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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43604805 No.43604805 [Reply] [Original]

I kneel queen

>> No.43604836

cool can you shut up now?

>> No.43604867

oi vey!

>> No.43605520
File: 253 KB, 582x692, SilverKneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is bringing back common sense

>> No.43606531

after the twitter arc it's now a reddit arc?

>> No.43606761

it's LSF, it was always there, from the moment twitter shit started.

>> No.43606810

I don't see the fail here.

>> No.43607207

Gaming circlejerk and livestream fail are the worst subreddits and are drama additcts far worse than the most schizo /vt/ could ever dream of being.
Just making fun of it all they actually want silver dead

>> No.43607481

And why do you know so much about reddit, mr.Redditor?

>> No.43607647

Because 4chan is blocked when i go to my normie job
Cant have desk salarymen finding out about the jews on /pol/ bit for some reason have full reddit access even the porn subs

>> No.43607805

use a VPN?

>> No.43608005

whores > trans

>> No.43608007

Oh look silverdale learned the art of the grift, now she can grift polcel retards for more support and money because they think she's based when everyone knows without them this disingenuous bitch would crumble like toilet paper.

>> No.43608697
File: 44 KB, 281x340, 1653686881135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots need to make up your mind.
She gets bullied into not playing the game:
>She should grow a spine and just play what she wants!
She decides to play the game after all:
>Well it must be a grift! Fucking /pol/ REEEEEE

>> No.43609871

Shut up trannies

>> No.43609980

Or she could play the game without using such tactic to take advantage of more mentally ill men for money. Look at Moona for example. She's enjoying the game was targeted by the sky news british media ignored them and didn't need to grift for support or fake cry for help. But woopiefuckingdoo don't expect a polcel retard to know he's being grifted for money.

>> No.43610000

Hang yourself troon

>> No.43610051

And you're being grifted by Jewish doctors to be on HRT and cut your cock off, so

>> No.43610078

I kneel

>> No.43610110
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1676787746444138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fucking troons will fucking hang.

>> No.43610137

So when is her next fake crying stream?

>> No.43610150

>clip is offline
Fucking twitch...

>> No.43610159

Right after your next dilation.

>> No.43610212

This one is better

>> No.43610224

She overcame harassment and realized she should stand up for herself. Not succumbing to a hate mob isn't a grift, way easier shit to do for that. If she benefited from it the mob has itself to blame and trying to shift it to her isn't going to work. Their fault entirely. They did this.

>> No.43610229

hahahahaha faggot tranny is mad they'll never be a woman, a real woman.

go jerk off your mutilated microdick, faggot

>> No.43610255



>> No.43610349
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Your parents will put your real name on your tombstone.

>> No.43610541

>Polcels are going to throw money at someone that said LGBT are awesome in the clip posted

>> No.43610565

>LGBT people are awesome
>I do not condone the ideals of this author
This is such a shame. I really wanted to give her a shot because she seems like a sweet girl, but she's still under the spell of the trans demon. Don't be fooled.

>> No.43610646
File: 65 KB, 194x259, 1676635010706869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or she could play the game without using such tactic to take advantage of more mentally ill men for money.
Are you calling me a right-winger mentally ill? do not make me pull the numbers tranny you may join them

>> No.43610648

Oh /vt/, how little did we realize that the chosen one and savior would come from VShojo. Truly the brightest light comes from the darkest origins!

>> No.43610682

Vtubing is inherently a grift tbdesu

>> No.43610715

Tranny disinfo, keep seething

>> No.43610808

Thats just marketing, because she created her fandom araound this she cannot say otherwise because it would kill her career. But I bet she thinks otherwise behid the screen. There is no way that her opinion didnt change after the shit show.

>> No.43610876

Almost every streamer is saying this, I saw that zepla streamer get harassed and parrot this and she's slowly been turning into J.K. Rowling herself.
It's the most hilarious thing, all these streamers shit on J.K. Rowling, but they almost always start mirroring her exact transition from trans ally into trannydunker4000

>> No.43611072

Its been something else watching these slacktivists so self assured that they would get an easy W on JKR and burying Harry Potter and instead over the past 2 weeks they have set back the cause of Transgenders more severely than JKR's takes ever has.

>> No.43611576
File: 48 KB, 300x297, smugman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based lass standing back up against the troglodykes. Guess I should give her a watch at some point

>> No.43613462

The cool are outnumbered by the shut up.

>> No.43613972

This whole debacle made me like her. Good for her.

>> No.43614106

Bepenising Wiemarans is not acceptable, and bebenising profane uninitiated Americams is not acceptable.

>> No.43614292

I don't watch her but she sounds based

>> No.43614403

I never understood that argument… “they have nothing better to do with their lives”… how long does she think it takes to write a tweet? It takes like 2 minutes, she’s acting like peoppe spent any significant amount of time hating on her…

>> No.43614529 [DELETED] 

Shhh don't expose her grift like that, the polcels will call you a tranny.

>> No.43615933

there's reddit and discord groups dedicated to being mad about a wizard game, it's 2 minutes to tweet but they have been seething for a month now. Before you say
>no proof
I'll spoonfeed you

>> No.43616534

Reminder that everyone outside your tiny little groomer circle despises you.

>> No.43616557

To want to love so after being common cored around so horribly, and there is no reason to.
That she wish those peace yet, let this be only the beginning. Wants to cum but have no boy.
And now she shall not be robbed of the heart nor the painkiller in the cum, criminals.
Beware she loses not her people to Twitter censorship and lies.

>> No.43617710

i love them for just how much damage they're doing to the lgbt community as a whole by being exactly the same as the toxic gamers they hate who can't go more than 5 minutes without harrassing or sending death threats to random streamers.

>> No.43617815

holy shit, they are losing their goddamn minds. I was expecting way less entertaining seething

>> No.43617895
File: 744 KB, 2723x4096, Fn-7xP5XgAULcfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags can have silvervale I just want to fuck her mom

>> No.43617988

>seething this much over the word freaks
holy fuck they really don't know about sticks and stones kek

>> No.43618387

>some people literally contemplating suicide over getting called freak
Holy shit, the 41% wasn't a joke.

>> No.43618472

they can dish it out but they can't take it. coordinated harassment is 'activism' but getting called an internet weirdo is a hate crime

>> No.43618507

JKR biggest win ever : doing nothing.
> didn't participate in making the game
> didn't say anything about it
> Get some miserable royality to pay for expensive cofee
> Get your political enemis self destruct
It is THIS simple, do nothing, win. That how weak the retarded twittertroons are, no wonder the suicide rate is growing since they started "being engaged", you don't sell delusional people dreams and fail to achieve anything about it and expect they won't kill themselves in masses. JKR is inocent in this extinction, the blood is all on those blue haired retarded white woman on twitter.

>> No.43619123

>didn't participate in making the game
This is the most laughable point of all. The person whom they actually have issues with isn't even involved.

Goes to show how they don't actually care about activism or anything like this. They're just bitter people who want to vent against someone and will take whatever exuse to be destructive and harmful to a person and still feel justified about it.

At least we here have the decency of talking shit in the privacy of this forum, keep our bullshit contained, and are honest when we just hate a VTuber for the fun of it.

>> No.43619200

That's right. Note how this side of things is no less than an exploit in itself in entirety.
You could just game and beat off and steamroll the spirit of this world order, you will.
Still it should be actively eliminated with intelligent creative resolve just like it was back then, the conspiracy in-the-womb and environment poisoning and subsequent bepenising racket needs to stop.

>> No.43619472

>that hair

>> No.43619671

Trannies don't own that color scheme anymore than faggots own rainbows

>> No.43619769
File: 305 KB, 996x1452, 1630645229080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.

>> No.43619959

planned stunt from the beginning. Now go back.

>> No.43620209

You first


>> No.43620218

>You could just game and beat off and steamroll the spirit of this world order, you will.
>Still it should be actively eliminated with intelligent creative resolve just like it was back then, the conspiracy in-the-womb and environment poisoning and subsequent bepenising racket needs to stop.
Can you rephrase this? I have no idea what you mean by any of this.

>> No.43620702
File: 177 KB, 1920x1080, 1624462743469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a nice /pol/ troon.

>> No.43622283

No, no seriously
>game and beat off and steamroll the spirit of this world order, you will
Are you talking about porn or something?

>it should be actively eliminated with intelligent creative resolve just like it was back then
What is "it"? Back when? What prior event?

>the conspiracy in-the-womb and environment poisoning and subsequent bepenising racket
You mean a conspiracy that hasn't been born yet? Or are you talking about literal pollution?

This just reads like ramblings, more than anything

>> No.43622383

No you will have a nice /pol/ you obnoxious troon.

>> No.43622634

So unbelievably based I had to check if it was real.

>> No.43622747

You have no idea what it's supposed to say either, do you?

>> No.43622911

>What is "it"? Back when? What prior event?
NTA, but every group of psycho fucks that feel the need to control every aspect of a culture because any form of individuality outside of their bubble is dangerous. This has happened many, MANY times throughout history from the Han Dynasty of China's eunuchs to the stuck up fundamentalist Christians of the 90s and early 2000s.
>You mean a conspiracy that hasn't been born yet?
I get the impression he's talking about the parenthetical globalists actively manipulating cultures and the world economy to bring about their Great Reset and rule as kings over a greater population of serfs.

>> No.43623114

Oh, now the mentally ill men matter?

>> No.43623313

I do. And I've stood before people like (you)'s inferior gaslight more than anyone and the popularity of gripping your slippery sleek lubed up bullshit is so popular. Lets just put it this way. It's why all of Russia policed you ghaypeist jews to the point of nukes. Buster. Hoodie. You judeosatanist-globalist troon.
Harming Haruka and Nyanners with caught Twitter lies this bad. Babble it up.

>> No.43623476

What gaslight, I just asked because I wanted to understand you, and the more you resisted to explain yourself(?) the more I got the impression it's just some rambling with no real substance.

>Babble it up.
Oh now you're just being ironic.

>> No.43623581
File: 127 KB, 1224x817, ass whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A satanist, stupid joon.
Poor benin 'tween my thumb and index.
