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43753434 No.43753434 [Reply] [Original]

There are Saplings on this board that would unironically go vegan for her if they had the chance

>> No.43753494

We're all too weak willed.
I will say one good thing about vegans; I respect the dedication to the bit.

>> No.43753564

I would never say no to mommy

>> No.43753730

It's commonly agreed that saplings are the lowest test of all holo fanbases.

>> No.43753825

only if the reward is her fucking me

>> No.43753871

do vegans swallow? asking for a friend

>> No.43753874

>if they had the chance
No, I wouldn't. And she would never ask me to become a vegan. But probably, I'd just be gaslighting her everyday into thinking that veganism is unhealthy and slowly convert her into a vegetarian

>> No.43754087
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>she would never ask me to become a vegan

>> No.43754133

I tried going vegetarian and I gave up pretty quickly. I have a lot of respect for fauna sticking to veganism purely out of principle.

>> No.43754357
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I'm going to feed Fauna a burger!
It's going to be a McChicken from McDonalds and it'll be plain!

>> No.43754403

she grew up in a vegan household, parents brainwash her since she was a child, it's like religion. Imagine the backlash from family members if someone in her household say they will eat meat now.

>> No.43754429 [SPOILER] 
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i'm already vegan and i don't like fauna

>> No.43754481

and thats a good thing

>> No.43754484

Vegans almost universally agree that swallowing is consensual, so, it doesn't "count" in the way taking from other animals might. There's actually some debate on this with other "pseudo-symbiotic consent" animal relationships like taking honey from bees or taking wool from sheep. Some vegans are hardline about not using either, but some see both as being fine. Some do one but not the other. It's rare but once in a blue moon there's also vegans who will argue there's ethical ways to harvest chicken eggs or cow milk, but they usually will say you basically have to raise the animal yourself (or personally know the person who is) and can't trust businesses.

>> No.43754486

I get veganism being hard, but vegetarianism is easy. You just eat like you're a poor peasant from India, except you don't actually starve.

>> No.43754531

Depends on the reason you're vegan.

Environmental? Anime welfare? Health reasons? All down to chug.

Moral objection to animal product? Shit outta luck.

>> No.43754635

I'd been eating a very high meat diet prior to it, and transitioning was kind of a pain in the ass. I probably could've done it, but a lot of factors made me give up.

>> No.43754681

>purely out of principle
What principles though? Has she even discussed the reason why she's vegan in the first place? I completely get reducing meat or animal-based products in general, but to be someone that sticks to it that firmly in Japan of all places is waaay too extreme imo.

>> No.43754757


>parents brainwash her since she was a child
No, she ate meat until she was a teenager. Only became vegan because of a friend in school.

>> No.43754761

You think I'd stop there?
I'd suck dick if Fauna told me to. I'll do anything for her.

>> No.43754775

Vegan philosophical debate: Is swallowing semen ethical?
Anglo philosophical debate: Why is the Imperial system intrinsically so superior to metric?

>> No.43754823

What do you mean by "for her"?

>> No.43754937

She thinks meat is delicious, so I imagine it's either environmental or about suffering/exploitation.

>> No.43754963

Saplings would go vegan if it meant they could be in a relationship with her, for it would be a one of her requirements.

>> No.43755019

It might not be, she's said she doesnt want to be one of those pushy insufferable vegans.

>> No.43755296

You might be surprised.

>> No.43755323

they accidently ate meat once at a restaurant and shrugged it off

>> No.43755369


>> No.43755481

>sticks to it that firmly in Japan of all places is waaay too extreme
What? A vegan or vegetarian is not going to suddenly start eating meat just because they're in a different country. If you're not sticking to your practices and avoid them because of inconveniences, you shouldn't have them.

>> No.43755714

ok, and?

>> No.43755725

You're making it sound black or white. I know to vegans like Fauna that probably is how they perceive it, but having a mostly vegan meal with a tiny bit of meat that's in it (like A LOT of noodle and rice-based dishes in Japan) should honestly be fine, especially when you consider you're in their country and a completely different culture. She doesn't even have to eat the meat. She's the type that wouldn't eat food if meat has touched it. That's mental illness and very hard to justify, especially if >>43754937 is true.

>> No.43755885

I don't think it's overly fanatical to reject "no animal products unless it's mildly inconvenient" for something a bit more demanding.

>> No.43755968

That's being an insufferable vegan. She was in JAPAN. If she was walking around LA I'd get it, but being like this in fucking Japan whilst letting it affect others during the trip of their lifetime crazy.

>> No.43755982

>She's the type that wouldn't eat food if meat has touched it
You're ridiculous. My parents, and almost 80% of the people I know are vegetarians. They've been vegetarians all their life, they'd never touch it too, they'd probably never talk to me again If I ever suggested such a thing. I think you just don't understand what sticking to a diet and lifestyle is.

>> No.43756060

went vegan and even accepted the really smelly poops. What's your excuse, meatfag?

>> No.43756094

I keep forgetting that some of you in this board are literal teenagers.

>> No.43756178

So if Suisei said she wouldn't eat meat if a vegetable touched it whilst making the situation awkward for her friends, you would think that's acceptable?

>> No.43756195

What I've realized from this discussion before is that Americans and white people are heavy meat consumers in general, to them it's ridiculous if you're not eating meat everyday.

>> No.43756339

so you are retard for no reason

>> No.43756401

Love changes a person.
The only meat I'd need would be a piece of faufau's smelly vegan poop stained ass.

>> No.43756406

I relate to vegans on the grounds that Im extremely bitter and disappointed in other people not following my morals too

>> No.43756430

That's not the same at all though? Do you not understand why they do it? To vegetarians, eating meat or even contributing to the killing of an animal is a bad thing and they don't want that on their conscience, for various reasons. I think you just don't understand their perspective at all and you're not even trying to.

>> No.43756502

>She thinks meat is delicious
Yeah, mine

>> No.43756503

A week ago yes, not anymore. Some anon told me shes bi and and my gosling feelings for her went away immediately.

>> No.43756557

To add to that, fauna goes out of her way not to be picky otherwise. She's talked about it. She would never inconvenience her friends over something she didn't take very seriously.

>> No.43756600 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, I'm sure Eddy will appreciate your sacrifice as well lmao.

>> No.43756674

I'll ask you a similar question. replace the meat with dogmeat or catmeat(whatever pet you have) and imagine you had to be at a chinese friends' place. Would you eat the food if it was dogmeat or if it touched the dogmeat? You're making the situation awkward for everyone else by not doing so.

>> No.43756952


>> No.43757033

>Would you eat the food if it was dogmeat
>if it touched the dogmeat
Yes, it's schizo to not eat food if something touched it without ruining it in any way

Also, it's not a fair comparison. Eating meat is VERY normal, eating dog/cat meat isn't. I get the point you're trying to make with the discomfort aspect of it, but if I worked for a Chinese company and knew I'd most likely have to travel there at some point, I would know what I'm getting into. You have to be pretty arrogant to work for a Japanese company, especially one like Hololive where the ENs get paid a fortune to basically doing nothing and STILL being stuck-up how Fauna was over there. For once she could have just chilled a little and gone back to a stricter diet when she got back.

>> No.43757055

Not them but literally only white women care about cats and dogs being eaten

>> No.43757134

>retarded polshit #65834

>> No.43757335

Not because of her, but I did seriously consider going vegetarian to do my part in slowing down climate change.

>> No.43757386

As much i as I like her, that's going to be 'no' for me.

>> No.43757417

>For once she could have just chilled a little and gone back to a stricter diet when she got back.
For her it's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle practice that she sticked to, for decades. You're being willfully ignorant.

>where the ENs get paid a fortune to basically doing nothing and STILL being stuck-up how Fauna was over there
You know you can just say that you don't like certain people and their content, instead of going on dumb lengthy discussions where you have no idea what you're talking about and try to justify your unwarranted hatred. Just call her a whore or something and move on bro.

>> No.43757828

Probably, if she convert you to vegan, it's going to taste better.

>> No.43757916

I'd make Fauna eat meat and swallow it all.

>> No.43757957 [DELETED] 

I want to eat Eddy's meat too.

>> No.43758236

I am asain and got taught that every thing have spirit and you must show respect. Veganism is still a bizarre mindset for me.

>> No.43758534

Vegetarianism is sane and can be healthy.
Veganism is schizo bullshit like not eating honey because you're stealing that trash from the bees lmao
It's all hypocrisy, I'm sure plants have feelings too and don't like being ripped from the ground and devoured. But it's rules of nature

>> No.43758572

I can easily go vegan. It's just an expensive and impractical lifestyle.
She's a vegan (former) goth girl, were you seriously expecting her to be straight?

>> No.43758938

Why is the Imperial system intrinsically so superior to metric?
Meme answer: SOUL
Logical answer: There's no inch or foot equivalent in metric. Centimeters are way smaller than inches. Saying 35 centimeters is inherently more confusing than eight inches, because the comparativr difference between 34 and 35 is harder to narrow down than 7-8 inches, because the units are so small
Feet are even more underrepresented. Meters are comparatively double the length, it just doesn't fit.
When most of the things we measure in life falls within inches and feet, it would be foolish to neglect those ranges out of a sense of mathmatical obligation to the 10s digit

>> No.43759250


>> No.43759261

have you watched her streams before? She's a raging lesbian and thirsts after every female in game. It's not just for content.

>> No.43759656

I also don't think I want to be with her

>> No.43759773

I like her but I wouldn't want to date her because vegans usually have low libido.

>> No.43760511

>vegan upset over people not falling for his "yet you have pets" guilt tripping

>> No.43760785

You never heard of the decimeter?

>> No.43760935

I've recently come to place chumbuds below them. Lots of menhera and degeneracy from that bunch.

>> No.43761307

It's practically impossible to be with a vegan unless you go vegan. I'm not a sapling but I respect the spiritual commitment. Really any sapling who won't go vegan is just a faker.

>> No.43761673

>practically impossible to be with a vegan unless you go vegan
not really, my friend I live with is vegan and I meat everyday. We just cook separately, never had any problems.

>> No.43761848

That one is four inches long. Too big.
Even metric people don't use it

>> No.43762037

except not everyone in her household is vegan and shes talked about it

>> No.43762202

>saplings are retarded
Water is wet

>> No.43766927

No fucking way I'd join that cult

>> No.43767248

That's just extremism.

>> No.43767361

Im just gonna unsub. Cant even listen to her ASMR now. Im just not into yurishit.
