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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 325 KB, 600x460, yuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43797772 No.43797772 [Reply] [Original]

>What if we make Gura but horny?

>> No.43797919

>What if we shill for Israel but unironically?

>> No.43799849

more like
>what if we make gura but pippa

>> No.43800087

>What if we made Gura but cares for her fans?

>> No.43800238

So just normal Gura?

>> No.43802658

>What if we get goys to donate to Israel willing

>> No.43802762

You already do that with every purchase you make.

>> No.43802781

fuck off chaim

>> No.43802859

And she actually streams

>> No.43803084

if you can buy ads on YouTube and blast them 24/7 why can't you buy ads on 4chan?

>> No.43803116

Rent free

>> No.43803304

Gura was always horny.
Her whole humor is degeneracy

>> No.43803382

But Gura is already horny. Just look at her Likes on twitter.
Though i do like Yuko. Pretty decent loli chuuba so far, hoping she doesnt fuck it up by streaming with males or being found out to have a bf.

>> No.43806299

How horny is she?

>> No.43806468

picture unrelated

>> No.43806579

Can you guys stop with the antisemitism?

>> No.43806655
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1152, cool antisemitic remarks [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2fkxtp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43806668

>What if we make Gura but jewish?

>> No.43807918

She masturbated during a members stream

>> No.43808711

I need you to proof that.

>> No.43808857
File: 27 KB, 554x554, gura1675333956467501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never line the pockets of the mossad.

>> No.43808935

The cunnychads at /uoh/ had the vod

>> No.43808951

What if we made OP but straight?

>> No.43808975

>no links

>> No.43809226

I've watched her and I don't get why the JIDF keeps shilling her as the better Gura. Not to mention she's funded by my blood enemy

>> No.43810092

So she's just Senzawa?

>> No.43810263

So she’s not unique

>> No.43810300

Shes a whore. Already jerked off live in members only stream.

>> No.43810416

>Does nice thing for her viewers
Go back to whatever century you time traveled from.

>> No.43810527

she gets desperate with lewd acts to pop 1k viewers, but even this is getting stale

>> No.43810614
File: 529 KB, 764x694, 1675120668932773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura that
>loves her fans unironically
>loves cunny unironically
>don't larp as cunny
>doesn't self censor herself

>> No.43810786

>masturbates in member streams
>actually enjoys streaming
>very active on twitter
>Posts numbers for hentai she's masturbating to on twitter
>based beyond even Gura
She's Gura with a better audience, better personality, better company, better everything

>> No.43810835

I'm not going to watch your 3views, Moishe.

>> No.43810907

>$0.25 has been deposited into your account

>> No.43811067


>> No.43811539

>supporting a vtuber is supporting a country
Is the same shit as
>playing a game is supporting anti-troons
Please kys trannies of /vt/

>> No.43811577

I hate the tribe, what else can I say?

>> No.43811690

>>masturbates in member streams
Gonna need to see some proof of that, chief

>> No.43811736

>Palestine is banned word in every chat

>> No.43811909

pay for membership and find out for yourself

>> No.43811920 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1341x756, 1677228557021199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43811975

Come to /uoh/ and find out yourself retard.

>> No.43812049

I found it but it's already dead

>> No.43812085

I would have to look for the timestamp on a specific vod. I'm not paying for something that may potentially not exist. I'm sure you'd do the same, anon.

>> No.43812130

No, it is our moral right and obligation to shit on the jews.

>> No.43812164

uh oh

>> No.43812332

i watched it live. start at 1:37:00. now member my oshi and enjoy.

>> No.43812339

I find the way she speaks weird somehow. It's like she makes it too obvious that she's not a loli and instead just a woman who's putting on an act.

>> No.43812562

You can say Sakana doged a fucking bullet.

>> No.43813492

What if we made a Gura that... *gasps* streams?

>> No.43813531

hahaha xe said the thing

>> No.43813881

>Yuko superiority, the better loli, Gura sucks, Gura is so bad, man I hate Hololive, this is much better, we no longer need holo shit now
>omg a chance for a collab with Gura in the future? I'd love to see you be able to do that Yuko, the two cutest girls together <3

Interesting fan base

>> No.43814080

just give her $5 you bigot

>> No.43814163
File: 21 KB, 316x459, E7dr9KKWEAMAi4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>omg a chance for a collab with Gura in the future? I'd love to see you be able to do that Yuko, the two cutest girls together <3
No thanks I prefer other cunnies.

>> No.43814206

>what if Gura but she actually streams?

>> No.43814217

Fix your keyboard you silly child.

>> No.43814297


>> No.43814403


>> No.43814467

Positive affirmations asmr stream 1 hour 36 minutes

>> No.43814507

>what if we make Gura but she actually streams but ironically nobody watches her

>> No.43814776

Damn, very nice and intimate. Is that the only asmr stream she did like that?

>> No.43814956

She masturbated in a twitter space and read a very explicit hentai text game in another

>> No.43815055

Yeah, yeah she is a whore, we get it Shlomo.

>> No.43815161

post the vod reeee

>> No.43815227

>check it
>there was no masturbating
Even for free they still jew me over

>> No.43815499

Imagine getting worked up over did she didn't she fapping when you can go find real AVtubers and know for sure.

>> No.43815562

>>loves her fans unironically
Gura loves her fans you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.43815852

Time to dig in the /uoh/ archives, hopefully they archived all of that shit

>> No.43815904

look at this fool and laugh. for he will never understand

>> No.43815917

She sure does my poor chumkek. She suuuure does.

>> No.43815926


>> No.43815939

You are looking through the wrong thread. Its all on /jidf/

>> No.43816000

Oh makes sense kek, thanks

>> No.43816036

But enough about your jewish ethot.

>> No.43816069

It's literally impossible to feel any sort of emotional connection to your audience when it's in the dozens of thousands of people.

>> No.43818957

You guys know Gura is Jewish too right?

>> No.43820897

>streaming with males
Isn't Idol Corp against that shit?

>> No.43820996

Gura is a Christian farmgirl. Yes, I live in 2020-2021. No, I refuse to live in the present.

>> No.43821544

How much are they paying you? Still not going to watch your bargain bin vtubers.

>> No.43821547

They never said that, and they already did. 2 of them are collab begging tempus since day -1

>> No.43821689

They hired 3 Vtubers with boyfriends, so I doubt they'd care about them collabing with males.

>> No.43821814

IdolBoyFriend CORP!

>> No.43821826

Literally ever american taxpayer on this planet does it already.

>> No.43822113

why would you want to talk about palestine in a vtuber stream anyway. avoiding political discussion is why the word banned in the first place

>> No.43822200

+2 shekels

>> No.43822361

Well. Fuck. Glad I haven't watched them.

>> No.43822547

i play vidya to own the troons so they go 41

>> No.43822585

Geh... Forgot I unmembered so I can remember on the first of the month to sync up with my other memberships. I'll check this masturbation stuff out on Wednesday.

>> No.43822604

Man, their new shilled hire is a fucking open junkie whore. What did you expect?

>> No.43822778

She takes her pants off around like 1:36:00 but it kind of starts before that. Basically grinds on a plushie pretending its chat with no pants or panties on. Ends stream saying how she is all hot and bothered and needs to go take care of that in the shower.

>> No.43822805

Yuko wouldn't like you guys talking shit about her oshi

>> No.43822845

>Not to mention she's funded by my blood enemy

>> No.43822900

That's cool but I don't give a fuck. If you lurk this place prepare to eat some shit along with it.

>> No.43822919

I had her pinned as a holoEN candidate back in august when she announced hiatus but instead cover decided to hire a second set of men. She turned out solid for where she ended up though so good for her

>> No.43823065

Yuko doesn't have an "oshi" because she isn't a cringelord. She barely even watches clips of vtubers, she just said she likes Gura like one time.

>> No.43823380

>"oshi" because she isn't a cringelord
The absolute state of this '''vtuber''' agency.

>> No.43823425

Is that why she copies everything Gura does

>> No.43823493

Well, she is grifting egirl, like every other Idol hire.

>> No.43823642

Maybe oshi is much however she is her biggest inspiration that made her pick up vtubing

>> No.43823707 [DELETED] 

Brown hands typed this.

>> No.43823708

Whore's gotta make money somehow.

>> No.43823747

Yeah, I think that's an accurate statement. However I don't think she'd particularly be offended on Gura's behalf, especially considering that she's been doing fuck-all for the last 4 months.

>> No.43823775


>> No.43823779

>Yuko doesn't have an "oshi" because she isn't a cringelord.
You just fly in from /v/town?

>> No.43823863

you people are essentially turning these girls into chaturbate streamers and it makes me sad.

>> No.43823953

Most of them already were this, anon.

>> No.43823963

She already was one

>> No.43824114


>> No.43824248

>Brown hands typed this
No need to reveal yourself anon no one cares anyway.

>> No.43824338

She loves Ironmouse and respects her ability to NTR her audience and people clap for it

>> No.43824398

For a supposed gura fan she sure never showed a single piece of shark merch on her stream or twitter, except that one time:
Which is totally not a grift lmao.

>> No.43824799

Still can't believe anyone watches this illness-baiting 35 year old deadbeat mom with a smoker voice

>> No.43824892

what did you expect? were not on /pol/ anymore, fren

>> No.43825155

Astroturfed to hell by jews. Do your part and don't give them views.

>> No.43825249

Holy shit, more?

>> No.43825648

The internet is for porn. Never forget

>> No.43825731

which twitter space did she masturbate in?

>> No.43825854

>better audience
I dont know about that one, brain rot is the resident cumbud loser and he wasnt the one who got bonked by the jews for attentionwhoring

>> No.43828256

Is this the first time she's done this?

>> No.43831987

Show me proof and I will get membership right now

>> No.43832382

fuck off, we're full and trying to remove discordags already

>> No.43832853

What if we make Gura but no viewer, no relevancy, no anything.

>> No.43833059


>> No.43833132

Thanks for the non-contribution to the thread

>> No.43838150

bad idea

>> No.43840072

Kill yourselves you delusional antis. Anyone claiming she doesn't appreciate her fans is a retarded obsessed SEAmonkey.

>> No.43841031
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, 1661075601878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some holos care about their fans so much that they stream every day despite being sick or getting in a car crash
>Some holos care about their fans so much that they talk with them for hours on Twitter and do regular hours-long interactive chat streams
>Gura cares about her fans so much that she, uh... *checks paper* ignores them and refuses to interact at all for months at a time, only coming back to shill merch
Yeah, that's it.

>> No.43841599

>grifter copies an even more successful grifter
I am shocked.

>> No.43843401

surely Pochi isn't one of them, right? right?

>> No.43843825

stop leaking members content you turbonigger

>> No.43844425

I get what you mean, anon. I agree.

>> No.43844432

is she actually jewish?

>> No.43844769

Idol Corp is based in Israel and its first generation were all Israeli, but the EN branch is not

>> No.43847761

I like both Gura and Yuko

>> No.43848136

>I like Gura

>> No.43848417

She should have been in Hololive EN3 as expected, but Cover is incompetent and Yagoo is a stupid faggot.
