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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43219642 No.43219642 [Reply] [Original]

Wada Arco biggest mistake was accepting this design to be used for HoloEN.
Wasted in the hands of lazy talent who doesn't even appreciate her work and the majority of EN viewers don't even care about the Fate series.

>> No.43219725

What does Kronii's booba hole smell like?

>> No.43219812

If irys had gotten Kronii's model she'd have passed Mori in subs by now.

>> No.43219813

*cums on you*

>> No.43219982

Yes another niji deflection thread. No one cares about kronii anymore retard

>> No.43220034

Better tell that to Wada because she seems to vehemently disagree with you.

>> No.43220050

*rapes your throat*

>> No.43220313

It's not even a good design though. Competes with Sana's for worst in Council.

>> No.43220319

Wada Arco is an overrated artist and The Fate series is trash

>> No.43220433

I'll never understand why people consider Kronii's design "good".

>> No.43220537

Smells like a Subway tuna sandwich

>> No.43220617

perfect fit for hololive then

>> No.43221378
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Even Pekora sucks Wada and FGO fags for big numbers, if Kronii model is used by HoloJP and streaming FGO it will mind blow the numberfags.

>> No.43221616

Faggots with bad taste, opinion rejected

>> No.43224688

Wait that character designer is a girl?

>> No.43224812

Where's the Wada nude art?

>> No.43224929
File: 362 KB, 602x900, 46609801_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like saiba

>> No.43225066

Schizo? People like the design. It's Kronii that actively hides her boobs when she has the chance. The only times that doesn't seem to be the case when management is involved like that small karaoke with Council for the pre-HoloFes event.

>> No.43225222

If saiba is so great why doesn't she have monster oversized breasts and hide her skinny stick legs under that dress?

>> No.43225318

wada is wasted on kronii, but the design is great

>> No.43225495
File: 637 KB, 520x1053, KroniiModel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak design, you are right

>> No.43227061

>hololive talents have no choice on the Live2D model and default outfit they have to use
>sometimes get coomerbait design they hate and Cover will fight them for several years before reluctantly allowing a redesign
>this pattern already happened with Flare
>obviously going to happen again with holoEN members
>could easily be fixed by giving the talents multiple options or the ability to alter their design
>management absolutely refuses to do this
The problem isn't Wada Arco or Kronii but Japanese management not giving a shit about employee morale.

>> No.43227417

Honestly designing the models first and then trying to shove people into them is a retarded idea in the first place.
I get having a theme if they want but they need to hire actually good streamers and then design the models with their input.
Why the fuck do they not do this?
Why the fuck are they still not doing it?

>> No.43227975
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>why doesn't she have monster oversized breasts and hide her skinny stick legs under that dress?
She has and she doesn't

>> No.43228538

First of all they aren't monster sized
Second of all even then how do they fit in the breastplate?

>> No.43228742

Sana's design was top, the execution of the model was entirely the problem

>> No.43228854

Sana's design was top but the internet is very anti-brown
It's full of brown people who idolize pale skin

>> No.43233735

Alternative outfit design is a request from talent, if it's bad it's not because of the artist but the taste of the talent itself. This is what happens when SJW gook gives a design suggestion that ruins the original

>> No.43234067

Lol. Lmao.

>> No.43234693

Yes that is correct.

>> No.43234990

You have the right to be wrong.

>> No.43235289

You have the right to be willfully ignorant but you shouldn't exercise it.

>> No.43235728

I think I know all the incarnations of my oshi a bit more than you do.

>> No.43236548

>request from talent
No it really wasn't.
Wada just threw it in as a bonus even though it looks like fucking shit, but I guess she doesn't care.

But I guess in your mind Kronii just told her to make an "alternate design" that looks like a shitty render from the early 2000 that has anorexia but to keep the bolted on tits.

You fucking retard.

>> No.43237363

No, you are blinded by your own affection. None are so blind as those who choose not to see, you know?

>> No.43237682

This is going to become a circular argument so there is not use debating it. For some reason you seem content to die on a hill of falsehood. For the sake of... what, exactly? Pleasure? Bearing false witness against your neighbor is a sin.

>> No.43237802

You're just delusional, I have no misunderstanding that there is any hope of convincing you but you are attempting to lie, even if you are only convincing yourself, to others which calls for someone else to call it out. It is no surprise that you are alone in your protests.

>> No.43237922

You have bore false witness against your neighbor which is a sin against God. May he have mercy on your soul. Your lies will not save you when judgement day comes and you are cast into the fires.

>> No.43238019

Wrong again.

>> No.43238078

>No u
Are you Jewish by chance? Or just a good goy?

>> No.43238135

I will never forget the disappointment from Wada after being hours waiting for Kronii's ring fit stream to see her OG design jiggle only for that dumbass to use her kimono outfit. That woman materializes her fetishes into every female character design she creates, and that fucking idiot denied her her eye-candy.

>> No.43238274

Cover's fault for giving the big tit wada model to the zoomer with the gender confusion.

>> No.43238329

>no jew
Quit shitposting.

>> No.43238379

Your entire argument has been a shitpost, troon.

>> No.43238418

Sexy doko :( ?

>> No.43238470

I don't think Kronii would like you to say things like that, trannylover.

>> No.43238580

Oh, is that the rrat you're spreading? That meme that Kronii is a troon? That has been debunked numerous times? Here I was thinking you had something original. Go back to 2021 libtard.

>> No.43238765


>> No.43238821

I'm a natsoc, you're all libtards to me. Now run along and continue to spread your old debunked rrats.

>> No.43238831

When is Kronii going to stream the wizard game?

>> No.43238889

No you aren't.
But I'll certainly continue to support the truth, I appreciate you giving up on doing anything about it.

>> No.43238892

Maybe after she gets back from surgery, though with her recent tweet regarding her surgery it may be a few weeks.

>> No.43239065

>No you aren't.
Wanna bet, libtard?

>> No.43239231

Is Kronii a "libtard"?

>> No.43239469

Then you have lost all of your bettings because you decided to challenge me on my belief system.
>Is Kronii a "libtard"?
No. She is the concept of Time itself. You know who is a libtard? You.

>> No.43239630

The hips are pretty bad.

>> No.43239887
File: 300 KB, 1200x1430, 06c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43240029

If wosemi switches sides will she be able to play tekken?

>> No.43240103

Rosemi fucking wishes she could trade up.

>> No.43240382

no I wish that

>> No.43240559

If she could, she would.

>> No.43240633

Rosemi model generic as shit

>> No.43240683

dont care rosemi cute
kronii not cute

>> No.43240837

Kronii tits > All female NijiEN designs combined

it's facts not opinions

>> No.43242826

I tried to hate her, but her voice was too sex to ignore. I'm not sure that model fits other talent at this point

>> No.43244255

I was surprised by how actively Wadarco follows Kronii's content.

>> No.43244320

i feel bad for Wada,
1st entry to hololive
shit talent.
no choice but to support,
bet if there's another hardworking one she can finally jump ship.

>> No.43244421

Wadarco is actually a really cool, loving artparent if you see her interactions on twitter

it's a shame her daughter is shitty

>> No.43244520

Fuck Pippa, fuck Rosemi, don't trust or fuck Lumi.

>> No.43248670

cope and seethe stupid niggers

>> No.43252571

she really does love her daughter so much, even when she's busy she takes time to watch kronii's streams and make a thread about it on twitter

>> No.43255429

Same for Ina and Mori
