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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43914304 No.43914304 [Reply] [Original]

>average singing voice
>claims herself as idol
>0 idol song
>doesn’t stream
>bad at video games
>always having problems while streaming(audio, lagging etc.)
>can’t communicate properly with fans
>always working on “project” but no output
>lies about original song release
>ghosts her fans
>takes a lot of break
>come back with nervous voice
>forgot to stream
>stops streaming again
/vt/ what does she do? overrated as fuck, boring as fuck, mediocre as fuck, lazy as fuck.

>> No.43914365

Why is every Gura anti post ESL?

>> No.43914397

they're all from a certain somewhere

>> No.43914432
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>> No.43914445


>> No.43914453

>I can’t defend my oshi

>> No.43914558

>what does she do?
she makes you seethe, anon. enough to post purposeless threads like this.

>> No.43914624
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mucho texto

>> No.43914754

>s-she makes you seethe!
>i enjoy defending mediocrity and laziness, cuck!

>> No.43914812

She's easily the best HoloEN singer idk what you're talking about

>> No.43914852

Still better than Kiara's voice

>> No.43914922

She's the best hololive singer period. Only Suisei and AZKi are on her level.

>> No.43914959


>> No.43915294

And that's where you can fuck off

>> No.43915557

nah, she's alright but the songs she sings are pretty simple guitar melodies

>> No.43915580

You can't insult her.
I guess the two of you are even?

>> No.43915794

Defend what? Outside of the lazy part, isn't it just your opinion on her?

>> No.43915897

this is the real reason
people want mesugaki
she gives mesugaki
the people who don't realize this are Cover because they keep introducing debuffs like hags

>> No.43916726

>>0 idol song
>doesn’t stream
>bad at video games
>always having problems while streaming(audio, lagging etc.)
>can’t communicate properly with fans
>always working on “project” but no output
>lies about original song release
>ghosts her fans
>takes a lot of break
>come back with nervous voice
>forgot to stream
>stops streaming again
All of this is factual the other 2 are opinions

>> No.43917054

>gura don't stream thread in the morning
>gura don't stream thread at lunch
>gura don't stream thread in the afternoon
>gura don't stream thread in the evening
>gura don't stream thread at night
>gura don't stream thread in your dream
>gura don't stream thread at your mom's funeral
Gura is beating you in variety OP, do something.

>> No.43920254


>> No.43921737

you're fighting a lost cause, they don't care about her personality nor the lack of streams. They only care about how young she looks. Imo she should start making baby noises to attract more viewers.

>> No.43923403

Her fanbase is about the size of all other holoen fanbases minus mori's if you calculate based on VOD average views. Gura random trombone streams with 496k views while mumei got something like 40k views on a random stream of hers. Mori is about 1/2 of Gura. So Gura basically lucked out on having a huge fanbase that doesn't give a fuck about the rest of holoen all to herself, these guys will pay to watch her members karaokes and pay to buy her loli dakimakura and pay for this and that. Ironically she was always lazy but felt she had to work at first, but over time she reached a point of comfortable coasting where by the time the gravy train runs out she'll "merely" be about the same level as all the other holoens, which still puts her head and shoulders above most other EN vtubers with their 1k total VOD views.
No I didn't say that. What I said was Gura herself makes more than enough just coasting, which is why she doesn't give a fuck about 'quality'. You can rant about it or choose the middle path of ignoring it, it's like asking why people made losers like Keemstar and Pewdiepie and the Paul brothers into millionaires when they're all low-talent retards.

>> No.43923918

>lucked out
It's not luck. She had a 1M+ sub and a 100K+ sub youtube accounts even before becoming a holo.

>> No.43924171

No silly goose, she lucked out by finding fans as willing to follow her into hell and buy her satan-brand merchandise as you.

>> No.43924303

She mooches off of morons, that's it.

Since coming back 16 days ago, she's done 4 streams, 2 private and 2 public. The public ones were 3 hours total. The private ones were selling a GFE experience and a karaoke.

Essentially, she's worked ~6 hours and raked in ~$25k off of superchats alone.

I literally do not care about HER in the least, but just wanted to toss this reply in so the morons who are being exploited can hopefully wake up and see how exploited they are. I DO care about educating people who are exploited and may not realize just how exploited they are.

>> No.43924691
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>Was never obsessed with internet girl
>Like her voice enough to stick around, but not enough to become a paypig
>Still getting more contents compared to the pass
>Not an EOP that can't understand and enjoy the good shit on DLsite
I still watch her because I have other medias to consoom and I'm not obsessed like you faggots, if anything the more I see unsuccessful basement dweller seething over fictional shart woman making more money the more I want to like her
Reminder that HERfags won and we'll stay winning

>> No.43924715

>obnoxious saviorfag thinks he's above the helpless ignorant masses
sounds like you need some of that self-awareness yourself

>> No.43924900

They're all from SEA, a land rife with schizophrenia.

>> No.43924965
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I really wish you newfags would fuck off you don't know shit about Hololive if you think they only 'work' when they're on stream retard

>> No.43924982

SEA rangeban when?

>> No.43925064

>I literally do not care about HER
sure so, sure
that is why you make a 3 line leddit post in this bait thread made by a seanigger

>> No.43925086

leddit tourist from the latest desertorium video presh undastan

>> No.43925113

The best holoen singer unironically is mori. But even then both mori and gura would be mogged by enna from niji in a actual singing competition with legit judges.

>> No.43925168

Yuro rangeban when?

>> No.43925234

she streams right now
she is great at rythm games
sometimes but not always
there already was output
what lie exactly?
when did she forget to stream?
everyone stops streaming at some point

you are pretty desperate

>> No.43925360

Niji Seamonkeys

>> No.43925852

>But even then both mori and gura would be mogged by enna from niji in a actual singing competition with legit judges.
Enna would probably say something to piss them off and lose anyway

>> No.43926125

That's the only way she'd lose and you know it.

>> No.43926425

Indogs. Not even fucking joking.
they have the same chink/gook mindset of backing their talents at all costs and one of the ways they're doing it is by sabotaging other chubas to divert the views to their homegrown whores.

>> No.43927349

Again, it's not luck. She's the kind of person who attracts fans no matter whatever she deos.

>> No.43928194

Because you're a pedophile, anonymous.

>> No.43928277

Shirley Temple was the first idol. Cunny sells.

>> No.43928549


>> No.43929631

>Not obsessed
>Writes the same post in multiple threads to show how he isn't obsessed
And not even a copypasta considering this one has more sentences

>> No.43930058
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Hey, not everyday do I get the time to laugh at SEAmonkeys on this board, posting it twice is still better than the spamming of you fags with the shart and homo threads
May I also entertain you with the fact that I'm a frog poster on /o/

>> No.43932498

chumbuds will eat shit and call it good

>> No.43932680

>average singing voice
>claims herself as idol
You literally described 99% of actual Japanese idols. Like real life idols not just vtubers.

>> No.43933299

You cant defend her shes a lazy piece of shit.
Shes popular because shes popular.
Started off with a lot of subs and got more subs because she was the one with the most.
She never did anything noteworthy to gain this success.
Even ame is better than her.

>> No.43933503
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success breeds jealousy

>> No.43933573

Idol life. You don't need talent in singing to be one.

>> No.43933584

chinkanoid hands typed this

>> No.43933816

imagine being one of the ojisans on that got to pass her around on that plane ToT

>> No.43935324

Gura is the Kim Kardashian of Vtubing.
She's popular because of her "model" and being very generic to tickle the fancy of normies. Couple that with her being the most clipped out of streamers, it was only really a matter of luck.

Now she's sitting high on the hog and only has to do the bear minimum. I guess good for her, it doesn't seem like she could function at anything else given her helmet-wearing -menhara adventures in japan.

Good thing she can alter her voice to sound like a little kid and has average singing abilities parading around in a subpar loli model or she'd be totally fucked as an adult.

>> No.43935382

Fliptards have always been a jealous bunch

>> No.43935496

I don't get it, are your guys lives so boring that you go insane if a streamer doesn't stream? Just do something else until she does.

>> No.43935543


>> No.43937163

>The best holoen singer unironically is mori.
kek nice one. They all suck. Gura does well with a certain type of song and that's it. Otherwise, they all suck.
t. my oshi is in Myth

>providing an outside perspective means you're an obnoxious saviorfag
nta, but he's right, anon. She is milking the Chumbuds dry and it's insane what they let her get away with, particularly over the past 3 months.

>> No.43937209

>They all suck
Truest words to be told.

>> No.43937273

And you are a retard.

>> No.43937398

That’s all you got after your pedobait oshi got BTFO’D?

>> No.43937489

I almost choked on my food, thanks anon, that was hilarious

>> No.43937752

Fuck you third worlder.

>> No.43937816

Why does Gura make you seethe? Usually if you don't like a person you just don't post about them at all. Are you jealous that she is more successful and popular than whoever it is you like? There are plenty of vtubers I don't like but I don't make threads about it, lol.

>> No.43938408

ayame at least is cute, has a good design, and giggles a lot. isn't pure coom bait with her merch like gura. ayame does what she wants, gura does what the fans want

>> No.43938827

That's not saying a lot, anon. Like smartest kid on the short bus

>> No.43939248

Really, are you retarded? The fans want her to stream and doesn't. You are already wrong and I just started

>> No.43939892

I accept your concession

>> No.43940444

too bad she's a massive whore
