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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 458 KB, 1394x778, 02038A10-A491-4B8F-BB56-047C0A93A1EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43862170 No.43862170 [Reply] [Original]

Where is she?

>> No.43862311


>> No.43862457

To think things were actually looking up for her for once.

>> No.43863332

i saved her

>> No.43863426

Congratulations you have aids

>> No.43864399

Hope she's doing better. I haven't been able to find a replacement that streams as long and has a similar taste in games.

>> No.43865883
File: 572 KB, 532x711, FB1AB192-1C0A-4BB9-9B4D-64AE8FB86852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her feet

>> No.43866101

Me too

>> No.43866145


>> No.43866215

How does she afford all these models anyways?

>> No.43866286

Nice. I'm going to go have sex with as many Californians as I can to kill them off with no legal repercussions.

>> No.43866332

I’m kneeling...

>> No.43866345

What's with all the hairs?

>> No.43866365

That’s a man

>> No.43867679

had another meltdown after having my channel hacked and being doxxed again and haven’t streamed since. Been depressed as hell and lonely without streaming but no one cares of course. Hope everyone has been doing well at least…

>> No.43867820

Hope you're doing well, too!

Can someone give me context as to who this is?

>> No.43867992
File: 36 KB, 385x290, 1664488510587478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever you do start streaming again, even if I can't find you again; I hope it's fun for you

>> No.43868117

Depression is a symptom of lack of cock, i have the cure

>> No.43868160

If I ever come back to streaming people will find me and hound me about the past so it’s like what’s the point of even trying? I’m so fucking miserable without streaming, I have no friends and no one to talk to outside of school and work. I wake up every day and go work then lay in bed without anything to look forward to, whereas in the past I could stream and not feel lonely. I’m so fucking miserable.

>> No.43868211

Some of your regulars do in fact miss ya.

>> No.43868212

nice larp faggot

>> No.43868235

Well if it's actually you then still being here isn't a good sign. Much as you believe 4chan isn't the problem I would put fat stacks down on it contributing to every one of your dead loops in one way or another. The guy wanting to "cuck 4chan" is a good example.
I suggest you cut it off in the next one. Better yet, cut your losses and find something new that makes you happy that doesn't involve online contact with subhuman doxxfags and groomers.
Good luck, you need it.

>> No.43868280


Hag wife didn't have a job anon, you had me for a moment.

>> No.43868408

I’m the problem. I can’t place blame on others, that’s stupid. Honestly nothing else makes me happy. I streamed for two years without any fame or fortune because it made me the happiest person ever. Without it I don’t have anything to live for to be honest. I’m working a dead end job, getting a degree I don’t want, going to die alone. Life isn’t worth it anymore. My 27th birthday is in a few days and I just don’t want to wake up again.

>> No.43868456

become an hero

>> No.43868463

I got a job within the last few days because all I was doing was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling and doing nothing.

>> No.43868602

You've got a REALLY dedicated schizo so I doubt you'll ever be rid of them. Your only real options are to either work up the courage to die, or get the courage to do the thing that makes you happy again.

>> No.43868775

Then take the proper steps in creating a new account (new email used only for the account and absolutely nothing else, 2FA on both) and STREAM. The worst part about your personality is the defeatist attitude.

>> No.43868797

DB isn’t the problem, though I am pissed off he tried to scam me. Guess you really don’t know someone even after like 4 ish months.

The issue are the people who won’t let go of the past. I hate the fact that I used to burp and fart on stream because I found it funny, I attracted a bunch of disgusting fetish people and I want them to leave me alone forever yet they have recordings or every single burp or fart I’ve ever done, I hate them and I want them to go away.

The only thing I can do now is never talk about the past and ban people who bring up stuff I don’t like but I don’t deserve happiness so I don’t deserve to stream ever again.

>> No.43868840

You don’t think I’ve tried this for the past two years? I’ve done this time and time again but people want to find me and harass me.

>> No.43868858

This, and also utilize blocking words in chat and don't be skimpy on the ban button.

>> No.43868860

ok but enough about Gooba

>> No.43868886

My god only four months? I knew my only oshi for 8 months and she turned out to be a groomer and then disappeared even though I thought she was one of the greatest people I'd ever met.

>> No.43868960

Damn, I didn't realize anyone could be as terminally online as you. I feel bad that I even get what your outrage porn overdosed brain is getting at.

>> No.43868962

Obliviously there's a good chance you'll get found again, but the point is to secure your shit properly so you don't run into losing your account again. With that and actively banning people and blocking words in chat I don't see why you can't go back to doing the thing you clearly enjoy doing.

tl;dr stop being a stupid bitch Mel, you are your own worst enemy.

>> No.43868976

I have no one so four months is a long time for me. Hell, someone used to be a regular for like two weeks and I haven’t seen them after those two weeks and I’m still upset about it. When you only get 10 or less viewers you really care about them.

>> No.43868983

She quit

>> No.43868996

t. assmad californian

>> No.43869071

I hate to sound like somebodies parents but you can't really trust people around money who you've known for years let alone months, let alone all the other bs that was involved with DB. You've got to guard yourself while still caring about people, it's a hard balance to find.

>> No.43869082

You can't really get rid of brapfags either, people will NEVER give up on getting more niche fetish content, ESPECIALLY if it someone that interacted with them on a personal level. You'll probably have to do what that other anon said about getting way more liberal with the ban button and blocking words. Granted I don't know how many people still bringing that up are larpers who know you hate it or actual brapfags

>> No.43869095

Accounts isn’t the issue, I’ve been doxxed multiple times to the point where I’ve changed everything but my address because it’s not financially possible to move. I’ve done everything.

The other thing is that I won’t be able to play my favorite games anymore because I play extremely obscure games sometimes. I don’t want to have to pretend I’m not me. I’m just so exhausted from everything. I hope I die soon.

>> No.43869143

>Getting this mad at a joke
You okay, bro? Want to talk about it?

>> No.43869152

You probably already know this but they're never gonna let go of the past or go away. That's how antis work, especially on 4chan. If you don't wanna see that shit in chat, you'll have to be active in it or have someone that's not a piece of shit or a bot moderate it. Even you don't want to, you have no choice unless you want it brought up in chat. Most importantly, stop coming to 4chan. This place is the one place that will forever bring it up with receipts so for the sake of your remaining sanity just stop coming here.

>> No.43869162

Larpers or actually convicted is irrelevant. Ban them all and put a stop to this.

>> No.43869202

Oh hey Outcast here, been popping into vt every now and then just to see if there's any news on how you're doing. Hope you're able to find some happiness again. I've been hanging out in Kou's streams as of late.

>> No.43869217

Unless she disappears forever there will always be threads about her though. She can't escape it only ignore it.

>> No.43869340

And? You've already been doxed so you shouldn't care about that anymore. Just don't get hacked and you'll be golden.

>> No.43869346

kill yourself dumb groomer

>> No.43869348

Braptuber kys

>> No.43869429
File: 179 KB, 500x500, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching you for a pretty long time, but only really talked in the threads here. I get anxious talking in 2view chats because I know they'll remember me and probably get sad when I don't talk anymore

>> No.43869619


>> No.43869657

I think you're lost friend.

>> No.43869673

I'm not.

>> No.43870015

sounds like you need to actually go out and do something, if you're so depressed from being lonely its not hard to pick up a hobby and connect with people, genuine advice no bullshit.

>> No.43870170

You keep making new accounts so people keep trying to find you not knowing, there was a vid from parrot I think and people wanted to find you but couldn't find your account

>> No.43870195

I don't know anything about you, I just wandered into this thread on a whim, but I want to say I believe in you and you don't really sound like someone who doesn't deserve happiness. You have to do some really egregious, fucked-up shit to become one of those people. You can get through this!

>> No.43870229

Probably mello

>> No.43870232

If you’re implying I’m that VTuber uh, no? We sound nothing alike and I didn’t even know about EIEN until today. I’ve applied to Production Kawaii, Prism Project, idol EN without any luck and I’ve applied to NIJISANJI EN 7 or 8 times, lost count but still no luck. NIJISANJI EN is total shit now so I’d never try for them again but I would try for Production Kawaii again if given the chance even though they won’t take me…

>> No.43870333

Right now I go to college and work. I can’t connect with anyone that way because I’m almost 30 in college while the others are like 18 or so and people at work are older. Nothing else I can do. Lately I’ve been feeling like shit knowing I’ll die with no friends and no lover but who the fuck even cares.

>> No.43870367

What about pcg? Heck you can ask flvr

>> No.43870401

What is parrot?

I deserve all of this, trust me. The world would be better off if I were gone for good.

>> No.43870457

Considering Pippa has had a massive hand in my harassment and doxxing even though I’m not even a threat to her, no fucking thanks. Also no idea what flvr is.

>> No.43870578

I disagree

>> No.43870635

Look up Mel Nekomata and then you’ll understand why I deserve all this.

Also, I’m going to try and get some sleep, not feeling well and have work in a few hours. Bye everyone. If I see another thread I may reply to it as well.

>> No.43870701

Give Meebo a pat for me.

>> No.43870714

I'm not. I'm just posting the one that replaced you. We finally got the brap mommy we wanted

>> No.43870964

Forgive yourself

>> No.43871061

Please just stay away, any credibility you had was gone the second you accused pippa of doxing without proof. If you come back again i will keep reporting channels until they're banned. I cant tell who's sadder, you or the anons consistently supporting this shit.

>> No.43871113

>I can't tell who's sadder.

Just look into a mirror anon, look.

>> No.43871186

are you mel nekomata?
searched it up and all I got was a shit ton of disgusting fart compilations. you probably dodged a bullet with that one chief.

>> No.43871235

If you go digging a bit more, you'll see that nothing was dodged.

>> No.43871319

Look for a date on Tinder (me)

>> No.43871426

Good luck getting some rest. If you do ever stream again and I show up I'll actually talk in the chat this time.

>> No.43871480

That looks like a man's foot.

>> No.43871872

Have a good one and hug Meebo for me

>> No.43874110


>> No.43876909

Mel, please. As one of your regulars, be properly selfish for once and do what you really want to do.
Fuck the doxxers and the brap fuckers, if they find you again so what? So long as your accounts are secure they can't do jack shit.

>> No.43878327

>ITT: Anons who gaslit themselves into thinking Mel is posting this
You dumb whores.

>> No.43878720
File: 35 KB, 388x354, 0620BD43-F2AB-4E4D-B965-B6835CBE7923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ily mel

>> No.43878797

Unfortunately not on my bed

>> No.43880462

bro what the fuck is that

>> No.43881091

hi mel, i hope you're doing better

>> No.43881648

I don't know if that's actually her but Mel said she doesn't shave her legs when she just needs to stay home for a long period of time.

>> No.43882883

>I have no friends and no one to talk to outside of school and work
Didn't you say on a recent stream that you went to a house party or something? Something seems off here.
