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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 51 KB, 369x317, Why vtuber fans are the most parasocial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43553623 No.43553623 [Reply] [Original]

As vtuber fans, do you agree that the parasocial problem is more prevalent within the vtubing community? What do you think can be done to change this?

>> No.43553675

go back

>> No.43553696
File: 242 KB, 564x444, 1665911772739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43553702

Oh fuck well if assmongoloid said so.

>> No.43553723

I think you should kill yourself

>> No.43553760

>depressed nousagi

>> No.43553800

Vtubers have no more parasocialism than any regular streamer. Every single streamer has parasocial fans, and streamers fans are not even a tenth of the amount of parasocialism real celebrities have.

>> No.43553818

its beyond my understanding ppl can stand his accent

>> No.43553824

Stupid and people need to stop with this muh idol culture stuff or 2D culture. It's neither and both largely dismiss vtuber fanbases. We're talking about incel culture.

>> No.43553836
File: 88 KB, 206x264, 1664130971922671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it took you a fucking "Asmongold Reacts" video to figure that out, you might be retarded.

>> No.43553860

I think the only difference is some people are drawn more to anime comfort characters rather than their "buddy" who just watches other youtubers on stream.

>> No.43553861

Ironic how another streamer with a huge fan following is watching this...

>> No.43553871

We need an e-celeb board asap. Things are bleeding over here faster than ever before.

>> No.43553904

I think this is pretty evident because it's what the vtubing world is all about and how the companies make big money

>> No.43553918

>parasocial problem
Society is the problem and parasocialism is the solution

>> No.43553986

If this video convinces even one normalfag to not watch vtubers, that's a good thing

>> No.43554060

Who cares? AI will consume all and you WILL reap the benefits.

>> No.43554098

Why the fuck hasn't an e-celeb containment board been made yet? Every board has this issue, not just /vt/. Nowadays I would say this is on par with the bronyposting before /mlp/ was made.

>> No.43554262

Streaming in general is parasocial isn't it? How many people came into V-Tubing treating them as normal streamers but slowly developed parasocial feelings towards the person they watch the most? I know I did unintenionally.

It's probably easier because I'm a male watching a female, If I was watching another male I wouldn't feel anything.

>> No.43554326

mmo rpg addicts are completely the same as vtuber unicorns. also steam faggots are. not to mention twitter niggers. if theres a problem with all of these its whether or not they are socially inept. not the type.

>> No.43554338

Because minor threads once in a while didn't use to be a problem and way back in the day boards use to have their own lolcows

>> No.43554398

For a board who loves shitting on tempiss and telling everyone who watches them that they're gay is sure in love and obsessed with this redneck faggot.

>> No.43554448

Because it turns out that giving people on 4chan a board to talk 24/7 about individual people is a recipe for disaster, only leading to a breeding ground of tourists and schizos. /vt/ was a mistake, and Moot was always right. We should never get a eceleb board.

>> No.43554452

It's because he's them but rich. A shut in loser who's only real friend is a wife beating druggie who is so socially crippled he can't even pay porn stars to fuck him anymore

>> No.43554454

>posts a thumbnail
>no link to the video
>no timestamp
why do people do this so much on this board?

>> No.43554610

My favorite part is when he made fun of Niji's lack of object pinning


>> No.43554676

>do you agree that the parasocial problem is more prevalent within the vtubing community?
Not at all, parasocialism is in fact more or less the same as cam streamers. It's only more visible in vtubing because cam girls have no problem in seeing their audience as dumb ATMs and know they thrive in making their audience parasocial.

>> No.43554724

>/vt/ but for flesh people
Do you understand how bad of an idea this is?

>> No.43554761

It keeps them off here. That's all I care about

>> No.43554888

Asmongold is ten hundred more times parasocial than the average goslingbait gfe ear licking ASMR vtuber for the simple fact that the blame and worry isn't placed on him and it's just a buddy thing so his fanbases parasocial relationship towards him is far easier to form, justify, and normalize because it's not le weird anime gf thing. Secondly, a vtuber plays a character and what you become parasocial for is simply an act. Vtubers, as long as they aren't as bad as oceane, are far more stable and healthy than the average fleshtuber who thinks they need to give their audience a 24/7 stream of their opinions and thoughts

>> No.43554894

Nope, just like /vt/, it would invite more people that never used 4chan before to come talk about ecelebs. It increases tourism and those newfags will eventually bleed to other boards.

>> No.43554895

Parasocial is good. Casual fans should fuck off.

>> No.43554950

Parasocial is le bad video from dramafag + the original was essentially selling doxxshit + normie reaction content + the dude watching is one of the most infamous for unique extremely retarded takes.
Great combo.

>> No.43554980

https://youtu.be/Vgj7q1EFgwI Here but below
Shiting on niji

>> No.43555063

i think kpop fans and genshin fans are
>What do you think can be done to change this?
nothing? you can't change that, the best way is making them try to control them like servants

>> No.43555062

yeah cause clearly /pol/ keeps politics out of here

>> No.43555079

wasnt there a scandal about tons of female streamers getting deepfaked and like thousands of virgins masturbating to them a while back?

>> No.43555080

I remember when i had a parasocial relationship...

>> No.43555115

Parasocialism as a concept was coined in the 1950s to describe the social relationship between the audience and a celebrity.
Inherently any one sided viewing or reading relationship is parasocial to some degree as per its definition.

>> No.43555147

Yes every streamer has parasocial fans. No this does not make them all the same. This is massive cope. Twitch simping streams are only a step worse than vtubing generally, but there's a big difference between the parasociality of, say, asmon's stream and most big vtubers

>> No.43555159 [DELETED] 

why cannurs gf in the thumbnail? or todd howards daughter? I dont get it

>> No.43555177

Streamers and their audience dont have a one-sided relationship, so it's not even a parasocial relationship to begin with.

>> No.43555184

No i dont think it is more prevalent with the vtuber community when we have twitch streamers who have stalkers that chase them to a different continent and camp outside their hotel.

>> No.43555209

I'm not like you retards because my oshi actually interacted with me in multiple streams.

>> No.43555263

>todd howards daughter

>> No.43555262

All streamers call their paypigs by pet names, say they are family, that they are achieving milestones together.

>> No.43555285

>Parasocial bad
That's dumb
It's like people who become big fans of actors
Same shit
Or being religious
If it helps you get through life who gives a shit?

>> No.43555286

Consider that the site owners what this site to overall be eastern nerd culture aligned and an e-celeb containment board isn't like that.
One example: I run a discord server just for sharing art and people were REALLY wanting a furry board, but they didn't have the braincells to consider that furry didn't belong there in the first place.

>> No.43555304

>dont have a one-sided relationship, so it's not even a parasocial relationship to begin
Retard are you having a fucking one on one chat with them?
By your logic being part of a comedians set or in the audience of a tv show one time makes the relationship no longer parasocial

>> No.43555316

The conversation should be about the degree of parasocialism, not the existence of it in particular. If you've ever rooted for a fictional character in a show or a game that's technically parasocial.

>> No.43555329

asmongod has spoken. Has bigger numbers than vtubers so this board can't say shit

>> No.43555403

Imagine being this fucking retarded and using completely dumb comparisons. Just go the fuck back to /v/.
Just one look at 2 view and 3 view steamers who knows all their paypigs, calls them by their names, give them special privileges in chat, and talks with them for hours on end disproves your dumb as fuck post.

>> No.43555443

>More prevalent.
I've yet to see a vtuber be gifted a car.

>> No.43555475

Until the streamer calls you a friend it's inherently still in the parasocial category since it's a performative act.

>> No.43555500

>since it's a performative act.
Thats not true in all cases, and you dont know the state of mind of the streamer to conclude that faggot.

>> No.43555535

This is correct. I've observed this phenomenon many times over. People seem to think that just because it's not romantic it's not as dangerous, but it's even more insidious. I've seen it do bad things to people.

>> No.43555542

>guy whose fans once threw a shitfit because he took a day off
No, it’s not more prevalent, vtuber fans are just more self-aware and honest about it.

>> No.43555558

I mean if you're their friend then you're their friend. If you're not then you're just not.

>> No.43555598

So its not parasocial. Which is what I said.

>> No.43555648

You are the kinds of retards that would fall for a stripper

>> No.43555653

If you can't tell the topic is a pretext to post Asmongold on /vt/, you might be retarded.

>> No.43555660

He really didn't. He just reacted.

>> No.43555670

I think you're hung up on the word parasocial. The important thing is if the streamer considers you a friend or an audience member.

>> No.43555695

If anything I don't watch fleshtubers because it's wading too far into the surrogate friend territory for my comfort. At least with vtubers there's the excuse of techno-novelty and unreality.

>> No.43555696

god you are a retarded gullible faggot

>> No.43555712

>Until the streamer calls you a friend
And if the streamer actually calls you, some schmuck in the audience, their "friend", be even more wary as that's usually just another ploy to get even more money from you

>> No.43555711

I'm not like you my oshi likes me. She talked directly to me in a dozen streams.

>> No.43555743

Whether it's a performance has nothing to do with parasociality. Ditto for whether the attachment is reciprocated.

>> No.43555785

Think you fags need to go back to /vsj+/

>> No.43555891

Still haven't heard a single argument against falling in love parasocially.

>> No.43555893

I have vshoujo

>> No.43555945

People have their guards up against e-thots, but anime vtuber is nonthreatening (it's just a 2d png!) so you let your guard down and then they sneak into your soul.

>> No.43555946

Because it would unironically devolve into /kiwi/ so fast and to such an extreme degree that mods would be unable to contain it at all. They already have trouble deleting dox from /vt/ as is.

>> No.43555967

I watched a non-vtuber that took his chat on a candle-lit dinner. Sure it was a "joke", but I don't see much of a difference to the "parasocial" vtuber roleplays that have been done over and over.
It's about sinking your hooks into the viewers that show up to make sure they keep showing up. Sure, you might actually like them but regardless you need to ensure that you will continue to have an audience. It's not always as simple as ensuring that your content is consistently good.

I think the highly successful content creators lose sight of the importance of these things because when you're at the point that they are, they don't have to do that anymore. They are just "the guy/girl people watch" until something knocks them from their safe spot, like a scandal. Not only that but there are so many faces in the crowd that it is easy to stop seeing them as people.

>> No.43555968

these streamers have bigger numbers so you're required to pay attention according to "people" on this board

>> No.43555981

Suisei's take is "you can do it, but know that it'll go absolutely nowhere." You could call that a reason not to be parasocial.

>> No.43556019

>he says that as his chat is full of 20k people watching him watch a YouTube vid with him
At least getting and maintaining a GF is harder than a friend. How pathetic is your average twitch fag

>> No.43556046

"you can do it"
Coming from the susser herself.

>> No.43556104

Bruh now I'm interested in gachikoi'ing suisei simply because I know she hates people who gachikoi so fucking much. Just to spite her.

>> No.43556171

Not to mention Asmon stans are more insufferable and thin skinned than just about any vtuber fans.

>> No.43556198

>but know that it'll go absolutely nowhere.
Suisei has obviously never heard of Vera Vee.

>> No.43556270

You want /pol/ on steroids? That's an e-celeb containment board for you. Just look at r/LSF, and that shit is on Reddit. Good luck giving those people their own board

>> No.43556342

None of these streamers actually understand the concept of parasocial relationships or where to draw the line so I don't see how mr chud will have any breakthroughs here.

>> No.43556357

It is actually quite the opposite. Vtuber fans are actually tame compared to others like kpop for example.

>> No.43556392

now you know why they're called holobronies

>> No.43556463

I thought there was an uptick in unprompted spergouts about vtubers on other boards and something must have triggered it, should have known it was asmon's totally not parasocial fanbase parroting everything he says because they've never formed an opinion of their own.

>> No.43556498

Funny coming from another who absolutely benefits from parasociality despite rejecting it. Or does she think that micomet shipping, the thousands of fans-arts (including hentai), the dudes buying hundreds of dollars on her overpriced merch and her sponsored products and so on are just normal people with no investment on her.
Despite her now wanting to be a normal mainstream pop singer, the whole story she sold of rag to riches is a classic idol storyline to get you parasocially investment.
In fact that's the whole idol business selling point.

>> No.43556520

>e-celeb containment board
Jesus Christ, why not give kpop stans their own board too while your at it. Whole website would get nuked at that point

>> No.43556523

His fans are pretty much like bots

>> No.43556541

people with the same accent watch his content

>> No.43556561

she was referring to herself personally not going to date a fan, stop making ambiguous context like it's her stance on parasociality

>> No.43556581

Why this mug is posted /here/

>> No.43556582

Because no one ever stays on a single board and inviting more shitters to come to this website and go everywhere else including here is a terrible idea.

>> No.43556603

That's what the vid about

>> No.43556641

Who cares

>> No.43556642

There's nothing wrong with parasocialism. And if you have to watch a guy with a hairline retreating faster than France to get your takes, you might as well keep quiet. Nothing this man says has any value, and the video he's reacting to was made by one of the vilest content creators ever in the entirety of vtubing.

>> No.43556649

asmonbong has more eyebrow movements a minute than he has iq points

>> No.43556681

nothing wrong with liking the best girls

>> No.43556682

While he does talk about EN parasocials anytime a JP chuuba came up he was essentially just like "It's Japan so whatever."

>> No.43556714

No, pretty much everyone who uses the word parasocial don't know what it actually means.

All of his viewers who are watching are also parasocial, not all relationships are romantic and romantic feelings aren't any more or less parasocial as feelings of friendship.

>> No.43556740

these charlatan scumbags peddle more than just a girlfriend to children.
there is a reason why western vtubing is so reviled, but even coombait and degenerates got nothing on these moralising cunts.

>> No.43556741

>those newfags will eventually bleed to other boards.
Not this one. Vtubers are cringe, right? So they'll stay away.

>> No.43556746

Do you think suisei believes this is generally false? That gachikois get fully reciprocated all the fucking time?

>> No.43556879

are you dumb? she doesn't care, she's just telling you "do it at your own risk".

>> No.43556923

Dating fans is a conflict of interest and grounds for termination.

>> No.43556940

She doesn't reject it, she just said she won't play into it deliberately.

>> No.43556994

Pretty sure the only thing that's straight up not allowed is dating managers. At least at hololive.

>> No.43556999

It's not even a matter of having parasocial fans. The vast majority of online content creators engage in and benefit from some form parasocialism, and that's not limited to just streamers either. That's a big part of why youtube found the success it did, because the creators on youtube felt more personable compared to their tv counterparts.
Even take someone like Philip Defranco as an example. His entire shtick of "bringing the conversation to you and hearing what you have to say in the comments" is a form of parasocialism. It gives the illusion of having a dialogue with his audience and them being able to engage with him. It forms a more personal connection even though it's a complete facade.
However, parasocialism is a spectrum, and the degree to which a content creator and their fans engage varies. I do think that vtuber fans tend to be on the more extreme side of that spectrum overall, because anime characters tend to be more of an ideal; a fictional concept of ideal traits and characteristics. Those expectations carry over to some extent. That's a large part of the appeal of being a vtuber--being a rl anime character.

>> No.43557092

>omg becky the board
might as well call it /fag/

>> No.43557161


>> No.43557201

oh hey it's asmon. I wonder if he's burned through the life insurance money for his mother yet.

>> No.43557235

>What do you think can be done to change this?
Absolutely nothing should be done. I have an idea what that bearded fuck should do though. It involves rope.

>> No.43557278

Suisei probably thinks the same as the rest of the JPs because she's not a dumb ENshart
They don't frame things as 'le ebil' or anything, they see it how it is, and as long as the two groups are mutually enjoying/gaining from the arrangement, there's no reason to criticize the situation
Fundamentally, any idol knows that they and their fanbase need each other for the whole thing to work, the moment you forget that is when you're doing it wrong. Because who the fuck else are you doing it all for, it's for your fans, meaning anyone who watches you now and in the future.
Now to answer your question, I do think Suisei considers and is respectful towards her gachikoi, but she's also straight with them. And everyone knows the chances of getting with a chuuba is effectively zero, but if you're thinking of it that way you're dumb because you don't understand how dreams work

>> No.43557285

The problem with parasocial, especially with reference to its being coined, is that, ever since it was possible for a multiplicity of persons to enjoy one person in a asymmetric relationship, the purpose or goal of this has been to use technology to soften and conceal just this asymmetry; so that, as technology develops, more ingenious methods are derived to make the relation more intense and more real -- less asymmetric. Obviously, money circulates easier and more seamlessly if each person, in this multiplicity, conceives themselves (even if they are suspicious of its truth) to be, in a sense, one-on-one with this figure. VTubers are specifically genius, as a parasocial form, because the vtuber themselves mirror the asymmetry of each of its audience members by dissociating from their personal self and placing it in a model-character-self that they identify with; moreover, all of the audience members identify with the singular "chat" that interacts directly with this model-self, thereby reducing the audience to a quasi-person, making the multiplicity vanish.

>> No.43557332

That's a practical attitude. I like it.

>> No.43557395

Suisei doesn't play into it though. So there isnt even that element of make believe. A JP fan said "you dont need to say it so bluntly," and her response was basically "yeah, I do."

>> No.43557570

This board is for the discussion of Virtual YouTubers ("VTubers"),

>> No.43557581


>> No.43557593


>> No.43557905

That's /trash/, just like most threads in this board should've been.
You're forgetting this board was created because while vtubing was on-topic for /jp/ for 3 whole years just like idols, japanese bands, seiyuu, JAV threads and so on, people kept talking about holoEN instead of going to /trash/ so this garbage EOP board was created to stop the flood, the only reason it's not getting the pony treatment is because there are still some relevant threads on /jp/.

>> No.43558115
File: 10 KB, 52x66, 1677014180965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asmongold x Depressed Nousagi
Now that's a wild combo

>> No.43558146

Interesting thoughts.
On this note:
There are some Vtubers who have RM / alt accounts that show their faces.

But there are some who don't.
Do you think it's because their afraid that some parts of society may judge them if they reveal themselves?
I remember Polka mentioning that she was afraid that people will judge her for being obese

I noticed that some chuubas make it seem like their Vtuber form is the only way that they can exist.

I even remember Hana Macchia crying because her 3D performance has not been revealed.

Like girl:
Is 3D the only way that you can exist?

What's your take on that?

>> No.43558155

>parasocial problem
its not a problem

>> No.43558409

I'm not sure if I really agree, since at the very least she has awareness of them
During her reverse totsu where she called roberu, she did several things:
>said she had no holostars on her contacts, and that they were on separate servers
>when she saw roberu on it, said that it was from a promo collab, which was over a year ago
>mutually mentioned that they hadn't talked at all since
Suisei's outlook from an observer is effectively 'nothing is getting in the way of my dream' (including males)
She's single-handedly focused on her dream, and the people that support her, support her with this understanding. That's why I imagine gachikoi can feel comfy and at ease that she's not playing around with guys on the side, they can continue to idolize her as the idol that's pursuing her dream.

>> No.43558470

it would just be our own kiwifarms

>> No.43558493

more precisely, "she doesn't have their contact info" or whatever, same thing

>> No.43558568


Nah, not watching that cringe... quick, someone show Asmon the Nousagi crying video so he can cringe too.

>> No.43558617 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 234x250, 1676863945013897s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vtuber industry is based on idol culture which is built around parasocialism

>> No.43558637

>Dramanigger thread
>Eceleb thread
>Actual fucking discussion about dramaniggers and ecelebs in the thread
You should all be killed.

>> No.43558944

Streaming is an inherently parasocial medium regardless of whether it involves vtubers or not. Wikipedia describes a parasocial interaction as occurring with an audience member and a performer during a mediated encounter, either through mass media or online content. And through time audience members can start to view personalities as friends, despite having limited to no encounters with them.
Even though you can argue that some vtubers are less parasocial with their audience than others, it’s still a medium that inherently relies upon it as a business, whether people like to admit it or not.

>> No.43558984

you seem to be confusing gachikoi with unicorns. and reminder it was chat that suggested she called a holostar.

>> No.43559032

Opinion disregarded

>> No.43559093

All of the problems listed in the replies here are reasons why /vt/ should never have been created

>> No.43559169

/vtg/ fucking when

>> No.43559176

Not the anon you replied to but what's the difference if you don't mind me asking.

>> No.43559254


>> No.43559395
File: 697 KB, 875x709, file_(1) (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no "Parasocial problem"
You watch chuubas because you WANT the parasocial feelings. This is what normalniggers fail to understand. Without parasociality ASMR wouldnt exist, Gura would not exist, and hololive/nijisanji would never make any money. The only chuubas that can get away with being popular outside of parasociality are the ones that attempt to appeal to fanbases OUTSIDE of chuubing like SOME nonHomo male chuubas and pippa
Nothing can change this. Any chuuba that tries to eliminate parasocial people from their audience loses viewers. Any chuuba that plays into it, like gura, only gains from it.

>> No.43559408
File: 3.67 MB, 480x480, but why prob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But, why is it a problem, exactly?

>> No.43559537
File: 59 KB, 604x340, 1654806006965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vtuber industry is based on idol culture
The state of this board

>> No.43559542


>> No.43559635
File: 29 KB, 477x414, T9TzyMfDuHKXyZVrNu4pWzDwYafSCgrVJjjMKxVRXR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfags had no problem engaging in parasocial relationships for years until someone put a name to them and even then they lack the bare minimum level of introspection to actually think about their own behaviour instead of just just lashing out at le cringe weebshit

>> No.43559731

>he doesn't know VTubing is a natural evolution of reiko girls, which were an extension of geisha

>> No.43559759

Gachikoi: essentially celebrity crush, in love with your oshi, gosling, etc
Unicorn: males are a no-no
You of course can be both a gachikoi and a unicorn (and often they are), but you can certainly be a gachikoi without being a unicorn and viceversa.

>> No.43559823

A lot of this would depend, I would think, on the specific mental structure of the person you are talking about, so that would be case-by-case; like, anxiety about certain physiological details. In general, the vtuber consists in maintaining a separation from their personal self, that is, the existence of this as form social connectivity is dependent on the personal self and model-self being distinct, and this is also why fans, personally, need to always remain at some distance. So, if someone dissolves that difference by showing their face, they only weaken the intensity of the parasociality; they also risk reverting back to mere "celebrity" status (the one-on-one character is eroded), and dispensing with their model-self entirely or otherwise making it unessential. As for the last bit, that is just because they very strongly identify with their model-self, it is real for them -- the parasociality runs both ways.

>> No.43559828

No, unicorn is much more restrictive of a definition. Unicorns ATTACK their oshi, like the myth if a non-virgin attempts to ride them.

>> No.43559877

This. If you don't know what a reiko girl is, then you have zero credentials to even be talking on this subject.

>> No.43560002

The concept of vtuber doesn't fucking allow for real parasocial behaviour, the viewers DON'T KNOW shit about the vtuber real life, we don't know how they look, we are not exposed to their real life, their relantionships with friends, family and lovers, vtubers are barely seen as humans.

>> No.43560639

Unironically this. Countless examples of fans going to the homes of streamers because they're under the impression that they're actually friends.

>> No.43561087

retard, having a stance has nothing to do with sperging out like a monkey

>> No.43561095

He's going to watch the Coco yab video

>> No.43561238

indeed, even if many unicorns DO sperg out like monkeys, being a unicorn doesn't inherently mean you will.

>> No.43561244

I think you might notice a significant drop in posts if that were to happen across the board. Probably not here though.

>> No.43561374

there's significant crossover though
if you're just saying 'gachikoi are in love no matter what' which is true for some fans then every point you make thereafter is meaningless, there is no 'encouraging' or 'discouraging' them
the only way you could appeal to them as a group then, is to appeal to the ones that care about getting 'cheated' on

>> No.43561407

Wait depressed nousagi still makes videos? And people watch them?

Even after he pay walled dox?

>> No.43561460

sure, that's better put

>> No.43561639
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No, it will become the /v/ split all over again with /kpop/ /twitchstreamers/ /ticktocthots/ and /coomer/

Your cause is just, but your method is flawed.

>> No.43561691

>there is no 'encouraging' or 'discouraging' them
i'd argue doing fanservice like lovey-dovey ASMR, membership content where you dump your emotions into chat, singing romantic love songs in karaokes, fake date streams, etc. can be seen as "encouraging". i mean, just look at how many "goslings" ame has (not saying she does ALL of that, mind you), and she's definitely not unicorn friendly.

>> No.43561786

No, he left. Asmongold just found out about him though, which is equivalent to him making a new video.

>> No.43562055
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>She said my username, it's a real relationship!

>> No.43562092

It amazes me how Depressed Nousagi was so moronic to do what he did with the whole Patreon thing. He completely missed the point on why people watch Vtubers. Complete and utter lack of self-awareness. Now he is missing out on an spotlight opportunity by one of the bigger streamers on Twitch and use it to grow his channel, sort of like what happened to Pippa.

>> No.43562232

I don't know how clearly you can say she's "definitely not unicorn friendly" either, if you consider her general stance and how she limits her involvement with males, but that's another discussion
Now, Ame aside your point still stands, certainly a chuuba can do GFE stuff while also interacting with males, so yes, the distinction can be made. It still doesn't change the fact that there's overlap though, and that male interaction will still chase off a good number of gachikoi

>> No.43562278

Kill yourself

>> No.43562411

absolutely, but that was already addressed here: >>43559759. people are very often both, but i wanted to clarify they're technically not the same.

>> No.43562575
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fuck off

>> No.43562657

Vtubers themselves are parasocial with their fans. This never gets brought up but it's way more unhealthy to be parasocial with fans than vice versa

>> No.43562663

Get your fleshtuber garbage and the doxxer out of the board.

>> No.43562778

My oshi Jerma invited me to dinner with his family once

>> No.43562817

dsp fans are even more parasocial he somehow has people still donating to him for a literal DECADE

>> No.43562831

>sudden "male collabs" mention when nobody else mentioned it
Holy mother of rent free...

>> No.43562851

Well, he DID jerk off on stream...

>> No.43562939
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>tfw my oshi will never masturbate on stream

>> No.43563005

YWNBAW Tempissister

>> No.43563017

>ass mong old

>> No.43563092

I'm not watching some youtube video about it but I have thought about this. Vtubers have the idealistic fantasy appeal of anime waifus, but the fact that they're also real people expands the fantasy into reality, so a lonely person could be deluding themselves into thinking there's a nonzero chance they can marry the anime shark girl, or at least the person behind the model. Much more than an anime character or some dirty fleshtuber I think the combination can be more dangerous to someone who's not quite mentally well. This is why I have a hard time respecting vtubers who really lean into GFE content.

>> No.43563399


>> No.43563418

The entire reason they're CALLED unicorns is EXACTLY because of that, dipshit.

>> No.43563473

But that's wrong faggot.

>> No.43563503

But it isn't wrong. Why are they called unicorns? Take a wild guess. It's not the oshi being called a unicorn, moron.

>> No.43563551

Incels deserve to lose all their money and die alone so I deeply respect the vtubers who prey on society's failures

>> No.43563556

The funniest part was his chat being shocked that male vtubers can also make a shit ton of money (Vox clip).

>> No.43563612

Ame is different. She did a lot of that stuff when it was still early on and was in a different head space than she was today. It's why people meme on her for being "true gfe"
I mean she didn't even do anything for valentines today this year (and before you come up with a cope, if Gura could manage a date stream so could Ame)
I wouldn't use her as the example for this sort of thing. Her goslings are still holding on to 2020-2021 Ame.

>> No.43563615

False, unicorn chads are hyper masculine and kind. Only faggots and other women reee at women.

>> No.43563718

I seriously hate you gaslighting tourist faggots.

>> No.43563776

I agree that parasociality is more common with vtubers but i do not agree that it is a problem, the vtubers who have parasocial fans earn way more money and the fans who are parasocial love it

>> No.43563813
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>False, unicorn chads are hyper masculine and kind. Only faggots and other women reee at women

>> No.43563824

everyone in that chat is parasocial
they may not be as committed as gachikoi, but they're still interacting with a screen and the streamer doesn't know anything about them
as for muh false equivalence, and 'b-but i don't donate a bunch of money and want to marry her', well now we're just talking about how intense the parasociality is, and everything becomes subjective
at that point you can't criticize it because it's not your place to say how beneficial or harmful it is to the individual, there are plenty of people happy with the situation and not bothering others, and certainly the streamer gets some benefit from it
the fact that holoJP is operating fine is proof that their criticisms don't play out as negatively as they think they would
honestly these vids and the reactions to them say more about those with self-righteous takes than anything else

>> No.43563866

It's true.

>> No.43563926
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>It's true.

>> No.43563937

Just like drugs
There's using it one pill per day to keep you going
And there's chucking down three boxes because the big titty girl on the other side of the screen call your username that one time

>> No.43564008

your definition is fucking stupid and impractical
non-subhuman unicorns just leave the second they see a male interaction like a notification or anything, it has nothing to do with shitting the floor like a monkey

>> No.43564012


>legalizing marijuana, giving out fresh needles, and allowing cocaine use?

>cartoon girls saying your name?

Westoids. Not even once.

>> No.43564013


>> No.43564137

please don't be retarded and use "parasocial relationships" instead of "parasocialism"

>> No.43564306
File: 1.95 MB, 720x404, Every streamer is parasocial[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fndn32p.ogg].webm .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't stand parasocial feelings in this hobby, get the fuck out. You are not welcome. Regardless of whether you're a viewer or a streamer. Just get the fuck out and never come back.

>> No.43564343

Yeah but the former have no issue using the latter's talking point if it fits their agenda
Again, Nazi bar analogy need not apply

>> No.43564407

Holy virgin subhuman rage. You must really want to kill yourself every passing day knowing how much of a pathetic "person" you are.

>> No.43564415

>He have never seen a doxxpost
Bless you anon, bless your pure heart, please keep it that way

>> No.43564440

The tranny is projecting. Go attack more VTubers.

>> No.43564465

Ok Gabe

>> No.43564521

Based CHADsmongold giving parasocial retards a mental breakdown

>> No.43564529

the intentionally do not want an /incel/ - Internet Celebrities board for obvious reasons

>> No.43564551
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Are you sure you wanna play this game sister?

>> No.43564555

I said DOESN'T sperg out, are you mentally deficient?

>> No.43564667

Honestly don't even need a doxxpost desu. This guy is kidding himself if he thinks some of the ENs don't throw out parasocial bait. Gura talks about her family all the time and Mumei can barely go a single stream without talking about her health issues or how college is going.

>> No.43564678
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>> No.43564759

>American cannot think about anything other than stimulants

>> No.43564787

The video did. It kept going on about why hololive vtubers should able to collab with tempus but can't because of the idol stick.

>> No.43564806

Yes I'm sure everyone watching pasty balding manchild #1142 react to clips is not a fucking loser using him as a surrogate friend. Unless the streamer is displaying a talent or skill, like being a musician or an intellectual, chances are any viewers watching are in a .... parasocial relationship.

>> No.43564817


>> No.43564861


>> No.43564892

>chances are any viewers watching are in a .... parasocial relationship

>> No.43564971

The man is self-admitted parasite who cares about nothing aside from the "current trend" and just want to be famous.

Besides having one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen, his character proves he's nothing more than a massive manchild. Theres clips of him literally having tempaer tantrums on stream.

With as little respect I have for the average poster /here/, I have infinitely less for fucking "asmongold".

>> No.43564979

>wife beating druggie
Wait, did McConnel do that?

>> No.43565069

Cope. No-ones attacking vtubers. They're attacking pathetic "men" like you who unironically develop feelings for them because you're bondless and have 5% of ever interacting nor being with a woman.

>> No.43565208

>No-ones attacking streamers. They're attacking pathetic "fans" like you who unironically develop feelings for them because you're bondless and have 5% of ever interacting nor being with a human.
I wonder where I've heard this before.

>> No.43565246

Somewhat a follow-up to a video done two weeks ago:
Basically that parasocial works both ways; with the streamer and their viewers, which he admits.

>> No.43565251
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'Parasociality' is exactly what makes livestreaming in general - and virtual streamers in particular - more attractive as a medium in the first place, compared to more passive mediums like television or newsprint.

Fucking dumbasses.

>> No.43565277


>> No.43565317 [DELETED] 


>> No.43565332

No decent man will ever touch your pissflaps, roastie. All good men have found salvation in virtual wives. Keep malding.

>> No.43565492

Here, I'll tell you why without needing a THIRTY FIVE GODDAMN MINUTE VIDEO:
Because vtuber fans have the ability, however miniscule, to actually interact with the target if their parasocialism.

>> No.43565547

*hides thread*

>> No.43565597

>currently attacking Mori, Gura, Silvervale, and the other VWhores
>n-n-no one is-is doing it that's a r-right wing psy-psyop
Fuck off already.

>> No.43565835

28:00 of the video tranny

>> No.43565980

Anyone want a Bullet point of the video
>Nousagi talks about how most parasocialism isn't bad but helpful and that 3d streamers have it just as much as Vtubers.

Asmon instead makes some take about how Nousagi is technically correct but because of Memes when people hear parasocial they think weirdos and stalkers so he is wrong.

>Nousagi talks about how streamers can parasocial too

Asmon immediately insults streamers who make alt accounts to destress. Ignores people pointing out he did exactly that.

>Nousagi says while 3d streamers have just as much parasocialism, Vtubers are more likely to go off the deep end because they intentionally cultivate it a lot of the time and because they're real life anime characters.

Makes fun of everyone who falls in love with a vtuber or wants to date one/anime character as a creep and a weirdo.

>Talks about Vox and Rushia drama

Asmon calls her Russia then goes on to talk about how both are crazy and it was kind of their fault. I don't think he knows Rushia is now apart of Ironmouse group He doesn't know Silvervale and Froot are
Afterwards he just gave is usual take that vtubers should not reason with parasocial fans and should ban every single one. Ignoring that it would literally cost them thousands to tens of thousands of dollars since the most likely to be banned by his logic are the whales who dump thousands of dollars.
He also mentioned that he comes /here/ and /pol/ to laugh at the "zoo" and take pictures to show to emiru.

>> No.43566199

I think people who watch reaction videos are those with the biggest issues. They end up losing the ability to form opinions of their own and just copy paste everything their favorite e-celebs says straight into their head without any critical reflection. Since they often have multiple e-celebs they listen to they often end up absorbing totally contradictory views and opinion. This is like the point of no return. The contradictory views can not be compressed into knowledge, so they remain only as memories. Their brains become more like that of an animal: only serving to trigger emotional responses when you experience similar events in the future. The animal brain can not understand, it can only react, hence reaction videos becomes the only possible source of information they can proccess beyond their own experience, and they're stuck like this forever.

>> No.43566219

>Oh behave! This 'jak's really not pulling any punches when it comes to his "habit". Yes yes, oh my. Yes! Yes! Yes! This 'jak shakes what his mom gave him! Nothing wrong with a little junk in the "trunk". Shake that bubble butt! Oh my! This 'jak doesn't "burn any bridges" does he! He'll "present" for any cock he deems fit to pump him full of "seed". Sneed's Feed and Seed! This 'jak is fucking and sucking all of the opposing nutjaks raiding the ridge. Oh my, he's nuts! Well I'll be, it's pinejak! There's no mistaking that supple rump, those ravenous eyes, that gorrila-grip bussy, and of course, the ever-present gang of melonjaks "having their way" with him. No slutjak can compete with pinejak. No-sir-ee! Wait, do my eyes deceive me? Is that a coconutjak making its way up onto the ridge! Well I'll be! Just look at the size of that things "member". No fruitjak could even dream of "swallowing" that much meat. But wait! It seems pinejak wants to "take it on"! But there's no way! He'd die if he were to take that much "protein". Oh my, even pine-"slutjak"-jak seems intimidated by the size of this coconutjaks "appendage". Could this be the end of pinejaks legacy? ODINS BEARD, IT'S SLIDING IN! Just look at the little sissy-slutjaks face as that monster slides into his bussy, he can barely take it. But wait, he's still "going in". Halfway... three-quarters, WELL I'LL BE, PINEJAK HAS DONE IT AGAIN. Oh my, it seems the melonjaks want in on the fun. This slutjaks achievements is one for the books that's for sure! SKIBBITY BOP BOP! THIS 'JAK IS A HARLOT! A HUSSY! A SLUT! A WHORE!
Great Scott, he's faster than Usain Bolt! But he's not running in the Olympics, he's running after those dick pics! Yes yes, I wiretapped his phone. Slutjak over here has hundreds, no, THOUSANDS, of pictures of other fruitjak's crotch areas! Happy Halloween! What a collector he is! His moist bussy has truly "been around" yes it has!
Pinejak's been a slutjak for as long as soidueling has existed.

>> No.43566261
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Stop posting Asmongold videos you shilling fucktard.

>> No.43566270

Thank God then that streamers are still even to this day not actually famous. It's funny because they and their viewers are in such a bubble from spending so much time in the hobby, but outside of it no one knows who the fuck any of these people are or why they should care about them. I'll enjoy living to see Asmongold and all these other arrogant fuckers fade into irrelevancy just like all their predecessors.

>> No.43566290

Froot drama deflection thread.

>> No.43566418

fuck off trannytourist

>> No.43566419

That's old him. New him is worse. He is a self admitted loser who had ruined his life and was contemplating suicide before he got big with his wow streams.
Now that he got a lot of money and pulled a bunch of other streamers to his corner he just turned off his donations and began spouting pro Streamer anti viewer rhetoric. It would not be a problem if he still kept to himself. But now that he doesn't have to worry about money he has been more hostile to both viewers and other content creators that don't conform to his standards.

>> No.43566509

also buy my Valentine Day ring :)

>> No.43566535

>source: I made it up in my head

>> No.43566643

people acting like all parasocial interaction is the same when they're guilty of schizo shit hilarious

>> No.43566645

Gura knows it works both ways.
She often tells chat, "Without you, there would be no me."
