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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43441080 No.43441080 [Reply] [Original]

Former Deadbeats, what made you leave? What made you lose interest?

>> No.43441282

Her alcoholism.

>> No.43441487

After the kino arc she followed with the c.money supa arc and at the same time felt like she wasn't there.

>> No.43441675

If you didn't leave during the lean arc, nothing will make you leave.

>> No.43441811

Choosing that cunt Connor over her co-workers, her own friends.

>> No.43441842 [DELETED] 

She was supa baiting from the start. Like watch her debut nigger, it was disgusting.

>> No.43442054

Yeah, never abandoned Mori, never will.
Never gonna abandon any of the EN or ID girls.

>> No.43442133

I watched it at the time, no need. The supa baiting is real, but at the same time is expected. She was there for the dollar and you could easily see it when she explained how she got in. That was not an issue, but the c.money arc was totally unprofessional which coupled with her feeling off suddenly after the kino arc made for a very awkward watching sometimes (not on the level of the coco-mori redshit collab,though).

>> No.43442132

I left during the nezumori stream

>> No.43447789

she was pretty cute
i was there reading the dad tsuber
i ignored the rapping cringe
i hated when she started flipflopping about idols and the constant swearing

>> No.43448110
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>has actively talked about leaving rap behind
>UMG albums were a huge success
>sololive was also a major success with a second one in the works
>yagoo openly attempting to further collaborations with western companies
the second golden age is coming

>> No.43448204

Her rap is unironically better than the shitty jpop and wubstep vomit she shits out now
absolutely soulless

>> No.43448254

YB Better

>> No.43448281

first 3 months mori was alright

>> No.43448290

never been a deadbeat, i just hate mori because of how she treats the others and how self interested she is and no respect for idol culture

>> No.43448412 [DELETED] 

>part of LGBT “community” or is an “ally”
>is a nigger
>is a kike
>is a leftist
>is a whore

>> No.43448514
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Those months were kino as fuck. Then she stop her cute fake voice and it was all downhill since then.

>> No.43448518

The whiplash of releasing a song like End of a Life and then immediately going to the fucking cuckbeat twitter post.

End of a Life is a genuinely good song imo, not just good for a Mori song or good for a vtuber song. But the lyrics are all about how she's moving on and then the cuckbeat post proved that haters live rent free in her head and she'll never fucking change. That and then like all the songs she's made since then about "owning the haters".

We're also coming up on 3 years since she debuted and she hasn't become more Hololive friendly, she still keeps doing stupid shit, trying to funnel people to her rm, and still promoting Homos and ecelebs.

>> No.43448673


It's soulless, but it sells better. Mori has music ambitions and she's completely sold out at every turn to make those a reality for herself, that includes selling herself to soulless, generic jpop just so she can go "I'm relevant!"

>> No.43448738

She grew fat.

>> No.43448932
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And that's a good thing.

>> No.43449124

When she stopped streaming for extended periods of time around the summer since she focused on "other" activities which I find dumb since as Mori she either streamed once or twice every now and then and just vanishes as a result. And these days I just don't care anymore. Like I haven't even heard any of her more recent songs or watch their mv's at this point.

>> No.43449142

Is this another circlejerk of pretending to be deadbeats?

>> No.43449273

Anyone who liked her after the first few months of her debut is legitimately brain dead.

>> No.43449331

Tempiss collabs taking over. This should be obvious.

>> No.43449599


>> No.43450537

I stopped watching hololive altogether mid 2021 but I stayed subbed to her for a while. Nothing she did really made me want to come back so I just unsubbed.

>> No.43450718

Never liked her from the start; I could always tell how fake of a person she was and the things she openly admitted made me realize just how spot on my feelings were.

For the better part of 2 years now it's been perfectly clear she just wants to be a music artist and phones in entirely everything else. She literally has the same routine:
- I want to focus on my music
- Here's a sample of my music, please give me money.
- Here's a superchat reading thanking you for the money from the previous stream, also please give me more
- I'm going to do even less while focusing on my music.
- He's a preview, give me more money
- Here's a superchat reading for that, just a little bit longer until it's officially released
- Here's the official release!
- Here's another superchatting stream thanking you for those donations.

Repeat over and over. Her "content" streams are just "Yeah....I suck at games" monotone nothingness with the occasional scream or "fuck fuck fuck" over and over again for the base level laughs. That's it, that's literally all she is.

>> No.43450856

sounds like your problem is that she's honest about her ambition and isn't trying to be something she's not lol

>> No.43450989

She went from humble cute music production dork to saruei-tier over several months after debuting

>> No.43451128

Mori diving cunt-first into TT and other anitubers/ecelebs, being an absolute shitheel to her genmates, not going to AA and never admitting she was wrong.

>> No.43451191


>> No.43451238

white woman but she hasn't fucked a dog on stream yet. 0/10 no authenticity

>> No.43451251

Her treatment of Kiara.
It went from kino banter to basically abusive. Lying about watching her cover was the final straw.

>> No.43451282

No, it's not.

>> No.43451362

This too.

>> No.43451805 [DELETED] 

Her rm got fat, if the rm is not cute I can't follow the chuuba either.

>> No.43451964 [DELETED] 

her rm was always a fucking fat slob you just didn't accept it until recently

>> No.43452085


I have no problem with her ambition, I have a problem with her mooching off people to make it happen. You can pretend all you like but without her model and Cover, she'd be a nobody. Likewise, her "ambition" as you call it is exploitative of her base.

If you think that's a "me" problem, so be it, I won't be able to change your mind, just know, you ARE being exploited by someone who doesn't care about you, only themselves. I'm not the exploited nor the exploiter here, just a bystander telling you "Hey, maybe get out of the way of that truck that's swerving towards you."

>> No.43452137


>> No.43452196

I was never a deadbeat but her treatment of Kiara and then crawling back to her once her views were in the shitter and the entire "rager" arc made me actively go out of my way to never watch or support anything she's involved in so I don't contribute a fraction of a cent to her income.

>> No.43452254

Her fake voice sucks. It sounds like a patronizing elementary school teacher. The fact that anyone liked it is appalling to me.

>> No.43452306

It was a combination of three events.
First she started actively streaming on her rm account, shattering the illusion.
Then she announced the UMG contract, which made me suspect that her content from now on would be half-assed due to too many projects.
Then Shinigami Note dropped and the only good song was Mera Mera, confirming my suspicion and making me lose interest in Mori's career.

At that point I abandoned ship.
Ah, and the lean arc and airbnb arc confirmed that she's real cunt rather than an ironic cunt.

>> No.43452350


The first thing was the dad meme. It was unfunny, overdone, and I had no interest in making a cute anime girl into a father figure. Her refusal to stomp it out and eventually embracing the nickname was really grating.

Relatedly, there's her general change in demeanor. Debut-era Mori is almost a completely different person. I really liked the quirky, nervous, underdog energy she had. Now she's "ya boy". If she's more comfortable that way, so be it, but I don't find it as interesting.

Obviously the Connor/Lean arc was the straw that broke the camel's back. She had just done a really sweet karaoke too, but after her retweet, I decided to just be done with her.

She's since gone all in on tempiss collabs, so I'm glad I dropped her when I did.

>> No.43452373

she "made it" now, she's a big time artist now, she no longer needs my support and it shows in her work

>> No.43452390

Hi, Mori, speaking of which can we get some more warning on these collabs?

>> No.43452453

her voice in general is like nails on a chalkboard

>> No.43452583 [DELETED] 

Haven't left, but she really likes self-sabotage. I'll credit her in that she's gotten better about not doing it, but some of her yabs and letting shitters like Watame leech off her is painful.

>> No.43452682

>abandoned JP

>> No.43453748
File: 151 KB, 497x751, mori garbage 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckbeats deserve the rope.

>> No.43453917

It was better than her wigger voice. Though both are shit anyway...

>> No.43454042

Is this the daily /vt/ seethes at Mori thread?

>> No.43454190

It's the daily Deadbeats-fish-for-compliments-and-get-told-to-fuck-off thread. If you faggots would just STFU we wouldn't have to tell you to neck yourselves.

>> No.43454200

Yes, bring out the popcorn and pull up a seat.

>> No.43454227 [DELETED] 

It's okay cuckbeat, she's bleeding numbers so hard that /vt/ might forget she exists in the near future.

>> No.43454253

buddy im only here for the music and everything else is a bonus, if her music didn't exist i wouldn't connect with her the way I do. they're inseparable concepts, she's not a vtuber who also happens to make music, she's a musician vtuber.

>> No.43454948

You and those like you should not be here. Or exist for that matter.

>> No.43454996

you wanna cut suisei too? neck yourself

>> No.43455090

LoL. Edgelord.

>> No.43455215 [DELETED] 

You know, I'm sick of Cuckbeats acting like Suisei is their own property.

>> No.43455435

The condom superchat arc had to be one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed in this community.

>> No.43455445 [DELETED] 

pretty much after the condom man incident, the lean incident, the rice nigger boyfriend and the gura stay-home incident. Don't remember which one pulled the final plug though.

>> No.43455628

When she signed with UMG I knew I was done. I mostly listened along to her music just to support the streamer that I enjoyed watching. Flipping the priority from mostly streaming with some music to mostly music and some streaming was never going to work for me. I was already getting frustrated with the scuffed streams and fucked up collabs and there's no sign of that ever improving so why be mad there's plenty of other vtubers out there.

>> No.43455671

I didn't "abandon" her but after the Conner shit talking her "friends" and her defending not just him but his rationale, I sorta stopped caring as much about her. Will stop watch collabs and even listen to her music but I dropped my membership that day and haven't tuned into a solo stream since.

>> No.43455759

LoL. Projecting.

>> No.43455798

Well I was never a deadbeat but, she's watchable in her solo streams but cringe in collabs and maximum cringe in jp collabs

I was neutral until she decided to actively destroy what made Holo thrive, now I'm an anti

>> No.43455837 [DELETED] 

Keep telling yourself that after she tried getting closer to Suisei through the radio program as well.

>> No.43456041

The fact you're calling Watame, not Mori, a leech shows that you have nothing worth saying and need to kill yourself immediately. Join your brethren in the 41%

>> No.43456133

Probably not gonna be very coherent:

She just decided to be more casual dudebro and less cutesy like first advertised. She has some amazing sultry asmr potential, but she uses it so rarely, and I think half the time it's unintentional. Besides, it clashes so terribly with the dad shit she eventually embraced. She'll still occasionally do some cutesy shit, but it suffers to me because her content is all over the place. She'll treat gfe as cringe and uncomfortable one day, and then do some serious shameless pandering the next. I feel she thinks of it as the "gap", but it comes across as an identity crisis to me more than anything.

Also her music focus I guess. I used to view it as a nice bonus to watching her, not her main draw for me, but then with umg it became her all and it's too much for me to keep up with. There is now always some new cross promotion event and niche Japan only stuff, and yet another overprized physical cd she keeps shilling and reminding you you'll need if you wanna be considered a higher tier Deadbeat. I think lots of stream ideas also suffer due to all the different pies she (and by proxy, you as a fan) feels the need to have a finger in: promos, merch, outside collabs, new album immediately after the last, not to mention RM shit. In the end it became like a reverse sunk cost fallacy or whatever you call that: the more I missed, the easier it became to give up. Just feels like being her viewer is less about you being entertained (receiving) and more about tirelessly propping her up (giving)

I guess I just realized what I was really after and that I had turned a blind eye to just how much we clashed for the longest time. Nothing she really did wrong, certainly no "unforgivable yab". All I'll say is she arguably sold herself very wrong in her first half a year. Maybe my true breaking point was all the way back when she dropped her date streams, as if they had become beneath her because she had made it.

>> No.43456574

Yes, it is.

>> No.43456838 [DELETED] 

No, it's not. Kill yourself by shoving a rusty chainsaw up your arse and activating it.

>> No.43456924 [DELETED] 

I've never watched her because I'm not a gay transexual, a dogfucker, a hydrocephalic, a reddit user, a nigger, an ESL, an EOP, a 5'3 indonesian rent boy, an american, a nip, or a hololive fan.

>> No.43457199

I also miss the days of the homemade vibe of Deadbeats and the like. It's obviously not a bad thing she's made it to the big stage and wants to do high quality productions with big name musicians, but it's literally not the thing that drew me in, the stark opposite almost.

>> No.43457451

It's probably secretly and mostly that, but if you do wanna voice yourself this is really the only place.

>> No.43457478

mori fat

>> No.43457556

Yes, it is. Cope, didn't read lol!

>> No.43457586

She was my favorite out of EN the first month or two after debut, but i found her to be more and more annoying each stream

>> No.43458075 [DELETED] 

Yes you did. Your mother is a bigger whore than Mori is and your father molests little boys.

>> No.43458626 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 200x313, i really don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't my cup of tea from the start but after she acted like she was phoning it in for several collabs I actively started hating her. Some of the best collabs are absolutely ruined by her being an insufferable cunt. The way she treated Kiara where she pretended she watched her video or whatever was absolutely insulting... and I don't even like Kiara either! At this point I just sit back and watch her yab after pathetic yab and wonder how she even still has a fucking job at Hololive, especially since she treats it with such disrespect. Fuck Cali...

oh wait, she already is! Getting riced and tossed around by TT! You really have to be a cuck to still watch this nigger acting whore

>> No.43458800

>wonder how she even still has a fucking job at Hololive
Because her yabs clearly aren't bad enough.

>> No.43458888

>then crawling back to her once her views were in the shitter
Anon, she went back to Kiara long before her views dropped.

>> No.43458892

because when you boil it down her yabs are "responding badly to a superchat and making a terrible tweet" which are not things worth firing someone who makes you 6 figures a year for

>> No.43458953

Sure, Anon. It totally wasn't her numbers falling that prompted her to come crawling back.

>> No.43459320

I mean yes. Mori doesn't give a shit about her streaming numbers when she plays debuff games during peak JP hours.

>> No.43461111

This, but it took a few months more

>> No.43461597

Honestly this, that whole series of events was and probably is the worst Mori will get so it quite literally can't get worse only better

>> No.43462934

When I realized she cares much more about any random given whore indie or niji or VShojo or ecelebs and treats them infinitely more like friends than her gen mates, because she actively hates Hololive and has no other goal than to poison it with her bullshit.

>> No.43462969

Album did not track on any chart. Huge flop.

>> No.43463070

But most of that happens on other side nowadays.

>> No.43463126


Can I leash and Pimp you out?

>> No.43463172

I don't recall the exact point but it didn't take me long to realize she's doing literally this entire thing, this entire gig, in bad faith even though it completely saved her ass. She seems unsatisfied that it can't do literally-fucking-everything for her that she wants and doesn't seem to like that answer that no your job is not always just going to make the rest of your life fall into place and gets butthurt at anyone breaking her illusion that she can have her cake and eat it too. In effect she kind of -can- in fact do that but not as Mori and that's STILL not good enough.

She seems to have no object permanence and just pretends like she wasn't barely scraping by a couple years ago and is now a big snooty star, just like the girls she fucking hated in high school. Turns out it was only because she wasn't one of the popular girls, not because she thought they were shallow selfish people (which she definitely is).

>> No.43464228 [DELETED] 


>> No.43464273

I love how she is hated by all of black and hip hop twitter lmao

>> No.43464492

was one step away from becoming my oshi but decided to pull the lean arc

>> No.43464618

Why IDs? Why not JPs too?

>> No.43464793

Probably for the better. Never pander to trannies and blacks.

>> No.43465047

she's cringe at collabs

>> No.43465140

that part of twitter is just waiting for her to slip up so they can make a big stink out of it
and she's retarded enough to do it

>> No.43465637

I only watch her in collabs now but she comes off as pretty fake
I get everyone puts on a character to a degree but the forced niceness she puts on is kinda irritating

>> No.43465983

bruv she's being a literal idol
she actually works on projects and delivers
and its thanks to fans' support
artists survive off their patrons
if anything it's regrettable that 98% of vtubing is just the same impassioned streaming routine

>> No.43466131

>date streams
Can I get a qrd?

>> No.43468122
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1653442389319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me nothing wrong with this.

>> No.43468189

You’re pathetic

>> No.43468286

I'm out of the loop, what happened here?
Is this the Apex tournament Ollie planned?

>> No.43468315

Funny considering her older works messages, but those who preach tend to be the ones mostly doing that thing in the first place.

>> No.43468384

Yeah, but Mori used her new sex model. Complete with bed hair, lingerie & hanging tits.

>> No.43468495

Yeah because she wants to have hot steamy group sex

>> No.43468811


>> No.43470772

she pulled off the reverse mushoku tensei, she killed off the anime girl persona to go back to being fat and bullied

>> No.43471029 [DELETED] 

I watched her video with Kson and she even more fat now holy shit she's a whale irl

i'll watch her again when she lose weight, i can't watch her if i know she's a disgusting monster

>> No.43471063

Her outside now matches her inside.

>> No.43471479

>English streamer
Name a more iconic duo

>> No.43471886

Why do you care what she looks like IRL?
You are watching virtual vtubers.

>> No.43472497

yeah "friends"

>> No.43472743

my fat dick and your dad

>> No.43473314

>Former Deadbeats, what made you leave?
She literally told me to.

>What made you lose interest?
I never lost interest exactly, I still kinda' like her. The year and a half that I've stopped watching has put a little distance between me and my gachikoi feelings, but I stay away because I know how vulnerable I am to her attention.

>> No.43473363


>> No.43473997

Ok this is going to be a bit disjointed and a bit schizo, giving you the heads up.

You know how we meme tomboys are the best girls?
And then you see a tomboy vtuber and you're like - I like this girl a lot.
But then she starts fleshtubing.
And she actually acts a bit too much like a dude... and that's kinda icky?

And you watch her more and she dresses kinda like ... too much like a dude right? And as it turns out males clothing don't do the female body too many favors. Especially the black hoodies and the ugly ass hats she wears.

And you start noticing her hygiene and looks in general are kinda not on par with ... other females. Her hair is kinda greasy, her make up is kinda shit, she's pasty, etc.

And you try to ignore all of those things because they are superficial - but then you realize her interests are kinda not your cup of tea either because she's into trash tier post 2000s rap.

And then her character is kinda shit as well because she tries to act like she's seiso but then you know for a fact the bitch smokes pot on the daily and is not exactly averse to getting shitfaced on parties.

So tldr; she's just kinda meh I guess. Too much of a fratboy, and not enough cute anime girl energy to make up for it.

>> No.43475193

By the 2nd time I heard her get nasty toward people's SC messages for no reason I realized she's a turbocunt at her core. Unsubbed, never looked back.

>> No.43475872

eventually it hits you
her music is pretty lame

>> No.43475962

I don't care with other vtubers BUT that's why i like vtubers that has no other public irl accounts, it breaks my immersion to see them irl. I didn't search for her face irl, i watched a video of hers by accident and knew it was her

>> No.43478116


>> No.43479637

>the entire "rager" arc
Fuck don't remind me fuck fuck FUCK

>> No.43480076
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>Her outside now matches her inside.

>> No.43480182
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I took a year hiatus because she didn't know what the fuck she wanted to do and I couldn't be bothered with the growing pains.
Now I'm back what do we have?
>More holo love than ever
>Permissions for games she loves
>Transitioning from being a wigger to rock, a vast improvement
>Sexiest outfit in Hololive
>Less Sandler/Shrek
>Less alcohol lmao humor
>More intimacy with fanbase
>Slowly getting back into RPGs and niche shit instead of irony streamer shit like Jump King
>The only girl who didn't make a shitty self-defense stream in response to collabing with homos
>Much faster production cycle for music
>Sticks to strong collaboration game/projects instead of awkward unplanned untested games where she acts like she doesn't want to be there
Leaving is understandable, expected even if you aren't Franklin, but you're a fucking retard if you think she hasn't actually clawed back up to a respectable spot again.

>> No.43480301
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Mumei stole my heart and I just slowly lost interest in pink woman

>> No.43480345

She's practically the same in both, unless you mean you physically can't get her face out of your head.

>> No.43480357

Didn't want /vt/ to make fun of me

>> No.43480437

QRD on her lean arc?

>> No.43480667

She's clawed her way back up to respectable like a dozen times, only to toss it away for some dumb shit. It's the Mori rollercoaster. At this point anyone with basic pattern recognition knows better than to give her yet another shot.

>> No.43480756

Holy shit , no, she doesnt reach Saruei levels of cunt.

>> No.43480880

Damn straight, Anon. Well posted.

>> No.43480918
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People will say I'm full of shit and that she was always like this, but her personality changed, man. She used to be much more... I dunno. Intimate? But at some point around the lean episode she just went full menhera and became more like she is now. Combine that with how she started focusing more on outside ventures and prioritizing that over hololive and I lost interest. Happy with Mumei now

>> No.43480924

Your mother?

>> No.43480984

Once Bitten, Twice Shy.
Except it isn't even just a one time thing with her so it makes sense for people to just write her off entirely and give up on her.

>> No.43480999

Because she is so determined to rip aside the veil between RM & avatar. That's why.

>> No.43481033

I don't care if a person is ugly because you can't do much to change that. But i fucking hate fat people, she can be skinny is she wanted but because she's a vtuber thinks she can get away with it, plus she's in Japan, is so easy to be skinny in Japan

>> No.43481233

The biggest yab she could do now is kill her cats via neglect, her life now is going to be work and pussy, I'm not too worried.

>> No.43481323

it's glandular

>> No.43481336

Never been a Deadbeat, but I occasionally watched. Was done for good when the whole Trashtaste Podcast shit happened and she openly supported Connor.

Fuck Connor and every Vtuber who associates with him. Arrogant wanna-be-chad asshole.

>> No.43481429
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>The biggest yab she could do now is kill her cats via neglect

>> No.43481431

Yeah but fat girls make my dick diamonds

>> No.43481475

Connor did nothing wrong. There's only one thing this shithole hates him for and he was completely, 100% correct in what he said

>> No.43481555

Mori should not have supported him over her coworkers and lied about it.
What a shitty, selfish, backstabbing cunt.

>> No.43481614 [DELETED] 

don't worry, the cats are fine her bf will look after them when she's on tour
Connor gives snide takes on shit he's completely ignorant of and brings the general atmosphere of a niche community down into the shitter because autistic weebs will latch onto anyone who can talk about their hobby without a nasally voice. He did nothing wrong, but he's in the same class as a conservative representative talking about violence in video games.

>> No.43481679

>a conservative representative talking about violence in video games
That's been a leftist talking point for a while grampa.

>> No.43481701

Fuck off, Connor. Kill yourself.

>> No.43481807

Leftists talk about representation, not violence, they'll cheer on any sort of violence so long as the right people are doing it.

>> No.43481843

not a deadbeat, but i have nothing against calli. except for that time she brought gura to a house party, but i don't have enough information about it to have strong feelings over it. I assume it sounds worse than it was otherwise she wouldn't have brought it up. then again gura never mentioned it and she always stays silent on yabs. if it wasn't a big deal she would have talked about it right?

>> No.43481888

I stopped after watching someone else and realizing pure suck isnt the vtuber default

>> No.43481927

Considering everyone copy+pasting the party rrat here doesn't even know that the actual rager was over when Gura showed up and there were just a few remaining people says a lot

>> No.43482164

Trips of truth.

>> No.43482185

I haven't heard a conservative talk about games period since Jack Thompson. that being said, all politicians need to be hanged, left or right. they are ALL grifters.

>> No.43482217

Cope harder Cuckbeat. 41% yourself.

>> No.43482633

Gura was having a blast at another room.Dropped cali after the incident turning Gura back to her old days.

>> No.43482828 [DELETED] 

Did Gura actually have sex at Mori's rager?

>> No.43482901

Yes; dont worry though, it was a dangerous day so I wore a rubber

>> No.43482932

Yeah, wasn't very good though you can have her back.

>> No.43483005

Yup, don't worry though she didn't consent.

>> No.43483050 [DELETED] 

No, though notice the Cuckbeats RPing that the were totally there and had sex with Gura? They do that sort of thing a lot in their home thread. They know that they will never know the touch of a woman and this is a really odd cope.

>> No.43483166

You mean yeah, me posting? That wasn't made by deadbeats. Slow down with your paranoia.

>> No.43483222

Yeah, me.

>> No.43483243

Yes. Mori had to make an excuse for her as she was sleeping in another room where it was "quiet". A party with drugs and booze isn't quiet.

>> No.43483480 [DELETED] 

A Cuckbeat would say that. Do the right thing and kill yourself.

>> No.43483671


>> No.43483757

More deflection.

>> No.43483862


>> No.43483955

Shinigami note was the highest sold album on CDjapan

>> No.43484010 [DELETED] 

TT was annoying but something I could Ignore
Her moms IG was the final final nail in the coffin for me

>> No.43484054

Why would you ever follow a streamer's mom's social media?

>> No.43484102
File: 24 KB, 554x554, purpledrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the prospects of her being involved in substance abuse


>> No.43484106

You kidding? I dropped Mori for MommaMori in a second

>> No.43484317

I didn't
I Just saw it when people shared it here, I know they did it with malicious intent, and I am not really a gosling or unicorn, so I ignored it at first.
But it still hit me, deep down, I felt betrayed, especially since I denied the claims by others in the time before.
I stopped watching her about 2 weeks later...

>> No.43486574

what's your problem with JPs, fag?

>> No.43487826

What makes all of this funny is that Gura is admittedly very outside, especially among vtubers.

>> No.43488064

The second she mentioned Lean I dropped her and never looked back, I actually have pretty accepting standards but Drug use is far below what I'd allow

>> No.43488439

When she puts on the cute act it just feel extremely fake knowing how abrasive her personality actually is.

>> No.43488753 [DELETED] 

Wasnt that shop'd? I don't bother with doxxshit so but it's easy go confirm yourself with wayback machine.

>> No.43488964 [DELETED] 

I checked the acc myself before it went private, It's authentic, although I don't know (and honestly don't want to know) if it is archived

>> No.43489612

Is this ironic because she didn't know what lean was.

>> No.43490616

this, it makes me cringe when she tries to act nice

>> No.43490681

She's a rapper from texas, she 100% knew what lean was.

>> No.43490826

Saying your oshi is a braindead 50 IQ LITERAL retard whose vocabulary is worse than the average 14 year old is an interesting way of defending her.

>> No.43492036

get some help

>> No.43492153

Nah I'm good. I get to enjoy women who have more everything. More ass, more tits. More woman. Then, I don't have to endure it forever. When the cobwebs invade her womb and the sex dries up when we get to our 40's, 50's? Her body gives up, and I can continue my life a free man. There is LITERALLY no downside

>> No.43492318

kek wtf i thought mori was cringe?

>> No.43492457

Music quality fell.
Body weight went up.
Non-stop griping on her "side project" about her "main project."
Shitty fake attitude in general.

And no joke, I tried to like.

>> No.43492522

Yet, she still loves them.

>> No.43492714

She is a rapper but not into american gangsta rap. People forget she is into J-rap moret than normal rap.

>> No.43492746

This is like next level gaslighting. You can go open the stream she did right now and listen to her explain what the fuck is going on while hearing the rager's muffled music in the back. Then she goes on to say that she doesn't know where Gura is but she probably is up to "shenanigans". Cementing her status as a retarded dipshit.

>> No.43492884

Oh, and the fucking yabs.
The endless number of continuous yabs.

>> No.43493551

>shitty EOP import site

>> No.43493743

Anon, porn is regularly the best selling thing on CDjapan.

>> No.43493894

Her voice in general is the goofiest shit I've ever heard. Pretty much your average white woman.

>> No.43497425

Based and same

>> No.43499366 [DELETED] 

I seem to have missed this, what's the deal with her mom's ig?

>> No.43499440 [DELETED] 

Significant other

>> No.43499594

Posted some things that were really bad for Mori's opsec and caused the catalog to erupt in pink for a day or two

>> No.43500552

Nothing ever did I still think she's the best vtuber overall. Her being kind of a snappy tsundere is part of her charm. You either get her or you don't.

Also, being socially awkward and sounding disingenuous doesn't mean you actually are. People get mad at her because of her manner of speaking but that's all it is: a manner of speaking. Says more about the people that hate her for that than it does her.

>> No.43500742

>"Being a shitty retarded bitch is her shtick, you're supposed to love her for that!"

>> No.43500745

Tempus, i actually didn’t know about the whole lean thing/trash taste podcast till after i stopped watching her but that prolly would have turned me off too

>> No.43500794

I don't remember how I get there but that first rm stream weirded me out and its not the same anymore.

>> No.43500826 [DELETED] 

Do you really believe that, you stupid faggot? I swear Cuckbeats actively turn their brains off so they can ignore the truth.

>> No.43500892

You retards are really desperate and bumping this every time it reaches the end of page 10 eh?

>> No.43500932

Seeing her being extremely curt to Kiara during their post-holiday zatsus got the ball rolling for me. Regardless of whether she meant it or not it was just off putting seeing her be so rude to someone who obviously considered her a friend.
Other than that after she quit her job as a school teacher her content became a lot worse and her persona become a lot more abrasive. Jump King is the most boring shit imaginable and I couldn't watch more than 30 minutes. The whole "Dad" thing is extremely overdone and cringe.
I liked Mori when she was an awkward softly spoken goofball who would occasionally give a giant gorilla scream while sucking at video games.

>> No.43501815
File: 1.01 MB, 3412x3911, Fokf5KvWIAE4EJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, this is what Calliope should have been.

>> No.43502865

my dick

>> No.43505690

She's a dorky weeaboo who spends most days of the year in Japan where drug culture is even more taboo, yes I believe it.
Just because I'm not an anti doesn't mean she's my oshi either.

>> No.43506546

It's 2023, the average dorky weeb girl is a weed addicted stoner.

>> No.43509092

But mori is only addicted to alcohol and food. Checkmate

>> No.43509575

I don't know, she went straight from catholic school to Japan, she might have skipped out on that part of the American Experience.

>> No.43510143

Same. I think I lost interest when she slowly dropped the fake persona around early 2021.

>> No.43510225

she worked in restaurants for years, don't try to sell me on this "golly, I can't recognize a drug" nonsense

>> No.43510751


>> No.43510805

Let's not forget that lean literally originates from Texas, her home state

>> No.43511009

I get the feeling she got more annoyed and disappointed by Calli allowing it to happen rather than any unforgivable yab happening. Gura just barely talked about hanging with her at all in her following storytime stream, whereas Calli talked about Gura in great length.

>> No.43511193

You clearly don't watch streams if you can't tell her autism personality would 100% mess up hip lingo like that

>> No.43511336

yeah her fake cute voice is the worst of all the ENs imo

>> No.43511462

>patronizing elementary school teacher.
I know this is going to sound like larp but this is why I dropped Mori. I liked her, a lot, I thought she was going to have a lot of potential. Then she did collabs with JP and she treated them like they were fucking retards. Instantly killed whatever potential I saw in her. Her "school-teacher" voice isn't just a meme, it's actually cancerous and disgusting.

>> No.43511515

You are correct, but all fake voices suck and I wish vtubers would cut it the fuck out. A great example is Bae. She's shown her natural voice and laugh a few times and it is absolute sex, but she chooses to do her annoying shrill shit instead

>> No.43511844

I hated him before I even got into vtubers. He's so arrogant

>> No.43511877

To each their own. Personally, it resonates with my dick, but I can sorta see where the complaint is coming from. I do think she overdos it and should reserve it more to intimate situations like asmr, rather than trying to get you hard every other mundane sentence like a pickme.

>> No.43512037

Bae's baby voice is literally the worst. I only give her a pass because I assume her being so young means she lacks the self awareness.

>> No.43512054

You get hard from hearing someone talk to you like you're a retard?

>> No.43512132

>like you're a retard
I'm pretty sure he isn't just ''like'' a retard

>> No.43512160

Sometimes you just have to grow up and leave childish things behind

>> No.43512239

I even folowed her roommate, but when she started her Twitch business I unsubbed all her accounts.
I knew she was a Twitch simp for a long time, but the Twitch arc let me down badly.

>> No.43512256

Was it actually for years or was that to save up for Japan tickets?

>> No.43512270

I'm not sure how filled with bait and falseflagging this thread is but I'm an actual former Deadbeat that now no longer watches her at all.

I think the initial honeymoon period of a V-Tuber 'rapper' wore off and, even though I still think she has good control over flow and the occasional good bar, I got burned out by the songs directed at 'haters' and 'critics' because it just didn't feel very...Hololive. On top of that, only one or two modern songs have ever been able to top the first few originals and I think that's the result of strain from her record label, but also the fact that she no longer has the same kind of struggles or material we can relate to. She's not a depressed underground rapper trying to 'make it's anymore. She's a probable millionaire whose struggles are only understandable to people in a stringent Japanese entertainment company.

Fortunately for her the entire EN branch stopped feeling like Hololive and my attention drifted towards Indies before settling on LazuLight. I still wish nothing but the best for her, but man, it makes me wonder just how much of Myth's talent was in our heads back then.

>> No.43512276

>Then she did collabs with JP and she treated them like they were fucking retards.
She can't treat anyone like a true peer. They are either well above her and she sucks their dick or they are below her and she puts on the retard teacher voice. It's a massive flaw.

>> No.43512365

I can kinda give her the benefit of the doubt because she probably did have to teach actual retards on the JET program, but combine it with all the other things wrong with her and I can't really defend her.

>> No.43512610

when she rapped/vented her true feeling on her other account, then i go..oh...so you hate your job that much....

>> No.43512880

>Social media sucks!!!!!!!
But she spends 6 hours a day on Twitter/Twitch.

>> No.43512908

If you actually watched it you'd know she said she loved the job. Faggots love making shit up because they rely on people not breaking >>1

>> No.43512936

>no JP

>> No.43513003

listen to the song again faggot, don't go deaf dumbass.

>> No.43513192

And which specific song and which specific line was that? And if actually watched that particular stream you'd know she said she loved the job and her the friends she met in there especially.

>> No.43513513

Honestly none of the yabs effected me. They where all nothingburgers that clipfaggots here overblew. I sometimes felt like I was the only one here who actually watched all her streams.

What made me stop was the period over the last 6ish months where she just didn't stream as often, and when she did stream, it was (I think coincidentally) games I had zero interest in. I tried keeping up but eventually I fell off and stopped sitting through streams I didn't find interesting. Very recently (past few weeks) she's done a few streams I really liked. But the magic is gone now. I missed juuuust enough that now I'm out of the loop on mori, and don't know what's going on sometimes. Example: I had no idea she got pet cats. When did that happen?? I never saw a "cat introduction" stream, so I assume it was during one of the random game streams I didn't watch.

>> No.43514350

Based and fair. While she streams alot despite her other activities, she streams so sporadically that it's easy for you to get knocked off the loop and not sure where to pick up again - that's a legit criticism to a content creator. I'm sure the effects of it are much worse for people who weren't deadbeats in the first place and forget about her altogether, or at least don't know that she's streaming again.

>> No.43514488

Way back when she played through Henry Stickmin, she rage-quit at Spirit Form explicitly to spite her fans because they kept asking for it in chat the whole stream. I foolishly believed she had changed and the things she had said about hating vtubers & their fans was probably just shit talk in the heat of the moment. Normie stuff basically.

Everyone that told me she is the literal meme vtubing chick that hates everything about vtubers, except Calli is actually like that and I didn't want to believe it for some reason. Only when I saw it live is when everything finally clicked and I could never support her again under any circumstances. Fk her. This is why while I don't follow IRyS, I do respect her quite a bit because everything I've found out about her 'roommate' or 'other life' has been completely in line with her stream behavior. If anything I think she downplays her interest in 'weeb stuff' even though it would go over really well with fans. Calli is the complete opposite, is my point.

>> No.43514536

she have 2 faces, maybe not on purpose, but it contradict, probably the alcohol play a factor too. if you only watch Mori of course she love her job. Look it up yourself, i am not going to get ban for your dumbass.

>> No.43514674

how about the song where she wonders if her success is deserved
or the song where she wonders if her success is due to her haters or despite it
or her song where she says she doesn't enjoy her fame
or her song where she says she DOES enjoy her fame but not her fans
or her song where she says that her dislike of her job MADE her famous
or her song where she laments what made her successful
or her song where

>> No.43514741

>mori "I applied as a joke" calliope loves the job
>mori "I'd rather be doing RM stuff than be with my genmates" calliope loves the job
>mori "I'm going to talk shit behind their backs off-stream" calliope loves the job
>mori "I hate idols" calliope loves the job
>mori "I'll train Kronii to be exactly like me" calliope loves the job

>> No.43514841

>Artist introspection on fame and success means she hates her job

>> No.43514859

JPs like when she does that when talking to them though. The JP holomems themselves have said this and she always gets tons of comments from JPs that they like the way she talks because it is much easier to understand her.

>> No.43514928

And Japan is the birth place of crystal meth as we know it today, do all JPs smoke it?

>> No.43514935

I actually don't know how to respond to a post that sums up exactly what I was trying to say. Yes, mori's whole discography is Imposter Syndrome The Movie The Game, and she throws her fans under the bus in the lyrics. Correct. We agree.

>> No.43514952

Proof of any these?

>> No.43515087

Her music became worse and worse every release, what at first was decent singing and good music production with Your Mori became awful lyrics, ERB type flow, horrible mixing and production for an entire album. Its insane how she can listen to her own music and say "Yeah, this shit boutta get me out of the hood, ship it!" And no one in her fanbase will say anything because its a circlejerk.

>> No.43515100

>I hated him before I even got into vtubers. He's so arrogant
Is he arrogant though? I don't know if I'd call a guy that is willing to (regularly) be the butt of jokes in front of a massive audience an 'arrogant' person. He seems to be a good sport that can take it in the chin from what I can tell. What I've read from people that talked to him in RL is that he's pretty friendly.

There are many legitimate complaints about Connor (Stupid, talks too much, complains too much, clout chaser, etc.) but 'arrogant' is not one of them. I don't even like Connor btw, but 'arrogant' is wildly off base here. WTF were you thinking?

>> No.43515174

watch streams newfag

>> No.43515231

>using is the same thing as knowing it exists

>> No.43515292

are you possibly trying to argue you have to smoke crystal meth to reference it on your own in a tweet of your own volition?

>> No.43515304

He isn't, this board hates anitubers in general and connor poked the bee's nest with his (correct) comments about hololive. Connor is one of the more tolerable ones, if anything. And out of the TT trio he is the most involved and into vtubers

>> No.43515354

I did the opposite, I used to be a ravid Mori anti and now I'm a dedicated Deadbeat. I'm glad that I changed.

>> No.43515438

Gigguk is probably the funniest one out of all the group (not a high bar)
AnimeMan is talented and if you talk to him about anything aside from anime, he is very knowledgable
Connor is just brown SEA girl bait

>> No.43515453

That's definitely the path less traveled. I don't think I've ever heard of people deciding they like Mori later on. I only hear about her once-fans leaving

>> No.43515544

sorry about your ravies. glad there's not treatment, though.

>> No.43515791

Don't care enough to spoon feed you but I can confirm that three of those are iron-clad/facts/true. The other two I've only heard about.

She unambiguously said she hated idols, idol fans and the 'culture' itself. She did talk some nasty shit about her genmates and her 'job' more than once. If she at least changed her mind after some time and learned to appreciate her coworkers, the fans & the culture, it would be different but as far as I can tell, she's still the same if not worse.

>> No.43516200

I mean, I don't blame her, I'm not a fan of idol fans either, and I am one.

>> No.43516480

I never really lost interest, it's more I fell off. Wasn't too happy with her direction with music, I really liked where she was going with Unalive (Your Mori is the best thing she's ever made to this day) mixing her already good rap skills with her budding singing ability.
Then she signed to Universal and her music became super generic party electronic vomit which is so far away from who she is it was jarring to listen to.
She started going back and forth between the US and Japan to tour as DD and it became harder to keep up with her streams. She and Ina used to be my daily listens at work.

>> No.43516511 [DELETED] 

Nah, but that's definitely the kind of thing she would do. She has changed her ways a bit ever since she closed the senzawa era but although I respect her genuine efforts, I'm not fooled for a second.

Getting sloshed and doing all kinds of heinous shit is exactly her thing. Keeping her private life separate from her professional life won't change that. That's fine but like I said, I'm not fooled as others are.

>> No.43516647

we get it ur a fag anon

>> No.43516781 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 1544x1180, 1676384210289262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43516796

Sure, but she's a massive hypocrite and an all around piece of shit for trying to have it both ways. I have more respect for the whores selling butthole pics on OnlyFans because at least they're honest.

>> No.43517009

>Actively shits on her fanbase aside from members only streams, thank you paypiggies
>Only time she ever bothers to put effort in for a steam is to "pwn the haters and antis"
She's just so fucking unlikeable.

>> No.43517119

She never said she hates idols or idol culture. She said she thought it was cringe until she met an idolfag, and that idolfag was Milky Queen and that was BEFORE she joined hololive. If you want proof just fucking search youtube her roommate name and Milky Queen. They even made a song together and it was uploaded months before her debut as Mori.

>> No.43517218

>doesn't hate it, it's just cringe
>just shat on idol culture in her 'ironic' toon stream
What's a cringe thing you like, anon?

>> No.43517228

Which is amusing since the thing that triggered her biggest menhera breakdown was a member stream SC

>> No.43517271

>What's a cringe thing you like

>> No.43517319

NTA but her "ironic" toon stream genuinely just felt like an excuse for her to bitch and moan about how much she hates vtubing without consequences

>> No.43517339 [DELETED] 

EOP nigger

>> No.43517400

Was it the part where she shat on cover and called it a shit company for like 5 minutes straight?

>> No.43517434

Why do you act like that's her current opinion when she changed her mind even before becoming Mori?
>just shat on idol culture in her 'ironic' toon stream
That's your take away from that stream? Really? Are you ESL, autistic or both?

>> No.43517464

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

>> No.43517497

>d called it a shit company for like 5 minutes straight?
there was no takeaway from that stream, it was poorly thought out trash. par for course

>> No.43517529

Are architect memes the copsest of cope? Your oshi is FAT.

>> No.43517531

For me? It was the near non stop cancellations and vacations in july. Then when she would come back, the holier-than-thou mentality

>> No.43517587

NTA but I'm about as much of an architect as you can get and I fucking hate pink woman

>> No.43517602

What demographics does Mori even cover? Idolfags hate her. Hip-hopfags/niggers hate her. Is it just architectbros?

>> No.43517629

Ironic weebs

>> No.43517646

>That's your take away from that stream?
kek please enlighten us what the 'point' of that stream was. even deadbeats had to take the L when it was live

>> No.43517683

Can you spoonfeed just what she said about her genmates?

>> No.43517687

hey i didn't know what lean was until the lean controversy either man

>> No.43517726

Milquetoast faggots who think salt is too spicy watch Mori because they think she's edgy and they think that by listening to her music they are also edgy and cool

>> No.43517736

imagine not having a soft, round oshi. what a dreadful existence.

>> No.43517740

Seaniggers. particularly failipenises.

>> No.43517749

actually, you're the exact person I'd ask. If you don't know what lean is, would you tweet to a broad audience that your recent retarded behavior was "due to the lean" if you didn't know what that meant?

>> No.43517804

"oh I thought lean meant alcohol"
Or some shit

>> No.43517995

The alcoholism. I'm not stupid enough to stay emotionally invested in an alcoholic so I had to stop watching Mori when it became clear her love for the drankies wasn't a gimmick or a joke but an actual far gone addiction.

>> No.43518029

Playing a character she portrayed in Nezumi Scheme - a gross exaggeration of her that signified pride. How was she shitting on idol culture there again? You seem to dropped that topic because you ran out of straws to grasp.

>> No.43518051

but you'd seriously tweet out a term you didn't know it meant? I'm not baiting, I'm actually curious. I can't imagine possibly using a term I didn't know, especially when the context was me explaining my own drugged behavior

>> No.43518140

I dunno I'm just quoting what she said as an excuse

>> No.43518222

I taught English for a few years in Asia and if I talked to my coworkers like that, they would have fuckin hated me. It's one thing for her to adopt a teacher-like poise when she's teaching the jps how to speak English, but she's actualy talking to them like they're 5 years old. I think that shit would only fly with, like, maybe Kobo.

You can speak slowly and enunciate your words without pandering.

>> No.43518244

Can't speak for others, but I'm a straight white southern male who like alt rock, and electroswing, and Mori's my oshi. I also don't watch ASMR or GFE content, I mainly watch her RPG streams along with anything music related she does.
The only other vtubers I watch are Tempus.

>> No.43518363

>without pandering
I think you want "patronizing"

>> No.43518785
File: 72 KB, 7740x2100, A lean explanation[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdf11w1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43520640

Spirit form?

>> No.43520762
File: 2.30 MB, 720x480, mori moment[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffesul8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Untrue, she has meltdowns at her member streams too

>> No.43521104

Just type out a community post or do a tweet, dingus. Not hard.
I don't frequent /vt/ much, can you spoonfeed me the way to play sounds without manually going to catbox

>> No.43521540

>I'm going to talk shit behind their backs
If you are gonna shit on Mori at least don't speak bullshit. She has never talked shit about her genmates or any other holos.

>> No.43521643

Deadbeat, I guarantee that not only has she shat on her job before, but she shits on her fans all the time too

>> No.43521692

we're all on /vt/ dont act like you're above anyone here

>> No.43521933

What does that have to do with her shitting on her genmates? Even in her Infamous IG stream she didn't talk shit about other holos.

>> No.43524440

You need 4chan x.

>> No.43525137

tl;dr "Spirit form" = jojo reference.

Don't misunderstand. I find those guys obnoxious too but this is different. Henry stickmin is basically 3 hours of back-to-back references to other media and the best part of any streamed run is always the jojo reference. Chat told her this and got more & more hyped as she approached. When she finally arrived she ragequit the stream, effectively spitting in the face of her fans for the crime of chatting.... in the chat.... about the game she chose to play. Not sure how anyone that saw it live could still support or even follow her.

>> No.43525658

Kill yourself

>> No.43526022


>> No.43527362

That's not a ragequit retard. Stop using words you don't understand.

>> No.43527424

Her fanbase is shrinking rapidly. She was the least watched EN for 3 months straight. Copebeats will claim that this month she was one of the top ENs but the fucking myth off collab (which she ruined with shit audio) heavily increases her avarage along with an outfit reveal (which couldn't even beat some of the IDs outfit reveals).
There's almost no demographic left for her because she goes around pissing off everyone.

>> No.43527914

She clearly doesn't seem to care though.

>> No.43528274

>crawls back to Kiara after treating her like dogshit (which she admitted to onstream)
>constantly does superchat bait streams
>the most coomerbait outfit in the company since Marine bikini
>Myth offcollab had to be on her channel
She really doesn't care.

>> No.43528379

>which she admitted to onstream
Yeah and she wanted to fix the relationship.
Also you forgot she plays debuff games mostly.

>> No.43528881

lol the cope

You guys know damn well she doesn't care about being an idol or a VTuber. She just tried out to get promotion for her music, and the gimmick of a "tough" anime girl rapping is marketable to weebs/Holo fans. But no real rap fan takes her shit seriously because she is not very good. Even her latest soulless "mainstream" style tracks aren't quite there.

>> No.43529144


>> No.43529850

The days of pink woman being the main topic of this board are gone but I'm still surprised someone managed to keep this thread alive for a whole day in midst of all the other yabs other companies are going through. That's some dedication!

>> No.43530711

Look at some of the times between posts. the OP is bumping it every time it's about to fall off the edge.

>> No.43531135

A few recent-ish clips I've seen have Calli talking like a baby. I always liked when she was the "adult" of the group.
Also, no real reason, but I've stopped keeping up with her songs after End of a Life and Mera Mera. The former was really good, but always makes me depressed, and the latter just wasn't that good at all.

Maybe I'll try jumping back on the crazy train. I haven't been very into Vtubers much lately anyway, so it'd be nice to find my second wind.

The first time I stopped watching her was because of an ASMR stream that I tuned into for a few seconds. She was caressing the mic while swaying and lovingly humming in it. That sort of short-circuited my brain, and I spent the next hour or so crying and jerking off to a pic of Calli holding a pregnancy test. Then I didn't watch her streams for about eight months.

>> No.43531493


>> No.43532393

>Thread still up
HOW? The cuckbeat mod never allows threads like these. This is like the first time in 2 years a Mori bait thread stuck this long. He must have pass out from estrogen overdose.

>> No.43533044

Where have you been? There's always a Mori bait thread that stays up for more than 24hr hours because the OP keeps bumping it every time it hits page 10.

>> No.43533099

There's 132 unique IPs in this thread buddy.

>> No.43533164

As if it wasn't that easy to reset your dynamic IP with a phone.

>> No.43533416
File: 170 KB, 296x272, 1647135516799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You noticed it too? I like watching Mori do Chadcasts because she doesn't to the fake voice when she's around her homies. Sounds more real.

>> No.43535937

Like this?

>> No.43539075


>> No.43539550

No, listen to these sweet jams instead.

>> No.43539598

nothing yet

>> No.43540905
File: 45 KB, 1079x189, 1676987834630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I got tired of how it felt like she always treated chat like ignorant children. Like she was some kinda grade school teacher. Her music went downhill a lot after 2021 and I know it's somewhat of a low blow but the constant bringing up of the same tired jokes and memes grew tiring.
I don't wish her ill, harm or to graduate as I still think she's not a bad member but I wish she'd take some time to reflect on what made her stand out so much in the early days.

I'll also be honest and say that she kinda did treat Kiara like shit and I'm not even a huge Kiara fan but each time they collabed it was like she could hardly stand to be in the same stream as Kiara, it wasn't even a good "tsundere" type of thing it was just genuinely uncomfortable. At least that's how I felt

>> No.43541031

If she didn't care about Twtich even a little bit, I would be a fan of hers.
She just seems too pokimane, trying to prove that she is a much more attractive woman than an anime avatar.

>> No.43541148

this is pretty close to my thoughts, although i'd summarize it as "she lectures chat too much"
i don't want my side-monitor talking heads to lecture me at the best of times but i especially don't want it to be a recurring even. just so many things she'd get frustrated with, especially backseating, and she'd ablatively interrupt the stream to sermon. i did find her entertaining enough to pass that bar, but i confess her music is pretty cringe (as is most vtuber music; i'm happy just not watching those streams, so it's not a criticism like the lecturing is)

>> No.43541196

As mori's popularity declined, TT stopped caring about her.
And they even consumed her biggest content, vtuber rm, for their "jokes".
In the end, they didn't even give her a ticket to their talk show.

How miserable can you get, mori?

>> No.43541338


>> No.43541429

Did they really?

>> No.43541594

It's hilarious because most of the comments on /vt align with him because talents do nothing and get the free hololive buff. Also catalogfags are constantly spamming HAHA NO STREAM threads. I don't think this place hates him outside of the fact that he's an anituber and that's enough for them.

>> No.43541880

I know the third one is true.
She suffered a serious leg injury there that required surgery.

>> No.43543123

at first the connor but the one that hit the nail is the lean incident

>> No.43544330

I read back a bit and the original anon is correct. Connors biggest sin was telling people that being in a corporation like hololive is an automatic golden ticket.
Fuck man, look at Kronii, she doesn't even stream 90% of the time and still gets more money than 99.9% of vtubers out there
