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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43257822 No.43257822 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest, the recent yabs have not been great for the company, any other company would take action but vshojo keep on staying quiet.

Yet they keep on getting opportunities, keep on getting exposure, keep on getting invited to cons whilst others are kept away. Even Ironmouse will be seen as a liability as long as she shills vshojo in her interviews.

The real question is - what can actually be done about vshojo itself? What will actually be needed to knock them off the spotlight and be seen as a disgraced company as long as they have those kinds of talent hired?

>> No.43257843

Stay mad

>> No.43257896

Is this really that big of a deal? I think everyone is just bored for drama

>> No.43257954

Nothing, there's no justice in this world. The end times are near.

>> No.43258029

>talent freedom
It is just a negative campaign against Hololive.
I've never seen anyone take it seriously.

>> No.43258129

>The real question is - what can actually be done about vshojo itself?
Nothing. Vshojo has cornered their niche as being the group for coomers. One of the talents could post a sex tape of them getting gangbanged irl on their channel and it probably wouldn't hurt their popularity for that long.

>> No.43258136

>recent yabs have not been great for the company
There's been like one in 12 months.

>> No.43258297

I mean their entire existence is literally just shouting that they're better than Hololive. The sentiment shared by the vshojofags too, still remember how they claimed the now 3k streamers Kson and Nazuna joining Vshojo as the "End of Hololive".

>> No.43258365

talent freedom is pretty neat because my oshi went to taiwan and had a fan meeting with her fans in taiwan and vshojo paid for her plane tickets to taiwan
meanwhile in the other company they suspended, publicly shamed then ostracised her for saying she has fans in taiwan :)

>> No.43258404

>literally paid for her to have sex with taiwanese pornstars

>> No.43258444

it would propably even increase their popularity

>> No.43258448

what yabs?
QRD please I've been busy lately no time for /vt/

>> No.43258473

Phase doesn't have this problem.

>> No.43258478

Trips of truth

>> No.43258482

It's all over the board, man.

Silvervale and Froot.

>> No.43258540
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Because if there becomes an issue, fishman would intervene and put an end to it, even if it pisses off the talent or their fans.

Fishman would have suspended Froot, they wouldn't have let her shill the groomer charity.

>> No.43258568

it's still nothing compared to a months of niji shit. you've just been desensitized to it.

>> No.43258792

when a minority of people are complaining, calling it a yab so-to-speak, why does it matter? In the end the fans don't actually give a fun, the majority, the consoomers, don't care. The niche basket weaving board doesn't make a difference and neither do twitter trannies.

>> No.43258887

Nice cope Vshoujonigger, your company is fucking finished.

>> No.43258905

I think Silver's fans care that their oshi has to take a break because of bullying.

>> No.43258959

NTA, but I doubt nothing short of actual crimes being committed would end them.

>> No.43259004

>he doesn't know

>> No.43259044

What yabs? Silver played a game and got harassed by twitter shitters, that's not a yab. Silver is the victim here.
And Froot is allowed to support whichever dumb charity she wants to.
Froot typing dumb shit that could be taken as an attack on Silver in Silver's chat is the only real yab here, but that's something those adult women should resolve between themselves.

>> No.43259148

Mouse is already screwed because she confirmed that she's /here/

>> No.43259165
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Not a company but FAMILY

>> No.43259180

Inform me

>> No.43259213

Any spare cope Vshitshow tranny?

>> No.43259262

I'm starting to think the outrage is fueled in large part by nijinogs delighted to find a reason to deflect this board's attention from their endless string of yabs

>> No.43259295

Froot is literally donating to pedophiles which is assisting in child trafficking

>> No.43259310

It's really Vshojo's fault for letting her play the game in the first place (which shouldn't have been a big deal). Truly, the in-fighting with Froot and the twitter idiots trying to decide who was meaner between the two groups could have been avoided. She could have just played the game on her own and avoided it. I think it sucks she'd have to do that, but Silver is sensitive and obviously wasn't prepared to deal with the backlash that others had already dealt with. Either way, this isn't going to destroy vshojo, it's this week's drama.

>> No.43259329

wtf is this photoshopped?

>> No.43259370

She said she would donate somewhere else if necessary.

>> No.43259436

Unless she's in contact with the charity itself and discussing how that money will help illegally traffic children, you can't prosecute her.

>> No.43259446

Vshojo is the definition of inmates running the asylum. There's nothing to be done by anyone but themselves.

>> No.43259480

I think you're remembering a statement you and other vt posters invented yourselves because you were overly sensitive about former Hololive talents being somewhere else now. If you're going to have parasocial feelings, you should reserve them for the talents instead of a corporation.

>> No.43259622

The worst part is that these trannies are going to come out of this unscathed because le Vshoujo can do no wrong. God I hate these faggots.

>> No.43259858

Don’t give a shit about yabs only interested in the kiara and ironmouse collab coming

>> No.43259864
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>The end times are near.
Agreed. That's why we see so many angels (lolis) popping up lately.

>> No.43259882

>vt posters
It's Twittard, where majority of vshojofags are

>> No.43259994

last year when she announced joining vsj

>> No.43260038

>He doesn't know

>> No.43260053

>is one talent sending troons after another talent and causing her to go on a hiatus a big deal
Gee I wonder.

>> No.43260124

I mean there entire brand is built around being "better" them hololive atleast that's how they advertise it so don't know how far they ever intended to go

>> No.43260162

hey dipshit we're talking about how it's immoral not illegal

>> No.43260321

LMAO I refuse to believe it, se really left herself go...

>> No.43260383

Holy propoganda

>> No.43260623
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I didn't know Froot went to church, but yeah, typically they do beg for money.

>> No.43260639

Depends on how you look at it. If it's on Holo it probably would be a bigger drama, but because it's vshojo which pretty much directionless as a group and with their already very fragmented fanbase it's kinda eh, just another day i guess.
>Bringing parasocialism outta nowhere
holy actual vshokek itt

>> No.43260955

Nope. Never watched them, never will. I just think it's weird to get insecure and emotionally invested about Hololive as a company instead of the actual girls. People acted like kson in particular going to another company was a personal level betrayal.

>> No.43261080

>People acted like kson in particular going to another company was a personal level betrayal.
Because she said she would never go corpo again. People would have been fine if she made her own company.

Joining vshitshow is basically a big fuck you to all her past fans and the indies she was propping up too.

And before anyone says, vshitshow had no part in her getting the yakuza cabaret audition - her history with the franchise is what made her get so far.

>> No.43261210

>I just think it's weird to get insecure and emotionally invested about Hololive as a company instead of the actual girls
You just pointed out the majority of vtuber fanbase, be it Niji, Holo, or Vshojo. Congrats.
>People acted like kson in particular going to another company was a personal level betrayal.
Then you need to keep up with Kson's own history pre-vshojo anon. Idgaf about Kson, but the fact you misunderstood her entire situation back then with her fans is very telling.

>> No.43261224

>donating to a literal unironic pedophile group
>not a big deal

>> No.43261341

Vshojo is only getting non stop push because of their massive connections in the left wing corporate system here in America.

>> No.43261449

How was it a fuck you? And why would making her own corpo have been better? Her content did not change when she joined and she still interacts with indies more than other Vshojo members. This just reads as more insecurity that a Hololive talent consciously decided to work somewhere that isn't Hololive.

>> No.43261493

Vshojo can go suck a cock
When they got kson and rushia they boasted hard about real talent freedom, but fuck all that shit
It's only a front for twitter and anti hololive

>> No.43261506

Vshojo is a containment company, why would you want them gone? Did you forget what happened to twitter after tumblr died?

>> No.43261556

>Vshojo is containment
>/vt/ is containment

>> No.43261559

VSHOJO is a garbage company with loads of talent with bad history.

Let's not forget she basically forced her own room mate out over this because she joined that company and took the real life needy streamer Rushia with her too.

Also the company itself is a good reason why people got upset - if she went to, for example Phase Connect, the drama wouldn't exist. And I only bring that company up because they don't give a fuck about CCP and have connections to companies in Taiwan like the 3D AR model stuff, plus Uruka.

>> No.43261659

Sorry, the auditions were a scam, they only wanted to hire their orbiters.

Even Haruka got backlash over this, not because of her personally (although everyone remembers her role in the awful GMod collab asking personal questions about Pomu's surgery), but because of how fucked these auditions were.

>> No.43261725

Suffer not a tranny to live

>> No.43261734

That's the most extreme example you couldn't think of, incel?

>> No.43261784

Lol. Silvervale fans.

>> No.43261900
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>I'm not going to join a company again, it limits my creativity and is bad for the indie scene
>I joined a company again, but it won't limit my creativity and I can help the indie scene
I wonder why fans took umbrage to her actions...

>> No.43261960

she didn't say that first part retard

>> No.43261975

>using incel unironically

>> No.43261993

She had like two people caring about her, she was one of the least relevant talents and now she is the "own the troons" crowd's poster girl.
She literally can't win this.
She litera

>> No.43262001

I don't think it was kson who asked Kanata to move. That decision was made by Cover if anyone besides Kanata made it. And Rushia hate is just another example of turning on someone because they're not in Hololive. What does kson helping a friend/coworker have to do with anything? I guarantee people would have bitched about her joining Phase Connect too.

>> No.43262041

Based, talent freedom should be removed entirely. I want all chuubas to do nothing but play minecraft all day every day.

>> No.43262082

Rushia joining was bizarre as fuck when you see that she easily makes good money as Mikeneko on YouTube.

Neither of them needed vshitshow. You can't fix stupid sadly.

>> No.43262086

It was cover who called PPT for an emergency meeting and told him he was moving out
>But... trade secrets
That's a bullshit excuse and you know it.
Suck all you want, you'll never get yagoo's semen.

>> No.43262153

If she yabs, she yabs. Regardless of talent freedom.
Some girls just can't stop being retarded.

>> No.43262159

This, but unironically.

>> No.43262169

Yabs are in the eye of the beholder, when your audience has no standards and no self-respect getting in trouble is impossible
As a group they're bulletproof unless one of them straight up kills somebody

>> No.43262205

You have to go to the top the reason why they get this special treatment is because of the connection beween the founder of Vshojo and twich i don't think as long he is in charge nothing can be done

>> No.43262214

Rushia and Kson joining were baffling decisions for both them and the company. The company gets this weird hanging chad that is only tenuously connected to their main group- Rushia can't even communicate with anyone but Kson, for that matter. Conversely, neither girl gets any exposure or support. It's a bad fit, period.

Of course, I wouldn't recommend Vshojou to anyone at this point given that one of their talents is attacking another girl without any sort of censure. I can't imagine how toxic things are behind the scenes.

>> No.43262250

It wasn't about money, it was about being lonely as an indie. She wanted other people to interact with and had an invitation to join from a friend and former coworker when her options were limited due to the drama associated with her. It didn't end up helping that issue with the language barrier and lack of new members so far, but that was why she decided to join.

>> No.43262253

Anon, please don't make me a froot fan

>> No.43262361

they have japanese staffers and managers

>> No.43262362

Reminder that Coco said "I'll *probably* never join another company".
Then she made a sex joke that Taishi didn't translate fully, about how she can't work under others because she's a top.
This is the "promise" that Holoschizos are mad about two years later.

>> No.43262374

It's mostly a move by vshojo to get a foot in japan some more
Although funny enough Vei was already doing that, but with recent issues. Gaining jp fans is getting harder

>> No.43262389

Because she got to bring her manager and translator along.

>> No.43262491

Like the other dude said, Rushia just wanted people to interact with and didn't fully realize the barriers in place and how loosely affiliated vshojo actually is. I actually think it's worked out for Kson, at least for what she wants anyways, since she gets to keep doing her thing while offloading a bunch of the annoying administrative bullshit to the company.

>> No.43262734

also taishi doesn't work for vshojo retard he works in like insurance
he only got paid for translating one or two streams for nazuna

she had 2 managers when she was an indie

>> No.43262804

Only thing changed was becoming more of a fleshtuber. Defeats the purpose of being a vtuber.

>> No.43262808

They just scream about talent freedom to insulate themselves from yabs of their talents while also not having to give them managerial support to prevent yabs. There is a reason that they get already established streamers rather than debuting new talents. They simply can't and it's more profitable for them to leech.

>> No.43262987

And how does that help Rushia get involved with any of her coworkers? Literally the only talent she can talk to in the company is Kson.

>> No.43262995
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Will you leave a like?

>> No.43263006

>but because of how fucked these auditions were.
I thought vshojo were going to have 3 new members which will be introduced shortly after each other? Is Haruka ended being the only one?

>> No.43263135

she can collab with literally anyone she wants
why do they have to be in the same group?

>> No.43263202

>literally axed off an entire market continent just to save her ass
Yeah, sure. Blame them.

>> No.43263210

>she can collab with literally anyone she wants
except the two bigger corpos

>> No.43263381

saved her from what?
she should be grateful that they didn't fire her?
good thing there's tens of thousands of other vtubers to collab with

>> No.43263387

>why do they have to be in the same group?
Because that is the reason to join ANY vtubing company, being part of an established network. If she thought about collabing with indies she would have stayed indie

>> No.43263461

Talent freedom!
To fuck your coworkers over and get them fired!

>> No.43263480

Literally no one gets upset about being called an incel unironically, except incels, incel

>> No.43263484

someone should tell kson and the rest of vshojo to stop collabing with their indie friends then
anon says they're not allowed to

>> No.43263569

A scam benefits the scammer at least temporarily. It was not a scam, just a dumb idea that they decided to scrap

>> No.43263648

>talking about mike
>bring up other people
You have negative IQ
You asked for the reason why they have to be in the same group, that's the reason why mike joined, she wanted to be part of a group to have easy access to that network

>> No.43263704

Explain to me, in plain English, how Mike/Rushia benefits from being a part of Vshoujo vs. staying independent.

>> No.43263720

>Rushia and Kson joining were baffling decisions for both them and the company.
I can't speak for Rushia as I don't watch her, but you apparently don't watch either of them as you have literally never heard Kson talk about her opinions on the vtuber industry. She values talent being put first and having the freedom to do what they want, but also enjoys the group comradery that corpos like Hololive and Nijisanji offer. VShojo offers exactly what she's looking for.
>neither girl gets any exposure or support.
Kson got to attend some foreign conventions to meet fans and they also massively improved her 3D anniversary live, which is exactly what she wanted from them.

>> No.43263763

>but also enjoys the group comradery that corpos like Hololive and Nijisanji offer. VShojo offers exactly what she's looking for.

>> No.43263799

Two words: Hype Train

>> No.43263842

>VShojo offers exactly what she's looking for.
Froot figuratively stabbed Silvervale in the back and then rubbed cayenne in the suppurating wound. Is Kson's family name Caesar by chance?

>> No.43263896

ogey rrat

>> No.43263907
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picrel, the pc case, her (probably) upcoming 3D
obviously there's more reasons than just that?
it's not like its a secret who else is in the group and which languages they speak

>> No.43264043

No one cares. This is like people screeching about hogwarts legacy. People do not have enough time to care about the same stuff you do when you spend 6+ hours a day obsessing over vtubers. People will spend their time to be entertained by something they like and not give it too much thought, because why would they? I don't watch them, they aren't my cup of tea, that's as much thought as I give it. Grow up PAUL.

>> No.43264061

Let us know when she starts to regularly collab with 2 and 3 views. I look forward to seeing what that does to her viewership.

>> No.43264076

>obviously there's more reasons than just that?
Not really
>it's not like its a secret who else is in the group and which languages they speak
Kson recommended Vshojo and mike just trusted her word, that's it. Mike is retarded for not investigating and kson is retarded for thinking mike would blend into an american network

>> No.43264080

Brainlet Holofags browsing /vt/ confused why someone would join a group that primarily speaks another language, immediately after shutting off their HoloID/EN stream.

>> No.43264146

Talent freedom. They are free to backstab each other all they want.

>> No.43264498

Okay, let's say that cover would have prostrated itself before China.
Coco, Haato and some time later fubuki are fired.
How do you think the Japanese fanbase would have acted?
How do you think the international fanbase would have acted?

They were just saving their own ass.

>> No.43264699

lol preferably men too, to really make it the vshojo style im sure her fans wont mind

>> No.43264928
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>> No.43265063

Kson said Vshoujo is family. She went with her words and got shit from it.

>> No.43265085

Post your delusion on why she joined then

>> No.43265246
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from that stream you people like to shit on so much

>> No.43265324

Nazuna likes vtuber groups but thinks it's bad when they can fire you and take away your model, fanbase, channels, all your videos, all social media platforms you use, etc., which happened to her a couple months previously and made her sad, so she joined one that can't do that.

>> No.43265393

cause no other company, especially Japanese would want her

>> No.43265483

That's Kson. Not Mike.

>> No.43265528

That's a nice delusion you have there but it would make more sense if Nazuna didn't exist and she joined as Mike
Norio doesn't seem to give a shit about her past

>> No.43265560

money, most likely big pile upfront

>> No.43265588

>"she trusted kson's words"
>*kson's words which are different than what you claimed*
>"actually she trusted her other behind the scenes words that we don't know"
Whatever you say, anon.
>it would make more sense if Nazuna didn't exist and she joined as Mike

>> No.43265703

She's a CIA op trying to push western chauvinism. She attacked the integrity of China and now is with an org that pushes for NATO expansion. Imperialist dogs belong in their kennel. They can all pretend to be "leftists" with slacktivism keyboard warrior crusades and donating to bourgeoisie non profits who have multi millionaire CEOS but ultimately they still serve the reaction.

>> No.43265717

Since when holo have international fanbase? We all know hololive because of taiwan yab.

>> No.43265778

You're saying Kson never said Vshoujo is family?

>> No.43265807

>*kson's words which are different than what you claimed*
Words taken from a stream which is specifically about her and her only? What, you think she was also talking about Mike who already had massive troubles interacting with people even back in holo?
Because in the first it wouldn't make sense that she wants to be able to take her character with her if she makes a completely new character, if vshojo lets her take the character (which is unlikely anyways) she would have no need for it since it's waste of time to have 2 different characters with the exact same fanbases.

>> No.43265835

I wish you schizos would clarify that you don't speak English up front so I don't have to waste my time replying to you.

>> No.43265852
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>> No.43265928

You know it's true.

>> No.43265944

She's not even the only person in Vshojo with 2 different personas. They have no restrictions on that shit.

>> No.43265994

Typical liberal response.

>> No.43266061

Retard, IF she left she would have no need for Nazuna. The whole argument was based on her being able to take her character with her if she left

>> No.43266062

>International fans
Yeah, all two of them before EN came into the scene.

>> No.43266153

And where exactly are those collabs, huh? Preferably from the "thousands" of 2-3 views that flood the market. Oh wait, there is none.

>> No.43266204

She can leave and take Nazuna with her, she owns the character.

>> No.43266349

>She can leave and take Nazuna with her, she owns the character.
We don't even know that, but even if she could it doesn't matter because she has no use for Nazuna outside of vshojo, Mike is her main. The premise that she would join because she gets to keep everything is flawed, she could have just joined as Mike if she wanted

>> No.43266422

We do know that, it's literally Vshojo's entire business strategy.

>> No.43266520

>Literal newfags
Fuck off

>> No.43266585

>it's literally Vshojo's entire business strategy.
Taking established personalities and just adding the brand to them? Thing is Nazuna is a completely new character who has nothing to do with mikeneko and we don't know who payed for it, let alone who owns it. Nazuna is fundamentally different from everyone else in vshojo, you can't compare what other members get to her

>> No.43266600

>Imperialist dogs belong in their kennel
Imperialists... like the chinese?

>> No.43266767

She uses Nazuna for a different purpose than when she streams as Mikeneko. She's outright stated she wants to be more relaxed and just talk with her core audience as Mike outside of event streams. She focuses less on putting on a show.

Also, since people are just putting their opinions on her relationship with Vshojo out there and acting like she said it herself: She praised Vshojo (under the guise of a company she was working with) for being kind and understanding with her just this week. For whatever faults they've had in providing opportunities to interact with other Japanese speaking talents, she genuinely regards them as treating her well.

>> No.43266789

For your information, 3/11 Vshojo members either were not vtubers or did not exist at all before debuting in Vshojo. You are constructing a narrative based around the fact that the Nazuna situation is rare and unheard of when it actually happened twice before her.

>> No.43266792

How are the Chinese imperialist?

>> No.43266808

I end my case here then. You didn't reply so I thank you for agreeing.

>> No.43266850

Huh I don't remember china invading irag and killing millions of civilians. I don't remember them supporting various right wing coups in the global south.

>> No.43266873

talent freedom=acting like a slut

>> No.43266885

You demonstrated such poor reading comprehension in your reply to my post that I refuse to engage with you until your English improves. Feel free to make a thread in a year or so when you learn to read properly and we can continue this debate.

>> No.43266905

As a drama tourist there's nothing interesting here to be honest. Nijien and wactor are the ones with the most frequent and stupid yabs. Can't do anything to vshojo with how loved Ironmouse is.

>> No.43266986

Nazuna said she owned and would be able to keep her model during that new years collab with Kson she did toward the end of December.

>> No.43267014

>Rushia and Kson joining were baffling decisions for both them and the company
Kson literally had an entire stream where she laid out exactly why she joined. Namely:
>they take care of the boring backend admin stuff for her
>get her sponsorships
>dont tell her what to do
And in exchange they likely get a portion of the income from said sponsors. Its a fine deal for both sides.

>> No.43267071

It is weird to say this now that Hololive is having an event in Taiwan.

>> No.43267121

The sell-out stream has been hilarious in hindsight

>> No.43267191

>were not vtubers
Irrelevant, they were internet personalites and continued to use the same personality
>or did not exist at all
Just hime and she basically made no effort whatsoever to separate her actual persona from the vshojo persona, besides that we know she owns the model herself.
Nazuna has no connection to mikeneko, this could be her own autism but it's still a first in vshojo

>> No.43267227

Almost 50k

>> No.43267230

The only weird thing is that Hololive basically denied the existence of one of their largest fanbases for 3 years. It's nice that they finally came to their senses.

>> No.43267258

They got cash up front to join. Vshojo hoped that their "talent freedom" meme and them joining would cause more JP vtubers to jump ship because they clearly wanted more people for their JP branch but it never happened. And Vshojo doesn't hire no names. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

>> No.43267321

I'm not a liberal but I'm also not as schizo as you

>> No.43267370

Ok. I'll take it as my win. Ty

>> No.43267372


>> No.43267395

Conservatives are a type of liberal. I imagine you are the typical foaming mouth reactionary that inhabits burgerland. If me being "schizo" is understanding actual materialist politics then I geuss you got me

>> No.43267397

They literally control the UN, have their hands in the political affairs of every single country in the world, and are responsible for all slavery in the whole continent of Africa.
Sure the west (or I guess really it's just specifically America) is imperialistic, but China is equally so. At least be honest and say why you really hate the west instead of saying it's "imperialism" because that's the buzzword your faggot history teacher used.
It's fine for you to pick a side and just say "it's us vs them" without needing to justify it with phony bullshit.

>> No.43267427

>true Zhang's in the thread
Is it day off at the shoe factory to kiss Xi's ass or something?

>> No.43267506

I fully understand that you are totally ignorant of the current situation in China.
You twitchilds need to graduate from high school first.

>> No.43267555

You ESL?

>> No.43267615

You braindead reactionary liberal. You don't even comprehend the Leninist definition of imperialism do you? You regurgitate western news

>> No.43267656

I'm not a conservative either lol, nor am I american lmao

>> No.43267679

Doesn't the US have King George Washington's birthday on Monday? The man that literally owned slaves.

>> No.43267716

Vshojo's signing bonus is less money than what Kson and Rushia used to make in a month. Neither of them joined for the cash.

>> No.43267731

Feel free to timestamp it

>> No.43267735

Well blinded by western imperialist news then I am sorry for you. When day the empire will collapse on itself and the veil will be lifted and scales will fall from the yes of most of the western proletariat

>> No.43267829

It was live translated, watch it on your own.

>> No.43267935

>literal commies ITT

>> No.43268062

>noooo you can’t support transgender youths you’re literally destroying western society!!

It is amazing how easily Froot assblasts you incels.

>> No.43268131

I don't read western mainstream news either and I fucking hate nearly every government and large corporation I hear about, I'm just not schizo enough to believe a western government agent has infiltrated a japanese vtuber agency and then willing left to be independent and then joined a western vtuber agency
well perhaps I could believe it but I'd need to see a decent amount of evidence to believe it

>> No.43268264

ogey tranny

>> No.43268401

She was low key fired dip shit.

>> No.43268409

why did she backstab her own colleague like she did to her husband

>> No.43268552

treated a lot worse than other talents by management? sure, fired? I doubt it, they axed the entire CN branch, they wouldn't do that if they were planning on firing her

>> No.43268579

>tranny defense force

>> No.43268611

this latest scandal was manufactured bait, you idiot
>controversy pays the bills now in [current year]

>> No.43268636

The talent freedom to shit up the industry
Still regret not gatekeeping hard enough when you could?

>> No.43268646

I'm sure the CIA had reasons to do so, or they dropped her support after it went down. Who knows. I know she got CIA money then and now VShojo gives money to buy arms for Ukrainian Nationalists.

>> No.43268800

Anon it's blowing up in the normalfag sphere are you insane

>> No.43268824

i saw one of the artia fags is a latvian russian whose entire youtube page was about how ukraine is le bad
so not just commies

>> No.43269038

NTA, but it was live translated and I remembered seeing it:
@KamishiroTaishi (26:46): Kson: Cus VShojo is a gathering of indies.
@KamishiroTaishi (26:57): Kson: Though there are ppl who still view VShojo as an agency, I guess.
@KamishiroTaishi (27:17): Kson: Like how if you ever left VShojo, you'd still remain as Amemiya Nazuna.
@KamishiroTaishi (27:23): Nazuna: And that's really kind of them.

>> No.43269277

they havent because they cant
thats why these nibbas have these cringe campaigns in their quest for global hegemony

>> No.43269323

western imperialism is preferable to chinese imperialism
t. expert

>> No.43269402

>compareing china building traderoutes to free global market from the west and make the free market actually free with unjustfied war of aggression on a sovreign country

but back to topic - vshojo are grifters and wagonhoppers kill the thread we already know

>> No.43269478

It's been amazing seeing people argue so fucking hard in this thread about something they knew nothing about and were ultimately wrong about.

>> No.43269526

...Wait, what happened now?

>> No.43269777

It’s crazy how mundane this “yab”
>Silvervale gets harassed by twitter for playing the gay wizard game
Before “omg she’s so based, fuck those twitter fags”
Now that it’s blown up “omg look she’s doing a yab, she’s going to get fired. Why are these companies always fucking up so much?”
>Froot wants to donate to charity
“Ok but why are you such a slut?” Literally has nothing to do with the topic
“Why are you turning your back on your coworkers, isn’t she going through enough as is?” Literally creating problems because you want to.
Only thing I agree with is that the establishment she wants to donate to might be shady, but that has more to do with her investigating things before hand. People are making it out to seem like she’s the Jeffery Epstein of vtubing because the company may or may not be linked with pedos.

>> No.43270956

A-Anon, I...

>> No.43271382

>slavery centuries ago
>Xi currently has slaves in concentration camps in the 21st century.
You are not very smart changchama
Rumao rumao

>> No.43271569

You are an idiot if you believe those lies made up by Adrien Zenz

>> No.43271810

You guys really overestimate how much people actually give a shit.

>> No.43272326

Shitshojo is basically a subsidiary of Twitch.

>> No.43272352

Talent freedom is not freedom of consequences. Now cut off that boys penis and chop off that girls breasts.

>> No.43272910

she later made a post WTF PEOPLE MADE FUN OF ME BEING FAT? lololo I dont care im fat and proud, must be all the american food I guess lol

so yeah this was probably her most important public appearance in an outfit that highlighted her body a lot and would give people their first impression of her as the new member and she spent her time eating junk before the con

>> No.43275606

Every word out of a VShojo member's mouth is a yab to these people

>> No.43275782

Keep Vshoujocels away from children at all costs

>> No.43275898
File: 35 KB, 321x279, ass mongol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43275959

this, gunrun is a twitch founder. all he has to do is call up his buddies running the show for any favor/exception/undue promos for vshojo he wants.

how people don't fucking realize this and pretend they're some innocent humble thing that just does not much in the background is beyond me. then again a lot of their girls have thousands of viewers and yes the twitch audience IS that fucking retarded overall.

>> No.43276544

>believes in the totalitarian regime.
And you have the nerve to call others idiots.
Rumao rumao rumao
