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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 693 KB, 831x776, 1666573601175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43239752 No.43239752 [Reply] [Original]

Sleeby Edition

>What is /wvt/?
/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.

Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

>Thread Quality Reminder
Remember to report and ignore trolling, shitposting, and off-topic.

>Twitch Clips Guide

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>Previous thread

>> No.43239864

If you followed me when I’m not actively streaming, I’m going to look at your following list and dig up your socials. That’s a completely normal thing to do.

>> No.43239884

I've masturbated to kyou, dot, gyaru, mako, drop, and sasha while they were live

which trannies do I need to finish the list, mei is impossible

>> No.43239941

I don’t say this often, but I love Koragi very much.

>> No.43239989

I do that a lot.. fuck. you saw my really dead twitter account

>> No.43240014

How did mei cock block you that hard?

>> No.43240037
File: 340 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me spend 10 minutes on the catalog and I want them back!

>> No.43240084


>> No.43240132

Family Guy joke or sound redeems every 2 minutes

>> No.43240180

If Vaun tweets they are trans then I will tribute

>> No.43240219

I think you just like non-zoomers anon. I could definetly jack off in his chat fine.

>> No.43240482

i wonder how all the new 0view girls are surviving out there. its not easy to get a dedicated chatter in this viewer economy

>> No.43240710

I've been wondering, why doesn't she just get Lewdpigo to make a model for her? He's been drawing her pfps for her, why not go the extra mile?

>> No.43241165
File: 2.03 MB, 2047x1447, 1661571330753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love me saffas

>> No.43241194

Because she wants reassurance, not a solution. Female psychology 101. The end.

>> No.43241345

Need slutty Koragi

>> No.43241671
File: 1.78 MB, 854x480, Mint Dough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but Mint

>> No.43241749
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>western vtubers

>> No.43241828

It's a pornstar. If you think japanese vtubers don't have a porn equivalent... Don't go in the asmr thread.

>> No.43241947

She doesn't even do those anymore last I checked. I could be wrong tho

>> No.43241971

Quantify it.

>> No.43242000

He does the Joe Swanson voice still. Outside of that though they don't do the other deep voices.

>> No.43242086

its not the same. japanese porn is cute but american porn is just gross low effort druggie garbage

>> No.43242155

Are you the Vaun... poster? Hmm... You said that with such confidence.

>> No.43242194
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her new model is adorable but some of her simps should buy her a better mic

>> No.43242306

Why do you want to know Vaun...

>> No.43242360

look like annoying orange

>> No.43242416

I'm starting to get an idea of who you are. Your posting times have been noted.

>> No.43243446

sudden dead hours

>> No.43243607

This time slot is usually either dead or schizo.

>> No.43243676

I set alarms to check the thread every 3 hours. I know what you are.

>> No.43243899
File: 544 KB, 2700x1800, 1647305563288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this tiger!

>> No.43243935


>> No.43244125

I'll keep my eye on you lil lion...

>> No.43244192

>tfw no free tiger poster

>> No.43244252

i want to marry kyou.

>> No.43244286

I want my animal stickers :(

>> No.43244371

Oh look, a thread full of unfuckable losers. Do you even have jobs? I want to know if there’s at least money involved before I interact with any of you.

>> No.43244555

This is a board to discuss vtubers.

>> No.43244656

mvp is a few threads over

>> No.43244782

Oh my bad. Carry on

>> No.43244919

Junii is containment breaching


>> No.43245045

For a moment there...

>> No.43245110

No other place gives him attention

>> No.43245228

das crazy, who cares?

>> No.43245410

screencap this nerd!

>> No.43245698

An insufferable faggot is being an insufferable faggot? Never would have imagined.

>> No.43245860
File: 85 KB, 1089x1237, fumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its the bat

>> No.43245988

>anon about to bust
fucking lol

>> No.43246217

gigawarp... sankyu

>> No.43246481

Who are some Western ASMR chuubas? (Female)

>> No.43246625

KKcyber, Shimada, sometimes Callie, sometimes Nina, Shondo, and others I’m forgetting.

>> No.43246755

ghostimu in the OP
nadechama who also has a thread of her own
menace but I'm not sure about her activity currently
pearl is currently live but I'm not sure how often she usually does this
shondo used to mainly do ASMR and had a recent stream
ditto for vivi
miru does some roleplay videos and ASMR streams

>> No.43246788

i wonder if glimmy asked lapin if she wanted a new model from her

>> No.43247056

You can say it, anon. Western porn is jewy.

>> No.43247134

qxtwy your brain is melting out of your ears with all that asmr

>> No.43247156

I haven't even gotten to the JP ones

>> No.43247246

That guy needs to jerk off more

>> No.43247263

Trying to emulate the style of a game where everyone is dripped out of their fucking minds and realizing I know nothing about modern clothes

>> No.43247499
File: 24 KB, 276x400, MV5BMTIyMjQ1MDY5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODg5ODQz._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not walk the route of Tetsuya Nomura. You will look like this when you're 50:

>> No.43247607

I'm having a flashback of recommending an anon a bunch of asmr channels on /trash/, and am feeling a retroactive sense of dread. the thought that I may have replaced your ninagosling life with something quintessentially worse weighs on me deeply. I will rest away that intrusive thought now.

>> No.43247611
File: 1.65 MB, 2232x4000, 1660185899813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute pipo...

>> No.43247712

it hasnt got the same soul as her model
this is mass manufactured lapin

>> No.43247766

I don't think I am who you think I am. I was into ASMR before I got into vtubers, and only even found hololive through choco-sensei, knew of vivi, shondo, lemonleaf before they started vtubing. I never read that post you're thinking of, but I was already long gone before you even wrote it.

>> No.43247774
File: 894 KB, 2944x1656, FHH6L2JakAAETXP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my fox wife

>> No.43247816

if it were him he would have also linked https://www.youtube.com/@ruriniaasmr

>> No.43247980
File: 161 KB, 1651x1651, 1667172224532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien mecha pilot (not an elf) playing Neon White

>> No.43248023
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also forgot to mention Sava.
honestly never expected her to get into that kinda stuff or be so good at it when I watched her PL.

>> No.43248161

not even an asmr coomer but i’d be lying if i said i haven’t busted extremely hard to some of these streams

who gave this soap-eating gremlin the right to be such a semen demon too?

>> No.43248334

It looks like something done by someone that doesn't understand why Lapin is cute.

>> No.43248377

the giant slut lip is fucked
and why are the eyes so massive?

>> No.43248532
File: 934 KB, 898x887, 1675770427014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapigo talking about Lapin's design

>> No.43248693

Video essayists were a mistake

>> No.43248734

>3 months old

>> No.43248812

I don't think glimmy's lapin is that bad or anything, but it's always interesting to see when a vtuber with a homemade model gets menhera over not having something more pro quality. For being a medium about people pleasing, model upgrades are more often than not for the chuuba moreso than the viewers. Lapigos don't want polish and soullessness, but it's important to Lapin that the avatar she represents herself with be beautiful and not in a "in spite of its flaws" way

>> No.43248901

To be fair, it’s also uploaded in parts which each have their own viewcounts, and presumably ad revenue.

>> No.43248980

First video is 10 hours. Very few of those views are going to be more than an hour long. I don't think it's generating much in ad revenue unless he threw in a bunch of mid-video ads. All I'm saying is that if this took a year to make, I hope he's tempered his expectations.

>> No.43249046

I don't understand why length became the most important thing to them
What happened to "I'm not smart enough to make this any shorter"

>> No.43249206

Lack of editor combined with lack of care because length = more money. There will always be autismos willing to sit through the whole thing because they don't have anything better to do. If you want to see people really fuck about saying literally nothing, go check out the Vampire: the Masquerade lore video community.

>> No.43249242

No I mean, the whole thing was uploaded in individual segments over the course of a year, and then compiled into one video later. Each individual part has a few tens of thousands of views as well, so really the total is a good bit higher than it seems. Still a fucking ridiculous thing to do though.

Wait until you see that 20 hour Skyrim video that came out recently.

>> No.43249247

Me too. Gave 1 or two of these length queens a chance and just quit 1/3rd or so in. It's just time wasting with little value in the details. I just assume its for time shock value, where quantity over quality reigns supreme. Never bothered watching any of them again, even though i like having long videos as a background noise, but these suck even as that.

>> No.43249250

Why Kyou?

>> No.43249279

>There will always be autismos willing to sit through the whole thing because they don't have anything better to do.
Does anybody actually WATCH video essays?
I use them like you guys use streams, I put them on in the background because I have adhd and need background noise at all times

>> No.43249335

kyou's asmr is better than 99% of western chuubas too bad i am not gay

>> No.43249339

i made a mistake with the other two

>> No.43249355

I learned how to do Kyou's asmr girl whisper the other day

>> No.43249394

I watched one breaking down why HBomb's defense of DS2 is bullshit and even though I absolutely hate the game and how someone can give it so much false praise, it was a nightmare. Never again.

>> No.43249435

There's an entire series of those videos anon
12 hours of shitting on ds2
I love it

>> No.43249439

Why did I waste so many hours of my life watching this?

>> No.43249456

please be mako, I need those audio commissions

>> No.43249790

I want to tongue fuck their korean asspussy!

>> No.43250130

What other chuubas have JO shields.

>> No.43250135

NeetNasu... I wonder if chuubas who quit their jobs would've quit if they weren't chuubas

>> No.43250156

What chuubas have JO crystals?

>> No.43250183

No she's going back into study she said on stream

>> No.43250195

neet femcel neg… my dream girl…

>> No.43250247

I didn't catch that. Sometimes she speaks too fast for me I blank out for seconds

>> No.43250315


>> No.43250485
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Foks loev.

>> No.43251267

>paperbag avatar
this says a lot about bag's stream

>> No.43251797

6am thinkin about oshi

>> No.43251887

Can i think about my oshi too?

>> No.43251906

yeah. unless we have the same oshi. then you can’t.

>> No.43251923

someone name a chuuba

>> No.43251927

is your oosh burger, bong, yuropoor or SEAmonkey?

>> No.43251976


>> No.43252017
File: 256 KB, 1593x1748, 1663572053896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nekoreen. it's her birthday today!

>> No.43252048

she’s cute.

>> No.43252055
File: 2.40 MB, 1600x900, 1657747049888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start.
Does you oshi have light skin?

>> No.43252140

>this game is one of your best sellers.
>want to modernize it because of some problematic stuff
>realize the entire game is steeped in it
>absolute panic
>"you may not ask about the person's skin color"

>> No.43252218

I am a streamer.
And I have opinions!

>> No.43252250

she’s cute

>> No.43252272

My name's is in there and I'm not comfortable with my colour being misgendered...

>> No.43252319

How can a colour have a gender?

>> No.43252345

Could you give us a brief description of the perpetrator?

>> No.43252354

I think we may have the same oshi after all..

>> No.43252457

prove it.

>> No.43252494

Darker gives a more masculine vibes

>> No.43252522

Whats your ccv so I can figure out just how much your opinion matters

>> No.43252554

Thoughts on cuddling?

>> No.43252557

Well my oshi is cute too, how can two people share this rare trait otherwise. What are the chances of that happening even. Its too specific that the chances would be astronomical.

>> No.43252595

Stop, I’m really comfy in bed right now and I’m vulnerable to cuddle suggestions

>> No.43252691

You don't want to share a blanket with someone you trust? Maybe snuggle up together with an arm around you? Or maybe you'd prefer to be the big spoon? Imagine, silent moments of warmth spent together. No words need to be exchanged. This is enough to be happy.

>> No.43252703

lol gay

>> No.43252713
File: 807 KB, 817x722, 1660911455348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/negnasu Neg's streaming

>> No.43252747

Boywolf.... hngg

>> No.43252753

Why do you want to hurt me?

>> No.43252785

Neg said she wants a malewife and to be a femhusband

>> No.43252824

So you’re telling me Neg is ALSO incestuous? She wants a wife (male) and groped one last week

>> No.43252848

Chuubas that would be a good wife (male)?

>> No.43252893
File: 586 KB, 2048x1512, shork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife material

>> No.43252894

Neg also said she’s into NTR

>> No.43252912

4am thinkin about oshi

>> No.43252932


>> No.43252981

stop thinking about my oshi, west coast filth

>> No.43253029

If I see any and every time a woman says they want something I also want as them pandering for simp dollars do I have mental issues

>> No.43253049


>> No.43253050

It's pure, undiluted jealousy. The only cure is to become woman (male)

>> No.43253091

anon I don't think that's the kind of want they meant...

>> No.43253326

It was an incredibly stupid sentence. What is it then? Getting ravaged in a bathroom stall?

>> No.43253403
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, 1661462253281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're good.

>> No.43253649

It was a horribly written post, but it meant
>woman says she wants something (a househusband, for example)
>poster wants to be a househusband
>assumes, out of paranoia, that she’s only saying it to pander to guys like him so they’ll donate

>> No.43253676


>> No.43253740


>> No.43253801

Oh. I mean if a woman makes a post about it on Twitter then it’s probably meant to some degree as bait.

>> No.43254162

If you're going to be this jealous of women just become one, its so fucking embarrassing to watch this day in and day out, males ostensibly into their 20s, acting completely unaware that social mores are different for women and getting butthurt about that fact constantly. Complaining about it here isn't going to change a thing, you just look like a weeping child. Fucking nut up and take the pills or shut the fuck up, retards

>> No.43254219

I take the injections personally.

>> No.43254244

did any here chuuba get scat art yet

>> No.43254585

Way ahead of you buddy!!!!

>> No.43254677

Get it for Gael

>> No.43254729

Trooning out won't help but I agree.
The standards for men and women are completely different in entertainment and complaining about it won't do jack shit. Just make content you're happy with and don't seethe and cope about femoids being able to reach partner by doing the bare minimum.

>> No.43254877

tobs or mint would love some since they've posted it before be sure you let them see it

>> No.43255097
File: 362 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230117_223636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bratpire love!

>> No.43255130

Letania don't steal the cat's boyfriend

>> No.43255160

I love Letania so much

>> No.43255223

Sexual intercourse with boys

>> No.43255258
File: 3.38 MB, 1241x2037, nekoreen small file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the face looks wrong but I feel kind of delirious

>> No.43255283

She's not stealing him, just beating him senseless
Me too!

>> No.43255366

Cute! You did good.

>> No.43255400

just noticed I fucked up the shading too

>> No.43255428

reminder that calling your just chatting streams "Zatsudans" is stupid unless you're Japanese

>> No.43255552

Get some rest and hydrate, dude. I think it looks great. You're already getting a nice style going and I think it's all up from here. Some stuff will feel less good but that's natural. It's like a pro soccer player having a bad day. To most others, it looks fine!

>> No.43255591

I can't rest I have work in just over an hour

>> No.43255719

Reminder that if you call yourself a vtuber but you don't stream on YT you're stupid.

>> No.43255839

Even just twenty minutes of lying down can help. Pop some paracetamol, make sure you don't have a fever and stay hydrated.

>> No.43256021
File: 378 KB, 1740x1817, 1658323180505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys.. when my oshi says she wants something I just instantly want to get it for her. Is this normal

>> No.43256264

mating press Vaun

>> No.43256281

Don’t mind if I do

>> No.43256294

Professor Bloom is built for bullying.

>> No.43256429
File: 494 KB, 631x959, tomagifts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why though

>> No.43256526

Man. I'm kind of low-key jealous.

>> No.43256603

Very gay.

>> No.43256623

it looks like she already stole him and drained him, dude's dead

>> No.43256666

>not choosing to gift anonymously and proudly attaching his name to the gifts

>> No.43256721

my oshi is none of those and i love her like you wouldn't believe

>> No.43256731

Ahh, Africats.

>> No.43256755

He’s a girl when I’m mating pressing him

>> No.43256788

Isn't Glimmy getting married?

>> No.43256817

they're already married

>> No.43256825

bullying the normally calm and patient teacher until he gets flustered and blushes...

>> No.43256894

He's trans. He's a girl all the time.

>> No.43256966

so bloom is fair game is what you're saying

>> No.43257002


>> No.43257062

God I fucking hate troons and I hate you fags who promote them. Especially the Kyou poster. I wish nothing but pain on you.

>> No.43257094

its really obvious...

>> No.43257125

Boring, you're on the wrong website and involved in the wrong form of entertainment if you get this pissy over trans people

>> No.43257240

You will never truly know.

>> No.43257317

Don’t make that kind of assumption about people, anon. I get why you would, but that’s their decision to make, not yours!

>> No.43257437

he even said he was doing voice reps a few threads ago...

>> No.43257485


>> No.43257505

I want to NTR Neg's effeminate husband!

>> No.43257514

Anon… there are literally people who call themselves “HRT femboys!” You know this!

>> No.43257628

Can’t believe she insisted she wasn’t into NTR while describing an NTR scenario beat for beat and saying that’s what she’s into

>> No.43257720

Oh heavens who could imagine a vtuber saying they don't like something and then literally doing the same thing and enjoying it a lot. Who would ever think a seiso streamer would be into CBT?

>> No.43257886

She genuinely sounded confused tho, like she thought she was making a legit distinction between being into “bad boys” or whatever and full-on NTR, until everyone insisted on it several times

>> No.43258521


Who is captainnemo?

>> No.43258583

Vaun is a good Battle Buddy Everyone knows that a good Battle Buddy wears the dress

>> No.43258637

All women are into NTR. The idea that they can utterly break a guy simply by being selfish gets them off.
You're gay because you like men.
I'm gay because I can't trust women.
We are not the same.

>> No.43258769

Easy answer

>> No.43258922

Anon… they’re the ones who wanna be broken. You have this all wrong.

>> No.43259046

Power dynamics in sex is hot. I've imagined getting gang raped multiple times. Often by my viewers

>> No.43259147


>> No.43259174


>> No.43259227

this is cope...

>> No.43259270


>> No.43259398


>> No.43259408


>> No.43259470

I just think you should respect Vaun’s choice of identity, that’s all. Don’t start making assumptions in order to fit your chaser fetish.

>> No.43259505

To be fair when you look a Vaun you know something is wrong

>> No.43259582

I'd mating press Vaun full stop. The only thing that's required is him being into it.

>> No.43259692

Based. That's a good way to perceive me. At the end of the day I'm myself no matter what I may or may not be doing in private. It's not important.

What 5 years as a paramedic does to a mfer fr fr.

>> No.43260484


>> No.43260579

Is anyone down to play some Star Citizen? Thinking of doing a Zero to Hero stream on the upcoming patch to get one of the larger ships.

I understand the game isn't well liked, but I wanna have a nice long running game.

And it's this or Tarkov.

>> No.43260587
File: 3.13 MB, 4096x2729, jose2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43261862
File: 98 KB, 863x839, 1673658080970033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cyclops demon princess is streaming some mahjong today!

>> No.43262116

Was bonermiser finally banned

>> No.43262122

How here is Ceci?

>> No.43262152


>> No.43262163

She answers posts in the thread sometimes.

>> No.43262179


>> No.43262241

>Immediately see him in chat

>> No.43262297

why would he be banned?

>> No.43262349

Because I saw he was gone from the discord and figured it was because he constantly acted like he had a boner.

>> No.43262529
File: 221 KB, 1390x1412, FpJE7dvacAEHu1X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your model won't express itself.

>> No.43262561

Fuck off back to /lig/

>> No.43262596

Fuck off to your cuck shed retard

>> No.43262690

I am constantly masterbaiting to all the porn Bao voices herself.

go kiss your sister.

>> No.43262784

maybe that's why he's called bonemiser

>> No.43262966

I wish I had the money to get a model as expressive as me

>> No.43263137

Tierlist of chuubas expressiveness

>> No.43263171

I only trust femchuubas with jobs. There’s no way unemployed women are sustaining themselves single off 1000 a month max from their 100 or so viewers.

>> No.43263274

not a female or a streamer but I sustain myself off around that much every month
not everyone lives in NYC or San Francisco, anon

>> No.43263297

Why is DMAnon allowed to harass Vaun?

>> No.43263384

JP vtubers had a live cuck stream though so idk
JP vtubing at it's most seiso cannot be toppled but at it's most degenerate it will also be unrivaled

>> No.43263478

Mako does this well. Bitch moves a lot when talking.

>> No.43263487

Do you also spend large chunks of that on skebs and games/gacha?

>> No.43263554

yes. are you going to keep moving goalposts? also yes

>> No.43263605

>Shimada intentionally ignored Taiga's comment, not even a reply

>> No.43263680

Correction, not even a Like

>> No.43263744


>> No.43263824

if he's such a good wife (male) then why is he divorced?

>> No.43263850

Wife wanted a husband.

>> No.43263912

Qualifying the question isn’t goalpost moving.
>how does x do y
>well I’m not x but I do y
>do you do these things x does too?
Also many femchuubas do live in California and are reportedly unemployed.

>> No.43263915

Because he’s gay, duh

>> No.43263951
File: 93 KB, 400x400, 1650954824976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at it's most degenerate it will also be unrivaled
I wonder how many still remember.

>> No.43263960

Your femchuubas do have Amazon wishlists right?

>> No.43264344

all of them use throne and I've gifted some cause I'm a simp

>> No.43264349

Gomi forgotten so quickly

>> No.43264364

i don't care about those. she can get whatever she needs or wants with the money i give

>> No.43264385

She rarely streams

>> No.43264448

Its not about quantity of menhera its about quality of menhera

>> No.43264605

So did Leaflit stream Hogwarts?

>> No.43264656
File: 44 KB, 1187x323, Guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43264809

Nope. False advertising. She just read shitty ai generated summaries and watched anime.

>> No.43265017

Is there a KK model of Jets, Clio, Mako and Negs?

>> No.43265066


>> No.43265147
File: 26 KB, 601x300, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who voted for less?

>> No.43265203

Amazon stocks still plummeting. You are moving to Facebook live right vtubers?

>> No.43265211

You're already pretty bratty but you're bad at it it's really cute how hard you try and makes me want to gosling for you harder

>> No.43265292

You are an old woman. Almost 40. Act your age

>> No.43265331

because he wasn't wife (female)

>> No.43265360

Low T individuals with NO rizz

>> No.43265377

And you're an adult man who should be out there finding the love of his life and not sit around talking about anime girls. Don't throw rocks in glass houses.

>> No.43265396

Terrible taste

>> No.43265411

This post was typed by tiny paws

>> No.43265458

Same for you, letania. Its too late to be out anyway

>> No.43265529
File: 74 KB, 800x450, yyyyyyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43265552

Letania should increase her brattiness more and more until I snap and can’t contain myself anymore

>> No.43265569

It’s better to genuine than to try to fit a mold.

>> No.43265586

I looked at my version of this and it's just +1 -1 +1 -2 +1 -1 +2 -1 etc...

>> No.43265740

What does orz mean?

>> No.43265842

It's an emoji

>> No.43265853
File: 2.44 MB, 1280x1395, 33124123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rezuul materializing into ceci's stream just to alphafuck her viewers in mahjong
>immediately leaves
The only good australian

>> No.43265880

What emotion is it supposed to convey?

>> No.43265919

I like the current pipo model I don't want her to switch she just needs a more expressive face rig and someone to rig the model enough to keep up with her constant moving

>> No.43265961


>> No.43265986


>> No.43265989

Someone on their knees, probably disappointed or resigned

>> No.43265999

Lapin gets lots of schizos (good and bad) and yet shes still 2 views. How come

>> No.43266056
File: 15 KB, 498x286, man-sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leta sure is horny lately

>> No.43266130
File: 2.82 MB, 600x507, 1651734033276.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43266348


>> No.43266354

I don’t understand how you all get heated over Letania. She’s so dorky.

>> No.43266366

Someone PLEASE go fuck her

>> No.43266388

Because you're a schizo yourself letania.

>> No.43266453

>She’s so dorky.
once again, this is a positive
>@Your stepmom (it's legally okay)

>> No.43266511

When will letania open a Amazon wishlist?

>> No.43266567

Are you dumb? everyone uses throne

>> No.43266578

Throne won, Rebel. Let it go.

>> No.43266597

Ah, yeah, I see it now. Thanks.

>> No.43266609

I like that she’s dorky, but it doesn’t make me want to sex her.

>> No.43266662

>but it doesn’t make me want to sex her.
sounds like a skill issue

>> No.43266739

I’d sooner give her a big hug and let me introduce me to her 400 plushies who each have their own name and backstory.

>> No.43266775

those aren't mutually exclusive, I want both

>> No.43266797

I dunno why that person keeps trying to push amazon wishlists. people use throne for a reason. amazon wishlists aren't even secure someone could add one item from your wishlist and like a copy of mein kampf and then remove the wishlist item and just send you the book.

>> No.43266810
File: 53 KB, 637x358, carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck on this!

>> No.43266932


Is it okay to link vtubers or is this thread only for discussion, and links of twitter blogs?

>> No.43266947

What is it with Australians and mahjong?

>> No.43266973

You've always been able to link vtubers but there's no guarantee anyone will talk about them

>> No.43267044

I can't tell if rezuul saw the memes about australians being hardcore shitposters and decided to use it as an excuse or is just living proof that the stereotype is true

>> No.43267054

Australia is pretty close to China, there's a fair amount of cultural colonisation going on.

>> No.43267073

the later

>> No.43267112

Exactly. Throne is for those who want the extra reward of being able to control what they get. Instead, just give money and trust in their ability to use it most effectively given their current financial situation.

>> No.43267128

I'm sick of Australia vtubers. When the fuck are we getting vtubers from mythical lands, or hell scape futuristic planets? The blog shit is so so fucking boring come on...

>> No.43267174

she is literally begging for correction

>> No.43267183

There are lots of vtubers like that... Even some of the Australians.

>> No.43267193

What is a good schizo?

>> No.43267216

I hope the blonde aussie is having a nice day

>> No.43267226

>mythical lands, or hell scape futuristic planets
so basically australia?

>> No.43267228

Ok but they're playing Japanese mahjong

>> No.43267241

I think all vtubers should die (im homophobic)

>> No.43267273

as a fellow meppers would say mep

>> No.43267279

Stop posting about yourself and stream instead, cunt

>> No.43267306

I love this tiger!

>> No.43267316

not her I just started thinking about her after her self posts in here..

>> No.43267390

why is she like this…

>> No.43267495

She needs a man to call her bluff, and grab her by the neck and pin her down, ripping her clothes off of her, and then using her to satisfy his wild lust

>> No.43267542

Past her prime, used goods.

>> No.43267576

She'll know the true meaning of used goods when I'm done with her

>> No.43267583

Someone make a tierlist of vtubers who live in a fictional world vs vtubers who blog with a avatar.

>> No.43267589

This isn't bratty, it's tsun/femdom

>> No.43267598

thats what you really want letania? do it before your eggs expire

>> No.43267611

Then she'll just be even more worthless than she already is, congrats anon you will ruin the thing you love.

>> No.43267623
File: 333 KB, 1500x1825, 1655803916276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betsy delivered

>> No.43267650

Betsy is the kemo artist we did not deserve

>> No.43267652

It would just be South Side vs everyone else

>> No.43267669

Great even

>> No.43267684

I wonder if she can do live2d model for rigging

>> No.43267816

No problem with it at all, it just isn't bratty.

>> No.43267975
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, FpLV1KNaIAIiXty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finnish pokemon autist librarian's doing some valentines karaoke!

>> No.43268082

Mugripley just opened her comms.

A reminder that she's shit at responding and takes months to deliver. Art is good but the person is just shit.

>> No.43268134
File: 306 KB, 900x340, Screenshot 2023-02-17 121403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Never even heard of the game.

>> No.43268324

Isn't Leaflit trans?

>> No.43268368


>> No.43268452

She transitions between slime and fairy girl

>> No.43268498

No, she is literally an alt righter. She supports JP and everything he says. She stans Elon and Rogan and loves how they stick out to the commies. She constantly rants about how she wish she could rant about fucked up shit but she can't because she'd get cancelled. She literally hates any trans person that isn't the pick me self hating type.

>> No.43268626

>she is literally an alt righter. She supports JP
JP is left wing you dumb fuck

>> No.43268700

Anon please don't engage with the local retards.

>> No.43268733

Everyone point and laugh LMFAO

>> No.43268772

Sorry, I know they're acting stupid for (You)s but jesus

>> No.43268839

>No, she is literally an alt righter.
those aren't mutually exclusive
next you'll be telling me there's no nazi furries

>> No.43268936

Don't forget that keeping the threads clean is everyone's job brother

>> No.43268962
File: 363 KB, 512x512, 1652323314736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv me latex 'ag

>> No.43269053

what's wrong with her eyes

>> No.43269075

The only good think about latex is the sweat. Otherwise it just gets in the way.

>> No.43269087
File: 3.20 MB, 2500x3621, 1676214115364313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop taking bait and post loli so the jannies give a fuck about this place.

>> No.43269092

AI mishap pls andstd

>> No.43269356

It's fun applying lots of oil on my naked body and rubbing against Clio's catsuit shining it. After that I bend her over, zip open the easy access area, and then rail her until I faint

>> No.43269398


>> No.43269771

Sir this is an applebees

>> No.43269805

Applebees deez nuts

>> No.43270041


>> No.43270066
File: 1.87 MB, 1000x1000, maroonyDance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread move whenever

>> No.43270154

very subtle kemo. it must be designed to convert people that aren't yet interested

>> No.43270258

lol the head is almost as big as the rest of her body

>> No.43270556
File: 772 KB, 1920x1200, 1676657263563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice false advertising. Classic jump scare bait and switch.

>> No.43270671

>jump scare
does wizard game strike this much fear into people's hearts now?

>> No.43270736 [DELETED] 

The occult very much scares lots of people. Keep talking like that, and the pope will send catholic assassin types to pay you a visit.

>> No.43270777

Nothing scarier than adults that like robeshit except the capeshitters

>> No.43270830

Just look at sullygnome more than half the stream is hogwarts legacy

>> No.43271053

