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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 110 KB, 881x148, gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43460080 No.43460080 [Reply] [Original]

Gura's pre-Valentine's Day stream earned 1,152,182 JPY in Superchats. As of right now that's 8,595.05 USD. Assuming Youtube and Cover take a VERY generous 1/3 cut of her SCs each, that leaves her with 2836.37 USD in income. From one stream. The actual figure is probably a bit higher, and doesn't even account from her passive income (salary, sponsorships, etc). .

Now, for that kind of money one could easily afford the newest, most high-spec gaming laptop on the market. Alternatively, one could opt to build a desktop PC with the most powerful hardware currently available, or even order a prebuilt that can handle streaming and gaming without any issues whatsoever. Yet she chooses not to, despite constantly being plagued by hardware and tech issues with her current setup, which often keep her out of action for days at a time. Curious, isn't it?

Just something to think about.

>> No.43460226

She already has a desktop with stupid specs
i9 cpu, 3090, and stupid amounts of ram
she is the problem not her computer

>> No.43460309

at least you put a tiny bit of effort into this one

>> No.43460333
File: 157 KB, 1456x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the seething 2view femcel is back.

>> No.43460396

>Human being working in a high publicity artistic field is affected by emotional and creative problems, despite having money
Wow, who could have thought

>> No.43460465

why are beggars like this

>> No.43460474
File: 17 KB, 656x468, Laughed at 2views femcel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak should fear the strong

>> No.43460496

It's been pretty obvious that PC hort is one of her excuses to stream less. Some serious "dog ate my homework" stuff.

>> No.43460509

Go back to twitter doxxsisters

>> No.43460533

one more thread, tranny. If you do, Cover will pull out her dakimakura and Gura will finally acknowledge Tempus and NijiEN HAHAHA

>> No.43460571

As someone who gives her money I'm fucking glad she's not wasting it on a shitty gaming laptop for the one (uno) month she'll be in Japan.

>> No.43460594


She literally plays video games and makes baby noises, Anon. Let's not pretend she's Michaelangelo here.

>> No.43460665

she's a millionaire, her lack of effort/doing anything at all is the issue, not money. cover management literally had to force and override her to get her to even talk to JP senpai when she was in japan.

>> No.43460740

this autist is spamming the board about shit she never even said its amazingly retarded, but likely because of all the other yabs going on

>> No.43462809

>2836.37 USD
That will be like 2 month of taxes and medical bills. Maybe something left for a food.

>> No.43463162

>Assuming Youtube and Cover take a VERY generous 1/3 cut of her SCs each
You don't need to assume, newfag. The other girls have talked about the split before, including Coco and Moona, and it's 30/35/35 for Google/Cover/talent.
Other than that, you're probably right, she doesn't seem to care a whole lot about streaming anymore.

>> No.43463191
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1652552964831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creative problems

>> No.43463260

Is Gura a millionaire at this point?

>> No.43463399

Lmao chumpedos can't take criticism and lash out deflections at whatever imaginary boogeyman first crosses their minds.
If my oshi was relegated to be a zero effort marketing shill tool I'd be furious.
It just goes to show how Gura appeals to the lowest common denominator consumerist with no standards or self-respect.

>> No.43463836

God, can a mod ban this retard already?
I barely come to this board and I still see these same threads about how bad Gura is.
Fucking nobody gives a fuck. Nobody will stop watching her because of you making shit up.
Just by banning you I am sure the board will rise up in quality.

>> No.43463878

So basically Gura makes more money than you merely by existing and that makes you seethe a lot.
Thanks, that's a curious fact indeed.

>> No.43463908

Sunk cost fallacy is a bitch.
Most of her fans moved on, so only the most hardcore (i.e. severely autistic) ones remained, and they will, of course, defend her in the only way they can.
That's why she doesn't stream regularly. She doesn't want to deal with the subhumans.

>> No.43464167

I'll continue supporting her if it makes women like you seethe kek.

>> No.43464466

Other vtubers can only wish to have the wealth from the fans of the lowest common denominator with no standards or self-respect. Even though Nijisanji begs like the lowest denominator whores with no standards or self-respect; something that Gura never does.

Because even the lowest common denominator consumerist with no standards or self-respect is reluctant to give to the lowest common denominator whores of Nijisanji with no standards or self-respect.

>> No.43464545

Gura's Beef PC is at home. Too busy to invest with Showcase 3D, HoloFes, and HoloConnect EN coming up. Gura has many other projects to do at Cover studio while she can.

If Gura was in Nijisanji/VShoujo, she'd be home, with no projects to do, thus having plenty of time to stream.

Thank GOD she's where she's at.

>> No.43464602

oh wow, everyone else is doing the same thing and yet she's the only one who doesn't seem to give a shit.
how peculiar...
