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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.33 MB, 1343x866, liveberryreaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43389027 No.43389027 [Reply] [Original]

making an attempt edition


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song

All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Gen 3
【Aletta Sky アレッタ スカイ】

【Miryu Kotofuji 琴藤みりゅう】

【Peony Aeria ピオニー・エリア】

【Sava Safari サヴァ・サファリ】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス 】
【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

▼Kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya - https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Muge - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w
Yuyu Cosmos - https://www.youtube.com/@yuyucosmos
and (You) the viewer

last: >>43343094

>> No.43389100

Cute Sheeberry.

>> No.43390579
File: 654 KB, 881x659, 167611725325725387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami boobs

>> No.43390738

we already got a thread five and a half hours ago >>43364387
just bump this one whenever it hits page 10 and we can use it after

>> No.43390754
File: 39 KB, 496x539, Sheebearry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shee or sheeping...

>> No.43391088

maker here
I made this one because the other one wasn't showing up when I searched /pkg/ and I thought there was no thread LOL

>> No.43391162

the neat trick is if you search Yuyu, only this thread shows up

>> No.43391199


>> No.43391207

Official /pkg/ approved ships:
Akane x Peony
Kevin x Nami
Codename x Lua
Darkstar x Shee
Daniel x Reina

>> No.43391236

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.43391247

>not shipping Peony with the peony drawfag

>> No.43391453

everyone x me

>> No.43391540
File: 541 KB, 1078x1168, go to bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to bed reina

>> No.43391601
File: 81 KB, 320x293, charzu cat (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charzu cat (1)

>> No.43392541

can't wait to get this everyday after I marry her

>> No.43393051

Why would I ship Peony with herself?

>> No.43394062

Reina ships goblins with the masturbation machines

>> No.43397193

nami fat lol

>> No.43398285

Lua fat face
Shee fat ass
Nami fat cock

>> No.43399253

Does shee have small tits or big tits i cant decide

>> No.43399289

she has big boobs, her and nami talked about having to import custom size bras on stream one time

>> No.43401277
File: 458 KB, 3456x2064, 43253253301316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI Anon here
I will take *Seiso* requests and post them to the girls' art tag for you

Please keep it civil as I won't post Charzu rape for you or any hard or soft nsfw for that matter. Not yet.

>>>Requests by replying to this post<<<

>> No.43401375

Pregnant Lua lying on bed

>> No.43401463

Tell me your twitter handle so i can tag you in the post and mention she is pregnant with (You)

>> No.43401485

Fuck no.

>> No.43401507

Sava with a plate full of mangos

>> No.43401515

Magical girl Miryu

>> No.43401565
File: 419 KB, 3456x2064, 43253253301328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you have a nice fap

>> No.43401736
File: 395 KB, 3456x2064, 43253253301331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get seiso results, but this is what it comes up with

>> No.43401769


>> No.43401774

Charzu wearing a tutu
Sava doing a... split stretch it's called? wearing gym clothes or leotard
Reina in harem clothes/night gown

>> No.43401812
File: 96 KB, 640x640, a_bunch_of_sore_losers[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbshhf5.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't post Charzu rape for you

>> No.43401830
File: 663 KB, 2124x1413, 200302937-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant something like this with the split stretch

>> No.43402080
File: 443 KB, 3456x2064, 43253253301350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43402170


>> No.43402373

need work with the mangos
her watermelons are exquisite however

>> No.43402633
File: 658 KB, 3456x2064, 43253253301398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43402712

Reina, Shee and Lua as Hufflepuff wizards. I guess that just means them wearing cloaks and yellow ties.

>> No.43402806
File: 279 KB, 500x500, 4h8pYyPBiP_RD8Sdr3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.43403011

shee walking a little dog

or if the dog comes out weird, shee at a pizza place

>> No.43403113

Aletta under a banana tree

>> No.43403278

Aletta mutating into a banana

>> No.43403381
File: 551 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going for the tutu but got this in the meantime
I will also reply with some happy accidents that happen along the way.

>> No.43403799
File: 616 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take only one per person for now. Will come back later for the others, but if i forget feel free to remind me

>> No.43403828


>> No.43403909

I already made witch outfits for Reina and Lua, but not Hufflepuff. I will keep it in mind if they make anymore posts about Hogwarts and make some new ones as replies. Working on Shee one

>> No.43404133

Remember anons, no matter how bad /pkg/ seems, at least we don't post /cp/ and has porn OP

>> No.43404219

I don't follow the catalog. Who has porn OP?

>> No.43404246


>> No.43404259


>> No.43404291


>> No.43404434

seems like there is a doxx raid on the catalog

>> No.43404551

only for the Holo girls it seems

>> No.43404623

>see Selen getting shit on for playing Atomic Heart
>meanwhile we have 5 of our girls playing the troon killing wizard game
Which one of our girls is gonna play the evil Russian game? Sometimes being small enough to avoid unwanted attention is a good thing.

>> No.43404727

>they actually posted cheese pizza
lmao, holorefugees not even once

>> No.43404810
File: 635 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dog should it be? Is this an acceptable dog?

>> No.43404853

the fuck did I miss

>> No.43404886
File: 540 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe more like this?

>> No.43404958
File: 526 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor dogs...

>> No.43405356

Bottom dog looks best. 2nd one has weird centaur-like proportions and it also looks like Shee's wearing one open toed shoes and one not. Top one is ok but it also looks like the dog has teeth on the side of its lips.

>> No.43405671

I love Lua and I love Nami and I love Shee

>> No.43405834


>> No.43405979
File: 211 KB, 287x550, birdwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep 2 hours into the Lua ASMR, she did really well last night. I love Lua

>> No.43406149
File: 77 KB, 1152x688, 43256623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, splits are a no-go. Even with Controlnets, the AI starts focusing too much on the pose and not enough on her face, resulting in shit

>> No.43406183

Damn this is cursed. Shame, because potentially it could be a very good art.

>> No.43406257

it's a pretty freaky lookin but those thighs are dangerous

>> No.43406273

how many viewers did Lua get?

>> No.43406278

It might work at some point, but i am either not experimented enough or not at this point in time. Maybe in a month, seeing how quick it evolves.

>> No.43406340

Somewhere over 300 but she ended up capping it at 5 hours

>> No.43406531
File: 535 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43406557

holy TITS

>> No.43406805

I see she mastered the booba expansion magic

>> No.43406935

expansion? she has always been that big

>> No.43407123

Shee casting Engorgio on my cock...

>> No.43407982

I am the last /pkg/ anon...

>> No.43408096

I'm gonna make a meme of this. It'll be the poster for Last Action Hero but Last /pkg/ Anon and filled with /pkg/ memes.

But not today. I'm lazy

>> No.43408285

my stupid ritualpost is growing up so fast

>> No.43408608
File: 628 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count under Banana tree?
I think my penis is mutating into a banana

>> No.43408798

Looks like palm trees to me

>> No.43409001
File: 468 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and they're combined with normal trees on the other side, i know. And there is no banana even if it was specified 3 times in the prompt. Just wanted to post hot pic. The only way I can make bananas is somewhere in the background and they're enormous.

>> No.43409073
File: 545 KB, 2064x3456, 43253253301572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it tries to place them in her hands, they go all weird. This is why we still need artists.

>> No.43409352

This is lewd

>> No.43409385

this booru accepts AI art

>> No.43409521
File: 266 KB, 1032x1728, 43253253301583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changing models helped a bit. I can post this one if you want.

>> No.43409598
File: 608 KB, 512x768, 02903-2391976052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43409980
File: 177 KB, 491x491, alettdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months in and I can't snatch a single physical merch of my oshi.
just a friendly feedback w/o pressure

>> No.43410094

Make a summer tradwife (white sundress + straw hat in sunflower field) for every gen3 girl. Bonus points if you can make it see through enough to see their silhouette.

>> No.43410351

Does YT send out a notification when you get a gifted membership ? I got one for Shee 2 days ago and had no idea.

>> No.43410425

you usually get an email

>> No.43411067

I'm going to marry Nene.
She will have my children.
She will be a happy wife.
We will home school our children.
We will raise them to hate the anti-christ.

This will happen. I have spoken.

>> No.43411146

I'm going to marry Shee.
She will have my children.
She will be a happy wife.
We will home school our children.
We will raise them to hate the anti-christ.
This will happen. I have spoken.

>> No.43411240

I'm going to marry Lua.
She will have my children.
She will be a happy wife.
We will home school our children.
We will raise them to shit on the anti-christ.

It has been written. therefore it must be canon.

>> No.43411509

shee missed her flight...

>> No.43411555

Shee just took a detour to come by my house

>> No.43411594

Shee fell asleep and overslept probably

>> No.43411769

she said security took forever, but yeah that's something you should anticipate by arriving like 4-5 hours early minimum

>> No.43411784


>> No.43411842
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, 20230219_104102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isla schedule

isla x miryu collab imminent

>> No.43411917
File: 664 KB, 3200x2400, 20230219_104407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miryu schedule

>> No.43411972
File: 347 KB, 1376x2304, 43253253301612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New updated model came out today! We can have bananas and Anime style!

>> No.43412034
File: 753 KB, 484x885, 20230219_104347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letti's sweaty smelly armpit.

>> No.43412105

Letti pouring her coki cola over her armpit...me suckling her armpit to not waste a drop of cola...

>> No.43412132
File: 109 KB, 609x798, namiji1.1532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Nami

>> No.43412268

Can anybody please post the balloon doggo clip? I've accidentally lost mine

>> No.43412313

I want to ride this pegasus.

>> No.43412430

I wonder why the ears on Letti's model are so small. They're a lot bigger just about everywhere else, including fanart

>> No.43412492

Same thing happens with tits and ass
We hyper focus on the things we like.

>> No.43412496

>positive affirmations
What does this entail?

>> No.43412583

wait a minute...is this the fabled Miryu GFE at last?

>> No.43412652

She discovered those kind of videos and was creeped out by them because they wete very cultish.
I think she wants to make a "positive affitmation" joke stream to mock them.

>> No.43412689
File: 247 KB, 345x381, 1676145867987213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to marry Sava.
She will have my children.
She will be a happy wife.
We will home school our children.
We will raise them to hate the anti-christ.

This will happen. God wills it.

>> No.43412821

following a roommate on twitter if they are still somewhat active there, yay or nay?
just to be clear I'm following anyways, the question is if I should follow with my normal account where I also follow the girl or with a throwaway account

>> No.43412824

Why would you want to homeschool your children instead of sending them away so you can fuck her on the counter while they're gone to school?

>> No.43412920

>roommate (non-chuuba)
keep things as separate as possible
>roommate (chuuba)
there's basically only two people it could be because of the thread you're asking in and neither of them give a shit

>> No.43412942

nta but homeschooling your children doesn't mean they don't get to live the house
248 KB

I'm going to marry Sava and move to her house with her.
She will have my children and we will rise them near nature.
She will be a happy wife and we will have babymaking sex on the counter while the children are playing in the forest.
We will home school our children.
We will raise them to hate the anti-christ.

>> No.43413005

kill yourself

>> No.43413006

nice copy-paste

>> No.43413065


>> No.43413103 [SPOILER] 
File: 330 KB, 778x602, summon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43413111

what's wrong with wanting to get as close to your oshi as you can without actually invading her privacy?

>> No.43413155

the stare... home...

>> No.43413189

As long as you aren't bringing up their RM or PL around them then I don't think it matters. I doubt they're checking out random people's Twitter follows anyway.

>> No.43413211

I'm going to marry Miryu.
I'm going to marry Lua.
I'm going to marry Isla.
They will have my children.
They will be happy wives.
We will send our children to the madrasah.
We will raise them to hate the Dajjal.

This will happen. Allah wills it.

>> No.43413303
File: 327 KB, 1376x2304, 43253253301654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the newly updated world of AI!

>> No.43413624

Nice hands

>> No.43413689
File: 60 KB, 725x721, 1674660881170494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe today will be the day that I finally figure out how to make Nami my wife

>> No.43413909

She's still cute
Her singing is so cute
Why did she have to leave us bros?

>> No.43413908
File: 293 KB, 1376x2304, 43253253301677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty, anon

>> No.43414080

Have any of them said it's ok to post ai art using their hashtags?

>> No.43414212

Have you asked? If not, then you can just wait for them to say it's ok/nok, but there's really no point in declining something that is not happening, until it happens

>> No.43414394
File: 371 KB, 1920x1080, 20230219_115850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lua schedule

>> No.43414399

can't remember what each one said but general consensus is no
I thought leti had a specific hashtag for it but I can't find it in her bio

>> No.43414446


>> No.43414565
File: 359 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where else are you supposed to post it when they have only one tag though? None of them said anything about mine yet, some of them liked it.

>> No.43414609

Peony commented on them

>> No.43414630

I know this is probably not what you mean but it'd be nice for archival purposes

>> No.43414659

Peony is a nice girl and she probably wouldn't say anything bad about it, even if she didn't want it. Also, those were posted in the comments as replies, not on art tag

>> No.43414694

Feel free to upload and tag everything you find posted by me here. i'm too lazy to even back them up locally

>> No.43414989

Also this >>43409385

>> No.43414993

>there are hundred, possibly thousands of high quality ai porn lost forever in this anon's ram
I'll never forgive you, anon

>> No.43415011
File: 518 KB, 638x873, 1658321949469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really complaining in case anon takes it the wrong way. I've just about saved every single AI image because I really like them. I just realized that normally I would've just saved Peony's balloon doggo, the prechat miryu lore addition, and some drawanon's Lua fanart. Now, I'm pretty sure the number of my kawaii-related images have more than tripled just these past few days.

>> No.43415288

y'all goofy lmao
just post them without tagging the girls if you worried about AI art

>> No.43415397

Yeah, I'm just not uploading my full folder because I would have to triage it, otherwise there will be random Pippa, Emma and other randoms and 3 legged beasts. I did start to keep a folder of the high res ones I shared recently, so i'll add that one to Mega

>> No.43415459

I imagine he was asking because he wants the girls to see it but also doens't want to inconvenience them if they don't like ai stuff, not goofy at all if you ask me

>> No.43415500


>> No.43415663

Ohh, I'm not worried. Being worried too much before doing something and not doing it being afraid it might not be accepted by the other party and being told off is how people get friendzoned.
I'm just doing a service for some anon here who mentioned wishing some meme pic wouldn't be stuck on 4chan, targeting them out for having been here in case they posted it somewhere; hence I am running this new account to "deanonimize the pics". I could have just posted them from my own account, as I don't really care if people know I'm here, but didn't want to get accused of trying to reap followers or popularity or something.

>> No.43415800
File: 2.82 MB, 3264x1740, kawaii collab v18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lua - 9/10 - Peony on Friday
Nene, Reina. Isla, Shee and Aletta - 7/10
Charzu - 6/10
Nami, Peony and Miryu - 4/10
Sava - 3/10

Who in gen 3 will claim the honor of the first Charzu collab?

>> No.43415868 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon, you're very kind.

anon who wanted to use a meme pics in Twitter replies

>> No.43415948

Thanks anon, you're very kind.

*anon who wanted to use a meme pics in Twitter replies

>> No.43415979

Miryu will have a Love Live watchalong with Charzu inshallah

>> No.43415985

why are they so scared

>> No.43416065

>but didn't want to get accused of trying to reap followers or popularity or something.
I don't think anybody would say anything if your account is named after kawaii and you softquote the girls in your posts (like @\sava_safari)

>> No.43416076

only SEAfriend who started/wanted to learn art to live of patreon subscriptions and failed artists are mad about AI art. Anyone with half a brain should and is at worst neutral about it.

>> No.43416112

Depending on how much you post I might mute your account. Nothing personal but I would rather not need to scroll a lot while on art tags.

>> No.43416223

not like there are many kawaii art posts in the first place

>> No.43416394

It has kawaii in the name but not to the point where it would get called out for impersonation
And yes, I can soft tag the girls to the 3 followers..
As I said, I'll post mostly in their replies & meme/general tags if they have any and as long as it makes sense (aka Witch outfit for Hogwartsposting). They can tell me to stop if they don't want it.
Here you go, Archive anon!

>> No.43416418

I just hope it doesn't deter people from commissioning art

>> No.43416611

>deter people
literally how?

>> No.43416617

I am torn here, because even before AI art I wished they donated the money to the girls instead and preferably through streamlabs so susan/neil don't get a cut. Commissions don't feed the Kawaii girls (and that's a good thing for Nami), and if you're not careful when asking for a commission, they're not even permitted to use it on streams and they wouldn't even know about it as they never spoke with the Artist about permissions nor have a written contract with them.

>> No.43416699
File: 67 KB, 1037x971, 1651524559958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43416994

Tfw you want your dono money go directly to the girls, but Streamlabs doesn’t accept your shitty virtual card, and super hats are your only option

>> No.43417146

I also wish i could superchat in burger dollars instead of doxxing my country of residence

>> No.43417164

I am looking for Shee and Miryu birthday skeb ideas so share them if you have any.
All you need to do is have this in your skeb request.
>might be used for a YouTube thumbnail or on twitter, please be ok with this before accepting.

>> No.43417306

And 5 months later i want to use it for a fan-made game and I have to backtrack that artist again

>> No.43417327

Miryu singing on stage with thunderlings in audience

>> No.43417358
File: 22 KB, 501x324, 1263746735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no she didn't.
oh my god she did, come on shee. you said you were going to get there early.
poor shee. she had a connecting flight too, i hope she can make that.

>> No.43417586
File: 185 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also on twitter if you want to use it

>> No.43417616

not familiar with skeb but can't you just ask him for a cc0 license or something like that?

>> No.43417680

what I use since you quit updating the MEGAand dropped the trip making it harder to find your posts in the archive...

>> No.43417686

Can't you just write "will be used for everything"?

>> No.43417808

Maybe try being faster.

>> No.43417823

There has to be at least one pawtner who's a licensed commercial airline pilot that can get her there on time...

>> No.43417908

I can get her there if she rides me

>> No.43417978

I need more tumorous Sava. I want her riddled with fleshy tumors.

>> No.43418023

Don't you have a filter for that, Letti? You already inflated a few girls into the Michellin rubber thing

>> No.43418048

I guess you could do that. I just use that phrase because it is what the girls use in their skeb requests so I just copied it. Artists usually don't care what you use the art for as long as it isn't making money.
I have never needed the scope to be larger than twitter/youtube/here/ so I have never needed to ask for permission past that.

>> No.43418268

They can still do that though just draw porn lmao.

>> No.43418344

ai anon still taking reqs? can i ask for charzu with glasses in a turtle neck sweater while drinking coffee?

>> No.43418448
File: 389 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how dumb this shit can be sometimes. here's sava stuck in a bed with a daki of herself

>> No.43418603

im more concerned about watever the fuck is that thing in the mirror, but thanks in advance bro

>> No.43418626

I think Sava's AI tag should just be stuff like this. If it isn't horrifying or disturbing, I don't want it. What I do want, what i need, is a sentient half-sava, half mattress creature.

>> No.43418771
File: 290 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mind if there's a friend too? I'll get you one solo

>> No.43418818

thanks a bunch, i dont mind, im just addicted to glasses

>> No.43418948
File: 302 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I like them too

>> No.43419022
File: 3.70 MB, 1598x2131, 00339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43419100
File: 387 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43419197

She never should have tried to clean that garbage disposal herself. That must have hurt.

>> No.43419199

Lua and Nami both squishing their chests together and looking at the camera

>> No.43419275

Listen to Forever Bloom ya fawkin dog cunts!
Not even 10k after a month.

>> No.43419379
File: 340 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is a prime example why there is still a need of artists

>> No.43419546

Luiji Freesuka my beloved

>> No.43419576


>> No.43419635

She looks really cute though. Lua's hair with Nami's wide head and tiny mouth, and the little hat is really doing it for me.

>> No.43419736

I love this, more mashups please

>> No.43419760

Can you make Lua with a see-through dress, that looks like she is literally wearing cellophane, in that exact same pose.

>> No.43419789

considering even nene's meme rap covers got 40k odd views after 1 year I'd say those are actually pretty decent numbers for a kawaii cover

>> No.43419826
File: 362 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best i could get. no breast pressing

>> No.43419845

kawaii song I mean

>> No.43419876
File: 812 KB, 400x215, numberslookinsweet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43419898

valiant effort, ganbatte aikun

>> No.43419912

Lua is cosplaying as Nami, Nami dyed her hair, and Nami's shirt is too small for her massive tits.. Still very cute!

>> No.43420025
File: 142 KB, 1600x1508, 1676792770826602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is making me go turbo gosling. I want a Kawaii visual novel in that style. I've been playing Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai lately and I'm just emotionally in shamble.s

>> No.43420239
File: 350 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works somewhat with inpainting, but i could also do that in photoshop, so there is hardly any point to it

>> No.43420251

Assuming you can get some kind of visual novel game template, you can probably use the ai bot for all the art and you just need to figure out writing out the VN itself. Totally doable if youre bored enough

>> No.43420333

Nami doesn't actually read these threads, right?

>> No.43420370

Of course I don't

>> No.43420422

No she just browses for funny images, she doesn't actually read the posts

>> No.43420487

She reads them while aggressively masturbating. If you havent picked up the signs, I dont know what to say Anon

>> No.43420527

only when i have my face buried into her thighs

>> No.43420700

That outfit Lua has on is so sexy wtf.

>> No.43420757
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>> No.43420859
File: 306 KB, 1376x2304, 43253253301789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say you want her naked, anon

>> No.43420874

desu she seems like the type who would follow the threads just to see if there's a new drama instigation or dox attempt that needs to be reported to management

>> No.43420884

I watch it almost every day. It's always at the top of my youtube rec's. The algorithm is like "holy fuck, this guy can't get enough of this song. We need it to be available no matter what other thing he's watching".

Also I'm going to marry Nene and I'll say it in every post I make until it happens. or until I get bored or forget

>> No.43421018
File: 300 KB, 1376x2304, 43253253301792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it can go more skintight than this without using some Nikke inspiration or dropping the nsfw tag from negatives

>> No.43421278

And in case you'd like some POV

>> No.43421480


>> No.43421584

Make a black Charzu

>> No.43421639

>black hands

>> No.43421689

Give Charzu cornrows, but keep her white

>> No.43421709

I want to see her naked

>> No.43421752
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, 20230219_143502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

letti schedule

>> No.43421763

I also want to see her naked

>> No.43421861

>wonton whore collab
I'm disappointed, Letti
I'm gonna donate to Letti asking if she likes wontons

>> No.43421905
File: 338 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you enjoy your tea party with isla

>> No.43421944

I want to see Isla naked too

>> No.43422280

No Neuro collab, sad

>> No.43422298

She is reformed now. For reasons she is back doing GFE and is very good at it.

>> No.43422343

>I'm gonna donate to Letti asking if she likes wontons

>> No.43422750

Jheri curls.

>> No.43422772

yeah no, once a whore always a whore, if I wanted GFE from fucking phase I would just watch wemi instead

>> No.43422950

Charzu eating chicken noodle soup

>> No.43422994
File: 1.16 MB, 929x650, MANGAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43423083
File: 3.45 MB, 1598x2131, 00341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in that exact same pose
sounds rather hard so take this instead.

>> No.43423143


>> No.43423345

I like the expression you gave Lua. It fits her very well.

>> No.43423524

you're missing out, shiina is very cute

>> No.43423572

Thank you Artist Anon for proving how bad AIs are
Mega Updated with a few pics. They're pretty mild. (And Isla twin)

>> No.43423770
File: 29 KB, 188x171, zz23123213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it before everyone else.

>> No.43423782

Sava thinks I'm a Chad cause I'm balding

>> No.43423811
File: 632 KB, 1078x1082, sad shee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43423900

like she missed her flight

>> No.43424088

shee fat latina dumpy lol

>> No.43424158

fuck, this immediately reminded me of that /weg/ pic

>> No.43424184
File: 898 KB, 768x896, tspif8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43424323

she's chatting in her waiting room right now

>> No.43424454

the things I'd do to get my face between those cheeks...

>> No.43424592


>> No.43424715

I am watching sportsball, any yabs?

>> No.43424737

prechat shee my beloved

>> No.43424749

sex with shee!!!

>> No.43424862
File: 343 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Nami!!

>> No.43424972

thank you AI chama

>> No.43425008

that is free talk shee. prechat shee is on vacation

>> No.43425012

artbros...... don't die

>> No.43425264

I love Lua!

>> No.43425377

I accept my fate of getting Thano snapped by our AI gods. Rip.

>> No.43425689

I'm cooking over multiple pots right now but it takes time and I've had to start over a few time.

>> No.43425723
File: 509 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such beauty could not be created without an artist designing her first.

>> No.43425878
File: 442 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And handfixing will become a real job in animation studios soon

>> No.43425941

I'm not dead I'm still here

>> No.43426115

miryu wearing a dress made from her own shedded tail scales

>> No.43426275

free chat Shee has ended

>> No.43426326

I miss shee...

>> No.43426823

just got reminded of how much hope I had on leti when she debuted
got I hate ayayashit, I want a vtuber that streams 14 hours a day coding, coworking, cooking, and exercising, is that so much to ask?

>> No.43426938
File: 207 KB, 763x859, zz2314214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fret Artist gods! I think I am also going to get replaced soon!

>> No.43426992
File: 345 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43427060

bro you want a colleague, get a job

>> No.43427144

>wants a vtuber who streams 14 hours a day, codes, does coworking, cooking, and exercising
>expects her to be mentally stable
you did it to yourself tbdesu

>> No.43427303

That's just nene without the co-working and coding.
You expect a girl doing coding to be sane?

>> No.43427360

so you want a tranny?

>> No.43427473

twitter brainrot in real time

>> No.43427506
File: 405 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, cyberpunk Lottie is fucking cute. Too bad she sits in the middle of the road.

>> No.43427530

>he doesn't know about programming socks

>> No.43427569

is there just a pit in the middle of the road? what is she hanging her legs off of?

>> No.43427593

>feet hanging into the manhole

>> No.43427618

>expects her to be mentally stable
never said that
>muh programing
don't let words dominate you, anon
I have a job, 100% remote and don't talk face to face to anyone but my family all day

>> No.43427624

I do, that's exactly why I called it twitter brainrot

>> No.43427646
File: 433 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably about to go in the sewer
Current expression: "This desu"

>> No.43427687

Dippin' her toes in the shitwater, just cute girl things

>> No.43427753

>my ptsd-ridden partner assigned to me by hq showing me around the city i've been stationed in

>> No.43427758

I don't know why but people into programming and coding are always fucked up in some way: trannies, forever alone pajeets, depressed femboys, alt-right schizos... I have never seen a chad seriously into that stuff.

>> No.43427863

everyone knows mentally unstable girls are cutest

>> No.43428143

I can assure you I'm none of those but I've always wanted to get into coding because I've always wanted to write my own game or mod one that I already play. Not sure where to learn coding without university though, which I refuse to return to. There are online tutorials I guess, but I doubt looking up some YouTube tutorials would get me anywhere past the basics

>> No.43428376
File: 364 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basics is enough. The rest is Stackoverflow and exercising. Just download Unity, make an account on their website and go through their courses. You will find out very quick the hard part in game making is not programming, but characters, animations, and all the artistic stuff, sounds to be perfectly cut, music, story, dialogue etc and all of this without asset flipping or stealing. Good luck anon!

>> No.43428604

that's because you don't encounter the chads in the usual places
can't tell you much about my coworkers because I almost never get to talk to them but a lot of my classmates are lvl100 normalfags that only use the internet for instagram, streaming services, and maybe a messaging app, besides academic purposes
the rest are the deranged schizos you describe, unironic autism kinda people (which includes me)
youtube tutorials and actualy doing shit might be better than uni if you just want to make games and don't care about employment
also, as that other anon said, coding is not the hardest part of making a game. you might not even need to write a single line of code depending on the kind of game you want to make

>> No.43428861
File: 39 KB, 592x535, 15780570956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43428866
File: 336 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that much reading. And you can chat-gpt your way into it now, just correcting errors also with the help of chat gpt. You just need the basics to know what to ask of it. What is a Game controller, a global vs private variable, class, etc.

>> No.43429010

/pkg/ approved ship

>> No.43429088
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, 157805705675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peony Live

>> No.43429101

>He actually made it
I always believed in the schizo groomer.

>> No.43429138

Peony is streaming!

>> No.43429213
File: 594 KB, 600x338, 1671509707559854.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sava is a crazy college dropout who eats soap
>was employed by a business as an office lady filing paperwork
I literally don't understand how hiring in america works anymore. It seems like a woman can be completely insane and still get a job like that. Unless she was working min wage or something kek.

>> No.43429272

This interaction costs roughly 3k USD per month

>> No.43429323

not min wage, but pretty low.
there are a lot of those low level office jobs that pay crap, but in my experience they are mostly offered to women

>> No.43429452

maybe she actually got off her ass and sought the job herself. try that

>> No.43429656
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 20230219_170851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nami schedule

nami fat lol

>> No.43429714

women get hired more than men for lower end job that don't require physical strenght.
Sava is allegedly not bad looking so there's that too. Given the same, more or less, qualifications, most bosses (male) tend to hire a nice looking woman over the competition.

>> No.43429728

The fact that she does all kinds of silly stuff doesn't mean that she's not competent in her job you know.

>> No.43429727

Can't believe Peony let that faggot in.

>> No.43429773
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, 20230219_170952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nene schedule

lighter schedule (around 7 streams) for two weeks because she's seeing family (me btw)

>> No.43429805

Howl's moving castle is a movie...

>> No.43429828

The beginning of the "nordschizo arc" for Peony?
My rrat spinner is ready.

>> No.43429832

Guys does anyone have issue with his comments randomly not showing up on girls videos? I wanted to leave a supportive comment on some of the girls songs (I dont give a shit if they heart it or not, thats not why I'm doing it) and literally half of the comments are gone as soon as I post them. This has been an issue on youtube for like 3 years now. I don't know what to do anymore. I never spam, type offensive shit or anything like that.

>> No.43429843
File: 5 KB, 355x49, 164580945780945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43429847

holy incel

>> No.43429891

not really. cuckdrops accepted that Peony was gonna fuck Akane months ago

>> No.43429945

Akane is the only dewdrop though, can't really cuck himself can he?

>> No.43429989

if your chat messages aren't going through it means YouTube shadowbanned you. shadowbans are pretty much random so you just have to wait a while and hope it ends

>> No.43430004

16 minute loading screen

>> No.43430038

game no work pls undstan

>> No.43430052

We are in the same boat. Give it 24 hours and try again, but it's a small window until youtube gets you again.

>> No.43430063
File: 283 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up with letti on top of you...the dream

>> No.43430090

Dude I'm a complete retard and I worked at a statistics institute. Playing avio simulators most of the time. Shit was BUSSIN!

>> No.43430146

>Akane gives her a thousands esch month
>still a dogshit PC
why is the fairy retarded, upgrading a PC is one of the few actually good ways of investing back into the business

>> No.43430157

Peony is just doing her job as a hostess

>> No.43430167

checks out

>> No.43430209

the movie is based on the book

>> No.43430227

Deep Voice Peony

>> No.43430231

Isn't Peony in college? Maybe all the dono cash is going towards that

>> No.43430234

I use that lingo ironically. I cant stand zoomers.\
no cap

>> No.43430247

sorry anon, kinoshita needs a new yacht

>> No.43430267

Airi is a cute hag

>> No.43430318

When I had that issue a couple of years ago, I had to change my screen name to get it to stop.

>> No.43430354

I think Peony's deep voice gave me a very intense boner

>> No.43430357
File: 20 KB, 681x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43430371
File: 990 KB, 1279x719, 15805968709567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peony GPU Reveal

>> No.43430376

She's losing it!

>> No.43430432

Actual boomers in this thread, crazy stuff.

>> No.43430441

if it keeps being this way it's unwatchable. Better off going zatsu or coworking if it doesn't improve.

>> No.43430503

Can somebody just tell her to drop the 10$/month and get geforce now?

>> No.43430506

nah, you'll get used to it. I used to play games like this back when I was 12

>> No.43430524

1660 Ti?! The PC I built in 2016 had a 1080. What kinda crutch is she using

>> No.43430577

It's her job though

>> No.43430592


>> No.43430610

1660 was released 3 years later than 1080ti. Age doesn't matter when it comes to nvidia numbering or power

>> No.43430615

streaming to youtube and streaming from geforce now at the same time would probably lead to a bandwith issue

>> No.43430656
File: 386 KB, 512x512, 01551-1120695007-Miryu, 1girl, solo, long hair, breasts, blush, bangs, hair ornament, thighhighs, long sleeves, white background, dress, cleavage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43430664

new to vtubing, huh? they are allowed to get away with anything
they can literally make a 2+ hour stream of just a black screen and still get money

>> No.43430675

Not in EU. Everyone had gigabit fiber to their door

>> No.43430718

Don’t call out Charzu like that…

>> No.43430826

>sex with males
delete this
it's literally not canon

>> No.43430879

Burgerbros... don't look...

>> No.43430909

Better than the tranny potter game to be honesto

>> No.43431025

Peony slowly dying on stream!! Be sure to tune in!

>> No.43431049

I miss her

>> No.43431062

Peony's stream is always fun

>> No.43431109

Peony doing a hard restart

>> No.43431132

trannyCHADS won... Peony can't stream the pottery game...

>> No.43431157

Download the stream if you want scuff kino, she may delete it later

>> No.43431168
File: 388 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's blowing up the matrix

>> No.43431268

>42% tax rate
no thanks

>> No.43431280

Ok but seriously, she needs a better PC. I can't believe how many 1-2view want to make it as vtuber, buy all the overlays and stuff, but still stream on a shitty laptop with garbage mic. And then they wonder why they can't grow.
I though corpos were safe from that madness.

>> No.43431423

I'll never understand streaming from a laptop

>> No.43431456

Peony part 2

>> No.43431570
File: 381 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laptop-kun, please let Peony play with my Gobstones in 20fps

>> No.43431588

No, Peony, stop! You're going to develop cyber-psychosis!

>> No.43431591

Akane the fuck are you doing send this girl a desktop PC instead of whaling on streamlabs

>> No.43431605

You know anyone of you fags can just chat for free and get the same interactions? As long as you're not creepy

>> No.43431663


>> No.43431725
File: 363 KB, 2304x1376, 43253253301985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a miracle! Worked like 'MAGIC'!

>> No.43431748

Does Peony reply to tweets often?

>> No.43431825


>> No.43431836
File: 4 KB, 270x71, 1659135696466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43431839

I fucking hate America so much bros

>> No.43431854

None of them are actually proper fans of hers, if they were, they'd know she usually tweets stuff like that as replies. They just enjoy cuck outrage posting

>> No.43431932

Germany looking more appealing by the day

>> No.43431950

new bread

>> No.43431959
File: 385 KB, 1376x2304, 43253253301993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43431965

She replies to the regulars from chat. Has been doing it more lately, back then it was pretty much only Akane.

>> No.43431968

>the cunny tax

>> No.43432124

In order to get into german university you have to take and pass the exit exams for highschool with the equivalent of British A-levels, which means only 30% of highschoolers can attend university. University degrees are also worthless because all the jobs are low wage and meant for slavic slaves.

Also the state of New York provides free university, while states like Utah, Florida and Texas provide heavily discounted university (this is actually the norm in 'shitty' red states) where tuition is only about 100-300 dollars a credit. It is mostly states like California and Massachusetts where college debt has ballooned to high levels, the public university of Amherst for example charges 1200 dollars a credit and Berkeley charges 600 dollars a credit and is covered in poop from homeless people living near the campus.
