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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43908619 No.43908619 [Reply] [Original]


What did Mori mean by this?

>> No.43908768
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1673765308698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43908882

Probably to bait someone to post about it, like you just did, and then point and laugh at you. That supa really did a number on that bitch, holy shit. Eternally rent free.

>> No.43908902

she wants to have sex with me

>> No.43908929

She is a proponent of safe sex

>> No.43908947

...anon, you might have reached full schizo

>> No.43908968

I'm going to guess she didn't even see the condom lol

>> No.43909005

She probably thought it was a lean packet or something
She's that retarded

>> No.43909011

More streaming, less thread baiting, Calli.

>> No.43909024

sex with me

>> No.43909068

She's in heat and I will satisfy her

>> No.43909104

Mori's a proponent for safe sex
also holy shit those prominent nipples

>> No.43909135

top of the slit is visible too

>> No.43909171

are these "Callis" in the room with us right now?

>> No.43909213

>What did Mori mean by this?
She made a mistake. Don't worry, it's going in the trash. I don't use rubbers ever.

>> No.43909242

Remember when she liked that poorly drawn porn of a shark with a massive BBC? Good times.

>> No.43909341

Only my room. One is having sex with me, the other is doing my homework.

>> No.43909409

Changing a singular noun to a plural noun ruins it

>> No.43909422

the fun thing about Mori is that she never unlikes any art because even if she realizes she messed up, she understands the artist would feel bad about losing the like

>> No.43909662

I mean there was that one...

>> No.43909721

iirc never actually unliked it, though that one more as a reminder to herself to not be a moron

>> No.43909872

If she did learn anything from that event, she probably wouldn't like the OP picrel. Unless she didn't notice the condom, which would make this even funnier.

>> No.43909963

Spit it out anon, what do you see!

>> No.43910035

she probably didn't even realize

>> No.43910150

Likes are reserved for things too yabai to retweet. It's always been like this.

>> No.43910295

She spent the condom money.

>> No.43910364

That's some good stuff.

"Get in the slit"

>> No.43910506

This anon? all me

>> No.43910608
File: 104 KB, 592x627, mori SHE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2k1qd3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zaion likes sex art
>Mori likes sex art
Mori should teach Zaion how to mog management repeatedly and how to get away with it.

>> No.43911120


>> No.43911623

No... Zaion will come back, I belieb

>> No.43911666

I hope she noticed it because that turns me on desu

>> No.43912522


>> No.43912971

Mori would never use her powers for good.

>> No.43914098

No? Link? That sounds hilarious.

>> No.43914964

>Zaion is >Our girl
>Mori is >Our girl

>> No.43915384

>/vt/ has a love-hate relationship with Mori

>> No.43915539

Watch her crop the image and use it for a zatsu stream thumbnail. It wouldn't even be the first time.

>> No.43918845

Or the nipples

>> No.43919146

Mori is a faggot but she's our faggot

>> No.43919782

>lean packet
I forget how many straight edge virgins go on 4chan

>> No.43919923

I honestly don't think it means anything, they probably just choose a bunch of NSFW art for their tag every couple of days and be done with it, its just part of the hololive game.

>> No.43920304

>trusting your homework to Mori Calliope

>> No.43920388

>41,600+ likes
Jesus, does she do literally anything other than browse Twitter?

>> No.43920524

Well she also streams which is more than can be said about some vtubers

>> No.43920744

Anon, she's referenced random hater posts that had like single digit likes multiple times and we know she's read shitposts that originated from here. It's safe to assume she fucking spends hours egosearching hate posts to fuel her seething.

>> No.43921152

>fat woman with insecurities
Huh. Should've guessed. It's too bad women are so can be so weak. Any one of them could easily rise through the ranks if they had even a shred of confidence.

>2 1/2 years since debut
>~45 likes a day
Holy fuck.

>> No.43921528

I don’t think it is just to fuel her seething and that she has good and noble intentions with being here, outside of the fact she is stuck here forever like all of us.
However she struggles with criticism when she receives it even if she later tries to keep it in mind, so she seethes plenty.

>> No.43921990

Who cares what they Like
The problem is if they retweet

>> No.43922078

Has she ever made any commment on shitposts about her being a landwhale? Feel like that would hurt the most

>> No.43922903

Is that really bad like compared to other holos?

>> No.43923259

Conjobbor as always.

>> No.43923369

I mean the real answer is boring but it's clear that she either didn't see the condom in hand or didn't care because the art was sex, she's been more open to that kind of thing (re: anatomy stream) and no, this isn't baiting, this isn't egosearching, it makes no sense that she... liked the art because it reminded her of a bad period of her life???? associating this with the condom superchat is actually more proof that (You) guys are the ones with that whole incident in your minds, blowing it out way out of proportion and thinking it's still relevant just because you wanna keep feeling... le special
>inb4 i'm called a cuckbeat (I'm not even a deadbeat)

>> No.43923789

Actually, no. I just looked it up.

Kiara: 79.3k likes
Mori: 41.6k likes
Ame: 21.5k likes
Gura: 9.8k likes
Ina: 9k likes

I wish my menhara oshi didn't spend so much time egosearching...

>> No.43930889

You know exactly what she meant

>> No.43930997

She likes everything in her art tag. That doesn't really take long

>> No.43931986

It is a lot, but nothing compared to Fubuki who has over 100k tweets and 200k likes.

>> No.43932075

He is either brave or stupid

>> No.43932144

That condom is too small for a horse

>> No.43932158

>imaging clicking the like button on twitter 80k times
we live in a society

>> No.43932198

>Having to do homework
Children please leave.

>> No.43932668

Gosh darn it mori ask your manager for help, or hire a planner( make sure cover vets them) to help you out. And yes you should talk about upcoming collaboration although exceptions being surprise collabs

>> No.43932991

And now she does do it more. Mori stresses and lashes out about criticism despite seeking it out but she often, after making a scene and then calming down, does use it to improve herself if it isn't something completely counter to her ideological selfishness.
It's a somewhat positive thing in the most tiresome and annoying way possible.

>> No.43933255
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, Fp8DHrNaEAANOCp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori been coomerbaiting pretty hard lately.

>> No.43933259

puffy suckable nipples

>> No.43933378

Funny how she broke off takamori and stopped larping at the height of her popularity but now that she's losing viewers and superchat income at almost 5 times the rate the others are losing them she crawled back to Kiara and started coomerbaiting hardcore. Her newest outfit is the most coomerbait outfit in hololive second only to Marine's bikini.

>> No.43933386

This doesn't sound like seething

>> No.43933438

Ok, are you complaining?

>> No.43933472

Shes always done that though?

>> No.43933698

Complaining? I said it's funny. Her downfall is fucking hilarious.

>> No.43933904

You're exaggerating the superchat thing if you count that as a "downfall"

>> No.43934065

>she broke off takamori
I am pretty sure Kiara did it.
But I am pretty sure even heigh of that break Mori still talked about Kiara plenty.

>> No.43934226
File: 62 KB, 545x192, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, it's only getting worse.
>treats Kiara like shit
>admits she did so on stream
>Kiara's done with her

>> No.43934357

He literally didn't say that though, he said Kiara was the one that broke it off. She had lots of very good reasons for doing so. Quit being a retard.

>> No.43934389

its always Ki...oh wait nvm

>> No.43934435

Mori rebuffed Kiara constantly for weeks and eventually Kiara killed it off. If you watch the sock collab they just did, and I don't blame you if you didn't, Kiara and Calli's puppets kissed and Kiara immediately said something to the effect, "that's not happening."

>> No.43934489

Anon, how do you know that you aren't massively projecting about things living in somebody's head right now?

>> No.43934540

that's been most of this thread and it's all about Mori liking a sexy picture
you can tell some folks have problems

>> No.43934638

not everything is a reference

>> No.43934757 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your mindgames cuckbeats.

>> No.43935047

Sex, with me.

>> No.43935221

Huh, I didn't say that.

>> No.43935224

i actually think this is really hot. it's like you both hate each other but will have the most loveydovey sex ever

>> No.43935320

jannies don't care about this board. if it was /vg/ then it would've been a ban.

>> No.43935695

Yes, because Mori is the only Holo who has liked shit like this on twitter.

>> No.43935786

that guy has a heavy second-hand grudge against Mori so he's a bit on a crazy side

>> No.43937715

Wait what? No I don't remember that.

>> No.43939932

i think she changed her life plan, she used to think using Hololive as stepping stone for her rap career, but she realize that she wont be as popular and rich as rn if she leaves Hololive and pursue her music career. Come on who wants to watch a 30+ yo fat woman rapping especially in Japan?

>> No.43940269


>> No.43940667

at this point it's probably two years old. No it's not bbc it's just an anthropomorph shark with a huge dick. nothing nigger about it

>> No.43940906

>thinking she knows what a condom looks like
