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43430316 No.43430316 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this adorable little shork make so many people seethe so much?

>> No.43430364

I just want streams.
I can't live on just vods.
I do not fucking care what she does or doesn't do as long as she streams.

>> No.43430462

Because it's Vshojotards posting bait threads to deflect from the fact that Vshojo is currently on the verge of imploding due to infighting over a wizard game.
The best they have is "Gura is selling merch", because Hololive hasn't had a yab in months.

>> No.43430706

unironically because in the schizo game Gura chose the best option from the start: don't play

>> No.43430795

Because effortless femininity is a direct threat to trannies.

>> No.43431667


>> No.43431989

Because she treats her fans worse than anyone over ever seen and literally hates her job putting in even below the bare minimum and she's STILL popular. She could literally squat down pull her fans mouths apart and take a fetid steaming shit in their mouths and they would swallow it and thank her for it.

I don't like her because everytime I see someone praise her it reminds me that in the entertainment industry hard work has nothing to do with success. People stream 12 hours a day and would fly across the country for their fans and they will never be popular or have large success. Gura literally all but quit her job and people could care less. She could take a break for an entire 2 years and people would still not give af. I hate her because it defys all logic how she can quit her job and still be so popular. It reminds me of what I hate about the world.

>> No.43432107

Because she's successful, and people hate success. People hate when others succeed, because it reminds them of their own failures and laziness, so the schitzos desperately claw and tear at any perceived weakness they can find. "Omg she's taking too many breaks, she doesn't deserve her success," and then they lose their minds when she comes back to a giant chatroom full of people who love her. Because they want that many people to love *them*, but don't wanna earn it, they want it to be handed to them. See:

>> No.43432116

Have all the 2views that hate Gura so much tried just being really, really cute?

>> No.43432130

Why are her fans such despicable pieces of shit?

>> No.43432164

I'm not a 2 view. I don't even stream. I'm just a vtuber fan.

>> No.43432259

jealously from SJW, nijifags and vshotard.

>> No.43432295

She seems to be a nice person, but for reasons only known to her she likes to ghost everyone around her. But she has legitimately the creepiest fanbase of any corpo vtuber. The combination of actual pedophiles and people who get their sense of self worth by tying it to the vtuber with the most subscribers poisons the whole thing, even though I know there are people that just like her because she's personable and entertaining. I hope her post-Holo life is better than this one.

>> No.43432326

Lol that's definitely not it. She objectively puts in a fraction of the work that other streamers do and is somehow always popular. I watch her though and I just don't get it. She's not super funny, entertaining, sexy, or anything else I can really see. I literally don't understand. It's the same reaction I get when I see a tiktok star making money. I simply just don't understand why they are popular or able to have success like that.

>> No.43432767

There are plenty of 2views I think are cute. Some people just win the lottery.

Given Gura's personality, I imagine she actually hates being popular. Being popular doesn't just mean you're ideal, it means you're ideal in the eyes of more people than anyone else. In other words, you're ideal according to normalfags. I bet she'd prefer a more niche audience, just large enough to live off.

>> No.43433205

Because all vtweeters and 2views with no personality don't understand why she's popular.

>> No.43433324

She has addictive moments of brilliance but you got to stick around to see.

>> No.43433578
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>> No.43433727

>that I think are cute
who the fuck are you

>> No.43434047

>another brainlet who thinks stream amount is LITERALLY everything

>> No.43434160

Because she's big and doesn't yab. That's why the subhuman filth like this fucking faggot retard >>43431989 needs to constantly headcanon faults otherwise they have nothing to shitpost about.

>> No.43434211

I think the best way I can describe it is like when I try to understand why the Kardashians are popular. They aren't funny, talented, entertaining, insightful, witty, or really have any special qualities at all. It's almost as if society randomly selects people to be popular like a lottery wheel. Granted Kim Kardashian used to be somewhat sexy at one point but there are plenty of women who are way more sexy who never even scratch that level of popularity. It's the same situation with gura. I'm not even mad or anything I just quite plainly and simply cannot and will not ever understand why they are popular.

>> No.43434343

no, you're just retarded and can't understand anything so since CLEARLY you don't get why they're popular it must mean that it's completely random

>> No.43435679

Then the content simply isn't for you. Put time into looking for things you actually do like instead of eternally seething at the shark.

>> No.43436432

You can just feel the jealousy pouring off this post. They see someone effortlessly funnier and more entertaining than them, they hatewatch and struggle to try and find some way to capture even a tiny fraction of that natural charisma and charm but can't. They see someone who others find sexually attractive without needing to behave like a whore and can't wrap their tiny brain around it. 2views really think they can just stream 150 hours a month and magically become interesting, so when Gura hops on stream and makes more worthwhile content in 3 hours than they can in six months, it drives them insane.

>> No.43437440

I'm not a 2 view...why do people keep saying that? Lol I don't stream. Does it really make you that mad that someone else thinks your favorite vtuber has no talent?

>> No.43437604

Nigga acting like he would watch gura if she didn't have the cunny buff.
fucking kek

>> No.43437877

>she has no talent!!
>but i'll keep hatewatching and being angry
Who do you think you're fooling? Try spamming ASMR daily, that usually works for female streamers with no talent.

>> No.43438158

and some people don't get why you like you oshi, what point are you even making here?

>> No.43438242

vshojo deflection thread

>> No.43438438

She's the antithesis of mori and vshojo

>> No.43438936

The only seethe I'm seeing in this thread is from butthurt chumcucks who can't handle it when other people think their oshi is boring and talentless. XD

>> No.43439797

>Ghosts everyone for most of the last 6 months with extended breaks.
>Say its due to illness. Actually is hanging out in Japan.
>Constantly meets the girls off stream while not even bothering to send one member's message.
>Returns convenienty before valentine's day, in the most cynical move ever.
>First off collab in months, refuses to speak up or stand near the mic. Acts like a raincloud the whole time.
>Puts the least effort of everyone into Ina's 3D stream.

>> No.43440285

cannur hates lolis? What a huge faggot.

>> No.43440409

there's a forum full of roasties that really hate her for being young, cute, and successful. They often times leak over here to "troll" male anons

>> No.43440472

It's not her so much as her fanbase.

>> No.43440556

It honestly feels like she wanted to quit and when she told her managers about it they said "no" because cover has invested too much into Gura and this shitty behavior is the result.

>> No.43442170

this. Also pay attention to the rest of hololive, she isn't close to any other holo that gets to know her. Have you ever heard someone say something positive about her that isn't "she's cute"?

>> No.43442426

Still baffles me why anyone would befriend normalfags who worm themselves into their community. Pretty sure that faggot just wants to cut ties with the podcast to pursue his own content but doesnt want to be seen as the asshole who just leaves so he creates intern drama(garnt and joey being pro loli). This way it will ensure he will keep his audience as it insists of deranged female twitter users who will give him the moral high ground

>> No.43443210

>deranged female twitter users who will give him the moral high ground
Now that I think about it everything makes sense, they're the same roasties like those on the lolcow board and that britanny venti bitch who hate lolis but have curiously no problem with shotas... of course. They sent death threats to that weeb sperg for a tweet he made a year ago that cannur dug up. They're completely insane.

>> No.43444166

her content is lazy and she's not funny

>> No.43445676
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You know the funny thing is? Her prompt for Ina got the most engagement

>> No.43445835

Gura is not a loli and nothing will change my mind on this

>> No.43445971

if mouse had a cock, he'd have more semen in his system than blood.

>> No.43447328

>associates loli to pedophilia
>would love to collab with Mori whenever he can for that sweet sweet Hololive views
this faggot is the definition of leech, once he's done with ironmouse, he'll move on to the next damaged good

>> No.43447407
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>> No.43447460

You are a fucking pedophile.

>> No.43447479

My glock pistol certainly can change your mind

>> No.43447623

You wish, tranny child predator. Kill yourself.

>> No.43447794

Envy. Simple as.

>> No.43447870

>pedo calling me a tranny
Lol pot calling kettle black

>> No.43448304

The only black thing here will be your body after I dox you and burn you alive. Kill yourself troon.

>> No.43448381

>admits to being one
yeah, you deserve to die painfully

>> No.43451743

Reminder that nearly every prominent anti-loli "advocate" turns out to be a child rapist trying to deflect.

>> No.43453530

please no, it's already hard to sift through all the thots trying to find someone good. for every one person who knows what they're doing there's a hundred thots shoving the mic up their ass

>> No.43453603

Everyone who replies negatively to this only further prove the point of threads like this.
Its in their very nature to seethe at this dribbling retard, they can't help it.

>> No.43456646


>> No.43457420

because she doesn't stream

>> No.43458617
File: 123 KB, 993x1246, 1631827709402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's big
>she's successful
>she's talented
>she doesn't yab
>she's humble
>she isn't terminally online
>she can't be baited
>she can't be bullied
>she has principles
>she has fiercely loyal fans
Basically it all boils down to ugly jealousy

>> No.43459103

We have a word in the English language for a feeling of confusion and anger about someone else's success. Jealousy.
If you don't like Gura and don't enjoy her content you don't have to watch her. No one is going to ridicule you for having preferences, but to waste your life seething because other people like her and you don't is a very sad thing. It's pathetic and you should do some introspection into what it is about other people's happiness that makes you so angry.

>> No.43459489

omg PREACH sis! gura has no friends in hololive she must be, like, a total bitch

>> No.43460038
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>Remember, the saddest thing in life is wasted talent. You could have all the talent in the world but if you don't do the right thing, then nothing happens.

>> No.43460510

>white man bad
>white man likes something
>something bad

>> No.43461911

I don't seethe. I don't care. I just don't think she's interesting at all in any way. The thread asked why I don't like gura and I answered. You sound like a pussy getting that butthurt because your imaginary girlfriend isn't everyone's favorite.

>> No.43462062

So you're implying that anytime someone thinks a content creator is stupid or uninteresting it's always because of jealousy? So if someone doesn't understand why alex jones or Kim Kardashianare popular it's because they are jealous and have a hate boner? What drugs do you have to smoke to develop delusions that deep because I want to try it?

>> No.43462111

>bumping this shit to respond to something from over an hour ago
Oh I get it now! You're the seething 2view femcel that's making all these threads. Got it. Hey just remember when you inevitably jump in the tub with a packet of razorblades, it goes quicker if you cut down the street, not across it.

>> No.43462592

Lmao I'm a male. Projecting much? How soon until you end it?

>> No.43462771

>thinking I’m a tranny
I hate trannies you morons. I hate them because all of them are pedophiles.
You sound like those faggots who think people who are homophobic are secretly gay keep coping

>> No.43463388

>I hate trannies you morons. I hate them because all of them are pedophiles.
NTA but if you think you're a "conservative" you need to keep in mind that your "allies" on this subject are chinese femcels and woke retards, and your enemy is the conservative japanese government. Proof: https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/jido/page23_003064.html

>On September 17th, the Committee on the Rights of the Child published new guidelines on child trafficking, child prostitution and child pornography.
>This government is aware that careful consideration must be taken when referring to matters covered by existing treaties. At the end of March of this year, opinions on these guidelines were submitted to the committee. However, it is regrettable that these guidelines were published without significant discussion with any signing parties, including Japan.
>This guideline was submitted by the committee as a guide for implementation of the treaty [of the Rights of the Child that Japan signed]. These guidelines do not change the treaty itself. They are in no way legally binding. This government’s position on these optional guidelines has been to send multiple applications to the committee, which has confirmed that these guidelines are not legally binding on any signing party.
>Japan will continue to pay close attentions to these discussions. We will express our opinions as necessary.

tl;dr: https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2019/09/23/japan-responds-to-un-guidelines-concerning-lolicon/

>> No.43463425

People who are into lolis would rape IRL children if it was legal. You pedos deserve the rope.

>> No.43463459

Its not about the girl is about the numbers

>> No.43463538

>People who play APEX legends would kill people IRL if it was legal. You murderers deserve the rope.

>> No.43463569

>believe 3d>2d
Ughh kys normie

>> No.43463622

>justifying being attracted to children
pls put bullets in your skulls

>> No.43463671

Yeah and robot are people

>> No.43463684

>no argument
Keep seething.

>> No.43463768

But they didn't, so there's no problem. In the first place, child rape existed since the dawn of history.

>> No.43463974 [DELETED] 

4.250 million subs.

>> No.43463987

I don’t like her and I don’t like hololive, you’re the most toxic tribal pedos in the catalog and always have been. A true cancer in vtubing. Cope with your loli mind tricks all you want, you know what you really are.

>> No.43464031

Nice projection tranny. Kill yourself.

>> No.43464147

Lmao your oshi is shit unlike gura, cope and seethe

>> No.43464202

Thanks for proving my point retard

>> No.43464248

>thinking i'm a gura fan
Say that again but this time, without crying.

>> No.43464344

>Lmao your oshi is shit unlike gura, cope and seethe
you literally typed this, so why wouldn’t I assume you’re not a gura fan in a gura thread? Did you eat paint chips as a kid of something?

>> No.43464378

falseflagging is a thing nigga

>> No.43464397

Would you have sex with children if it were legal?

>> No.43464431

She is fully clothed in her hoodie covering everything. Nothing about her design is sexual yet she makes everyone goom for her.

Whores hate her because they can't be like her without showing cleavage.

>> No.43464521

Ok that’s all I needed to know

>> No.43464569
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Mine ,and likely his oshi, actually streams and shows gratitude through actions. Vtubers can say whatever they want, we don't know what happens off-stream which allows them to lie and do whatever they want, that's why in case of chuubas actions are the only thing that matters. Anyone that knows anything about Gura also knows how she sees her fans and this whole vtubing thing through her actions. Chumbuds know it better than anyone else, that's why they need to stalk the catalog 24/7 and quickly deflect (and/or project in some cases) in every thread relating to her. Anyone that cares about these streamers knows very well where they stand. I don't care for memeshark, but these threads are fascinating to lurk in ngl. Dunno if it's sunk cost fallacy or people needing to align themselves with someone popular so that they could shit on every other streamer in order to feel superior (insecurity basically, they are afraid of being made fun of on 4chan lol) or something else, but it's interesting to witness.

>> No.43464667

NTA but It's true. I'm no fan of Gura but your oshi is still shit, that's why you're coping and seething. Kinda like how ugly feminist women attack beautiful women. Same energy.

>> No.43464684

Trannies here drooling at the thought

>> No.43464707

All that just to say your obsession with Gura is pointless.

>> No.43464737

This might be the most mentally ill schizo post so far. Are the chumbuds flying over you right now?

>> No.43464864

I’m pretty sure it’s the same person that makes all the Pekora vs Gura hate threads, if it is he’s been at it for 2 years+.

>> No.43464994

You guys are unironically retarded. Why are you in a gura thread defending gura if she’s not your oshii? Also shitting on my oshii when have no clue who she is and saying gura is better than her? How does this even make sense? Maybe it’s mental illness or a subhuman IQ

>> No.43465048
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Because it makes you seethe and I like seeing you squirm. You wouldn't be attacking Gura if you weren't an insecure retard with a shit oshi.

>> No.43465094

I’m done with you, this is pointless. I’d have a better conversation talking to a walk.

>> No.43465100
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I haven't made a single thread both here in /vt/, /jp/ before that and on /fit/ which I browsed before vtubers and I barely make one post on average every day in my own general. I barely post in these bait threads as well, maybe like 2-3 posts a month just laughing at someone.
The one you're replying to going about how "Are the chumbuds flying over you right now?" is lumping me with anyone that doesn't adore the shark as an "anti". He and you are both proving my point about being extremely insecure and deflective. Also as I've said, I don't care about the sharkie herself, I find these threads interesting because of chumbuddies. Everyone has their onw guilty pleasure. Some people watch TLC shows about crazy people, for me it's these threads now and then and seeing how Gura's fans behave. It's so interesting, I can't get enough of this stuff, it's both funny, pathetic and grotesque.

>> No.43465107

It came to me in a dream.

>> No.43465114
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Say that again but this time without crying

>> No.43465146

You haven’t said one thing to insult me, you’re just incredibly stupid

>> No.43465165

Personally, I just like hitting any of these threads with a flag at random, just to watch the angered true fans run around attacking one tribe or another. It's like knocking over those piles of sand ants build.

>> No.43465177

>he's unironically crying

>> No.43465241
File: 95 KB, 498x498, D5954E53-9A20-4C91-ADBB-428045D32EC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
Gura existing makes sure more people get filter out of this hobby. It’s fucking disgusting the damage vtweeters and vshojo has done to the Vtubing in the west

>> No.43465249

Reminder that anti-loli faggots are pedos and project themselves really hard.


Neck yourself moralist nigger.

>> No.43465265

Learn 2 entertain
I'm not talking about whoring either.

>> No.43465292

Gura fought management to release that daki. Don't care about fans you say?

>> No.43465343

>Would you have sex with children if it were legal?
No I wouldn't, and if you can't prove a direct causation link between viewing loli drawings and child abuse then no one will take you seriously. The japanese government thinks you're ridiculous and they're not the only ones. I remember some child proctection association asking people to stop flooding them with loli hentai, saying it's wasting their time and preventing them from tracking real child abuse.

>> No.43465418

>Would you have sex with children if it were legal?
Those that claim "loli = pedo" are often caught doing so. Becasue they actually project real children into lolis , the sick fucks. Saying "loli=pedo" is to hide that they aren't pedo.

>> No.43465481


>Would you have sex with children if it were legal?
>Those that claim "loli = pedo" are often caught doing so. Becasue they actually project real children into lolis , the sick fucks. Saying "loli=pedo" is to hide that they aren't pedo.

>aren't pedo

anon, I think you may have made a mistake here.

>> No.43465510
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>> No.43465546

kys pedi stay far away from children

>> No.43465632

Follow your own advice, retard.

>> No.43465662

No their just not very bright in this thread, half the posts don’t even make sense and the other half are disgusting copes how their not pedos.

>> No.43465881

I'm not the one asking others if they think real kids are sexy

>> No.43466067

The one who yells the most...

>> No.43466347

is this some nyfco refugee sister, or why do we suddenly have someone sperging out about lolis?

>> No.43467214

Her antis spend months saying she was going to graduate or her fans would leave her, nothing of that happened and now they are mad

>> No.43467407

I guess you don’t watch the news? Or even read this thread...get a clue man

>> No.43467609

>Anon surfing 4chan too much too understand the internet's trend nowadays

>> No.43467682

Because she is a biological woman and likes loli, two things that will drive a woke tranny into meltdown.

>> No.43467722

Feeling prideful for being tranny. Kek

>> No.43469606
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Because she's a faggot undeserving of the emperor's grace.

>> No.43469685
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Sure thing, sis!
