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43596252 No.43596252 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder: Froot is the real victim of this tragedy

>> No.43596319

Victim of her own retardation, sure.

>> No.43596342

My buddy in the military disagrees, he doesn’t seem to like her very much for whatever reason.

>> No.43596382

friendly reminder: I don’t care

>> No.43596406

I'd let her cheat on me desu.

>> No.43597092

THIS. I dont understand why people /here/ are so ignorant. Thoughts and prayers for her twin sister, may she be cured from her illness.

>> No.43597145

She's going to win once Silver gets kicked for tripling down on this shit

>> No.43597224

Somehow froot is always the victim. Weird how that works.
>vshojo EN is all white girls plus a white latina
>somehow the drama is never ending
Weird how that works. Yeah I know japanese girls will cheat on their bfs with a smile and not care but hololive really avoids that whole knives out kind oof deal.

>> No.43597321

It was unfair that she was bullied by raging incels for being a transally. She should cry about it onstream so that another perspective can be heard instead of that manipulative TERF Silver

>> No.43597465

The only victim here is her brother's/sister's chopped off dick.

>> No.43597501

she literally walked into an active warzone wearing a clown costume

>> No.43597578

I want to hatefuck her so badly

>> No.43598004

Fucking beat me to it, word for word.

>> No.43598019


>> No.43598513

Silvervale has become more popular while Froot has been getting less support.

>> No.43598626

But enough about silvervale

>> No.43598669

Good. She's living proof some people really do indeed only serve as cock sleeves to be used and discarded.

>> No.43598733 [DELETED] 

>You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

>All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

>Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

>You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

>Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

>This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.43598811


>> No.43598996

wait, I thought she had a sister that is now her brother. and was there already a surgery? jesus this is too complicated

>> No.43599175

Unironically the biggest bitch in vshojo

>> No.43599409

No its a biological female

>> No.43599412

You know what I'm not gonna even pretend that I care about who or what her sibling is.

>> No.43599413

We need more hateporn of her

>> No.43600483

>My buddy
stop LARPing that you have friends

>> No.43600533

I'm his friend

>> No.43600598

>white latina
No such thing

>> No.43600693

She has sister who became a transman and a normal older sister. Also the posts where she's dunking on her sister for being mental are about that sister, not the tranny.

>> No.43600914

i don't understand this bait

>> No.43600917

All laitnos are white now.

>> No.43600973


>> No.43600991

Not with that attitude

>> No.43601006

>hates both of her sisters

>> No.43601041

thats copium

>> No.43604660

>Froot is the real victim of this tragedy
no, she isnt

>> No.43604914

>Also the posts where she's dunking on her sister for being mental are about that sister, not the tranny.
Not true, she mentioned her being her twin.

>> No.43604940

Her troon brother is.

>> No.43605570

And that's a good thing!

>> No.43605782


>> No.43606553


>> No.43606756


>> No.43606869

>has to give away nearly 100k$ to mentally ill pedophiles or she gets hunted for being a grifter.
Oh, the horror...

>> No.43606949

this but unironically. a timeline of recent events;
>froot replies to a tweet supporting the boycot saying that she'll stay far away from wizard game, as is her right
>silver plays wizard game
>several days after silver last played the game froot says 'it costs me $0 to be kind so I'll put my money where my mouth is [para]'
>silver goes live the next day crying about harassment
>froot gets dogpiled and people invade her privacy to dig up dirt, but she keeps on grinding
>a few days later, silver streams again, and froot resubs and gives her kind words

>> No.43606991


>> No.43607093


>> No.43607317

oh I forgot
>froot is also doing a silent stream during silver's stream where she's crying, and says in chat that although she believes that silver playing the game is a mistake, she's still her friend and she loves her
which seems like a reasonable and anti-harassment take

>> No.43607522

no its an older sister she mentioned not knowing well about her whereabouts, if you look at the logs she also once mentioned having a "trans twin" and she referred to with "they/them" pronouns when talking about her sibling. She also has a younger brother apparently, so that makes 3 siblings in total.

>> No.43607931

that's not true, but we all say wacko shit in environments like that, especially before we mature.
froot must have known that she'd end up giving at least $5000 to charity, and that that would only mean 5000 likes of engagement which wouldn't translate to growing her stream or anything. whatever the number of likes on her tweet ended up being, it definitely wouldn't translate into revenue. so it's a bit silly to say that it's a grift. people change.

>> No.43608139

You speak as if women are beings that do rational, well-thought decisions rather than jumping into social trends. Worse, you speak as if FROOT of all people was level-headed and wise.

>> No.43608141
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And they tell we are the schizo's
>although she believes that silver playing the game is a """"""mistake"""""", she's still her friend and she loves her
Damn what "friend" she is, the same kind of distant friend that she is with a soldier.
>which seems like a reasonable and anti-harassment take
Okay you have been exposed Froot, do something productive like getting the money for your "charity" instead of larping here.

>> No.43608473

not yet because she hasn't join the 41%

>> No.43608675

>thinks playing the game is a mistake

>> No.43608883

also worth mentioning that froot was in uni at that time, and its possible that that's when her brother transitioned. she called him her twin sister, said she wouldn't wear skirts, but also used they/them pronouns
why should she curb her opinion? that seems like a way to make things worse. acknowledging that you don't agree with playing the game while spreading love seems like the best way to handle things. that's how people should engage with each other in general

>> No.43609406

A reminder that she has a fetish for conversion, which is why she pushed one of her sisters to become a man.

>> No.43609467

I feel so sorry for Bettel

>> No.43609664

I cant belive Im gonna argue with brain dead a troon.
>why should she curb her opinion? acknowledging that you don't agree with playing the game while spreading love seems like the best way to handle things
Because Silver didnt commit a sin or a "mistake" she just played a game thats it nothing more nothing less. And froot has absolutely ZERO saying over this she is just trying to farm twitter morality points in a pasive agresive manner.
But you know what sin did froot commit? Donating to a charity for "gender diverse children" helping unrational children to mutilate themself, they even dont know what the difference is between man and a woman is to make a choise that will scar them for life.

>> No.43609695

Why do people post shit like? Pretend to be fans of someone but are just falseflagging. No one believes you actually believe she is a victim. Falseflagger

>> No.43609764

Unironically she should kill herself for thinking playing a game is anti troon, and you should kys too.

>> No.43609797

t. froot doing damage control

>> No.43610020

she never said it was anti-trans - you're putting words in her mouth. she just thinks it's bad. it could be because it funnels money and prestige to JK Rowling, or it could be that it's just a game and it's not worth breaking this boycott, however irrational it is. OR she could think its indicative of being transphobic, but seeing as she said "it's a mistake," I assume she's actually clearing Silver of the transphobia charge
anyway y'all seem mad

>> No.43610526

Every reason you gave for her to not like the game is tranny shit lmao, kill yourself

>> No.43610716

I'm fine with her backing off the donation. I don't want a tranny pedophile organization getting 5 figures worth of cash even if it 'owns' Froot.

>> No.43610908

>froot is also doing a silent stream during silver's stream where she's crying, and says in chat that although she believes that silver playing the game is a mistake, she's still her friend and she loves her
Clip it or I refuse to believe this is real. I can't imagine anyone being this fucking self centred.

>> No.43611033

The real victims are the millions of unnamed trans people who are figuratively getting murdered through invalidation by right-wing, fascist TERF games being allowed to be played on supposedly inclusive platforms.

>> No.43611125

I seriously cannot tell if you are sarcastic or not

>> No.43611195

This. As much as forcing froot to part with 100k would be funny, giving that amount of money in assistance to a groomer org doesn't sit well with me.

>> No.43611349

With all the copies of Hogwarts that were sold, as well as how many people streamed it, you'd expect those people who have been genocided off the face of this world after all they've been saying this whole time. How did they survive?

>> No.43611472

if i believed that troons and their enablers would be thrown in ovens for every copy of a game sold, I'd dump a year's wages into it. but it doesnt, so didnt bother buying the gay wizard game

>> No.43611843


>> No.43612118

god i wish

>> No.43612597


>> No.43612832
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>spreading love
Kys troon

>> No.43612882

welp i have nothing else to say than fpbp.
She tried to backstab and got reverse throat splitted, she earned what she tried to do it's only justice.

>> No.43612993
File: 560 KB, 891x891, 1677068269086966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she's a real victim she supports the cause like i do! Even if she ridiculed her brother for years on the internet for polcel clout what matter is she support the cause now! Am i right? She better not stream HL or I will personally see through that the clown is punished for her insolence.

>> No.43613182

sure, just admit that she didn't 'backstab' anyone, and that all you have against her is your own transphobia

>> No.43613641

The mental illness that is transvertite? Yeah, hope he could recover fast

>> No.43613742

In those discord logs from 5 years ago she already mentioned her brother being a FtM trans but used they/them pronouns without ever referring as she/her and then a few months after theres logs of Froot saying hateful stuff against a sister she mentions to have and that she lives somewhere in her same country, havent seen her in a long time, that shes insane and can die in a fire. Could it be shes talking about the same sibling? Sounds kinda incosistent especially considering theres tweets from 2018 with both twins having friendly interactions and being in good terms, so still same time as those discord logs, unless you might say shes a double faced piece of shit who acts nice in front of her family member and then proceeds to say awful things behind.

>> No.43613907

My buddy whose not in the military REALLY seems to like her very much for whatever reason

>> No.43613978

Her abusive military ex husband had it coming. If he wasn't such a piece of shit maybe froot would've remained faithful to him.

>> No.43614234

roru, vshills already trying to rewrite history when the walls of text both of them posted to their own >facebooks are out there

>> No.43614625

I see your hair. It is a wig.
Your Adam’s apple still looks big.
You are a man, and that is clear.
I do not see a woman here.
I must admit, it’s rather odd.
To hear you say you’re now a broad.
You have no uterus, so no:
You cannot bleed from down below.
I do not like your padded bra!
You should not use the women’s spa!
You tell me you had surgery;
Your pronouns still are ”him” and ”he.”
Your chromosomes are X and Y.
That means you’ll always be a guy.
You gave yourself a girly name.
That does not mean you’re now a dame.
A surgeon chopped your eggs and ham?
I still won’t call you Ma’am i Am.

>> No.43614755

I'm not trans, anon

>> No.43614785

of course you aren't

>> No.43614827

true maybe I just haven't come to terms with it yet

>> No.43614987

>Defending Froot
Whatever you say tranny

>> No.43616212

The sibling is an actual woman who's pretending to be a man.

>> No.43616270

Are you the guy who paid for the ad?

>> No.43616435

Cool it with the victim blaming.

>> No.43616556

I don't spend my time stalking chuubas on their personal Facebook.. By the way. Who the fuck is still using Facebook in 2023 and why?

>> No.43616744

Kek, no it didn't happen, it happen on Facebook? Doesn't matter who even uses Facebook. That's some nice copium

>> No.43616822

Everyone makes mistakes

>> No.43617287

nah, they posted it at the time it happened, it was public until recently, and some retard had screencaps of both posts

>> No.43619518

>do thing I don't like, I'll make you look like the bad guy
>do thing I like, I'll reward you with praises
That's mental abuse 101

>> No.43620555
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>> No.43620793


>> No.43620938

What is this retarded cope with hating normal people that aren't terminally online? The farmer down the street doesn't give a shit about these dumb internet wars.

>> No.43621525

It's litteraly twittertroons only and unique behavior.

>> No.43622175

Samefagging tranny

>> No.43622267

>Friendly reminder: Froot is the real whore*

>> No.43622361

hateporn is quite fun sometimes

>> No.43622391

Latinos aren't by and large black so it makes them white to Americans. Same with Asians and Middle Easterners.

>> No.43622488

That’s because the Salarymen kill themselves quietly

>> No.43622607

Do your reading reps faggot.

>> No.43622740

If for every single Dollars I gave, a troon would die, I would right away give everything i possess, sell my house etc.

A good troon is a dead one

>> No.43623102
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