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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43137220 No.43137220 [Reply] [Original]

I still can't really believe we wasted a precious EN spot on this lazy bitch who refused to show off her single talent because she kneels to chinks.
All because of Ina's nepotism.

>> No.43137299

Quick before this gets deleted. Tell me how Ina got her the job.

>> No.43137341

I don't understand how she ever had fans

>> No.43137413
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I love Sana!

>> No.43137565

I miss Sana

>> No.43137654
File: 1.04 MB, 1456x816, sheev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard the Story of "AO-Chan the Special Snowflake Mod"? I thought not.
It's not a story the Takoniggers would tell you. It's a rrat legend. AO-Chan was a moderator in Ina's chat, so obnoxious that he could use his attentionwhoring powers to become an actual mascot and part of her lore... He has such knowledge of grandstanding and attentionwhoring that he even conceived himself as an omnipotent entity inside the entire Hololive lore. An entity named Omegatroon.
The gook side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be nepotism. He became so powerful... the only thing that he was afraid of was unicornbros.

>> No.43137664

NEEDS to stop shaving

>> No.43137671

>Sana comes up in an Ina thread
>run to make a Sana thread to take some heat off the other

>> No.43137688

She had several great moments that charmed a bunch of people enough to follow her. I enjoyed her interactions with the rest of her genmates the most.
I understand that you are frustrated about her realizing that being a Vtuber was not for her and quit after just a year. Sure it's a pity that she quit but stop obsessing over it like an autist.

>> No.43137802

She was cute, good at games, and loved to troll. I love Sana

>> No.43139172

Model sucked so who cares.
Then again, I doubt you'd be complaining if they just debuted EN3 already

>> No.43139212

Didnt they announce ID4?

>> No.43139266


>> No.43139304

In what world? No lmao

>> No.43139342

>Nijicuck deflection thread
Not feeling too good now fungus are you ?

>> No.43139421
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I miss her but you have to let go anon...

>> No.43139776

They announced Auditions for it.

>> No.43139924

the hairstyle was shit but everything else including the chocolate flavor was sex

>> No.43140253

What's the reason for her quitting? She didn't get a lot of views?

>> No.43140310

Pretty much. Decided to just stop streaming, so Cover didn't renew her contract.

>> No.43140410

HoloEN fans hate streams (and that's a good thing). If you enjoy streams, you should look elsewhere.

>> No.43143456

Literally the only EN I ever genuinely liked.

>> No.43144742

i miss the design more than i miss her.

>> No.43147624
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>> No.43148072
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I miss her.. I can't help but gosling

>> No.43148106

The graduation ceremony was kino but afterwards her roommate revealed how little she thought of hololive and flat-out told her holo fans to basically fuck off, really was a stab in the back.
Then again the same thing happened with Coco.

>> No.43148640

Who cares, fill that arbitrary gen 'spot' with IRyS and Council is by far the best gen in Hololive

>> No.43148807

>loves chink gachas
>applies for the company blacklisted from chink gachas

>> No.43148856

She didn't apply, she's part of Ina's and Omegatroons clique.

>> No.43149175

Anon do you still take everything at face value with these long radio silent "health" breaks? They aren't as voluntary as you believe. Sana mentioned a defined return date in one of her deleted VODs which can happen with a suspension but not with a back problem.

>> No.43149456

Gamers is better.

>> No.43149552

so now the narrative is that ina and omega are working together?

>> No.43149649

I still miss her.

>> No.43149665

Nothing cute about this hideous brown freak.

>> No.43149684

t. still seething 3view

>> No.43150089

Ikr, not a fans of her voice and the model

>> No.43151362

How is that a mystery? Some idiots are meant to be treated below dirt, and will defend something the worse it is. Just look at gura, one stream in two months, and even now there will be 5 threads on catalog including a general populated by the creepiest fucks in the board

>> No.43151710


>> No.43151872 [DELETED] 

Not taking everything at face value is exactly why people hate her. Same thing with coco.

>> No.43151927

Did she really? Shame her experiences were that bad.

>> No.43152855
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People were concernfagging her RM account at the time because she made everyone believe she graduated due to her injured back

When she then said flat-out said she's actually perfectly healthy it generated a lot of buzz, which lead to the second tweet that is basically "stop associating me with Sana, it's dangerous for muh chink art job"

>> No.43155431

No, anon just loves to do what he does best. Talk out of his ass.
We're talking about Sana here anon, stop looking in the mirror.

>> No.43156055
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Kekw its always amused me to watched some sanalites getting cucked by Indog artist from her workplace now

>> No.43156196

I can't imagine sanalites want her rm to be single in perpetuity.

>> No.43156214

>kneels to the chinese
>got in because of korean nepotism

>> No.43156311

Ina also works for chinks you know

>> No.43156406
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I couldn't agree more, my fellow cultured Anon.
Here, I did my best.

>> No.43156533

>it's dangerous for my work
yeah it's dangerous for any future companies to try working with your lazy ass. i understand every gen will always have a runt but there really wasn't any excuse.

>> No.43156749

Kinda suprised there isn't even some niche twitch indie with a model like that

>> No.43156770

Ina, Gura, and IRyS now stream like Sana, so she must have been influential to the girls.

>> No.43156964

Probably didn't want to renew her contract without concessions from her because the fucking application form clearly lists a streaming quota for the first year.

>> No.43157079

Don't forget that there's a possibility that he was Ina's friend and played a bunch of FF14 with her prior to HoloEN, meaning Ina was also a Nep hire. He was the one to try and push the girls to play FF14 but it failed.

>> No.43157533

Ina is friends with AO-Chan=Omega=Altare

>> No.43157556

I think her greatest strength was in her collaborations with her gen mates, i just wish was able to hold her own more so in her solo streams.
Some people are just built better for group interactions.

>> No.43158565

Just browsed through twitter and man, it really looks like it came down to art career vs Holo career and she didn't make enough in the latter to continue it. Makes me wonder if the lack of success of Council as compared to Myth is what made the difference between Ina and Sana's experiences in Hololive. Unfortunate but it looks like she is living her life and double downed hard on her art. Hope she at least has kept in touch with the girls she bonded with during her time with the blue triangle.

>> No.43159159

woah that's pretty wild. I wonder if it's someone from her old raid group. I actually raided on the same server as Ina back in Heavensward and saw them in Idyllshire and outside Alexander all the time.

Even before she became a streamer she was really popular on the server.

>> No.43159671

>bonded with
LOL this board is full of kids.

>> No.43159791

Just auditions. They also did a reminder about EN's being open so maybe.....

>> No.43160208

Do you mean she was friends with some of them before Hololive like Ina? I thought it was just Ina

>> No.43160254

>Precious EN spot

>> No.43160331
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>> No.43160502


>> No.43160877


>> No.43161155

I love Sana. Pretty decent at game, comfy stream, i love her laugh. Just wish she was streaming more

>> No.43162315
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Who, eventually of course, got him fired.
Unfortunately for Ina, Sana was a lazy whore. Then Sana quit and blamed her back.

Ironic. All her nepotism hires had left... But not herself.

>> No.43162536

I remember Irys trying to play FF14 then NEVER TALKING ABOUT IT AGAIN.
Omega Tranny can rot in a ditch. I'm glad they skin-walkered him.

>> No.43162668

Kill yourself, schizo.

>> No.43162762

By being likeable? By being enjoyable to watch? By being friendly and kind? Basically she actually earned her fans, unlike say, blue nero or the brapper. It's not her fault you're a tasteless cucklord.

>> No.43163173


Isn't one of the literal application points "Have to have a year of streaming experience?" I'd think by that time you'd know if streaming was or wasn't for you; it wouldn't take being hired by THE biggest company in the industry to find that out.

That said, we don't really, and never will, now the reason / reasons behind her graduation. She just couldn't deliver, and that's that.

Now that said, I DO think Cover needs to be stronger on their requirements; both for applicants as well as hired talents. Cover is THE biggest in the industry and needs to start using the weight of that.

For applicants:
- At a minimum, one year of at least triple digit viewership.
- Initial contract period of three years on the talent side, but Cover is allowed to review / terminate their contracts after one.
- No active 2nd accounts, period. If you work for Cover you work FOR COVER.
- Experience in some specialization to make you unique to the company. Doesn't matter if it's music, art, ASMR, or even hardcore gaming, but you need SOMETHING that makes you unique and not just "generic streamer #204593"

If you can't even meet those meager requirements, your application should die on the hiring managers desk.

Now for ALL the talents:
- Requirement of at least 15 hours and three streams per week with a minimum of 2 hours per stream. If you want to do 3 - 5 hour streams cool, if you want to do 2 - 2 hour ones and 1 11-hour one, that's your call. More streams per week are also perfectly acceptable to spread the required hours out.
- At least twice a month, you have to do a stream that focuses on your specialization. If you got hired for your art talents, well guess what, you're going to draw. Music? You're going to sing. etc.

That's really it, that's not even much to expect out of a talent.

>> No.43163246

It's not like the back problems were a non-issue. Middle management probably booted her. Mind you, back issues are no fucking joke - I've had cases where my back was going so berserk I couldn't sit or stand for even ten minutes at a time without having to spend hours laying down (arthritis and spinal nerve compression, fun fun), so I can easily understand those taking her out of the game for weeks at a time.
And any of you faggots who think I'm kidding or making excuses, just you wait, your day for such bullshit will come. Be it age or just misjudging the weight of something you try to lift, one day you will end up understanding. There is no fun in being unable to focus on anything other than the feeling of a knife lodged in your spine, which it's about the best description I can give for it.

>> No.43163446

>muh nepotism
Nepotism would only imply ina doing the hiring, you retarded waste of bandwidth.
And when are you gonna throw a tantrum about mio,okayu, and korone, since they got hired because of fbk recommending them? That should fit your failure to understand the words nepotism.

>> No.43164016

YOU start understanding nigger.
FBK got some of the biggest talents hired - people who are still here! Ina got a chink sympathizer and an actual self insert fanfic writing tranny hired. I'm not saying we just pin the blame on Ina, the corpos shouldn't of hired them! But we also shouldn't be pretending that Ina isn't a fucking cancer on Holo En.

>> No.43165274

I've fucked up my back. It was a fucking nightmare. Zero mockery for anyone who says "back hort"

>> No.43165596

>shouldn't of
Dumb bitch.

>> No.43165898

>I remember Irys trying to play FF14 then NEVER TALKING ABOUT IT AGAIN
It was an embarrassing stream for the community, and shows exactly why you never stream MMOs as a streamer. You can't play them, because the second someone figures out what server you're on, the stream is over. It was just several hours of her trying to dodge a mob of idiots.

>> No.43165985

She seemed more intelligent at least compared to Kronii in the Interstellar watchalong

>> No.43165983

The same thing happened to IRyS, and when Zeta played Apex right after debut she got mobbed too.

>> No.43166053

That's why Gura and Watson had to jump to a different mode when they played Apex. The chumbud execution was kino, though.

>> No.43166100

If you're being serious it's overwhelmingly easy once you're in to get others in, assuming you're successful
>Be Management and Recruitment
>Fence a chance on someone that MIGHT be good but knows no one you've already hired
>Or listen to one of your talents vouch for an applicant they already know and can attest to being social/cooperative at the very least because they know said talent
It's how Elira from Nijishit got half her god damn friend list in to EN branch

>> No.43166117

yeah! we could've had TWO kroniis with that precious slot

>> No.43166246

she's a charming gal. good sense of humor too

>> No.43166346

>Kiara in WoW TBC Classic
>NijiEN's Fulgur, Millie, and Zaion in FFXIV
>Regis in FFXIV
>Any corpo's ToF streams
I think IRyStocrats are just cringe bro

>> No.43166459

Big tits, aussie accent, gyaru pseudo appeal, Ina hype

Also, if you ever want to see who is being carried by their model, wait for them to do a zatsu or drawing stream, then put their stream in a different tab and see if you can listen in
Sana was one who could not be listened to easily

>> No.43166631

wasn't she really good at drawing yet only had like 1 drawing stream

>> No.43166723

So the implication is that she ditched Cover so she could draw art for Chinese corpos?

>> No.43166739

She mostly drew ArkKnights and Genshin/Honkai Impact art which was banned in Cover

>> No.43167506
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Is it possible to learn this shameless megalomania?

>> No.43167785

Some of the best holos were nepo-hires I wouldn't see it as a problem. Anyway it's kinda weird that Ina was seemingly on board with Omega inserting himself into holo EN with this whole lore-faggotry considering rather cold reception from other Myth members (Kiara in particular HATED that whole idea) I guess Myth wasn't so great at communicating with each other. i wonder if Ina's hiatus had something to do with Producer getting fired but that's just wishful thinking.

>> No.43168131

>No active 2nd accounts, period. If you work for Cover you work FOR COVER.

Goodbye noel and mori..

>> No.43168617

kanna totally harmed noel. when kanna becomes more active noel is neglected. you can't serve two gods

>> No.43168810

She’s friendly and has childish wonder
And she has a lot of energy but it’s not always 100%
I just think she’s neat

>> No.43168953

More for me!

>> No.43169037

Did she even mention her back in regards to the graduation? I never saw a clip or anything

>> No.43169058

One makes way more money than the other. Its called priorities.

>> No.43169059

Based, her daughters are hot

>> No.43169078

Sanalittes are probably the least parasocial
They don’t care if she’s away or what she’s doing now, they just want her to be happy while doing it

>> No.43169122

her early celeste stream was really nice

>> No.43169154

She’s a very popular and hardworking artist
She even has art books
She’s not lazy she’s just not a vtuber

>> No.43169293

migo did this and had a lot of fun with Mikop like always

>> No.43169346

She had streamed before but it was something rare
And whoever you replied to didn’t say streaming they said being a vtuber
There’s a lot more to do being a vtuber than streaming

>> No.43169349

rent free

>> No.43169415

That’s irrelevant to a drawing stream

>> No.43169884

I always thought AO-chan was Enma. Whatever happened to AO-chan?

>> No.43170059

Sana got hit the hardest with the YT sub cull. It took away like 70% of her subs and I think from then on she was just disheartened.

>> No.43170851
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Not from a Tako.

>> No.43171413

Vox dox deflection thread
Millie secret gc deflection thread
Zaion rape joke deflection thread
Kyo tweet deflection thread

>> No.43172062

He was replaced and then memory-holed once Hololive realized Omega was an unsalvageable character.
The Omega Twitter page remains to retweet Hololive events but it's been inactive since September 2022.
Omegatranny is shit stain on Hololive and everyone knows it.

>> No.43172517
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>fits perfectly into the giantess fetish
>had a major giantess fag do art for her
>kinda had some interesting ideas in her debut
>does fuck all
>has zero interest in idol stuff
>ends up becoming the literal who
>long ass break from streaming
>literally was a pokemon/kirby addict
>learned about her genshit stuff later on
she's the biggest waste of potential in hololive. even laplus rebounds for the fact she sings well and does have good streams. with sana, she just lets you down despite the stuff presented to you. all of council feels meager compared to myth, with fauna and mumei really having to carry the dead weight.

sana is the dustin ackley of hololive, and if you get that reference you understand what I mean.

>> No.43172596

She is a women.
Some male are that desperate for attention from women.

>> No.43172635

she essentially read the room on how poor council did. again, they flopped for that gen. usually cover is solid with their hires.

>> No.43172748

God I love giant tittied brown girls.

>> No.43172838

>She’s not lazy she’s just not a vtuber
that right there

i dunno why you'd be a vtuber if you aren't exactly cut out to be a vtuber, let alone an idol.

>> No.43173059

>sorry cant stream back hort
>immediately streams chink game on RM account

>> No.43173172

>Baseball reference
Used to follow it, until the janny in /sp/ waged a war against anime.

>> No.43173379

i could just use any big name who flopped and you'll get the gist of it.

>> No.43175460

Oof. I remember Sanallites making every excuse imagine able for why she wasn't streaming, guess she was just being a lazy bitch after all.

>> No.43176006
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Oh are we talking about wasted EN slots? How about wasting the biggest artist in Japan, who is also a coomer, on a prude?

>> No.43176921

I'd sacrifice noel to be rid of mori.

>> No.43177121

Don't bother, this thread is just a deflection from ANOTHER Niji EN yab.

>> No.43177171

the best streamer in Council. Most talent too.

>> No.43177216

At this point we'd probably only lose Noel. Mori's UMG deal is tied to her Hololive handle and I don't think they'd be willing to let her rip off the skin suit and sign as her roommate.

>> No.43177249
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come back...

>> No.43177261
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fuck off and don't rope noel into this. if theres a member who would die with the company, its noel.

mori is a piece of shit but if that band-aid comes off i'll gladly sacrifice all of council to remove her.

>> No.43177292

Not sure if you ever noticed but the most popular things in history are so, because they appeal to the masses.
The masses are retarded and so are you.
Sana is great, but doesn't appeal to retards like you.

>> No.43177483

No you fuck off with your weird X for Y graduation fantasies. Mori will never graduate willingly because she would never be able to reach a stage this big as her roommate and Cover has made it pretty clear through their actions that they're never going to fire her. Enjoy another 30 years of Mori yabs. Or don't.

>> No.43177526

>Precious EN spot
They barely stream anyway, if we had one extra person streaming twice a week it would make no difference

>> No.43177667

>30 years
i never said that. and I said that noel would literally stay with the company even if it died. reading comp skills PLEASE.
if that person streamed constantly then maybe it would make a dent.

>> No.43177747

Are you so retarded that you literally forgot about the second sentence you typed?

>> No.43177772

>if theres a member who would die with the company, its noel.

>> No.43177841

>Blaming Sana instead of the chinese
Thoroughly demoralized board

>> No.43177912

How about I quote it and link it you autistic paste eater?

>mori is a piece of shit but if that band-aid comes off i'll gladly sacrifice all of council to remove her.

>> No.43179158
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Seethe more. She still works for Council behind the scenes. Friendship > Chink overlords

>> No.43179272

Not really and I said at the time that back hort was obviously not the reason.
However it also pretty much went
>break from back hort -> comes back to still stream very little -> always claims that her back horts too much to continue streaming and ends early -> graduation
So yeah all of her actual fans really thought she only had to leave because her back wouldn't heal or some dumb shit like that. The reality is that it's been obvious for a long time that she just didn't give a shit anymore, I mean the only times she ever streamed was coincidentally when one of her favorite Nintendie franchises released a new game. Almost like she only can be bothered to stream if there's a game she enjoys a lot

>> No.43179711

AO-Chan being Enma is 100% confirmed by Kiara (unless you think she made a mistake or lied or whatever).

AO-Chan being Omegatroon is like 99% likely based on massive amounts of circumstantial evidence. It's one of those things where I'd eat my fucking shoes if they weren't the same dude.

>> No.43179720

It could have been Pomu.....
I am still shaking with anger............

>> No.43179744

Every single Council member is ass, nearly every other minor vTuber company has better talents.

>> No.43179763

She was cute until her spirit got crushed.

>> No.43179770

I remember when I was a teenager reading some boomer article about how 'in the future, your kids will make business deals with their WoW guild friends'. I guess the boomers were right about one thing all those years ago. Too bad it turned out to be really cring.

>> No.43179809

But they didn't even get that.

>> No.43179837

The back problems were a non-issue you fucking retard she even said so herself why are you still sympathy baiting when the streamer herself stopped doing it fuck you people are retarded.

>> No.43179838

Fauna is pretty good but ironically she was pretty shit as an indie vtuber pre-holo from what I've heard.
Speaking of pre-holo vtubing, I will never understand how Kronii can be a former indie vtuber, with how much she hates streaming and can't pretend to care about hololive.

>> No.43179858

Sanallites are the biggest cucks of all.

Sana had potential though. It's just as soon as she read some criticism of herself she flamed out immediately.

>> No.43179892

I miss Sana, playing Holocure doesn't make easier let it go the pain.

>> No.43179912

Yeah Saniggers really shot themselves in the foot with how they damage controlled her lazyness only for Sana herself to come out and debunk whatever cope they had invented.
The back hort debunking wasn't even the first time.

In her second long break+ghosting that happened shortly after the infamous dog break, all of them swore up and down that she was totally busy working on art projects for Cover. There never was a fucking art project and when Sana came back she basically said "my back hort, and I decided not to tell you guys..... for some reason".

>> No.43179971

This is a job that effects other people (her genmates especially) and has very very limited openings. It's not some fucking hobby to try out and see if it's for you. Go indie for that. Sana's a cunt.

>> No.43180047

Is it implied if she straight up says it?

>> No.43180100
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Mumei is a treasure and Fauna somehow manages to be decent despite having one of the worst fanbases.
Kronii and Sana are useless and Bae refuses to live up to her potential

>> No.43180137

>used to do all kinds of art from 2hu to Pokemon and more obscure JRPGs
>now it's just bootleg Korone

>> No.43180262

That may be misremembering it. The problem was that a bunch of IRystocrats decided to "police" chat by spamming both prechat and stream telling people to behave when no one was doing anything. Irys also listened to Ina and over opsec by hiding everything to the point a lot of the ui you could not see.
No one could talk to her or interact with her so the only thing to do was early ffxiv lore. Which is shit and you need to leverage chat and in game players to make it fun to watch. Also Irys wasn't paying attention so those ffxiv weirdos who need the streamer to cry and act amazed to their favorite parts of the story got cucked.

>> No.43180349

>those ffxiv weirdos who need the streamer to cry and act amazed to their favorite parts
Which I don't even get as a ffxiv fan. Like who cares about streamer reactions to the first hundred hours of the game or whatever when it doesn't even begin to get decent until the first expansion? And if you actually want emotional response, don't even think about it until the third expansion, if at all. That's why ffxiv will never work for HoloEN because no one in this branch can stick with something for more than a week. And Ina refuses

>> No.43180381

That anon maybe*

>> No.43180497

Debuffed herself with ROBERTO
Debuffed herself with frequent breaks
Debuffed herself with long radio silent breaks
Debuffed herself by being literally too afraid of her chat to stream sometimes
Didn't really debuff herself, but she's a solid middle of the road kind of girl and doesn't lean hard enough into her niche (asmr) so the other girls having no momentum meant she moved slowly too

>> No.43180505

It's because it is the reddit and Twitter fans that feel like the game needs validation of popular streamers to show just how great it is compared to other mmos. It's the people who suck off Yoshida and attack anyone that has any complaints about something the game.
They only gained traction because Asmon started playing it and somewhat liked the story which led to other streamers playing it and overreacting for clips. Now they act like homobeggars and will bug the fuck out of content creators to play their game and will get pissy if they don't love it.

>> No.43180820

It was hilarious because I vivdly remember her saying
>I got into Hololive because... I, I've been drawing my whole life and thats the only thing I've done... and I got in because I wanted to proof to myself that I am more.. more than that... more than just a drawing machine
and than months after she opt out, I genuinely couldn't believe it, where did that determination went?

>> No.43180894

Is this the most debuff model in Hololive?

>> No.43181076

Back hort was a lie

>> No.43181111

when was this made? and who the fuck is Tsukumo? I thought her professional twtr was Namie

>> No.43181406

I see this annoying ass RRAT all the fucking time when it comes to ina
>"hire nepotism"
>"hire nepotism"
>"hire nepotism"
has any of you fags have any substantial proof? I'm tierd of this rrat I don't believe Ina being that big of a shut-in that she had to go to get soda and snacks to a convenience store at 3-4 am to avoid being seen by anyone, would say "oh yea I vouch for her she is gonna do good"

>> No.43181477

>I got in because I wanted to proof to myself that I am more.. more than that
Guess she's not more than that. Just a faceless artist for chink corpos and never anything more

>> No.43181582

Unrealized expectations of success and fortune did a number on her determination, Sana and to a lesser degree all of Council were crippled in their cribs and she decided to stick with drawing full time rather than keeping an exhausting side gig that paid peanuts by comparison.

>> No.43181592

>Kronii can be a former indie vtuber
Even better, she was a former corpo vtuber.

>> No.43181778

The stream was rather uneventful really, compared to Peko's where people mobbed all over her char and she couldn't even see a few feet out. Which made for a hilarious stream, just not something sustainable. You either accept the fact you're a celebrity visiting the server and everyone knows it and comes and interacts with you, or you just stonewall and play the game solo and not talk to strangers which defeats the point of it being an MMO and kill all the social interaction and make it a boring solo game.

Even if you do actually go talk to randos and they don't know who you are, if the girl winds up invited to raid or something she just won't have the time for it. MMOs are just not good stream games unless you actually commit to playing the MMO daily with your buddies on the server for months and months alongside them. You'd have to absolutely intend to not give a shit about the game for more than a few hours that one stream as just another little morsel of variety content and that's it. Like could you seriously imagine someone like Gura playing XIV more than once? It'd be like, a 3.5-4 hour stream maximum with 3 hours of it spent on char creation and random zatsudan. She'd actually-play it for a few minutes and go "ok that was lots and lots of fun!!! but I'm tired and have to go, maybe I'll come back to this soon!!" (she never, ever touches it again).

>> No.43181795

where/how was this confirmed?

>> No.43181821

>exhausting side gig

>> No.43181831

>exhausting side gig that paid peanuts
I reaaaally doubt it was peanuts if we're talking hololive come on, also
>Unrealized expectations of sucess and fortune did a number on her

>> No.43181870

i think it really has to do with the fact that namie never had any strong experience as a streamer or interest in the vtuber world before she entered hololive. usually cover doesnt even look at your audition unless you have SOME form of video making or streaming experiences from personal experience, i can attest to this. I've applied twice and I only got a callback when I had some more video/streaming experience under my belt. They didn't even look at my first audition video according to analytics haha

>> No.43181883

How much does her other job pay? Unless it made her a millionaire, it'd be hard to call it peanuts.

>> No.43181901

Twitch streamer/watcher disgusting

>> No.43181929

Yeah but now she can just sit in a dark room stuffing herself with vegemite and timtams all day without putting in any effort

>> No.43181975

that sounds like an heaven on earth

>> No.43181976

come on now, don't ask the schizos for proof or they're gonna lose the only """reason""" to anti Ina!

>> No.43181982

Can't wait to see you in EN3 anon.
Surely you didn't apply for tempiss 3 did you?

>> No.43182003

I am a woman, so....
In any case, call back does not mean final stage. I did not make it to final stage and I've decided to take a break before trying again.

>> No.43182010

If that's the only reason I mean damn Ina sure wasn't an experienced streamer either, all of her PL stream were not very entertaining only for art enjoyers or artists cuz you got to see her do art
hollly a femanon no way, how long was your streaming time when you applied for the second time? I know theres a 1 year requierment right but still im curious

>> No.43182061
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Council is a trash fire, simple as.

>> No.43182067

I'd believe she might be inclined to recommend someone if they asked, I mean why not... but her ability to scrutinize in a brutally neutral way of "would this actually be a good streamer" would be in question. At least personally I see artists as like the opposite of STEM types in most thought processes, she isn't analytical about such a question and seems to not have a strong social tact sense as a backup system either.

>> No.43182068

But she did, in fact, have that experience. And also consider Mori, who had no streaming experience but lots of video making and animating experience. It's just more important that you've produced content, and a lot of it in video form or you've done performance work.

In my case, I had about 3 months of experience upon my call-back. But I think my lack of experience may have been the reason why I did not make it to the final round. So for now I'll break and focus on making videos and singing for fun while I go to school and work my part time job.

>> No.43182085
File: 54 KB, 588x504, 1673091233613184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mumei is a tresure

>> No.43182087

damn have a good break, I do assume if you applied too many times in succession you may seem a bit obsessive, unless you make a suisei lol, dont know who you are but I hope if you get in holo you get a based model

>> No.43182094

The difference is day and night.
She was basically a mini Senzawa with her meme songs and troll videos, add being an incredible VA on top of that, she had outstanding potential.

But she was only vtubing for 4 months before she was picked up.
And then we got...Kronii. No cute voice, no voice acting, it's like she went "Oh I made it" and just gave up.

>> No.43182107


>> No.43182129

Yeah I mean having zero ambition and being a useless, anti-socialite lazy slug lines up with this site's users, but it makes for shit streamers or online personalities. Sana pretended like she could do it and made Hololive worse for it

>> No.43182143

>it's like she went "Oh I made it" and just gave up
Pretty much exactly this. I remember early on around debut she said getting into Hololive was her big dream, the final goal, and she's so glad to have made it. However it seems she aimed for it just because it's there rather than because she actually-cared a lot about Holo itself, she treated it very mechanically like a programmer going "I wanna work at google" just because it's the top dog that pays the most.

>> No.43182178

Good luck, I hope you make it someday.

>> No.43182179

Mmm idk than it sounds to me that if you got the hours in thats enough no? because again I was in a lot of PL ina's streams and if I look at it with "I want to be entertained perspective" than I would've thought eh maybe not this one but good example with Mori tho she had some music that break more than 100k so that one make sense

>> No.43182206


>> No.43182232

Imma be honest fr fr those videos of her voice acting are kinda gas and hot ngl KEK

>> No.43182276

Well surprise I guess people like money huh?

>> No.43182279

that's a western women mentality which is the reason why western women with western mentality will never make it as a vtuber.

>> No.43182295

Man, sana, was the only vtuber that i know of that dabbled in giantess stuff. Even if it was only in lore...

>> No.43182327

come the fuuck on anon all of council spew the same BS of
>Oohh Hololive such a dream I got in
that's just a lie a sweet nothing let's be honest the only one who probably real was Gura all of them got lucky and got in holo for the money

>> No.43182329

Council debuted probably with expectations of subs and viewers on par with Myth. All of them got culled repeatedly by YouTube during their pre-debuts and first month that they lost in excess of 60% of those. While the others managed to pull in decent enough viewership bases, Sana was the runt of the litter and pulled in ABYSMAL numbers even during the silver era of vtubing of Summer and Fall 2021.
Whatever her expectations were going in, I don’t think they were as low as the actual results and it forced her hand on her career decision as she wasn’t willing to do like Ina and go 75HL/25Art or even 50/50. She just up and gave up a year later. It may not have been quite ‘peanuts’ but it was certainly not enough to convince her to stay.

>> No.43182376

>Only vtubing for 4 months
holy kek I feel bad for the femanon rumao
did ya watch her old content? It must've been pretty good to got accepted

>> No.43182378

>her single talent
which talent was that?
not throwing shade, actually want to know.

>> No.43182412

would hololive really pay less than her art job? i have no idea what professional artists get paid for gacha work

>> No.43182453

lol i know you dont like sana but let's not pretend she isn't a great artist

>> No.43182473

I'd say AO-chan=Omega≠Altare

>> No.43182523

Damn thats crazy to hear, its also kinda crazy how ina's RM still works in some projects here and there it makes me wonder how much they make in holo and if they get salaries or something like that

>> No.43182540

> no active 2nd accounts

OP you want majority of the talents to quit? LOL

>> No.43182553

Is AO-chan a male friends of hers?

>> No.43182620

I think it came down to money/effort, Hololive probably brought in decent money but not as much as she was hoping for and doing things outside her comfort zone and the looming idol training singing and dancing probably made her go ‘nah this ain’t worth it’. Whatever she makes from gacha game artistry, it is enough to make her double down on that career that she has skill with and bust her ass with constant work.

>> No.43182636

i mean i get that her numbers weren't great, but i'm still surprised that they would be bad enough for her to want to go back to her artist job full-time. i was under the impression that these anime artists aren't paid that well unless you have a cult following or are a really big name.

>> No.43182650

>Some of the best holos were nepo-hires I wouldn't see it as a problem
None of those are ENs. Really makes you think.

>> No.43182672

You forgot Matsuri, La+, Azki, Mel, Choco, Moona, Kiara, Fauna, Kronii

>> No.43182675

Cull cope lmao

>> No.43182732

don't we know for a fact that cover pays all of its talents a base salary (that's peanuts)? but also it makes sense for ina to continue doing her art stuff on the side, her vtubing career is probably not going to last forever so it's good for her to lay a foundation in her other line of work.

>> No.43182742

Anon, why would you give up a job you love to get a job youre only ok with that makes you even less money?

>> No.43182750

>i have no idea what professional artists get paid for gacha work
Professional freelance artists in general gets a lot unless the client ditches them. Because of time consuming this shit is very expensive and when it comes to the official projects like FGO the numbers are even higher because of strict quality control. Reputation of the brand costs a lot.

Vtubers on the other hand are just an ordinary employees with a minimal salary+tips.

>> No.43182799

are you replying to the wrong guy my man

>> No.43182876

from the rrats isn't omega=loserbait
And if you see the loserbait account, that thing does looks like a male, but then there's also the omegatroon rrat...

>> No.43183018

bro don't tease
i'm down to wank off to some classic pre-kronii

>> No.43183090

Was this recent, anon? I'm wondering if they're currently checking female applicants.

>> No.43183279

i'd assume that their base salary along with merch sales are substantially enough to live off on as passive income.
i'm saying this considering how i'm baffled on how some of the nijiEN livers are thriving despite being 3views and having no other jobs, and yet they talk about how they live a healthy life off stream. not luxurious, but definitely no where near minimum wage lives

>> No.43183329

Tsukumo is a PC shop

>> No.43183443


>> No.43183470

Wher it was due to excessive culling or being late to the party it is undeniable that Council didn’t live up to expectations. Consider that Kiara, the weakest Myth member, is sitting on 1.45 million subs. As for the strongest Council member? Kronii at 844k (IRyS 913k if you are willing to count her).
Their growth rates have slowed down to the point that that gap is now pretty much permanent too.

>> No.43183567

Myth only got that big because of a perfect storm of circumstances. It doesn't really have all that much to do with how good the talents actually are.

>> No.43183650

i think it was in one of their collabs long before council debutted that one of the girls (ame? ina?) said that they didn't think they'd all mesh together since they were all so different, and they truly thought their success was a "Lightning in a Bottle"

>> No.43183681

>they didn't think they'd all mesh together
And they were correct.

>> No.43183722

Bitch lasagna and Poggers will get you there.

>> No.43183830

I think I remember calli going to that anime podcast the purple one with the trash, and someone asked her if she got a salary or what because he was curious and she said somehting like
>Uuh yea we get the money form the SC and from merch
and she leave it at that, I don't think she mentioned a salary

>> No.43183904
File: 51 KB, 600x338, 03142FEA-18C5-47F9-A02B-268A2E56EF11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive will never have another delicious chocolate model

>> No.43183908

Ay bro yall ready know She had some of that good voicee shit mmm please god help meeh

>> No.43183951

I'm sure coco said they get a salary. It's not high, but IIRC it's higher than Japan's minimum wage.

>> No.43183952

Ah thanks anon, yea the artstyle is 100% the one on the original council debut vid

>> No.43183986

Schedule conflict basically. You can't grow if you can't stream.
I guess Ina's patch was basically
>Become a idol
>Stream & meme
>Interact with chat
>Go singing
>Go dancing
>Join fun people for a few off-collabs a year and occasionally get reimbursed for gear/PC/plane tickets
The reality is that she has a poor work schedule, so she churns the midnight oil to do her job, and then barely keep up the minimum stream schedule, and then finally has some time off, only to spend the time streaming some kind of comfort game to meet her hololive quota.

The implications was that she made more money of Chinese Gacha than barely streaming as a online virtual idol.
And the commitment was not worth it in the end.

>> No.43184007

Now let's compare their CCV

>> No.43184049

Uhh, the art is by "Sana", just check the tweet for it. Something on the line of
>Even after graduated, she's still providing her talent or some shit

>> No.43184087

Oh I see, but the branches are indeed different maybe there were different contracts? Im not disputing Im just wandering if they get a salary its good, I know PC has a salary too soo ti would be impossible

>> No.43184103

>And when are you gonna throw a tantrum about mio,okayu, and korone, since they got hired because of fbk recommending them?
If any of them had pulled a Sana you can be damn certain that Fubuki would feel bad about it and ashamed. She recommended them knowing they'd take the job seriously.
Meanwhile Ina doesn't give a shit that she recommended someone who only used the job to farm easy passive income from memberships while only showing up to stream the games that she would play regardless of her hololive job.

>> No.43184134

Yea thats what I'm the art on the teaser was also made by Sana

>> No.43184187

AO/Onegatroon is an old FFXIV buddy of Ina, yes.

>> No.43184190

>she didn't make enough in the latter to continue it
she made more money than most people will ever make in their life from it and far more than even a lot of very successful artists ever will. even with her relatively meager numbers she was, by default, one of the most popular streamers on the planet.
pretty clear she just didn't enjoy streaming as a full time career and wanted to focus on her art

>> No.43184258

>Seethe more. She still works for Council behind the scenes.
No she doesn't, this is that shit that Ina and her mentioned she was working on more than a fucking year ago.

>> No.43184307
File: 28 KB, 333x436, Sub groupings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. When you look at her numbers it's obvious she was left behind by everyone else in Hololive, so definitely no the star she thought she would be.
But compared to Holostars?

>> No.43184437

We get it anon. Ina can do no wrong. It's a complete fucking coincidence that Ina's real life friend got hired despite having ZERO streaming experience and ended up hating streaming. She got in on her own merits despite the application form stating you need streaming experience.

>> No.43184544

Christ man, I remember her CCV was at least passable for still being in 4view territory, but her subcount man
She was the least subbed member in ALL hololive
Less than even ID3 who came long after her
Less than fucking Choco's ALT account

>> No.43184554

Where's the evidence that Sana is Ina's IRL friend coming from anon? Just curious

>> No.43184654

Them OUTRIGHT SAYING IT. Are you trolling? Even the most casual clipwatching reddit faggot knows.

>> No.43184679

Nope, just didn't watch any clips with Sana

>> No.43184687

>dude the story gets really good after 15 hours I swear!!1
Have you considered all people hyped about the story is just survivorship bias, since anyone who didn't think it was a masterpiece didn't bother sticking that long?

FFXIV is the One Piece of MMRPGs

>> No.43184692

If they've OUTRIGHT SAID IT then can you post the clip where they said there were friends in real life? thanks

>> No.43184806

I wouldn't want your whores anywhere near my boys, keep coping subhuman

>> No.43184850

>Can't type "Ina Sana friends" into the youtube search bar
How about you fucking neck yourself already.

>> No.43184872

not the same anon but holy kek
they were pretty blatant about it
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX_i06rW8vY (this one is just in relation with thier vtuber lore so not strong enough until the 1st one came into play

>> No.43184968

Huh, one is canadian, the other one is australian, I wonder how they met when they're "little"

>> No.43185089
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Thanks bitches
>Can't type "Ina Sana friends" into the youtube search bar
I like making brown people do shit for me

>> No.43185189

They're both MMO-tards.

>> No.43185203

based nousagi tardwrangling SEA monkeys... I kneel...

>> No.43185337

Not to mention AO/Omega, who has branch wide powers, acting as her special snowflake personal pet mod.
Ina is pretty much "sleeping with the boss" tier and the only reason people don't call it out is because she doesn't really abuse her power.
Even the blatant nepotism hiring of Sana might not even have been her doing since AO is also part of their fucking FFXIV clique, so it could have just been his own doing

>> No.43185426

I mean, I'm not saying it's good for every beat. It fucking sucks sometimes, particularly at the start. But the thing is that it all ties together really nicely and builds on itself. I'll admit its faults but I completely disagree with saying anyone who likes the product it currently is just has some weird stockholm syndrome

>> No.43185545

man it had been a long time since I saw some truly deranged ina schizos, your nonsensical rrats are fucking amazing to read

>> No.43185575

Explain what's a rrat in this thread? Everyone is discussing known and confirmed information

>> No.43185590

How does one grab links from their dream?

>> No.43185614

I'm sure it is in your head SEAmonkey, now continue speculating with your crumbs and entertain me with your circus

>> No.43185649
File: 879 KB, 297x277, 1661322901381378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey, thanks for confirming you don't know

>> No.43185727

Why won't you point out which ones are rrats anon? Are you scared? Not confident in your ina reps?

>> No.43185731
File: 51 KB, 558x698, hamersh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is Mio. Neopolism exist deal with it.

>> No.43185748

I don't know what kind of potent copium you need to huff to convince yourself that Sana wasn't Ina's nepotism hire.
How do you even explain that they hired someone with 0 streaming and content creation experience?

>> No.43185766

What do you mean SEAfriend? They're totally all true, you should make more speculations about them even!
Now chop chop get back to work, I need something to read with my coffee

>> No.43185776

>Ina was an FF14 player
>AO was a mod in her chat
>AO was written into her lore.
>AO was an FF14 player
>Omega pushed for FF14
>Multiple talents tried it and didn't like streaming it
>Omega's dream of playing with Ina once again, but this time on stream, died.

>> No.43185801

Fubuki actually recommended people she knew would do their job instead of cashing in membership income cheques while doing less than the bare minimum.
Don't know how Ina isn't ashamed, she recommended a freeloader.

>> No.43185853

Not sure where you got the idea that Ina has shame

>> No.43185866

Because it isn't up to Ina to control her friend. On top of that management should have put their foot down and said no asap with the lack of streaming ability/past, but it just so happens that Ina AND a manager were both buddies with her, so it got passed on a lot easier.

>> No.43186053

>Everyone you hate is SEA
ok scaredy cat

>> No.43186073

this was a while ago, not the most recent batch of auditions.

>> No.43186100

Fauna is a western girl with a western mentality.
The mentality that western women don't work as hard is perpetuated by the women majority social media or engagement jobs where both men and women are guilty of laziness. Women in STEM from my experience aren't lazy in the slightest.

>> No.43186266

You know how rare women in STEM are, now scale that to the whole population to get the non lazy women, and pick the ones interested in vtubing, quite a small population I'd say

>> No.43186277

You are a retarded faggot. Kiara had knowledge and understanding of the company long ago and took the Hololive pill right when Covid hit as a coping mechanism that her 1 year visa would be utterly ruined by Covid.

>> No.43186282
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>> No.43186327

Imagine if school wasn't weighing her or Bae down. Imagine them UNLOCKED.

>> No.43186364
File: 1.36 MB, 3152x4096, 1662597324739487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mumei without limiters is my dream

>> No.43186477

I think the foursome of Mumei-Fauna-Bae-IRyS is better than the foursome of Korone-Okayu-Mio-Fubuki, simply because I never found Mio and her moments to be any interesting. I'd put even Kronii above her. And I think Okayu also peaked like 2-3 years ago already.

>> No.43186500

but enough about you

>> No.43186577

I find Bae kind of hit or miss. She's great as long as she isn't screaming. Gura is also good with that group, but she never streams

>> No.43186636

Other than that minecraft stream, I've never really seen Gura with Irys

>> No.43186663

Ina is a chink gacha artist
Shame is a foreign concept to her

>> No.43186744

Yeah but they all have that SNOT brand of autism. Gura fits in like a glove in that kind of place, unlike Myth

>> No.43186770

>Still clinging to the back-hort boogeyman

>> No.43186791

It amazes me when she literally said she lied and the screenshot is in this thread

>> No.43186862

Some people deserve getting deceived, at this point being a sanalite is an indicator of being retarded.

>> No.43186975

>Hideous lying ass bitch getting fucked by hideous monkey
Why should anyone be concerned about this?

>> No.43187171

?? SNOT doesn't include IRyS. Shark, Nature, Owl and Time.

>> No.43187323

Good luck anon, may the most passionate content producer and hololive fans get accepted.

>> No.43187496

Thanks for the laugh SEA, I'll most likely see you this Saturday in global when my Ina and I appear in your fucked up screen and you try to fetch some (You)s with your shitty bait
Neck yourselves faggots and have a good one

>> No.43187522

I know that, ESL. That's why I specifically said SNOT-brand autism, not SNOT itself. Keep up with the english studies

>> No.43187526

>Takoshart having a meltdown ITT

>> No.43187686

Based takochad

>> No.43187893

Fauna is the exception to the rule. That doesn't make women like her to be common. She's just the exception.
The true western value we all know and love is gone and you can thank leftists for that.

>> No.43188293

Fauna was actually a whore-tier chuuba in her PL who became kinda infamous for flaking on her fans (to fuck her bf) frequently without warning.
However it seems like she learned from her mistakes because she's so dedicated as Fauna, or maybe that's just the "actually cares about hololive instead of taking her job for granted like 80% of EN" effect

>> No.43188399

>actually cares about hololive
that's more than enough for me. Respect the hand that gives you the food and people will respect you back.

>> No.43189594

Nijinigger slander

>> No.43189629

It is different when you are doing it as a hobby/side job. Hololive is the big leagues with real money to it.
I don’t think she cares about Hololive beyond it being her job, because it is her job, but actually caring about it as a job is enough to put her ahead of some of her peers.

>> No.43190635

SEAmonkeys monkeying hard

>> No.43190772

It's because as useless as management is, they wouldn't tolerate her talking about her BF on stream.

>> No.43190814

>le mio bad
>le okayu bad
>le KORONE bad

>> No.43190914
File: 71 KB, 1920x1080, Bear Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that all of the Hololive talent are highly discouraged from talking about their boyfriends on stream. It's pretty well established that almost all of them have BFs or are married, and any of the girls disclosing that information on stream would hurt their numbers.

>> No.43191103

The vast majority of income comes from unicorns who believe their oshi is pure and with (them), so yeah. Meanwhile most of them are confirmed for fucking

>> No.43191199

i miss her big brown titties too anon

>> No.43191236


>> No.43191272

I think he was implying the opposite.

>> No.43191278

I mean her fans are probably into cuckolding to begin with

>> No.43191451

Choco is too high maintenance and has baffling demands. The only reason I don’t want her to have a romantic relationship is because I would feel bad for the guy.

>> No.43191453

She's big dumb and thought men want to watch streams about horoscopes

>> No.43191496

Not gonna lie, on council debuts I was most excited for Sana. Then I tuned into her first? stream which was astrology and noped right the fuck out

>> No.43191651

A good streamer could make it work, using it as an interesting opportunity to do something unique and fun. That didn’t happen but I don’t discount it out of hand.
Consider Mio’s tarot readings for example, Astrology readings could be used as an excuse for interaction with her coworkers.

>> No.43192255

That was one of the things that sold me on her. It was unique enough from other members and was likened to the idea of the JP (can't remember who) who does tarrot readings. I was pumped and tuned into every one live. Then she fucking dropped it and disappeared for 2 months.

>> No.43192652

Someone asked Kiara who Enma is on discord and she said "isn't it the Ancient Ones?"
Before that the most relevant piece of evidence was that the holoEN account from Ina's minecraft leak, which was almost certainly AO-chan, had his avatar modeled after Enma.

>> No.43192711

Actually good point, I think that is something that got lost in the discussion in this thread so far. Sana debuted with some unique stream concepts and every last one of them got shot down by Cover. Referring back to what someone else said earlier in the thread, I think that plus other things discussed is what so swiftly killed her determination. She was new to streaming and what interested her and she thought would help her stand out was pulled out from under her just as she barely got started.

>> No.43192758

She was culled more than the rest of council who permanently lost about 200K to shadowbans (so people don't really know if they subs count or not) but also why would people sub to someone who doesn't stream? It feels like she was checked out already from the start with that 1 month "muh dog died" break, the rrat is that she wanted to graduate at the time but Cover told her to stay and at least try a bit because obviously it's a bad look. She did struggle a bit with streaming and finding her niche but there was potential there I guess it's a lesson for recruitment team to actually put motivation over raw talent, it's kinda similar with Kronii.

>> No.43192871

Women moment.
At my workplace I once came across a table of women in the breakroom, who unironically were talking about horoscopes and zodiacs and shit and they were like "they say X zodiac has Y personality, and it's really true!"
Literally such a cliche.

She could have just gone for Astronomy instead which was not only her ACTUAL character theme, but also lightly touched upon when she watched Interstellar and explained a bunch of science shit to Kronii. Of course her knowledge was clearly surface level but still, if she had picked one cool phenomenon from space to research and then make a stream about it could have worked.

>> No.43192925

Tarot reading is dumb chuuni shit
Astrology reading is dumb woman shit

>> No.43192957

Holoscopes wasn't shot down by management and kuso Mondays was reasonablly requested for a name change and that's all. When Korone was playing those bad RPGmaker games, she didn't call them an umbrella term shitgames, and Sana could have continued to choose to play shit games every Monday without the name and people would understand.

>> No.43193118

I think it was more about the pressure from fans /here/ not all people can actually deal with it

>> No.43193137

How about JP and their blood type readings? Never knew such a thing existed before watching Hololive.

>> No.43193276

You never wondered why they always included that shit in VN's or characters would sometimes bring it up in anime?

>> No.43193669

You must be retarded as if they'd care for probably not more than 200 mentally ill niggers, you are massively overestimating this sites influence even reddit has more importance to them

>> No.43194429

If you are not a idiot, you just leave the computer and block the people you don't care about on twitter. Or make a new account for whatever service, and don't dox yourself.
Et e voila
Nobody have to give a shit, except for 200 mentally ill seamonkeys who can't even shitpost properly elsewhere on the interwebs

>> No.43194625

Never played VNs and I think I can count on one hand the number of animes I watched in the last decade before Hololive. If I did see it in an anime it never made an impression on me enough to look it up.

>> No.43195218

I've said it before, but council just are nowhere as immediately appealing as myth. There's a reason why Gura and Mori are Tokyo ambassadors and none of Council are.

Council never had anyone even with a fraction of the breakout appeal and reach of those two.

Council went chuuni as possible. The harder you make it to get invested, the less people tune in.

>> No.43195497

Council's one strength they had early on is that their gen collabs were so much better than anything we have seen from Myth (not saying much). It is unfortunate that did not last and now Council unity has gone the way of their Myth senpais.

>> No.43196463

Being a numberfag has nothing to do with their appeal. Myth is a broken corpogroup with zero chemistry. At least council has that. Mori and Gura got the Tokyo thing because of numbers.

>> No.43196507

>>43196463 (me)
Forgot to add that Council underperformed in numbers mainly because they weren't part in the rise of vtubers as a mainstream market, meanwhile Myth debuted at the perfect time for it.

>> No.43196672

Why watch anime girl streamers if you're not really into anime? Whats the draw?

>> No.43197948

didn't she mention wanting to do various stuff but management didn't allow her? she actually wanted to try a lot of different things when she was a holo but circumstances did not allow her, just like coco
then the taiwan yab happened and it limits her even more, she had to make a choice and came to a conclusion that staying at hololive is not worth risking her artist career over though i'd like to imagine if the taiwan yab didn't happen she would probably last longer because she could actually talk about arknights and genshin
>muh 'i am myself' tweet
she just doesn't want to deal with people that keeps associating her with hololive (which is partially justified because how schizo can they be). she's always been intent to make her holo identity something different from her usual job, it's why she tend to keep her art low key as holo as well. it's just as i said above, she had a conflict of interest
>she doesn't care about hololive anymore
other members still mention her so she definitely stays in touch with the members despite not being sana anymore

>> No.43198080

>probably last longer because she could actually talk about arknights and genshin
Wouldn't have fixed her rarely streaming due poor schedule setup and poor work to work balance.

>> No.43198496

rarely streaming is a relatively non-factor because some holos still stay around despite barely streaming
sure you can make an argument they actually pulled their weight and has garner far more consistent fanbase than her, but if she was actually given to handle other hololive projects then it's justified
i do think work balance is one of the factors though. she wanted to explore new things she's passionate about but hasn't been able to before she became a holo, but on the other hand she has been extremely passionate on art for years (and said art involves a side that cover is against about now) and isn't willing to give it up entirely
