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43875785 No.43875785 [Reply] [Original]

>always post any dramas except from phase connect and holostars
>takes posts from catalog everytime
>constant shitting of Rushia and Mori
>is always attacking holos every moment they get
>also makes fun of unicorna for being the biggest supporter of the girls
>gives light to phase connect on how they are superior every time a drama about other companies happens
>no posts about the Vesper drama despite everyone knowing the issue and is in complete silence
Seriously how is this phase shill page still alive and why does everyone defend this fucker

>> No.43876026

He's been outed already as a pcg shill and that alone explains everything

>> No.43876152

bannedvtmemes is a pcg shill account, specifically panko's. He's trying to gaslight people into thinking she has fans.

>> No.43876354

They get defended because all the tourists gets their news and fill just by checking their twitter and it will be a huge problem for them if he dies

>> No.43876463

The constant Rushia shitting is deserved at least. Fuck Rushia and everyone that defends her

>> No.43876572

You're not going to fuck any holo nor get paid by cover

>> No.43876616

That faggot was a facebook group first and was affiliated to the doxxcord in the past.

>> No.43876691
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>> No.43876697

phase members/fans affiliated with doxxcords and trannyfarms? checks out. one of the most cancerous corpos ever. all their fans are 14 year old retards that act like they discovered 4chan a week ago and they cant wait to break containment and show how "heckin based" they are.

>> No.43876729

People in the first world tend to not get any joy out of attacking someone who quite clearly suffers from multiple diagnosed mental health disorders, especially to the point of blatantly lying about her.
I know mental health is still stigmatized in other countries, where I imagine a lot of her antis are posting from

>> No.43876745

Not your personal army.

>> No.43876761

The page is also a huge delufan or shill
If only what they say about her are all valid but they just make fun of her for the sake of making fun of her even as far as reversing what really happened on the delu mike lawsuit

>> No.43876776

>actually, we love containment breakers now

>> No.43876811

That page was also spreading those fake rrats about Shion playing Valorant with some guy.
The funniest thing was that the EOP "fans" of that page had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. They probably don't even know who Shion is

>> No.43876837

Just like a true 4chan npc, you post buzzwords completely out of context.

>> No.43876839

Why did she have him added on Steam if she was never connected to him in any way?

>> No.43876873

Back at you. Rushia wont ever fuck you, paypig
Defending those with mental health problem is fine but doing it again and again just makes her thinking that she'll always get away with everything
They didn't reverse shit. It was a stupid case right from the start and both deserves nothing

>> No.43876880

kys tourist, you don't fit in at all

>> No.43876883

The rrats went far further than that, schizo
They were trying to claim that she was playing Valorant with him during Holofes and that she had been shittalking a bunch of the Holo girls to him and his friends
Shion antis on the JP side are extremely vile. They once faked a 10000 Yen Fanbox post to make it look like Shion was insulting the Holomen last year

>> No.43876882

not your personal army
Kill yourself.

>> No.43876914

Funniest part is the page claimed to have someone who has Shion as their oshi

>> No.43876919

Posts like this make me realise that SEA friends genuinely don't understand how mental health works. It's actually astonishing

>> No.43876923

She was playing valorant with him. This same person who's totally not Shion also played with Laplus and her friends.

>> No.43876979

Oh, are you the La+ schizo?
I remember you got laughed off of /jp/ when someone literally tracked down the Twitter account of the person who owned that Valorant account and it was some poorfag guy

>> No.43876980

Rushia's fans don't want sex. They are very happy to have a sexless relationship.

>> No.43877012

You're the one who got laughed out of /jp/ after your desperate attempts to fit in.
>the Twitter account of the person who owned that Valorant account
There's no proof that person is connected to that account in any way. Why is that person playing with Laplus?

>> No.43877041

Lol, I don't post on /jp/. Someone from /jp/ told me about you
But I was told that Laplus plays with loads of men. Was that wrong? What?

>> No.43877063

How did you even find this random Shion post in an unrelated thread?
Were you refreshing the archives constantly to find any mention of her? Because I know you're the regular schizo who does this

>> No.43877075

You do post on /jp/ but always pretend you don't.
>But I was told that Laplus plays with loads of men
Last I checked you vehemently denied that. She plays with popular, known people and not some random poorfags.

>> No.43877110

They're not helping her any shit about her mental problem they're just making it worse

>> No.43877137

yelllow woman bad!?

>> No.43877141

I suppose technically I was wrong, so let me clarify
I post on /jp/ but not in the Hololive threads because my oshi isn't in Hololive. You've mixed me up with someone else because you're a fucking deranged schizo.
Don't you also anti a bunch of other girls? Were you that one faggot who said that Hololive has 3 whores?

>> No.43877153

Why are you projecting your obsessive behavior onto others?

>> No.43877183

Do you have any understanding as to how Bipolar Disorder works?
Her fans can't influence that. It's literally brain chemicals. God, and your ESL makes it so obvious that you just cannot understand this stuff. Why bother posting?

>> No.43877186

I'm fine with them making fun of holos and nijis since it's normal but them having to talk or post about dramas bring in sudden influx of tourists to join the drama. Makes the board unusable

>> No.43877196

Fuck your holoEN girls lazy pieces of trash. None of you are unicorns your just fucking larping. Take the indie pill if you're an unicorn that's where our support and money truly matters. But yeah keep giving this engirls your money so that yagoo can fund another fail branch of homos.

>> No.43877219

So you don't care about hololive but you deeply care about these """ratts""" posted about hololive? You're not making a lot of sense.
I've never called a single hololive member a whore, not even Rushia.

>> No.43877243

You still didn't explain how you noticed the Shion post within a minute of it being posted in a thread that isn't even about Shion?
Wanna try explaining that?

>> No.43877281

>trying to defend your reputation
>on 4chan

>> No.43877285

I had the thread open because I was interested in it. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.43877319

And why were you interested in it?
Are you particularly interested in BannedVTMemes? Why not post your thoughts about that rather than spreading rrats?

>> No.43877323

Just don't be insane and get fired for it. I do it every day.

>> No.43877337

Why are you trying to attack someone's reputation on 4chan? Why does it matter what someone has said or done in the past?

>> No.43877351


>> No.43877367
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Accuses him of something surprised pikachu face when the guy defend himself from your allegations. Kek look at this fucking nerd moving the goal post.

>> No.43877372

What's suspicious about this account is they go completely inactive when a drama about what they like is happening. I'm believing they are either taking part in the other threads and defending their shills or just ignoring

>> No.43877417

The imbecile spreading rrats arguing about someone else spreading rrats kek kys loser.

>> No.43877422

Nobody has a reputation on 4chan because it's an ANONYMOUS image board
If you're at the point that people are able to recognise you across multiple threads, that's because you're doing something wrong
>Why does it matter what someone has said or done in the past?
Because human's are, to a reasonable extent, logical creatures. A person's past behaviour is often a good indicator of their future behaviour because we're not totally random beings.
So for instance, a person who has spent multiple days last month posting debunked rrats about a vtuber cannot be trusted when they talk about drama about vtubers because their past behaviour already indicates that they have no interest in the truth.

>> No.43877450

I think it's funny how quickly you faggots assign any negative consequences on external things and not to the people they're happening to.
I could have also talked about your obsession with anti'ing homos and how you think this account is wrong for talking about hololive drama and how they should talk about homo drama instead.

>> No.43877526

I think any account dedicated to drama is fundamentally wrong, regardless of what "team" they support or not.

>> No.43877546

It was already proven that you are not able to recognise me across multiple threads by accusing me of something that's not true about me.

>> No.43877550

Kys retard she is an ex holo that alone makes her life 1000000X more valuable then you

>> No.43877576

>Her fans can't influence that. It's literally brain chemicals.
you have literally no fucking clue what you're talking about. OF COURSE the people around them can influence them. are you retarded?

>> No.43877583

Yet OP says they should be talking about homo drama and claims there's an "issue".

>> No.43877589

Holy fucking schizo. What's wrong with this faggot?
Antis are disgusting

>> No.43877629

A drama page having an obvious agenda is an issue, yes?
Also, you're misinterpreting OP. He's not saying that the page should attack the Homos. He wants the page to stop shitting up this board, which it objectively is

>> No.43877654

>complains about someone talking dramas
>want those someone to talk about a specific drama
Do mikefags really

>> No.43877689

I did check with her fans, and every fan seems to just hate the page and want it taken down
I doubt they give a shit about EN Homos considering they watch a JP streamer

>> No.43877697

He has a problem with the account not having any posts about homo drama but the board still gets several threads about Vesper and the forced anti memes around him.
That account according to OP is
>The one responsible for all of the recent threadshitters
but we can all see that's not true.

>> No.43877772

Ah, so it's only responsible for a decent amount of threadshitters. That's suddenly ok then. Kek.
Anyways, since you seem to be a Homofag, I'll pose the question to you.
Are you simply fine with this page existing because you don't feel like it's attacking your oshis? Because that's a disgraceful way of looking at the situation. It implies you're fine with vile behaviour as long as said vile behaviour doesn't affect you, which isn't good optics for your fanbase

>> No.43877806

NTA, but just to clarify that your insanely biased reading of the OP is mostly just your projection. Don't project your shitty personality onto the OP

>> No.43877812

So just an army wanting to take someone down. Guess that's what OP's aim is with this thread.

>> No.43877866

When did I say it's ok? I'm saying OP (probably you) is a hypocrite and does not actually care about this "threadshitting" they claim to hate.
I'm not a homofag. I have no idea what they do. I just know ENfags like to blame their shitty ENtubers becoming unlikable on their existence even though homos existed on the JP side for years without such issues.

>> No.43877879

Why wouldn't you want a dramapage to be taken down? That's insanely based? Containment breaking dramafags deserve to be destroyed

>> No.43877922

How am I being biased? OP claims the twitter account is responsinble for ALL the bad things, but it's clearly not.
If being factual is a "shitty personality" then I don't want to know what you consider "good personality".

>> No.43877938

If that's your only takeaway from the OP, I'm afraid you have actual autism or have never heard of the concept of hyperbole

>> No.43878001

What's the correct takeaway, great master? OP clearly has no problem with homos getting shit on and in fact wants it to happen.

>> No.43878030

>I've never called a single hololive member a whore
I clearly remember your dogshit page having a "meme" that was literally just the dictionary definition of whore pointing out at Ayame.
You and every single containment breaker are the tumor of this fucking hobby, third world subhumans making a living thanks to drama about autistic anime girls and bringing even more retarded tourists to this already dogshit forsaken place.
And you STILL have the guts to act superior and shit on people who don't like DA BOYS.

>> No.43878031

t. OP
I can't give a fuck about this page because after this one dies, another one will just take its place. There are million dramapages out there that it doesn't even matter anymore if a drama goes out of /vt/. I still hate mikefags regardless and if this page makes them mad then they're a win for me.

>> No.43878041

The correct takeway is
>this page is terrible and should be removed
But you know this, don't you? I know exactly why you're sperging out, and you're just being retarded

>> No.43878069

Hey retard, be honest
You thought it was a Rushia fan who made the OP. That's why you've been sperging out for a full hour
Turns out the guy actually hates her.

>> No.43878077

OP said the account is responsible for threadshitting and that it's biased in favor of homos, but we can all see several threads shitting on homos.
Is that account responsible for everything or not?

>> No.43878135

>exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
>"he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles"

>> No.43878152

I'm not even that anon, retard. Multiple people can hate mike, just so you know.

>> No.43878157

where the fuck did this tourist nigger come from?

>> No.43878161

>Homobeggar defends dramapage because they don't attack his oshi for half an hour

>> No.43878193

It's Henry and his tranniecord.

>> No.43878200

Why point out the homo thing at all? That's not even the only part wrong with it. OP also suggest attacking phase and then another anon later in the thread attacks phase by posting narratives about them.
You're going to call me a phase shill next but I'll pre-emtively say I wouldn't care if they burned to the ground because all EN garbage deserves to be exterminated.

>> No.43878231

No, what you do is pay a prostitute to synchronize with a hologram of your waifu like that famous scene from Blade Runner 2049

>> No.43878255

Most people like Mikeneko because she's a good person. Only SEA schizos hate her.

>> No.43878260

So basically you love this page, right?

>> No.43878309

I don't give a shit about it. I already explain how I'm here because I like watching you spergs blame everything negative happening on anything but the actual cause.

>> No.43878322

Bejitabro btw.

>> No.43878329

Pippa's antis are so braindead they'll even go after people they perceive as liking her corp

>> No.43878366

>I'm totally fine with contaimnent breaking dramafaggots
You disgust me

>> No.43878452

When did I say I'm fine with it? I just don't care about it. You're going to die of aneurysm if you're constantly mad over things you don't like existing.

>> No.43878469

It's honestly sad. 3rd post is even attacking a talent for it.

>> No.43878524

This >>43878366 reminds me of how trannies and their allies argue on the internet:
>You don't support our cause fully and unconditionally? You are literally a genocide enabler alt-right nazi transphobe

>> No.43878707

I don't really have a problem about someone being a shill because I honestly would shill a vtuber if I manage something with good reach rather I will shill harder than how they do it. I do hate containment breakers but they don't even containment break anything that the still doesn't know.
Your post is also hypocritical at best and comes off as asking for a report raid.

>> No.43878763

Pretty much any JP drama won't hit the EN Twitter landscape unless a big EN page spreads it, such as this page.
Refer back to the Shion post in this thread. Even the page's followers had no idea what he was referencing. He even referenced a deleted tweet by Mikeneko and pretty much every single comment was
>what is this? Is this a reference to something

>> No.43878901

That's how it basically always end up, specially here at /vt/. You either support everyone's opinion or is an anti

>> No.43878910

Did they even post about the shion rrat? Most I can remember is Lap valos. I guess the jp rrats are only slower at being containment breach but I think they'll be breached sooner or later anyway

>> No.43878917

>Your post is also hypocritical at best and comes off as asking for a report raid.
"He" is
And "he" is trying to get holo global on his side
"He" started "his" crusade around feb 20:

>> No.43879067

Original post
The deleted Mikeneko tweet reference.
Again, look at the comments and how many people were confused by the events

>> No.43879096

Wow, that guy seems so based

>> No.43879131

I mean there were third world subhumans who defended Depressed Noupagpagi when he posted Holo doxx behind a paywall. Of course the same drama starved brownskins are going to defend their fellow containment breaking subhumans.
Just be glad knowing that their hobby is literally shitting on autistic anime girls and hoping for them having big DRAMA, you can imagine such individuals are leading very pathetic lives and will most likely die a slow and painful death in their third world favelas.

>> No.43879166

He really hates this page and is good at making everyone side with him. Obsession at this point.
I don't really see anything wrong with those? We got the reference because we know about it. Yes, he did post about it which is breaching containment but he didn't tell what those were about? They're really harmless posts which is different from what everyone is implying.

>> No.43879224

He didn't provide the QRD, sure. But he gave a far more public platform for other people who wanted to do it so that it would spread into the community
If I posted a QRD on my own Twitter page, I'd get 100 views max
If I posted it in his comment section, I could get 10k.

>> No.43879252

So this thread is in fact call for a raid.

>> No.43879400

I doubt it

>> No.43879405

He isn't accusing anyone of scamming or really serious crimes. I see no problem.

>> No.43879433

The Shion one is literally slander.

>> No.43879502

Yet there were no QRD on those two posts. It's harmless but what I'm sure of now is the followers of that page are clueless tourists. At least those who were asking for the context.

>> No.43879644

It's been years since I've visited that profile and my god I didn't remember that most of the stuff he posts is super cringe, you can tell he's someone desperate for attention from redditard zoomers.

>> No.43879691

The page openly admitted to wanting to make a meme about a vtuber essentially admitting that she was suicidal on stream
Don't think you can truly call them harmless

>> No.43879745

Rushia did nothing wrong.

>> No.43879763

Why did she have to talk to korekore in November 2021?

>> No.43879790

Gokubro btw.

>> No.43879826

I knew the Schizoschizo was the Rushiaschizo

>> No.43879852

The intent is indeed not harmless but did they post about it? I'm not defending them or anything. It's just all the bad things I've read about this page from some threads or on global all seemed exaggerated or hated because they're containment breaching.

>> No.43879856

Why can't you answer?

>> No.43879987

I'm allergic to Timeloops and schizos, sorry.

>> No.43880020

Are you also the person spreading rrats about Shion and Laplus
Why can't you answer?

>> No.43880052

This "timeloop" only happens because you fail to answer basic questions. You always run away when you are asked to explain your "wife's" actions.
She collabs with men and happily talked to korekore for months.

I'm not spreading shit. They factually played valorant with those guys. Are they having sex with them and talking shit about hololive members? Probably not.

>> No.43880103

Posts hololive to get traction cause Phase Connect memes don't get as much views and likes. Sasuga Leech Connect.

>> No.43880201

Rushia, Laplus and Shion schizos are all the same person, confirmed
While you're being honest for once, were you the same person who was sperging out about how the OP said "every" shit thread was caused by this page because the page doesn't anti the Homos? Be honest, was that you? The person sperging out for half an hour over the wording of the OP's post?

>> No.43880229

>over the wording
Explicitly complaining about the account not posting about other vtubers is not just "wording".

>> No.43880287

Rushia talked to kore2 because she hated hololive and wanted to spread rumors about them.

>> No.43880301

That wasn't the case, sorry newfag

>> No.43880312

You explain it then

>> No.43880345

inb4 "reps"

>> No.43880360

Ok, look anon. I'm going to be frank with you here.
You need to take a break from this website. You're getting into hour long arguments about absolutely nothing at this point. You've devoted yourself to "correcting the record", but a lot of the time, you're doing so from your own biased perspective, so obviously people aren't going to listen to you.
When you started watching Vtubers, was this your intention? To spend all of this time arguing with random people on 4chan and holding grudges with random anons across multiple pages? Wouldn't you rather spend this time supporting and helping your own oshi rather than committing to this sort of life? It is spiritually destroying you.

>> No.43880408

Didnt doxusagi do the same thing?

>> No.43880541

My "biased perspective" is nothing but the objective facts that have been recorded. You just attribute all kinds of bullshit to me because you don't have any arguments and when you're finally backed into a corner you start the "timeloops" you claim to be allergic to, just so you can drive the thread to bump limit to make the bad posts go away.
You don't get to speak of anyone else getting "spiritually destroyed" when your thread has monthly meltdowns over your "wife" letting you down for the nth time.

>> No.43880551

WATCH OUT he will expose hololive discord mods if you really gonna cancel him

>> No.43880582

I am here to only witness Rushia’s fans against the world, AGAIN.

>> No.43880585

Do you watch Mikeneko/Nazuna? Yes or no?
If no, can I ask why you're browsing our generals? Personally, I don't browse the generals for vtubers that I don't watch because the discussion wouldn't make much sense to me.
And stop writing "wife", you look pathetic. Out of curiosity, are you the person who keeps posting
>lmao, she's not your wife, take pills
or is this someone else?

>> No.43880705

Why the fuck are you even arguing? You don't need any sort of argument for shitting on a bunch of dramacucks and containment breakers.
Even if they aren't responsible for 100% of the shitposting their shitty account is still responsible for making this board even more of a shithole and for harassing some of the girls.
Nothing else needs to be said, of course the fact that they are obvious Tempiss shills makes things funnier but that's not even the main issue.

>> No.43880711

I don't watch her, no. I look at your general whenever I notice your meltdowns spilling into the catalog and other streads. Your bizarre ostrich culture is really a sight to witness. Am I not allowed to look at freaks in the asylum?
>I don't browse the generals for vtubers that I don't watch
Why are you in threads about any other vtubers when you're supposed to be completely devoted to your "wife"?
>are you the person
No, not every person making fun of your imaginary relationship is the same person. You will insist it's just me though so I don't know why do you even ask.

>> No.43880768

If you're going to pretend that you have some kind of superior morals and a hard stance against anti shitposting you probably shouldn't immediately go and anti homostars in the same post.

>> No.43880781

Not the guy you're responding to but
>Why are you in threads about any other vtubers when you're supposed to be completely devoted to your "wife"?
I'm pretty sure you can read anon, so read his post over and come to the realization that he expressly says he doesn't go into other people's generals because it's retarded to do.

>> No.43880782

>Why are you in threads about any other vtubers when you're supposed to be completely devoted to your "wife"?
Sorry, let me clarify in detail because you're autistic.
I only browse
>the occasional bait thread, usually tangentially related to wife (this one has her in the OP image, I assume you're here partly due to that
>our general
>vsj general, because Nazuna is part of their org
And that's it. I don't watch other girls.
Now a further question. You've had arguments on 4chan about vtubers for over a year now. Be honest. Has anyone you've argued with ever changed your mind or opinions on any matters. Have you ever admitted to yourself that you were wrong about some details?
Because if you haven't, that speaks to something fundamentally flawed about your reason to perceive the world

>> No.43880819

You're in just about every hololive thread though, especially Laplus threads who has no relation to your "wife".

>> No.43880909

Laplus anti threads (I don't go into the Holox general, for instance), which are tangentially related to wife because you, one of wife's antis, are in those threads
And I know that the moment someone mentions wife in one of those threads, you immediately start pulling your usual shit about her. Look, you've already tried to derail this thread into being about wife. I know how you operate. Remember what the OP post was about? This entire thing is off topic

>> No.43880927

So you're deeply obsessed with me. I think you need help.

>> No.43880971

I am less obsessed with you than you are with Shion, Laplus and Rushia. Take that as you will

>> No.43880977

Not the guy youre responding to but he's just defending his wife's honor, you're the one consistently stalking his wife, their threads and making bait posts about her anon. Get some help.

>> No.43881029
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>hatepost about something
>it turns into a Rushia thread/deflection thread

>> No.43881090

We call him Rushiaschizo.

>> No.43881096

You are completely obsessed with me because you go into threads just to talk to me. I just browse threads normally and if I see some shit I want to reply to, I reply.

How am I stalking his "wife"? I don't even watch her. I have no idea what's going on with her until she fucks up again and it gets posted about outside of their madhouse. I never even make any initial posts about her. I only respond when someone says something retarded like "Rushia did nothing wrong", which was the first time I replied to anyone about her in this thread. If I was an obsessed stalker my first post in the thread would have been about her, but it wasn't.

>> No.43881099

Drama is free publicity.

>> No.43881197

>I only respond when someone says something retarded like "Rushia did nothing wrong"
You realise the people posting that are doing it to shitpost? Actually, one of the reasons why people do that is because they know you'll have a multi-hour breakdown over that post, so they'll keep doing it
The fact you're now writing paragraph upon paragraph trying to defend your autism is why people do things to stir you up. Get off of this board, you'd be a lot happier mentally if you did

>> No.43881214

>If you're going to pretend that you have some kind of superior morals
I have the decency to at least keep my shitposting here instead of breaking containment. I think that alone gives me some moral superiority yeah.
>anti homostars
because I called them Tempiss? At least I don't go around posting doxx on Twitter and spamming "memes" where I just call Ayame a whore.

>> No.43881241

So she did do something wrong?

>> No.43881267

Shion did nothing wrong

>> No.43881299

Laplus did nothing wrong

>> No.43881303

You would call anyone insulting a vtuber you like an anti.

>> No.43881307

Laplus did nothing wrong

>> No.43881336

Because she didn't do anything wrong. She only self immolated because her deranged antis forced her hand. She was naive and fell for blackmail that if she didn't open up company info, Kore2 would have made a video destroying her reputation.

>> No.43881356

Fandead are crazy and obsessed, but Rushia's antis are always twice as crazy and obsessed as them
bringing up Rushia in any capacity always ends up in the same two guys arguing like a couple retards

>> No.43881385

Why did she open up company info in the first place?

>> No.43881411

She broke the pasta.....unforgivable.....

>> No.43881441

Mike learned nothing since she still take the stance of fighting back antis which only attracts more antis.

>> No.43881449

The company info was her communcations with her manager
Basically, her manager told her
>I'm on holiday, I won't deal with this now
She showed this to Kore2 to explain her reasoning for going to Kore2. That's it

>> No.43881490

>learned nothing
Here's a tweet from a few days ago where she tells one of her fans to stop replying to antis because it feeds them
At least follow what she says before talking shit

>> No.43881493

Why did she talk to korekore before that? The only reason he ever had anything on her was because she had been talking to him.

>> No.43881546

Sorry, I'm allergic to Timeloops, Rushiaschizo

>> No.43881560

Old NND friends she trusted, really not a hard concept to wrap your head around. These girls existed on the internet before Hololive anon.

>> No.43881572

In exchange for Korekore and Narukami stopping the defamation videos on her which they did anyway. Kore2 didn't follow through with his end of the deal.

>> No.43881676

See, the moment you have to admit that she fucked up, you start spouting bullshit. You say you're "allergic to timeloops" but happily keep them going instead of resolving them.

Yes, they indeed did exist before hololive and that's why everyone can see that she broke things up with him and threatened to sue him in 2019 after he sent a group of trolls after her.

>> No.43881706


>> No.43881726

How is this not vtubers?

>> No.43881830

Guys, stop engaging the Rushiaschizo.
He shuts up when he realises that people won't timeloop his retarded arguments
He's been doing this for a year and has never once admitted to making a mistake. He's a retarded autist. Ignore bait, love wife.

>> No.43881831

is karekore a vtuber? is he a holostar

>> No.43881892

No reason to admit a mistake when you've made none.

>> No.43881981

Laplus did literally nothing wrong and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.43882015

>anon made a thread to complain about a dramafag
>thread gets derailed by a Rushia dramafag

>> No.43882052

The derailment happened only because her fan discord dispatched their knights into the thread.

>> No.43882119

>everyone who doesn't hate Rushia is part of the same fan Discord abloo bloo bloo

>> No.43882128

I don't care anon, nobody cares about Rushia anymore beyond laughing when she does something silly or stupid, you're the only one who still has her living rent free on your mind
you need to get a life

>> No.43882213

She never does anything silly or stupid, antikun.

>> No.43882277

I guarantee the Rushiaschizo autist is going to reply to the above post because he's so easily baited.
That's if it wasn't him who made it, to be honest

>> No.43882309

It's so easy to fool you morons.

>> No.43882362

If nobody cares about her why are there these white knights defending their wife's honor?

>> No.43882387

You guys almost had me fooled! This isn't a thread about bannedvtmemes, this is a thread about Rushia!

>> No.43882411

He obviously means her antis, retard.
Or well, "Rushia", as opposed to Mikeneko. As in, the only people interested in timelooping year old Rushia drama are a tiny handful of schizos, such as this thread's Rushiaschizo.

>> No.43882427

>makes antiposts about Rushia to derail the thread
>Fandead comes to defend their oshi
>"See they derailed the thread, why can't they let me antipost in peace"
Many such cases.

>> No.43882455

Rushiaschizo is an admin for BannedVTMemes.
This is the new theory I've come up with

>> No.43882508

because she's their oshi, duh
you go around derailing a bunch of threads thinking that you'll make people hate her more when in reality, the vast majority of anons here just don't give a shit about her anymore
if you want to bitch about Rushia and fight fandead then make a thread of your own and stop ruining other threads

>> No.43882528

They are the ones who derail it though. If it wasn't for them the exchange wouldn't be more than one reply in either direction. They're the one who always bring up this multi thread universe of "Rushiaschizo" and keep it going until the thread gets archived.

>> No.43882565

Just a reminder this entire thing started because some shitposter said
>Rushia did nothing wrong
as an obvious low effort shitpost, and Rushiaschizo took this as a personal insult and derailed the entire thread with samefagging

>> No.43882605

No, it started because someone said
>Fuck Rushia and everyone that defends her
and you just couldn't let that stand.

>> No.43882644

Are you sure you know what that word means? You're basically claiming you're the rushiaschizo now

>> No.43882675

Anons studying Japanese are highly recommended to watch Amemiya Nazuna. She interacts a lot with gaijin, chat has a live English translator and her Japanese is very easy to understand.

>> No.43882756

I'm not the one who brings her up in random threads. It's her fans who start these timeloops thinking it will make more people like her.

>> No.43882970

anon please, the posts in this thread are still up, anyone can see who started it, lying is unbecoming
from now on, please keep your fights in threads made for it, stop ruining random threads.

>> No.43882996

Yeah I can see the first posts about Rushia and they're not mine you dumb schizo.

>> No.43883099

Based, whore hate.

>> No.43883172

I used to think fandead were the craziest people on this board, turns out her antis are even crazier which is somehow fitting
crazy fans and insane antis, I feel for her sometimes

>> No.43883252

There's nothing wrong with her fans though.

>> No.43883307

some of you are pretty intense, to a worrying degree
I suppose that's just a difference in point of view between us, though

>> No.43883309

She at least likes her crazy fans

>> No.43883350

So why did Rushia have to talk to korekore in 2021?

>> No.43883427

Rushiaschizo, will you ever cut this out?

>> No.43883489

It will end when you answer honestly which we both know you're unable to do.

>> No.43883556

She was bored.

>> No.43883581
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, 1677119965743487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea whos trolling who anymore

>> No.43883588

He's not even denying being Rushiaschizo anymore

>> No.43883635

What did Rushia mean by 恋愛?

>> No.43883637

>>constant shitting of Rushia and Mori
this is based though

>> No.43883642

Even if that was true, why would you care?
Obviously fans want people to like their oshi

>> No.43883700

Both sides in this thread are clinically retarded but in all arguments the most retarded one is the one who answers to trolls. Also your samefagging is obvious

>> No.43883721

That she loves me very much.

>> No.43883725

Huh? You're the one "caring" here and complaining about threads being derailed. Do not care about threads getting derailed anymore?

>> No.43883774

I don't think you know what samefagging means.

>> No.43883784
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1645871619308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went here for bannedvtmemes 2 hours ago but now I'm staying for Rushia because of only two anons. Insane.

>> No.43883845

Personally, if every bait thread got derailed into a positive thread that spoke well of a VTuber, I'd be fine with it, yes?

>> No.43883884

I know this isn't the thread for it because just going by the replies and the derailment it isn't warranted.
But I think the whole Rushia situation was just a case of some obvious bipolar woman not being able to handle the situation correctly by wanting to clear shit up, and of course it was handled poorly.

I just think she needs some kind of therapy to not jump back into stupid actions that can be avoided from some clarity

Some good points to get to bed comfy with

>> No.43883898

So you don't actually care about derailment then.

>> No.43883950

It wouldn't have happened if she didn't get involved with the alien to begin with.

>> No.43883967

I care about negative derailment and anti derailment
I don't believe bait threads are worthwhile defending

>> No.43883979

Who gives a shit.

>> No.43884116

You don't get to decide what's negative and what's not. The OP of this thread is negative against homos and phase but you seem to think it's positive.

>> No.43884147

This thread has a 5/1 ratio with multiple posts in the past hour replying to no one

>> No.43884183

And you believe all of those posts were made by the same person when they were not.

>> No.43884245

Oh no, don't take my ability to make decisions away from me aaaaahhhhhhh

>> No.43884249

Statistically speaking they most likely were, in most threads 1 IP could be just one post

>> No.43884349

You're not allowed to decide things either

>> No.43884400

Good thing I haven't done that then.

>> No.43884537 [DELETED] 

Ever? In your entire life? すほい~~~~~

>> No.43884590

>let me anti post and spread misinfo whenever I want to
Yeah no.

>> No.43884595

Ever? In your entire life? すごい~~~~

>> No.43884624

>breach of contract
>nothing wrong
I think Cover's legal department would disagree with you on that

>> No.43884683


>> No.43884770

What misinfo did I post that you just had to butt in to debunk? As far as I recall, you just started sperging out and refused to say anything about this "misinfo".

>> No.43884819

She did not break her contract. She was set up and fired on a tiny technicality, even A-chan admitted this. Cover had been communicating with mafumafu and korekore since 2020 to get her ousted from the company.

>> No.43885044

Anon, stop this
Mikeneko admitted herself that she broke her contract
You're either a falseflag or a retard. Fuck off

>> No.43885130

She herself said that Cover lied in their statement and made her look worse. Ok, she "broke" her contract. It was a tiny technicality just like I said. Cover's contract is like the average EULA of any online service where effectively any action justifies termination.

>> No.43885244

I don't trust their statement either, but you make us and her look worse with this shit so cut it out. We know she broke her NDA at the very least

>> No.43885302

So all you care about is appearances and not the truth. No wonder the resolution to this shit has been getting stalled for an entire year.

>> No.43885340

Why was she fired then?

>> No.43885362

Oh, you are retarded
Both sides issues their final statements on the matter months ago. It's a done deal
She's not going to push for more because that would require legal action. Again, just drop it now

>> No.43885800

I thought we were here to stop misinformation? Her "breaking the contract" wasn't wrong.

>> No.43885917

Your reading comprehension is awful
I'm the poster telling the other poster that she broke her NDA
One of her fans telling off one of her other fans. You can stay out of it, schizo

>> No.43885984

The anti faggot claimed she did something wrong by bringing up her contract breach, but she wasn't in the wrong when she did that. Fuck you fake fan.

>> No.43886050

Post your Mikeneko YouTube membership before falseflagging as a fan, retard
She admitted she made mistakes, ファンチ

>> No.43886102

I'm not interested in your timeloops and I'm especially not going to give you an image to falseflag with.
Wife did nothing wrong.

>> No.43886191

Stop being an all affirming retard. All affirming is the reason why she's so confused all of the time. You are beyond retarded

>> No.43886458

Oh, you're the guy who was falseflagging as a fan the other day. I saw you in the thread and people where calling you a retard.

>> No.43886477

The opposite. She is confused because her fans keep acting like enemies.

>> No.43886494

You're imagining things.

>> No.43886542

Considering she's been complaining more and more about the all affirmers specifically, even going as far to ignore the Japanese side of her fanbase considering that's what they are, kinda says the opposite anon.

>> No.43886679

She is angrier at fans that tell her to quit, get a husband or say nonsensical shit in chat. Affirmers are not a problem.

>> No.43886694


>> No.43886721

Not me, schizo.

>> No.43886746

That's me, schizo.

>> No.43886943

Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Pekora

>> No.43886984

All affirmers actually fit into those categories though

>> No.43887087

You fantis are more consistently non-sensical. You simultaneously give her hate when she does anything with a male but then say it's ok and doesn't really matter, she gets depressed but eventually does it again due to all the conflicting messages and the cycle repeats.
