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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 53 KB, 754x316, holhhohoelihenegnligsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43834716 No.43834716 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.43834759

fpbp nijicuck deflection tranny faggot ok next thread

>> No.43834901
File: 329 KB, 909x772, vt deflection wheel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43834968

Umm what?

>> No.43835040

The quality of this post is even inferior to the quality of the pic you are using

>> No.43835269

When's the last time they hung out?
One collab every 3 months is a bit of a stretch

>> No.43835302

Councilrys girls are actually good friends. Not the clingy type though

>> No.43835391

>When's the last time they hung out?
Literally 2 days ago!!

>> No.43835435

kek, seethe and dilate tranny

>> No.43835456

because it's a business for grifting whores who smell their own, that keeps orcschizo Mumei and Kiara in the same company pretending to be frens

>> No.43835481 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 712x534, bench.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43835537


>> No.43835578
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1350, 1651936489280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cuckbeat made this thread.
The fact that Gura, Ina and Ame were really talkative during the improvised myth collab during fire emblem but didn't say shit during the one with Mori is really telling.
Name recent one on one collabs with Mori that had Ame and Gura?

>> No.43835668
File: 3 KB, 242x278, 1673963161583365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people accusing you of "deflecting" when you say anything on /vt/.

>> No.43835715

I'd say Ametori is a fine friendship. Considering it started from nothing and neither of them really spoke for the first several months. A friendship that blossoms from nothing is nice to see.

>> No.43835717

nice selfie, looking hot

>> No.43835798

Because Hololive isn't Nijisanji you massive faggot. We want to watch our chuuba, not our chuuba + some annoying bitch/man

>> No.43835885

IDK man that shark and that clock seem really tight with each other, they will probably form a duo

>> No.43835984

>One collab every 3 months is a bit of a stretch
>it only exists if I can see it
object permanence-chama.....

>> No.43836092

>We want to watch our chuuba, not our chuuba + some annoying bitch
Why the fuck are you watching a massive vtuber agency then

>> No.43836255

>When's the last time they hung out?
2 days ago. Go watch stream Nijinigger

>> No.43836294

>pink woman
Every time.

>> No.43836358

Because the threat of getting fired prevents them from being western women and ranting about roe vs wade, troons or other retarded shit I don't want to hear about.

>> No.43836421

A chumkek made this reply.
The fact that Ina was really talkative during the offcollab watchalong with Mori, and the Ame+BaeRys Mario Party offcollab, but didn't say shit during the one with Gura doing nothing and calling her genmates cringe is really telling.
Name recent one on one collabs with Gura?

>> No.43836450
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, ABC1E997-D616-406E-A331-278A5DABE690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only real hololive family. None of that fake NijiEN backstabbing crap

>> No.43836519

Women don't make long lasting or meaningful friendships.

>> No.43836564

Maybe because they aren't all living in tokyo`or jakarta within 30 minutes train distance of each other?

>> No.43836648

>ranting about roe vs wade, troons or other retarded shit I don't want to hear about
you sure think about troons a lot, random 4channer

>> No.43836708

>cataloguefriends don't know what friendships look like
Shocking really

>> No.43836860

Pretty sure GurAme is a long-lasting friendship, they're just both too much of a socially autistic piece of shit to show off their friendship frequently.
TakaMori could have been a kino friendship if Mori wasn't a genuinely bad person

Everything else is business ships and normal work relationships, what else do you expect from random people who are just thrown together for a job?

>> No.43836918

They are women

>> No.43836932

which is an utterly retarded attitude by the way

>> No.43837001
File: 1.50 MB, 1504x1024, 1677287312053831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BaeRyS," this name keeps coming up over and over again. Every day Bae's mail is getting sent back to me. BaeRyS! BaeRyS! I look in the topic, and this whole thread is BaeRyS! So I say to myself, "I gotta find this ship! I gotta go up to his office and put this pic in the anons goddamn hands! Otherwise, he's never going to get it and he's going to keep coming back down here." So I go up to Bae's office and what do I find out, anon? What do I find out?! There is no BaeRyS. The ship does not exist, okay?

>> No.43837109

What even leads one to this conclusion? You think Fauna/Mumei/Bae aren't friends because they don't collab every single day? Did you watch any of their offcollabs in Japan?

>> No.43837124

They do, you just choose to ignore it for the sake of shitposting.

>> No.43837210

Damn you niggers are desperate

>> No.43837256

Not sharing their friendship to the public at all times doesn't make them "pieces of shit", there's literally nothing wrong with that. Friendships are personal by nature.

>> No.43837562

It's literally their job to shill "tee tee" you retarded chumnigger

>> No.43837794

Gura hates her job and genmates so much it's unreal, lmao. I guess it's those so-called "golden handcuffs"

>> No.43837802

So they're bad people because they're not commodifying their friendship enough?

>> No.43837884

Ametori seems really good, Kiara is always good to Ame and vice versa.
BaeRyS looks like a very natural friendship.

As group no, they are pretty divided into cliques but at least there are some friendships here and there

>> No.43838153

BaeRyS hangs out in streams all the time
>Mumei + bae/Kronii/fauna
They lived with each other in Japan for like two weeks less than a month ago idiot

>> No.43838255

why are femcels like this

>> No.43838347

Anon....sorry to say this but.....Friends don't last forever

>> No.43838371


>> No.43838409

Already stated that IrysBae and AmeTako have good chemistry. Mumei really like hanging out with Kronii with the most. Shark has talked more about the Kirin and the Clock in her streams than her own gemmates.

>> No.43838539

Why have you? You've had 12 years in school and you probably don't talk to most of them after graduating.

>> No.43838540

Ame is super nice but I don't think she views Kiara as anything above "good co-worker"

I'm completely convinced BaeRyS literally only happened out of timezone convenience+ everyone else from council scrambling off to form other ships leaving Bae in the dust.

>> No.43840057

I want to say that many, MANY people sleep on bae and mumei as friends, like bae literally said taht mumei is her best friend (within hololive at least) and they both said that they talk to each othet every single day even in VC, also they and fauna started two off collabs. Honestly sometimes it feels like bae treats mumei better than irys (mainly because if her dumb tsundere bit) so if ther isnt any sussy going on with irys i would say she is at best at the same place with mumei if not below. I suppouse the only thing that keep them away from collabing more Is that they dont have that much sinnergy in comparison with othet units

>> No.43840138

Idk anon going to kiaras hotel uninvited and sleeping in the same bed is a bit past good coworker. (Not to mention the feet pictures)

>> No.43840261

They don't live near each other, close online/work friends at best. Meanwhile JP and ID can off-collab whenever the fuck they want. The one genuinely looking for close friendship is Kiara, but the others are not responding much.

>> No.43840567

Exactly. They wouldn't sleep in the same hotel bed if they weren't close.

>> No.43843951

No, you retarded faggot nijinig. Nobody expect them to be like your faggot company shilling "MUH FAMILIES". They do what they want with their friendship, show on stream or not.

>> No.43844013

You replying to retarded nijinig, you get retarded answer anon.

>> No.43844176

No thanks, I've seen what you nijinigs call friendship.

>> No.43844297

Vespest deflection thread.

>> No.43850637

Sana was the glue that held them all together. No one got over her disappearance.

>> No.43851870

nijinog is right. nijis are as close to a real family as you'll get. You have the favorites who get all the love and attention and shit on the others because of their superiority, the youngest who get love and attention from the parents despite being shits, and the middle children who were pretty much abandoned to their own devices long ago and are bitter about it.

>> No.43852614

Kiara and Mori could be considered friends, in a way.

>> No.43858545

what is this forced meme

>> No.43859337

Miko accidentally showed her desktop and had a folder with pictures including that one, which was labeled bench.png

>> No.43859660

go back home, nijinigger

>> No.43860607

Ina and Sana are friends irl.

>> No.43860659

___________ deflection thread

>> No.43861744

oh stfu, do you really believe that shit?

>> No.43862140

This cope really doesn't work anymore after the gurame rrat died nijicuck

>> No.43862452

Fauna Bae
And believe it or not, Mori Irys.
Both Ina Sana and Fauna Sana are good friends.

>> No.43862710

You need to watch stream and actual object permanence.
Also btw, it's not the case here because bae makes friends easy and has good friends outside hololive too, it's ok if holos don't go past coworker status and just rather hang with non hololive people.

>> No.43863670

You cannot create meaningful and lasting relationships under a work environment, some can become friends but they'll be business partners first and foremost.
Unity doesn't exist, unless you hire people who were best friends before joining the company

>> No.43863721

Mori hangs out with IRyS often and Ina is one of her closest friends.

>> No.43866836

Not often. IRyS doesn't hangout that often with people. Sure she did accompany her for the "tea party" but I really doubt they are that close. And I say that as a Deadbeat.
Kiara and Ina actually seem way closer than IRyS

>> No.43867202

I don't know if the opposite sentiment is true though.
IRyS seems to get along better with all of council than she does with Mori and off stream, it's a know fact that IRyS and Bae watch a lot of movies together with sometimes Mumei and Fauna chugging in.
Also she has known Kronii longer than almost everyone in Hololive except for Mel and AZKi. Heck, I will say she is better friends with even those two as supposed to Mori. Not saying they aren't close, but IRyS definitely gets along better with a lot of other Ens. I barley even see IRyS mentioning Mori in streams and even though she hasn't met Kronii IRL yet, she talks more about her than Mori

>> No.43867368

You should really watch streams more and stop relying of /vt/ for your info.
