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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43771218 No.43771218 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this duo?

>> No.43771250

Milky is nice.

>> No.43771289

Milky sex

>> No.43771313

i wanna dive right in

>> No.43772378

Fauna abandoned Shadow so she needs another mommy

>> No.43773045

those are my wife and my child

>> No.43778322

Your child have some massive milker anon, is she single ?

>> No.43780010

Did fauna mention shadow at some point?

>> No.43783682

No but a certain leaf from a lemon called for Shondo’s birthday so they still talk to each other

>> No.43784559

She sent her a video of declaration of oshi on shadow birthday

>> No.43784727

/ll/ kino

>> No.43784865

I like Milky don't care about the other it should just be Milky solo

>> No.43785266
File: 602 KB, 540x843, 1668567349411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a running theory that anyone who actually likes MIlky's 2.0 model is either a closet homosexual trying to overcompensate or a genuinely brain damaged lobotomite. To a normal, functioning, healthy, heterosexual human male there is almost nothing about MIlky's model that could be construed as attractive. Her proportions are so insanely skewed and mismatched that she doesn't even register as a human figure anymore. Her thighs are so much thicker than her calves that trying to mentally justify it just forces one to jump straight to "must be a tumor," and if not tumor than "wow this creature is deformed."

The weird folds of skin around her hips imply either a dramatically fucked up spine (possible) or some kind of distended skin that I can only assume if from a previous tumor removal procedure. Her knees are so low on her legs that it would imply an east asian phenotype but the straightness of her calves implies an african phenotype, yet her face screams "old white woman." Her hands however are so small in comparison to her legs that we just jump straight back into "horrible deformed creature" mentally, this is an issue with a lot of Vtubers to be fair but it's really bad here.

Her stomach area having physics implies that it's loose but there's no noticeable flab in her silhouette, so we go back to excess skin from tumor removals. Her breasts are obscene and don't follow the laws of perspective unless we are to believe that her outfit is somehow reinforced. They just fucking jet straight out. However judging from the top of her breasts which have little to no actual squish, they can't be compressed in order to have so little sag, so they have to be basically free floating which would be fine but then why the fuck does the rest of the model have gravity? Her cleavage is fine I guess, that part has nothing majorly wrong. Her arms are also fucked and compared to her legs once again there is zero cohesion, and the weird sleeves only make her forearms look even longer than they already are (they already are too long). Again, not even human, no human without extreme genetic deformities has these kinds of proportions.

Being attracted to this kind of body is only logical if you have a fetish for disfigurement, which I know isn't actually that rare. Her head has the classic Vtuber neck syndrome which is whatever, but her facial structure makes her look like she's melting. That's just how old women look in anime style sure, but her mouth is overly detailed compared to the rest of her model and it unnerves me. This isn't even going into the actual outfit itself which is so blatantly whorish and pandering that looking at it somewhat insults me. There are tons of impossible outfits in anime I know, but she wouldn't even be able to get her fucking grotesque thighs through the leg holes in that thing.

If you see this model and somehow believe it to be an attractive woman I don't actually believe you are attracted to women, I think you just understand this as a facsimile of what you always heard were attractive parts of a female body, thighs, boobs, wide hips etc. Yes this model has all those, but they are arranged wrongly and anyone who actually appreciates the female form can see that.

>> No.43785762

There on good terms again

>> No.43785973

Holy gay

>> No.43786208

OHMYGOD look at those delicious tiny feet

>> No.43786315


Imagine the paizuri...

>> No.43786842

Who and WHO?

>> No.43787206

milky confirmed she's straight

>> No.43787289

Seething female hands typed this post

>> No.43787323

You could have just said you're a faggot.

>> No.43789310
File: 14 KB, 665x120, tldr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boards for you have been prepared

>> No.43789891

Edgy cryptofascist loli meets braindead bimbo with spine-breaking tits

I hope they do collabs regularly, this is too cute, this is OTP territory, this is the kind of thing I would have dedicated a tumblr blog to in 2013

>> No.43792867

a lot of big titted vtubers have accurate models, huh?

>> No.43793237
File: 224 KB, 2048x1152, CrPdZa3UIAEl2Ij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her knees are so low on her legs that it would imply an east asian phenotype but the straightness of her calves implies an african phenotype
They're called Latinas and there's apparently millions of them. There's like 12 different kinds that are all the same but they all hate each other anyway.

>> No.43793458
File: 892 KB, 450x332, look_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Mother Mary.

>> No.43794104

it's pasta

>> No.43794163


>> No.43794243

Venus of willendorf. Man has loved thick bitches since the dawn of humanity. Keep seething.

>> No.43794728

It's like Hokuto and Nanto ...
Void Fist and Matter Fist ...
Mu no Ken and Satsui no Hadō ...
What I mean is that one is full and the other empty, and that they complement each other really well.
+ seeing more people being friendly with Shondo is always cool. Happy wife is the best

>> No.43795016

They’ve been friends for a while, they just don’t collab much
And Vivi was also there, I’m pretty sure she knows Shondo from her ASMR days before she was a vtuber

>> No.43795060

get fucking breast mogged, femcel.

>> No.43795182

So that's why I've not seen Milky much before.
Yeah but Vivi is complicated to ever see live, being nuclear (and from the other side of the globe) doesn't help
In any case, more collab where Shondo has fun = good.

>> No.43795616

Oh come on, it has been more than a year, when are they going to collab?

>> No.43795668


>> No.43795953

luv this pasta

>> No.43796413

I dont watch either of them anymore. Boring content and I got tired of being lied to.

>> No.43796428

How was the stream?

>> No.43796580
File: 148 KB, 371x353, 1651733995454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm ill-lit-er-it, so I did not read. But I do agree that Milky is act-shu-al-li too small and her pro-port-shions should be bigger

>> No.43796585

>t. tranny

>> No.43796924
File: 19 KB, 640x480, A57EAA45-4A45-4B5B-88C3-D558A7352808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s like iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Mini

>> No.43796989

She shouted her out one time when shondo appeared in her chat.

>> No.43797314

More like the latter being the iPhone SE (2016).

>> No.43797416

Holofans and catalogfags don't deserve to watch Milky.

>> No.43797877

Yes anon, we fucking know her avatar looks retarded.
Coomers dont care though. They see massive tits and their monkey nature kicks in.

>> No.43797951

reddit spacing

>> No.43799160

Redpill me on Milky. I mean, I get the tits. I'm not against that. But I can see enormous tits with a quick jaunt over to /d/. How's her personality? Does she play games or sing? What's her content like?

>> No.43799705

Is that a roommate screenshot or something? god damn where da sauce at

>> No.43799758
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>> No.43800139
File: 267 KB, 1280x720, 1647643600298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to warosu this pasta was created on the 21st of july 2022 by an /lig/ anon and has since been reposted 8 times. It seems to generate a fair amount of (You)s everytime because the vast majority of people disagree with its premise. Thanks to that pasta I also found pic rel which seems to confirm that Milky is an /lig/ lurker. At this point it would be easier to make a list of vtubers who have never been /here/ than those who have.

>> No.43802623


>> No.43803879

Do you like mommy play?

>> No.43806248

Milky does a weird thing with her voice that I find really annoying but I like those humongous bazonkers of hers.
