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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43623014 No.43623014 [Reply] [Original]

Rushia aka mikeneko aka michael cat aka nazuna just had a menhera meltdown during her birthday stream.

>is supposed to reveal an outfit
>suddenly says she won't show it until she hits 30k viewers (obviously impossible for her) because "god told me so"
>actually completely serious about it
>starts looking for people to raid her stream on twitch, niconico and finally JP-Omegle
>starts calling random DUDES (MEN)
>gets hung up on by a 13 year old kid and smashes her phone in rage, causing 5 minutes of silence
>entire audience is worried and realizes she's having some kind of schizo/manic episode
>accidentally leaks her outfit and merch early before the scheduled time

Thread while it was happening live: >>43546564
Anon time-stamping a moment with TL: >>43620202
Image summary: https://i.4cdn.org/vt/1677091662759886.png

>> No.43623171

Nice thread, dramawhore.

>> No.43623190

Why did she insisted of revealing it if she hits 30k fans. Sounds like management are up to something or someone vshitjo doesn't like her.

>> No.43623290

How is this a Mega-Yab? She went schizophrenic and manic so of course her audience would be concerned about her, even the part about calling random guys isn't that bad, it was actually random people and it's the same app that Kizuna Ai used way back when she did something similar. She snapped out of it after iron mouse calmed her down. I swear to God dramafags are a plague.

>> No.43623302

no manager would be delusional enough to think 30k is even remotely attainable for her

More likely its the anniversary of her firing as Rushia, she remembers how popular she used to be, and yearning for the good old days causes her to absolutely schizo out

>> No.43623368

>it's okay if I get cucked by men if they're random

>> No.43623382

par for the course frankly, nothing to see here

>> No.43623451

She's like the actress in Sunset Boulevard. She's gone completely insane because she can't accept she isn't famous anymore.

>> No.43623510

What is your obsession with cucking anon? I think you genuinely have a problem. How is this different from when she has a fan totsu? This is just a little more retarded retarded that. Her own fans could have gotten on if they tried hard enough.

>> No.43623557

>vshojo has achieved unity, slain the civil war rrats, silver returned and played harry potter legacy to completion to a standing ovation heard around the vtubing world, better make a deflection thread about another nothingburger

>> No.43623600

Why doesnt she take her medicine?

>> No.43623679

>slain the civil war rrats
>to a standing ovation heard around the vtubing world

>> No.43623738 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 527x465, 1651669192696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad to know she's absolutely miserable. Shouldn't have betrayed hololive, you backstabbing bitch.

>> No.43623795


>> No.43623804

Thank you for posting that extremely based clip but it doesn't really disprove my point.

>> No.43623808
File: 167 KB, 640x1211, 1667923116559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like rushia breaking down with the current state she's at.

>> No.43623863

Don't use my manic depressive wife for the retarded shitposting you use to hide the complete lack of direction in your life.

>> No.43624058

This post is exactly why you holofags are a cancer on in the vtubing community and everyone one can’t stand you. AND btw you fags back stabbed Rushia, you were never a friend and only care a about your corpo

>> No.43624122

heh what a retard

>> No.43624384

I just feel really really bad for the anons that love her
I hope one day everything will work out for them

>> No.43624460

You don’t think I know what you’re up to holosnake? You think I wouldn’t notice your mind games?

>> No.43625134

NTA but nah, she's just a menhera and a backstabbing cunt. She just continues to show that getting rid of her was the best decision they could have ever made. She's a constant ticking time bomb and no amount of friends or whatever who offer to help her is enough because there is no hope for her retarded menhera ass. Not even Kson who has tried so hard to save her can do anything about it. It's too bad you're too retarded and blind to see this.

>> No.43625143

Cope fancuck, she was a lying whore who leaked private infos to a dramavulture, on top of cucking her fans with a guy, and no amount of mental gymnastics will ever make her not be an absolute piece of shit of a person

>> No.43625250

Reminder that she actually has more viewers as mikeneko, yet kikeson convinced her to become a vshojo slave anyway. These traitors truly deserve each other.

>> No.43625262
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Yeah yeah, whatever you say Menhera

>> No.43625618

holy cope

>> No.43625696

You see YOUR problem is that drama happened a year ago and you hold on to it like you’re proud of being a scumbag instead of letting it go. Have you ever taken the time to self reflect and realize you made mistakes? Stop burning a old bridge and let bygones be bygones.

>> No.43625759

>What is your obsession with cucking anon?
/r9k/ fags who should have left years ago

>> No.43625776

god looking through that thread is so funny, it's a normal thread for the first half and then it completely goes to shit in the second half

>> No.43625782

>not even pretending to defend that shit anymore
Fancucks have broken.

>> No.43625789

You know I’m right and you hate it, stop being so toxic

>> No.43625989

I can't be toxic as I am not manic depressive.

>> No.43626024

It's her own ego, mostly. She'd get at least 60k CCV if she was still in Hololive.

>> No.43626067

I need to have sex with this menhera hag.

>> No.43626117

Did you know Kanata leaked literally the same info that Rushia did? You don't seem very upset about her though. Strange.

>> No.43626169

Are you implying Heimin are the ones anti-ing Rushia?

>> No.43626239

i look in on her streams from time to time, she is completely lost man. she has those recurring delusions of grandeur as if she still is this hololive giant. then everything comes crashing down and she has a manic episode before going back to the most boring streams imaginable for a while.

>> No.43626272

No, I'm implying that Holofags don't actually care about leaking info, they're just subhuman tribalists angry at her for not generating money for the blue triangle anymore.

>> No.43626289

no she didn't.

>> No.43626343

No, they just get exposed when they leave the holobox that's all. I can like Rushia/Coco and I can dislike Mikeneko/KSON.

>> No.43626369

I doubt their care about money, and are more upset at having the family illusion shattered so badly by Rushia

>> No.43626409

You can find out her manager's name with a search through the archives. Also it's a man.

>> No.43626490
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>> No.43626501

Why are hololive fans always such massive tribalists?

>> No.43626539

Do it for me.
>do your re-
No you have to do it or nobody will believe you. Lot of liars around after all.

>> No.43626658

women who don't lose their virginity in high school are all mentally ill trash

>> No.43626712

S-shut up.

>> No.43626741

All she had to do was not date that guy and she'd be the queen of vtubers. Sometimes I feel sad for her.

>> No.43626749

It's more fun for me to be able to tease newfags over their blatant hypocrisy. It was in a late 2020 stream after the Hololive boom so you should have been around for it.

>> No.43626826

I can fix you...

>> No.43626936

I like how she asked 4chan for help and not reddit.

>> No.43627050

She knows.

>> No.43627115

She's been /here/ for a long time.

>> No.43627127

This is Iwanaga's fault. Niji kicked him out for a reason ya know

>> No.43627128

Triablism is good. Unityfags are counter-productive. Death to all Niji.

>> No.43627163

She's been /here/ for a while now anon, from since last year.

>> No.43627202

Proof or never happened.

>> No.43627210
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>these are the same people that are now telling you it was a nothingburger
Battered housewife syndrome.

>> No.43627253

Fun fact: Coco doxxed this same manager in a members stream. KanaCoco even yabs together.

>> No.43627264

You go girl.

>> No.43627300

based homo?

>> No.43627304

Nazuna is proof that mentally ill people of either gender are the best human beings. Yes, she is self-destructive and retarded, but she's also cuter, more genuine, and more entertaining than (You)r oshi. Also, unlike the other whores who only do it for money Rushia was always genuinely parasocial with her audience which is why she got so many gachikoi.

>> No.43627319

You can clearly see ex Rushia fags only care about the boyfriend thing and will never recover from the asshurt

>> No.43627363

She really is precious. Hololive did my girl dirty.

>> No.43627386

Uh, it's called TALENT FREEDOM bro.

>> No.43627393

She's a terrible person that repeatedly lies to her viewers and hurts them for her own self-satisfaction.

>> No.43627416

where's the lie

>> No.43627449

Oh look another gura deflection thread, how surprising

>> No.43627515


>> No.43627686

holy shit, uruha rushia is back

>> No.43627705

Am I crazy or was this not her selling point? How was this different from a normal stream?

>> No.43627723

The bonkers thing is that there's a 50-50 chance this was an actual break down or an ingenious ploy to get people talking about her merch. My heart-strings twanged a bit and I even thought about buying something because I felt bad for her. Then I remembered that she seemingly tried to entrap that MafuMofo into a relationship using the most underhanded tactics imaginable.

>> No.43627745

What lie?

>> No.43627766

I used to rule the world
Dicks would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning, I tweet alone
Sweep the streams I used to own

[Instrumental Interlude]

I used to roll the live(stream)
See the fear in my enemies' feed
Listen as the chat would sing
"Now the old queen is dead, long live the queen"
One minute, I held the ARS
Next, the streams were closed on me
And I discovered that my akasupas stand
Upon pillars of mafu and pillars of mafu

>> No.43627834

No she really is a retard. She is not intelligent enough for evil machinations.

>> No.43627891

Remember when she said she was too scared to talk to men? All this while having Mafumafu in her DMs. Good times.

>> No.43627922

That was 100% prime Rushia. She loses her shit and then becomes a sweet gf all of a sudden.

>> No.43628029

Yeah, it's probably just a marketing trick. I stopped believing she was a menhera when she did a suicide bait twitcast as Mikeneko before being terminated, she's just smart

>> No.43628062

Rushia fuck off, when did you learn to write in English?

>> No.43628160

She threatened suicide during Hololive too it's just that after termination people genuinely worried about her. She is delicate.

>> No.43628233

>Alright, Mr. Yagoo, I'm ready for my close-up

>> No.43628238

massive pickme energy

>> No.43628243

Don't japs use the word "god" a little differently than english speakers, could be a relatively tame thing to say in japanese when it isn't translated

>> No.43628242 [DELETED] 

kill yourself shitskin

>> No.43628316

oh no, not her manager, that's of course the same as selling the info of other chuubas to a dramatuber for favors.

>> No.43628460

>back stabbed Rushia
alll she had to do was lay low for a week or 2 and not contact jp keemstar. not that hard for a person of sound mind

>> No.43629359

She had to lay off twitter. Antis hold too much power over her and her responding in spectacular self-destructive fashion only attracts even more antis.

>> No.43631090

thread theme

>> No.43631603

Did kson know to what extent her mental baggage was? If so she's a shitty friend for putting her in a position to burn out that hard so publicly.

She might've been better off trying to build something up from scratch again as mikeneko, boing in a group might be a bit too similar to what she's lost and clearly got trauma from her firing.

>> No.43631688

That's the funny thing, she gets more viewers as mikeneko and a lot of her JP fans refuse to migrate to Tw*tch

kikeson probably sold her all kinds of bullshit pipe dreams about joining vshojo lmao.

>> No.43631820

That's what I figured, the whole Vshojo JP "branch" with just two members was such a bad idea and probably just a way to make Kson "boss" of a branch or some vain shit like that.

>> No.43631845

How is a washed up menhera vtuber having a menhera episode a megayab?

>> No.43632201

This. But I blame Cover. I blame Coco for leaving, too. This is pretty much the opposite of what other Holofags feel.

>> No.43632362
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>> No.43632495

She is either a super genius or the dumbest mf.

>> No.43632827

And you see, HER problem is that she can't let go, she is the one returning to the old burnt bridge and trying to cross again, which is in fact pretty laughable by any standards, she doesn't want to make a name for herself or at least not yet, now please stop acting as if you were not gonna jump in at the slighlest Holobait thread posted here you selfrighteous faggot.

>> No.43632910

are you not entertained?

>> No.43632921

In psychiatry, we call that bipolar disorder.

>> No.43632968

>''Did she sell it to a fucking dramatuber?
holy cope...

>> No.43633111

Why don't they just poach some JP indies? They don't even have to come up with new designs for them since it's VShojo

>> No.43633230


>> No.43633259
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She clearly doesn't understand that big corpos viewbot a lot of their talent to boost their numbers. I thought she was doing an act for the most part but she seems pretty genuinely mentally damaged. Probably is why she was so good at acting yandere.

>> No.43633377

>until she hits 30k
Numbers... what are they good for

>> No.43633434
File: 25 KB, 597x509, 3130245f98d816497b1b3864ffab1f0fc5ad8d0b54633e9c49ca83afa9705f5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10+ hour pity stream

>> No.43633462

Does your ass still hurt, faggot?

>> No.43633492
File: 289 KB, 612x392, 1675790127760942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manic episode
>literally hearing the voice of God in her head
>still has the presence of mind not to give reddit trannies any attention

>> No.43633530

The vod is 10 hours and the timestamp barely shows anything about from ''yon-chan''

>> No.43633562

Typical Hololiar. Keep moving those goalposts.

>> No.43633586

Her eggs have gone bad anon, you can't save her.

>> No.43633621

Geriatric pregnancies start at 35. There's still time for at least six children.

>> No.43633657


>> No.43633850

Yes, I agree, she should go visit her so that she can get her throat slashed by a broken shard of glass when her colleague loses her shit and blames her for being a nobody and tricking her into signing that contract.

>> No.43633984

She's busy with like a dragon stuff

>> No.43634017

>tricking her into signing that contract.
To be fair tho.

>> No.43634051

So are you gonna produce any evidence or are you just gonna be "it's on the archives, trust me lmao, do your reps" all day.

>> No.43634216
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>> No.43634395

I can save her

>> No.43634422

I had never entered a /rumina/ thread, the amount of coping needed to still blindly support miguel gato is insane.

>> No.43634580

Wtf actual kino

>> No.43635079

For what's worth it, I do feel sympathy for her situation, the guilt of her own stupidity must weight heavy on her soul, and wallet.

>> No.43635194

Why was this deleted?
Fucking woman janny piece of shit.

>> No.43635516
File: 1.14 MB, 814x730, rushia towering above (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get kicked out of hololive completely because of her own actions.
>get hired to a new company because kson.
>company consists nearly entirely of western whores.
>have basically no friends to stream with besides kson.
>part of your audience left you because boyfriend rumors.
>another part left you because you doxed coworkers.
>now are stuck with a bunch of whores you cannot understand, with a fraction of the viewers, with nothing to do but reminisce about all the fans and money you had back in hololive.
Never employ menharas.

>> No.43635586

She needs real help.

>> No.43635643

Nah. You can provide it or it simply doesn't exist.

>> No.43635674

I would normally be upset about the random dude calls but it's pretty clear she was having an episode. Doesnt help that the live TL wrote that she purposely want to call men out of spite, which would be a terrible thing to say if it was true.

>> No.43635704

She is not even at 3k, she might kill herself if this continues..

>> No.43635776

Tricked her into signing a binding contract and get's her cut. She's washed her hands from the affair.

>> No.43635808

Its her menhera demands that her fans not "cheat" on her as she participates in male collabs and calls random men on stream that really gets me.

>> No.43635819
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>> No.43635885

>>43635819 (me)
it’s always falseflag nijis who attacks like hyena

>> No.43635904

Kson caused this shit, Michael Cat gets way more viewers on YouTube compared to Twitch. Nobody cares about this Nazuna shit that was just a ploy by Kson to hype up the nonexistent JP side of Vshitshow

>> No.43635990

Honestly, that's just sad.

>> No.43636663

It's alright, she has me.

>> No.43636979

>Miguel injures or at worst, kills kekson
>She gets jailed and potentially gets a chance to reflect on her own actions and to come to peace with herself, odds she goes to rehab after serving her sentence.
>In the case kson dies she'll get martyrized
Huh... Talk about a win-win situation.

>> No.43637196

it's even worse, she's ignoring her viewers while randos get a free virtual meet and greet

>> No.43637378

This. Imagine being a loyal supporter that's followed her for years and some literal who men get to speak with her one on one while you have never have and probably never will get that experience.

>> No.43637477

does Orca still whale for her?

>> No.43637544

No neither the other faggot.

>> No.43637589
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What's with this extremely highbrow reference on /vt/ lol

>> No.43637607

Do you honestly wanna talk with manic mikeneko?

>> No.43637749


>> No.43637751

No it's still a pretty psychotic thing to say

>> No.43637752

>3k ccv
Is she a numberfag? I hope she isn't

>> No.43637799
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>> No.43638067


>> No.43638264


>> No.43638817

She's fucking scary. I'd rather wait for her temper to come down.

>> No.43638870

Did he switch to another Vtuber, or did he leave the rabbit hole?

>> No.43638898

What site was it

>> No.43638980

Sakamata Chloe absorbed all of Rushia's gachis. They never gave a shit about the girl and women entering the industry should become aware of this.

>> No.43639112


>> No.43639170

Nigga, she's the woman who used to suicide bait on her membership posts. She's an attentionwhore.
This isn't management, her ego is broken. Back in the day she got 60K minimum during outfit reveals.

>> No.43639214


>> No.43639296

>suicide bait on her membership posts

>> No.43639389

>She clearly doesn't understand that big corpos viewbot
Are you going to claim that Cover superchatted themselves to boost her to the number 1 superchat spot?
Face reality, she fell off hard because most unicorns fucked off. Rushia could easily get 60K but Nazuna can't.

>> No.43639404

Yes, actually

>> No.43639560

Void Angel stream, if you can find it. Multiple times she's tweeted out about 4chan, those where on her deleted account though, and some member twitcasts where she defended le 4chinz.

>> No.43639626

honestly /rumina/ people are so sweet, the only fans that we can call them true fans

>> No.43639654

The 3k consistent fans were already Mikeneko's fans from before 2019. Women should realize this, these are not your fans, these are Corpo fans. When you leave the box only a tiny fraction will follow your roommate account. This happens every single time.

>> No.43639656

Well that's retarded, Orca oshihend but she still has a lot of her Gachikoi left anon.

>> No.43639660

>That's what I figured, the whole Vshojo JP "branch" with just two members was such a bad idea and probably just a way to make Kson "boss" of a branch or some vain shit like that.
Vshojo doesn't hire no names. See their entire "audition" fiasco which almost took two years, got randos doxed and ended with them hiring one of their friends again.
Vshojo Japan was clearly a ploy to get established corpo vtubers to jump ship. That's why Kson did that little shill presentation after joining where she claimed that joining vshojo had "no disadvantages" and they could keep all the revenue. She wasn't talking to viewers, she was talking to other established vtubers. Luckily nobody was stupid enough to take the bait. Now it's a 2 member branch until some huge vtuber gets kicked out of Hololive JP or Nijisanji JP and joins them as a last resort.

>> No.43639716

I’d watch her if she wasn’t with vshitjo

>> No.43639797

Thx anon going to do my reps later

>> No.43639895

>Orca oshihend
He didn't. He's still with mike and nazuna albeit he still enjoys hololive and his oshi there is now sakamata.

>> No.43639968

That concludes our birthday my lovely angel.

>> No.43639969

Are you saying that Oceane left and still has her gachi like orca?

>> No.43639980

Oh I just assumed he did from catalog posts, but then again they are catalog posts.

>> No.43640066

English reps

>> No.43640081

You can check his twitter account. He still has her oshi marks and he played with nazuna today.

>> No.43640272

Which is weird since vshogo probably has more reddit fans the on /here/

>> No.43640288
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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! And this is after Kson shilled her birthday stream after getting raided by Silvervale and others. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA! How can you fuck up this royally? AHAHAHAHAHHAAH!

>> No.43640320

English reps

>> No.43640435

Stream reps anon, she was only raided by Kson. She just finished streaming actually, was actually a good stream after the literal first 30 minutes of her being manic as fuck. Long stream too.

>> No.43640549


>> No.43640600

>She wasn't talking to viewers, she was talking to other established vtubers.
She literally asked her fans what to talk about the day before the stream, but keep making up shit

>> No.43640685

Good morning Jakarta

>> No.43640840

what else does the voice in your head say?
If it says you can fly, feel free to jump off a bridge.

>> No.43640973

Comprehension reps, retard. I said Kson was raided by Silvervale and one other streamer and THEN Kson made announcement about Nazuna's birthday stream. Kson had 6k viewers due to the raids when she made the Nazuna birthday announcement. Nazuna got a longtime friend to help her just to fuck it up with her "mental illness". She should sign herself into a mental asylum already! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

>good stream
>7 hours out of 10 "sleeping"

>> No.43641063

Cope and seethe vshojotards. What happened to the "auditions"?

>> No.43641094

Is there a term for reverse hybristophilia? Dudes who love bipolar or borderline girls?

>> No.43641562

So she's the type that sleep with strangers as revenge

>> No.43641685

What makes you think I give a shit?
You're the only one who loses sleep over it.

>> No.43641810

Uhhhh this seems normal, and I'm sure her fans agree.

>> No.43642044

Are corpo fans so shallow that they only follow the blue Dorito like a bunch of moths to a flame? That's idiotic. You're basically asking them to syphon money form you.

>> No.43642268
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Only shitty, bitter women seething over another woman not marching in lockstep with them use that word.

>> No.43642299

With every day Cover kicking her retarded ass out makes more and more sense

>> No.43642331
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>begging for more views
But why? Even if she's reclining, she's still doing better than, like, 90% of chuubas now.

>> No.43642354

>true fans

>> No.43642468
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She wants to go back to her Hololive days which will clearly never happen

>> No.43642573

She betrayed them, why should they stick around?

>> No.43642859

Shut up whore

>> No.43643008

Even your mom doxxed his name in a member stream too, just watch the vod

>> No.43643171

Nope. I don't stick my dick in crazies. Matuli menhera made me threw up, Mi-chan menhera will tear off my flesh

>> No.43643274

That's not exactly proof there anon. Claiming a now deleted video doxxed the manager holds no weight at all

>> No.43643306

Nigga this woman is mentally ill. No sane woman made menhera tweets and deleted it in the middle of the night

>> No.43643433

Unlike westoid jap have a few hundred gods, the thing western people destroyed under the name of herectic and pagan

>> No.43643649

Japanese corpo treat nda breaking very seriously, vshojo is her only choice

>> No.43643681

English reps? The anon i was replying to needs to do their reps, looks like someone who's first language isn't English and is still learning

>> No.43643783

Her menhera is capable of breaking her gfe code confirmed

>> No.43643841

Fair i meant to type "than" instead of "the"

>> No.43643949

>They never gave a shit about the girl
More like they understood who they are to her after seeing her not giving a fuck to them before termination

>> No.43643972

It was, English reps anon

>> No.43644115

Say that to EA, Disney, Amazon, Apple,... See if they care

>> No.43644199

>after Kson shilled her birthday stream after getting raided by Silvervale and others
>she was only raided by Kson

>> No.43644252

I don't know what's more retarded, the original tweet or you not realizing that Rushia still has most of her Gachikoi.

>> No.43644322

Single Japanese word reps anon.

>> No.43644392
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>> No.43644515

Shows how badly she messed up. She did better as mike cat.

>> No.43644516

A Ksonkek with schizophrenia

>> No.43644611

extremely in character for rushia and kino

>> No.43644690

I genuinely belive her story will end with she being an hero on stream

>> No.43644736

Personally, hololive is better without gfe vtubers.

>> No.43644859

All the nips want gfe kek

>> No.43644877

Don't you mean oshihen then anon?

>> No.43644950

Someone post that picture of the fandead crying while watching holofes and looking at his R*shia figures

>> No.43645015

okay give me more schizo/unironic menhera chuubers though
makes me hard

>> No.43645153

If you don't mind a 1-2 view there's Dasai Yuuna.

>> No.43645195

girls are adorable creatures

>> No.43645202
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>> No.43645375

that dude is basically a woman

>> No.43645449

ask heimin why you can't watch her fall guys endurance

>> No.43645463

kek I've only seen the cropped version that starts with the holofes stage
Still, I feel a bit of sadness every time I get to the last few panels

>> No.43645574


>> No.43645586

>after Kson shilled her birthday stream after getting raided by Silvervale and others

Yes by this I mean Kson shilled her birthday stream after Kson gets raided by Silvervale and others. I wasn't talking about the raid on Nazuna. Again, comprehension reps, you loony bin janny. AHAHAAHHAHAH

>> No.43645634

ayame's duet...
of all mikeneko's crimes this alone is unforgivable

>> No.43645703

So it doesn't exist.
Thank you for you concession.

>> No.43645742

Replace the fan with Rushia and it's perfect

>> No.43645765

Chumbuds my be an exception alot of them only watch Gura

>> No.43645766

nips are pathetic.

>> No.43645944

>if it happened before gura debuted it's fake!
the absolute state of newfriends
literally plug the keywords I told you into a /jp/ archive you retards

>> No.43646241

>Hey! You see that 50ft. maple tree right there? It bears apples! Believe me I ate one, you just need to climb that tree to get the fruit!
Yeah. Sure

>> No.43646605


>> No.43646626
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>> No.43646654

lmao cuck

>> No.43646780
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Why are you so fucking obsessed with a random bunch of islands in bumfuck nowhere anon?

>> No.43646784

can confirm

>> No.43646839

>7 hours out of 10 "sleeping
>Implying you wouldn't want to watch your oshi sleep
Why are you a faggot?

>> No.43646937

I can't believe Hololive fired this perfectly sane woman. What were they thinking?

>> No.43646950

Use your numbermonkey powers to figure out the date of that stream, archive search /jp/ for subject:hololive starting and ending at said date, profit. You can even get a whole lot of (You)s in your number thread by reposting what her and her manager were discussing because none of those newfags were around at the time either. Enjoy.

>> No.43646979

>unironically comparing a discord popup from her manager to contacting a dramatuber, revealing herself as Rushia after being already reprimanded for doing so in the past, sending him screenshots of email and DM conversations with her manager and allegedly offering him access to her Rushia discord account to prove the authenticity of her receipts
lol, lmao even.

Is this what kids nowadays call "cope"

>> No.43647044

>discord popup
You didn't watch the stream, opinion discarded.

>> No.43647059

Stop wasting people's time, kiddo

>> No.43647098

>watching your oshi sleep with mafumafu
why are you a cuck?

>> No.43647208

What are we "coping" about?
>*dodges a bullet*
>"whew glad that missed me"
>lol cope!
You ok retardchama?

>> No.43647218

Again, why are you gay and who even brought up M2? I'm a fan of the Orca anon. Who wouldn't want to watch their oshi sleep? I swear all of you SEAfags are actual fags.

>> No.43647268

Fuck this is extremly based of her

>> No.43647408

Again why are you a cuck watching a vtuber who calls random men into her birthday stream and have a meltdown? Who would want to watch their oshi sleep on a birthday stream lol nobody has done it before, AHAHAHAHA! Grats on getting your time stolen. I swear all you westoids are doormats, AHAHAHAHHA!

>> No.43647472

Words can't describe how happy I am seeing Vtrashtaste implode

>> No.43647517

You guys talk about men a lot.

>> No.43647540

gachi doesn't care.

>> No.43647600

I heard Rushia antis where deranged but I never thought they where this deranged. Can you even read English anon, I'm not a fan of the Green one, I simply want to watch the Orca sleep on stream.

>> No.43647679

I'm starting to think you have the cuck fetish anon, for how much you talk about it that is.

>> No.43647807

Enjoy sucking toes off homeless men to get a slice of bread you lazy fuck.

>> No.43647886

Your oshi talks to a lot of men.
>promotes unicorn culture on /vt/, equating it with gachi
>claims rushia is true gfe
>nasooner collabs with male
>b-but gachi doesn't care!
I swear Rushia whiteknights are deranged AND I have always thought they were this deranged. Nice gaslight about not liking Haruka, you idiot.
Here comes the nasooner brigade! Did your discord mod tell you to come into this thread? I'm not the one with an oshi who calls in males after being lauded as top GFE! AHAHAHAHAHAH!

>> No.43647955

The point is that Kanata showing her discord was accidental and she immediately privated the stream while Rushia knowingly and intentionally shared DMs and company-internal emails with a dramatuber, if you can't tell the difference and why Rushia was fired then you are delusional beyond saving.

I also tracked the oh so damning conversation and it turns out it was just Kanata talking to her manager about her anniversary merch, thanks for making me waste my time nigger, for someone who accuses others of being newfags and not doing their reps I bet you yourself blindly believed the narrative about Kanata telling her manager to sue her antis without doing your reps yourself.

>> No.43647959

Do you need to take your meds anon? Like seriously can you not read? I simply want Orca sleep streams, what's so bad about that?

>> No.43647966

Love wife forever.

>> No.43647971

she needs to retire for her sanity
getting sacked by Cover was the end

>> No.43648005

Your English is very bad but you should at least be able to tell by the pitch of different voices that she only talked to one man that stream, and it was me btw.

>> No.43648031

She's happier than she ever been working with Holoshit.

>> No.43648062

kek maybe she could get delutaya to raid her for views

>> No.43648082

Meds right now

>> No.43648093

Nice try, but nobody believes you.

>> No.43648216

She said herself someone at Cover was a bully remember?

>> No.43648269

I believe you have run out of meds yourself, anon. Who the fuck wants to watch his oshi sleep on her birthday stream? Did your Orca sleep on her birthday stream? If not, GTFO. HAHAHAHAHA! Who the fuck watches anime avatar sleep on her birthday HAHAHAHAH!
Your English is also very bad and also you just confirmed that you talked with her, enraging all the other nasooner "gachis" because she talked to a man. Therefore, they are still cucks.
Get some for nasooner first, faggot. I'm not the one having a meltdown due to not reaching the 30k CCV quota.

>> No.43648397

>Your English is also very bad
I'm a native speaker. Yours is literally so bad you can't tell the difference between it and ESL garbage. By the way say "nazooner" not "nasooner" retard.

>> No.43648406

She likes to exaggerate a lot.
>gets hung up on by a 13 year old kid and smashes her phone in rage, causing 5 minutes of silence
Someone probably called her a ぶりっ子 or something.

>> No.43648460

They literally forced her to sing and dance for money immediately after her beloved pet died. That was like the main cause of her decent into ultimate menheraness.

>> No.43648464

Wait, so are you against sleeping streams or not? I'm confused now....either way I'd want Chloe to do a sleeping stream, I think it would be cute. Simple as.

>> No.43648548

He's against them when Vshojo does it but would be for it if Hololive did them but he doesn't speak English enough to understand that you are a fellow Holofan.

>> No.43648652

I doubt he even watches Hololive anon, I think it's just a tourist to this board at this point.

>> No.43648755

If you see someone posting with incomprehensible English, it's a SEA Hololive fan, guaranteed.

>> No.43648764

>I'm a native speaker, believe me!
Cool story, bro. And nasooner, nasooner, nasooner, nasooner! Cry about it!

>> No.43648837

S and Z make completely different sounds, ESLchama.

>> No.43648866

It does not exist.

>> No.43648871

I am against everything nasooner pulled this stream. Not necessarily against sleeping streams but on a birthday stream? Yikes.
Don't speak for me, faggots. Also
>incomprehensible English
Learn to read, retard.

>> No.43648878

I can't even understand the point he's trying to make honestly, with the Rushia shit that is. Most threads I've gone to today was focused on the mental illness and mania part of her breakdown, the only mention of the word "cuck" was from ESL's, it doesn't even make sense in this context either since this was a glorified call in stream that anyone could have tried to get into, not much different from a fan call-in, only done more retardedly. Though it's understandable why Rushia fans still wouldn't like it.

>> No.43648978

I've watched the stream anon, it started of manic but after she calmed down it was actually decent. Who cares about the sleeping part, she wanted to do it and her fans wanted it. I'd like it if after Orca does her birthday shit if she went to sleep with the mic on, it would be a perfect day for me to be honest.

>> No.43648983

And? Nothing's stopping me from calling her natrooner even. Nasooner just sounds right. Cry about it.

>> No.43649021

No shit a "vtuber" doing cam streams gets more views.

>> No.43649046

She's literally been diagnosed.

>> No.43649066

She's done mostly model streams on Mike the Cat, she's just a retard who never archives them or puts them as members only.

>> No.43649108


>> No.43649117

Well here's the thing, Anon, "nasooner" actually does not sound right. If this wasn't a thread about her nobody would know what you're talking about because it's completely different from her actual name. If you want to make fun of a person's name you need to make a small change to it, not change the entire thing aside from the first two letters.

>> No.43649119

>starts calling random DUDES (MEN)
And fancucks said we could trust her.

>> No.43649141
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>> No.43649155

>People taking god told me so to be a menhera outburst
Isn't she an angel in her lore?

>> No.43649169

>completely different
z and s are very similar
Say zero
Then say sara
See how your mouth moves in almost the exact same way?

>> No.43649208

Holy mother of mental illness

>> No.43649216

One day she might go completely insane and just break her NDA, dox everyone in hololive and spill the beans on a bunch of backstage bullshit. Either that or she finally finds a rich husband to settle down with. She's getting up there in years, gotta figure something out.

>> No.43649218
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Anon I wasn't the one you were originally talking to

>> No.43649258


>> No.43649263

Those don't get views though so it doesn't matter if she does them or not. It's the cam streams that get views.

>> No.43649328
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi - 07 (1080p) [341392FF].mkv- [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for everyone involved, I don't want people with issues to get hurt on either side, this hobby lends itself to suffering it's all just sad

>> No.43649385

At this point, after how many "manic episodes" she's had over her media platforms, I can only believe her remaining fans are people who get off from mental breakdowns; which is pretty fucking sad. Now go watch your damn sleep streams. It's not for me.
Nasooner is me making fun of her name, therefore it sounds right to me, because it can just be anything. Natrooner, Nakhooner, Naboner, Najoner. Again, cry about it. Don't have to use it if you don't want to.

>> No.43649407

But he did his reps

>> No.43649417

That's exactly what I said tho

>> No.43649452

This thread is magnificent

>> No.43649473

don't bash menhera stuff before you try it
it's pretty dope

>> No.43649533

I'm trying to help you have more natural sounding English. If you say "nasooner" people will say "sooner than what?" and not catch on to what you're doing. If you want to make it clear that you're making fun of her name, keep the Z.

>> No.43649537

they are cute until they start fucking other guys for real

>> No.43649570

tl;dr rushia is based, and apparently so is mikeneko

>> No.43649656

I tried, they get annoying as fuck real quick real fast

>> No.43649689

Miguel Gato going on a menhera meltdown isn't even an event worth talking about anymore. It happens so often, that its just a common occurrence.
She would have been better off never being an internet personality and just settling down as a housewife mother.
Being an internet personality is really destructive to certain types of people. Miguel was never cut out for it.

>> No.43649717

I never knew that chunk before the concert panel existed. Now it kinda feels like watching someone react to losing an immediate relative.

>> No.43649730

Ok anon, is that
>Yes by this I mean Kson shilled her birthday stream after Kson gets raided by Silvervale and others. I wasn't talking about the raid on Nazuna. Again, comprehension reps, you loony bin janny. AHAHAAHHAHAH
Yes, by this I meant kson shilled her birthday stream after kson got raided by Silvervale and others. English reps anon and take your meds

>> No.43649732
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As an Indobro with disposable income I declare her honorary Indotuber. Every Indobro with any self respect should subscribe to her and give her lots of love.

>> No.43649813

Sorry lost some braincells from your post and my English got worse

>> No.43649898

Only if she does it live otherwise i'll just believe she will reincarnate for a 7th time.

>> No.43650006

> just settling down as a housewife mother.
Anons do you want Chi no Wadachi tplay out happen irl ?

>> No.43650043

>It's not for me.
If it's not for you then just leave it at that, remember you're the one who went on the defensive after I asked what's wrong with sleeping streams. You could have simply said that and this wouldn't have devolved to shit flinging, you didn't even know I was a fan of the Orca until about 6 posts in after I told you multiple times.

>> No.43650074

Don't read Korean trash.

>> No.43650154

>don't bash menhera stuff before you try it
Wtf you mean "try it"? I've been watching Rushia AND Nazuna. She's top tier menhera shit and I'm sick of it. She's indefensible.
>"sooner than what?"
Sooner than me returning to her streams! Cool I get to have a followup joke!
>If you want to make it clear that you're making fun of her name, keep the Z.
Agree that her menhera meltdown is too often, but it's worth talking because she keeps negatively affecting her streams with them. She's still streamer material, but holy shit needs to pull herself together.
>Faggots not getting my sentence after several differently-worded explanations
Perhaps you would like to do English reps yourself. I'm done explaining.

>> No.43650293

Wife love.

>> No.43650301

>Sooner than me returning to her streams! Cool I get to have a followup joke!
That would only make sense in a very very specific context. Don't do that. Just keep the Z and stop being stubborn.

>> No.43650358
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>> No.43650470

I can't stop loving this menhera.

>> No.43650517

Now is a good time to mention that "nazooner" sounds like an affectionate nickname.

>> No.43650518

What in the hell am i looking at here, did someone blow their paychecks every week? No self-control my goodness

>> No.43650557

she'd probably pull a Takaoka Yuka
It's not even fun to talk about anymore. have you ever seen a dog chasing its tail? It's funny. Now imagine a dog chasing its tail for hours and hours on end with no end in sight. Now it's not funny anymore and it's just pitiful and sad. That's what this is like. Miguel is sad to watch now as she endlessly repeats her menhera meltdowns and embarrasses herself publicly.

>> No.43650951

Miguel's channel progressed heaps and bounds these last 2 months and recovered her mojo.

>> No.43651603

Honestly, at this point, i agree. Her life has basically spiraled out of control and she is grasping at anything she can get. She trusted someone to help her and then go stranded in a new place with noone to really talk to, she lost all her former friends, and to make things worse it seems like she has no help for her manic episodes.
Yea, its her fault, yea she's retarded, and yea she probably got what she had coming to her, but i really can't help but feel at least a little sorry for her at this point, that is to say that i, in no way, believe she doesn't deserve this kind of punishment for her actions. It's as you said: a dog chasing its tail with no end just makes for a sad existence. As much as i rag on her i sincerely hope she gets some kind of help before she does another stupid thing to add onto what she has done up to now.

>> No.43652066

>Her life has basically spiraled out of control
We're talking about a woman who makes tens of thousands of dollars every month by streaming video games like once a week
