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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4345803 No.4345803 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Where it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibly. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you. Remember to do your research before providing personally identifying information to companies online!

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

What can I find some good games to stream?

Twitch or Youtube?
Multistream to both.

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/2mkc8x9P

Stay grounded, stay hopeful. Don't kill yourself yet

Previous thread: >>4281800

>> No.4346762

dead thread just like our streams

>> No.4346922

A slow thread is better than chatter for chatters sake. Have patience, there's always work to be done.

>> No.4347130

We are doing our reps!
Do you have a topic you want to discuss? How about best practices for stream preparation.
I saw someone using a script on a word doc the other day. I use notes in a physical notebook but I think I'll use the doc to for specific phrases and consistent branding.

>> No.4347168

I’ve been down the YouTube tutorial hole and it hit me: being an online entertainer is like being a freelance writer. Or a fanfic writer really. So, if you wanna do good with your streams and videos, sharpen your writing and communication skills first and foremost. At the end of the day, you are trying to deliver some kind of information to the viewer, even if it’s comedy.

>> No.4347216

>trying to deliver some kind of information to the viewer
yeah, this is what people mean when they say that your content needs to provide some "value" to your viewers.
>cute girl doing cute things making cute noises
>highly skilled gameplay
>educational tidbits of information
>musical talent (instruments or singing)
>insightful life advice
>comedy and levity

>> No.4347269

There’s a neat video on that

>> No.4347828
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This is my standards for logos, my picks based on your post.

Call it harsh, but that's that's the reality of things.

>> No.4348664

the ones you picked are most readable from far away, which makes for good logos

>> No.4348802

They are also most readable even when shrunk and put in the corner of your OBS layout.

>> No.4348864

Should be a part of the OP that you will 100% be talking to 1 or 2 viewers for at least a couple weeks
It never improves if you whine about it or don't network with others

>> No.4349197

if anyone has /asp/ discord inv link please send to pipyo#0707 ;w; i just wana make friends aaaaaah

>> No.4349831

the more you ask the more desperate you look
Become a vchatter /vtweeter and make friends naturally

>> No.4349844
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Stream first so people know you're for real. Then ask someone of whom you believe to be on there for a link. If you're not a doofus you'll maybe get in.

This is not a sure way but it got a higher chance of succeeding than begging in the stream.

>> No.4349879

*begging in the thread

>> No.4350602

Why are you so desperate? You haven't even posted anything about yourself. If I was the owner I would not be handing out links until you stop being a creep.

>> No.4352019
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Hey guys, ILLREVIEWANYTHING here. I'm gonna play an old Dreamcast on stream right now. If you guys wanna play, it's multiplayer. I'll put a link to the download in chat if someone asks. We can collab real quick, just like that. If you wanna come watch and hang out, here's the link :


>> No.4352235

Your games are good and you clearly have an understanding on art, but the weird model filters me super hard. Hope you'll make it though.

>> No.4352537

Is Dead By Daylight a buff or de-buff game? I only just remembered it existed because of the new killer reveal, and I’m thinking it could be a fun thing to play weekly. Do people prefer watching killers or survivor more? Do I have to be pro at it to actually be worth watching?

>> No.4352641

Being pro level at it will give another reason to watch, but you still have to be entertaining regardless. I mean, Gura just did a DBD stream yesterday (or the day before, I forget) and I enjoyed it, but that was because of Gura not the game.

>> No.4354344
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Getting a new model at the end of june. Thanks much though!

>> No.4354458
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Why is being groomed bad? Doesn't it just mean being supported?

>> No.4354802

Groomed implies someones manipulating you to act a certain way, or grow into something they want. So you're being supported, but as a method of control.

>> No.4355541

Groomers don’t want to see you grow. They actively just want to make you depend on them for your happiness. That’s not support it’s sabotage.

>> No.4355969

Hey, I've previously done some streams before using a VRoid, but abandoned it after about a dozen bad interactions between me and other creators. I'm just about done the new model from scratch, but I realize that nearly all of my followers are either F4F or other creators - how should I properly shill my new appearance once it's ready?

>> No.4356040

Opinions between switching your normal channel into a vtuber-character focused one (old audience knows who you are, you do start with already made connections and public) or start from zero (avoid dox, keep old channel for whatever, build your own character, but you have to start connections and new public from scratch)?

>> No.4356214

Just make a post and tag it with the vtuber tags.
This is a very common thing to do, especially like a year or so. Maybe delete your clips with your face in them if you’re worried about it but aloooot of streamers just transferred over. Like bat for one!

>> No.4356322

Hello friends,

Some of us have set up a discord server for prospective and current vtubers from here:


Invites are limited

>> No.4357449

For using vtube studio, is there any 'preferred' version of iphone to use or just any of them that have FaceID? I don't know if any of the tech is better if you go newer phones or if I should just grab an iphone X for my camera.

>> No.4357738


Thanks a lot for the example! seeing others do so like bat is kinda pushing me to switch that way. Main issue I'm thinking is me playing fighting games so sometimes I appear with my nickname on stream during offline tournaments. I honestly don't care about people knowing my face but I wouldn't want it to "break the kayfabe" behind the character I wanna be. I don't wanna be another "let's have a vtube model on stream but we all know who it is behind the character".

Maybe make my character's name similar enough to my current one so old mutuals know it's me but don't relate it to an irl person? Just enter offline stuff with a different name? Know any cases of vtubers like this?

>> No.4358565

>Maybe make my character's name similar enough to my current one so old mutuals know it's me but don't relate it to an irl person?
it's not very opsec, but this is what I'm doing

>> No.4358825

Any that has FaceID, or one of the iPods with the same hardware I believe.

>> No.4359409

Most people I know who want the FaceID tracking just go for a secondhand iPhone X, I haven't heard about the technology being so much noticably better with iPhone 12.

Although if you're new to streaming I would highly recommend buying a cheap webcam if you don't have one already and use that, the webcam isn't as good as FaceID but it's good enough. This hobby isn't worth so much to drop $1k on the newest model of iPhone, without a good foundation at least.

>> No.4359946

> This hobby isn't worth so much to drop $1k on the newest model of iPhone, without a good foundation at least.
You can get refurb unlocked iphone X's for way under that price. And I'm already dropping like $4k+ for my live2d model so another $300-500 for the 'webcam' isn't too much more than that. The major concern is I'm mulling over buying a new PC as well. Mine is getting older, and I'd like to have a separate PC to put in the spare bedroom and use that as my 'streaming office'.

>> No.4360525

So now that it's been out for awhile is there a consensus on vtubestudio vs prprlive vs facerig if you're using a webcam?

>> No.4360790

>And I'm already dropping like $4k+ for my live2d model so another $300-500 for the 'webcam' isn't too much more than that.
That's fair but the price for Live2D makes or breaks your model. A terrible $100 model won't get you anywhere do you kinda have to pay the higher end prices for quality, but when it comes to tracking there isn't enough of a noticable difference

you can see a comparison of different price ranges here, if I were you I would use that money towards a PC before an iPhone

>> No.4361059

Interesting, but I may do it regardless, we shall see. Don't worry too much about my financial situation, I'm not getting into vtubing as an effort to make money, I'm doing it purely because I have a specific type of content/streaming I want to do. I can pick up this stuff and if I never make a cent off of it, no skin off my back.

>> No.4361914
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Alright I bit the bullet & recorded a vocaroo, so please rate my voice does it sound ok?

>> No.4362011

You need a better audio setup is what's going on

>> No.4362318

Voice isn't anything to worry about, Vocaroo implemented some automatic gain adjustment and background noise suppression recently that really fuck up audio quality unless you turn them off so it's not really an accurate representation of what you'd hear on stream.


>> No.4362353

Not them but that sounds like a pretty important thing to know.

>> No.4362379

>Rigger I want is open to coms but is so swamped that my model will be finished in November
I have an idea of making my own model with a completely new design and have a cheaper but quicker rig done on it. That way I have something to stream with, since I don’t want to start streaming without live2D and don’t want my actual model going through multiple rigs. The idea is that my current character will go away on a journey or something and this new character will take over their place for a little bit. Does that sound like it would work? I thought it could be a fun idea, especially since I have an itch to design a new Vtuber and try my hand at making a model. Can probably give away or sell the design once I’m done using it.

>> No.4362419

Awful for your plans to be honest.
Go for a viking or something instead. You're Scottish and it's too obvious.
Also get a de-esser.

>> No.4362471

>The idea is that my current character will go away on a journey or something and this new character will take over their place for a little bit
You should do it so you waste money and are even worse competition than you'd be otherwise.

>> No.4362510
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update on the floofy hair model from last thread
the asking price is officially €800 (Euro) total

>> No.4362638

Yeah, might be a good idea to put something like "if you want to post a vocaroo, make sure to turn off their background noise suppression and automatic gain control (click the little gear icon) for the closest thing to your on-stream audio" or something.

>> No.4362682

Seconded regarding the audio setup.
But from what I can hear your voice is quite nice and I'd like to hear more of it. Your accent is cool, there's nothing stopping you from being a cute scottish anime guy, unless you're trying to be a child or something.

>> No.4362697

Thanks for the feedback, I tried changing some settings so hopefully it sounds better but I don't hear a difference

>> No.4362774

Thought so. I don’t really care about the money going into it nor am I trying to get popular, but I guess those who currently support me wouldn’t enjoy it too much.

>> No.4362833

you sound like you're talking into a tupperware or something, if you've already adjusted the vocaroo settings then chances are you need to look at your mic or at least your audio settings
I'd suggest recording in OBS or a DAW if you have one and uploading it to catbox instead

>> No.4363218

thank you very much, it's good to know that it isn't as bad as I think it is
it may as well be, I'm just going to have to get a new mic thanks anyways

>> No.4363278

Sounds fine to me, but that might be only because it sounds just like my setup

>> No.4365346

VTube Studio seems to be the best one for now. With PrprLive next. Facerig is deprecated and no longer support. The developers of Facerig came out with Animaze, which has received mixed reviews.

>> No.4365362

NTA but I didn't know about de-essers and I need one badly. Anybody know of a good OBS-compatible one? I can find a solution using Reaper, but it doesn't work with the OBS plugins since they don't have Parameter Modulation.
I've tried messing with the Liteon de-esser but I can't find any tutorials on how to use it.

>> No.4369608

If my webcam is just the webcam built into my computer, should I consider investing in a better one, or will it get the job donw? I'm not doing 3d, I'm just doing basic upper body movement for a 2d model.

>> No.4371626
File: 1.68 MB, 1800x3272, monita 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to design my chuuba, a frankenstein monster. I used old horror movie posters as inspiration because i want to get that vintage feel to it but i am not happy with the result. Can i get some advice, please?

>> No.4371917

not sure what "vintage feel" you're going for because that looks like a generic zombie type vtuber

>> No.4372203

The green is too dark and uggo, if you're going for vintage then I recommend more puffy than straight, mismatched clothes doesn't make sense as people aren't buried with clothes locked to their body if you're going to do clothes then just go for the grey gothic with some pop to it color (mostly the 60-80s), stitches on the sock are weird, more arm/upper arm less on face, the nose bandaid is kinda weird for the character and if you were going to do stitches do it there, belt color throws off the clothes sync.

>> No.4372385

So I wanted to give you advice, but I have no art experience whatsoever. Instead, I asked a friend of mine who is an artist and this is the advice/comments he had to give on the design:
>Too many colors
>I couldn't see that she had a tie at first. The lightning doesnt blends into the left side of the shirt
>Have the different colored skin cover more of the head and face
>Break up and shorten the pigtails a little so they dont end right where the arms are
>The lightning ahoge is cute. I like that
>I think the problem I have with the colors rn is they just feel like ketchup and mustard
>The nose shape is also cute and different

Hope at least some of it is useful. Best of luck.

>> No.4372435

Anyone have experience using a blue snowball mic? Decent enough?

>> No.4372466

it's an okay cheapo USB mic

>> No.4372610
File: 1.74 MB, 1800x3272, monita 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old movie posters use very bright yellow and red, tried to pick up colors from it
thanks i tried to apply some of the advice. The clothing is something i am still thinking about, i am not really good at making clothes.

>> No.4372630

this looks like the same thing almost

>> No.4372649

do you need that many random blocks of colors?

>> No.4372687

i changed the most off putting thing that was the skin, it will take some time to come up with some decent clothing design

>> No.4372761

>want to karaoke
>live with parents

>> No.4373077

eternal suffering. i have so many songs i want to sing, but my house is NEVER empty.......

>> No.4373491

Sing even louder. Assert dominance.

>> No.4373579

>want to karaoke
>shit singer

>> No.4373645


>> No.4373746

if buffcorrell can make an entire youtube channel singing covers like like then you can do your karaoke stream goddammit

>> No.4373773

Jesus christ this place really is just reddit.

>> No.4373791

what did you expect?

>> No.4373855

Point fucking taken.

>> No.4374168

Rent free

>> No.4374532

and for some reason the vtweeters are terrified of this place

>> No.4375045

Whether you get any viewers initially is 99% pure luck.

>> No.4376359

Definitely a improvement. It doesn't look baby shit green now, although maybe try the swaping the secondary and primary skin colors? You want bright happy colors whenever possible. Try ditching the tie and try a short puff armed dress, add some c and ( like lines to the hair to show the fluffiness, the eye color doesn't really fit imo but no idea how to fix it.

>> No.4376679

>Dead by Daylight
Oversaturated, find some other game, there are a couple of sales on Steam right now.

>> No.4376820

Would you watch a mute chuuba if they communicated through text like Vampoyo and Corpse?

>> No.4377089

do most people take down their debut streams after a few months? I just wanna watch people's past debuts, but every time I go to check their twitch or youtube, there's nothing despite other videos being archived

>> No.4377099

Zentraya does speech to text to speech and she does pretty well for herself. It's not impossible to make it work.

>> No.4377150

I used to watch Whisper back when they were mute in VRChat. Part of his charm was the fact he expressed lots of his emotions through facial and body movement, and I found that way more expressive and visually stimulating than other mutes.

Text alone is boring, so I don't really watch Corpse, and Zentreya's TTS is just not that entertaining or charming. If you are going to go text, unless you have a stellar avatar or other mute-related gimmick to make communication easier and more interesting, I personally would probably avoid you.

>> No.4377338

Thanks. Guess I'll use a voice changer.

>> No.4378170

See also: Comdost.

>> No.4378463

try using your current webcam and see if you think the tracking works any good. if it cuts out a lot and doesn't pick up you face well, it might be worth getting a $20~50 webcam

>> No.4378994

Whatever happened to the anon shopping for logos? Did he get a wake up call on what a good logo is?

>> No.4379058

Limit colors to maximum of 3, mostly.

>> No.4384067

I've never dived back to other people's archives to see but I'd assume if you can't find them they either never did a debut or were embarrassed by it

>> No.4384892

Political debate bro

>> No.4384948

nothing can force you to get viewers, you just have to be good at streaming consistently and then get lucky to have an audience while you're streaming
only way is to stop being salty (your viewers can 100% tell you're not a good actor btw) and have fun, without forcing yourself to the point your quality degrades

>> No.4385025

You're not actually as funny as you think you are.

>> No.4385629
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The skin is definitely a lot better, but as someone else said, it's about cuteness first if you're trying to be a cute girl. Frankenstein is a bit of a monstrosity, so you might have to make drastic changes to achieve that cuteness.
Also, speaking as a designer, you may want to do more research into why certain things are made the way they are so you can have a clearer idea of how to implement them. Many of those old posters you use as inspiration had a lot of yellow due to the cheapness of the paper, and red was a good highlight next to the yellow among the darker colors that were used with the rest of the paper, so it may be worth trying out yellow as a secondary color instead of evenly spreading everything out, and red as a highlight amongst multiple parts.
If I can make a more drastic suggestion though, having the twin tails come down from the bolts on the sides would be super cool.

>> No.4386970

can you give us a greyscale version of the design? the clashing colors are way too distracting and i don't even know what's going on with the outfit

>> No.4387418
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don't know if this is a style that anyone is looking for, but it popped up on a twitter search for commissions. they're opening up tomorrow. it's more western than anime.

>> No.4388614

How do I karaoke if I'm just a pngtuber? It feels really awkward just putting my png front and center and all it's doing is lighting up and opening its mouth.

>> No.4388839

Enlighten me! Will I get into DMCA-hell if I playback old Touhou-flashes? Neko Miko Reimu. Marisa Stole the Precious Thing. Over a decade old at this point.

Maybe you can put in a spectogram or something?

>> No.4388893

>Will I get into DMCA-hell if I playback old Touhou-flashes? Neko Miko Reimu. Marisa Stole the Precious Thing. Over a decade old at this point.
As far as I know, those are all like Japanese 'public domain' songs (don't quote me on this, I'm just an anon, not a japanese copyright lawyer). I don't think any record label has registered those Touhou songs as their works (which is how YouTube and Twitch search/flag your content).

But if there are other videos out there with the songs intact, you should be fine, since the system isn't flagging it. I think Twitch is fine as long as you delete the VOD immediately after your stream. Meat from /wvt/ (and a bunch of other indies) did a karaoke stream a couple of weeks back and it was fine.

>> No.4389508

Thank you. That calms me down.
I find the switching between waiting screen and actual stream awkward so a short little flash, one or two minutes, would do the trick.

>> No.4389554

YMMV but I'm just going to hold off on actual karaoke streams until I get my rigged model. However, that doesn't mean that you have to completely hold off on any and all music content until you get your rigging done, I'm planning on posting short singing clips to Twitter in the meantime. No idea what the numbers on that will be like just yet but it's an option if you're interested.

>> No.4389713

Well, I decided to do some local recording with a youtube video and my microphone. I'm not going live but I'm still getting nervous. Listening to myself is also really painful.

>> No.4389984

God damn, I sound so fake.

>> No.4390821

>looking to get live 2d art
>90% of artists only do cute girls/femboys
>male artists only do ikemen or gay bara furries
being a muscleman was a mistake... i just want to break out of the png, bros.....

>> No.4390865
File: 260 KB, 1732x1901, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going live again, gonna play some StarSector if you guys wanna come hang out.

>> No.4390881

Should be some non-furry bara artists, I know I found one though I got in right under the buzzer and they aren't taking on new work for a bit after.

>> No.4390911

could you give me a name? even if they arent taking comms at the moment. anything.

>> No.4390914

gotta go shopping for the coming week so I can't tune in, but I hope you have a great stream, friend.

>> No.4391048

Aw, that's super sweet, thanks you anon

>> No.4391068

gay alien thanks you for the kind words

>> No.4391214



I feel like my voice isn't high or cute enough to match a vtuber

>> No.4391227


>> No.4391314

I think your voice and character presentation has a lot of appeal and potential. The main kicker is that even despite the sound quality being shit because of vocaroo scuff, your voice itself still is appealing; with better audio settings/audio setup, you could do really well

>> No.4391330

awesome, thanks. even if they arent doing any more for a month maybe i can find some other artists through them.

>> No.4391430

cute / 10

>> No.4391840

Another Twitch/YT question.
I've been thinking of eventually making the transition over to Twitch, since I currently stream on YT. I've talked to a couple of my regulars and they said they'd be cool with the idea, but something else has happened that threw a bit of a wrench in that plan.
Recently I've actually started getting a couple of JP subs/viewers, and while I haven't really asked them about it directly since they haven't been around nearly as long I get the impression that they probably aren't attached enough to follow me to Twitch. I've actually really wanted to try and get a slice of the JP audience since the early stages of planning my general content direction, so this honestly feels like I'm starting to actually be able to work towards that more.
If it matters, I'm also planning on doing zatsudan and karaoke streams after debut, as well as song cover uploads; I'm mostly worried about copyright since I know カラオケ歌っちゃ王 has some sort of copyright agreement with YT and "etc.", but doesn't specifically mention Twitch.

>> No.4391998

Moving platforms is always gonna leave people behind, and japan doesn't really use twitch all that much comparatively. Also, Twitch's DMCA/copyright stuff is an absolute clusterfuck, but it also seems like publishers aren't working with them on that subject so partially its out of their hands. Karaoke may be a pain in the ass on Twitch, though you can get rights to individual songs (but you'd have to pay for them). For cover uploads you'd still want to use YouTube anyway since twitch isn't really the place for longterm pre-made video uploads.

Twitch's stream moderation tools are really nice though, I do know that much. Not sure what YT has in that regards.

>> No.4392372

Just curious, why do you want to switch to begin with?

>> No.4392617

Yeah, the main thing is that I know that Twitch is much less popular in Japan and AFAIK pretty much all of the JP vtubers I see on Twitch are probably there because they want to grow an English-speaking audience.
My original thought process is that if I stick with YT, then all of my content will be in accessible from location instead of spread out across two different services.

Vtuber tag sounds like it would make discovery somewhat easier, and 99% of the people I've been talking to have been saying that Twitch makes growth much easier. Fuyumi Toba started restreaming on Twitch and YT recently too and she seems to clearly want to make the switch, probably because of numbers and analytics. Raids would also be a nice benefit in terms of visibility, and YT doesn't have that at all.
But then I see people like Randon who are clearly making it despite the YT "debuff" so it just swings me back into doubting again

>> No.4392818

I prefer twitch streaming myself, but its pretty standard to also have a YT channel you upload VODs and other videos to.

>> No.4393282

Sounds smol and genki, very cute

>> No.4393898

Fair warning that a voice changer is also a hard pass for a lot of people unless you invest a lot in making it sound ok.

>> No.4394137

Good voice but you should dial the whacky down a little. Definitely something I'd listen to besides that though.

>> No.4394200

It's just a pitch shift since I don't want my voice to be out there too much.

>> No.4394321

No such thing as 'out there too much'.

>> No.4394983

Where can I find copyright free lofi bgm? I already look the resources, but I didn't like it too much tho, sorry (?)

>> No.4395515

Every time I sing, I feel like I have to go over the top with my singing (which sounds super fake) but if I don't, I can't hit the notes I'm going for. What do?

>> No.4395546

Beyond having general anonymity you don't really need to be that concerned with opsec unless you're a company looking to get away with under crediting your workers. Unless it's so subtle that it's not going to hide your voice, it'll still sound like a voice changer, and still have the same risk of alienating people.

>> No.4395758

what do you mean specifically? can you provide some kind of example?
Hitting higher notes usually requires more air so make sure you're aware of when and where you're breathing!

>> No.4395814

I've been looking through the singing tutorials and stuff about singing with your 'chest voice' and not your 'head voice' finding where it resonates and etc. But if I do, it sounds really fake, like I'm forcing an accent or trying too hard. But it's also just how my voice comes out and I'm not really trying anything with it.

>> No.4396585 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4396714

if you want to be a cute anime guy, you're gonna have to put in the effort and voice act. like really act. everyone in the west is very familiar with the average male speech pattern, so in their head, they get the visualization of just another guy. voice is fine, just need to put in some effort to act rather than being a dude talking into a mic.


>> No.4396755
File: 199 KB, 413x374, me in about 3 years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4397744

Since we're posting vocaroos, I decided to go a little ham on this one. https://vocaroo.com/12VnEl4udujV

>> No.4398036

>have model
>have basic free template overlay and Twitch panels done
>too nervous to even run a shitty test stream because I'm worried about my voice being too garbage
Anons of /asp/ how do I get beyond this hitch

>> No.4398100


>> No.4398407

>because I'm worried about my voice being too garbage
your voice is garbage.

there. the worst has happened. some random anon who doesn't know who you are just called your voice garbage.

now go stream with the knowledge that the worst outcome has occurred. be free, anon. stream and make it.

>> No.4398574

>too worried to stream
why? literally no one is going to stick around for your first 2-3 streams it's almost a given
use that time to watch back your VODs or recordings to improve your stream
>inb4 I hate the sound of my voice
literally everyone does at first, if you can't get past that you will never make it because you won't be able to watch your own shit to critique yourself and improve

>> No.4399209

You're drunk. Also you sound like Boxxy.

>> No.4399364

love your voice dude, you've got a really good ikemen / bara quality to it.
your singing is really off key, nothing you can't improve on with practice but it's definitely noticable

>> No.4399409

>your singing is really off key
I have no idea how to work on this.
Thanks for the compliments though. I hope to have an ikemen model sometime soon.

>> No.4399935
File: 308 KB, 471x375, chrome_5vlivWNBXJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


might as well bite the bullet.
what kind of design would fit best with my voice? Doing this for fun but at the same time want to avoid too much whiplash.

>> No.4400018

honestly the only image that comes to my head is generic anime protagonist from like RPG Maker

>> No.4400162

just taking some time to practice pitch-matching i think would help. i'm pretty sure the voice pastebin on the top post has resources for it, if not you can look up pitch matching exercises on youtube.

good luck man, you have a genuinely cool voice and i'll be rootin for you when you debut

>> No.4400400

Thanks anon, I'll check that out.

>> No.4400911

Try recording in OBS or a DAW and uploading to catbox instead, Vocaroo absolutely rapes your audio quality
You could have something workable there, but it's honestly hard to tell with the sound quality

>> No.4400923

I found a free base for a live2d avatar, but I don't have photoshop and most of the relevant tutorials for turning a base into your own Live2D are for photoshop. Do you guys know of any tutorials for GIMP or another similar free program?

>> No.4401064

What issue are you running into in GIMP when following their tutorials?

>> No.4401157

Sorry, my problem is that I don't know how to use GIMP, and can't find a tutorial for working on a base.

>> No.4401548

I got Clip Studio since I just figured out you don't need to put in a credit card for a trial. If you guys have any tutorials using that one, it'd be great, too

>> No.4401903

AFAIK Photoshop tutorials can be applied to CSP too.

>> No.4402352


>> No.4403434


>> No.4403507
File: 551 KB, 603x518, film.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4403580

Anybody here have any experience with hand tracking? What's the best way? I was thinking of getting a leap motion but if there are any Webcam hand tracking programs that would be good to try.

>> No.4404583

It sounds like you have a bit of a light lisp going on? Other than that the proper recording definitely helps you sound a lot better
As for characters you might want to think about what sort of energy you might be able to project; in this recording you still sound kind of neutral so it becomes difficult to suggest anything but neutral-seeming characters

>> No.4405129

Is it better to filter out the kind of viewers you don't want from the start or should you take what you can get until you get a good enough following?

>> No.4405197

Whoever watches, watches. However have a set of rules and community guidelines and stick to them. Someone doesn't pass the vibe check, show them the door. Forcibly if needed. Keeping a tight ship means everyone on board knows where the limits are. If you let people do whatever as you grow, then later try to rein them in with rules, there's gonna be problems.

>> No.4405580

shitty viewers will absolutely ruin things for your other viewers
if one is being really annoying or fighting with everyone then they could definitely turn people away

>> No.4405729

Wow you guys get a viewer?

>> No.4405875
File: 16 KB, 211x1094, average viewers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are my stats.... the 2 and 1.2 were just bots who spammed the "want viewers? get them free at [sketchy url]!" and then left my channel

>> No.4405896

I don't even get bots.

>> No.4405905

damn, sorry anon :(

>> No.4406311

Can I groom a chuuba by teacher her how to use OBS?

>> No.4406329

how is the chuuba streaming without knowing how to use OBS?

>> No.4406381

They can fuck up a lot of stuff

>> No.4406396

obviously not if they're streaming

>> No.4406409

even Elira Pendora in Nijisanji EN fucked up her OBS by setting her capture output size to 0 pixel accidentally and ending up with black screen capture
it can happen to anyone

>> No.4406411

People can be surprisingly technologically illiterate, especially zoomers. Rushia did not know what Ctrl+Alt+Delete was.

>> No.4407216

Not the other guy, but I can't picture what you're saying though I've done a bit of choir and all that. Can you post a vocaroo of yourself singing with your chest voice (which you hate and think sounds bad) and one with your head voice (which you might think sounds better) and we can tell you which one actually sounds better. Sometimes you can't tell how good/bad your own voice sounds.
Yeah, yeah keep showing off.

>> No.4407353

Just got my tax refund and now have money to burn. Anyone know any good monstergirl artists I can give some cash to?

>> No.4407596

took me 2 months to find my artist, get started on the search, anon

>> No.4408060

is it normal that i'm losing weight because i'm afraid that when i get doxxed after getting into HolostarsEN, some viewers will be disappointed that i'm not as hot irl?

>> No.4408158

literally the most important part of music and vocal quality is to breathe with you stomach
practice breathing "dark air" as my music professors would say
your gut should extend out when you breathe in, that's where the quality air is, not sucking in your gut when you breathe

>> No.4408167

Hey, whatever works.

>> No.4408219

>after getting into HolostarsEN
You'll have to cross that bridge when you get there. Also
>some viewers will be disappointed that i'm not as hot irl
Not enough people give a fuck about it. And stop stressing over things that are outside of your control. Not looking like an average American would have a benifit of making you healthier, though.

>> No.4408306

I have an artist for my model already, I'm looking for general art.

>> No.4408323

then just go to skeb or twitter

>> No.4409218

Just finished recording. Toaster laptop only got half an hour. Just gotta work with what I got. Will try to finish up tomorrow. Everything hurts. Gonna make it bros...

>> No.4410381

How do you go about finding more games to play on Steam? I am admittedly a pretty heavy console gamer, so I don't have a lot of games on Steam. The idea of dropping a lot of money constantly on new games to play on stream is concerning to my wallet.

>> No.4410590

I would suggest just getting a capture card instead of pc games if you're usually on console.

>> No.4410763

Isn't that a bit of a pain though? Wouldn't I have to re-position my computer with the webcam and screens to be in front of me, and then the tv with the console in front of that? I'm honestly not sure if I can even rearrange my recording space to accomodate that

>> No.4410810

You could just play looking at obs. I've done it a couple if times. You have a tiny amount of frame delay but nothing super noticable.

>> No.4411159

Hmmm, maybe I should look into that. I guess I should also look into taking advantage of humble bundles and free to play games that aren't garbage as well. Thanks!

>> No.4411673

Best advice would be play what you want. Grabbing an elgato for a hundred bucks to play what you already have.

>> No.4411816

I just realized that I'd probably need to completely wipe my Switch with all my info.

>> No.4412043

>You'll have to cross that bridge when you get there
Definitely not, he should start early since it takes time. He could get insta-doxxed. Might help his confidence anyway.

>> No.4412509

Why is designing a chuuba so hard bros....

>> No.4412615

don't feel like you need to be 100% committed to a single design. vtubers have the benefit of being able to change models and designs and even wholesale reincarnate to a completely different identity.

pick one you like, even if it's not "perfect" and grow yourself from there. you can always add and change things are you develop as a streamer to better suit who you want to be.

>> No.4414339

I feel like I'd be good enough to hold my own while streaming, but every time I look at other Chuubas or even my own friends that have started Chuubing, my confidence just plummets once I see how talented they are.

>> No.4414376


Don't make the mistake of trying to make something that looks good to the general public. You'll end up with bland anime vtuber model #13677243. Aim to be memorable first and foremost. Second, aim to be extremely attractive to a niche audience.

Pro character designers are worth the money they charge because they can force viewers into making assumptions about your character even before you open your mouth, even before it's animated. It's on a different level from simply just being a skilled artist, character designing is not just being good at art!

>> No.4414415

Everyone appears more talented and skilled than they feel. Even the big Chuubas. Try not to be afraid Anon.

>> No.4414501


Thats the right mindset, you have the ability to see the strongpoints of other vtubers. Use that ability to identify, dissect, and assimilate what other vtubers are doing right into your own content. If you do this, I'd be a hundred that you'll incline fast. It's a trait that EVERY successful entertainer has, and something that very few entertainers can succeed without. Only the ones with god-given charisma, really.

>> No.4416320

Bonemiser's voice is garbage, but he does his opera reps, so he got a reasonable result last week.

Post a vocaroo, your voice might not be as bad as you think.

>> No.4416408

To anyone who wants a logo or graphics:

Hold off on it, figure out your personality and image as you stream. It's more expensive to redo those graphics if you commission them.

DIY your stuff for now.

>> No.4416446

>character design advice
Do you happen to be on the discord?

>> No.4416581


nope, considered joining but I dont really want to out myself

>> No.4416698

Does this mean you can give character design advice or give actionable improvements?

>> No.4416729


I'm an active vtuber and have average live viewership of ~50. Not a huge success but I do think I can give SOME good advice

>> No.4416904

Share your wisdom mystery chuuba. As a PNGtuber I'm making all my assets on my own so far, but I feel it might be futile considering the low quality and I don't want to be laughed at like the chuubas found in the twitch dumpster dive thread.

>> No.4417156


PNGtubing can net you plenty of success. It's not going to be the reason you fail. Here's a pair of successful males I'm somewhat following:

Little_S is better than both, in my opinion. Character design is only a small piece of the puzzle if you want to succeed. I think if you want to succeed, you need to focus on being entertaining. There are many paths to this, the one I took is prioritizing chat interaction. ALSO, do not underestimate twitter. Don't use it to spew bullshit like hot takes or taking part in networking threads. Treat it like a form of content creation, post funny jokes, good art that is relevant to your streams, or ideally punchy clips of your best stream moments. Interact with other vtubers near your size tastefully. Don't chase the big ones, no matter how you engage with the bigs it just looks bad.

>> No.4417576

Thanks! I haven't used Twitter much other than for browsing art but I'll start looking into it. And yeah, I don't have the cajones to talk to any of the big ones. I much prefer to just stay in my lane.

>> No.4417723

I feel fairly comfortable speaking for little_S when saying that he would love to help you out if you ever felt brave enough to message him about png tubing.

The big chuubas are just people too at the end of the day, so don’t be afraid.

>> No.4417764
File: 61 KB, 700x614, 1494513132102-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is reading a lot the best way to improve articulation and word-choice?

>> No.4417786

No one gives a shit about these things unless they’re painfully obviously bad.

>> No.4417828

It adds to character just as much as the timbre of your voice does.

>> No.4417861

Timbre doesn’t matter that much either. You’re better off studying market trends or networking or thinking of content ideas than practicing any of that.

>> No.4421524


>> No.4421958

get a voice recorder app on your computer or phone, and read aloud a paragraph or two from a book. then listen to it again. pay attention to how you say things and whether or not you like it. then start messing around with your mouth, tongue, throat, etc. and change how you pronounce the words until you get it to the right sound you want.

>> No.4423849

anyone seen clips of Artsy? i saw a bunch on yt, don't know if he counts as indie though

>> No.4424185

Name doesn't ring a bell for me.

>> No.4424327

I used to watch some of his streams back when he was a vrchat streamer. Pretty sure if you look up some VRC compilations you'll be able to find some clips of him.

Personally I only find femboys or traps cute and attractive when they aren't obviously sexual. Artsy isn't even subtle with it, to the point it's gross and distracting. Other than dick tickling, he doesn't really have anything interesting about him.

>> No.4424645

shame, i was afraid about that exactly from the short clips. any good recomendations?

>> No.4424991

I know the general rule of thumb is to have an unarchived karaoke on Youtube, and not on Twitch, but can you still do it by just not archiving the VOD? I've been looking around and a bunch of other people are hosting plenty of karaokes and the only penalty seems to be muted VODs half an hour after it's fully processed. So it seems like Twitch doesn't listen in on your streams live like Youtube does.

>> No.4425123

I know I'm not monetized yet but I got copyright claimed on YT for using less than 20 seconds of a song clip. What are my odds of getting the claim removed? Thinking about singing the thing myself and reuploading but it's already got several view on YT. Pretty sure I'm within fair use since I'm basically commenting on the lyrics of the song.

>> No.4425188

>Pretty sure I'm within fair use since I'm basically commenting on the lyrics of the song.
Fair use doesn't matter on Youtube because they use their Content ID system to flag infringing works instead of Copyright. You'll only be able to bring up Fair Use as an affirmative defense if you get taken to court.

Chances of that claim getting removed is zero. It's all automated based on what the copyright holder decides is the punishment.

>> No.4425288

wtf does this even mean? what could the difference between archive and vod possibly be

>> No.4425451

According to the video posted by YT on their creators channel, if the claimant doesn't respond to the dispute in 30 days, the claim will be lifted. I'm just hoping Warner bros is too busy to bother with a nobody on YT. If they ever do respond, I'll redo the scene with the song and sing it myself. I think the video works better with the actual clip I'm commenting on.

>> No.4426059

Wouldn't be surprised if they had the responses automated as well. It's Warner Bros. Either that, or they have some unpaid intern just going through the whole list clicking "Reject" all the way down.

>> No.4426253

What's the appeal of raids? If A raids B, A's viewers are thrown to someone who they are likely not interested in (or who is doing something they aren't interested in). For B and B's viewers the chat is flooded by a bunch of randos who disrupt anything happening.

>> No.4426333

Do you seriously fail to see the benefit of dozens of people suddenly being exposed to your content?

>> No.4426409

From a viewer perspective, some of my favorite chuubas I've found were from raids.

>> No.4426429

MyHolo TV opened auditions

>> No.4426487

are they a black company or did they just have shit luck when their entire generation decided to graduate/leave at the same time?

>> No.4426572

Probably some kind of inside conflict happened or something similar from what I heard

>> No.4426730

Do you think there's a market for an english Kaoru-style femboy vtuber? I don't wanna go full babiniku, but I'm also considering streaming as a shota.

>> No.4426760

1- do you have the voice for it?
2- do you have the content for it?

>> No.4427027

I practice my voice and know I can pull it off well if I keep practicing. As for content, I can do quite a bit, I'd just have to practice.

>> No.4427069

looks like you know what you need to do, anon. good luck.

>> No.4427320

still kinda dodgy. i wonder if people will still apply knowing that everyone left.

>> No.4427542
File: 345 KB, 720x405, MyHoloTV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like MyHolo is willing to accept at least one male

>> No.4427669

Surprisingly they haven't cleared everything up. There isn't anyone in their social media putting out a statement in 'euphemistic PR speak' assuring applicants that they fixed all the previous problems that caused their original gen to graduate.

>> No.4427719

Did we ever know why they graduated their entire first generation?

>> No.4427855

I don't think they did an official statement about this so there are only rrats about it

>> No.4428258

So I have a robot avatar
Would it be more to use a voice modulator to be in character or would that turn off viewers more than just using a regular speaking voice

>> No.4428363

Speak robotically but don't modulate your voice. It's extremely offputting and never works out.

>> No.4428719 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 448x350, misnina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixel gif pngtuber messing around with channel points and alerts

>> No.4429665

I'm trying Brian tsui's tutorial for turning a jpg into a live2d, but the photoshop options are so different that I'm having trouble. I've gotten the images I need, and I can select the specific areas, but I'm stuck beyond this. For example, I draw that ring around the eye with the selection tool, but I have no idea what to do beyond that

>> No.4430719

If you want the eye in a new layer, just ctrl+C and ctrl+V

>> No.4431885

How should you handle questions that break kayfabe? Especially for babinikus if someone were to ask why they look like a girl
Do you ignore them or try to answer them in a way that still fits your setting?

>> No.4431931

just ignore it

>> No.4432785

is the market just too saturated at this point for new entrants?
Looking through the twitch tag and you have to go through about 10 pages of results after sorting low to high before you hit a stream without sub 5 viewers
seems like there is literally just too many vtuber streams even in the tags for a new entrant to get noticed, combined with everyone ITT saying to not interact or bother streams larger than your own

>> No.4432868

you already outed yourself about 1-2 threads ago when you posted your "friend's" twitter for commissions anon, come on, you're not as slick as you think

>> No.4432954

>is the market just too saturated at this point for new entrants?
yeah but do it anyways for fun

>> No.4433163

>combined with everyone ITT saying to not interact or bother streams larger than your own
are you just making shit up now to feel extra sorry for yourself?

>> No.4433172


>> No.4433283

How do I make a 2d avatar if I'm an absolute retard with photo editing software? Like, I only know how to open the program and can't figure out anything on my own beyond that?

>> No.4433342
File: 108 KB, 293x370, 40183852155750429398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just scribble something in paint?

>> No.4433452

a few posts above literally mentions to not use twitter to network and to not bother tubers larger than yourself what are you talking about?

>> No.4433504

link it, i'm not seeing any that come remotely close to what you're trying to imply.

>> No.4433891

I mean the layering and stuff like that. I'm just messing with a picture of a guy to work with something, but I can't get anywhere beyond crudely photoshopping the expressions I need

>> No.4433929

are your going for png or trying some live2d stuff?

>> No.4433934
File: 143 KB, 377x408, 1618420028711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stream as vtuber for a week
>feel more and more miserable as views fail to grow
>stream as myself to friends for a single evening
>feel great and have a ton of fun despite having 2 views

maybe I should just stick to having fun and if that later brings me fortune so be it, too many of us want to be a big chuuba despite not having simps to cater to or a professional acting background, just focus on having fun and not trying to make it a job

>> No.4433964
File: 42 KB, 234x234, dirlewanger smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally taking pictures of Oskar Dirlewanger and trying to make them into a Live2D

>> No.4433975

lol good fucking luck

>> No.4434013
File: 1.24 MB, 496x421, 1621627395689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that takes big brain editing skills unless you want a png that lights up when you talk and bobs around like a gmod ragdoll

>> No.4434033

right there with you anon
I had somewhat of an interest in vtubing but after seeing how many vtubers there are out there, honestly I'm thinking that it would be better to just stream as a disembodied voice playing fun games instead until you can keep a solid base of more than 10 people
at least that way you're having fun and developing streamer skills that could carry over if you ever decide to go back to vtuber shit

>> No.4434130
File: 61 KB, 583x438, Dirlewanger eyes closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm retarded, but I assumed I could just do what people usually do with Live2D. Take some art, layer the individual bits as needed, then whatever after that. If that isn't possible without studying Live2D for weeks, what route would you guys recommend for a pngtuber? Post some tutorials if you have them

>> No.4434210

discord reactive pngs
pic 1 - mouth closed
pic 2 - mouth open
it reacts whenever you key up on your mic.

otherwise just leave the png in the corner of your screen as an avatar. that's good enough for most.

>> No.4434229

So are things like blinking out of the picture for png?

>> No.4434246

>what would you recommend?
not using a Nazi is probably a good start

>> No.4434248

If you’re expecting to grow within a week you’re doomed to have a miserable experience. Even actively trying to grow growth is very very slow. I don’t notice a trend change week by week. Usually I only grow at a pace of 2-10 viewers a month and that’s considered quite fast.

>> No.4434279

you can use AnyoneVtuber, costs like $3.

>> No.4434289
File: 2.94 MB, 404x520, 1619517805558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is you should have all the model cut into pieces before you put it into live2d, building the model is 40% of the work, the rest is about setting up all the deformers and shit

despite being old as fuck this tutorial series helped me immensely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-GxdkXNroI&list=RDCMUC5VA_JhIYLw4d-pd-XZ5gnw&index=2

>> No.4434316

unless you have some kind of ungodly editing ability to make blinking frames, yeah
i was actually talking to a friend about this because they don't have the money to get a full model but if you were to get blinking frames, as well as an open and closed mouth for your png you could probably do some fuckery in obs to have a reactive png mouth while also having a png that blinks which i don't know if anyone else would want that but i thought it was a neat idea

>> No.4434336
File: 9 KB, 176x186, 1575013613949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try streaming for a week like this and see if there is a difference, maybe the english language is more saturated that I thought

>> No.4434374
File: 2 KB, 121x54, dirlewanger smiling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4434390

cant you just use gifs for the discord reactive images thing? two gifs, one the blinks with mouth closed, one that blinks with mouth open, it transitions back and forth between them.

>> No.4434407

your choice to get banned off twitch about 3 days after debuting I guess

>> No.4434566

anon everything is entirely saturated related to streaming. The slow growth is because getting new consistent viewers requires 1 things
>1 - someone new clicks on your thread, whether they're searching for a new streamer or whatever
>2 - you are being entertaining and the right kind of entertaining for them at that specific moment to get them to follow you
if 100 people go through your channel in a month and you retain 10 of them then that's pretty good

what you see in the big tuber debuts is 200-500 viewer streamers who are starting on new accts so they just explode upwards the minute they get any exposure

>> No.4434698
File: 2 KB, 56x22, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirlewanger will stay in the dark recesses of a private youtube stream on a throwaway, then. But Dirlewanger will become a vtuber, no matter what

>> No.4434765

This. Unless you already have an established fan base or you somehow get a viral success, you’re going to be grinding 1-2 viewer gains all the way to 100+ average viewers. At least this has been my experience as someone starting with no background and basically no friends to watch me.

>> No.4434811 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 636x488, 087trew3edhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4434877

If I hear a robot without a robotic voice, I click away. A modulator is almost mandatory.

>> No.4435143

Yes. Hot avatars imply hot actors.

>> No.4435146
File: 223 KB, 546x454, 1622497512992 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making videos is hard. I underestimated my smooth brain and took longer than expected with the Kindergarten art. I'll rest up and deal with it when I wake, I want it out by the first.

>> No.4435207

I must have had a stroke when I wrote this but it still stands, also the big tubers who get to 100k subs in 2 weeks are unnatural and do it because they're 500 viewer tubers who have a massive social media machine behind them to boost them up, and then it snowballs as people tune into the top streamers and the algorithm favors them and their clips
new indies do not get any of those advantages so your best shot is to grind 1-2 viewer gains and improve your skills till either you get noticed or can apply to Niji/Holo/etc and get a boost if you make the cut

>> No.4435229

Post opera.

>> No.4435329

This isn't conflicting at all

>> No.4435578

Different strokes, and so on. I think people on average feel similarly to anon 1. IIRC Roboco used to have voice modulation but stopped using it entirely. You could probably get away with some light modulation if you really want to sound like a robot. I think that's a better solution than talking like a robot, personally, but stiff voices get on my nerves.

>> No.4435617

talk in normal voice, use robot voice for tiktoks and youtube #shorts. don't make your robot voice your main thing or it'll filter people who just want to watch a stream.

>> No.4435649

robotic voice as in emotionless or flat affect, think androids in bladerunner or detroit become human

>> No.4435672

Articulation is very different from word choice. I don't think simply reading would help you develop either, I think the easiest solution would be to talk to yourself and practice. Filling up the air on your own makes you better at both.
Yes, both of those pieces of advice together reveal something far more valuable than either one does alone.
Not the author, but stuff like this, and it's oft repeated and often easily received.

>> No.4435726

Thank you for the advice anons. I'll speak normally on stream for now and test very modulation in my off time

>> No.4435754

>but stuff like this, and it's oft repeated and often easily received.
this is just basic twitter shit 101 that anon could have learned by lurking and not being an idiot.

>don't bother larger vtubers
this means don't be a fucking leech. sending 2 view raids over to larger streamers hoping to get a shoutout, harassing them constantly on twitter by trying to be "first" to comment on anything they post, clout chasing and other bullshit

>"networking" tweets
this is the "drop small streamer here!" or "drop your PNGs here!" shit that the original tweeter is using to exploit the twitter algorithm. it doesn't help you, and all it does is boost the person who made the first tweet. it's predatory twitter alg manipulation that too many indies fall for.

>> No.4435933

has @vt_takes visited /asp/ ever?

>> No.4436281

When small vtubers follow me back on twitter I feel weird. I don't want them to see the shit I like and post.

>> No.4436319

i hope small vtubers enjoy the stuff i like on twitter

>> No.4436350

Today I enabled streamlabs and linked my Paypal. Then, I went through my vods, cleaned up some playlists, added new videos I forgot to add, and updated the descriptions to include character hashtags, donation links, and social media. Overall feeling pretty productive today. I don't have a high viewership but I'm trying to maintain a consistent, drama-free viewing experience. That being said, I have a lot of trouble integrating into other vTuber communities, so I've been thinking about working on making clips and short videos of previous streams that I can share on Twitter afterwards.

Also hi /asp/, I've never posted in here but always wanted to say hi.

>> No.4436369

good luck anon

>> No.4436662

Welcome Anon! Glad we could have you during your journey of being a chuuba! Wish you all the luck!

>> No.4436677

>It's extremely offputting and never works out.
I dunno man I thought it was cool in Medabots

>> No.4436797

It is still too anime for a Western design. Japan ruined an entire generation of artists forever.

>> No.4437729

has any chuuba ever posted opera? i know we had some vocaroos earlier

>> No.4438284

Does operetta count?

>> No.4438315

oh damn that's actually pretty good

>> No.4438463

>t. too "above it all"

>> No.4438531

nta, but i follow, like, and retweet a bunch of NSFW artists and shit on twitter. not every chuuba might be okay with that.

>> No.4438611

Then they wouldn't follow you. Who even cares about NSFW art on twitter? A large chunk of vtuber artists do NSFW stuff.

>> No.4438873

iono anon, i don't usually do a full background check of someone when i follow them on twitter. they pop in my chat, we talk a little, they seem cool, and i hit them with a follow. i've followed some vtubers only to find out that they do nothing but retweet politics for days.

>> No.4438910

oh this was just a way for you to do /pol/ tier political shitposting

>> No.4438940

no, i raised this up earlier in /wvt/

>> No.4439069

I mean, if you follow someone on twitter without even looking at their twitter that's on you. And you can just unfollow at any time so oh well.

>> No.4439158

then don't follow then or just filter out their political posts
you're a big boy anon you should know how to mute words on twitter that trigger you

>> No.4439313

Are opera reps necessary for quality singing

>> No.4439693

necessary? no
likely to help? sure
if you're in a position where you have opera reps and training, you're probably in a better position to have voice coaches and singing lessons as well.

>> No.4440718
File: 422 KB, 992x490, nova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's kinda sad seeing art mama's still listing their graduated vtuber children in their twitter bio...

>> No.4440857

It's still a part of their portfolio, no reason to hide their work just because they aren't vtubing anymore.

>> No.4440954

oh yeah, for sure. but it just seems sad, like an obituary for their children. just sitting there in their bio of a fun vtuber who once used to be.

>> No.4441241

Unless singing is your primary attraction, people are more likely to go to your karaoke stream either because of (You) or because of the songs choice. As long as it is not repulsive, people would not mind you not being the second coming of Caruso.
Anyhow, having such a training is better than not having it. If you've got desire, money and time to spend, why not?

>> No.4441725

I want it to become a core pillar, even if it's not THE main one.
Guess I should look into some kind of singing lessons or vocal coaching then

>> No.4441971

>I want it to become a core pillar, even if it's not THE main one.
Then by all means look for professional training.

>> No.4442065

I'm gonna start lesson planning for my first full lecture stream!

>> No.4443040

whats the appeal of the gender weirdo tags that people put on their streams? youtube and twitch does not allow porn so you being a fag should not matter

>> No.4443268

Actually, while I'm working on this. Should I water it down to make it more of a tid-bit trivia type of lecture? It won't be as useful for actual students who are studying the subject, but might make it more accessible for viewers who tune in. Like, avoiding using excessively high-level vocabulary and talking about it more in 'common' -language for lack of a better term.

>> No.4444016

have you ever been to Karaoke? most people suck and that's the fun
the fun is sitting around laughing and being bad at singing

I've actually found the opposite where Karaoke is significantly less fun if there's someone who's a trained singer in the group, they just outclass everyone and make people not want to go up

>> No.4444078

Interesting point, may I offer a response?


>> No.4444342

So /pol/ can have easier time finding depressed latino gays to bully.
On a serious note, it's something along the lines of wanting to watch someone who had similar life experience as you did. Or who has similar phenotype. At least that's what the diversity crowd claims.

>> No.4444525

wheres the gender tags then? i want to be able to find the cute girl vtubers easily but only weirdos care enough to use their weirdo tags that will only be useful for excluding results

>> No.4444802

accessibility is usually king for those kinds of streams; the easier someone with no knowledge can pick up on things the better!

>> No.4446003

Would it be of any help to smaller Vtubers to give them a follow, even if I don't plan on watching them? Sometimes I stumble on a Vtuber who I don't intend on watching, but I am impressed by them and want to give them some substantial support. Does a follow actually help them or is it meaningless?

>> No.4446033

It's nice, but I realize that it doesn't necessarily translate to views.

>> No.4446073

some people appreciate the numerical boost but it doesn't directly do anything
There's definitely quite a few people I've followed because I like their design or something they put on twitter but haven't interacted with past that

>> No.4446138

are you sure? it could affect the recommendation algo which helps people discover the streamers

>> No.4446165

a single follow doesn't influence it as much as you think it does

>> No.4446308

probably not unless someone else is weird enough to like the kind of stuff that i do. but if one thinks like you then nothing would ever happen because everyone would just think that its not worth it but if enough people give their one follow then there will eventually be many followers

>> No.4446367

why are there so many horny indies
just because blasting juices at anime ladies is something we all have in common doesn't mean we should talk about it, just like pissing

>> No.4446421

>but if one thinks like you then nothing would ever happen

>> No.4446546

There's a whole thread on this board just about the latter, though

>> No.4446562

One less follower needed for affiliate. Fuck all if they already have it. Aaaaaand that's it.

>> No.4446595

how many does twitch require for that?

>> No.4446598

Is there a way to set up multiple PNG emotes besides the way little_s does his?

Although, just in case, what does little_s do?

>> No.4446615


>> No.4446653

oh thats not bad. probably possible to get pretty quickly with just the on site promo tools if you are active. i see plenty of streamers with thousands of followers but less than 50 live viewers

>> No.4446711

Ask him personally and he will be able to give you more detail. Essentially they’re different identical scenes with a reactive png on each layer.

>> No.4446732

Isn't that normal though? Like, most Youtube or Twitch people only see a small percentage of their actual follow/subscribe count watch something normally?

>> No.4446757

2-3% is average
5% is good
10% is amazing

>> No.4447429

anons... cyberlive is legit...

>> No.4447452


>> No.4447842

https://96enu.booth.pm/items/2495966 You set mouth open eyes closed, mouth closed eyes closed, repeat with mouth eyes open, then repeat that for 4 emotions. You can have up to four slots only so far, it supports gifs for each of these, it can use your mic to detect when it's talking and set how often it blinks and how for how long and how much your mouth auto gabbs while talking. You can also make it shake back and forth, which is kinda weird because it would make more sense for it to go up and down for me. Dev is nice, they helped me with an issue, I just used deepL.

>> No.4447904
File: 5 KB, 200x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is kinda weird because it would make more sense for it to go up and down for me.
you can do this by setting tilt (called "Shake Range") to zero and raising Shake Speed.

>> No.4447912

They already rebranded huh? The model looks cute though. Too bad I had just started streaming again when I applied.

>> No.4447945

ooooh got it thank you

>> No.4448088

their growth on twitter is faster than prism/tsunderia, and their manager vtuber is cute. excited to see who the talents are

>> No.4448107

>manager vtuber
actually having a visible manager is a nice change.

>> No.4449021


>> No.4449813

I will fucking hate making avatars
