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43680307 No.43680307 [Reply] [Original]

Kiara is in Japan with the other girls. She's finally getting the 3D Live she's been malding and dreaming over for 2 years. Is this enough for her? No.

For no reason at all, before the special day, she decides to risk it all and fly to Indonesia. In the most predictable event ever, she flies back and gets a sore throat, not only putting herself at risk but also the other Myth girls who are all now all in danger of having their big day ruined because of Kiara's ego.

>> No.43680341


>> No.43680612

>didnt wash the hand puppets she played with while she had bronchitis
>pulls them out in an offcollab with mori

why is she like this

>> No.43680964

nigga talking about risks like this was a nuclear reactor or smth lmao

>> No.43681738

Some ID has strep pussy.

>> No.43682416

nuclear reactor is probably more save than ID

>> No.43683119

It was pure selfishness and disregard for others. Keep in mind that during Myth's last off collab, she went despite knowing she was infected with covid.
She could have gone to Indonesia at any time. People think Indonesia is so close, but the flight from Tokyo to Jakarta is 8 hours.
She should have just made it a separate, personal trip after everything was over.

>> No.43683390

Blame two lower-class indog girls, Moona and Kobo, for forcing Kiara to eat shit like Cilor (spicy fried snacks with pepper sauce) and durian. Reine was supposed to guide Kiara that day, not all Indog food can be eaten by foreigners who are not used to it

>> No.43683672

Eating weird food isn't going to make her get a sore throat, you dumbass.
Being confined in a metal tube in the sky for 8 hours both ways, breathing in the same air as hundreds of disgusting random people with god knows what diseases, is.

>> No.43684147

Hey was this you too?

>> No.43684176

Some problem?

>> No.43684233

Just checking, noting

>> No.43684282

Get a fucking life, bitch

>> No.43684301

Her sore throat is because she hasn't taken her semen prescription in a few days.

t. doctor

>> No.43684337

>breathing in the same air as hundreds of disgusting random people
She's flying in a business class, retard.

>> No.43684363

no u

>> No.43684392

Come on guys it is pre recorded. She is just doing it to farm some likes on Twitter

>> No.43684412

She is gay and should die

>> No.43684492

based indog alhamdulilah

>> No.43684509

The dumbass was going to do half of it live.

>> No.43684577

what was her manager doing during all this?

>> No.43684628

If her 3D debut gets canceled and moved to another date after holofes, then I don't care. If management for some fucking reason move the other girls debuts then I'm going schizo

>> No.43684700

actually she doesn't lol
She always complains about that

>> No.43684730

I'm going to be pissed if they change the date and it inconveniences Pomu,

>> No.43684780
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>business class is hermetically sealed from economy plebs

>> No.43684824

actually too much durian does, but doubt she ate much

>> No.43685642 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 881x900, 86A45690-409F-42D7-AAF5-E188E7998795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Kiara. Behead Kiara. Roundhouse kick a Kiara into the concrete. Slam dunk a Kiara baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Kiara. Defecate in a Kiara food. Launch Kiara into the sun. Stir fry Kiara in a wok. Toss Kiara into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Kiara gas tank. Judo throw Kiara into a wood chipper. Twist Kiara heads off. Report Kiara to the IRS. Karate chop Kiara in half. Curb stomp pregnant Kiara. Trap Kiara in quicksand. Crush Kiara in the trash compactor. Liquefy Kiara in a vat of acid. Eat Kiara. Dissect Kiara. Exterminate Kiara in the gas chamber. Stomp Kiara skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Kiara in the oven. Lobotomize Kiara. Mandatory abortions for Kiara. Grind Kiara fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Kiara in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Kiara with a ray gun. Kick old Kiara down the stairs. Feed Kiara to alligators. Slice Kiara with a katana.

>> No.43685817

holy fuck that would be the craziest shit ever.
she got bacterial bronchitis right? because i think she got antibiotics? if the puppets were damp and warm enough could the little guys survive so long?
