>> No.44004215


>> No.44004298

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.44004453

Cope retard
You don't have any point

>> No.44004683

The only one coping here is you retard. Keep replying with whatever narrative that fits your schizo mind as the subhuman anti you are

>> No.44005069
File: 20 KB, 602x223, 5345433563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see many like this retard creating their own narrative when all the information is just a few clicks away.

>> No.44005726

fuuuck i was sleeping and missed all this

>> No.44005892


>> No.44006817

Yes these stupid zommers think this is so based etc know that that is going against 4chan's foundations, all secret yes secret no one knows lol stupid kids.

>> No.44007303

Ozuni you have work to do, just show them that Lia has been in Wactor since the beginning and never was an indie
Don't derailed it to much with your hate boner retard

>> No.44007455

