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43387835 No.43387835 [Reply] [Original]

How exactly will chumpedo NEETs explain their toddler daki to their parents?

>> No.43388009

which part?

>> No.43388027

Seafag .... you still live with your parents ?

>> No.43388050

Hey mom, Im going to fuck this.
After that, Im going to fuck you.
After that, Im going to fuck dad.

>> No.43388074

sister, u still live with ur parents? i pity you.

>> No.43388259

Chumchad actually have a life unlike you sisters/seacuck

>> No.43388332

I don't live with my parents.

>> No.43389583

meanwhile ina can have her pedobait outfit projected on times square and they didn't say anything but when most subscribed lolicon does it then it is a problem.

>> No.43389702

Only release daki, nijinigger shaking
Spamming gura all over
If 3D gura soon?

>> No.43390456

My mom saw my Luna daki, she said the "cartoon" looked cute. Only woketards look at an anime character and see a child

>> No.43390654

Easy, they mentally stable unlike you, enjoy your country rape statistics burgerman.

>> No.43390759
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Mom, Dad, I'm going to fuck this little girl.

>> No.43390841
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t. Hag Lover

>> No.43390864

>He's still living with parents lol
Go back to do your homework kid

>> No.43391139


>> No.43392287

"Mom, dad, I bought a body pillow, oh right, I'm alone..."

>> No.43392432

We both know that's not true

>> No.43393124
File: 485 KB, 580x419, ngnl wall scroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have this wall scroll hanging above my bed, the daki is tame in comparison

>> No.43393229

Holy based cunnychad.

>> No.43395415

There is nothing to explain. They deserve to be thrown out

>> No.43398531

How the fuck did all you get that OP lives with their parents from OP’s post. They were clearly referring to chumbuddies. They don’t teach you how to read in SEAniggelandia??

>> No.43398645

This is literally one of the tamest dakis I've seen

>> No.43398843
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, 1676689577746344.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey mom, look at my cute shark wife!
Ez. Next question.

>> No.43398904


>> No.43399054

how do you explain it to your younger sister?

>> No.43399135

i'm a homeowner. i have a locking closet in the master bedroom for discreet storage of my valuable collectibles.

>> No.43399138

You tell her that that she smells and that this is your little sister now.

>> No.43399165

but then she'll steal it and tear it up.

>> No.43399293

It is true I am his mom

>> No.43399387

"Look! Is she not cute? She looks like you!"

>> No.43399618

The fact they didn't include nipples and even mentioned it was a deal breaker.

>> No.43399811

my mom would only say anything if she likes it. she usually asks if I've gotten any new figures too

>> No.43399823

Chumpedos who has a younger sister is in jail right now

>> No.43399908

*who have
*are in

>> No.43399964

How do you explain this shit to customs is what I wanna know

>> No.43400030

Those that get turned on by incest didn't have sisters. I did have some hot cousins though.

>> No.43400091

>a daki

there's your fuckin problem

>> No.43400128

It's not just toddler dakis.
ANY daki would be awkward to explain to your parents.

>> No.43400267

>thinking they have family or friends who want to visit them

>> No.43400372

>How the fuck did all you get that OP lives with their parents from OP’s post. They were clearly referring to chumbuddies.
Obvious projection. Because chumbuds have jobs and moved from home. Gura's merch sales leading by far is proof of that. Rarely wasting money on SCs and donating more directly while getting something in return shows maturity.

>> No.43401219
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Based ESL-chama.

>> No.43401274

>I did have
what did you do to them anon

>> No.43402566

>If 3D gura soon?

>> No.43404339

Nothing, they just grew up and aren't hot anymore

>> No.43404574
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>> No.43407094
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My mother already washes my Magumin and Raphtalia daki covers, so not sure what you're implying.
Normal people aren't twitroons or other terminally online busybodies, they don't automatically associate anime moeblobs with little girls.

>> No.43407632

Most chumbuds are disowned.

>> No.43407843

Oh look another thread from woke scum trying to virtue signal in 4chan, of all places. Neck yourself faggotroon.

>> No.43409106
File: 338 KB, 1152x2048, 584838282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toddler you say

>> No.43409525

that's crazy lmao, I don't own a daki or any covers but never in a million years could I imagine asking my mother to wash any fucking daki covers I'd own and used
although one of friends in high school did often say she was gonna buy me a daki (just cover I'm assuming) and send it to my house, which I really didn't want because I was pretty sure my parents would open the package

>> No.43410927

look at the size of that cat

>> No.43411150

I actually introduced vtubers to my mom and she likes them. She knows some of them are lolis.

>> No.43411214

you fucks all need to move out of your parents basements - i aint gotta explain shit to anyone in my own house

>> No.43411228

Deflection thread.

I am a firm believer that 99.9% of trannies should kill themselves.

>> No.43411957

That's Okayu

>> No.43412248

>Those that get turned on by incest didn't have sisters.
so wrong lol

>> No.43412615

Is the .1% a friend of yours or something?

>> No.43412742

nta but the 0.1% of trannies are instead the ones that should be killed in a painful death

>> No.43412892

I love incest and I have sisters.
I have this amazing ability that allows me to seperate fiction from reality, and when I jerk it to incest I don't think of my own family.

>> No.43413493

damage control
move-out you NEET trash

>> No.43415935

you mad faggot? won't stop people buying the daki, cry more.

>> No.43416267

they don't care

>> No.43416461

You are such a pathetic loser. These posts won't help you at all.

>> No.43416472

They literally drew it to look like a fucking toddler
i wouldn't want this.
give me art that looks like her

>> No.43416602

How will you explain to your parent that they will never get grandchildren because you cutted your dick anon, that should be the first and only concern.

>> No.43417319
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>> No.43417813

Not him but I'd be proud to not live in a tranny infested shithole

>> No.43417831

My parents never gave a shit about my Kudryavka Noumi dakis. If you don't act like they're something you're ashamed of, don't act creepy towards real kids and don't have shit parents there's no problem

>> No.43417943

I like small girls not children piss off hou weirdos and do the dishes.

>> No.43422979

Is there a difference?

>> No.43423045

mine watch her too so they'll probably be jealous

>> No.43423200

She's not looking at the TV.
I think she's blair witching...

>> No.43423223

good taste

>> No.43423249

>his parents would open a package addressed to him instead of respecting his privacy.
Your parents are shit.

>> No.43424419

I have pretty good parents all things considered, especially compared to my friends, I never had the entire contents of my phone searched, they never physically abused me or purposely destroyed my possessions nor allowed my siblings to since becoming an adult I've noticed don't do that anymore, it was probably just something that they never stopped doing from when I'd get things ordered online as a child, just making sure it was nothing dangerous or accidentally miss sent a wrong item not meant for kids, it did kind of get on my nerves at the time but that's it
