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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43886167 No.43886167 [Reply] [Original]

Has Fubuki done anything interesting other than telling people that she’s not a cat?

>> No.43886255

They figured in 2020 that one note repetitive memes are terrible for the brand so they shoot it down after a while. Same with shipping.

>> No.43886291


>> No.43886303

What an odd thing to get butthurt about.

>> No.43886368

her autistic otaku rants

>> No.43886488

I know. She was the one who entertained the “YOU ARE CAT” reddit meme. She doesn’t have the right to get mad. It’s her own fault really.

>> No.43886549

Who would have saw Hololive fans beating a joke into the fucking dirt? This is the Bottom Left purge all over again. Jokes get old. It's not that hard a concept to understand unless you're a genuine autist like >>43886488 or >>43886303

>> No.43886589


>> No.43886991

She has reclined.

>> No.43887185

While the rest of her genmates are declining

>> No.43887225

Newfag eop doesn't know she was the original Vtuber meme queen. Sad!

>> No.43887563

Shes very cute

>> No.43887562

Korone stronger than ever.

>> No.43887809

>While the rest of her genmates are declining
Ogayu, Ko'ne and Mio are doing great, though.

>> No.43887886

A lot of her shit goes viral

>> No.43887971

this transcript is literally from 2 years ago you clipniggers.

>> No.43887985

she is not your wife

>> No.43888041

Aki and Mel have inclined a bit over the past couple years, Matsuri has stabilized after a long downward trend but ya I'll agree that Haachama is declining. I think she is in the early stages of stabilizing now like Matsuri did before.

>> No.43888046

I thought they were declining too?

>> No.43888050

Yes, by actually stream.

>> No.43888102


>> No.43888112

Why are vtuber fans so soft? You could say a generally accepted thing like a joke getting old and someone will sperg out like you showed them evidence you fucked their mom. Jokes get old if beaten to the dirt, and when those jokes start getting in the way of something more serious, or even just get repetitive enough, it gets pretty fucking annoying. The fans will call it out all day but when the vtuber calls it out some people act like they spat on them, why?

>> No.43888131

has mikeneko ever done anything interesting other than telling people that she's not flat?

>> No.43888192

I remember she got butthurt over everyone bringing up her model's long neck back then in the same vein as FBK cat

>> No.43888237

Her metal screams were the best, I remember her scaring the fucking shit out of Kanata kek

>> No.43888257


>> No.43888298
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Sorry newfag, but you just had to be there.

>> No.43888301

You don’t find suicide baiting interesting?

>> No.43888304

There's that time she got herself fired for breach of contract. That was kind of interesting.

>> No.43888326

jwu, what yab is so juicy that people would be this desperate for a deflection thread?

>> No.43888383

Take your pick, like every major corpo has drama at the moment, big or small.

>> No.43888420


>> No.43888422

not a yab but the nijien thread has attempted to colonize /jp twice and failed

>> No.43888445

her menhera got her to world's number 1 superchat, even now after fired.

>> No.43888521

She came out as a furry. That happened.

>> No.43888611 [DELETED] 

She fucked an ayy that one time.

>> No.43888728

Heckin hot mic where her voice was 'morning' or 'deep' or she pretended to mute and then started screaming and ranting.

>> No.43888778

Clips like this make the current hololive feel fossilized.

>> No.43890766

She was literally making "Mike Neko" jokes on stream once

>> No.43890930

well /NijiEN/fags got butthurt that not everyone /here/ liked them and went over to /jp/ because "they have better moderation" (i.e. "deleting bad stuff people say about our livers").
Tries making 3 threads, all 3 got nuked, they came back to /vt/ and just continued on.
And now apparently some retard is trying to make a /NijiEN/ thread in 8kun or some shit to "escape the shitposters".

>> No.43891058

I thought /jp/ had basically no moderation?

>> No.43891325

they delete off-topic shit on sight

>> No.43892116
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this cant be true...this has to be edited...

>> No.43894950

...why don't they just go to the doxsite?

>> No.43897436

too many sisters

>> No.43898786

numberfags considering anyone that isnt exploding anymore of declining, the idea of a slow but steady incline is foreign to them

>> No.43898848

fubuki is just weird and got noticed real early in the Vtubing game by people in North America, even before they had EN, from her crazy remixes. Check out her Skrillex remix lol

>> No.43899296

>they delete off-topic shit on sight
They don't delete ENsharts post though

>> No.43900803

She beat up a pineapple

>> No.43901011


>> No.43901258

number retards think that not gaining 100k a week is declining because they started watching after the 2020/2021 covid spike happened

Korone is on the cusp of 2mil subs and is still 6th highest subcount in the company

>> No.43902136
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she shit in my mouth

>> No.43902217


>> No.43904160

Chumbuds are still mad about Gura's schedule but people have figured out who's behind the Vesper threads. They're going to use Fubuki to deflect now.

>> No.43904283

yeah, fubuki does a lot behind the scene. her and aki rosenthal are the two yes men of the company. i also suspect koyori and maybe lami to also be yes men.

>> No.43904304

I mean if we're going to play this game, only ones that have done something of actual note are suesex and the Wigger of Nippon, Mori. Also on a much lesser scale roberto because he started up a podcast with a popular voice actor. There may be a few girls I missed doing something notable but overall on the whole most of them just sit on their asses and play games then once a year get off their asses and dance.

>> No.43904465

She also hosts as many shows on the main channel as A-Chan or Nodoka.

>> No.43906971


>> No.43907685
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>> No.43911369

I don't think they figured that out much at all

>> No.43911424

It's annoying because that's all she sees coming from EOP. The japanese chat makes jokes but they are related to what's happening.
If you are talking about a weapon in some game or talking about your weekend with your family and then you see a horde of EOPs typing in caps "FUBUKI CAT YOU ARE A CAT", "MIKO ELITE BABY", "DEATHMETAL BOING BOING NECROMANCER", etc, it can get annoying.
The only holo jp with decent EOP fans is probably korone. She sometimes get weirdos typing retardation but as for her EOP fans they do behave.

>> No.43911491

Is picrel recent? I thought this particular rant was from over a year ago. Did she do it again?

>> No.43911547

so? JP does the exact same thing

>> No.43911687

it's actually KARI-CHAN KAKKOI but you're not wrong

>> No.43911750

yes this https://streamable.com/9bxkco
still waiting for another voidstream

>> No.43911813

How is it the same telling a vtuber she's cool or cute out of her mannerism to spitting random, shitty overused memes out of the blue?
Japanese say "cute" and "cool" whenever they see something cute or cool. If EOPs did the same that'd be fine too but they spit random shitty memes out of context, it's not the same at all.

>> No.43911872

She makes a living off ruthlessly suing antis

>> No.43912035

stop talking out your ass if you can't understand Japanese

>> No.43912047

I'm not her fan but I wish she stopped that. The mental toll it takes to live every single day of your life in conflict with more and more people has to be insane.
She should just learn to live with it just like famous people do, in the long run it will better for her own health.

>> No.43912072

it's exactly the same, dude, and it's also not a big deal at all, also JPs call gura stupid all the time. It's literally the same fan behavior. And you're also out of your mind if you think the cat ears thing is EOP only

>> No.43912130

no anon it's nothing to do with EOPs.
People think it's amusing to mess with FBK because her personality seems so capable but FBK is more sensitive than she seems. Her fanbase will just correct slightly and her period will end and everything will be fine.

>> No.43912141

she was threatened by kuro to say it

>> No.43912224

go to Q and find ANY JP comment that isn't "gura kawaii" or "mori kakkoi" I dare you

>> No.43912237

that rimjob she gave me was pretty interesting

>> No.43912322

She's unhinged and makes a lot of unexpected funny comments.

>> No.43912364

Sh you cant read japanese

>> No.43912416


>> No.43912447

Only a newfag would make this thread

>> No.43912577
File: 49 KB, 894x375, CUTE AND COOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked and I didn't even have to cherry pick, it's every comment except one gun schizo

>> No.43912734

>it's exactly the same
Just because you want it to be the same doesn't make it the same. It's not.
>JPs call gura stupid all the time
Ok now you're just making up shit. Japanese are stupidly obsessed with their tatemae to the point they won't call someone stupid unless there's a lot of trust between the parties involved. "Stupid" is a very strong word in japanese and you'd know this if you spoke japanese.
>you're also out of your mind if you think the cat ears thing is EOP only
The ones who talk stupid memes out of context are EOPs because they have the need to feel involved with a streamer they don't understand so they spam the same shitty overused meme as a way to communicate since said streamer also don't understand them.
Japanese said such stuff when in context, which Fubuki says she's ok with. The problem , again, is people who want to draw attention and disrespectfully spam memes out of context for years and years.

>> No.43912764


>> No.43912822


>> No.43912907


>> No.43912924

I don't want to, I'm confortably enough just speaking the language and consuming the cultural sides I like from them. In the other hand you're a subhuman who can barely speak the language he was taught since birth and since you can't actually rebate my points you have to spit buzzwords, which sadly only shows your subhumanity.

>> No.43913206

0/10 try again later

>> No.43913722

Repetitive Memes stagnate their content.
Fans should come up with constant new jokes and allow the old ones to die.

>> No.43913805

Japs don't post archive comments I'm talking about chat
Not saying Jap chat is wonderful either. Good chat is a rarity to come by
