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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43249091 No.43249091 [Reply] [Original]

A few interesting points from Cover's Disclosure doc:

>as of December 2022, the monthly overseas playback ratio of our VTuber YouTube distribution is 41%

Big focus on 3D
>Since the use of capture studios and the accompanying technology development are also important, from April 2023, we will start operating one of the largest motion capture studios in Japan that will enable co-starring and live distribution of many VTubers.

They do care about (You)
>We will Localize existing IP content overseas through translation, etc. and form local communities through SNS, etc.
>Full-scale expansion into overseas regions by developing VTuber IP for overseas local language speakers and holding local events
>We are steadily expanding overseas by taking the steps of full-scale development of commerce targeting overseas markets and building local supply chains.

Holos will have more say in product, outfit, and live plannings
>In addition, even after hiring, we will utilize creators and planning teams inside and outside the company to create an environment that allows content creators to further demonstrate their individuality by continuously supporting various activities such as product planning, costume planning, and live planning.

Cover is aware that viewer numbers may change at any moment due to external reasons
>The Company intends to reduce this risk by diversifying the areas in which it conducts business and diversifying the regions.

>> No.43249184

Go back to your global bronies, nobody cares about this

>> No.43249342

Seethe about it

>> No.43249386

>We are steadily expanding overseas by taking the steps of full-scale development of commerce targeting overseas markets and building local supply chains.
I'm going to guess that means they still won't ship directly to Europe even 2024

>> No.43249752

average salary is not that appealing

>> No.43249828

>Hololive already racking hundred of millions of dollars
>Their income will only skyrocket with the Stock listing + new massive building
>All while every vtuber outside Hololive is fucking dying or stuck at sub 200 live viewers
I fucking hate Hololive, the existence of this garbage monopoly of the free activity which is vtubing, fucking pisses me off.
This is like what would have happened if The Fine Bros succeeded in monopolizing all Reaction content.

>> No.43249850

>The Company intends to reduce this risk by diversifying the areas in which it conducts business and diversifying the regions.

Holo ES soon.

>> No.43249896

Europe is part of HoloEN, gaijin speak gaijin.

>> No.43249931

Lol there are like 5 threats talking about it keep coping cover is going to take the world by a storm

>> No.43249992

>They do care about (You)
EN and ID is still neglected, no concerts, few covers, fuck you.

>> No.43250007

>NijiEN in drama shambles
>Vshojo in drama shambles
>Small corpos too niche, getting bankrupt
>Indies, literally who?
Maybe Hololive's main competition shouldn't be so garbage then.

>> No.43250009

>Them using there own money to become more successful pisses me off because my 2view isn't inclining
What do you call this stupidity?

>> No.43250076

You can taste the nijiseethe in this post

>> No.43250079

Shipping from the US to EU would be an improvement already in comparison to from JP, I'd be willing to bet.

>> No.43250132

the competition literally needs to git gud

>> No.43250251

Hololive gave every other competitor for a year by intentionally not debuting HoloEN gen 3 sooner. They even lost some money venturing an unknown market. debuting Tempus1 tempus 2. They could have sealed it earlier. Now time's ticking for you. EN3 , ID4 , JP7 is coming.

Remind yourself that their competition are absolute garbages. In fact they shouldn't have even been in this position. They made the JP scene an even playing field with their direct Rival even though they were unknowns. because of a ruse their Rival did back then. They also overtook their Indonesia because their direct Rival has no idea how to promote their foreign branches.

Step up your game, dont be garbage. It's that simple

>> No.43250418

Where has the english document come from?

>> No.43250578

I can taste your seethe from across the ether lol. Please seethe more.

>> No.43250604

maybe the Western vtubers need to stop fucking sucking shit then. we don't want woke fucking shitstains doing this entire fucking thing in obvious half-assed bad faith, not all of us are that fucking braindead so as to give someone like that money for no reason.

>> No.43250616

idolEN and KawaiiPro have been growing steadily. Hololive won't be kind forever, especially if they keep choosing mid vtubers who aren't able to sell merch.

>> No.43250625


>> No.43250657

You do realize all of HoloEN are western vtubers, right? They just have the corpo filter, which can be applied to anyone who signs up with them.

>> No.43250856

>The Company intends to reduce this risk by diversifying the areas in which it conducts business and diversifying the regions.
Someone should really tell EN management about this, they're still on the "make sure only PST can watch streams" strategy

>> No.43251036

so basically Cover evolve their companies according to Gura's streaming habit

>> No.43251272

Well I don’t pay import fees from the US so absolutely, paid more than 50€ for birthday vs nothing for Omocat for shipments of about the same value

>> No.43251303

Doesn't matter they're going public

>> No.43251331

>The myth of hard work
Not gonna happen, the best hardest worker vtuber on the planet will always do worse than the most mediocre Hololive. Because Youtube only spams Hololive while every other Vtuber is heavily suppressed by the algorithm.

>> No.43251364

Yeah, they'll have no more Japanese fans by year's end based on what they have planned.
Hololive will be losing ungodly amounts of money following their IPO dumbass. Ever heard of a short squeeze? It's what their new buyers will be doing.

>> No.43251376

Says the miserable third world shittier as he simps for multi-millionaires for free.

>> No.43251416

Actually, I think HoloCN could make a return. And KR/RS could also see branches too based on who will likely buy.

>> No.43251443


>> No.43251536

Phase, Kawaii, and Indies fan but OK. Regardless, Hololive is dead the minute they open the doors to the Wall Street kikes

>> No.43251634

not likely considering their recent statement that specified
>there are various latent factors such as differences in culture, user preferences and business practices, exchange rate fluctuations, various regulations including legal and tax systems, and economic and political instability
that affects their stream son holocn and kr is very unlikely given the political past
such a shame since holokr would be a nice thing

>> No.43251669


>> No.43251837

Royal Saudi Family are going to be big buyers
Doesn't change that CN/KR will be the most notable and prolific buyers. The demand will be met when they make up the lion's share of the stakeholders

>> No.43251868

Then why do you type like a nijinigger?

>> No.43251921

Anycolor's biggest mistake last year was going public, but Nijisanji is not as antied as Cover/Hololive. They're doomed the minute they go on the market.

>> No.43251984

>Because Youtube only spams Hololive while every other Vtuber is heavily suppressed by the algorithm.
This was certainly true at one point, I won't deny it. Holo had YT by the balls for a good long while, but this is becoming less and less true by the day. I have very little issues finding new vtubers outside of Hololive via the search function or through the recommended function these days, even though I am mostly subbed to Holos still.

>> No.43252106
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It's not their fault (you) fucking suck as an indie

>> No.43252132

>Japan signs a massive fucking trade deal with EU
>shipping still costs more than product(s)
>everything double-taxed

I've given up on buying merch long time ago

>> No.43252249

I'm having fun while doing it, which is more than can be said of you. Seethe more rumao.

>> No.43252286

>Actually, I think HoloCN could make a return
Explain your reasoning, I don't mean why they would try it as it's obvious that it would be for profit, but what makes you believe they could enter the chinese market again successfully?

>> No.43252317

The different with anycolor, they don't have any plan or future prospects, it just a literally pump and dump. Cover literally buying a 2000sqm 3rd mocap studio, bigger than the other 2. Their goal is for expansion. And the stock not even open for international, it just for local domestic region.

>> No.43253028
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>> No.43255026

>taking the world by storm
no that would require their "talents" to actually stream and not hate their audience/viewers

>> No.43255140

>hate their audience/viewers
That's NijiEN

>> No.43255149


>> No.43256195

>Ever heard of a short squeeze? It's what their new buyers will be doing.
What a fucking dumbass. You never know how stock exchange work.
A short squeeze is that many ppl keep buying the share so the hadge funds that short the sales of the stock keep bleeding money.
Short Squeeze actually benefit the company stock because they counter the illegally overshort said company stock.

>> No.43256489
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>Average age

>> No.43257083

lol at average annual salary holy fuck 38k lmao, thats fucking brutal, lol imagine having to tard wrangle shion la+ and gura for even 60k a year lmaoooooo meanwhile gura is cashing on the conservative side 5x in just memberships, yea id off myself

>> No.43257174

Ah but what if you can ask any holomem to give you a blowjob anytime anon?

>> No.43257334

if i could rawdog shion and la+ daily while aqua watches while sucking her thumb having a panic attack in the corner ill do it for free.

>> No.43257422

>Because Youtube only spams Hololive while every other Vtuber is heavily suppressed by the algorithm.
Why do I have to click "do not recommend channel" daily then?

>> No.43257570

Because schizos are stuck in the past.

>> No.43257683

Without Hololive no one give a shit about Vtuber. It would started by Kizuna AI then died by Kizuna AI, no easy become a Vtuber only with PC and smartphone.

>> No.43257823

Since there are idiots just seething in this thread.

The playground has actually leveled much more than you think. When NijiEN started everyone laughed saying they will never catch up but now Selen and Enna have much higher live viewer count than many holos. Similarly for smaller corpos, but look at where Pippa is now breaking 4 digits. And this is before we talk about miscellaneous names like Punkalopi. And a lot of these other vtubers are themselves inspired by holos. It's not a zero sum game.

>> No.43257941
File: 14 KB, 511x165, 2023-02-17 10.43.51 www.youtube.com 634f2700d59c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a disingenuous argument.
Korone is one of the greatest vtubers, and yet if she wasn't accepted in Hololive right now she would be less than a 3view vtuber on her abandoned 12k subs channel.

>> No.43258264

You are reacting to provocations.
Obviously, there is a reason why people join corpos. And when Hololive was small it was easy to get into, and as it grew in stature it became harder to join, just like any other good opportunities in life.
It is better to think of people outside holosanji as playing in a different league, and in that league, from small corpos to indies, many are doing very fine. Not the bleak picture of everyone stuck at 2view.

>> No.43259885

You can't just bash your head against a wall an call it "hard work", you should try using your head instead.
One good idea is worth more than a thousand bad ones, even if coming up with the thousand trash ideas took more effort.

>> No.43260813

thanks for the info

>> No.43260859

>ignores EU

>> No.43261081

Indies are already better at doing the same content.

>> No.43261306


>> No.43261523
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>Selen and Enna have much higher live viewer count than many holos
If by "many holos" you mean "Anya, Reine, and Iofi", then yes

>> No.43262620

If this isn't bait you're an absolute retard, anon.

>> No.43262904

NTA. KR is possible, but CN has too much risk. Coco was not the first problem they had with that market. The community also remembers what they did to Coco and Cover in general. It's just not worth it.

>> No.43263153

It amazes me how much people fail to realize Holo's domination. Talent by talent they are fucking huge compared to the competition. Niji only competes out of sheer numbers which while successful for the company, and basically treats the talents like condoms to be used and discarded. Seen it for years in JP and STILL NijiEN fans were surprised when it happened with Luxiem.

>> No.43263560

holobread hehehe

>> No.43263625

>Selen and Enna have much higher live viewer count than many holos
They had anon, like 5 to 6 months ago but then they started to recline like the rest of nijien

>> No.43263844


>> No.43263849

Maybe you can learn how to market yourself and do things that build your audience instead of ranting on twitter about the latest moral crusade or retarded model reveal engagementbegging.

>> No.43263994

>many holos
Only ID. They often consistently failed to pass Kiara no matter how much she debuffed herself.

>> No.43264120

>Fagni outperforming all of NijiEN other than the big three Luxiem guys
Tempiss sisters, just this once I will kneel

>> No.43264136


>> No.43264867

it's not a monopoly if everyone else is allowed to compete

VSPO are doing great using a similar model to holo

>> No.43265267

At least watch IdolEN if you wanna support other vtuber agencies, yes, I know there is a tranny in it, no, I don't care about your political ideologies.
Watch streams, thank you.

>> No.43265455

>Watching jews

>> No.43265920

I like how this board likes to pretend that Tempus was a huge failure when they're more successful than 90% of NijiEN, and without the Chinese money to prop them up

>> No.43266184

I think it's more that they're less successful than a HoloEN gen 3 probably would have been, which I also think is true
They're certainly not a failure though

>> No.43267155

Where the fuck were you when Nijisanji went IPO?
Where the fuck was your bitching and crying then, huh?!
Answer me bitch! You won't cause your a filthy nijinigger virtue signalling!

>> No.43267328
File: 902 KB, 2400x1440, ccvid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hasn't been true for a few years now since youtube has been doing everything they can to cull hololive.
Theuir growth was natural and algorithm did it;s thing seing how people love watching hololive. But then some bitter roastie at youtube ordered her pajeets to "fix" that. So your argument is retarded.

>> No.43268034

This is true within holo as well
Talent + opportunity almost always trumps hard work
It's why Gura makes everyone seethe - the most dominant western chuuba for the foreseeable future despite being lazy (or to be charitable, sickly and inefficient with her time)

>> No.43268436

>they do care about (you)
they care about releasing more homos who will be dead on arrival just like the past 8

>> No.43268598

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.43268601

Isn't that how it always works? Employees are disposable but talents not. Football players making millions of dollars per week but his team staff only makes tens of thousands per year.
I don't know if you're a kid who've never work once in your life or you're just not bright.

>> No.43268685

would be dead on arrival, south korea's gender wars mean that korean vtuber fans specifically prefer japanese/western vtubers instead of korean vtubers

>> No.43268702

>Idol growing
>Phase growing
>NijiEN sinking on male side but girls keep good numbers
>Vshojo with better ccv averages than HoloEN bar Gura

The fuck are you smoking dude?

>> No.43268723

From a purely business perspective:
Assuming they debuted Tempus instead of EN3 (rather than EN3 being delayed for non-Tempus reasons), then that's a huge opportunity cost for a long-term investment which may never ever overcome said cost
I'd say Tempus is currently neither a success nor failure
Their current numbers are a mixed bag - they're declining overall with only one new "star", but compared to their direct competition (niji EN males) their decline isn't that bad
They also might be negatively affecting holo EN due to hardcore unicorns, but it's difficult to attribute how much harm that is

>> No.43268759

>We will Localize existing IP content overseas through translation

Clippers are gonna fucking die and get banned through copyright strikes now.

>> No.43268775

>Because Youtube only spams Hololive while every other Vtuber is heavily suppressed by the algorithm.
He says this when youtube has been pushing hololive out of the algo for some months now.

>> No.43268819

Tempus in only a NijiEN competition in ccv. They get utterly raped in vod views and superchats.

>> No.43268862

There is nothing to push out when they don't fucking stream.

>> No.43268973

True average ccv is a completely retarded stat when one group streams 10x more then the other. HoloEN ccv numbers are still decent because they stream so rarely every stream is a fucking event.

>> No.43269030

>Because Youtube only spams Hololive while every other Vtuber is heavily suppressed by the algorithm.
LOL no. I constantly get niji and indies shilled to me way more than hololive despite me watching mostly holo. Can't imagine how it must be for someone who doesnt watch holo at all. Discoverability near 0% probably.

>> No.43269040

If you want the algorithm to support you then you need to make content people want to click on and content people want to continue watching.
You can have the best fucking content in the world but if you never give someone a reason to click on your video/stream over the millions of others, then no one will ever know.
The hololive brand is a pretty good way to get clicks, indies just have to try harder. Just because Korone made good content back then doesn't mean she knew how to advertise herself well, and evidently she did not.

>> No.43269054

Sure, Tempus never reached overall niji EN male heights, but I'm talking about how much they're all failing, with luxiem in particular arguably falling off the hardest
The situation will be clearer in the coming weeks - will they continue to decline or will they stabilize?

>> No.43269212

If anything they'd hire the good ones to do official work and leave the low effort ones alone. No reason to attack free advertising.

>> No.43269270
File: 1.35 MB, 1672x2168, youtube_cull_hololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of showing this graph was to illustrate the ccvid cull that happened a year ago which affected only hololive by an extensive margin.
This is in reply to the anon wrongly claiming hololive is somehow favoured by youtube when in reality the opposite is true - they are culled.
There was also another cull a year prior to ccvid which affected every streamer but to different extent and so for example kuzuha was culled only 15%, whereas lamy 60%.
Those culls have never been fixed either.

>> No.43269331


>> No.43269423

>VSPO are doing great using a similar model to holo
How is it similar? Other than the quality over quantity approach.

>> No.43269453

I envisioned a future where they released their awful open world crafting game or whatever and it ends up costing them a shitload of money and the talents have to shill it. Couple this with a bunch of the talents probably leaving naturally since some of them have been at it 4-5 years, it'd only be normal to want to move on. I'm not sure it will head in that direction though, especially if they include them in more aspects of their character and brand. At this point I'm only invested in Miko, Korone and Mio and just want them to be happy.

>> No.43269698

>union hasn't been formed yet
I'm gonna get the teamsters in there

>> No.43269736

I mean, it's nothing to write home about, but 51k a year is nothing to sneeze at, especially when burgerland has an average income of 31k

>> No.43269799

I make 51k and can't afford rent.

>> No.43269859

>Full-scale expansion into overseas regions
If only. I still have nothing to watch in the evening.

>> No.43270049
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>muh ccv

How about stats that actually mean something?

HoloEN is just minimally ahead of actually popular NijiEN members.

>> No.43270050

I'd do it for free if they'd let me.

>> No.43270126

Depends on where they're working/living
5118k annual salary is lower than the Tokyo median salary though

>> No.43270366

>Average age 31

>> No.43270528

I don't think this is showing what you think it does
The only ones there that are comparable in both content and how long the VOD has been up are their valentines streams, where the rat's number is 70% higher

>> No.43270609
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Bae (and Kiara) are the runts of EN...that's not really impressive
Mid-tier holo EN like Ame often get 100k+ views for normal streams
And then you have Gura whose views are so insane they compete with top-tier holo JP as shown in picrel

>> No.43270664

do you know how to read that ss, retardchama? a Bae a week old video has more viewer than Enna 2 weeks old video

>> No.43270934

Tempus CN is their secret plan, sisters don't care about Taiwan just don't make yo mama jokes and you're good.

>> No.43271460

boxpushing a bunch of bishoujo vtubers who play videogames

vspo has a slightly more competitive gaming vibe (you would think with their branding they would be much more serious, but they're pretty pathetic in terms of actually participating in competitive play) and they're more open to collabing with guys on average, but those are fairly small differences

>> No.43272383

>but they're pretty pathetic in terms of actually participating in competitive play
They're all decent or good at at least one game (except asumi and ren, I suppose). But since apex died, you only have valo, and there only beni and ramu are actually strong.
Outside of that the best thing you can say about them is that they have a very high tournament winrate for everything.

>> No.43272620

>apex died
What's the numbers on this

>> No.43272622
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>Supporting the state of Israel

>> No.43272707

I am still waiting my Ina merch from her first birthday...

>> No.43272873

oh nyo

>> No.43273178

it just hit a new all-time high concurrent player count on Steam, at 610,433 players

>> No.43273299

Geekjack anon?

>> No.43274034

the numbers don't matter - what does is that nobody wants to stream it anymore
the ranked changes last year mean that most people formerly hitting master now get stuck in dia or plat
before you could just grind your way up, but it takes more effort now

>> No.43274560

>if she wasn't accepted in Hololive
What the fuck are you arguing here? The point is she WAS accepted into Hololive because they recognized her potential. A potential that she never would have reached as an indie.
Your beef isn't with corporations it's with the fans and brand perception. Critique this line of thinking all you want, but when I see that a chuuba is with Hololive to me it signifies that they've been prescreened and found to have an exceptional level of quality, talent, and stability compared to others in the indie scene. The best of the best end up at Hololive so naturally that's where you start when you're browsing.

>> No.43274837

I've always wondered why the EU hasn't made its own agencies at this point. Have they and they just don't get that much attention? As soon as Hololive took off in the US Vshojo, Cyberlive, Tsunderia, Phase Connect, and other smaller North American-based operations were not far behind and even several smaller JP corporations focusing on the EN market, but I feel like we don't see EU-based or even EU-centric corporations. There must be a reason for it.

>> No.43274983

>watch jews
>also there's tranny jews
>just watch it you bigot

>> No.43275124
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>free activity
Alright fuckers. Which one of you is gonna pay for my model and streaming setup?
Free shit is free shit.

>> No.43278671

That channel was under upd8 aka Kizuna's agency, too bad it was so badly mismanaged but not exactly unknown indie.

>> No.43279215

I feel like in the next 5 years Holo is going is going to get very boring. With Cover going public and shareholders getting involved, the talents are just going to become even more muted. being profit driven, they're going to everything they can to stifle the never-ending yabs.

maybe the 2views will get a chance to pick up the slack.

>> No.43280418

The year is 2025. Your oshi is now owned primarily by Blackrock. Yagoo has cashed out all his shares and become a major landlord in Japan, emulating a samurai. He no longer has anything to do with Cover, and instead spends his days galavanting in his pavilions and beheading his serfs with a katana for even the slightest show of disrespect. Your oshi has been talking about xer transition lately, xhe is extremely thankful for the employee training and free hrt treatments administered by their company mental health specialist. Your oshis voice has gotten three octaves lower recently, and xhe has had a model change to be more transfriendly. Zoomers have flooded the viewerbase, and now every superchat starts with bruh and ends with fr fr. It's all become very sussy. Your oshi thanks all xer litty supporters on a stack then plays an ad as thanks. You happily watch as the ads show off a zoomer-friendly campaign offering free broccoli haircuts and slightly lower rent if you sign up for googles new chatbot head implant, which is scientifically proven to lower loneliness and depression by offering a family friendly ecologically aware gender fluid chatbot friend in your head! Trust the science! Your oshi is back after the ad, and starts recalling the special graduation ceremonies for all the chuubas who didn't undergo gender reassignment therapy. Xhe hopes they all had fun being flown out on private jets by the black rock execs to various islands for their private graduation parties, and wishes they had been able to stream what sort of fun activities they got up to.

>> No.43280857

and this is gura's worst ccv spread during her never stream spree

>> No.43280921
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All I'm taking away from this is
>Average age (years) 31.6
I will throw all of my money into this hag loving company.

>> No.43282279
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I used it too, but recently got my merch on the 9th

>> No.43282901

Soooo when’s that stock going public *rubs hands*
