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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43876608 No.43876608 [Reply] [Original]

How do chubas explain what their jobs are to the parents?
Do they just go "uhhh i play video games and people give me money online"

>> No.43876632

"I'm an anime e-whore, mom. Do you think dad will ever come back with the milk?"

>> No.43876654

They say “I have an onlyfans” and if their parents disagree they go to the cuckshed. See Bae

>> No.43879137

I sold my soul to a corporation in exchange for fame and money. Also I'm an anime girl and people draw a ton of art of me getting fucked six ways from sunday.

>> No.43879436

ironmouse's mom used to call it "her little online show" like she was doing a school play or something
silvervale's mom is a pngtuber who often joins her streams and moderates her chat
those are the ones I know

>> No.43880266

From what I've heard, a lot of them either don't or they link their parents the channel

>> No.43880518

Maybe they're told that they can come clean (but also tell them to keep it secret from public) or they give them a certain job title so they can say they're working from home with a Japanese company.

>> No.43880710

"Mom I am virtual youtuber and that's why I have all this money"
"Thank God! I thought you were prostituting yourself"

>> No.43881020 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43881102

Parents these days aren't technically inept boomers anymore, anon. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of modern day parents knew what a streamer was. A vtuber isn't that much of a leap in conceptuality.

>> No.43881107

"I work as an online predator hunter for a government agency"

>> No.43882458

I'm a voice actress/singer.

>> No.43884826


>> No.43885512

Alright, for the Tenpus boys if I remember correctly; Altare told told his parents everything and his mother told him his singing sucked and people shouldn't be paying for it. Magni told his parents about the livestreaming end and his parents baked him a rainbow cake to celebrate. Axel's parents are just generally supportive and he used his first paycheck to treat them to a steakhouse and he now helps with the bills. And finally Vesper said he his family ever found out what he does for a living he'd kill himself, so he just tells his family he works in IT.

>> No.43885716

I'm a kids Minecraft channel

>> No.43885921

Holy shit you better not be bullshitting me about Altares mom lmao

>> No.43885972

At the very least mom didn't
My fatass trashy aunt is apparently a vtuber and my mom made fun of her a ton

>> No.43886033

It was a membership stream shortly after his first cover released if I remember correctly. She also makes him keep playing the cello even though he's trying to learn the guitar because "it's more dignified".

>> No.43886094


>> No.43886097

Fucking based mom, how did he turn into a cause supporter? what kind of bad frequentation he had in school FFS.

>> No.43886138

Anon, it's your oshi you don't need a link.

>> No.43886312

unless you are uneducated flip, you can say streamer as per usual

>> No.43886339

Impossible, my oshi isn't a hag. (yet)

>> No.43889601

>How do chubas explain what their jobs are to the parents?
Just explain how much they make and don't elaborate.

>> No.43889906

Suisei's parents and family know everything about her career and they tune in on her streams when they can

>> No.43890135

Ame I think mentioned that her family is supportive, if a little confused. She said they view it like being a muppet, sort of.

>> No.43890327

"I'm a streamer who uses an animated avatar in place of my real face"

>> No.43890390

>She said they view it like being a muppet, sort of.
I mean, that's not a bad comparison

>> No.43894515

Since you posted a Mumei image, Mumei doesn’t tell her family and lets her mom assume she’s a camwhore. Her grandfather’s guess was that she’s an Instagram fitness influencer.

>> No.43894644

American public education he got brainwashed into supporting the cause since hes a zoom zoom

>> No.43895633

>I'm a youtuber
will usually do the trick I think, now explaining it to their grandparents is the real challenge

>> No.43895664

Community managers?

>> No.43895697

>"Mom I am virtual youtuber and that's why I have all this money"
>"Thank God! I thought you were prostituting yourself"
>"I am"

>> No.43895739

>Vesper said he his family ever found out what he does for a living he'd kill himself, so he just tells his family he works in IT.
Black parents play different games.

>> No.43896740

Having a mom like that is basically a recipe for someone never leaving their rebellious teenager phase and being a they/them well into their 30s

>> No.43896862

Based on my experience those kinds of patents only produce cause supporters.

>> No.43898135

>like she was doing a school play
This is the closest thing to the truth.

>> No.43898307


>> No.43900605

Which ones GFE their own daughter

>> No.43901867

Yeah, while antis were like "Homolive!" Magni was already a bi

>> No.43901947

Her mom is very progressive though, and she worked for international companies and speak English way more fluent than Suisei.

>> No.43901980

That's actually a very good comparison.

>> No.43902039
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It means IRL Mumei is fit IRL.

>> No.43902121

They have to constantly monitor her in case she lets slip her Romanov heritage.

>> No.43902141

Yeah, I noticed that a lot of woke people came from rebellious kids who think that Christianity is "le bad" and an outspoken atheist. But ironically deep down they still believe in God.

>> No.43902611

In a recent stream she said she went to a gym for the first time in years, so I doubt that she is fit

>> No.43902975

She said she gets a lot of cardio from exercising Animal, but she’s hitting the gym to get more dedicated exercise for herself. At the very least, it means she’s not fat and that she’s pretty enough that her family can picture people spending money to look at her in various states of undress.

>> No.43903807

>Think only people who go to gym that got fit
>Pewdiepie got fit with basic weight set in his garage, he doesn't even have those fancy schmanchy fitness equipments.
This is why Planet Fitness still exist. They feeding off stupid Americans.

>> No.43905686


>> No.43909814

>she worked for international companies
From did this come from? I never in my life read this anywhere, you are mistaking her for other person.

>> No.43910246

If you live with your parents you pretty much have to tell them what you're doing otherwise they may barge in during a stream.
Otherwise you can just say you have some remote office job.

>> No.43913358

>christoid thinks god is at all relevant to their book cult anymore

>> No.43916980


>> No.43921948

It still can, what are you waiting for?

>> No.43924191

well thankfully 95% of vtubers won't have to explain it to their dad

>> No.43924338

instagram gym thot Mumei....

>> No.43924345

Abrahamic religions are fucking evil, though. No exceptions.

>> No.43924449

Zoomer culture brainrot.

>> No.43924622

Mumei said she basically had this exact conversation with her mom

>> No.43924722 [DELETED] 

It means she works for foreign companies. It's not that hard, Japan is one of the First World country anyway.

>> No.43924791

Ah typical atheist millenials, parroting other ahteists. Like clockwork.

>> No.43924818

zoomer living in SoCal

>> No.43924855

There's a clip where Suisei talking about her mother. Of course she doesn't enclose where her mom work but she's the one who teach Suisei English.

>> No.43925323


>> No.43925414

That's an old rrat based solely on her once saying her mom can speak english. Suisei is THE opsec master of hololive. Anyone trying to sell you anything about her RM/family beyond what little she's said on stream is full of shit.

>> No.43925464

ah typical abrahamic cuck getting rustled over nothing.

>> No.43925503

>gyms don't exist outside the US

>> No.43925706

>only reason whytpipo got out of the dark ages is because of Thomas Aquinas

>> No.43925820

>*family says grace at Christmas in your path*
>fedora trying to not defiantly keep his head raised challenge: impossible

>> No.43926170

I wondered about this when Pekora did the whole "I'm gonna tell my mom I'm a vtuber" thing. wtf did she think she did? Or was she just pretending to be a NEET and leeching while keeping her income secret?

>> No.43926356

>pekora screaming while playing minecraft
>mom buys more pills for her

>> No.43926391

I can't remember who it was, but it was basically them telling their mom "I stream games and chat with people online. They pay $5/mo to use certain pictures in my stream and elsewhere. They can also pay other ways to support me or even to have their comments read." and the mom was like, "Why would they do that?"

>> No.43926422

>don't live with parents
>make enough money to be self-sufficient and affluent
They don't have to know shit. At most you could say "successful online art business".

>live with parents
Probably this bubble and womanchild shit >>43879436

>live with boyfriend/husband/fuckboys
Housewife. :^)

>> No.43926890


I'd say it's a lot fewer than you think. Sure, they may know the IDEA of a streamer, but not what they are in practice, let alone the differences between that an a vtuber. Vtuber is still a pretty big niche, even on streaming platforms.

Hell, most of them can't even see that there's very little difference between esports and real sports in terms of dedication to skills.

>> No.43927431

>Gym exploitation is exclusively (US)American thing.

>> No.43927556

>hey mom and dad I'm doing a live program on the internet, this picture on screen is me
Problem solved

>> No.43928667

Tf r u on about. What do you have against gyms? Hi

>> No.43928934

Only in America you got pizza monday in a gym

>> No.43932478

I’m pretty sure she’s said the opposite, that she won’t tell because her mom is a giga-boomer who freaks out at the thought of her grandchildren playing Fortnite, Mumei doesn’t think she’ll understand vtubing.

>> No.43932586

>i'm a online autism care giver

>> No.43932686

Uh hasn't Mumei talked about how she hasn't told her parents what she does? She told some story about lying about being an instagram girl or some shit lol

>> No.43933149
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Mumei is in the same shoes as Vesper and some of the JP girls. They vehemently refuse to tell any member of their family about their job and would rather jump off a cliff than have them find out.

>> No.43933194

She didn’t lie, she just doesn’t tell them, and they occasionally try to figure it out based on their limited internet knowledge. She said her grandfather’s guess of Instagram fitness influencer was the closest.

>> No.43933961

Man, I would like to do the same if I ever become a chubba...

>> No.43934029

How could your parents knowing you're a vtuber possibly be worse than your parents thinking you're doing porn? Because that's definitely what they think she's doing

>> No.43934928

vtubing is that bad frfr no cap

>> No.43934990

Slam the paycheck on the table and ask "problems?" work pretty well.

>> No.43935329

Three things:
Mumei is autistic
Mother Owl is autistic
Mother Owl is a mega-boomer who doesn’t understand the internet, anime, or video games

>> No.43935458

I honestly would do the same. I take the vagueness even if they doubt the worst case scenario over me confirming something with them (which they wouldn't approve anyway)

>> No.43935868

I think vtubing is somehow more embarrassing than porn ngl, like if I was mumei I think I would rather my dad watch footage of me getting railed than that april fools stream

>> No.43936149

Only because you are a fucking whore, anon

>> No.43936299

>play a “character” while performing for lonely men on the internet for money

>> No.43936618

why not just do what silvervale did and ask mom and bro help her whore herself online?

>> No.43938474

Funny, that's basically pikamee's conversation I with her mom too

>> No.43938506

Anon they are Internet streamers not FBI agents, they aren't required to keep their identity a secret like that

>> No.43940768

Some secret is part of the contract tho.

>> No.43940940

Yeah but not to the level where they are provided a cover story to tell their parents and loved ones

>> No.43940950

>stop streaming
>mom calls me for being lazy

>> No.43941040

I mean his roommate did go through the academic rigours to see if he qualifies as submissive and breedable, so yeah, homolive, old news

>> No.43941245 [DELETED] 

If the rrats picked out her past life correctly, I'd say not delicious level fit, but decent and pretty to boot. P.S. Just google it, council has no opsec.

>> No.43941317
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>I think vtubing is somehow more embarrassing than porn
the absolute fucking state

>> No.43941372


>> No.43941646

Most parents want to know more than that

>> No.43941965

Not really, his roomate actually did said it in one of his online class.

>> No.43944399

Kys christcuck. Any religion is gay and tranny.

>> No.43944901

welp, i don't blame vesper for it

>> No.43945844

lol I triggered someone who hate both troons and religion?

>> No.43948545

they don't

>> No.43948907

how can she be fit in her wheelchair

>> No.43949163

>I'm a clown and the internet is my stage

>> No.43949472

No you would not.
Not even close

>> No.43950342

They don't unless they are big enough to be secure. They just tell half-truths like work in media. "editing" even if your main income comes from streaming it isn't wrong that you also work in editing if you do your thumbnails or upload shorts. In the end the simplest lie are stories from your friends but it is really not needed unless you really have zero work knowledge.

>> No.43952544

How do they explain the constant Japan trips

>> No.43952999

Mumei simply told her mom she was meeting up with some friends.

>> No.43954741

Yea, some ojisans

>> No.43955507

At least porn stars earn a check for shooting scenes where as streaming depending on how you look at it, is just playing video games while hoping for charity.

This is just me but if I were a chuuba's parent I'd be more worried about how she's making ends meet. If I remember correctly, snuffy's mother she found out snuffy was a vtuber, she was more worried about her becoming too reliant on donations than her doing porn.
