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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43936184 No.43936184 [Reply] [Original]

Here we go, here we go, here we go now

>> No.43936231

do i buy now?

>> No.43936239
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>fire ID and KR management
>sell your stock and become billionaire
>stock crashes
Why do Nijifags like him again?He clearly doesn't give a fuck about the company now that he doesn't need it anymore.

>> No.43936486

what the fuck it keep getting worse

>> No.43936559

Here's an article on the niji price collapse if you're interested
>it's all in nip
Use Google translate if you're illiterate

>> No.43936558
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Revenue - 13,663,728,000
Profit - 1,244,465,000
Revenue - 14,164,000,000
Profit - 2,793,000,000

>> No.43936562


>> No.43936588

tumbling down, tumbling down~

>> No.43936605
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>Have an "EN" branch
>Overseas business is mainly in China, South Korea, and Indonesia

>> No.43936628
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In just the first half of this year Anycolor made almost as much revenue and more profit than the whole of last year.

>> No.43936758

>However, there was an impression that the stock price was overheated. Even at the current stock price level, it is three times higher than the public offering price. There are many startups that move below the public offering price. It is true that many investors expect further growth of ANYCOLOR
That sounds about right.

>> No.43936905

??? How? What did they do in two months?

>> No.43937122

He's retarded, q1-2 2023 refers to April-June 2022 and July-Sept 2022 because Japanese name their financial year by the year they end in, and he somehow thinks they are refering to Jan-march 2023

But what can you expect from nijiniggers who only picked up financial information because they got triggered by holofags laughing at their corpo's stock price?

>> No.43937324

They didn't do anything? This year is their best year ever by a long shot. The stock price has little to do with how the company is doing in real terms, in real terms of revenue and profit they're doing better than ever. It's much more to do with overinflated expectations of speculators not being met.

I think you and the guy you are replying to are retarded. If we're talking about finance why would I be talking about anything else other than financial years?

>> No.43937532

>best financial
>growth failed to meet the market consensus even by only 0.1%
>stock price crashed because speculators think you don't grow as much as they expect
This is the stock market.

>> No.43937967
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>> No.43938202
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>> No.43938253

Bilibili sold all their Niji shares why? Hololive rrats?

>> No.43938304

You can enjoy 99% of chuuba content without spending a single cent. So, I wonder how well they will do in a recession. Still, itis low beta stock which suprises me. Maybe we should think about it as a vice play.

Full disclosure, I trade US equities and have no exposure to JPN securities, so I have no idea what I'm talking about.

>> No.43938366

Because Bilibili is struggling with a huge amount of dept, so they chose to cash out as soon as the lock-up expired

>> No.43938397

The company was massively overvalued because of retail investor nijifans pumping the stock. You'd have to be retarded to not sell it.
Hell it still is overvalued.

>> No.43938463

It's kind of getting hard to call them chinkysanji or nijizhanji now. Hardly any of the company is owned by china anymore. It's mostly japanese now.

>> No.43938582

well their Niji"""EN"""'s fanbase is still mostly chinks

>> No.43938696

Anon most of the revenue comes from ads, sponsorships, and paid events like nijifes. Superchats are a small portion of their overall income, so small in fact that some nijis choose not to open superchat entirely

>> No.43938790

How is it possible that nijisanji makes more than hololive? They're supposed to be small fry compared to us.

>> No.43938799

The difference in profits is only because Cover is dumping so much money into HoloEarth. Half the job openings on their careers page are related to HoloEarth.

>> No.43938833
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>> No.43938880

I'm not buying that faggot's bags
Don't become exit liquidity anons

Where even is the bottom price

>> No.43938891

Imagine wasting tens of millions of dollars on a shitty genshin minecraft clone.

>> No.43938925


>> No.43939580

the entire beauty of the stock market is that people are trying to predict the future anon. this whole country was built on speculation I won’t see it slandered

>> No.43939676
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>> No.43940036

that's a screenshot of my robinhood portfolio

>> No.43940116

I dunno the concert experience test she did was pretty good. Having that being an alternative to SPWN which has had issues in the past could be worth it. Since getting a VR concert seat you can move around to see the show at different angles does have an appeal.
I mean VR of Marine doing Treasure Chest? Yes. Yes. and Yes.

>> No.43942531


>> No.43942667

Wait for the third quarter results

>> No.43942684

I'll take shit that isn't real for 500$

>> No.43942714
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And a ching chong to you too fellow zhangsanji

>> No.43942785
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Trust-fund babby Riku, the CEO of AnyColor, admits to being a short-term gain oriented trend-hopper. He had four failed business ventures and by his own admission he only released Nijisanji to "ride the wave" of VTubers and "get immediate results". He does not care about Nijisanji because he will simply "move on to the next thing" if it doesn't work out. The IPO is him cashing out his stocks.

> 今でこそ注目される田角さんだが、大失敗も経験している。2017年、別の動画サービスを仲間と立ち上げたが、投資元が見つからず事業を畳んでいる
Although Mr. Tazumi is now in the spotlight, he has also experienced major failures: In 2017, he launched another video service with a few colleagues, but the business folded when they could not find an investment source.
> バーチャルYouTuberの事業をはじめる以前に、4つの事業を立ち上げたのですが、失敗しました。出資を受けることができず、2人いた仲間も辞めて、自分だけが残って。
"Before starting the virtual YouTuber business, I had started four businesses, but they failed. I couldn't get investment, two of my colleagues quit, and I was the only one left."

> ただ、もともとの性格でいえば、ダラダラしがちで。だからこそ、逆に短期集中で一気にやっちゃいたいんですよね。
It's just that my personality is the "lazy" type. So I prefer to do things in short, concentrated bursts.
> さすがに人生の全部を集中するなんて無理なので、「やる時」と「やらない時」をきっぱり分けるようにしています。
Obviously it's impossible to concentrate on everything in life all at once, so I try to make a clear distinction between "when to do" and "when not to do".
> バーチャルYouTuber市場は立ち上がったばかりの市場。集中して取り組みたいですね。
The virtual YouTuber market is a market that has just started. I want to concentrate on it.
> 「すぐに結果が出る、短期勝負がしたい」
Title : I want to play the game in a way that I get immediate results.
> じつは、バーチャルYouTuberで勝負をしたのも、短期集中に向いている事業だと思ったから
In reality, we went with virtual YouTubers because we thought it was a business suited for short-term focus.

> 日本でもフィッシャーズの「笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。」という動画が少しずつバズりはじめていて。マーケットもありそうだし、animoji×生配信をテーマにしようと考えていきました。
In Japan, the video series from "The Fishers'" called "YLYL : Animated emoji." got viral, and there seemed to be a market for it (This thing : [YouTube] 笑ってはいけないアニ文字がツボに入ってしまった。 (embed)) [Open].
> 流行りはじめていたanimojiとライブ配信、この掛け合わせに集中をすれば、自分でも勝負ができると思ったんです。
I thought that if I concentrated on the combination of animoji and live streaming - which was starting to become popular - I could compete in this field.
> その頃、バーチャルYouTuber『キズナアイ』が100万登録突破し、めちゃくちゃ盛り上がってきていて。女性YouTuberの中でも上位にランクインしてきて。
Around that time, VTuber "Kizuna Ai" had just surpassed 1M subs and was getting very popular. She was ranked high among female YouTubers.

> バーチャルYouTuberがくることは間違いなかった。その波に乗っかろうと「にじさんじ」をリリースしました。
There was no doubt that virtual YouTubers were coming. I released "Nijisanji" to ride that wave.
> この先、バーチャルYouTuberもいつまで伸び続けるかわからないですよね
In the future, we don't really know how long virtual YouTubers will continue to grow.
> ただ、それでいいと思ってるんです。次に「来る」と思った領域があったら、そこにどんどん張っていく。
However, I think that's fine. If I see a field that I think will be the next viral thing, I'll just expand into it.
> なんせ僕は短期集中タイプなので(笑)
After all, I am a short-term-focus type of person (lol).

>> No.43942815

That's completely real. It's both companies own figures.

>> No.43942925

It must be a bit of a shock for Hololive fans having spent years thinking of themselves as the winners and supporting the most successful vtuber company only to find out they have been getting mogged this entire time by Nijisanji and they live in a fantasy world.

>> No.43943134

>The company that had an IPO in 2022 and fired 2 branches their management (barely) made more money in 2022
This isn't the win you think it is retard.

>> No.43943228

At first, i though holofag is a corpor bootlicker
Turnout Nijifag is a true corpor bootlicket
They care company success more than livehood of the livers under the company.
What a sad company.

>> No.43943256
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Hahahaha yeah, what a bunch of retards

>> No.43943286

Holy ESL

>> No.43943415

What’s happening behind the scenes?

>> No.43943478

All I'm hearing is a bunch of cope about Hololive being 2nd place to the superior Nijisanji

>> No.43943761

Just curious how does Nijisanji come out ahead of Hololive despite the disparity in CCV and subscribers? Is it the equivalent of Hololive being a deep pond whereas Nijisanji is a vast but shallow lake? Nijisanji has 2x the number of talents of Hololive across all their branches right? So I'm guessing once averaged that Nijisanji manages to maintain a company talent CCV that is alittle more than half of Hololive?

>> No.43943859

Yeah thag and I think CCV is quite decoupled from money making potential in a lot of cases. The paypigs are only a tiny proportion of any audience. The person with a few "whale" fans can be much less popular but still make more. So it's not as simple as going X has more viewers and subs so they make more money.

>> No.43944382

I know superchat isn't everything but just as an example. Scarle struggles to break 1k viewers normally. But she made 1.3m yen from her two birthday streams. Meanwhile Ina did her 3d showcase to 60,000 people and makes 800k yen. Small streamer with a dedicated audience of gachi paypigs can bring in a lot more money in certain circumstances than someone who can easily get 10x their viewers on a day to day basis.

>> No.43944534
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>> No.43944690

>Just curious how does Nijisanji come out ahead of Hololive despite the disparity in CCV and subscribers?
More livers plus getting a lions share more of their livers profits compared to Hololive
Livers dont get a cut of some of the merch they release

>> No.43944844

I think a lot of it is efficiency Anycolor has around 200 staff members for what 150 something talents while Cover has 400 to 40 something. Lots of people in Hololive that don't directly contribute to making money comparatively.

>> No.43945055

> https://news.infoseek.co.jp/article/bizspa_isnews_20230226735518/
Some saliant points -

> ◆成長をけん引していた事業に陰りが
The business that had been driving growth is slowing down
> ANYCOLORは「にじさんじ」のオフィシャルストアで「ボイス」と呼ばれるデジタルグッズを販売しています。「中の人」がオリジナルの台本を読むもので、原価があまりかからないこの商品が収益基盤となっています。
ANYCOLOR sells digital merch called "Voice Packs" at the official store of "Nijisanji. These products, which are voicelines read from original scripts by the "person inside" a VTuber and cost very little, have been the foundation of ANYCOLOR's earnings.
> しかし、成長をけん引していたコマース事業に陰りが見えてきました。2023年4月期2Qの国内コマース事業の売上高は19億9200万円。1Qの22億6600万円と比較して12.1ポイント落としています。
However, the Commerce business, which had been driving growth, is now showing signs of slowing down: in the 2Q of the fiscal year ending April 2023, domestic Commerce business sales totaled 1.992 billion yen, down 12.1% from the 2.266 billion yen in the 1Q.
> かつて、夏休みを迎える2Q(8-10月)の国内コマース事業の売上高は、イベントが少ない1Q(5-7月)を下回ることはありませんでした。しかし、今期は大幅に数字を落としてしまいました。
In the past, sales in the domestic commerce business in the 2nd Quarter (August-October) when the summer vacation season arrives, were never lower than in the 1st Quarter (May-July) when there are fewer events. This quarter, however, the numbers dropped significantly.

> ◆イベント事業で“穴埋め”はしたものの
Although the "blanks" were filled with the "Event" business...
> コマース縮小の穴を埋めたのが、国内イベント事業でした。ANYCOLORは2022年10月に「にじさんじフェス2022」を開催しています。2023年4月期2Qのイベント事業の売上高は8億3700万円となり、1Qと比較して4.8倍に膨らみました。
The domestic "Event" business filled the hole left by the shrinkage in commerce: ANYCOLOR held the "Nijisanji Fest 2022" in October 2022. 2Q sales for the event business in FY4/2023 totaled 837 million yen, a 4.8-fold increase compared to 1Q sales.
> ただ、イベントは集客するための広告宣伝費や会場での設営費用などが発生するため、利益率の高い事業とは言えません。仮にコマース事業の売上高を補ったとしても、中期的には収益性の悪化が避けられないでしょう。
However, events are not a high-margin business because of the advertising costs to attract customers and setup costs at venues. Even if sales from the Commerce business were to compensate for these expenses, profitability would inevitably deteriorate over the medium term.
> 現在、大幅な増収に寄与しているのが海外事業である「NIJISANJI EN」です。2023年4月期第2四半期累計の売上高は30億7900万円でした。わずか半年で、2022年4月期通期の売上高11億2700万円の2.7倍にまで膨らんでいます。
Currently, the overseas business, NIJISANJI EN, is contributing to a significant increase in revenues, with sales of 3.079 billion yen in the first half of the fiscal year ending April 2023. In just six months, this business has grown to 2.7 times the sales of 1.127 billion yen for the full fiscal year ending April 2022.

> ◆海外事業は好調に見えるが…
Overseas operations appear to be strong, but...
> 海外では主に中国、韓国、インドネシアで展開しています。特に中国でのVTuber人気が根強く、動画配信サービス「BiliBili」では、ANYCOLOR所属以外も含め、数多のキャラクター動画がひしめいています。
Overseas, they are expanding mainly in China, South Korea and Indonesia. The popularity of VTubers is particularly strong in China, where the video distribution service "BiliBili" is crowded with numerous VTubers, including those not belonging to ANYCOLOR.
> ただし、海外事業においても売上の大部分を占めるのはコマースであり、人気キャラクターを確立してデジタルコンテンツの購入につなげるというビジネスモデルは同じです。海外事業も国内と同じく、2Qの売上高が1Qを下回りました。コマースの減少によるものです。
However, commerce accounts for the majority of sales in the overseas business as well, and the business model is the same: Establish popular characters and link them to the purchase of digital content. In the overseas business, as in Japan, sales in the 2Q were lower than in the 1Q. This is due to a decrease in commerce.
> 海外事業の成長期待は高いとはいえ、早くも伸び悩みが鮮明になっていると評価されているのでしょう。株価が下落した要因としても、国内・海外ともにコマースの成長性が失われることへの懸念があると考えられます。
Although expectations for growth in overseas business are high, it is likely that the company has already been evaluated as having clearly shown sluggish growth. Another reason for the decline in the stock price is thought to be concerns about the loss of growth potential for commerce both in Japan and abroad.

> ANYCOLORは2023年1月18日に海外売出しを発表しました。ベンチャーキャピタルが保有していた株式を海外の投資家に売り出すものです。売出価格は1株5643円。株価の算定基準は2023年1月24日となっており、その日の終値より5.0%安い金額に設定されています。
ANYCOLOR announced an international secondary offering on January 18, 2023. The shares held by venture capitalists were to be sold to overseas investors. The selling price was 5643 yen per share. The basis of calculating the stock price was the the existing stocks' price on January 24, 2023. The price was set 5.0% lower than the closing price on that date.
> しかし、売出し後も株価の下落は止まらず、4000円台に突入しました。売出価格の総額は184億4200万円でしたが、仮に株価が現在の水準である4700円だったとすると、153億円程度だった計算です。30億円もの差が生じています。早くから投資していた株主が早くも逃げ出しているように見えます。
However, even after the secondary offering, the stock price did not stop falling, hitting the 4,000-yen mark. The initial overall stock. value was 18.442 billion yen, but if the stock price were at the current level of 4,700 yen, it would have been about 15.3 billion yen, resulting in a difference of 3 billion yen. It appeared that shareholders who invested early in the company were fleeing as early as possible.

>> No.43945255

jesas, imagine working as a vtuber in this guy's company and reading this shit

>> No.43945292

Why do you leave out the last sentence saying it's a fact that they were overvalued before, and their now price is still three times more than their public offering price?

>> No.43945393

>In the overseas business, as in Japan, sales in the 2Q were lower than in the 1Q.
AR Fest was cancelled because Anyclor realized that they would be losing money doing it

>> No.43945448

I wonder when and how would holo earth make money for cover. It’s literally their biggest project

>> No.43945485

fuck off to /#/

>> No.43945506

I love walls of DeepL text

>> No.43945512
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Nice thread retards

>> No.43945518

What they don't tell you is the date of the article is 2018 mere months after Mito debuted when it wasn't even clear if a vtuber agency was something that could be a viable business. And instead goes out of its way to selectively translate parts that help to paint a narrative of someone looking to turn a quick profit and abandon the company. Ignoring the fact that he's still there nearly 6 years later.

>> No.43945536

>I wonder when and how would holo earth make money for cover
would basically be their replacement for youtube when it comes to online concerts and events
honestly think its a good idea especially with how youtube right now is shitting up with regards to live streaming

>> No.43945688

>Ignoring the fact that he's still there nearly 6 years later.
>he thinks pump and dumps only happens in a span of weeks or months
Riku "Bernie Madoff" Taizumi

>> No.43945693

this killed the holotoids

>> No.43945759

Remember when you guys were saying he was going to sell all his share and fuck off the moment the embargo on selling was down. The ever moving goalposts.

>> No.43945773

actually that kills the nijien concert

>> No.43945852

>Remember when you guys were saying he was going to sell all his share
he did though during the 1st and 2nd stock offering.
difference is that we overestimated his intelligence and he still thinks he can pump the stocks up

>> No.43945937

>spend months pushing the narrative this guy is going to dump all his stocks and run the first moment he can
>doesn't happen
Commence the cope and goalpost moving.

>> No.43945956

>he didn't sell all his share like numbertards desperately hoped
>h-he was waiting for a pump! Believe me! He told me in a dream!
You guys are just beyond pathetic.

>> No.43945958

>look bernie hasnt sold all his stocks yet surely thiss cant be a scam

>> No.43946018

i mean its not surprising given how unprofessional and unentertaining they are and now that there are more competition than ever people realized that they are just boring and moved on

>> No.43946067

The public offering price is not the price people bought in. Learn how IPO works

>> No.43946087
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>> No.43946113

That's what in the article, moron.

>> No.43946146


>> No.43946148

Ohhhh nooo I’m dead!!! Even with the support of China (18% ownership), you barely beat a company with 1/3 of the talents and 1/2 of the world’s population to work with. Hahahah. And year by year, slowly creeping up to takeover. Pump up the voicepacks!

>> No.43946166

I still think they'll announce it again but will just include the top Luxiem members.

>> No.43946195

There's no enough liquidity for him to sell 40% of the company, dumbass

>> No.43946258

and it will probably get cancelled again once they see little or poor fan response just like the first time and will probably put the resources into another jp sololive

>> No.43946270

And it's fucking irrelevant to the discussion, retard

>> No.43946326

I'm not the one that spent half a year trying to convince people that was going to happen. You should be calling the retarded numberfags saying it would the retards not me.

>> No.43946411

>irrelevant to the discussion
>literally saying the fact that the current price is still high as a startup and the bubble before was overhyped
More like going against your narrative

>> No.43946438

He already sold what he could sell, retard.

>> No.43946481

>he says this when riku already sold all the shares that he can

>> No.43946555

>the chinks and management cashing out after leaving the retarded fans as bagholders is a good thing
Show us how many stocks you own if you're certain anycolor is doing fine.

>> No.43946567

Dunno about /biz/, proceed to act like a retard. Why niji bootlicker like this?

>> No.43946666

>A-all the shares he can! This was all the liquidity for him to sell!
Is that hard for you numbertards to understand the financial reports?
It's literally here:

>> No.43946673

Where do you get the idea that this had a poor fan response?
The EN AR Live for 60k likes
Nornis Live announcement got 15k
Seems like a strong fan response to me.

>> No.43946741

He already started selling when the lock period ended, why do you think it's dumping this hard?
This is not fucking crypto, this is a regulated market and he can't just dump everything in one lunch break because the prices would tank hard and he would be held liable for the price drops and insider trading lawsuits

>> No.43946807

Still waiting for that screenshot of your stock portfolio, fag.

>> No.43946856

The fuckin dumping was caused by Bilibili cashed out, retarded.
His first sale was in January, with only 0.8%

>> No.43946924

nijisanji's twitter likes to viewership ratio is like 20%, and that's for a free stream.

>> No.43946967

NTA, but how many call options did you say you acquired?

>> No.43947119

>Their financial report shows this fical year is their best year ever
>Y-You need a stock portfolio to say they are doing good by any standard! But WE can say whatever fantasy we have without any financial background and even make shit up!
Kill yourself

>> No.43947145

But a concert that's going ahead got much less engagement than one your saying was cancelled for. Lack of engagement.

>> No.43947198

>only 0.8%
That's 1 billion yen in shares. And you can clearly see the stock go from 6k before he sold in Jan 19 to 5.6k the following day. That's with just selling 0.8%.

>> No.43947278
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Nijifags like him? I thought everyone was laughing at him, not with him.

>> No.43947340
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>t-t-trust the stock
>I don't own any myself though...

>> No.43947376

Even his talent feed his merch to her dog.

>> No.43947462

Stop posting here, A-chan.

>> No.43947595

This dude literally sold 4% on one day without tanking the price. 0.8% is far from "all the liquidity he could ever sell."

>> No.43947938

Riku’s a forced meme, nobody really likes him in Niji threads.
The gag is more how much people dislike him and his business practices.

>> No.43948097

>t-t-trust the stock
Did the voice in your head tell you that?
You fags make shit up within your head and sperg it out to manipulate the narrative. What's wrong with BTFO all of you fuckers with at least some fact?
At least know that in Japan, every shareholder having more than 5% of the stock has an obligation to report every move.

>> No.43952260


>> No.43952671


>> No.43952733

you know what's fun with this thread? Is that someone is obviously melting down over it. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I notice that everytime this gets posted, some retard cries in the catalog. HAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.43954736

you know what's actually fun with this thread, watching the cope holofags come up with when they find out their company is less successful than nijisanji

>> No.43955049

2x the number of talents? make that 3x heck maybe even 4x

>> No.43955389

The sale happened on January 19th

>> No.43955416

Lol he’s talking about you >>43954736

>> No.43955809

Yep, typical nijinigger behavior copying anything. I just find fun how he’s obviously posting on cooldown over multiple bait thread just to make himself feel good. Imagine crying over this, is nijisanji ch. his oshi? How can some retard posting the daily reds do this to him?

>> No.43957152

See you tomorrow for another meltdown?

>> No.43957477

I'm happy that my girls are getting what is promised to them while making 4x+ more. Acceleration does benefit the company as a whole, but at the cost of individual talents. But it's reaching its ceiling, going by the performance of the latest branches. Have to also remember these earnings are when Cover hasn't released any EN or JP branches. Stock is just speculation.... less confidence in the future or not meeting their expectations.

>> No.43957654


>> No.43958025

Nijifag are the only fanbase that are happy that riku and anycolor making more money for themselve instead of the liver. That what happen when they worship the company rather than the talents.

>> No.43958054

happy company = happy talents

>> No.43958081

Explain where money come from

>> No.43958258

>holonigs btfo by actual numbers, proceed to cope, seethe and spin afterwards

>> No.43958357

Exnijiid doesn't seem happy despite in billion dollar company.

>> No.43958397

the tranny logo is what they got left with all the infighting in their fanbase

>> No.43958462


>> No.43958518

get outta here niji intern kek

>> No.43959773
File: 1.40 MB, 1546x739, 1592254784429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine the nuclear fucking yield of near 200 vtubers having all operations ceased just because one guy wakes up one day and decides
>haha vtubers aren't too popular anymore, good luck everyone

>> No.43960924
File: 47 KB, 400x416, 1675958726291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43960995

buy the dip it won't get any lower

>> No.43961039

You said that last week and it dropped even lower

>> No.43961329

Wait so you’re telling that Nijisanji spends about half on their staff/ talent that Hololive does when they have like 180 more livers?

>> No.43966532

Oh no...

>> No.43966635

Riku we need more waves! gas gas gas!

>> No.43967171
File: 3.69 MB, 480x360, 1585072498162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the world outgrows their pandemic friend simulators

>> No.43968041
File: 1.67 MB, 182x323, 1585343231898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43968839

but-but nijifags told me Riku isn't fucking his talents over.

>> No.43973984


>> No.43978246


>> No.43981385


>> No.43982730

>179 nijisanji members
>75 hololive members
>still somehow almost tie in revenue
in case you dont know, nijisanji always had more revenue than hololive, but hololive been getting closer and closer every year

>> No.43982998

yeah whose fault was it. buy the dip

>> No.43984563

>but hololive been getting closer and closer every year
Just look at FY 2023, Anycolor's Q1+Q2 almost equals to Cover's Q1+Q2+Q3
