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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 139 KB, 436x456, popegurav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43653007 No.43653007 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your sins to Pope Gura V and you shall be forgiven

>> No.43653928

*sticks my penis through the confession grate like a gloryhole*

>> No.43653998

I switch oshis based off who I am baiting

>> No.43654270

I wasn't able to protect Pikamee from the troons.

>> No.43654373

I watched 3 minutes of a Vesper stream and subbed because I liked him. I now fear I am at risk of Monkeypox and other fag diseases like HIV.

>> No.43657706

I am without sin

>> No.43657849

Melody and other Vshojo skanks are my guilty pleasure. Why does she have to be a literal virtual whore? A funny and adorkable personality is wasted on a thot.

>> No.43658910

I put on any random Fauna stream while pooping with headphones on it feels like shes in the room with me

>> No.43658969

I want to have sex with Pekora but I don't want to become the prime minister of japan.

>> No.43659883
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wait, wasn't there a Pope Gura XIII?

>> No.43661647

weirdly... cute?

>> No.43661853

I used to spread Gura dox real hard early on after it was discovered for the first time, solely because chumbuds constantly bragged about her "CIA tier opsec"

Its actually quite ironic how much harder she got doxxed than others, to the point that the lolcow mods started deleting posts because it became actual stalking (finding out her dads workplace and triangulating her old houses location from a single picture of her room where the window showed the street)

>> No.43661935

it's a lesson that you can never have too much opsec. despite all of the shitposting im happy that she cares so much about it now because it really is necessary.

>> No.43662734

Is that the same doxx that found out that her boyfriend is from Sweden?

>> No.43664642

get stronger

>> No.43665011

Whenever there's a big drama, I make multiple company wars threads because I want people to think that deflection threads are more common than they actually are.

>> No.43667885

I've been masturbating once a day, sometimes more. Mostly to doujins and normal porn, a bit of foot stuff sometimes.

>> No.43667955
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I unironically enjoy Cali.

>> No.43668100

Hello, π

>> No.43668808

there was

>> No.43669401

The Pope Guras transcend space and time.

>> No.43669540

I was a sub 50k Kizuna Ai subscriber but my true descent into the rabbithole began when I listened to RIP on r/a/dio a bit over 2 years ago

>> No.43671797

I like Mori's ASMRs...

>> No.43675638

Anons who made Pikamee the symbol of martyrdom against SJW troons probably caused more damage to her than her antis

>> No.43679407

My stomach hurts but I'm still going to eat.

>> No.43680886

I paid for some artist's fanbox because I wanted futa porn of an indie chuuba I like a little too much

>> No.43681049

>perpetuating this faildox
Fucking kill yoursel schizophrenic SEAnigger

>> No.43681998

Never happened.

>> No.43686850

What happened to gura iv?

>> No.43687117
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i'm starting to lose interest in chuubas. at this point it feels like i watch them for lack of better options. i don't have any interest in my other hobbies either and leaving chuubas behind would mean leaving the few people i've met through them. I constantly flip flop between hating them and wanting to leave and loving them and wanting to stay. theres no hope for me

>> No.43690771

>I used to spread Gura dox real hard early on
>solely because chumbuds constantly bragged about her "CIA tier opsec"

>> No.43690821

I respect actual, honest to God prostitutes (of the internet kind or otherwise) infinitely more than any random instagram e-thot

>> No.43692542

I remember posting a photo from a Gura stream involving Roboco on twitter and some cantankerous faggot posted Gura dox on my post.

My brother in Christ, I pray youve grown and truly become a better person. I know you're better than this and capable of great things, anon.

>> No.43694254

This board keeps making me angry and miserable on daily basis but I keep coming back here anyway.

>> No.43694413
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we don't talk about what happened to the last Pope Gura bloodline

>> No.43694428
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I lost all interest but still watch them because doing things I want to do before doing the things I have to do is something my brain says must happen but I never end up doing those things I should be doing so instead I force myself to experience mediocre entertainment while regretting that decision everyday.

>> No.43694633

The outside world is either too mean or too "nice," with no middle. This board is a mix between toxic and wholesome, which is more genuine than fake niceness or bullying.

>> No.43694973

I think that's with most things on 4chan/the internet as a whole these days
everyone hates [hololive en chuuba] right now? prob just one guy making threads
company wars? a guy making threads
twitter drama? always the same couple dozen/hundred people

>> No.43695042

i think i'm falling in love with a 1view

>> No.43695488

I was getting close with a 3 view chuuba after helping her a bunch of times. We were talking often and were more than friends already.
I fucking blew it because I was a dumbass bitch that put school before chicks...

>> No.43695709
File: 344 KB, 620x640, 1664824976138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do anons actually get close to small chuubas? What steps are you taking?

>> No.43696121

Chuubas don't always have hard hitting content. Sometimes they have streams they really like but is a big miss to their usual crowd
My 3view chuuba turns into a low 2view during that time and that's where she and I can get close

>> No.43696218
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I'm in a secret society

>> No.43696244

I stopped taking my meds

>> No.43698742

Kronii is my favourite but I like to falseflag as an anti so I can get kronies upset when I see them posting

>> No.43700942

I keep coming back to this place despite knowing full well I should avoid the board, because I'm actually a chumbud.

>> No.43701449
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I watch Vesper as much as Goobus

>> No.43701632
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I don't mind EN male collabs as long as they aren't being massive faggots. Unfortunately, all of tempiss are except for maybe Vesper.

>The outside world is either too mean or too "nice," with no middle
It's the surface level fake niceties that irritate me to no end. If you're gonna be an asshole, then just be one. I'll like you more for that than pretending to be nice. Just comes off as being a coward that wants to still be liked but is too lazy to put the effort into being actually tolerable as a person.

>> No.43701747

She stepped down to marry me.

>> No.43701758

I used to like Kronii, but after learning her rm activities i can't stand her.

>> No.43701819

impossible, Goob barely streams.

>> No.43701919

I've always been genuinely curious about posts like these. Is the goal just to talk shit about people for liking Gura or is it to try and convince people to stop liking Gura?

>> No.43701926

She's been streaming longer than oyaji, so at this rate he's gonna catch up

>> No.43702011

This is why you don't hire zoomers with brainwashed ideology

>> No.43702343
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been really tired recently and slept through a few of kaela's streams

>> No.43702452

>Is the goal just to talk shit about people for liking Gura or is it to try and convince people to stop liking Gura?
Both, unironically. Its a tactic to both gaslight casualbuds into hating Gura and demoralize chumbuds.

>> No.43702497

For what purpose? I've still stayed membered to Gura all this time

>> No.43702542

Just make any sort of fanwork, even if it sucks. If she's a 2view she'll appreciate the gesture

>> No.43702662

it's called banter you hypersensitive chumbud.

>> No.43702739

Who's your oshi?

>> No.43702759
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So have I and I literally never once even considered cancelling.
>for what purpose
There's no point in understanding antis. Maybe they're jealous, maybe they hate chumbies cause we're everywhere, maybe they think their oshi is more deserving of success, or maybe they're just shitposters.

>> No.43704092

I used to be a hardcore korone gachikoi
Discovering her roommate turned me off so bad
2 years later I'm back to being a korone gachikoi but with hag fetish...
Pray for my soul brothers

>> No.43704419

You don't deserve her

>> No.43707034

watch out for the shark teeth anon

>> No.43707480
File: 493 KB, 682x1344, unknown-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch clips or vods and skip to timestamps in the comments. Streams are not funny. There's so much dead air and pointless moments between the good bits that it becomes a slog to watch. I'm here to be entertained, I don't care about being one of the thousands of faggots who think they're the streamers friend because they spam chat.

>> No.43707530

i killed a man and felt nothing

>> No.43708271

>the necromorph cries out in pain as he bullies the clueless Japanese girl.

>> No.43711044

I confess that I only anti Gura because I'm jealous that she is more popular and successful than my oshi

>> No.43711831

I've seen indies with thousands of followers get less than 50ccv. Idk if the grind is worth it and idk how people grow

>> No.43712111

Sucks when they don't read your messages out loud, don't it? Try being more interesting and funny bud.

>> No.43712337
File: 218 KB, 2048x2048, TWOSIDES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I consider Mumei as my Oshi but the only chuuba I actually watch is Fauna...

>> No.43712367

I hate speculation threads. I hate meta conversation. I place myself above like 90% of the posters here yet everydamn day I pull up this board along with a stream.

>> No.43712610

Ngl, it does fucking work like that for some reason.

>> No.43716491

I stream to nobody. I have good fun, but I've considered shilling myself here because having someone to chat with would make things more interesting.

>> No.43716721

I have seen things this board would kill to see.

>> No.43717017


I don't know if that's a good idea Anon, but honest to God I would give you a watch, I like lurking on peeps streams, I feel like I'm doing my part.

>> No.43717069

Proof or you're just rrating

>> No.43717179

Then may our paths cross sometime down the line. I'll do my part to rein in the autism in the meantime, but godspeed anon.

>> No.43717368

I pirate all my games and only buy games that my oshi played AND completed on stream.

>> No.43717588

So, you just pirate all your games?

>> No.43717593

Mental illness

>> No.43717819

I watch Kiara.

>> No.43717959
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>> No.43718088

I haven't listened to my oshi's music in a few months and I have no real desire to anymore. I feel like there's infinitely better choices for music at any given time.

>> No.43718218

Forgive me father, I looked up Botan's roommate a few days ago and at the very first photo my heart stopped, her icy gaze stopped me in my tracks. I began to feel things, tingling things, and to this day I can't watch her without clutching my 'things' as I imagined her glaring at me like the trash I am.

>> No.43718544
File: 187 KB, 627x659, 2F90F7A6-FE8D-4E99-8548-A98CC5E82113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I'm scared of becoming a chuuba. I'm a male so it'll probably never happen, but there's always that one schizo. You never know man, you never know.

>> No.43719427

I sometimes skip my gym reps to get more JP reps

>> No.43719846

i dont watch that many streams because theres not enough time
people call me normie but i wish i could go back in time, aaaall the way back, and just be normal instead

>> No.43720322

I've been ghosting a friend for like 5 months cause he found out I like vtubers

>> No.43720520
File: 348 KB, 463x458, 1661696269232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am planning on vtubing with an exceptionally unique model and a gimmick that, if executed properly, has the potential to become very popular.
Im good at writing, decently funny, and have been practicing livestreaming in private. The only issue is that my voice isn't that interesting(i sound like a teenager when in reality im mid 20s)

I have spent a retarded amount of time autistically studying every single streamer/youtuber to figure out how they got and maintain their popularity. People like mr beast, pewdiepie, chuubas like pippa and shondo, and many MANY others. I think i've figured out HOW to make some thing go viral in theory, i just need to start attempting to execute it.
I have enough money saved to go NEETmode for about 4 years and have an autistically thought out plan and schedule for shorts/videos with a well thought out shilling campaign that I will single-handedly spearhead until I gain enough followers to let them do it for me.
Once I get over the hump of 50k, I'll easily sail all the way to at least a milly.
Im doing this so that i become an unignorable force in vtubing that will conquer this entire board.

>> No.43721023


>> No.43722496
File: 333 KB, 972x758, 1631494263638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated vtubers until Gura came along

>> No.43722962
File: 22 KB, 500x380, 335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 0view /here/ pngtuber that's more or less a tourist that visits this board occasionally to see what's new in tubing

>> No.43723088

Welcome, please enjoy your stay!

>> No.43723131

I actually barely spend any time watching vtubers. I mostly spend it surfing the catalog and reading bait threads.

>> No.43723330


>> No.43723410

Unironically love this place since I started lurking a few months ago :y
