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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 63 KB, 583x672, Froot_2D_Model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43344580 No.43344580 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save her?

>> No.43344688

Tie her to a tree and throw stones at her

>> No.43344733

From what

>> No.43345613


>> No.43346013

Is this about the HPL tranny trainwreck?

>> No.43346206


>> No.43346276

Make her post on /k/ and hope she reverts in to being based again.

>> No.43346298

I think step one is finding out who the hell she is

>> No.43346301

Have her fire Silvervale
Instant success

>> No.43346399

by teaching her how to properly tie a noose knot for her and her twin

>> No.43347147

She has to sit on my dick while her bf watches

>> No.43348220
File: 989 KB, 500x398, pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to save her? You can't even save yourselves. You have such a lack of self awareness.

It's called growing up and realizing your actions have an impact on others more than yourself. You people don't realize this because you've never mentally matured.

No job, no expectation to grow. No girlfriend, no expectation to grow. No adult responsibilities. Your parents probably have given up trying to teach you how to drive.

You expect the world to revolve around you and any time someone does something you don't like, you cry about it, bitch and moan until it goes your way. Because at the end of the day, you're all a bunch of manchildren. Never reaching adulthood mentally. That's why you whack off to loli porn. Because the thought of adulthood scares you.

It's not other people who need to change, it's you. And any time someone reminds you of that, you break down and lash out. It's sad.

>> No.43348554
File: 29 KB, 259x271, doitFroot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't

>> No.43348752

Maybe don’t advocate for chopping dicks off and I won’t think you’re a corruptor (among many other things).

>> No.43348814

Get any leftover /k/ommandos who were familiar with her to hunt her down and reintegrate her back into their culture.

>> No.43348817

with fire.

>> No.43348860

That looks like a massive bitch
Why would you want to save that ?
I bet if you try to look for pictures of her roomate on her own twitter you'd find some

>> No.43349116

Nice Freudian analysis faggot. Ywnbaw

>> No.43349134


>> No.43349457

She needs some .22LR

>> No.43351338

You speak on the subject as if you have the understanding of the archetypal enlightened high school sophomore. You've grown up like a 16-year-old has grown up from a 8-year-old and you expect to lecture others.

>> No.43351370

Kill her

>> No.43351394

We gender affirm her by giving her testosterone and then ripping off flesh from her thighs to form a frankensteins weiner that sits on her clit.

>> No.43351422

Give her a rope, actually two so that she and her tranny brother can hang together.

>> No.43351700

>tweet at 55k
Ehh guess the ad could help so far

>> No.43353076

were sending her to ukraine to kill some ziggers

>> No.43353254

dick down by a horse cock

>> No.43353893

Shoot her at point blank range

>> No.43353966

She needs to refund dozens of /k/ommandos before they take her back.

>> No.43354173

That wouldn’t be a punishment to her though, we already know she likes cucking.

>> No.43354230

late to the drama, why's everyone bashing her now?

>> No.43354283

>year is 2018 and you are saying slurs left and right on twitter
>year is 2023 and you are grooming children
she grew up!!!!

>> No.43354321

>You expect the world to revolve around you and any time someone does something you don't like, you cry about it, bitch and moan until it goes your way. Because at the end of the day, you're all a bunch of men

>> No.43354352

She's absolute piece of shit of human being
>claims to be /k/ browser
>cheated on her husband while he was serving military
>bullied Silvervale for playing Harry Potter game
>does charity work for organization that molests children and turns them into freaks
>does damage control with "we all do mistakes" a cope

>> No.43354363

wizard game drama and the 14th backstab

>> No.43354424
File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, froot_vshoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43354480

oh no vtsisters?

>> No.43354484

It's kind of insane how spineless w*men are. Doing a complete 180 of your personality in the span of couple years. For what? Fame amongst amerimutt neolibs?

>> No.43354672

Thats the same person that made that groomer org tweet? Lmao holy shit what a bitch

>> No.43354697

that was like years ago and it's 2023 now, no? and it looks like she's "atoning" for her actions by doing a charity. i threw around that word a lot as well in my toxic gaming days also but now i grew out of that phase.

>> No.43354778

ironic that the examples laid out here also reflect you guys loll

>> No.43354933

kill yourself, froot
>implying that entire 4chan is same few people

>> No.43355039

She's a lich, an ancient undead evil. It makes sense that she'd want to advocate lopping off and sewing up your sexual organs for no benefit while lowering your life expectancy severely.

>> No.43355048

reminder that bsapricot sends her faggots on here to defend her as well.

>> No.43355096
File: 83 KB, 597x640, 2333985807_7c9c9a18e3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we are the ones who need saving. From her.

>> No.43359415

Free her.

>> No.43359480

Reminder that trans lives matter

>> No.43359515

You can't, only her twin suicide letter have any chance of saving her.

>> No.43359531


>> No.43359584

Not us you need to convince, you need to convice the trans of that first and foremost (but GL seem not an easy feast at all)

>> No.43359591
File: 130 KB, 500x624, canvas34534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes any living Troon is too many

>> No.43359599

>You expect the world to revolve around you and any time someone does something you don't like, you cry about it, bitch and moan until it goes your way. Because at the end of the day, you're all a bunch of manchildren. Never reaching adulthood mentally. That's why you whack off to loli porn. Because the thought of adulthood scares you.
This literally describes the trannies harassing people over a fucking videogame lmao.
>You want to save her? You can't even save yourselves. You have such a lack of self awareness.
Actual unironic projection.

>> No.43359645

I just need to go back, sandman. All I ask is to go back.

>> No.43359695

Even if it was the same few people the post doesn't make sense
>bullying people over harry potter
>being a scammer
>turning kids into trannies
4chan has done none of these things and no one here says "we make mistakes" because none of us give a fuck if insane twittertards are upset because someone started spamming nigger.

>> No.43359770

You can always tell when it's a fujo writing this garbage. Pretentious bitch raised off modern Disney thinking that she actually matters.

>> No.43359836

You're losing, chuds. Republicans had the worst voter turnout in the past 50 years. They're only able to pass laws through vetoes and loopholes, which can easily be repealed. You're just screaming in an echo chamber.

>> No.43359996

reminder that nyfco is down so you might be replying to A REAL VTSISTER

>> No.43360128

Meanwhile sales for anything that trannies support have been tanking everywhere. If big corpos continue to see a shit turnout from peniless troops they'll go back to where the money is, sexualizing women. As it should be.

>> No.43361671

Pretty sure I've got them but not going to dox her despite her being a horrible Cunt to Silver. I could understand her being conflicted around and defensive of trannies thanks to her experience with a sibling but that was undeniably a cunt move.

>> No.43361985
File: 200 KB, 897x731, 51E0BFCB-B670-4BFD-B953-96444797A8CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened…

>> No.43362010


>> No.43362461
File: 122 KB, 719x767, solipsism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by giving (other people's) money to unironic boyfuckers and dick cutters so they can fuck more boys and cut more dicks

We live in a society.

>> No.43362469

>yet Silvervale played Hogwart’s Legacy
The irony…

>> No.43362559

50 lashings and public execution.

>> No.43362633

>trannys immediately come to her defense
how are you people even real

>> No.43362697
File: 208 KB, 1080x1080, 071E3D6A-02A0-4DF0-BDF0-E26B3F19526D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it how the muslins do it.

>> No.43362711

>Giving hormone blockers to children
Rot. in. hell.

>> No.43362782

Lmao! She’s a groomer! How the mighty has fallen.

>> No.43362866

"We all make mistakes" wasn't damage control. She said it during a silent drawing stream to someone in her chat pointing out that her silvervale was having a breakdown onstream due to harasment. She implied that silvervale playing a video game was a mistake and that the harassment was justified.
She's a backstabbing piece of shit.

>> No.43363026

Vshojo is a groomer ring for pedophiles.

>> No.43363179

Digital wood chipper.

>> No.43363231

>does charity work for organization that molests children and turns them into freaks

>> No.43363295

i'm gonna raep her

>> No.43363333

yeah, me

>> No.43363377

she said she was a chuck sympathizer

>> No.43363384

by raping and murdering her

>> No.43363553

Google "mermaids "paedophile"". Even the BBC reported on it.

>> No.43363594

Mermaids is pretty infamous for this sort of thing.

>> No.43363599


>> No.43363676

No one cares if a retarded cheating whore sucks tranny dick but then she backstabbed her own friend and threw her to the tranny wolves. Froot is a genuinely reprehensible person and is an example of why trusting the british is a mistake besides the fact that british posters are like americans but exponentially more retarded and less self-aware.

>> No.43363809

>BBC report
I actually did look up the article.
And if you actually read it, one of the benefactors just went to a conference where one of the groups advocated for pedophilia and it just resulted in him resigning because of it.

So unless you got something with more meat, your entire argument hinges on guilt by association.
If your claim is true, criminal and court records would be a great start.

>> No.43363922

Their entire goal of putting children on hormones is illegal in the fucking UK anyways and troons just collapsed the SNP and probably set scottish independence back decades.
Froot literally donated to a "charity" that most of the UK voting public finds reprehensible so your entire point is moot. Twitter isn't the real world.

>> No.43364566
File: 137 KB, 700x867, FpHtnnMWIAAibqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't. She's completely fucked.

If it was any other company she would be out on her ass but vshojo is pretending that neither the SIlvervale or Froot incidents happened, because TALENT FREEDOM!


>> No.43364727

Sturgeon wasn't really doing much for independence. All talk and not much in the way of actually doing stuff

>> No.43364871

Why would you want to?

>> No.43364900

U don’t

>> No.43365008

Thank you Pippa very cool

>> No.43366339

I would really like to hear her sister's opinion on this shit

>> No.43366554

>How do we save her?
That's the Neat Part, You Don't

>> No.43366825
File: 1.53 MB, 413x498, 1659957322945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pasta is so stale, it resembles a cracker.

>> No.43366993 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 577x474, 493.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

