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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43671176 No.43671176 [Reply] [Original]

i was actually into trans people until the whole pikamee drama, after all the shit they done i think i'm unironically transphobic now

well played lgbt comunity, creating enemies instead of followers

>> No.43671295
File: 19 KB, 256x273, Hololive fubuki sad rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutilate mens penises
>chop off teenage girl boobs
>Put people on bone density fucking hormones
>Teach sex ed to 5 year olds
>Drag queen story hour
>Literal 3d, in real life, podophiles while they shit on anime lolis on twitter
The world sleeps

>Made the halfu tea kettle sad

I hate this world sometimes

>> No.43671320

You DO realise that a fair amount of those "activists" were actually just us LARPing, right?

>> No.43671343

they have proven they cannot be trusted around real women at least

>> No.43671409

It is what it is anon. Enjoy what you can before it's too late.

>> No.43671416

it wasn't personal, now it is

>> No.43671453 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 452x488, FD847D35-203D-459C-928F-553E50C56B41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You DO realise that a fair amount of those "activists" were actually just us LARPing, right?

>> No.43671475

Couldn't care less about troons fucking up people I don't care about.
Come for someone I like though? War it is.

>> No.43671516

nobody cares about children
I only care about vtubers

>> No.43671540

>troons get the rope
>by their own hands no less
>Traps are ok though

>> No.43671578

Remember when you were a 14 year old edgy /b/tard? That's most of this board. They think they don't care for another 12-13 years.

>> No.43671611

Even if so. For the trans community to let and even approve of the bullying deserves the backlash directed at them all.

Men bullying vulnerable women is the lowest of lows. And will never get any respect from me.

>> No.43671647

>>Made the halfu tea kettle sad
qrd? i don't have time for vods anymore, i'm a clip toddler ;-;

>> No.43671677

Troons attacked pikamee just like silver
But pickamee is japanese and doesn't understand tranny hatred mobs and got overwhelmed and is on a break now

>> No.43671682

the trans community is all playing the game
the twitter freaks complaining are actually all furries

>> No.43671740

>>mutilate mens penises
>>chop off teenage girl boobs
>>Put people on bone density fucking hormones
>>Teach sex ed to 5 year olds
>>Drag queen story hour
>>Literal 3d, in real life, podophiles while they shit on anime lolis on twitter
>The world sleeps
It happens in US and EU so I don't care, you can drown yourself in freaks and shitskins all you can. But this time it's personal and normalfags are starting to notice this.

>> No.43671764

>just like silver
can you spoonfeed me further?

>> No.43671779

Unironically we live in a society. I don't even really like kids all that much all the greentexts should have been enough for people to put their foot down but nope. They all go for the path of least resistance. After knowing this, I ain't having kids in the west.

>> No.43671803

Read literally any fucking thread in the last week
TL:DR trannies on twitter think anybody who plays harry potter is a nazi

>> No.43671836

Don't expect me to fight your battles for you, Mutt.
simple as

>> No.43671862
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>> No.43671893

Sure you did.

>> No.43671931

This is purely anecdotal but my normie friends were pro troon until they directly had to interact with annoying entitled troons.
I swear, if troons keep being this annoying they'll be singlehandedly responsible for reverting gay right 50 years. It's fucking hilarious. And this goddamn wizard game might be one of the main reasons for normies turning on troons.

>> No.43671932

sure you were*
you illiterate fucker.

>> No.43672075

Don't just call him an illiterate fucker, fucking the illiterate is my job. Me and this illiterate fuck are not the same. "illiterate" and "fucker" are exclusively my own pronouns and anyone else in this thread claiming otherwise is fuckerphobic scum.

>> No.43672098

I've known a few trans people. The ones that aren't terminally online looking for validation? They're perfectly normal and manage their inherent mental illness well enough. The problem is that they feel misunderstood so they seek out people who they think will understand them. This is the crux of their problem. The people that they seek out are actually seeking them out. - the archetypical "ally". The "ally" offers friendship, but they proceed to fill their confused minds with a lot of despair about "rampant transphobia" (in the western world no less lmao) and build up a boogie man which these "allies" protect them from. In exchange the "allies gets their saviorfagging fix and clout points to shove in others faces. The already susceptible mentally ill trans person does not see it and any attempt to point out that the hugbox is a cage is seen as an attack. Eventually the ally has to keep finding new and new targets for their witch burning, so this month Hogwarts and any v-tuber who just wants to play a fucking game is the new moral panic to reinforce the cage.

>> No.43672124

They only attack after tasting a drop of blood in the water like by showing hesitation (pikamee) or if someone close to you talked about "the cause" (vshojo, homoEN). They won't even bother trying to tear down someone who plays it confidently.

>> No.43672178

That makes me not like normies even less. They won't care about anything or any consequence of what they are supporting until they directly get affected by it. They should know from the start troons are mentally ill. Why is it the west that seems to easily accept something so crazy?

>> No.43672252

>It happens in *nations whose cultural trends inevitably spread to most of the developed world* so I don't care

>> No.43672440
File: 37 KB, 640x448, 1677153370305601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was actually into trans people until the whole pikamee drama, after all the shit they done i think i'm unironically transphobic now
>well played lgbt comunity, creating enemies instead of followers
The wizard game has been useful in one regard; it’s outed all the ‘allies’ who are so fickle that their support crumbles at the small inconvenience of not getting to play one single game or simp over transphobes. Vive la trans!

>> No.43672482

>Why is it the west that seems to easily accept something so crazy?
Unironically 24/7 propoganda about how le trannies are good and holy and misunderstood and quite frankly superior human beings, like everything else in western culture the global left is currently promoting.

It doesn't really impact people who are already outside of mainstream culture for one reason or another, but the west is full of normies that can't even begin to comprehend the idea that their government and news channels would ever lie to them about anything. If it's on TV it must be true, that's as far as most people think about anything.

>> No.43672527

But they didn't dare speak out against the bullying. That was the least they could have done, to prevent the bad image from being set on them.

>> No.43672643

they just get called falseflaggers and ignored

>> No.43672792

>If it's on TV it must be true, that's as far as most people think about anything.
This is terrifying but I know this has been the case for the last 3 years. But living in the west for last 10-15 years opened my eyes for the worst. Made me very pessimistic for the future.

>> No.43672913

Online bullying is one of the perks of being an alphabet 'ally' though.

>> No.43672927

Key word is "most".

>> No.43673083

>i was actually into trans people

>> No.43673127

guy probably has a trap/femboy fetish

>> No.43673294

Most fans of Rurouni Kenshin still support it, so this meme is fake as fuck.

I stopped supporting the LGBT when it became clear that is was nothing but a front for neo-marxist and communist trying to destabilize family structures.

>> No.43673381

>i was actually into trans people
Goddamn frogposters are getting more and more retarded by the day.
What happened did reddit ban you faggots to?

>> No.43673646

You forgot republican states having legal child marriage and high youth homelessness :^) but I bet you really care about the kids beyond virtue signalling

>> No.43673707

>Children are poor therefore you can't say cutting their penis off is bad
I know this is bait, but its still fucking retarded

>> No.43673833


Now show me the metrics you cherry picked.

>> No.43673959
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I guess he means this bit? I'm not american so I have no idea which are republican but I'm pretty sure california is a pozzed shithole.

>> No.43677131

>i was actually into trans people
Kill yourself faggot

>> No.43677285
File: 167 KB, 1128x1504, EIWu8MlWoAAhsA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traps are infinitely hotter than some faggot with a mutilated penis and fake tits.

>> No.43677657

>i was actually into trans people until the whole pikamee drama
no, you weren't. nice try though

>> No.43679825

vt is officially anti-trans

>> No.43680473

NTA but no, I don't. There are no indications that they're LARPers. Do a little bit of digging on Twitter and you can see they're all either legit psycho self-mutilators or "I woke up one day and decide to be this gender" crowd.
Stop trying to shift the blame, as if furries are not also trannies. I can't believe anons here are biting your bait.

>> No.43680592

pikamee is gonna become a librarian

>> No.43680773

>>mutilate mens penises
>>chop off teenage girl boobs
>>Put people on bone density fucking hormones
As far as I know only last one is true. I haven't met a single troon that has ever chopped anything off their own body, most are happy to be called a woman with a dick.

>> No.43680790 [DELETED] 

you were always a chud, redditfrog nigger

>> No.43680814

>i was actually into trans people until

>> No.43680860

>as if furries are not also trannies.
I've never seen a single right wing tranny, and you'd be surprised to see how many furries are borderline nazis. It's actually funny to see how they fight with each other.

>> No.43680890

I've been in this fight for a while and just sorta gave up on society. People dont give a shit unless they see how shitty troons are firsthand (i.e. affecting something they care about)

I'm just happy it's getting traction. Gotta enjoy your wins once in a while

>> No.43680963

yes, people generally don't give a fuck about the retarded shit going on elsewhere until it finally comes knocking and ruining their side of existence. That is why I laugh at retards claiming a civil war will happen one day but despite the countless riots, people won't stand up until their comfy lives are fully ruined (no more internet, no goyslop, no more cartoons/anime, no more porn, etc..)

>> No.43681066

All the same, the anon is a troon to divert the backlash because his side lost. Don't believe him.

>> No.43681134

>>43681066 (me)
trying to divert the backlash*

>> No.43681187

>I've never seen a single right wing tranny
i have, used to follow one on twitter. ftm, even. account still exists, but no posts since 2021. i hope you're doing well, "cian".
always a woman but forever a bro ;-;7

>> No.43681654

It's funny that american treat like a retard and inferior any latino but the latino have more common sense (except Argentines and Venezuelans )

>> No.43681715


>Hating an entire group of people over a group of obnoxious twitter trolls

if this is real then OP has the reasoning of a goldfish

>> No.43682401

There is no such thing as a tranny that isn't an obnoxious online reddit twitter sjw troon. That's why troons didn't even exist before 2014 when social media was invented. read a fucking book you stupid cunt

if trannies actually existed outside of online then I would've met one before irl

>> No.43682762

Yes, they exist. "She" can be a bitch "her"self as well sometimes but she hates the vocal histrionic ones. I only ever found out because she called herself a mutant once. (on-line friend of course, i probably would've known in person)

>> No.43682899

The fact that she didn't publically stand up for Silvervale and bash the bad troons in her community means she's just as evil as the rest

oh and keeping being a tranny a secret from others is a form of rape. she needs to be public about being a tranny or else she's a rapist

>> No.43682992

you are just in the first entry level phase. soon you will immediately realise nobody can get rid of those deranged tranniggers and you will have to kowtow to them forever. anglosphere is already fucked that much.

>> No.43683047

She doesn't like vtubers and her "girlfriend" is another troon.

>> No.43683199

>random people
>my vtuber wives

>> No.43683362

Where's her public statement faggot? Where's her twitter post or YouTube vlog calling trannies out for being deranged freaks and internet bullies?

>> No.43683779

>most are happy to be called a woman with a dick
>called a woman
Too bad they will not have it.

>> No.43685497

>i was actually into trans people
pretty sure they were trying to be in you

>> No.43686005

it's all in preparation for transitioning in to the Age of Aquarius. Hold onto your butt and keep your head down, it's going to get nuts in the coming years.

>> No.43686143

*beheads and rapes you*

>> No.43686207

calm down Muhammad

>> No.43686236

People who can't distinguish art from artist are the same people who still use HP lovecrafts work
You can trace a lot of people's work to something racist or inhumane.

>> No.43688058

Exposure is why the USA southern states are more racist too.

>> No.43688890


>> No.43692539


>> No.43692546


>> No.43692617

only faggots on reddit don't like kenshin
