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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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422806 No.422806 [Reply] [Original]

>open discussion thread
>it's all hololive
You guys need to learn japanese. You are missing out on so much by relying on chink/SEA translators to understand your chuuba. Besides, the vocab required to parse 90% of a typical stream is part of the first few hundred words you learn. If you had started studying japanese ever since you first watched your favorite then you'd be more or less at a decent level by now.

Common "responses" (read: coping mechanisms)
> go back to /jp/
The majority of good vtuber content is purely in japanese. The majority of relevant news is written in japanese. This is still, by and large, a japanese trend. Without knowledge of japanese, you are going to engage in rampant narrativeposting as you are unable to comprehend primary sources.

> my time is too valuable
This is only true for a very small minority of /vt/ posters. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're one of them.

> It's too hard
It's only hard if you make it hard. You have so much free time in a day, sparing 15 minutes of it is enough to achieve relevant progress in 6 months.

>> No.422826

where should i start

>> No.422872
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If someone didn't learn Japanese to watch anime you really think they are going to learn it for a egirl?

>> No.422896

But I don't have japanese friends

>> No.422913
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>spending time to learn japanese
>not spending time studying machine learning to make an automatic translator for each holo and potentially sell it
I shiggy diggy.

>> No.422923

That's not really a good argument. You know how the possibility of just one ounce of attention is enough to drive people to superchat. Vtubers can attract more devotion than an anime can.

>> No.422990

But I am begging you to only read the OP post, not the thread. It is one of the worst generals I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.423035

I just imagine what they're saying. It's probably way funnier anyway.

>> No.423066

how many words do you need to understand tsukino mito-san?

>> No.423105

>mfw i enrolled in a ghetto-ass language learning center that teaches overseas workers to japan a couple of years ago
definitely worth it

>> No.423120
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I'll never waste my time learning moon, it's useless.

>> No.423187

You need to be well versed in online jp culture.

>> No.423300

>be 40
>still watching Japshit
>still relying on second-hand translation
You'll regret it. Also no, you're not going to "fix your shit".

>> No.423478

Nice op using a hololive mom, you are very special anon.

>> No.423546

>the vocab required to parse 90% of a typical stream is part of the first few hundred words you learn.
Why would an N5 level speaker who only knows the swadesh list + some extra understand chuubas better than a half-decent clipper?

>> No.423581

so, a few hundred words + memes?

>> No.423606

>half-decent clipper
>implying there are decent ones
Everything I've seen so far is just pure MTL garbage tier. They can't even tackle the streams that rely on the language heavily to be interesting to the viewer e.g. RPGs, anything with long story that you can't guess by just watching what's in the screen.

>> No.423658

>hey let's have a letter for each word
What a stupid fucking idea. Fuck japanese.

>> No.423665

Not even folks like jin teramachi?

>> No.423690

Good thing I only watch English content.

>> No.423693

That isn't how it works.

And a shitton of context

>> No.423704

To be fair, that was the Chinks and the Japanese tried to salvage it with Hiragana and Katakana.

>> No.423715

That is literally how it works.

>> No.423899

if that's the case, why do words like 馬鹿 consist of two characters?

>> No.423920

This thread and this board isn't for you then.

>> No.423981

Because it's a word made out of two letters that are also words. Are you stupid?

>> No.424001

As long as they stick to idle banter, it's easy to disguise the fact that they don't really know much japanese. Have you seen any clippers clip the witty jokes (oftentimes puns) that Korone makes? Her rakugo bits in Disaster Report and sudden references in Maka Maka (coupled with her obsession for Johnny) are some examples of it, but you'll never see them clip these as they can't stick around long enough to understand what's going on with the game. The most amusing streams of Korone for me are probably the Roommania series (including New Roommania) and Maka Maka but I have never seen clips of these two except for Neji's Haro Haro Nariyansu and the bit about the 24+ hour stream.

>> No.424220
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I started to, but I picked up just enough to realize they were saying the exact same things most streamers would. I can still pick up every third sentence if I focus. It's a surprisingly easy language to learn if you just pick up a Japanese-English dictionary and look up whichever word you're unfamiliar with.
Also, I'm worried that being able to fully-understand them during their streams will remove the magic of it.

>> No.424290

>the magic of it
I'll never understand EOPs.

>> No.424351

that's the second dumbest thing i've heard today, right after the letter-for-each-word guy

>> No.424380

Japanese just seem magical. I know they're normal people and modern Japan has been heavily westernized, but at the very least, if I don't understand them, I can feel like it's exotic.
How, exactly?

>> No.424411

Just look at all the EN antis, as soon as they understood a vtuber they bailed.

>> No.424495

Nah, I just don't like watching 4Kids.

>> No.424521

Case in point.

>> No.424754

It's even worse than just letter per word because words can be made out of multiple letter-words with 0 relation to how they're actually read.

>> No.425137
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>if I don't understand them, I can feel like it's exotic
Whatever turns you on.

>> No.425194

>Whatever turns you on.
It's not for a fetish, it's just because that's what I grew up with. The anime character says stuff with a nice voice, and I read subtitles. This time, I just rely on occasional summaries in chat.

>> No.425259

this is beyond bizarre

>> No.425533

It is not bizarre bro this is somewhat common. Sorta like grass is greener type stuff.

>> No.426045

I mean whatever as long as it works for you. Can only say there is no "magic loss" if you start to understand them deeper. There actually can be some downsides to that, but they're not relevant since are very personal
>and I read subtitles
Subs work differently. It's a shortcut for an easy access to the information, always available. Summaries and live chat are more ambiguous and delayed. Sounds like a passive raw input learning, with some help to get into the context

>> No.426283

>can't quite understand something streamer said
>look up the sentence
>have a thousand years of trouble trying to figure out why they said it
>turns out to be some ancient nico nico thing I now just know for the rest of my life
I'm trying anon, but I'm really good at giving up on shit.

>> No.427971

I don't care enough about learning a new language to actually do it lmao

>> No.428147
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shut up weeb

>> No.428292 [DELETED] 



>> No.428314

i get paid on friday and I'm gonna be ordering study materials that same day
so I'm starting soon

>> No.428450

>aww you're such a weeb, shut up
Get out lol

>> No.428889

I'm not a weeb I only watch Vshojo

>> No.430153

Oh so you're retarded

>> No.430272

Fell off the wagon at about 1000 words on Anki where I was really struggling to memorise new kanji and the review pile spiralled out of control. Haven't got around to anything else since. Probably would've been half decent by now if I'd kept at it +grammar learning

>> No.432143
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Because their fucking writing system is retarded. And a giant waste of time. I can't believe they haven't phased out kanji yet. There's even a bunch of holos that have trouble reading kanji. Pic related.

>> No.434184
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I’ll never understand people who get filtered by kanji, it isn’t even that hard. And I also don’t understand the people who watch virtual youtubers without being able to understand them. You’re missing the majority of what’s being said during the streams, and at most you’ll get some guy in the comments summarizing the topic of the conversation. The experience just comes down to watching the funny anime girl “babbling” over Minecraft. If you like virtual youtubers, or otaku culture in general, you should learn Japanese. Because by doing so you get to unlock a whole bunch of media and websites and communities and just general information that you would never know about or experience otherwise, and you can enhance the things that’ve already been translated by instead experiencing them in Japanese. Though I understand that you can already enjoy a lot of otaku culture even without knowing Japanese, and most people don’t care enough about the hobbies or culture to learn the language they’re based around. But just saying that would be a thousand times better and more accurate than making excuses like “there shouldn’t be kanji and because there is I have no reason to learn it!!!”

>> No.434270

Didn't Korone graduate from university?
She should know most kanji

>> No.434331

that's a meme and she's been misreading kanji for her entire streaming career.

>> No.434362
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>> No.434614

Nah, I don´t have the time to do shit like that

>> No.434621

no it kinda makes sense. Like if there's a song you love, but don't understand the words to. Then one day you learn the words and it turns out they're retarded. Or, now that you know the words, you're paying more attention to the words than you are having fun listening to the music. My dad learned engilsh as a second language. He loves the rolling stones and the beatles, led zeppelin, etc. He usually doesn't like finding out what the lyrics are because then the song loses some of the magic. Or, the correct lyrics replace the meaning he'd assigned to the song in his mind, and while it's cool to have the new meaning, it's a little sad to lose the old one. Something like that.

Being able to tell what the fuck is going on while watching anime doggos is different from learning the lyrics to songs you've loved since your teens... but I kinda get where Anon's coming from.

>> No.434655

>that character

>> No.434674

>who get filtered by kanji
what are your tips for practicing kanji because that's where i got filtered 6 years ago friendo

>> No.434822

Holos themselves get filtered by kanji. Japan's government should change the education curriculum to fucking phase it out so that nips can spend the 12 years they need to master kanji on something useful instead.

>> No.434984

If you spent even 10 minutes each day for 6 years you would know a lot more kanji than you do now.
At this point I don't actively study kanji, I just learn new vocab which uses old kanji I know and new kanji I don't know. The best thing to reinforce your knowledge of kanji is by reading a ton of Japanese out loud.

>> No.435069
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>If you spent even 10 minutes each day for 6 years you would know a lot more kanji than you do now.
no way

>> No.435070

>The best thing to reinforce your knowledge of kanji is by reading a ton of Japanese out loud
how would that help?

>> No.435169

>The majority of good vtuber content is purely in japanese
No, your opinion isn't facts, fuck off onegai.

>> No.435170

This is largely a cope from people who simply don't care enough to put in the effort to learn Japanese, which is entirely fair.
All Japanese adults who don't have dyslexia can read common kanji. Their literacy rate is just as high as other first world countries. Uncommon, weird kanji is a stopping block just like obscure words are for you and I. Kanji's inclusion in the language is a historical artifact, that much is true. But spelling reform is very, very difficult. It happens piecemeal over the course of centuries if it happens at all. Script reform is even more difficult to implement, which is what you're suggesting.
I won't pretend that the Japanese writing system is particularly elegant or easy to learn. But, it is well within the bounds of any 90+ IQ adult to learn and it isn't dysfunctional for native speakers.

>> No.435259

Because I am in the "valuable time" minority. But I'll try it once my masters degree ends.

>> No.435260

Take a word like "規則", which means "rule" or "regulation" and is read as "kisoku". I don't study the individual radicals like "規" and "則", and learn all their meanings and potential readings and the stroke order and shit. I just make a flash card that says "規則" on one side and "「き・そく」 rule; regulation" on the other side. It's far easier and more practical to learn the reading and the meaning of words with flash cards and pick up the little details of the individual kanji passively. I do think studying kanji individually can help, but if you have problems with it then just don't do it. I don't do it and I don't even struggle with it. It's possible it'd hurt me in the long run, but I've been studying for some time and I haven't had any issues with it at all. I'm more concerned with grammar and pronunciation, since there's comparatively very little resources to help with the spoken language and everyone says the grammar is straightforward and easy but I get confused by that the most. That's why I said I don't understand people who get filtered by kanji. The grammar and spoken language seem to be much harder.

>> No.435338

The reason Japanese people can read kanji is that they are surrounded by kanji 24/7. (I'm assuming that) you already know how to read the word 日本 because you see it so often. If you read more Japanese, you'll see phrases like 本当に more often. You'll be able to pronounce them and tell what they mean. Eventually you'll move onto 当然, 全然 and other common words. Because you see them so often, you'll remember them.

Or to put it another way, an English-speaking person may forget what "antediluvian" means if they don't see it often enough.

>> No.435360

women's studies isn't a real major, anon...

>> No.435393

You should watch more holos play visual novels and story portions in gacha games.
A LOT of them struggle.

>> No.435403

If he majored in women's studies he'd have plenty of time

>> No.435448

Well then these bitches are dumb. Probably from an adolescence of NND and anime.

>> No.435456

i actually forgot what that means and had to look it up as i haven't studied in 6 years


so I'm going to be ordering study materials this upcoming Friday to help me get started as i want to start with hiragana again.
How long would it take to get up to a decent level with this in two years as i plan on applying en mass to a lot of "Teach english in japan" type places.

>> No.435502

desu if you have a college degree and aren't a dysfunctional freak you can get an english teaching job in bumfuck, japan with no skills at all.
my advice is to skip the textbooks and use wanikani. the starter material is free. and of course you'll need to get familiar with anki to study kanji.

>> No.435585

>if you have a college degree
it's another 2 years until i get my bachelors

>> No.435617

If you've studied it in the past, hiragana should be easy to brush back up. Use a simple thing like this to solidify it: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html

Here's a helpful set of resources, courtesy of /djt/ on /jp/ (an otherwise useless general): https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

>> No.435668

maybe wait until you get that until you apply anywhere. it doesn't matter where you get it but they really care that a college rubber stamped you in japan. it's not impossible to get a job and even a long term residence visa without a degree, i've heard of it happening, but it's many times harder and your japanese skills will have to be a lot stronger.

>> No.435748

yes i know this
that's why i was asking for tips
probably gonna dip to /djt/ on /int/ at some point when i start studying

>> No.435824

>been learning for 2.5 months
>don't feel like I've progressed much
>can only catch a few words they say and try to guess the gist of what they were saying
when does it click bros...

>> No.435834

>/djt/ on /int/
A better choice than /djt/ on /jp/.
I started seriously learning nip in college myself. Apply yourself seriously and consistently, and you'll see results.

Luca Lampariello on Youtube is a pretty good resource for learning how to learn languages in general.

>> No.435899

>>can only catch a few words they say and try to guess the gist of what they were saying
You couldn't have done that two months ago, right? You're absolutely making progress.

>> No.435966

>Uncommon, weird kanji is a stopping block just like obscure words are for you and I
Can't relate. If I don't know a word, I just pop open the dictionary, and in less than 30 seconds, I have a clear understanding of what's being said. At this point, I don't even encounter words I don't know anymore.

>> No.435987

Similarly, bookish nips know difficult kanji by heart.

>> No.436159

In my case, it's easy. With an alphabet, you can just flip to the exact word based on the position of each letter in the alphabet. Japanese have to rely on stroke orders and radicals in characters you have to strain your eyes to see. (That's actually the biggest obstacle I have.) How do they do it?

>> No.436200
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Sometimes I wish I was doing something like this.

>> No.436811
File: 159 KB, 2757x1036, s nou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say how Japanese do it, I only know what I do. Let's say I see a word like 脳癌, which contains a character I don't recognize, 癌.
>I know 脳, nou, meaning brain.
>look up 脳 on wiktionary for words which contain 癌.
>find it
This doesn't work for more obscure stuff, but you're not likely to find obscure stuff.

But if you didn't know 脳, you could also look it up by the meat radical 肉 plus seven strokes:

>> No.436956

Eh. I'm learning Chinese. I figure I'll just learn the characters that way, and if I encounter the character while reading Japanese, I'll understand it that way, since meanings tend not to change.

>> No.436993

Oh, but I forgot that the easiest tool is the google translate app, which you can scan an image into text with so you can look up the term.

>> No.437003


>> No.437122

I figure if I start learning Chinese at this point, it'll be much easier than learning Japanese was.
Unfortunately at the moment I'm still learning Japanese and Tagalog

>> No.437382
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>finished doing my hiragana/katakana reps
>read nip chuuba tweets out loud, except kanji
>consciously listen to nipspeak
>try to make out the kotabas that I hear and translate until I get the gist of what they're saying.
>installed 日本語 IME
>type in moonrunes in chat mostly just かわいい, 草, and 上手い
am i gmi?

>> No.437534

punch that woman in the face, you are gonna make it

>> No.437623

Ironically, I've learned more jp from 1 year of watching egirls over 20 years of anime

>> No.437650
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90% of Vtuber fans on this site are EOPs (and half of that 10% don't even know Japanese)
They all rely on translated clips, and then a lot try to still support their oshi by have their stream running and subbing to their main channel. This was the case before EN debuted, and it's still the case now.
While many people here are "trying" to learn Japanese, most aren't at the stage of being able to comprehend the ramblings of a streamer compared to some anime studio VA recording on the clock.
>Without knowledge of japanese, you are going to engage in rampant narrativeposting as you are unable to comprehend primary sources.
You say that as if shitty "gossip" is not only not part of the "idol/celeb", but that japanese fans don't make rrats themselves.

>> No.438113
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I've been thinking of learning spoken Japanese, as in the romaji and how things are pronounced/what do they mean etc and skipping hira/kata/kanji altogether because if you think about it that's all you really need to understand and enjoy vtubers.
How viable is that and what are some good recourses to do that?

>> No.438131

I might find just some French vtubers if I ever want to brush up my French again

>> No.438142

>searching like a retard when you know a character from the word you're trying to search
There are better alternatives that someone learning the language could've easily used but this sounds like shit from someone who has started googling how to learn japanese and then posts on an anonymous board.

>> No.438277
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Literally just pick up this book (or any resource). When you hear something you haven't heard before, look it up.
The only flaw in your plan is thinking about it. Once you've realized just how much of their streams are meaningless "Oh, I see" and "Yeah, that should work", come back and tell us about it.

>> No.438537

It doesn't take that long at all. That was just the quick and bohemian way I did it early on, anyhow. An easier way is >>436993.
Or you could go with the more formal ways they teach in the method books, if you prefer that sort of thing.

>> No.439613

So keep going now. Don't stop at the first sign of struggle.

>> No.439700

They are literate enough to get through it and miss only like a vanishingly small percent of the story. Just because they can't read 1 or 2 words in a run does not mean kanji is unserviceable.

>> No.439707

mate, don't stress about the review pile being huge
your goal is to learn and you'll still be doing that going through the review pile, even if you won't finish it in one session

>> No.439754

If we all learn japanese the rrats will be worth reading.

>> No.440064

I studied enough japanese a few years ago to understand the general idea of what they're saying on streams, but I feel intimidated to try to learn again because I can't commit to memory any kind of moonrunes.

>> No.440134

When my review pile spiraled out of control, I just settled it (months after abandoning it) by manually rescheduling the cards to afterward.

>> No.440263

Watch Haato's stream of idolmaster. That wasn't just 1 or 2 words.

>> No.440351

Haato is fresh out of high school and has spent a ton of time outside of Japan.

>> No.442785

If you lack motivation to the point where you're looking for shortcuts and cutting out half the language then you're not gonna make it.

>> No.442862

Keep bringing /jp/ content here and we will start closing /jp/ with our content.

>> No.443366

There aren't any tips. Just memorize it. It's an autistic language.

>> No.443398

If you want a "tip" for learning kanji, it's to just read more.

>> No.444649

>looking for a way to get rid of essentially useless knowledge is lacking motivation

Aside from vtubers I'm not really interested to learn the actual language because it's retardedly complicated and even Japs themselves use romaji to talk. If you remember the various streams of the Holos playing Minecraft and talking to one another via chat, they type in romaji. Honestly that's where I got that idea. If anything, I'd argue making an unattainable goal such as understanding Japanese actually have an end in sight is encouraging.

>> No.444689

>recommending MTL shit ever
>still not mentioning the two simplest sites to look up kanji/compound meanings
You really ought to study more before advising people what they can do.

>> No.447424

>Learning Japanese is an unattainable goal.
That's what I'm talking about. It's like when people on /vr/ say they want to learn Japanese but only for really old retro games so they can avoid learning Kanji. It's because they want to learn Japanese, but don't want to put in the effort to do it, so they meet themselves halfway by cutting out a lot of the workload. Japanese people don't use romaji as often as you might think. I know that Japanese keyboards (IME at least) don't work properly with certain games, so they use romaji out of necessity. But in games where it does work they're using actual Japanese. And then of course they use real Japanese at any time outside of games, like on every website. I mean, it's possible to learn only the spoken language, but I think it's an arbitrary restriction that can make things difficult in the long-run, and the mentality that it came from doesn't bode well for the way you might handle any hurdles that come up down the line. I mean go for it if you really want to. It's better than just writing off the whole language because kanji bad or whatever. Despite saying you're not gonna make it, I'd rather encourage someone than discourage someone. You should give the written language another shot. At the very least learn Hiragana and Katakana since that shit's easy. It'll make looking up words much easier as well.

>> No.447846
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>even Japs themselves use romaji to talk. If you remember the various streams of the Holos playing Minecraft and talking to one another via chat, they type in romaji.
of course they do, since they don't have a fucking kanji keyaboard
>an unattainable goal such as understanding Japanese

>> No.447891

It's unattainable for a lot of people. I'm fluent in 4 languages and I understand how retarded Japanese writing and grammar is and that just reaching a basic middle school reading level will take me longer than mastering those 3 languages combined. A lot of people simply don't have that time.

>> No.448019
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>> No.448088

I went on a free nip language course that had nip teachers training overseas. It was fun but it definitely isn't a language to take on thinking it's gonna be a short run. It will probably take at least 10 years to get the basic down. Maybe 5 if you are deep diving. I kinda gave up after a few months. Learning katakana is the baby steps part. Better off getting an auto translator app on your phone if visiting Japan.

>> No.448099

why would i learn a useless language?

>> No.448122

What are you talking about? You can get the basics down in less than a year and you don't even have to try that hard.


>> No.448134

From my experience you can get the basics within a year. I could watch anime unsubbed within that time.
Reading and writing is the real hurdle, and that will take you many years. But if you just want to understand streams it's easy.

>> No.448137

you're the one that sounds upset about it though

>> No.448189

I could see how I sound upset, but I'm not. I'm just confused someone would say it'd take five to ten years to learn the basics, and I think saying Japanese is a useless language is just coping, especially when posting on the board about virtual youtubers.

>> No.448215

Some clippers have good taste.

>> No.448226

in the case that this isn't a shitpost, it's useless to my life, i have no interest in going to japan and im essentially deaf so im not about to understand what vtubers say anyways
i dont watch anime but if i did, that has subs anyway

>> No.448280

This is /vt/, not /jp/ anon

>> No.448306

So when you described it as useless, you meant to say that it's useless to you, and not just useless in general? Japanese has loads of uses to many people, especially those who enjoy otaku culture and watching virtual youtubers. I assumed you were one of those people.

>> No.448320

yes but i presented it as a shitpost because no one ever says anything sincerely on this world wide website

>> No.448342

And here you are posting on an off brand japanese site.

>> No.448400

>will remove the magic of it.
As for me, I found the expressions and language sentence of Japanese really appealing to me.
Then I was able to enjoy JP Vtubers more since I can now understand more of what they are saying.
Which then fuels my interest more on JP Vtubers/Anime/Manga/etc.
Then I understand more Japanese.

It's a cycle for me, at least.

>> No.448419

I'll go for it. Thanks, anon.

>> No.450304

>Then one day you learn the words and it turns out they're retarded
Fucking Sunshine Superman

>> No.450750

>Have you seen any clippers clip the witty jokes (oftentimes puns) that Korone makes?
This is not funny for clips unless the translator also localizes/makes an equivalent joke. Otherwise, it'd be a waste of time putting translator's notes like "this guy's making a pun on how this word can mean mountain, or it can mean sword". That's not funny to read, since it's straight up explaining a joke.
That's not to say it's not possible, but it's probably not worth the effort even when they do understand it. At least Cover's translators are being paid to turn Pekora's catchphrase into puns, or to make Luna's dialogue seem baby-like.

>> No.452989

Japanese is one of the hardest languages to learn due to how badly it's designed, and I'm 29.

>> No.453415

Um actually it's easy just practice learning how to read the words written on the screen for 10 minutes every day for the rest of your life, you definitely will never plateau or forget information because 10 minutes isn't enough of a time investment to learn fucking anything

>> No.453503

Literally why

>> No.455150

While this is one of the interesting moments in the first Roommania stream (actually the first biggest one since this is pretty much the first scenario), the fact that it took more than half a year to get a clip out says a lot about the capacity of said clipper. They even translate Korone's weird Kansai-Tohoku-ish dialect to gibberish when they probably can't MTL what it says. Heck, the video you linked even has him annotate that the cause of Shuuta's dad getting arrested was unknown when he later updates it to say it was because he climbed a building to get attention for his leukemia afflicted son.
Good taste maybe (how do you only clip this when the same stream has more stuff in it that's equally if not more interesting), but yeah, this isn't enough to dissuade me that they're all MTLer EOPs being false prophets that sometimes hit the mark.

>> No.456702

I'm not recommending MTL shit, you idiot.
I'm recommending an app which can convert an image into text, which you can then copy to look up in Weblio. That's it.

>> No.456845
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, 1612387651372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna learn how to speak Japanese, not read Kanji, katakana, hiragana. My grammar skills are poor even in my own language. But learning to speak different languages goes very easy for me. Is there some site with romaji where someone like me could learn this way?

>> No.456891

It wasn't always like this. Why must all good generals eventually devolve into mindless shitflinging.
I know it's probably this site as a whole but I choose to not believe that.

>> No.456899

go back faggot

>> No.456942

Grammar has nothing to do with learning to read the language.
>Is there some site with romaji where someone like me could learn this way?
Even if you insist on skipping kanji, learn hiragana and katakana at the very least. You'll be thankful you did.

>> No.457200

EOPs existing is good. It means I can profit off of them as a translator/clipper.

>> No.457281

How much do you charge for entire streams?

>> No.457319
File: 381 KB, 1024x768, 00A43089-12BD-49A7-8E6F-BCA4DFB68605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I’m not an actual weeb who obsesses over muh Japanese culture or the language, I’m just here for the cute girls
Kiss my ass incel

>> No.457352


>> No.457389

I wanted to learn japanese and I even looked at that /djp/ thread on /jp/ but im too retarded and slow to see where I should start

>> No.457425

Keep thinking like that and you'll never learn it.

>> No.457439

You start by learning kana with this game: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html

>> No.457448


>> No.457496
File: 1.56 MB, 498x498, 1612745231112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really hope this becomes a general keep making these threads because the first few posters actually discuss learning Japanese or the various hurdles they have with it
keep it up OP

>> No.457501
File: 3 KB, 441x192, 1582998218570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this fixed

>> No.457508


>> No.457528

no way in hell i'm learning a language just to watch moonchuubas
EN holos are entertaining and hugely successful, there will be more and more, JP tubers are unironically going to become irrelevant to anyone who isn't building their ego around the fact they can understand them

>what's your personality like?
>"i speak japanese"

>> No.457555

>/jp/ seething at English Vtubers on their board
>screech at mods to create a new board to get rid of us
>am getting tired of the excessive gatekeeping
>new board is created
>jump ship immediately
>/jp/ is cheering that we're gone
>new board is fun, and is Vtuber focused, as opposed to /jp/ focused so there's less gatekeeping
>/jp/ starts getting lonely at not having a single collective entity to hate anymore
>start coming to our board telling us that we should be learning Japanese
>they use the term EOP here unironically
Go back to /jp/, and stay go

>> No.457599

the cope is out in full force

>> No.457630
File: 5 KB, 510x202, 1599607936518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply epic
This is why hepburn fucking sucks, get used to kunreisiki now.

>> No.457636

most of /jp/ barely knows anything about their own culture anyway
a huge chunk of that board just masturbates to touhou and some of those guys probably became holosimps

>> No.457685

You forgot the part where you're a mouthbreather for not being able to learn a language you'll possibly come in contact with daily.

>> No.457900
File: 218 KB, 666x666, 1612870917702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're OP keep making these threads i really like seeing them

>> No.457921
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Being attracted to another language is a extremely common thing.

>> No.457937

My mom forgot to teach me as a kid and I'm sick of not understanding what she's saying to her many, many sisters

>> No.457999

>actually trying for 2+ years
I'm actually thankful I found resolve for that, but self-studying the whole language like this with such persistence is probably the most ambitious thing I did for years. OP is wasting their time forcing people to do what they don't feel like doing. Otherwise they would already

>> No.458031

I disagree. I only actually got started learning moon, so many years ago now, after seeing the threads of people bragging.

>> No.458260

Yeah I’ve been learning for 9 months and it can still be like that sometimes depending on the game and streamer. My recommendation is to stick to chuubas that talk slower like Okayu. I can keep up with her stream fairy well but if i switch over to someone like Subaru or Flare I can almost never keep up.

>> No.458862

the thing about japanese is that it's hotter when you actually understand it

>> No.459154
File: 353 KB, 2048x2004, 1434C1F2-5AF1-4195-832C-EBDFDB3CE0B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kana (any app will do)
-> start learning Grammar to understand sentence structure / start reading easy japanese / start listening to easy japanese / start practicing speaking simple japanese / partially work through a core anki deck to get introduced to a bunch of common kanji quickly but be wary of treating anki reps as anywhere near as important as media consumption.
Look up stuff you don’t understand in dictionairies/jisho/grammar guides/ web.
-> keep reading/listening/speaking & mine your own Anki deck based on the stuff you come across adding in the word and the sentence/context you came across it in.
Repeat until fluent.

Add on whatever methods help you get over personal obstacles you come across, like mnemonics if it helps remembering specific kanji you have trouble with. Don’t worry about those until you actually start having those troubles.

>> No.459959

> It will probably take at least 10 years to get the basic down. Maybe 5 if you are deep diving. I kinda gave up after a few months
Please ask anyone who has actually tried it. I know many people who are already very good at comprehension and know a fuck ton of vocab after just 2 years into it. They can read any VN they want or watch any anime unsubbed. To be fair, production is still hard for most of them but only on account of not having practiced it at all. They're autists.

>> No.460008

I know the board has /v/ in the name but it doesn't have to be /v/ 2.0

>> No.460217

Like I said before, this is a coping mechanism.

>> No.463301

Based and Dookupilled

>> No.463605

i dont know how to interact on the internet like a normal person anymore

>> No.464645

I didn't learn it and now I'm older than 25 where language acquisition becomes impossible.

>> No.464723

There's a difference between Koopa and Fortuna.

>> No.464724

>falling for the boomer meme
Weak energy, anon. Sure, it's difficult to get started. But I promise you it's possible anon, just a matter of how much time you're willing to put in.

>> No.464957

>n5 is 800 words
>learn 30 words a day
>26.666(repeat) days
>n4 is about 700
>took less time

I can read up to n4, but I can't fucking speak it holy shit

>> No.465695

n4 is enough to have fun with translating the shit from archives you're fascinated about

>> No.465912
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>> No.466047

Various events in vtuber history have made it abundantly clear that most Japanese people are not worth speaking to

>> No.466117

Is there a way to learn hiragana for complete brainlets?

>> No.466309


>> No.466383
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x2378, dekinai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/learn-hiragana/ and https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/learn-katakana/

hiragana and katakana learning, recommend to spend 1 week on each

>> No.466456

Write out each one in proper stroke order 10-50x each then play any of the many flash card games. The site on /djt/ is all you need.

>> No.466565

I can speak and understand a decent bit, but a lot of "specialized" topics start to lose me. Gaming terminology especially can mess me up when it isn't just katakana engrish shit.

>> No.466610

As a foreigner, the strategy I use when I come across words I don't know is to look up that word on Jisho if it's text. If verbal, I just get fucked.

>> No.466664

>improved core3k
What makes it better than core2k?

>> No.466692

Thanks for the advice

>> No.466876

Cause fuck Kanji. I'm learning it now but only because the imminent Chinese domination of the world has shifted the cost-benefit equation on learning gook symbols
