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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43130144 No.43130144 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say hypothetically I debut a group of 3 vtubers and ask you to pick an oshi. One of these 3 girls is a pure and entertaining vtuber and the other 2 are yab filled sluts.

After you pick your oshi, one of the girls you did not pick reveals she is a yab filled slut.

Do you switch your oshi? Or do you stick with your initial pick?

>> No.43130386

It’s 50:50

>> No.43130792

I switch to the one who was revealed as a yab filled slut because I love sluts and drama.

>> No.43131207

Mathematically, if you chose at random, the likelihood of you having originally chosen the pure chuba is still 1/3, no matter how much information is revealed in the future. So sticking with your original choice or switching to the other non revealed one won't matter, your chances will always be 1/3.
However, I would stick with my original choice because I would not choose randomly, but instead by intuition, and my tastes are superior such that I would never oshi a whore in the first place.
Q. E. D.

>> No.43131416

That the one you initially picked is the right one has a likelihood of one third. That the one that you didn't pick and wasn't revealed as a slot is the right one has a likelyhood of one half.

>> No.43131676

You switch because it has a higher likelihood of success.

It's confusing but becomes clear when you imagine the same scenario, except with 999 sluts and 1 pure vtuber. If you picked one of the thousand randomly and then 998 sluts were revealed, you'd always switch - that the unrevealed and unpicked one is a slut is only possible if you made a 1/1000 pick at the start. If the pure vtuber is among the 999 you didn't pick she'll always be the one that wasn't revealed or picked.

>> No.43131689
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2/3 chance that your original pick was wrong. Revealing that one of the non-picked was in fact an e-thot with w/ anime avatar doesn't change the chance that your original pick was wrong, but it is now known that the other non-picked is 2/3 likely to be the one. You should switch.

>> No.43132231

You don't choose your oshi. Your oshi chooses you.
Anyway. Always switch.

>> No.43132326

Who has the biggest tits?

>> No.43132440

I apologize if my answer gave the impression this was open to debate, however I literally gave you the correct answer according to game theory. This is a common math problem designed to show the importance of accounting for all probabilities and not relying on just those that seem important to your current possible outcomes. When the probabilities of you choosing the ones you didn't choose are taken into account, the result is that your probability of choosing the correct one is always 1/3.

>> No.43132772

That's wrong. If you switch the probability becomes 66% because you know one of the previous choices is wrong. So while the chance of being right initially was 33%, with the extra info it means that the other girl has a 50% chance of being correct while you're only 33% still.

>> No.43132815

based rosebud.

>> No.43133936

I don't watch NijiEN, but I haven't seen the orange one on the left plastered all over the catalog. Is she not involved in any yabs?

>> No.43135201


>> No.43137398

Yeah? The orange and black hoodie. From OP's pic. The one on the left.

>> No.43137922

Shut up faggot, Hakache poster is undoubtedly smarter than you.

>> No.43138327

This is a trick question because all of them are sluts.

>> No.43138523

The first time I pick it's a 66% of choosing a slut
The second time I pick it's a 50% chance of choosing a slut, but I've already picked a slut, most likely in the first time, and if the other one is also a slut, then I should switch because I've most likely picked a slut originally, leaving the pure one more likely to be unpicked

>> No.43138621

Holy based, roseschizo is back. I missed these types of threads

>> No.43138899
File: 268 KB, 777x777, 1647789314275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My solution to the Monty Hall Problem is the same as the presented scenario.
I would stick with Selen, because I trust past me, I trust Selen, and I think the (((solution))) to the Monty Hall Problem is Jewish pilpul relying on a Common Core understanding of logical structures
It's essentially meant to deceive goyim into doubting their good senses in favor of the doctors, educators, and psychologists telling them 2+2=5

>> No.43138938

It's still a 50% chance even if you don't switch

>> No.43141091

Her only yab is being hated by the /NijiEN/ thread for speaking too much japanese

>> No.43142208

She has a yab with the chinksisters since she said something in tangerine and they got mad,

>> No.43142464

Mythbusters proved that switching is the correct choice by just running the Monty Hall scenario many times, first only switching, and then only staying.
The real-world result is definitive, it isn't just hypothetical math.

>> No.43142939

>source : small scale anecdotal experiment

>> No.43147550

I have a degree in math. I regularly work with conditional probability and statistics (not the low iq stuff) and anyone who can't understand the explanation for Monty Hall is a brainlet.
But when you phrase it like this, it seems terrible. Probably since the setup of knowing "for sure" that exactly 1 of the 3 is pure is kind of unrealistic.

>> No.43147988


>> No.43151887


>> No.43155181

The joke is that there’s no good or pure vtubers
